Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/15/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Tony: Hey, Marah? I got it.
Marah: The guy called you?
Tony: About 15 minutes ago. It's just like I thought. It seems like someone making these phone calls to your house is just making it seem like it's coming from inside your home.
Marah: How?
Tony: Well, you hack into a computer and you switch the signals or something. I'm not really sure. You need like special equipment. My friend told me that he's going to let us know what to look for. He should be calling really soon.
Marah: Why though? Why would someone try and make my mom think the calls where coming from the house?
Tony: Because they're trying to get into Reva's head. Make her seem like no place is safe.
Nurse: Annie Dutton's in there, but I have to warn you, we keep up certain illusions for her.
Reva: What illusions? Uh, this is our study.
Josh: Right down to the couch, the chair and the desk. everything is...
Nurse: Mrs. Lewis, you have visitors.
Annie: Hi, sweetie. how as your trip?
Edmund: But there was something about hearing that music at the Terme di Caracalla, surrounded by the ruins of Nero's bath. That made the whole experience magical. You've been there of course.
Alexandra: Been where? Yes, of course.
Edmund: Darling, I will buy you a brand-new sable coat, if you could give me even the gist of what I said just now.
Alexandra: Well, and I will take it. Ruins, something about ruins.
Edmund: If that's all that stuck with you, you really are in trouble. Alexandra, please tell me what's on your mind.
Alexandra: It's all about to blow up in my face, Edmund.
Edmund: Then we'll buy you a helmet. What's about to blow up?
Alexandra: My family. I mean Alan and Phillip have no understanding of what they're doing. They have no idea of what they're risking. (telephone rings)
Edmund: Let it ring.
Alexandra: I can’t. I can’t. It might be them. Besides they might be ready to make some peace. Alexandra Spaulding.
Baker: Yeah, I think we got cut off last time, Baroness.
Alexandra: Hello, yes. no, I was finished.
Baker: Well, I'm not.
Alexandra: How was your vacation?
Baker: It's over. I'm in the lobby.
Alexandra: What?! What?
Baker: I'm coming up. From now on, we're doing this my way.
Edmund: Something tells me that wasn't a peace offer.
Alan: Don't go, Phillip.
Phillip: Did you tell him?
Alan: She didn’t. She didn't have to tell me. I’ve been a fool, because I've ruined the best thing that's ever happened to me. You know, Christmas came and went and I never had the opportunity to give my wife her Christmas present.
Olivia: Alan, you don't have to do that.
Alan: No, no, no, Olivia, you deserve it. It's the least I can do. Our prenup. I tricked you into signing this. You know, you'd think that after all these years, I would know better. Well, you're a free woman.
Edmund: Alexandra, if something or someone is bothering you, let me help.
Alexandra: Oh, no, it's just business. But it's something I have to handle right now. So if you'll excuse me...
Edmund: Then why not let me help? Earn my keep as it were.
Alexandra: You can do that certainly by leaving now.
Edmund: What's the rush? (knock at the door) Ah. Hello. Edmund Winslow.
Alexandra: Come in. Please come in. Edmund, thank you. We'll speak later. And what in the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the islands. We had a deal.
Baker: I don't tan well. We need to renegotiate.
Alexandra: Well, if you came for more money, you can forget it.
Baker: You should think about that. You know what I have. I could destroy your precious family in a heartbeat.
Alan: I'll call my lawyers and have them drop all punitive action, Olivia. Your bank accounts are yours again. Your half of the Beacon is yours. You're a free woman-- as it should always be. I'm sorry. I should never have doubted you.
Olivia: You had your reasons.
Alan: Reasons? No. I had anger and unkind words. But if I had been reasonable, I would have heard what you were telling me from the start that you were committed to me and that you loved me.
Olivia: Anybody who'd seen that tape would have been angry. Alan, don't worry about it.
Alan: A wise man wouldn't, like the kind of man you deserve. A wise man would have seen that what you said about the tape was indeed a good-bye. And a wise man would also know his own son. And remember his son is the most honorable man that he's knows in spite of the poor example that I have set all these years. I love you both very much. And I hope that you give me a second chance. Because I will do everything in my power to give you the marriage that you deserve, the marriage that you gave yourself to.
Olivia: (gasps)
Alan: I'm sorry. It's all right. Olivia, I'm not going to push you or pressure you. I want you to know that I am always here for you. Thank you. Thank you so much for this.
