GL Transcript Monday 1/13/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/13/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Ben: I think it's the fuel pump.

Marina: (Laughs) Dude, that's the oil cap. The fuel pump's over there.

Ben: Yeah, well, whatever it is, it's not working, okay? How did you know that, anyway?

Marina: Frank Cooper's school of driving. You must know everything there is to know about the car before you can drive the car. All right, you know what? We need parts. We're not going anywhere in this thing. Hey. You didn't plan it like this, did you, Ben?

Ben: Marina, believe me, I'd much rather be alone with you in a nice, warm cabin with a big roaring fire than here.

Marina: Okay. Okay. I'm just asking. So, what are we to do now?

Ben: Well, we've got two options. We can walk the ten miles to the cabin.

Marina: Mm-hmm. And what's behind door number two?

Ben: Or we can stay here and try to keep warm while we wait for somebody to come along.

Marina: I choose door number two.

Ben: Well, it could be a long wait.

Marina: Well, I知 sure we can think of something to keep us warm.

Buzz: I do have a hangover cure.

Gus: Oh, yeah.

Buzz: If you're game.

Gus: That would be perfect. Yeah, yeah. That would be perfect.

Frank: Hey, Pop. What's up?

Buzz: Hey.

Frank: I got your call. All right, don't try to stop me, here. I'm still going. Marina needs a chaperone and I知 it.

Buzz: I know. I'm coming.

Frank: You're doing what?

Buzz: I'm coming. I bought out an entire ski shop. I'll show you. We've got to get going before...

Frank: Before what?

Buzz: Nothing, nothing.

Frank: Why'd you change your mind? Pop, where are you going?

Harley: Hey. What is this?

Gus: Hi.

Harley: I thought you were supposed to be investigating your dad's finances.

Gus: Yeah. Well, you know, I got sideswiped. I mean, sidetracked.

Harley: Well, what could be more important than finding out whether your dad was on the take?

Gus: Getting sloshed with Alexandra Spaulding.

Harley: What?

Gus: Yeah. I just went by to have a little drink, you know, unwind, and the next thing you know, we're throwing back pitchers of martinis, green ones, apple. Her idea, not mine. Don't even ask. And then we just started switching stories about dysfunctional families, and you know?

Harley: You and Alexandra were swapping...

Gus: Shh! My head.

Harley: You were swapping stories about your families?

Gus: Yeah, yeah. Funny, right? I was just doing my normal Phillip and big Al bashing that I like to do, and before you know it, I知 acting like a poor slob laid out on a psychiatrist's couch. I'll tell you something, that lady, when she lets her hair down, she does not act like a Spaulding.

Harley: Oh, she's a Spaulding, hon. She will always be a Spaulding.

Gus: Not when you get a couple drinks in her.

Harley: Ooh. Yeah, I think I heard that she can drink any man under the table.

Gus: Oh, good. Then it's just not me. I thought it was...

Harley: So you and Alexandra, talking about your families.

Gus: Yeah. She's got a thing for me. I can't explain it, really, because you know, she's acting like she knows my dad and my family, but I don't know, maybe she just has good instincts.

Harley: Yeah, maybe.

Cassie: Alexandra? This is for you. I'll hook it over to the house phone.

Alexandra: Oh, thank you, Cassie. Alexandra Spaulding. Exactly how did you find me? This is completely unacceptable, you know. You know, per our arrangement, you are to stay very quiet. Very, very quiet. When I need you, I will find you. Is that understood? Because I certainly hope so.

Bill: Michelle will be home soon.

Danny: Good.

Bill: Look, Danny, I don't think now is the best time to surprise her, all right? She just wanted to get away from everything for a couple days.

Danny: You know, Bill, I don't think Michelle really knows what she wants.

Bill: But you do.

Gus: Echo. Echo.

Harley: Listen. Listen. I'm still not clear about what happened between you and Alexandra.

Gus: Oh, yeah. Well, she was just helping me figure out the whole damn thing.

Harley: And...

Gus: And she just made a suggestion that maybe he was into the Santos's for something other than money.

Harley: Like what?

Gus: Well, I don't know, but it makes sense that it would be something other than money.

Harley: Well, I can see, honey, where it would make sense for you, but how does she get that?

