GL Transcript Thursday 1/9/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/9/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: Hey.

Gus: Hey. So, did you find anything?

Harley: Well, your dad's partner didn't make any calls from home before he skipped town.

Gus: Right. Along with all the fancy shoes and whatever else you found in his apartment.

Harley: Listen, I've got a watch on all of his credit cards and his bank accounts. If he makes a move, we'll get him. And when we do, we'll get the truth about your dad.

Gus: I know the truth. It's the facts that I don't like. My dad died a hero. (sighs) Go ahead, say it.

Harley: Say what?

Gus: That I’m kidding myself, I'm kidding myself. All the facts point to the fact that my father was a dirty cop, so...

Harley: Well, I like the truth better. And you know what? Joe August was and always will be your hero. That's all that matters.

Gus: No, it's not all that matters. It's why I got to keep digging. I've got to keep digging.

Josh: Harley.

Harley: Hey.

Josh: Hi, Gus. Listen, I'm sorry to interrupt. I called headquarters. They told me I could find you here.

Harley: Okay, what's up?

Josh: I... I need your help. I think Reva's in danger. (Monitor beeping)

Rick: All right, we'll get you a bed in the cardiac unit, Alan, as soon as possible.

Alan: I don't need a bed. I shouldn't be here anyway. I'm going to... ( Grunting)

Rick: What... what... What are you doing, Alan?

Alan: I'm getting... I'm getting out of here, Rick. I...

Rick: Alan... Alan, you had a cardiac episode, all right, on the back of having two heart attacks last fall. This is not a joke, Alan. You are going to stay here, and you are going to get treated. And when you go home, you're going to make some changes in your life, Alan, like no cigars, no cognac, and no more stress. Do you got it?

Reva: Good luck on that one. Hi, Alan.

Phillip: Oh, you knew exactly what you were doing!

Alexandra: Calm down, calm down. I know how this looks, Phillip, but I was caught in the middle.

Phillip: Yes! Because you put yourself in the middle!

Alexandra: No, I didn't want either you or Alan to get hurt. Now, what was I supposed to do?

Phillip: You were supposed to tell me, Aunt Alex. You were supposed to say, "Phillip, your father hasn't really had a heart attack. It's just a trick. He just wants to scare you and Olivia and pay you back." That's what you were supposed to do.

Alexandra: I couldn't do that.

Phillip: Yeah, because you had other plans.

Alexandra: No... no, my only... Look, my only plan was to keep you and Alan from killing each other. I hated keeping quiet. I did it out of love.

Olivia: Let me guess. Alan got a court order to have the name of my martini bar changed and have me evicted from my room.

Cassie: No, we haven't got that one yet.

Olivia: Oh, then it's a good day so far.

Cassie: Olivia, what are you going to do?

Olivia: I don't know, Cassie. Maybe I'll take a walk or something.

Cassie: About the hotel. I do not want Alan for a partner in the Beacon.

Olivia: I don't want that anymore than you do. What do you want me to do?

Cassie: Well, you made it happen. You go fix it.

Olivia: Fix it? How would you like me to fix it?

Cassie: I don't care. Go beg for his forgiveness. Go grovel if you have to.

Olivia: Uh-uh. No way. He's the one...

Cassie: I don't care who did it, okay? I don't care who did it. I don't care about your pride. Hell, I don't even care if you're happy. I am not going to let your personal problems ruin what we built here.

(Monitor beeping)

Alan: What are you doing here, Reva?

Reva: Can't I come visit a sick friend?

Alan: Rick, make sure all the scalpels are locked away.

Rick: Are you here to cut into Alan, Reva?

Reva: I wouldn't dream of it.

Rick: Well, maybe you could talk some sense into him. All right, Alan, I got rounds, but I'm going to have a nurse staying right outside the door. If you make the heart rate peak just once, then you're going to be here for a week. You got it?

Alan: Hmm, you're giving me orders?

Rick: That's right.

Alan: I knew you before you even had a driver's license, much less a license to practice medicine.

Rick: He's all yours.

