GL Transcript Tuesday 1/14/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/14/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Marah: Hey, any sign of my dad yet?

Tony: Mm-mm, not yet.

Marah: Good. Wouldn't want him to see that.

Tony: Yeah, he might take me on another hunting trip.

Marah: Hey, I thought your arm was getting better.

Tony: Yeah, but you know, why let your dad know about that. He messed with the tension on the crossbow. And now I am going to mess with him.

Marah: You and my dad are playing tricks on each other. What universe have we landed in? Hi, Dad.

Josh: Hi. Marah, could you join us over here, please.

Marah: You could say hello to Tony with the mangled arm.

Josh: Yeah, hi, Tony.

Tony: Hi.

Josh: Excuse us, this is important. Shayne, why don't you sit here? I asked to see you, not you and Tony. Now what I have to say to both of you has to remain confidential until we work some things out.

Marah: What kind of things?

Josh: Well, this is about your mother and the phone calls she's been getting.

Tony: You mean the hang-ups.

Josh: Well, they're not just the hang-ups, son. A person calls her a murderer and then threatens her.

Marah: But I thought we changed the phone number.

Josh: Yeah, but then the person started calling on her private cell phone number. Now we had the police track where those calls are coming from, and this is where it gets a little bizarre.

Shayne: Well, what do you mean by bizarre?

Josh: The calls are coming from the house.

Marah: Our house?

Josh: Yeah, our house. So it's somebody who has access to the house and everything in it. Maybe somebody who found your mother's cell phone number.

Marah: Wait, wait. Is that why you didn't want Tony to hear this, because you think that he might have something to do with it?

Josh: Marah, all I want are some answers.

Reva: Alan.

Alan: Reva, I知 being monitored right now, and I have to stay very calm.

Reva: That's fine. Then just answer my questions about Annie, and I will sing you the most beautiful lullaby.

Alan: Reva, I am not...

Reva: Just tell me what I need to know, Alan, and I'll be on my way.

Alan: You're badgering a man who just had a heart attack, and I知 not going to put... I'm warning you.

Reva: I'm not playing games. I want you to tell me everything you know about Annie Dutton.

Olivia: Hey.

Phillip: It's morning, yeah. I thought I'd let you sleep in.

Olivia: Why, did I look like I needed it?

Phillip: No. You just look so beautiful, I didn't want to wake you.

Olivia: I didn't expect.

Phillip: I didn't, either. You wore me out.

Olivia: Do you have any regrets?

Phillip: Tons.

Olivia: Me, too. But I'm glad you stayed.

Phillip: Are you?

Olivia: Yeah, yeah.

Phillip: Because we weren't drunk. We knew what we were doing.

Olivia: We knew.

Phillip: So what the hell. Night, morning, no difference, right?

Olivia: Except for one. Everything's changed.

Phillip: I'm not going to force anything on you.

Olivia: You won't have to.

Phillip: No, I mean, you said everything's changed, and you're right, everything has changed. But what that means is still up to us. I think we both know what you stand to lose if you walk away from my father right now. He's been waving that pre-nup in your face for a week.

Olivia: He's going to take the hotel.

Phillip: Yeah, well, you walk away from him for me, he'll take more than that. He'll ruin you.

Olivia: He'll ruin me. I can handle that. I can handle just about anything except not being honest about my feelings for you.

Phillip: I won't let him hurt you.

Olivia: No, I don't do that anymore.

Phillip: Do what? No, I'm just saying I will be there to back you up.

Olivia: No, you won't. Because if it's one thing I've learned being with Alan is that I can't be taken care of anymore. I don't want to be taken care of. I just want to have what we have.

Phillip: I know, so do I. But I'm telling you, if he's jumping all over you...

Olivia: Then I'll jump back. I'm more than capable of doing it. In fact, I知 dangerous when provoked. Check my bio.

Phillip: Yeah. I'll check your bio.

Olivia: Wait a minute, you're not going to find anything down there.

Phillip: You sure?

Olivia: I mean... (laughs)

Phillip: Maybe a search is in order.

Olivia: Or something.

Phillip: You're something. You're everything that I imagined you would be.

Olivia: You're not.

Phillip: I'm not?

Olivia: No, you're even better than I imagined, and that poses a real problem.

Phillip: I think I can fix that.

Olivia: We can稚.

Phillip: You don't want to.

Olivia: Oh, I want to, but I want a few other things. I want my honor, and I want my pride, and most of all, I want you. I really want you. But after I've ended things with Alan.

Phillip: Okay. Then I値l get dressed. When are you going to tell him?

Olivia: Well, I guess there's no time like the present.