Gus: I don't know. I just think it's, you know, like a theory, like she's floating a theory out there, because I mean, how would she ever know my father? It's not like they ran in the same circles or anything.

Harley: Don't you think it's a little weird that suddenly she's interested in you, your dad, your life?

Gus: Yeah, well... I don't know what she said. It's far-fetched, I know it's a long shot but I have to check it out. Meanwhile, I知 just waiting to hear from my Chicago contacts on my dad's finances there. I've just got to keep digging, you know?

Harley: Honey, no matter what Alexandra says, there's still a chance that your dad was on the take, or that Roy Baker was on the take and your dad was looking the other way.

Gus: No, I refuse to believe that, okay, until I have exhausted every other option.

Eden: Hello.

Gus: Hello, sis.

Eden: So please tell me that you invited me to come up here to plan your imaginary wedding, to go along with your engagement ring-in-training.

Harley: You want to help plan our wedding? I am touched.

Eden: (laughs) Anything instead of another round of questioning.

Harley: Ew. Well, I hate to miss the big love fest, but there's something, actually, I have to take care of. No more martinis, okay?

Gus: No, are you kidding?

Harley: Without me.

Gus: Yeah. I'll call you.

Harley: Oh, honey. Whew.

Gus: Stop it.

Harley: Hello, Nolan. It's Harley Cooper. I need to speak to Alexandra, please. Oh, she's at the Beacon. Yeah, yeah. No, no, no. No message. I'll give it to her personally. Thank you.

Frank: Well, seriously. Did anything happen to make you change your mind like that?

Buzz: I just know how much you love her, you know.

Frank: Of course I love her. She's my little girl. I want to protect her.

Buzz: You're my little boy, and maybe I'm protecting you from overprotecting her, Frank.

Frank: Hello.

Buzz: Hello.

Harley: Oh, please, Daddy. You are going along so that Frank doesn't kill Ben.

Buzz: Maybe I値l help. I haven't decided yet.

Harley: Have fun.

Frank: See ya.

Marina: Mm.

Ben: There you go.

Marina: I love a man who's prepared.

Ben: Is that better?

Marina: Yeah. I'm still a little cold.

Ben: Okay, how about...

Marina: Uh, yeah. Not exactly what I had in mind.

Ben: Well, I brought you some animal crackers, because I know you love animal crackers.

Marina: Yeah. You know, I think it's really sweet that you want to wait where there's a fire and snow and all that stuff, but I don't need any of that romance. I just need you.

Ben: Look, Marina, exactly what did you think was going to happen at the cabin?

Marina: Well, you know, I thought we were... You were going to... What did you think was going to happen at the cabin?

Ben: I thought we'd get to be together without having to look over our shoulder every five minutes.

Marina: Yeah. And by "together," you mean...?

Ben: Spending time together. Having fun.

Marina: Uh-huh. Define "fun."

Ben: Marina, what did you think was going to happen?

Marina: Well, I thought, you know, there were going to be no parents and no rules and... and... I thought it was time. I came prepared.

Ben: Condoms? You deserve better than that, okay? Listen, our first time should be something really special, all right? Somewhere really special.

Marina: This is a really nice car.

Ben: No! Marina, no means no. You're the only good thing I've got going right now. The only thing. You're worth the wait.

Bill: Look, Danny, I know things have been rough for you lately, but don't you think that's your fault? Taking the chances that you took?

Danny: Not that it's any of your business, but I did what I did to protect my family, not lose them.

Bill: Yeah, but in the long run, Danny, you couldn't protect them.

Danny: Oh, but you could? Is that what you're telling me? You're the big hero?

Bill: No, Danny, that's not what I知 saying here.

Danny: I did not go to hell and back so that I could watch you step in and try to take my place.

Bill: Danny, I'm not trying to take your place.

Danny: Well, good. I'm glad to hear that. Otherwise you wouldn't be half the friend to Michelle that I thought you were. You know, I thought... I used to think that it was a good thing that you and Michelle had this friendship that goes back to your childhood, and that Michelle had you in her life.

Bill: Uh-huh. I see. Until now.

Danny: I'm just saying that I think I see a little pattern going on here with you. First my sister. Then Beth. And now Michelle. What happens when the next one comes along? What happens to all those years...

Bill: First of all, I did not end it with Beth for Michelle. Okay? I was going to end that anyway; it wasn't right.