Phillip: God, he's good. Oh, God, he's good. "Thank you so much for this." You're not buying this act?
Marah: Come on, ring.
Tony: He'll call.
Marah: I want him to call now.
Tony: Soon.
Marah: All right, Tony, this person is...
Tony: Mm-hmm.
Marah: Whose harassing my mom... I mean, it's personal, right? It's got to be. That's the way it seems?
Tony: Yeah.
Marah: So what if it's somebody close to her? Someone's who pretending to be here friend?
Tony: Do you know anybody like that?
Marah: No. That's what makes it so scary.
Tony: What? Don't... don't get spooked out. That's what this creep is counting on.
Marah: Yeah, but he could hurt us, Tony.
Tony: No. Nobody is going to hurt you or your family. We're going to find out who this person is and when we do, I will personally take care of it.
Marah: With the help of the police, right?
Tony: Yes. Look, I'm not looking... I'm not looking for trouble. But if trouble comes to you or your family... I'm just saying...
Marah: That you could take care of it.
Tony: Yes.
Marah: You're the best.
Tony: Someday, I might be.
Marah: No, tonight. Right now. Ring.
Tony: Hey, Marah, I told him it's a priority. He'll call us as soon as he could help us.
Marah: So you're paying this friend for this help?
Tony: No, no, he owes me. It's not like... We helped each other once.
Marah: So say I needed plane tickets on two minutes' notice. You could hook that up?
Tony: Sure. (laughter)
Marah: A new roof on the carriage house?
Tony: Oh, you know, I could have somebody there by tomorrow.
Marah: Awesome. So, okay, I have this friend who went on a trip, right, to a foreign country and something happened. They got mixed up with the wrong crowd or the wrong person or something and somehow drugs or a weapon got planted on them and the cops didn't believe them...
Tony: Oh, you know, I’ve seen that movie.
Marah: And then they were stuck in this horrible, horrible prison, right, eating cockroaches. Could you help them?
Tony: Ooh.
Marah: I know. Could you?
Tony: Well, let's see. Is it a guy or a girl?
Marah: Oh, it's a really hot guy.
Tony: Then he's dead meat. I'm sorry.
Marah: Okay, it's girl. It's a girl. It's my cousin Tammy.
Tony: Well then, your cousin would be up on a plane home by tomorrow morning.
Marah: That's awesome.
Tony: You know that is complete bull, don't you?
Marah: Yeah. I mean, but most of it's true. You know. You know how the world works. You get stuff done.
Tony: Yeah, I mean, I guess. Sometimes.
Marah: You know what? That's it. I'm quitting school.
Tony: What?!
Marah: Yes.
Tony: No.
Marah: Yes.
Tony: Marah, you can’t.
Marah: That's it. I'm through.
Tony: No.
Marah: Yeah, you know what? I feel like such a child next to you.
Tony: You're not a child.
Marah: No, I'm not a kid anymore. It's time that I join the real world.
Tony: Oh, baby, don't. Don't, don't, don’t. The real world isn't going anywhere. And what I know, you don't want to learn. Not the way I had to.
Marah: Yeah, I know. But you know, I could get a job.
Tony: Yeah, with a high school diploma. Yeah, you want some fries with that?
Marah: Stop it.
Tony: That's the real world, baby.
Marah: Yeah, but lots of people make it without a college education.
Tony: Yeah. Okay, fine. But you're not dropping out of school.
Marah: Well, I can do whatever I want. And if you're worried about my parents, don't be, because they can't stop me.
Tony: I'm worried about me. Who's going to walk me to class?
Marah: What?
Tony: You can't drop out now. I just started school.
Marah: You're going to the university?
Tony: Yeah. Yeah, I just started. So you can't give up on me now.
Marah: What? But why? Why? Why would you go to school?
Tony: Because everything is changing. I have you now.
Annie: I missed you so much. I hate it when you go out of town on business.
Josh: So do I.
Annie: Oh, I missed you.
Josh: Yeah.
Annie: I missed you. I missed you.
Josh: Yes, yes. Um, excuse me.
Annie: Well, go ahead. You can say it. Don't be afraid of that slut over there. Say it. You miss me, too.
Josh: I missed you, too.
Annie: Want a cookie?
Josh: What?
Annie: I just baked them. Here. Oh, there so good. They're your favorite. I know you're going to love it. Mm.
Josh: Oh.