Reva: Thanks. Somehow, I knew you'd be a model patient.

Alan: I repeat, Reva, what are you doing here?

Reva: I came to check on an old buddy.

Alan: Whatever you want, the answer is no.

Reva: Okay, then I'll go.

Alan: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sorry, that was rude.

Reva: And you're a little short on visitors, so why get rid of me?

Alan: They won't even let me read the stock report.

Reva: Well, can't Olivia smuggle them in for you? Where is she anyway?

Alan: Now you can leave.

Reva: Alan.

Alan: Don't pretend that your sister didn't tell you the dirt about me tossing Olivia out of the house.

Reva: She hasn't. So you tossed Olivia out. I'm sorry. I really thought she was the one for you. And I was kind of afraid that after Annie Dutton, there wouldn't be another woman who would get to you the way she did. (Monitor beeping faster)

Josh: So Reva's just going on with her day like there's nothing wrong, you know, there's no problem, but I know better.

Harley: Okay, and these calls just started?

Josh: Well, they actually started before Christmas. We had the phone number changed, again and somehow they got a hold of that number. Then we installed a caller I.D. box, hoping to screen the calls. Then they started coming in on her cell phone, which is also a private number.

Gus: So when you... When you installed the caller I.D., did you capture a number?

Josh: No, no. It said "private caller," and we stopped picking up after the first one. Oh, and this is a list that I brought of the dates and times of the calls, both at home and on the cell phone.

Gus: I love an organized victim. So these times...

Josh: The times are approximate. The dates are solid.

Harley: Well, I’ll get the phone company started on this. They have her cell phone number?

Josh: Yeah.

Gus: Well, then it's somebody close or a pro.

Harley: Anyone you can think of who'd want to do this?

Josh: Well, at first we thought it might be Edmund Winslow. But then a call came in on Reva's cell phone when she was standing there right next to him.

Harley: Well, he could have rigged it that way.

Josh: I... I don't think so. He had no way of knowing that he was going to be with her at that moment.

Gus: All right, so we don't rule out Winslow. But who else? Anybody else?

Josh: Well, there's always this possibility. Annie Dutton.

Gus: Who's Annie Dutton?

Josh: She's a woman who's pretty much crazy and has been obsessed with Reva for some time.

Harley: Josh and Annie were married when Reva first came back, and Annie, who was never the most stable woman in the world, she snapped. She accused Reva of causing her miscarriage. She had her tried for the murder. And at one point, she even tried to kill her.

Gus: Ooh.

Harley: Do you have any idea where Annie is?

Josh: No. I was hoping you could help us with that. That's something we need to do. We need to find her.

Harley: Yeah, we do.

Gus: Well, look, I'll go down to the station and get to work on this. I'll start with a trace of all those numbers. Give me the numbers.

Harley: Okay. Just... Give me... Give me just one second. I want to talk to you for a second. Um, you sure you want to do this? Wouldn't you rather do the follow-up on your dad's case?

Gus: Okay, it's my job.

Harley: I can handle.

Gus: Cooper, you don't have to cover for me, okay?

Harley: I'm not. I just know it will eat you alive until you get some information about your dad. So why don't you let me handle this?

Gus: Fine. Fine. I'll start digging into my father's finances.

Harley: Yeah. Do you have any of your dad's old paperwork?

Gus: I do, but if he's dirty... I just can't believe those words are coming out of my mouth.

Harley: Okay, listen, you just... You check on any stuff that your dad wouldn't have just lying around. You know what I mean?

Gus: Yeah, I'm going to look into offshore accounts...

Harley: Uh-huh.

Gus: ...Hidden investments.

Harley: Exactly. You can run with that for a couple of hours, but then I'm taking you to Olivia's bar, and we are getting drinks, just you and me, by ourselves, no business. Okay?

Gus: Yeah, deal. Thank you. Bye, Josh.

Harley: Okay. Well, Gus has a whole other assignment he's got to work on.

Josh: Harley, I need help. I need help now, not two months from now.

Harley: And you have it. You have me until we get some answers, okay? So, besides Edmund Winslow and Annie Dutton, who else would have it in for Reva?