Danny: But it's right with my wife?

Bill: Danny, you know what? Maybe you should take a step back, all right, because I think the last thing that Michelle needs right now is for you to be pressuring her.

Danny: Oh, I agree. But what is it that you call what you're doing? The cottage, with some candlelight and some wine. That's not pressure?

Bill: Trust me. Trust me, Danny. I want what's best for Michelle.

Danny: You don't know what's best for Michelle. You only want what's best for yourself.

Bill: No, I知 looking out after my best friend.

Danny: Oh, really.

Bill: Danny, do you really believe with Carmen out of the picture that things could just go back to normal? Is that what you really believe? Things will be safe for Michelle and Robbie? Is that what you really believe? Maybe if you cared enough, you'd just come to realize that it's time to let her go.

Danny: Let me tell you something: What Michelle and I have is not going away. So if I were you, I would stop wasting my time and my energy hoping otherwise.

Harley: Alexandra, hi.

Alexandra: Oh, what are you doing here, Harley?

Harley: That shark lawyer that you recommended to get Zach back.

Alexandra: Oh, careful. I wouldn't call him that to his face, darling. (Laughter)

Harley: Listen, I know I've said thank you a million times, but I do hope you know what your help has meant to me.

Alexandra: Oh, don't mention it, really.

Harley: The thing I知 confused about is, what exactly does it mean to you?

Alexandra: Pardon?

Harley: Well, you've been such a help with Zach and Gus, and me. It can't have helped your own family relations at all.

Alexandra: Oh, please, come on. You let me worry about my family. I can handle them.

Harley: Okay, but I feel guilty. I mean, we're going to have to make you an honorary Cooper soon. You spend so much time helping with my family's interests.

Alexandra: You know I love your family.

Harley: I know. But now you're helping with Gus, too. And that's just too much.

Alexandra: Well, you know, if I didn't know better, I'd think you might be questioning my motives. (laughs) All right, I値l answer your question if you'll answer one for me, first.

Harley: Okay, what?

Alexandra: Are you asking as a detective or as a woman in love?

Harley: Both.

Cassie: You two look like you had fun on the ice.

Tammy: Yeah, it was okay.

Cassie: You know what? You should go get ready for bed. College day is tomorrow. I cannot believe I am saying "college" and "you" in the same sentence.

Tammy: I can't wait. I am not going to schedule any classes until noon.

Rick: Hey, Tammy, I hate to break to this to you, but pre-med means morning classes. Preparation for med school, residency, internship. You are not going to sleep until you turn 28.

Tammy: Okay. Okay, I'm off to bed. Thanks again, Rick.

Rick: You're welcome.

Tammy: Good night.

Rick: I know. Most parents are thrilled with the milestones, but I'm not. Just yesterday morning, my little boy said, "Dada." You'd think I would be thrilled with that, but all I could think was, in five minutes he's going to say, "Hey, dad, I知 off to college." Which is where you are right now. Cassie, she's a stellar young lady. You've done a great job.

Cassie: And she's going to med school. When did that happen?

Rick: She didn't talk to you about that?

Cassie: Would I be asking you if she did?

Rick: I just think that she felt so helpless after Richard died that she put all her energy into making sure that her mom was okay. What were her plans before this happened?

Cassie: Well, I mean, Tammy痴 life before Richard was very unstable, so I don't know, I think she was afraid to make too many plans.

Rick: Well, I知 sure that she would tell you sooner or later, Cassie.

Cassie: Maybe not. This is so huge for her. I mean, she has decided who she wants to be when she grows up and she couldn't tell me. She didn't think I could handle it. I made Tammy afraid to have her own life and afraid... Just afraid to be happy. I am always going to love Richard, but I cannot be a prisoner to that love. I can't miss out on my kids' lives. And Richard wouldn't want that, and neither would I.

Danny: Hi.

Michelle: I saw your car.

Bill: (sighs) All right, I知 going to go out for a little bit. Maybe I'll find Ben and Marina alongside the road. Did you forget anything at the store?

Michelle: Um, butter.

Bill: You got it.

Danny: Having a nice romantic weekend?

Michelle: What are you doing here?

Danny: (sighs) Look, I don't know what's going on with you. You say that there's nothing happening between you and Bill. I... don't know. But I just... I don't want you to jump into something too fast, get in over your head. Because that's what will happen if you don't take time and think about what you really want.