Reva: Hi, Annie.
Annie: Hello. Don't tell me, you're stalking Josh again.
Reva: So you do remember me?
Annie: I'm trying very hard to forget. I'm sorry I know I should be more charitable, but you did nearly destroy our lives, Reva. I mean, I know losing Josh was hard, but don't you think this obsession of yours has gone on long enough?
Reva: I guess not.
Annie: So the doctors were no help, huh?
Reva: Uh, yeah. They were. They were a big help. I'm feeling so much better.
Annie: Then why are you here bothering us?
Reva: Oh, well, I just wanted to let you know that I have no hard feelings.
Annie: Oh, says you.
Reva: So you do? You have hard feelings?
Annie: I know it's petty of me. I mean after all, I did win.
Reva: Yes, you did.
Annie: But you are hard to forgive, Reva. And now this intrusion after Josh has been gone all this time. I mean really, it's too much. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You do understand, don't you, sweetie?
Josh: Absolutely. I understand.
Annie: Okay.
Josh: But you know what? Before we ask Reva to leave, why don't we let her say what she came here to say. I mean after all, she went through all the trouble, you know, to come here.
Annie: All right. For you. Only for you.
Josh: (laughs)
Reva: I wanted to ask a question... Annie. But you seem to want to keep rubbing it in.
Annie: Excuse me?
Reva: You won. You have Joshua. And I'm trying to make peace with that. But why are bothering me? Why are you calling me?
Annie: What?
Josh: Reva, have you been getting phone calls?
Reva: Yes, I have... At my house.
Josh: Annie, have you been calling Reva at her house?
Annie: Busted.
Alexandra: You think you could destroy the Spaulding’s? We've faced more than this simple stuff that you could dish out, Mr. Baker.
Baker: Then why did you ever make a deal with me?
Alexandra: I don't like mess. And that's all it would be. And if you try to strong arm me, you will walk away with nothing.
Baker: Strong arm? That's an ugly way to put it.
Alexandra: Blackmail is ugly.
Baker: Hey, I didn't ask for this mess. It landed in my lap, remember?
Alexandra: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So why not make a profit? But you already have?
Baker: Not nearly what my information is worth. Look, I'm not a greedy man, and I don't want to make trouble. But fair is fair.
Alexandra: (sighs)
Baker: You think I'm bluffing? I'll go to your brother, your nephew-- hell, I’ll go to the press if I have to.
Alexandra: Yes. Well, you do what you have to do, Mr. Baker. But let me warn you if you do, if you harm my family, if you hurt them, I will take you apart. Hmm? I will make certain that you are poor and miserable for the rest of your life.
Baker: You could try. But once I’ve gone public, are you still going to have all that power and money to hammer me? Time is running out, Baroness. This is my new number. If you're smart, you'll use it.
Alexandra: Don't hold your breath.
Baker: The clock is ticking.
Olivia: That was no act. Didn't you just see that? He just stripped himself bare in front of us.
Phillip: Because he was out of options. Oh, Olivia, think about it. This is not a coincidence.
Olivia: What re you talking about?
Phillip: You and I share this incredible night together, you come over to tell him that it's all over with and suddenly he's a changed man?
Olivia: I didn't tell him we were together. He doesn't know.
Phillip: You don't have to. He could smell it. He may not know what happened, but he knew what was coming. He knew he was about to lose and he's a survivor. He knew just what to do to get to you.
Olivia: This isn't a war, Phillip.
Phillip: Yes, for him it is. Trust me. I've been doing this dance with him my entire life and he is the best. He always knows exactly how to come at you in a way that you don't expect. And if you don't...
Olivia: Stop. Stop it. Stop talking about him like this. Just stop it.
Phillip: Listen to me. I know you feel guilty right now...
Olivia: And you don't?
Phillip: No, I don’t. And I won't because that's what he depends on. That's what he's going to use in you to hold on to you. Don't forget who he is. This is the guy who faked a heart attack to make you marry him, to make you sign a piece of paper to force you to stay married to him. That's who he is.
Olivia: The paper is gone.
Phillip: It's gone?
Olivia: Yes.
Phillip: You're talking about the grand gesture in the fireplace here? You think he doesn't have copies? Olivia, he...
Olivia: He meant what he said. He set me free. He set me free. (Sobbing)
Phillip: Okay, I'm sorry. If he set you free, then take it. Go in there right now and tell him that the marriage is over. Tell him about us. Trust me. You have to do it now.
