Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/7/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
(Sorry, the end is cut off)
Reva: All right, I've performed my wifely duties. I've stocked the pantry with all kinds of hearty rib-sticking food so that when my man comes in from the woods all tired and eat.
Josh: Well, I can think of a lot of wifely duties that I would like to see you perform.
Reva: (Laughs) Good. Then call Billy and Tony and cancel so that we can spend the day in front of this beautiful roaring fire.
Josh: What, and miss the opportunity to teach Tony the fine art of hunting? Where would my manners be?
Reva: Joshua.
Josh: Yes?
Reva: No tricks out there today, please. Promise me.
Josh: Hey, hey, today is just about welcoming Marah's boyfriend into the inner circle of the Lewis family. That's it, all that entails.
Reva: He's trying to change.
Josh: Yeah, I know that, Reva. It's just that trouble follows Tony wherever he goes. I know that, you know that. The only person that won't accept it is Marah.
Reva: Well, that's because she loves him. And she sees the possibilities in him. And, frankly, I'm beginning to, too, so, no tricks out there, please. I don't want anyone getting hurt.
Josh: So I can't gut him and hang him over a tree? (Laughter)
Reva: I don't know whether I like this new, unpredictable you.
Billy: Hey!
Josh: Oh, well, there you go, there's my backup.
Billy: Hey!
Reva: Great.
Billy: Hey.
Reva: Hi, Billy.
Billy: I got that extra equipment you asked for. We are good to go.
Marah: Tony, once my dad takes you up to the cabin, he's going to make you do things.
Tony: Ooh, what things?
Marah: Some things to test your mettle, your survival skills. His favorite little trick is the three-match fire drill.
Tony: Oh, so he's going to make me light a fire?
Marah: Using only three matches.
Tony: It only takes one, Marah.
Marah: No, not when it's windy and when there's snow on the ground. Seriously, you have to look under deadfalls for tinder. And if you see, like, the wet leaves on the ground with the mold on them, look underneath them because there will be twigs underneath them that are dry.
Tony: Okay. You know what, Marah? You need to chill. I might not have ever been a... A boy scout, but I come prepared. (Reporters clamoring)
Marah: There must be some kind of press conference going on?
Tony: Yeah, it's the Springfield PD medal ceremony for Gus Aitoro and Harley Cooper to reward them for taking down my Aunt Carmen.
Marah: Are you okay with this? (clamor in background)
Photographer: We'll just take a few more pictures.
Gus: Coop, listen to me. My dad was no dirty cop. He wasn't on the take. And I don't care what Carmen Santos or my sister or anybody else says, my father lived like a hero, he was a hero, and he died the same way.
Harley: Okay. I didn't want to believe it either. That's why I didn't tell you when I went to see Baker, because I was sure Carmen and your sister were lying.
Gus: Well, they have to be. You know, I only believed in one thing in my whole life, and that's my dad. And no one's taking that away from me, especially not my little sister.
Olivia: I have tried getting through to him. It's like putting my fist through a wall, even when I tell the truth! What you and I felt for each other is over, and it certainly wasn't love.
Phillip: We... We did feel something for each other. Because I don't... I don't... I don't want you thinking that I was just playing a game, that I was using you.
Olivia: I don't want you to think that either.
Phillip: I don't.
Olivia: All I'm saying is that he is completely out of control. He's completely unreasonable.
Phillip: So what's new?
Olivia: He wants to punish you.
Phillip: Olivia, don't worry about me. I'll be okay. I've been looking out for myself my whole life. You worry about you, all right? Don't make him any more jealous than he already is by defending me. It would be a big mistake right now.
Olivia: Well, I think that's a little too late.
Alan: I... I can't breathe.
Alexandra: Oh, Alan, enough of the faking. I mean, you've been to that well far too many times, darling.
Alan: Help me, please, Alexandra.
Alexandra: (laughs) Well, how should I do that? First, I should what, shriek so Olivia and Phillip can come dashing in here again, call 911, and have you dashed off to the hospital, where your doctor is going to say... Swear up and down that you had another heart attack?
Alan: Please, Alex!
Alexandra: Honestly, you are a very bright man. Can't you think of a better way to keep your young wife faithful? I mean, these histrionics, Alan, are really undignified.
Alan: Olivia!
Olivia: Alan.
Phillip: Oh, my God, Dad.
Olivia: Oh, God, he had another heart attack. How can you just stand there like that?
Phillip: Call 911.
Alexandra: No, that won't be necessary.
Phillip: What are you doing?
Alexandra: Oh, Alan, are you going to tell them or shall I?
Alan: Olivia, don't listen to her.
Olivia: Shh, don't speak. Save your strength.
Alexandra: Alan, you do the right thing or I will.
Olivia: What are you talking about? What kind of monster are you? He could die!
Alexandra: You tell them.
Phillip: Oh, the hell with this.
Alexandra: Alan, do it. Do it before you embarrass yourself any further.
Alexandra: Phillip... Phillip... Call, I'm not faking this time. I'm not. I'm not faking.