Marah: I'm not going to sit here and let you accuse Tony of something so low. What would he possibly have to gain about making a bunch of crazy phone calls?

Josh: Marah, just sit down.

Marah: No, do I need to remind you that he was the one who helped mom out when she was put in jail? He used his connections to make sure that she got out alive.

Josh: I hear you. Would you please lower your voice and sit down? Thank you. I'm not pointing fingers here. The fact is, the calls came from inside the house, so it's probably somebody we know.

Shayne: Or let in.

Marah: What if we didn't let them in? Do you think someone has been hiding out in the house?

Shayne: Well, who could it be?

Marah: I don't know who, Shayne?

Josh: Guys, I don't think we have to worry about that, okay?

Shayne: Well, what do you think?

Josh: What I want to know is this: Have either one of you loaned your key to a friend, something like that?

Shayne: Absolutely not.

Josh: Or have you seen anybody hanging around the house that might be a little bit off, you know, like the guy who reads the meter or a delivery guy, something like that.

Marah: Dad, I don't exactly even live in the house anymore.

Shayne: But, look, I do. And if anything out of the ordinary was happening, I think I壇 notice it. The only person who, like, drops by sometimes is Marah just to do her laundry or something.

Josh: Okay, all right, all right, I understand. It's just easier to think that way than it is to think of the alternative.

Shayne: The alternative being?

Josh: Something I知 working on with the police right now. It's just... Look, you know what? I've gotten what I need to out of you guys. You don't need to worry about this anymore. Tell you what, let me buy you some breakfast.

Marah: Are you kidding? You drop a mystery on us like that, and you just expect us to forget about it.

Josh: Marah, I just wanted to make sure you're safe.

Marah: Is mom safe?

Josh: She will be.

Marah: That's not good enough, Dad, I want to know everything that you know, and don't you leave anything out.

Alan: Reva, I don't respond well to threats.

Reva: And you know that I don't give up. You have information I need, just give it to me. Tell me where Annie Dutton is, and I will let you rest in peace. I don't need a thesis, just an address.

Alan: I don't have her address. If you remember, we parted ways.

Reva: And where did she go? California? New York? Is she still here?

Alan: Reva, I told you...

Reva: You told me lies, Alan, because we both know each other. Annie Dutton was the one true love of your life. She was your soul mate, Ozzie and Sharon, Annie and Alan. You don't lose track of someone like that.

Alan: Well, if you remember, Annie had a few problems.

Reva: Problems? She was crazy as a loon and twice as dangerous, but you loved her because of that. Because she gave you an outlet. She gave you an excuse to really get in touch with your finer qualities. You two were inseparable. In fact it was you that let her escape the last time. And I'm pretty darn sure you know where she is and what she's doing.

Alan: Even if I knew where she was, why would I send you over there?

Reva: I'm not going to hurt her. I just need information.

Alan: Information, huh? What are you afraid of?

Reva: What I'm afraid of is that Rick Bauer is going to shoo me out of here before I get my information. There's also the possibility that I might be wrong.

Alan: About what?

Reva: I can't tell you anything more right now.

Alan: This is very important to you, isn't it?

Reva: Yes, it is.

Alan: I suppose you'll make it worth my while.

Reva: If I can.

Alan: All right, Reva. But I'll tell you this, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into by digging into your past. No idea at all. All right, Reva. I'll tell you where you can find, Annie. But what about your end of the bargain?

Reva: You haven't told me what that is yet.

Alan: I hear that you're doing an investigative piece on the Spaulding family, is that true?

Reva: Holly wants an in-depth report on the takeover of Spaulding Enterprises, why it happened, who was affected.

Alan: Yes, I'm sure you'll be talking to friends and business associates about me, Phillip, and Alexandra.

Reva: Yeah, I intend to dig up the usual background material.

Alan: Mm-hmm. And probably some not so usual.

Reva: Where are you going with this?

Alan: You want information from me, I want information from you. If you run across anything about Alexandra that might be interesting to me, I want you to give me a peek before you air it.

Reva: You want me to spy on your own sister for you.

Alan: You want to find out where Annie is?

Reva: Alan, the last thing in the world that I want right now is to have anything to do with Annie Dutton, but I don't have a choice.

Alan: Must speak up, do we have a deal or not, I don't have time to negotiate. Come on, Reva.

Reva: Deal.

Alan: Don't say I didn't warn you.

Marah: What are you trying to hide from us, Dad? What is it that you don't want us to know about this caller?

Shayne: I mean, if there's a serial killer on the loose or something, Dad, you've got to let us know.

Josh: No, wait, nobody's on the loose, okay? I don't want you guys getting involved because I don't know where this thing is going to go. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, I'm just trying to follow all the leads.

