Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/8/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Ben: You are the best. Thank you.
Michelle: No problem, no problem. Just have fun, okay?
Ben: Okay.
Michelle: I've got to go to work.
Bill: What? You look like you just won the lottery.
Ben: Close. That ski trip I keep saying we should take? I just asked Michelle if we could use the Bauer cabin, and she said, "Go for it." The trip is on! Hey, call Beth. We'll all go together.
Bill: Ah, I got a news flash for you, Benny. Beth and I are pretty much history.
Ben: What?
Bill: Yeah.
Ben: Why?
Bill: Um, just... You know, it just wasn't working out.
Ben: Hey, even more reason to make the trip. I mean, this is the perfect opportunity for a rebound.
Bill: What?
Ben: Well, isn't there some girl you want to impress with a little ski weekend?
Bill: No one who's not already taken.
Buzz: What's wrong?
Alexandra: I just came from Cedars. Alan's had a heart attack-- a minor one, thank God.
Buzz: Well, that's what he gets for marrying such a young woman.
Alexandra: You don't know the half of it.
Buzz: You're really worried.
Alexandra: Well, I should be, huh? I helped put him in that hospital.
Josh: All right, get him on the couch.
Tony: Easy, easy, easy. Oh. Oh, man.
Billy: Maybe this isn't as bad as it feels.
Tony: Oh, no, no, no. It definitely is, it definitely is. But you know what? It's not your fault.
Josh: We better get an ice pack on that shoulder, huh?
Billy: Man, you really stepped in it this time.
Josh: What are you talking about, Billy? Listen, I reset that bow to a normal tension. It was an accident, and Tony knows it.
Billy: Yeah, well, I'm not talking about Tony here. I'm talking about Marah.
Josh: Why Marah?
Billy: Because Marah's going to be on the warpath when she finds out about this. You busted her boyfriend.
Josh: Oh, man.
Holly: Good. You're here.
Reva: Well, of course I am. You're my boss. I'm going to be where you ask me to be. What's on your mind?
Holly: Ratings-- what else? Not that your show isn't doing well, but I had a brainstorm that could give you an even larger audience.
Reva: A story idea?
Holly: An investigative piece on the Spaulding’s. An in-depth story on the family, the business, the whole works. It's right up your alley.
Reva: Well, why the Spaulding’s? And why now?
Holly: Because there's even more going on right there than usual. Alex comes back to town, takes over the company. It raises all kinds of questions.
Reva: Like what she's really up to.
Holly: Yeah. That's why I want you on the story. (cell phone rings)
Reva: Uh, so what were you thinking? Like a multi-part series? (cell phone ringing)
Holly: Don't you want to answer that?
Reva: No.
Holly: Why not? Go ahead.
Reva: Because I don't want to answer it.
Holly: Okay.
Ben: You must be pretty bummed. I mean, Beth seemed like she's pretty into you.
Bill: Yeah, well, we both moved on. But not into some heavy commitment-- at least, you know, I'm not. I'm just going to hang out, play the field for a while.
Ben: Great, great. Then scrounge up a date and come skiing with us. Hey. Hey. What says "no commitment" more than a weekend on the slopes, huh?
Bill: You know what? You're starting to sound like an ad for a singles resort, you know that? It's scary. Besides, who's "us," anyway, huh? You and some little sorority sister you conned into going away with you?
Ben: I resent that.
Bill: Do you?
Marina: Please tell me that you scored us a place to stay.
Bill: You're bringing Marina?
Marina: Well, yeah. It's going to be a blast. Come on.
Ben: Yeah, well, you know, it was her idea, so...
Bill: Yeah. And you're going to get her dad to go along with that how?
Marina: We're working on it.
Marah: Hey, did you see a... I thought I left it here. What's going on with Ben and Marina?
Bill: They're just trying to figure out a way to fly below Frank's radar.
Marah: Want to try that one again?
Bill: I don't know, do I? Ben, he talked Michelle into letting them use the Bauer cabin, you know, for a ski trip, and he wants Marina to go with him.
Marah: Oh.
Bill: Yeah. How they're going to get away with that, I have no idea. He just asked me to go with them, probably as a smokescreen, but... Why don't you go with Tony?
Marah: Yeah, Tony’s not really a winter sports kind of guy. We tried skating once. It was pretty bad.
Bill: Oh.