Michelle: Well, that's not for you to worry about.

Danny: Oh, so... I mean, how would you feel if I went away for the weekend with another woman?

Michelle: Danny, I would be hurt. Look, I'm not going to play games with you. I'm not going to pretend that it wouldn't hurt me for the rest of my life if I... If I saw you or even thought of you with someone else. But that's the way it goes.

Danny: What the hell does that mean, "That's the way it goes"? That's the way it goes? (scoffs) That's the way it goes.

Michelle: I need... Some time away, Danny. (sighs) Look, I'm not... I'm not jumping into anything. I wanted to have some fresh air and have some fun with my friends. Yeah, yeah, Bill is here. But Bill is not the reason that we're apart.

Danny: Um-hmm. Um-hmm. Um-hmm.

Michelle: Please, Danny, please let me breathe again, please. Leave, please leave.

Danny: Michelle, I love you. I came here to warn you. And now that I see that Bill is here, I'm sorry. I can't just leave you here with him.

Michelle: I'm fine, Danny...

Danny: Michelle...

Michelle: I'm safe, I know Bill. He's not going to push me into anything I don't want.

Danny: Do you know about his history of relationships, do you? Why he broke it off with my sister, or why he dumped Beth? Because I know why.

Michelle: No, I don't.

Danny: Do you...

Michelle: But I know that whether Bill was in the picture or not, I'd still want you to leave, Danny. It's too late for us.

Danny: Why do you keep saying that? You keep saying that over and over again. It's not too late for us. My mother is out of the picture. There's nothing keeping us apart. Why do you keep saying that?

Michelle: Being together has put us and everyone around us in so much pain. Please, Danny. If you care about me at all, please, please just go.

Danny: Okay. Okay. Just be careful.

Gus: No, wait a second, wait. You are not leaving... You're not leaving till you tell me the truth.

Eden: There is nothing left to tell. Dad was a part of it. I saw him with Federico Santos. So, why do we just have to keep going over this?

Gus: Because, Eden, because there's something missing here, okay? You said that you killed Federico Santos because he knew the truth about dad. You didn't want me knowing that.

Eden: You know that.

Gus: Yeah, but we had no money. Did we have... I mean, we lived on his salary. There was no extras.

Eden: Well, maybe he was saving up for a family vacation or something, I don't know. Instead he got a one-way ticket to heaven, all right? So, why don稚... There's just nothing else to...

Gus: Wait a second, well, wait... What about Uncle Roy?

Eden: What... His old partner? What does he have to do with this?

Gus: Yes, because, I don't know. Maybe... maybe he had something to do with the Santos痴. He was into them and dad was trying to protect his partner. I don't know, I'm just trying to figure it out.

Eden: Yeah, well, maybe there's an Easter Bunny, too, whatever. We cannot change what happened, okay? So, just let it go, Nicky.

Alexandra: Oh, well, don't you think it's a little bit too late to start questioning my motives?

Harley: Well, I just can't help myself. Curiosity is my vice. (laughs)

Alexandra: All right, all right. I am merely supporting my family. I mean, Zach is... is my family. And quite frankly he's far too young to protect himself against Alan and Phillip and... Well, as to your young man, I must admit I had second thoughts on him myself. And you tell me Gus is a great guy. But, you know, that's to be seen, and I had an opportunity, thought I'd check it out for myself.

Harley: And did he pass inspection?

Alexandra: So far, so good.

Harley: Good. I'm sorry, I hope I... I didn't want to offend you. It's just that Gus said that you seemed upset about your family. I didn't want to be the cause of that.

Alexandra: Okay, don't you worry about my family, darling. I... I'm fine.

Harley: Well, I知 glad we cleared that up. (laughter)

Alexandra: All right, now, be nice to that lawyer, will you, dear?

Harley: Oh, there's one more thing.

Alexandra: What?

Harley: Gus told me about your liquid dinner.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, well, that was fun.

Harley: (laughs)

Alexandra: I hope he's recovering.

Harley: No, he's fine. Actually, he's better than fine. He said that you gave him some very good advice about his father.

Alexandra: Well, uh... We talked about so many things. I mean, I don't remember specifics.

Harley: Well, whatever you said it seemed to make a strong impression on him.