Marah: Just like you always do.

Josh: What?

Marah: Dad, think about it, all right? It's always mom. I mean, first she drives off a pier and disappears, and then we find out she's married to a prince, and then who she later pulls the plug on, and then she goes to jail. And you know what? That's not even the half of it.

Josh: Marah.

Marah: No, it isn't. It's always something, and you're always there to tell us to just forget about it, just ignore it. But we can't do that anymore. We can't.

Shayne: She's completely right, Dad.

Marah: All right, we are involved whether we want to be or not.

Josh: Both of you... Both of you just settle down, okay? This could be just a crank call situation. It might be some kid who's watching your mom's program.

Marah: Does it seem like it's just some kid.

Josh: Well, I知 not sure of anything right now, sweetheart.

Shayne: Okay, then it's not a kid.

Josh: No! I'm just saying I'm not sure of anything right now, that's it. Look, I wanted you guys to know what was going on, but I don't want you to be involved. I can't be thinking about what's going on with you two, or what you two are doing when I知 so worried about all this other stuff. Now if it becomes a serious threat...

Shayne: Well, is mom scared?

Josh: Yes, she's scared! She's spooked. Who wouldn't be? So if you really want to help her...

Shayne: Yeah, I値l help her by...

Josh: If you want to help her, just be there for her and tell her you love her.

Shayne: I'm going go grab your golf clubs, grab a nine iron, and anyone who comes in, is walking out with broken knee caps.

Josh: It's not going to come to that, son.

Marah: How do you know?

Josh: I know because I'm your father. And because I've always taken care of you, haven't I?

Marah: Always.

Josh: Let me take care of you, then, both of you. Have some breakfast, go to a movie, something like that. Don't worry about this.

Marah: Can you believe this?

Shayne: I don't know, maybe he's right. This could be just like... Remember what my friend Lenny did, when he called up to the girls' dorm and he said, "Ooh, I can see you through the curtain." It's probably like just a big joke, you know.

Marah: Okay, did Lenny call them from inside their house?

Shayne: No.

Marah: No, did he get their unlisted cell phone numbers?

Shayne: Look, maybe there's a simpler way. I'm sure you can access, like, phone numbers online if you have the right thing. I can maybe look into it.

Marah: Will you do that, please, and get back to me?

Shayne: Yeah, I値l do that.

Marah: Thank you.

Shayne: Just do me a favor, just watch your back, will you?

Tony: You okay?

Marah: I need your help.

Olivia: Hi. (Giggles)

Phillip: You amaze me, you know that? I really admire you.

Olivia: You do, for what?

Phillip: Saying no.

Olivia: It's still no.

Phillip: You're right. You're right. This is right.

Olivia: And if it's so right, why do I feel so lousy?

Phillip: No, because the right way isn't always the easy way. It's certainly not the fun way. But I think in this case, it's probably the only way.

Olivia: You know what? We might have to just keep a little distance between us until I have a chance to talk to Alan.

Phillip: I don't know why the hell we're doing it that way. We're being a hell of a lot more generous with him than he was with us. After he caught us in that kiss, he didn't cut us a break. He was Mr. Flatline for months...

Olivia: You're rationalizing because you're ashamed.

Phillip: Oh no. I'm not ashamed of anything we did. After the way he manipulated us. No. Are you?

Olivia: I don't want to hurt him. And I know that might sound crazy after everything he's done, but I don't want to hurt him. And I guess in my own way...

Phillip: Story of my life. I love him, too.

Olivia: You know, I should get over to the house and figure out exactly what I知 going to say to him. It's going to take a little while.

Phillip: We've already waited a while.

Olivia: Oh, Phillip. If you hadn't, I would've. I'll see you when this is all through.

Phillip: Okay, this is right. I know it is.

Olivia: I do, too.

Man: Yeah, Aitoro. Call me when you get this message. I have some interesting news for you. I think it's just what you're looking for.

Alan: I was put through every medical test imaginable. And if I知 going to die, I知 want to die with a cognac in one hand and a Cuban cigar in the other.

Nolan: (laughs) It is good to see you, sir. And in such good spirits.

Alan: Well, thank you, Nolan. I have to admit, though, there was one moment when I thought I may never see this place again. One moment, do you understand?

Nolan: I do understand, sir.

Alan: You're standing up, and then all of a sudden, you're on the floor, afraid to shut your eyes for fear of never seeing a familiar face again. Think of all the wrongs in your life, and they suddenly become very trite, petty. You also think of the things you should've said, things you didn't say to someone, so you keep breathing, you keep breathing, never shutting your eyes for fear that...