Marah: Besides, he's hunting with our two dads.
Bill: Wait a minute. What? You're kidding me. And you let him go alone? You're either a very brave girl, or you're just plain crazy.
Marah: Well, I was not happy about it, believe me, but my dad insisted, and Tony swore that he could handle it.
Bill: Wow. A Lewis-Santos male bonding event, with weapons. That's a winter sport for you.
Marah: No, everything will be fine.
Bill: Really?
Marah: Yeah.
Bill: And how long have you been living in the land of denial? Don't you at least want to go up there, you know, maybe help move things along? I mean, you've got to be curious, if not worried.
Marah: I am kind of tempted to see how they're doing. And you know what? Mom has always told me to trust my instincts.
Bill: Then you should go, and have a nice trip.
Marah: Yeah, and my instincts are also telling me that there's something bothering you.
Bill: Ah, you know what? I owe someone an explanation for the way I acted the other night, and I just keep putting it off.
Marah: All right. Well, how about we make a deal? I will go check on Tony and make sure he's okay, and you do the same with Beth.
Bill: Well, it's not Beth I’m talking about. It's someone else.
Marah: Who?
Bill: You know what? We should probably get on out of here, because we have a deal to close, don't we?
Marah: Yes, we do.
Alexandra: Oh, Buzz. My family's going through such an upheaval lately. You know, when I came back to Springfield, I had hoped I could restore some sense of order, but it seems like so far, all I've done is make things worse.
Buzz: Well, maybe things are so tangled up, you can't smooth them out.
Alexandra: No. I refuse to believe that.
Buzz: What has got you so worked up?
Alexandra: Oh, come on, come on, Buzz. You wouldn't stand by and let your family go to hell in a hand basket and do nothing. How can I sit back idly when my family's going to face a major crisis?
Buzz: What kind of crisis are we talking about?
Alexandra: Look, there's something that nobody knows about, and it's very serious, and if word gets around before I’ve had a chance to prepare the family, well, it could tear the Spaulding’s apart permanently. All right, you... You don't tell a word about this. Not a soul, huh?
(cell phone ringing)
Holly: Come on. It could be one of your kids.
Reva: I said I don't want to answer it.
Holly: What...
Reva: So you were telling me about this story, about the Spaulding’s making me a ratings queen of Springfield.
Holly: Well, the Spaulding’s are like royalty in Springfield. The public is fascinated with every step they make.
Reva: Right. Nothing like a little money and power to command attention.
Holly: Right. Ever since Alexandra came back to town, took over the company, we've been flooded with station e-mails, letters. Everybody wants to know why, what's up, what's behind this.
Reva: And you want me to find out.
Holly: Aren't you curious?
Reva: Well, yeah, I have had some questions about why she came back to Springfield now. Why not last year, or never again?
Holly: The obvious answer is Alan’s heart attack, but there might be more to it than that.
Reva: There's always something lurking under the surface when you're dealing with the Spaulding’s.
Holly: And you are the best digger I know.
Reva: Okay! Why not? It does sound like my kind of story.
Holly: Just one thing concerns me. You and Alex aren't on the best of terms.
Reva: Oh, that's not a problem. That'll make it more fun.
Holly: (laughs)
Reva: See you.
Holly: Okay.
Bill: Michelle.
Michelle: Bill.
Bill: Wait. Don't say anything, okay? I've been trying to figure out a way to put this the whole way up here, and if I don't just get the words out, they're going to come out wrong.
Michelle: What? What?
Bill: My apology for kissing you. It never should have happened.
Michelle: You're talking about New Year's Eve.
Bill: Yeah, and Halloween, too, but mostly the other night. I mean, I was totally out of line.
Michelle: Bill...
Bill: No, please, Michelle let me finish, okay? Everything that I said to you about wishing things could be different for us and then kissing you, I just wasn't thinking clearly. You know, after the craziness with Carmen, and plus just being so relieved that you were okay, I just... I wasn't thinking. And I'm sorry.
Michelle: It's okay.
Bill: No. Michelle, it's not. I mean, it's not like you had enough to deal with already. I mean, you had Carmen laying there on your floor, and she came so close to hurting you and taking Robbie. Plus you got Danny coming over and...
Michelle: Well, about Danny...
Bill: Michelle, please, there's nothing to explain, really. I know how things are with you and Danny.
Michelle: You do?