Phillip: Love? You let me twist with guilt for something that I hadn't done. And that was you loving me?

Alexandra: All right, it seemed like the best alternative at the time. Come on, if I had told you what Alan was up to, you two would have been at each other's throats. You might have been off with Olivia by... That seemed like a worse alternative at the time.

Phillip: And you got to make that decision for us?

Alexandra: I didn't look at it that way.

Phillip: Right, because you weren't looking at anything except taking the company. Why, God, can't you just be honest about that much? You knew he faked the heart attack, you had the leverage you needed, and you used it. It's okay. It's the Spaulding way!

Alexandra: All right...

Phillip: I would just like to hear you say it!

Alexandra: Would you believe that possibly my taking over the company had a great deal to do with protecting you, too?

Phillip: Oh, God, it's too much.

Alexandra: No, Phillip, I know you can't take it now.

Phillip: It's just too much.

Alexandra: I know.

Phillip: But what? But there's going to be... There'll be some magical time in the future where it all makes perfect sense to me? Are you really going to try to sell me that now?

Alexandra: Phillip, I’m sorry.

Phillip: You're what?

Alexandra: I'm sorry. I could have... I should have told you what Alan was up to. Company, no company, whatever happened with Olive, I... (sighs)... I shouldn't have kept quiet.

Phillip: So, what is this now, a strategic retreat?

Alexandra: No, no.

Phillip: Well, yes, God, yes. Of course it is. Because you knew what you were doing while you were doing it. Now you just need to work me now, so...

Alexandra: No, no, Phillip, Phillip...

Phillip: I'm... I'm starting to remember.

Alexandra: Remember what?

Phillip: Why I left this house! Why I never wanted to be here for most of my life! How did I forget? How did I talk myself into believing that this would be okay? The manipulating and the lies and everybody out for themselves, and not being able to believe a word out of anybody's mouth. Why did I think that I could handle that now and still be somebody...

Alexandra: Phillip...

Phillip: No, this is important, because I used to know better.

Alexandra: Please don't talk that way. You need this family. I know that.

Phillip: What family? Who's here? You ever wonder why nobody ever sticks around this place for very long? You've been gone for years. And when you did come back, look... look at the homecoming present you gave me. No, this is the point, Aunt Alex. Besides my kids right now, this family is you and Alan. What makes you think I can't live without either one of you?

Olivia: I don't want to lose this hotel anymore than you do, but you don't understand.

Cassie: Well, then make me understand. Please make me understand.

Olivia: Do you want details?

Cassie: Do I need them?

Olivia: No.

Cassie: Okay, look... I'm sorry. I am sorry. But we've got to put our heads together here.

Olivia: (sighs) Okay, look, all you need to know is that Alan tricked me into marrying him. The heart attacks, both of them, fake, fake.

Cassie: You're joking.

Olivia: No, lied to me about the whole thing.

Cassie: He lied to you about his heart attacks, and that's why he threw you out?

Olivia: No, that wasn't... You know what, it doesn't matter. You wanted to know why I can't even talk to Alan, much less grovel. That's why.

Cassie: Okay, all right, I'm sorry. What he did was horrible, and I’ll give you that, but you had to know it was Alan. I mean, you couldn't have been surprised. Olivia, you ought to think about why he did it. He did it because he wanted to be with you that badly. I saw you guys together. You made it seem like love to me.

Olivia: Yeah, it did, and you want to know why? Because I turned myself inside out to be a good wife to him. I was jumping through hoops to prove myself to him, Cassie. It's done. It's over. I did everything I could to make that marriage work.

Cassie: Well, maybe it still can. You know, the man is lying in a hospital bed...

Olivia: Uh, been there, done that. That's why I signed the first pre-nup.

Cassie: Yes, but isn't he really sick this time?

Olivia: I don't know. The jury's out. Probably.

Cassie: Olivia, just go to him. What he did was terrible, but I am sure there were mistakes made on both sides.