Alexandra: Oh, well, I do think I suggested that we, you know, find some way to bury the past, but then shouldn't we all do that, huh? I mean, that's pretty generic advice.

Harley, I think it's pretty good advice. Thanks. I'm going to let you go.

Alexandra: Okay, bye-bye.

Harley: Alexandra, what do you really want with Gus?

(tap on window)

Marina: Oh, oh, I think we've been rescued.

Ben: Oh, my gosh.

Buzz: It's us.

Frank. It's us. Aren't you glad we found you when we did? You two might have had to stay here the whole night.

Ben: I'm really relieved you found us, sir.

Frank: And you know what, the beauty of having a father who's a cop is that I always know where you're going and what you're doing.

Ben: I... I think it's the fuel line.

Marina: Whatever happened to "it's up to you, Marina? You make your own choices, Marina. I can't make up your mind for you, Marina."

Buzz: Well, you see, here's the thing. I took a long look at those birth control pills you dropped...

Marina: Shh!

Buzz: ...And I realized that maybe... maybe you should just take a little more time thinking about this before you do anything you might regret.

Marina: Uh-huh.

Buzz: And, of course, also I love you.

Marina: Okay. Don't think that "I love you, kid" is going to make up for the fact that you don't trust me.

Buzz: No, it's him I don't trust.

Marina: I'll have you know that he... he... He didn't even... What I知 trying to say is that nothing was going to happen, even if you hadn't come. It was just good, clean fun, okay? And you should be really proud of me.

Buzz: Oh, I feel so much better. Your dad would be so proud.

Danny: Excuse me. Can I get a scotch on the rocks, please? And make it a double. And you know what? Bring two. Thanks.

Cassie: Wow. Do you want some company, or do you two just want to be alone?

Danny: "Two?"

Cassie: You and that pretty strong drink you just ordered.

Danny: (sighs) Cassie, I'm sorry, I'm just... I don't think I'm really good company right now.

Cassie: I don't mind. So what's going on? What happened?

Danny: Well, I drove up to the Bauer cabin to try and warn Michelle that Bill is... Trying to take advantage of her, just like he's taken advantage of so many other women. And...

Cassie: So, how'd that go?

Danny: Oh, it went great. She kicked me out. Yeah, so that she could have a nice candlelit dinner with Billy boy. And I walked out of there...

Cassie: ...Looking like the jealous ex who had no business being there to begin with.

Danny: Thanks for your input. (laughs)

Cassie: Well, look, I知 sorry. Danny, your biggest problem isn't Bill Lewis, it's you.

Michelle: I've got to get dinner started.

Bill: Michelle, Michelle, Michelle, Michelle. Look, I'm... I'm sorry about Danny. I... I didn't really help things.

Michelle: It's just really hard.

Bill: I'm just making it harder. And that's the last thing that I wanted to do. Look, if you want... If you want to get going, I completely understand, I do.

Michelle: Nah, I'm hungry. Let's have dinner.

Bill: All right.

Michelle: That's what you were hoping for anyway.

Bill: You caught me.

Frank: This is unbelievable. You know mom would have said that... Mercury's in the repair shop.

Marina: Don't you mean retrograde?

Frank: It's a joke, honey, just a joke. You know, be very glad that your father's sense of humor is still very much alive and kicking.

Buzz: Unlike his battery.

Frank: That's not a problem, Pop. I'll just use Ben痴 SUV here to jump the jeep.

Marina: Yeah, yeah, we could. Except I kind of played the radio for a while.

Frank: You did what? Do you have any idea what this means?

Ben: No, no, listen, I'm going to call Bill, all right? He has a car. He can come pick us up. Great, I don't get service up here.

Marina: Uh, well... It's a nice night for a walk.

Buzz: No, no, no. I think we'll wait here till morning. Besides, with the four of us, it will be warmer in there. Of course, you know, I could always tell your dad what you packed for the trip, and then, you know, heat would be the last thing we'd have to worry about.

Marina: That's blackmail.

Buzz: Nah, let's just call it tough love.

Alexandra: Oh, Buzz, you picked a hell of a time to take a powder on me. (cell phone rings)

Baker: It's not nice to hang up on people.

Alexandra: You know, you think with all the money I知 paying you, that you would not call me twice in one day when I ask you not to, Mr. Baker.