Olivia: (shrieking)
Phillip: Uh, yeah, I'm calling from the Spaulding estate. I think my father just had a heart attack. (Alan breathing erratically)
Billy: Here, listen to this, little brother. Whoa, so silent Tony won't even hear it. I mean, the deer won't hear you staging it up.
Reva: Ha, ha, ha. One more crack like that and I am staying.
Josh: Well, that's fine by me. I like the idea of the little woman sitting there by the fire, you know, waiting for the hunters to come home. That's good.
Reva: I won't be doing any waiting. Oh, no. I'll be out there in the woods with my own big ole rifle, protecting Tony.
Josh: Well, hey, that's fine by me, too. That way that crank caller won't be able to get in touch with you.
Billy: Crank caller?
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: Just someone who doesn't think I should have been let out of jail.
Josh: Someone's been calling the house and calling her a murderer.
Reva: It's nothing, really.
Josh: We think it might be Edmund.
Billy: That sounds about like Edmund's MO.
Josh: Yeah, well, I had a caller I.D. box installed at the house. Maybe that'll put a stop to it.
Reva: Right now I'm more concerned about Tony surviving the woods than I am about some crank caller.
Billy: Well, darling, you don't need to worry about anything then, because Marah has made it loud and clear that she's in love with this boy, and that means that we wouldn't harm a hair on his slicked down head, now would we?
Josh: No, no, no, no. Of course, not.
Chief: Now, why don't we hold the questions for a little bit. A couple of pictures of all of us? Group shot. (Reporters clamoring)
Tony: Let's get out of here, come on.
Marah: So, it does bother you?
Tony: Well, not because what happened to Carmen. More because it's like they're celebrating the end of my family. And maybe my family wasn't much to be proud of, but it was mine.
Marah: Tony, you have a lot to be proud of, starting with the way you've handled things lately and the changes you're making. All right, come on, let's go.
Eden: Tony, can I have a word with you?
Tony: About what?
Eden: I just wanted to make sure you were all right.
Tony: Why wouldn't I be all right?
Marah: Yeah, why wouldn't he be all right?
Gus: Eden?
Tony: Well, it looks like your brother's about as happy with you as I am.
Gus: Oh, Eden. Now you're going around town telling everybody that our father was a dirty cop?
Eden: What, you... You told him this after I worked so hard to protect him? And you think I'm selfish?
Gus: No, look at me. It's one thing going around spreading lies and rumors that I abused you as a child. I can handle that. But I cannot handle you lying about our father. What is wrong...
Harley: You know what? Don't do this here.
Gus: What are you thinking? What is the matter with you? What actually possesses you to go around and say such hateful things about your father?
Eden: Look, Harley is right. This is not the place to talk...
Gus: Answer me! Answer me.
Eden: Nicky, anything I have ever done or said is because I love you.
Gus: Really? And is that why you tried to help Carmen Santos escape from prison?
Eden: I can explain that.
Gus: You know what I'm starting to think? That all along, the real enemy of this family is not the Santos family. It's you. Am I wrong?
Eden: No, you're right. Everything I've said is a lie. Everything that Rico Santos said about our father is a lie.
Gus: It doesn't matter what... I don't believe anything that you say, you know, in either direction anymore, Eden. (Buzz and Frank talking)
Frank: Hey, guys.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Hi, Frank.
Frank: Is everything okay here?
Harley: Oh, it's fine.
Buzz: Are you sure?
Chief: Aitoro, Cooper, you're looking sharp. Buzz, Frank.
Frank: Hey, Chief.
Buzz: Hey, Chief.
Chief: You must be Gus' sister. Good to meet you.
Eden: Nice to meet you.
Chief: Thank you. Why don't we go on over to the staircase and take a couple of photos for the afternoon pictures, huh?
Gus: Sure.
Chief: Folks over here. Come on, everyone get together. Yeah, that's it, just like that. Huh, how about that? Good, let's take one of me and Detective Aitoro alone. Would you mind? Thank you. You look great. Cooper, come on up here and join us. There you go. Eden? Come over here and stand next to your brother. Did you bring your dad's medals?
Eden: Uh, yeah, I did.
Chief: Why don't you hold them on up there? There you go, let everyone see it. Squeeze in, everyone smile, one more. There you go. Okay, that should do it.
Gus: Thank you.
Chief: All right, if everyone's here, we can begin. Huh? Gus, why don't you stay up here with me? We'll start with you first. Frank... Frank, can I have that case? Thank you.
Frank: You're welcome.
Chief: Well, Detective Gus Aitoro, this is one of my happiest duties as chief of police-- to officially commend and salute one of my detectives for his bravery and dedication to his job. And when that detective is a second-generation police officer, and his actions put an end to an organized crime syndicate in our fair city, and does justice to his father's heroic memory in the process, Gus, not only do you do yourself proud, you do the entire department proud.
Gus: Thank you. Thanks.
Josh: Tony, hey, come on in!
Tony: Hey, Mr. Lewis.
Josh: Glad you made it. How are you?