Bill: Yeah. I came by the next morning.
Michelle: To the house?
Bill: Yeah. In fact, the door was open, and I saw you two. I didn't want to disturb you. Actually, you were kissing. Now, that kiss, that kiss I understand, but it just... It makes me sick thinking of how lousy it was of me to try to pull something like that with you, and I just... I...
Michelle: Bill, don't be so hard on yourself.
Bill: Michelle, please. It was a huge mistake on my part, okay, kissing you at all. And what, it takes me, like, a whole day to even cop to it? That's just not right.
Michelle: Look, what you saw between me and Danny wasn’t...
Bill: Is all I need to know, okay? You guys are together. In fact, you know, you belong together.
Michelle: You think so?
Bill: Well, sure. And for me to make you think otherwise, that's just... That's low, Michelle. I mean, we've been friends too long for me not to get this straight with you, and Michelle, please, I...
Michelle: Bill.
Bill: I don't want to lose your friendship, all right? And I could see that happening. I could see you writing me off, not answering my calls, once it sinks in that I just...
Michelle: Bill, I’m not with Danny anymore.
Bill: What?
Michelle: I broke it off with him. It's... It's over.
Josh: Come on. Just give me a signal here, will you, please? Modern technology at its best.
Marah: Got a problem?
Josh: Marah. Hi. What are you doing here?
Marah: I came to make sure the place was still standing, among other things. Where's Tony?
Josh: You shouldn't be here. I mean, you know, you shouldn't have driven up here on your own. These roads are terrible in this kind of weather.
Marah: The roads were fine.
Josh: Really?
Marah: So...
Josh: Wait, wait, wait. You should have called.
Marah: I thought that you weren't getting any service.
Josh: We just don't need you here. I mean, we don't need your help here, you know, if that's what you were thinking.
Marah: Well, I didn't see any smoke coming out of the chimney. I don't smell any food cooking.
Josh: Yeah. Well, we just got back.
Marah: Well, why is that? There's still a lot of daylight left. I thought you'd be using as much as you could to torture Tony.
Josh: Funny.
Marah: Did I say "torture"? I meant, teach him your famous Lewis hunting tips. So, did you guys have any luck out there?
Josh: No, not really.
Marah: Well, I guess I didn't miss much, then. All right. Well, I decided that I was going to come by and not stand on the sidelines while you did your little hazing ritual to Tony, or whatever it is.
Josh: Marah, it's just a hunting trip, that's all.
Marah: Right. Well, we'll see what Tony says about that.
Josh: Yeah. Listen, you seem to think that Billy and I had some kind of secret agenda where Tony’s concerned, and there's some truth to that, but the fact is, Tony and I had a nice little chat. We talked about a few things, and that's the whole point of this trip, really, right? And I would like to continue that process, and I think it would be best to do that with just me and Tony, you know, so it's sort of a one-on-one thing.
Marah: Oh, as in, without me here.
Josh: Well, it's not that you're not welcome here. It's just that it's sort of a special time for us, you know? It's a bonding thing. So why don't you leave? I mean, why don't you just, you know, go ahead and hop in the car and head back to town, huh?
Marah: Okay.
Josh: Good. Okay.
Marah: But you know what? I'm going to say hi to Tony first.
Josh: No!
Marah: No?
Josh: No.
Marah: What's going on?
Josh: Nothing is going on.
Marah: Why don't you want me to go in the cabin?
Josh: It's just that... Marah, wait!
Tony: Ow! (groaning in pain)
Marah: What did you guys do to him? What did you do?
Marina: Let Bonham Gorge be your winter fantasy. You're my winter fantasy.
Ben: Would you chill? Your dad is right over there.
Marina: Yeah, I know. So what?
Ben: Yeah, yeah, but he's not exactly, you know, crazy about the idea that we're together.
Marina: All right. The hardest part of this trip was what, finding a place that we could actually afford, and you did that brilliantly with Michelle’s cabin. Now, you let me handle the whole family aspect, okay?
Ben: How?
Marina: Well, they trust me now, so watch. Daddy? Okay, I have a really, really, really, really huge favor to ask you.
Frank: No. What's this? Total ski package here. The closest I've ever come to a ski slope was watching the Olympics.
Marina: Oh. Um, yeah. You see, it's not exactly like it's a family thing, you know? It's more just like a bunch of kids are going.