Baker: Here's the thing. I discovered what I know is worth more.

Alexandra: Inflation?

Baker: No. Aitoro and his little girlfriend have invaded my life. Let's call it cost of living.

Alexandra: All right, now, you listen to me. We had a deal I decide how much, how fast it plays down and when. And you even breathe wrong, I'm going to the police.

Baker: I am the police. At least I was. You up the fee, or Aitoro and the girl know everything you don't want them to know.

Gus: Hi...

Harley: Hey.

Gus: (Inaudible)...I just found some cigarettes. How'd it go with the lawyer? Is he a scary... A scary guy like you thought he'd be?

Harley: Oh, he's a shark. He's a real shark but he's... he's got a heart. He said that it looks good, you know. Zach's as good as home.

Gus: Good, good, good, good, good.

Harley: So, did you get anything from Eden?

Gus: Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. I mentioned Roy Baker and she went ballistic. She couldn't leave me fast enough, and I just know that whatever she knows, I know Roy Baker knows it as well.

Harley: So, so much for our date. (laughs) Are you going to go hunt him down tonight?

Gus: No. No. You know, it kept for 15 years. It can keep for... for one more night. I was actually hoping you could give me a little insight into Buzz's secret cure for a hangover. He was hinting at it this morning.

Harley: (laughs) Honey, my father's hangover cure is worse than your hangover.

Gus: I doubt it.

Harley: Listen, are you sure that you want to go down this road?

Gus: I have to. And don't tell me you're going to try to talk me out of it.

Harley: Please, just the opposite. Wherever it takes us, we will go.

Gus: Okay. All right, let's go.

Harley: Darn, I just... I just remembered... I hope I can catch him. I got to tell the lawyer one more thing. Would you go warm up the car?

Gus: Yeah, sure.

Harley: I'll be right there. David Grant, please. Hi, David Grant. It's Harley Cooper. Harley, who? Ha ha, very funny. (laughs) Look, I need a favor from you. Another favor from you. I need you to dig up whatever information you can about Alexandra Spaulding's actions before she came back to Springfield, anything. Why? Because as crazy as it sounds, I just get the feeling she's mixed up in my boyfriend's past.

Danny: So, you think I was wrong to do what I did?

Cassie: Yeah, pretty much.

Danny: Well, I'm sorry... I don't think I did anything wrong. I was just trying to protect my wife. That's who I am.

Cassie: So, there's no room for change?

Danny: I didn't say that.

Cassie: Look... Okay. I thought I was doing fine, right? I thought I was doing better than fine. I thought I was doing great. You know, look, I've got this hotel up and running, right?

Danny: You are doing great, yeah.

Cassie: Great, yeah. And then I find out that my daughter was afraid to tell me something, something important because she's afraid for me to see her happy. Because she doesn't think that I'm going to be happy for a long time.

Danny: But you will be, it just... It takes time.

Cassie: Yeah, but I have to change. So, if I can change, then you can change.

Danny: (laughs) I don't think I did anything wrong.

Cassie: You focused on the wrong thing. Instead of focusing on Bill Lewis, you should have put your energy where it belonged, Danny, and that's with you and Michelle.

Danny: Okay. Okay.

Cassie: And I can help.

Danny: Really?

Cassie: Um-hmm.

Danny: How?

Cassie: I can teach you how to get Michelle back. If you let me.

Bill: Well, that was a pretty good job there, Bauer. I got to tell you, Ben and Marina missed a great dinner.

Michelle: It'll be even better watching you clean it all up.

Bill: (Laughs) The woman likes to see me suffer. You doing okay?

Michelle: Yeah. I haven't mentioned Danny's name in almost an hour.

Bill: Well, actually, it's been 42 minutes. If you want to talk, I... I know it helps. And, Michelle, I know it's got to be tough, you know, walking away from Danny. I mean, the guy still loves you. Why shouldn't he?

Michelle: You think?

Bill: I know. You know, let's... let's... Let's forget about talking, okay? I mean, I'm sure you're exhausted. Maybe you should just go to bed.

Michelle: I don't know. How about popcorn and a movie?

Bill: Popcorn and a movie. How about tomorrow when Ben and Marina are here?

Michelle: Okay. I think I can probably sleep for a week. Goodnight.

Bill: So, I値l be here in the boy's dorm if you need me. Good night.

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