Olivia: Yeah, there were mistakes made on both sides, Cassie. And, yeah, he manipulated me and he lied to me. But, you know, that's not even the worst part. The worst part was he made me feel lucky to get even that. Forget it. I'm done!

(monitor beeping)

Reva: Alan, I’m sorry. I had no idea that hearing Annie’s name...

Alan: No, I’m... I'm... Reva, I'm fine. It wasn't a... (groans)

Rick Just what I was afraid of. What's going on here?

Reva: Just take deep breaths, Alan. (monitor beeping slows) Wow.

Rick: All right, Reva...

Reva: Those machines really work, huh?

Rick: Yeah, look, any more bells and whistles and you're going to have to leave, okay?

Reva: I will behave, I promise. So, Alan, how bad is it?

Alan: What, my heart, my marriage, my family, my stock portfolio?

Reva: Just pick one.

Alan: Well, I got some good buys on some energy stocks the other day.

Reva: I knew that would be the one you'd pick. You don't have to tell me anything about your lovely sister. You have my sympathies there. And hopefully you can work things out with Olivia. I mean, I know how committed you can be to a marriage when you want to be-- committed to anything. Like with Annie, you were...

Alan: Why do you keep bringing up Annie? I mean, what...

Reva: Alan...

Alan: Come out with it.

Reva: ...I need your help. I need you to help me find Annie.

Alan: Reva...

Reva: I'm not... I don't want to hurt her. I really don't. I just... (Monitor beeping faster) You do know where she is, don't you?

Rick: Alan, what are you doing?

Alan: I'm getting stressed.

Rick: Reva, we need to go. Let's go.

Alan: Reva, stay away from Annie Dutton.

Harley: Are you scared?

Josh: Harley, I heard one of the calls. It wasn't like the calls we were getting during the trial, you know. That was just people ranting and raving. This person was very threatening.

Harley: And there's no one else you can think of who would have it in for Reva in this way?

Josh: Right now it's just Annie Dutton. We have to find her. I just have a gut feeling about it.

Harley: Okay, well, I’ve got somebody down at the station on a computer right now doing a search.

Josh: Thank you. I really appreciate you making this a priority.

Harley: Oh, please, no problem. Are you sure you don't want me to bring in more of the squad? We could tap that setup.

Josh: I think that would make Reva nuts. So I think we just need to get the number if we can and then go from there.

Harley: One step at a time.

Josh: Yeah.

Harley: In the meanwhile, if you do get another call, tell the person you've got the police involved. Usually if it's just a sick crank, that'll scare them off.

Josh: What if it's not?

Gus: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?

Alexandra: Help yourself.

Gus: Thank you.

Alexandra: I didn't realize cops were allowed martini lunches.

Gus: No, I'm off the clock, believe me. Just dealing with some offshore bankers. They take the martini lunch, so...

Alexandra: (laughs) Yeah. Big case?

Gus: Yeah, the biggest. You know, sir, could I get one of those? The same thing's fine.

Alexandra: He's paying. (laughs)

Gus: Right.

Alexandra: You got a problem with that?

Gus: Honey, I am not nothing unless I’m a gentleman, so line them up, line them up. What are you trying to drown?

Alexandra: Oh, my brother, my nephew, take your pick.

Gus: You might have been better off dealing with that at birth.

Alexandra: Careful, Gus. We're talking about family.

Gus: Yes, family, family, the one thing you can't get away from no matter how hard you try or far you run.

Alex: Uh-huh.

Gus: (laughs bitterly) Family. Oh, thank you. Perfect timing. Look, two for your family. Who else could make you feel so good yet make you feel so bad?

Alexandra: Ah, yes, indeed. (laughs) (sighs) Oh, well, is that sister of yours kicking up?

Gus: No, she's inactive, kind of like a dormant volcano.

Alexandra: Ah. Trouble with Harley?

Gus: No, Harley's fine. She's fine.

Alexandra: Well, how come you look like I feel, huh? (laughs) What member of your family is giving you the trouble?

Gus: Well, that would be my father.

Alexandra: What about your father?

Gus: They say that he's not the man I thought he was.