Frank: What bunch, and what kids?
Marina: Well, okay, every year, Ben’s fraternity plans this whole, like, ski weekend thing.
Frank: Ben. College kids?
Marina: Yeah, well, there are going to be chaperones there.
Frank: Adult chaperones?
Marina: Dad, I thought only adults could be chaperones. Anyway, it's really pretty cool. I mean, like, the whole thing's going to be for charity.
Frank: For charity? Really?
Marina: Yeah. It's like it's... It's like this ski-a-thon thing. You know, people pledge "x" amount of dollars for every run you do.
Frank: Ski-a-thon? Not a bad idea.
Marina: Yeah, it sounded like a good idea to me, too.
Frank: You mentioned Ben’s fraternity is going to be there. So, does that mean that Ben’s going, too?
Marina: Yeah, of course he's going to be there. But it's not like we're going together, you know? It's like we're just going to happen to be there at the same time. Daddy, is this what it's going to be like for the rest of my life? Every time I want to do something, we've got to go through this whole, like, police interrogation kind of thing? I mean, where is the trust?
Frank: The trust, young lady, went out the window when you started faking I.D.’s, going to bars, hanging out with the wrong crowd.
Marina: Yeah. Okay, that's fair, that's fair, that's fair. But haven’t... Haven't I been really good lately? I mean, haven't I proven to you that I have heard your concerns, and I've adjusted my behavior accordingly?
Frank: Yes, you've been much better.
Marina: Okay. So there's no reason to say no.
Frank: I don't know, sweetie. I'm just not getting a good feeling about this.
Marina: You don't get a good feeling about anything unless I’m here washing dishes until my hands crack. It's just not fair. You know, I have more than served my time for all of that junk I did wrong, and now it's like you're punishing me for things I haven't even done yet. Oh, Daddy, please. Please give me a chance to show you there's nothing to worry about. Come on, please. Please? Come on. Come on. We're buddies. Please?
Frank: Okay.
Marina: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you.
Frank: What?
Buzz: I can't believe you. You caved in.
Frank: Well, you heard all that.
Buzz: Yeah, every word of it, but... Do you realize what you just said yes to?
Frank: You're the one who told me to back off, give her some space, give her some room, you know?
Buzz: Yeah, room. But not a room, on a mountain, with him!
Frank: Don't worry about it. You know why? Because we're going, too.
Alexandra: Oh!
Nolan: Excuse me, Ms. Spaulding. There's someone here to see you.
Alexandra: Yes, yes. It's Edmund Winslow. Well, send him in.
Nolan: Well, actually...
Reva: It's me!
Alexandra: Reva. What a surprise.
Reva: Oh. Nice or nasty?
Alexandra: Well, that certainly depends on what you want.
Reva: I have a proposal for you.
Alexandra: Thank you, Nolan.
Nolan: Ladies.
Alexandra: Well, a proposal?
Reva: It's actually an idea I have for a project that I'd like you to work on with me.
Alexandra: Some sort of business deal?
Reva: Actually, it's more of a performance piece. I'd like to do an in-depth report on the Spaulding’s.
Alexandra: For your television show.
Reva: Mm-hmm. I want to dedicate a whole week's worth of shows on the stories about the Spaulding’s that people don't generally get to hear.
Alexandra: In other words, you want dirt.
Edmund: If this woman is harassing you, I can be of some assistance.
Reva: You are the expert on harassment.
Edmund: Temper, temper.
Reva: Do you mind, Edmund? We're in the middle of something.
Alexandra: Well, actually, we're at the end. You've made your offer, I've declined, so what's left?
Edmund: Good-bye?
Reva: I wish you'd reconsider.
Edmund: The lady said she wasn't interested. Are you deaf?
Reva: Sometimes I wish I were, considering the things I’ve had to listen to lately. When I’m done with my piece on the Spaulding’s, I'm going to do a piece on you, Edmund-- the ex- prince who's been reduced to making threatening phone calls. Very classy.
Edmund: Oh, God, this again.
Reva: Still. And now you've added my cell phone number to your rotation. However, it is an unlisted number, but that wouldn't stop you from torturing somebody.
Edmund: Reva, this is ridiculous.
Reva: Denying everything again. Coward. (cell phone rings) You and your phone calls. Hello?
It's going to be your time
You'll get what all murderers
deserve. (dial tone)
Alexandra: Well, your mysterious phone caller?