Nolan: Sir, it's okay, you're home now.

Alan: No one's here.

Nolan: Well, we didn't know you'd be coming home today.

Alan: Holidays came and went.

Nolan: Sir, may I bring you some tea?

Alan: Well, Nolan, I would prefer a shot of... But yes, tea will do. "To Alan, with all my love. Olivia."

Phillip: Hey, Rick.

Rick: Hey. You're too late, buddy, your father already escaped.

Phillip: Before he was supposed to be released?

Rick: About five minutes before, his tests came back, everything checked out fine. He's going to be around to torture you for years to come.

Phillip: Tell me, exactly how long ago did he leave?

Rick: Just a little while ago.

Phillip: So he's probably home by now.

Rick: Probably.

Phillip: (groans) Okay.

Rick: "Okay"?

Phillip: How much stress can he handle right now? I mean, how is he really?

Rick: Right here. His blood pressure's fine. He stays on the medication, does all his follow-up, he should be okay, why? Spaulding Enterprises gone bankrupt or something.

Phillip: Worse.

Rick: What could be worse than losing all his money?

Phillip: Losing his wife.

Rick: Oh, my goodness, something happen to Olivia?

Phillip: I did.

Rick: Oh. Something tells me I should hold on to Alan痴 room key.

Phillip: That's not funny. You just told me he's going to be okay.

Rick: Phillip, Olivia痴 telling your father what you just told me, there's a good chance that somebody's already dead.

Olivia: Alan?

Alan: I got home today, and I realized that we hadn't had a chance to have Christmas. So much got in the way.

Olivia: How long have you been home?

Alan: Oh, less than an hour.

Olivia: No one called to tell us.

Alan: I'm sorry that I opened all these and didn't wait for you.

Olivia: No, I知 glad that you opened them.

Alan: I had a lot of time to think while I was in the hospital. Think about the heart attack that I faked and the one that I didn't. And I think some things need to be said.

Olivia: Yes, they do. Some things need to be said, and I壇 like to go first.

Tony: Murderer. He called your mom a murderer.

Marah: She started getting calls like this right before she went to trial, Tony.

Tony: But then he stopped, so whoever this was took a breather.

Marah: Well, if it's even the same person. Are you going to help me?

Tony: Well, there's something you're leaving out of this thing. I heard your dad; he wants you to stay out of this thing.

Marah: You were listening in on our conversation?

Tony: Well, it was kind of hard not to. You got pretty loud.

Marah: All right, well then you also heard me tell him that I can't ignore this. Tony, this is my mom, what if someone really is going after her?

Tony: Then it could be dangerous, and your father's right.

Marah: So I should just ignore that someone's coming over to the house?

Tony: If it is coming from the house. You know, telephone technology is a tricky thing. Everything's routed through computers, and computers can be fooled.

Marah: So you're saying that the calls could look like they're coming from the house.

Tony: When they're actually coming from someplace else.

Marah: And they're untraceable?

Tony: No, no, there is a way. There's a way, if you know what you're doing. We used to hire this guy who worked for the telephone company. You know, and if that can pan out, there's a bunch of possibilities.

Marah: So you can help. You can find out where the calls are coming from?

Tony: I guess so. But is that something you really want me to do?

Reva: Excuse me. Hi. Can you tell me where I can find Annie Dutton? Annie Dutton, she's a patient here.

Nurse: Yes, she is. She has a benefactor.

Reva: Yeah, I know all about him. Can I see her?

Nurse: We don't like to get her too excited, she already has a visitor today.

Reva: Really, who?

Rick: So you and Olivia.

Phillip: Yes, last night.

Rick: Now what?

Phillip: Now we do what has to be done.

Rick: I mean, you were never good at sharing, but your father's wife?

Phillip: Rick, give me a break, we didn't plan it.

Rick: Okay. So you faked the kiss and your father faked the heart attack, but then the kiss became real and then so did the heart attack. I lead a very boring life. So now what, buddy? So how are you planning on stealing your father's wife away from him?

Phillip: Oh, thanks for putting it so delicately.

Rick: Well, I mean, Olivia's going to tell him and then what?

Phillip: You know, Rick, I don't actually think she needs to tell him. I think he knows it's over already, because what he had to do to get her and keep her is not normal and it's not natural, and it sure is hell is not love. Might be obsession, but it's not love. And I'll tell you something else, he may not know this, but I think after he gets through this, I think he's going to be better off for it.

Rick: That was a nice try, buddy. You'll never convince yourself of that one, and you know it.

Phillip: All right, so it's not going to be easy. And it may not be particularly pretty, but I can tell you something. What's been happening is wrong, and what could come out of is could be... Could be very right.