Alexandra: Hey, hey, go easy, hmm? Come on, it's harder to drown a person who's already dead, you know. Maybe instead you should just tell me, hmm?

Cassie: Okay, look, I understand why you don't want to beg Alan for anything. I do. But we have a real problem here, Olivia. I mean, don't you want to hold onto the Beacon?

Olivia: (sighs) Yeah, of course, I do, Cassie. This place was my dream.

Cassie: Mine, too, and Richard's. And it's the only thing that my family has left. I don't want to see this place sold to some hotel chain. So, look, I'm going to go talk to Alan. Hopefully, I’ll keep it friendly.

Olivia: If not?

Cassie: If not I don't know. I don't know.

Olivia: All right, look. I don't know if it's going to get to this, but if you decide you need to take some legal action, if I have any money left after this divorce, I'll do whatever I can.

Cassie: Thank you. Wish me luck.

Olivia: Good luck.

Clerk: Mrs. Spaulding, you have a call. It's Phillip Spaulding.

Olivia: Thanks. Hi.

Phillip: Hi. You busy?

Olivia: Oh, yeah, yeah, tons to do, you know, with the divorce lawyer and the lawyers taking over the hotel and...

Phillip: Can that wait?

Olivia: Sure.

Phillip: I need to see you.

Olivia: I'll be here in my room. Just have the front desk call me when you get here.

Phillip: I'll be right there.

Gus: Thank you. So, even though my father worked around the clock, it was as if he was always... I mean, he was there for all the important things, you know, but when I think about it, really, it was my mother that was there for everything, everything for us kids.

Alexandra: Yeah, well, you had a remarkable mother.

Gus: You knew my mother?

Alexandra: No, of course, not. Just...

Gus: Right.

Alexandra: It's just that I feel like I do, hearing you talk about her.

Gus: I understand. Well, when my mother died, that was the only time I ever saw fear on my father's face that he was... He was scared. And this guy, you know, Joe August, he faced down every capo in the racket without missing a beat. But then I’d see him come home and walk through the kitchen and walk into that bedroom alone. And I don't know how he did it.

Alexandra: But he did it, didn't he? For you and your sister.

Gus: Yeah, he did. He also, right at the same time he was leading the OC division in arrests, without missing a beat, you know. Which is why I cannot... I cannot put it in my head Joe August was a dirty cop.

Alexandra: No, that was not your father.

Gus: Yeah, see, hear yourself? Just making believe you know these people.

Alexandra: Gus, that's called empathy.

Gus: Yeah.

Alexandra: Learn to recognize it. Huh?

Gus: We need another. Can we have another round? You want a drink, don't you?

Alexandra: Ha, why not?

Gus: All right, so we've established why I'm miserable and drinking. What's your excuse?

Alexandra: Well, I'm fighting tooth and nail to keep a family together who's bound and determined to fall apart.

Gus: I see. Care to elaborate?

Alexandra: Not a chance. (Chuckles)

(monitors beeping)

Alan: Oh, finally, I can't reach the remote to check my stock for... Oh.

Cassie: The Dow was down a little and the NASDAQ stayed the same.

Alan: You know that?

Cassie: No, I made it up. I thought hearing something might make you feel better.

Alan: What is this, a family plot? I'm being bombarded by blondes.

Cassie: What are you talking about?

Alan: Well, your sister was just here annoying me. What do you have on your mind?

Cassie: Well, I thought we should set some ground rules, partner. Alan, the Beacon is more than a hotel. It is a special place for the town. It means everything to me and my family. Now, if you plan on dumping it or selling it to some hotel chain, I am going to fight you with everything I've got.

Alan: Well, Cassie, that's very spunky of you, but totally unnecessary.

Cassie: You don't plan on making big changes?

Alan: I don't plan on being your partner that long at all. Once Olivia moves back into the house, she'll be your partner again, and you and she can choose drapery patterns.

Cassie: You think Olivia's coming home?

Alan: Of course, she is.

Cassie: But you threw her out. Didn't you?

Alan: Well, we just had a little rough patch, that's all. She'll come back, and I'm sure our relationship will be stronger than ever.