Edmund: Sounded just like me, didn't it?
Reva: I don't understand this.
Alexandra: Well, it seems quite simple to me that you're accusing Edmund of something he simply didn't do. I mean, I realize he has certain very special talents, but I don't think ventriloquism is among them.
Edmund: No. Not even working on it. What's the matter, Reva? Reality not cooperating with presumption?
Alexandra: Yes. I think she's picked you because you're simply an easy target. But think of all the people, Reva, who want to take pot-shots at you. Oh, I'm sure the list is very long in this town. I mean, all the people you've manipulated, left behind, so Reva Shayne could go ahead to do the next and best thing for her. You know, if you really want to know who your enemies are, I suggest you just thumb through the local phone book. Nolan?
Nolan: Yes, ma'am?
Alexandra: Yes, would you escort Mrs. Lewis out?
Nolan: Right this way.
Reva: I'm going to go ahead with my story.
Alexandra: Well, feel free, if you can, because it must be, you know, quite detrimental working under the conditions of being called a murderer all the time, wouldn't you think?
Michelle: Thanks.
Bill: So you and Danny are finished? I can't believe it.
Michelle: Because you saw us kissing? It was an intense moment. You know how those things go. But the hard, sad truth is, as much as I love Danny, I just realized that things weren't going to be different enough, weren't going to be safe enough.
Bill: For Robbie.
Michelle: For me, too. I couldn't live with that kind of uncertainty anymore. So I ended it.
Bill: Michelle, I ended it with Beth, too.
Michelle: What? Why?
Bill: Just because, you know, we'd taken it as far as it could go, and we both wanted different things. Well, so, here we are, a couple of newly single types.
Michelle: So, are you okay?
Bill: Yeah, I guess. But you know what would really help? How about a little ski weekend, huh? You want to go?
Michelle: Oh, skiing?
Bill: Yeah, skiing with Ben up at your parents' cabin up there. Come on, it'll be great.
Michelle: To go away for the weekend.
Bill: Michelle, don't you think that's maybe what you need right now, a little break from everything? You know, a little day on the slopes, and then at night just sitting in front of the fire, sipping on a little hot chocolate spiked with, you know, whatever. Sound good?
Michelle: It might, sometime. But, you know, right now I don't even know where my head is. I just... I... Until I do, I need to keep things simple.
Bill: Yeah, sure. Of course. I mean, I just thought it might be a little fun, you know, like when we hung out on Mystic Island, right?
Michelle: Things are a little different now, though, aren't they?
Bill: Come on, it's me, Bill. You know? No pressure.
Michelle: No, I appreciate the offer, but I’m going to pass.
Bill: Michelle, don't...
Michelle: You know, I have to get back to work, actually. Thanks for the coffee.
Bill: Nice work, Lewis. Nice work.
Billy: We reset the bow, so we know it wasn't that.
Marah: What do you mean, you reset the bow?
Josh: Nothing, it's no big deal. I just... I set the tension on the bow a little high. It's a joke. It's like a practical joke that hunters play.
Marah: A joke? A really funny joke, because he could have been killed. I hope you guys are proud of yourselves. Give me that. Can you move it?
Tony: No, not a whole lot. Marah, look, it wasn't their fault, okay? I was into this hunting thing for real. And then, you know, look, your dad and I, we had a really nice talk, and then afterwards, I was, you, what the hell, let's go see if there's any deer out there.
Josh: Yeah. He's actually been a very good sport. And he's right, we did. We had a nice talk.
Marah: Well, I'm glad. But right now you need to go down the hill to see if you can get service, and call Rick Bauer and tell him that I'm going to bring Tony to go see him as soon as I get back.
Josh: Okay, all right. We'll do that. Billy and I will go together.
Billy: His shoulder's back in place.
Josh: Besides, the deer hunting thing is kind of done, and we'll just meet you back in the... Are you going to be okay?
Tony: Oh, I don't know. I feel kind of week.
Billy and Josh: Aw.
Billy: That's so sad.
Marah: Oh, men.
Josh: We're out of here. You keep your hands off my daughter now.
Tony: So now what?
Marah: Well, what do you think? Take your shirt off.
Alexandra: The nerve of that woman coming in here and threatening to, you know, do an expose on my... Invade my family's privacy, like it or not.