Annie: Drinks.
Josh: What?
Annie: Oh, I don't mean to be a nag, honey, but you always forget the drinks. Whenever we have company over, you never take care of them. I mean, it's a little embarrassing.
Josh: Annie? Honey? Why have you been calling Reva?
Annie: You know why.
Josh: Actually I don't know why.
Annie: Look, I'd like nothing better than to let it go, really.
Reva: Let go of what?
Annie: What you did. What you'd do all over again if you were given half a chance.
Reva: Is that why you've been calling me a murderer?
Annie: Well, we both know you are, Reva. I don't have to say it, do I?
Reva: But why do you think you have to call me to tell me that?
Annie: Didn't I just say that? You see what she's doing? She's trying to confuse and upset me, honey. That's exactly what she's doing. Make her leave right now.
Josh: Right.
Annie: Right now.
Josh: You know what? I will. I'll make her leave. In fact, I will walk her out of here myself to make sure she's gone. But before I do that, let me just ask you this question, okay? Why are you calling Reva now?
Annie: Well, you've been out of town like you have, sometimes I start to wonder if she's got her hooks in you again. So I check.
Reva: So you call to find out if Josh is there?
Annie: I know it's silly of me, but you could be very manipulative, Reva, not to mention crazy as a loon.
Josh: But... but you keep calling her a murderer.
Annie: And a tramp, and a slut, and pathetic and bunch of other choice little nuggets. Did you neglect to tell him about those, Reva? What? Were you, too, embarrassed? You need ice, honey. I'm going to get some for you, okay?
Reva: It's not even hooked up.
Josh: There's no way Annie’s been making these phone calls. The only phone calls Annie has been making are in her head.
Reva: Can you imagine the voices she must hear answering her back? This whole thing is creepy. I don't like it.
Josh: Well, at least we can eliminate Annie as a suspect.
Reva: Yeah, I don't know how much I like that either. At least knowing it was Annie, we knew what we were dealing with.
Josh: And now we're back to square one. But if it's not Annie, it's not Edmund, can you think of anybody else it could possibly be?
Reva: It's got to be some stranger who hates me enough to want...
Josh: Reva.
Reva: I'm okay. I'm okay. In the beginning, I was ticked off and annoyed. Now I have to admit for the first time I’m actually scared.
Harley: You want to jump back in the fire? Are you nuts? After the year you've had, I would think you'd want six months in seclusion.
Blake: Oh, listen. I only want serenity in my home life. I'm looking to get my thrills elsewhere.
Harley: Really?
Blake: At work, Harley. (laughter)
Harley: So you want to get your thrills listening to other people love life problems?
Blake: Uh-uh. Uh-uh. I'm out of the romance business. No, I have bigger fish to fry.
Harley: Wow! What fish would that be?
Blake: It all started a couple a months ago when we were at Spaulding. And I was in the middle of all this stress and craziness, and I was looking around thinking, I miss this. I miss the high heels, the power suits.
Harley: I never wanted to work in power suits.
Blake: Yeah. I want to work with the big boys again. Would you not look at me like that? You know, I'm a little bit older, a lot wiser.
Harley: Okay. What does Ross think about this little idea of yours?
Blake: He doesn't know. My kids are in school now, right? And I... I just want to sink my teeth into something big.
Alan: Edmund...
Edmund: I don't appreciate being summoned as if I were some sort of...
Alan: Like a paid informant? Tell me, do you have any information for me?
Edmund: Nothing.
Alan: So you're telling me that Alexandra is up her bedroom knitting, huh?
Edmund: Something like that. Why are we hovering out here?
Alan: Because I have to cover all my bases. I lost a lot of time while I was in the hospital. I have to know what Alexandra is up to. I don't want any more surprises.
Edmund: What, your heart can take it? I heard this last attack passed for the real thing.
Alan: So she is confiding in you.
Edmund: Of course.
Alan: Yeah. And you still have nothing to tell me. Do you expect me to keep paying the freight when you...
Edmund: This freight you're paying, Alan, is a pittance. And it doesn't purchase the right to treat me as a servant.
Alan: I'm very sorry, your highness. The checks are clearing. Maybe I misunderstood our deal.
Edmund: Apparently you did.
Alan: What do you want?
Edmund: A seat on the Spaulding board. Real power, Alan. In the meantime...