Cassie: Alan, if you believe that, you're in for a nasty shock. I just saw Olivia and she is not coming back.

Olivia: Ugh! (Sighs) (knock on door) Come in. Just put the trays over... Hi.

Phillip: Hi.

Olivia: I thought that you were... I ordered us a light supper.

Phillip: You hungry?

Olivia: No.

Phillip: Neither am I.

Reva: Hey.

Josh: Where have you been? I have been calling all around town looking for you.

Reva: I was doing research.

Josh: Well, don't be out of touch like that, Reva, not now.

Reva: Joshua, I am not going to let some crank caller run my life.

Josh: It's more than that and you know it.

Reva: Maybe.

Josh: (sighs) Okay, all right. I talked to Gus and Harley, so the police are in on it.

Reva: What? I thought we agreed that we were going to keep this between us.

Josh: We had no agreement at all. You didn't want the police involved, I did.

Reva: Okay, I feel silly.

Josh: Well, you shouldn't. Harley's working with the phone company right now. She's going to meet me here.

Reva: So, I guess I know better than to try and stop you.

Josh: Get used to it. So, where were you?

Reva: I went to see Alan Spaulding.

Josh: Really?

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Research for this piece you're going to do on the Spaulding’s, is that it?

Reva: Yeah. No.

Josh: (Laughs)

Reva: I went to find out if he knew where Annie Dutton was.

Josh: So, you see how serious this thing is, right?

Reva: Of course, I do.

Josh: So, did he know where she is?

Reva: Maybe, but he's not telling. I think the last thing he needs right now is contact with Annie. He's already blowing it with the new Mrs. Alan Spaulding.

Alan: I seriously doubt that Olivia has confided in you, Cassie. You and she weren't exactly great buddies.

Cassie: No, we're not. But we're partners and we share the same dream for the hotel, and now we share the same problem.

Alan: Hmm, that would be me.

Cassie: That would be you. Alan, she's through. She's turned a corner. I've... I've seen it. Look, if you're serious about getting back together, well, then, you should not wait for Olivia to come crawling back begging for your forgiveness, because it's not going to happen.

Alan: I didn't know you cared so much about my happiness.

Cassie: I care about my hotel. And I am mad as hell that my family's happiness and security depends on the state of your marriage. But you know what? There it is. So, please, work things out. Otherwise you are going to be in for the silliest, most embarrassing court case in history, if it has to get that ugly. Oh, and Alan, if you are really sick this time, I hope you get better, because you got your work cut out for you. (Monitors beeping)

Clerk: Beacon hotel?

Alan: Yes, put me through to Mrs. Spaulding's room. This is her husband.

Clerk: Sorry, Mrs. Spaulding left word she's not to be disturbed.

Phillip: I spent the morning with Alexandra, listening to her excuses about why she kept quiet. I got the feeling there's something else going on, some other agenda under there.

Olivia: Oh, goody.

Phillip: But you know what? I don’t... I don't... I don't want to get into that. Because it's poison, it's all poison. There's no way to manage my family without getting sucked in. It's all about... It's all about figuring how to maneuver and when and where, and you do that and you get lost. At least I did. I started pushing down what I was feeling, trying to... Trying to walk that line, trying to navigate that.

Olivia: Didn't we all?

Phillip: Yeah, but you knew what you wanted. And you knew what I wanted. All those months that you kept... kept saying to me, you kept telling me to just try to be honest about what I was feeling and I couldn't do it. Couldn't. I was trying to be loyal to my father, or at least that's what I was telling myself. But I had forgotten who he was. More important, I had forgotten who I was. And, frankly, you scared the hell out of me.

Olivia: Oh. Oh, oh. Don't worry about it, I do that.

Phillip: No, Olivia, I just wasn't ready. Because, see, I had been managing for so long. I had been coping with everybody else's feelings, everybody else's problems. I had been walking through the landmines with Harley and then with Beth, where it didn't... Whatever feeling I had, anything I said got turned on me. And I... I got lost.