Edmund: Reva might not pose the threat you imagine she does.
Alexandra: Really? And why is that, Edmund?
Edmund: Well, I think you've hit on it yourself earlier.
Alexandra: What, those mysterious phone calls that you are not making?
Edmund: No, they're not coming from me.
Alexandra: Well, those are two different things, aren't they?
Edmund: Well, regardless of their origin, if those calls stop, Reva will be free to focus all of her time and energy on you and your family. I can help, perhaps, maintain the status quo.
Alexandra: And you would do that because...
Edmund: Well, because I’m a gentleman.
Alexandra: (laughs)
Edmund: And I get the sense that there's something you don't want Reva to discover and broadcast to the world.
Alexandra: And what would make you say that?
Edmund: The expression on your face when I just said that. You insist your mission in Springfield is to get the Spaulding’s back on track. But there's nothing shameful or worth hiding about that, so all of this is happening on another level, and it's information on that level you don't want to be discovered.
Alexandra: You would be able to, what, maintain the status quo?
Edmund: Alexandra, I can do anything-- for a price. A seat on the Spaulding board of directors.
Alexandra: Well, I'll think about it.
Edmund: Good, but don't think too long, because Reva's the kind of person who gets results even with distractions, so the key here is to make her problems more compelling than her project. So, the sooner the better.
Ben: Marina told me you were letting her go on the ski trip, and I just wanted to say thank you.
Frank: Yeah, well, I hope I don't regret it.
Ben: You won’t. You won’t. Trust me. I know what you expect of me.
Frank: I'm putting my trust in the chaperones.
Ben: Chaperones? Oh, yeah. Yeah, well, they'll be right there, doing the whole chaperone thing.
Frank: Good. I happen to believe that it's not a bad idea, the ski-a-thon, and it's for a good cause, so... Exactly what charity is that money going toward?
Ben: The Challenged Youth of Tomorrow Fund. But thank you. Thanks again.
Frank: Yeah, you got it.
Ben: Ski-a-thon. Great cover, Marina.
Frank: Come here. You see? That's exactly why we're going to go to the mountain. Chaperones or not, I don't trust that guy. He's too shifty.
Buzz: No, no, no, no. I'm staying here.
Frank: No, you're not. Where's your sense of adventure? Come on, Pop.
Buzz: No. I'm the grandfather, Frank. I get to play straight with my granddaughter. You're the father. You can play games with her, you can spy on her, but you're going to do it alone.
Frank: Okay. I will.
Marina: Uh, Michelle? Hey.
Michelle: Hey, Marina. What are you doing here?
Marina: Well, first of all, I just wanted to come and say it was really cool of you to let Ben and I use your family ski cabin.
Michelle: Oh, you're going with him.
Marina: Well, you know, I like skiing.
Michelle: Mm-hmm. And you like Ben.
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, that's actually kind of the other reason that I came here.
Michelle: What's that?
Marina: Well, you see, the point of this weekend is to have fun, you know, and I just want to make sure that I am prepared for it.
Michelle: You mean, like goggles, sunscreen, that kind of thing.
Marina: No. You know what I mean, right?
Michelle: No, I really don’t.
Marina: You could help me out with some birth control pills.
Michelle: Um, birth control pills?
Marina: Yeah. I'm being responsible.
Michelle: Well, you've come to the wrong person.
Marina: Okay. So, what? So I’m, like, going away for the weekend with a guy I really, really like, and you don't think I should protect myself?
Michelle: No, no, that's not what I meant. I'm not a doctor. I couldn't prescribe birth control pills to you even if I wanted to. Why don't you go to your gynecologist?
Marina: I don't have one.
Michelle: Well, you should, especially if you plan to be sexually active. I mean, you should, even if you don’t.
Marina: Okay, there's just no time, though. Okay, I'm going away this weekend, and it's like... Okay, I know that I could use condoms, but the pill is just... It's so much easier, you know. It's so much less hassle, especially for the guy.
Michelle: And you know this from personal experience?
Marina: Yeah, well... Yeah, you know.
Michelle: Marina, you've never had a prescription for birth control pills, have you? See, it's not that simple. They don't take effect the minute that you swallow them. And plus, they don't protect against STD's.
Marina: Sexually transmitted diseases.
Michelle: Right. A condom is the best thing to prevent against those, second only to...