Alan: No. I've done enough crawling for one day.
Phillip: Tell him now. It's the kindest thing to do.
Olivia: Oh, Phillip. You're not concerned about his feelings.
Phillip: Not the way that you are, no. Because I've seen this before and I know exactly what it is.
Olivia: You haven't seen this. Because he does love me.
Phillip: Yes, he does. As much as he can, he loves me, too. And he will kill us both with that if you let him. Is that what you want?
Olivia: No.
Phillip: Okay. It's not real. It's not what we had last night. Unless I was alone. Was that real? Or was that just payback for my father?
Tony: Marah, eat. I ordered your favorite. What?
Marah: I am still blown away. You're in school.
Tony: Yeah.
Marah: So when did you start?
Tony: Right after Christmas.
Marah: And what... what classes were you taking?
Tony: I am taking business, accounting, you know, stuff like that. For now.
Marah: But why? You're already running your own business. What can school teach you that you don't already know?
Tony: How to make a business turn a profit without gambling or loan sharking.
Marah: But I thought all big corporations do that. They just call it something else.
Tony: Yeah, and you know what? And some of these clowns are going to jail for it, too. Look, Marah, where I’m going, what I want to be, I got to learn everything over.
Marah: Not everything.
Tony: Yeah. Lots of stuff. Like, okay, yeah, business is great, but afterwards, who knows, you know. Maybe I'll branch out or something.
Marah: Okay. But, Tony.
Tony: Hmm?
Marah: You already have, you already are everything that a person should be. You have a good heart, your instincts are good.
Tony: Yeah, but I don't want to be somebody who bores you down the line.
Marah: What?
Tony: Never mind.
Marah: No, what are you talking about?
Tony: Just forget it. No, forget it. Forget it.
Marah: Look, if you're going to school, because of me, don’t. Because I told you, I'm quitting.
Tony: You are not quitting school. You're sticking with it. I'm doing this for me, Marah. So you better keep up.
Marah: I knew it.
Tony: What?
Marah: You only love me for my fine mind.
Tony: Oh. Believe it. So we're sticking, right? Sticking in school together?
Marah: We're sticking in school. And everywhere else.
Harley: I can not believe you want to get all back into that Spaulding corporate line pit.
Blake: Yeah, well, maybe I will be a good lion tamer.
Harley: Yeah, or you could, you know, get all corporate and whacko, and every time, Phillip and I have a disagreement, you take his side.
Blake: Never. I will always be on your side.
Harley: Promise?
Blake: Promise?
Harley: Okay, here. Then you should go for it, lion tamer. (laughs)
Blake: Yeah. (laughter)
Olivia: You know what? Last night was the most real that I have ever had in my entire life. It was just you and me.
Phillip: Okay. Then why are you letting it get to you now? Look, I understand. Some part of you maybe still loves him.
Olivia: I do. And so do you.
Phillip: Not enough to lose this. You can't love us both.
Olivia: I have to.
Phillip: No, you don’t. No, you don’t. Not really. That's why you have to tell him. Let it end. You have to do it tonight.
Olivia: Stop. No.
Phillip: You have to do it right now.
Olivia: Stop pressuring me. Stop it. Don’t. He's not pushing me. Don’t.
Phillip: Of course, he's not. Don't you understand what he is doing?
Olivia: I see. I understand. I get it. I get both of you.
Phillip: Olivia, where are you going?
Olivia: I got to be alone. I've got to go breath.
Alexandra: Olivia?
Phillip: You happy now?
Alexandra: What? Where's Olivia going?
Phillip: Good question.
Alexandra: Oh, come on, Phillip, tell me.
Phillip: Olivia is in love with me. I'm in love with Olivia. Of course, she's also still a little bit in love with Alan.
Alexandra: Oh, perfect. Perfect. I should have driven her off, shouldn't I?
Phillip: Oh, no, I think you've done quite enough already. Thanks.
Alexandra: All right, all right. I'm sorry, Phillip.
Phillip: No, you're not. No, you're not.
Alexandra: I never meant...
Phillip: Yes, you did! You knew exactly what you were doing. You knew you were sticking your nose in where it had no business.
Alexandra: Oh, fine, fine, fine. I'm horrible. I'm horrible. It's all my fault, right? So where are we now? And where is Alan?
Phillip: Don't know. Don't care.
Alexandra: Oh, come on. Phillip, will you stop talking like this?