Olivia: No, you made the best out of a very difficult situation. I saw it. And you... you tried to do right by them.

Phillip: But not by you. See, there you were. You put yourself out there, heart and soul, and I just left you hanging, didn't I? Even though I wanted you so bad I could taste it. There were times it took everything in me not to... I wanted you. I still do. Because I love your fire and your passion. I love your honesty, your laugh, your mind, your mistakes. I love the fierceness when you're going after something or when you're protecting someone. I love... I love you. And I know it's too late. After everything that's happened, believe me, I don't blame you. I just wanted to tell you that, because at the very least, you deserve to know you weren't wrong. Your heart wasn't lying to you. I do love you. Yeah. I know. (door slams)

Olivia: Where the hell do you think you're going?

Gus: Yeah, that's perfect. So, hey, have you ever, just to yourself, have you dreamt of a Spaulding-free world?

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Gus: No, and I don't mean you. I don't mean you... No, you're lovely.

Alexandra: Must be careful what we wish for.

Gus: You're a lovely person. Not you, not Zach, he's beautiful. You know, but I think... I think the Spaulding children could be free, you know, just whoosh, set free. What is going on with you people?

Alexandra: Well, I guess we just didn't have parents like yours. You know, sometimes I think we were raised by a pack of badly behaved, thinly disguised wolves.

Gus: Yeah, but you always had money, so it was like a very expensive gold-plated wolves' den.

Alexandra: Yeah, yeah, there was that, yes, yes. Small comfort on some days. Certain times I could have wished to have parents like yours.

Gus: Ah, so you see? You see, money does not fix this... You know, the really real stuff. And I knew that and my father knew that, so... I cannot get it in my... I cannot believe that Joe...

Alexandra: All right...

Gus: ...Joe August would be taking money from him.

Alexandra: Gus, may I give you some advice?

Gus: Will you pick up the check?

Alexandra: (laughs) Deal. Gus, don't dig around in the past. You've got Harley. You can start a whole new life. It really doesn't matter.

Gus: No, it does. It does, no, it matters. It matters who I am. Now, I was Joe August’s son, and I knew what that meant, and I knew who he was, which is why I cannot... I cannot get it in my head that he'd be on the Santos' payroll. So, I have to prove that he wasn't, because my father didn’t care about money.

Alexandra: All right, all right...

Gus: He didn't care about money.

Alexandra: Suppose the truth really lies somewhere in between. Maybe your father was beholden to the Santos for, I don't know, some other reason other than money. (Laughs) Gus, you know, there's always going to be things that you'll never know the answers to. Don't spend your whole life. Don't waste it looking, digging in the past when... (sighs) All right and I'm cutting you off, too. My chauffeurs' going to drive you home, my goodness.

Gus: Well, I see your chauffeur.

Alexandra: Mm-hmm. Because you are not allowed to drive now.

Gus: Well, okay. Well, thank you, thank you.

Alexandra: Yes, you go home.

Gus: Listen, I'm going to... I'm going to make a couple of phone calls from your car. I got to call these offshore bankers.

Alexandra: Gus, go home.

Gus: Yeah. All right, thank you.

Waiter: Can I get you another?

Alexandra: No, no. I've already said too much.

Harley: Okay, good news and bad news. Bad news: We haven't found Annie yet.

Reva: (sighs)

Josh: What? What are you looking at? I know we have to track down Annie, just like you do.

Reva: Yeah.

Harley: Well, we're still on it. The good news is: We got information on the calls that you had times and dates for. We located the source.

Reva: That is good news.

Josh: So, where are the calls coming from?

Harley: Here.

Reva: Well, that's our number. That's our second line.

Josh: You're saying the calls are coming from inside our house?

(Monitors beeping)

Cassie: You better stop waiting for Olivia to crawl back here, begging for forgiveness.

Because that is not going to happen.

She's through, Alan.

She's turned a corner. She's done.

You've got your work cut out for you. You pushed her out the door and she's not coming back.

Phillip: There's no turning back from here.

Olivia: I know. I always knew.

Phillip: Yeah, you did.  

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