Marina: Yeah, abstinence. Yeah, yeah, I know I’ve attended a high school health class.
Michelle: It's just that it's nothing... Sex is nothing to be casual about. Look, once you sleep with someone, you're sleeping...
Marina: ...You're sleeping with everyone they've ever slept with. Yes, I know, I know.
Michelle: I mean, do you really like Ben this much?
Marina: Yes.
Michelle: Are you sure you're ready to take this next step?
Marina: Yes. Yes, yes. I do, I do.
Michelle: All right, then let me get you a list of gynecologists, okay? And just call one and make an appointment. Because if you want to protect yourself, you've got to be responsible. That's how to make a start, okay?
Marina: Yeah, okay.
Billy: Hey, Buzz, can I have a cup of coffee?
Buzz: You got it.
Bill: Dad.
Billy: Hey. Son, you look like you've had better days.
Bill: Hey, Dad, I thought you and Josh took Tony Santos hunting.
Billy: Did you hear that on the news?
Bill: No, Marah told me. In fact, she said she was going to go up there, try to find you guys. Did she?
Billy: Yeah, thanks. Yeah, she found us, and she gave us hell because Tony hurt his shoulder accidentally. I tell you, only the deer had fun on this trip. What's your excuse?
Bill: Michelle. I think I blew it with her.
Billy: What? Wait a minute. You just went over there on New Year's Eve and you played the hero, right?
Bill: Yeah, well, it's all gone downhill ever since.
Billy: Wow, things change fast around here. Well, Beth's still in the picture, though, right?
Bill: Actually, no, that's... That's over.
Billy: (stammers) Because of you and Michelle?
Bill: No, Dad. I didn't end it with Beth so something could happen with Michelle. That's not what happened.
Billy: Okay, all right, I was just asking. What happened?
Bill: I don't know. Fate, timing...
Billy: Phases of the moon, huh? Son, I can see you're hurting. Anything I can do?
Bill: No. No, thanks.
Billy: Okay.
Bill: Well, Dad...
Billy: Yeah?
Bill: Did you ever push too hard, too soon with someone?
Billy: Yeah, yeah, I think I did that a couple of times in my life.
Bill: Then you already know how it ends up, with everything wrecked.
Marah: You know what men are? They're little boys who can't stop pushing at each other to prove who's stronger, or who's right, or who's cool enough to let in the club with all the other little boys. Oh, this is funny to you.
Tony: Oh, I just think that there's this one little girl who chased all little boys away.
Marah: Ha ha.
Tony: (laughs) Marah, it was an accident, I swear.
Marah: I can't believe you're taking their side.
Tony: Well, your dad's on my side-- at least more than he used to be.
Marah: So you think that talk that you had with him really changed his mind?
Tony: I think so. It was just like, for the first time, he really listened to me when told him how I felt about you, which makes this trip a success.
Marah: So you think he can trust you now?
Tony: Maybe not 100%, not yet. It's all good, you know? I told them I'm going to do good by you, and I will, every day. And after a while, he's going to see that I am the real, real deal. Ow. Meanwhile, I think... I think we're in pretty good shape, you know?
Marah: Yeah, except for your shoulder.
Tony: It feels a little better.
Marah: Good.
Tony: What are you thinking, huh?
Marah: That the first thing I want to do when we get back to town is take you to go see Rick Bauer.
Tony: And afterwards?
Marah: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Reva: Oh.
Josh: Hi, there. Listen, I want to say this up front, all right? Marah is going to try to convince you that I was acting like a redneck jerk around Tony, all right? Now, that's not entirely true. The thing is, Tony and I talked about some things. Are you... Are you okay? Are you listening to me?
Reva: He called again.
Josh: We'll change the number.
Reva: (stammers) There's more to it. It's... It's not Edmund.
Josh: You sure about that?
Reva: Well, yeah, because I was standing right next to him when I got the last call.
Josh: Okay, then, we're back to square one.
Reva: Maybe not. I've been doing a lot of thinking about who would do something like this besides Edmund.
Josh: Anybody come to mind?
Reva: Who hates me, hates us enough that they would do something like this? Someone who can't stand the idea of us being happy. Who would stop at nothing to destroy our lives, no matter how sick or desperate?
Josh: You're talking about Annie Dutton, aren't you?
Reva: Just tell me I'm wrong. Just tell me that this isn't starting all over again.