Phillip: No. You know, I'm not going to stop! You should have seen the number that he came in here and pulled.
Alexandra: All right, you know, you two are impossible. You cannot afford to be fighting over Olivia. No tug of war right now. You two, you and Alan need each other now.
Phillip: We need each other? No. Now? We don't need each other now. We probably never will again.
Alexandra: Honestly, I'm... I am just so weary with both of you. Both of you. Especially you. Phillip, you are a better man than this. Fine, fine, you want to tear the family apart, you go right ahead. Be my guest. But anything could happen right now. Whatever happens, I'm through protecting you. I'm through, you know, it's going to be on your head.
Phillip: Fine.
Alexandra: Fine.
Tony: Whoa! Whoa!
Marah: Tony, it's been a long time.
Tony: All right, all right. So if he doesn't call in another half an hour, I'll call him myself.
Marah: Okay.
Tony: You know, I was thinking that I needed a special tutor for school.
Marah: (laughs)
Tony: Do you know anybody? Huh?
Marah: Well, I know this girl whose... She's looking for a job. She needs some experience in the real world.
Tony: Oh, you know what? I can definitely help her with that. Is she cute?
Marah: She's really cute.
Tony: Oh, yeah.
Marah: But you know what? She's taken. Very, very taken. You're right, it is cold out here.
Tony: I'll take care of that, too. Come here.
Marah: We should be on some like desert island somewhere.
Tony: Oh. You're telling me. You know, I know somebody. We can get tickets on two minutes notice. What do you think?
Marah: I think you're very patient.
Tony: Not really.
Marah: Yeah. Seriously, we should be away, alone somewhere. It's been too long. You know, I thought we'd be able to go away after the holidays, but no.
Tony: But now you're too busy staring at this phone, wanting it to ring, ring about Reva.
Marah: I know. I'm sorry.
Tony: Hey, don't be. It wouldn't be you if you weren't worried about your mother. Besides, I can wait. What's another year?
Marah: Stop.
Tony: Just kidding.
Marah: You better be.
Tony: But seriously, you know, we have waited all this time. And this time, it's gotta be right. Just you and me.
Marah: Mmm. Say that again.
Tony: Just you and me. (phone rings)
Marah: Yes.
Tony: Perfect. Hey. Yeah, what's up? Uh-huh. Okay, what's it look like? Right. Oh. Okay. Yeah, yeah, we're going to check it out. Okay, perfect. Thank you. Yeah.
Marah: What, was it him?
Tony: Yeah.
Marah: What did he say?
Tony: It was him. He said that if this person has this equipment and they put it close to your house, they can access it from anywhere in the world and just make it look like it's coming from inside your house.
Marah: What kind of equipment?
Tony: Well, he says it's like a modem or something. He gave me a description. Now all we have to do is search your house and we'll find it.
Marah: So someone went through a lot of trouble to torture my mom.
Tony: Yeah, looks like. What?
Marah: Tony, if... if they went through that much trouble, they're not going to stop with a phone call.
Reva: I'm going to get out of here.
Annie: Oh, good. I can add rude guest to the tramp, slut, pathetic list. I mean my husband only just got home and you're monopolizing all of his time.
Josh: Annie? Annie? Honey? I'm going to go ahead and take Reva out of here now, okay?
Annie: Oh, good, honey. Because I'm ready for some alone time with my man.
Josh: Oh, how nice. Listen. I have some bad news. I have to go out of town again.
Annie: Already? But you just...
Josh: Yeah, it's very important business. I'm sorry.
Annie: Will you bring me a present like last time?
Josh: Sure.
Annie: Oh, you are so good to me, honey.
Josh: Yeah.
Annie: Maybe this will tide you over.
Josh: Uh-huh. Thank you. That was nice. Thank you. Good-bye.
Annie: Bye, sweetie. Bye, Reva. Hang in there. I'm sure there's a man out there for you somewhere. After all you're not that old... Yet.
Reva: I'll hang in.
Annie: Oh, wait. Reva, don't you want to know about the phone calls?
Reva: Yes, I do.
Annie: Well, you should come back and see me sometime. I can help.
Josh: Good-bye, Annie.
Annie: Bye. Drive safe. Bye.
Josh: She really is crazy.
Reva: Maybe.
Josh: No, there's no maybes about it. And now she wants to talk to you about the phone calls. I really want to get out of this place.