Rick: Good luck.

Phillip: I'm going to need it.

Olivia: Oh, Alan.

Alan: I know what you're going to say, Olivia. Before you say it, let's go back to December 25. We've been through a lot that day. I discovered the tape, you had had your accident, and when I got home today, I realized we never had an opportunity to have our Christmas together. So I opened these gifts and I ran across this photograph. The harbor in San Cristobel. When did you take this?

Olivia: A long time ago.

Alan: It has written on it: "Our first child, but not our last. I love you, Olivia." It was our first. The beginning of our empire.

Olivia: Like I said, Alan, it was a long time ago.

Alan: Yes, but when you had this engraved on this photograph, you meant it. You were telling me that you wanted children, our children.

Olivia: Just before you go any further.

Alan: And then you bought all these beautiful gifts... His and her bathrobes, beautiful cashmere sweater, chess set, cigar holder-- all bought with so much love.

Olivia: Alan, don't.

Alan: I just...

Olivia: Everything has changed.

Alan: Yes, I guess it has. I'm a little surprised to even see you here this morning.

Olivia: I just came by to collect my things.

Alan: You're moving out?

Olivia: First we need to talk.

Alan: I want you to know that I feel a little foolish having done this without you, but I was curious. I was curious to know what I missed, what we had missed. You bought all of these things because you wanted to show me how much you loved me. And then I went and ruined it all.

Tony: Listen, I can do this. I can use my old contacts, I can dig around and see what I can learn. And I will. I don't mind. To me, this isn't like, "Oh, I知 going back to my old life, no, no, no." This is a tool that I'm using at my disposal. But your dad told you butt out, Marah, and he did that for a reason.

Marah: Yeah, because he still thinks that I'm, like, ten years old. I can take care of myself, Tony.

Tony: You really don't get it, do you? He wants to give you a little breathing room. Look, your mom, she just got out of jail, and before that there was the trial, and before that there was something else, wasn't there?

Marah: Yeah, yeah, are you kidding? She could fill one of those reality shows with a lifetime full of drama.

Tony: And you, every time, every single time, you end up getting sucked in.

Marah: Yeah, she's my mom, Tony, I can't just turn the other way.

Tony: Yes, you can. Look, Marah, your dad said he was going to handle it, and he will. For once, just let him do that. Give yourself a break, don't you see that's all he wants. That's all I want for you, too.

Marah: A break?

Tony: Yes. You and me to spend some time together, some you-and-me time. Look, it took us forever to get to this point. And now, now I just... I want to bombard you with posies.

Marah: Posies?

Tony: Yes, yes, you know, like, wine, you know, flowers. Heart-shaped candy, all that stuff. All that stuff that I missed along the way. I want to pretend we're back in high school, and I want to ask you to the prom again. And this time when we go to that hotel room, no way, I promise you, no, I absolutely swear that I will not say no. Do you know what I知 saying? It's time for us to see where we are. Where we're going.

Marah: Without distractions.

Tony: Without distractions. So what do you say? Is your dad right or what?

Marah: Yes, my dad is right. But...

Tony: But, but, but.

Marah: Please can we just do this one thing, please, because it really could help. Just one thing and it's over, done, I'll stay out of it, I swear.

Tony: Posies.

Marah: Hotel rooms.

Tony: Yeah?

Marah: And not necessarily in that order.

Tony: Uh-huh. All right, now we're talking a deal.

Reva: What are you doing here?

Josh: The same thing you are.

Reva: But how did you know that...

Josh: It's not important, Reva. We need to find out if Annie痴 making those calls, that's what's important. Can we see her now?

Nurse: Be prepared. We keep up certain illusions for her.

Reva: Illusions? But that's... This is our study.

Josh: Right down to the chair and the couch and the desk and everything.

Nurse: Mrs. Lewis, you have visitors.

Olivia: Yeah, Alan, yeah. It's... It's ruined, it's ruined. You know something, doesn't matter how many presents you open, it's not going to change. I can't go back.

Alan: I honestly didn't think you were going to be here today. This is not for show. I wanted to open these presents and think about my mistakes. Not that I didn't think enough about them in the hospital. But how to say to you...

Olivia: How to say it. How to explain something that never should have happened in the first place. You know what, I thought that we were so good together once. And I honestly believed that there wasn't anyone or anything that could beat us.

Alan: Then I let you down. I let myself down. I think after all of these years, that I would've learned something about love. That I would've learned that you can't manipulate it. You can't force someone to feel what you want them to feel. But know this: I love you... I love you with all of my heart.

Olivia: I know you do.

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