Tony: Glad to be here.
Josh: Good to see you. Welcome.
Tony: Really, how are you? Hey, sorry I'm late.
Josh: That's okay.
Tony: It sure is peaceful up here, I have to say.
Jeff: Well, that's the way we like it.
Billy: Yeah, not another soul around for miles and miles. You ever done any hunting, Tony?
Tony: I can't say that I have.
Billy: You never even hunted any rats or squirrels back there in Chicago?
Tony: Never had the pleasure.
Billy: Well, son, then you're in for some fun today. It's going to be a day you'll remember for the rest of your life. A little male bonding, a little blood and guts, Tony.
Tony: Okay.
Josh: I can guarantee you that by the end of the day today, the three of us are going to know each other a whole lot better, Tony. Come on in.
Tony: All right.
Josh: Let the fun begin.
'(Alan moaning)
Phillip: The ambulance is on the way.
Alan: Good, good.
Olivia: There's some aspirin in the drawer. You're going to be all right.
Alan: I'm not faking this time, Olivia, I swear.
Olivia: Stop it, would you stop it? Here, take these crazy ideas like that. Only somebody who's totally warped could come up with something like that.
Phillip: Why would you say that he's pretending?
Alexandra: Alan, why would I say such a thing?
Alan: Because you want me to die.
Phillip: Tell me the truth. Damn it, you tell me the truth right now or I'll cancel the ambulance.
Olivia: What?
Phillip: You just said, "I'm not faking this time." Were you faking last time? Did you, the heart attack?
Alan: Don't listen. Don't...
Phillip: No, the heart attacks that you've had before...
Alan: Don't listen to him, Olivia.
Phillip: ...Were they real?
Alan: Don't listen to him.
Olivia: Just tell him. Of course, they were real. Tell him, just tell him.
Phillip: Damn it! You tell me the truth.
Olivia: Just tell him!
Phillip: Or no ambulance.
Olivia: Tell him you wouldn't do something like that, that you wouldn't put us through that kind of hell! Tell him, Alan!
Alan: Please don't be angry with me. I love you. I need you, Olivia. Please don't, please don't. (moaning)
Olivia: You knew about this?
Alexandra: Oh, oh, my God. Oh, my God, Alan's not faking. He's really having a heart attack! No, no.
EMT #1: What happened?
Alexandra: My brother, he clutched his chest, said he couldn't breathe. All right, all right, Phillip, they're going to take him to the hospital. He'll be fine.
Alan: Olivia has to go with me. Come with me.
EMT #1: Okay, fine, let's get him...
Alexandra: All right, I'll go with you, Alan.
Alan: No, no, no. Olivia, Olivia, please. Please come with me. Please, Olivia.
Olivia: No. You're in good hands. I'll be along later.
Alexandra: Don't worry, I'll be with you, Alan.
Alan: No, no, no, not you, Alexandra.
Alexandra: I'm afraid you're going to have to just take what you can get, you know.
Alan: Olivia, please.
Alexandra: You've cried wolf so many times. All right, be careful.
Phillip: Alex, have a doctor call me when you get to the hospital. And Alex? You have some explaining to do.
Alexandra: Yeah.
Olivia: Every word out of his mouth for months has been a lie. He's played us for fools, Phillip.
Phillip: And we both know why.
Olivia: So, how do you think he did this? Did he... Did he plan this in advance, or did he just see us in the bedroom and have a spontaneous reaction?
Phillip: A little of both, probably. Part inspiration, part machination. And you know what? Given what we did to him, I would almost say we deserved it. Only difference is that our charade lasted a few minutes. His lasted for months.
Olivia: He purposely tried to make me feel guilty.
Phillip: Both of us, yeah. Heaped it on us.
Olivia: Yes, he heaped it on and he used that to get a commitment out of me! Because he knew otherwise I might not marry him! I twisted myself inside out to please him!
Phillip: Yes, you did. Nobody ever accused him of being stupid.
Olivia: You think Alexandra helped him plan this?
Phillip: Uh, my guess would be no. I don't think there was time for that. No, no. He never would have shared that secret with her.
Olivia: Well, he did.
Phillip: Willingly, no, I don't think so. No, I think she genuinely came back to town out of concern for him, as genuine as she can possibly be. And then I think somehow she found out that he had faked the heart attack, and then she used it...
Olivia: ...Used that information to blackmail him.
Phillip: Right, to get his power of attorney and take the company.
Olivia: Oh, I can't believe he would stoop so low.
Phillip: You can't?
Olivia: Well, you know something, your father and your dear Auntie Alex teamed up against the wrong woman because I guarantee you, I am not going to take this lying down.
Reva: (kiss sound) Well, they're all stocked with all kinds of good food, our men folk up there.
Marah: Did you see Tony up there?
Reva: Uh, he hadn't arrived yet. But out of all the things that could happen and go wrong up there, the lack of food is not going to be one of them.
Marah: Yeah, well, if they have enough matches to light the stove. But you know what? I'm not going to worry about that or anything else that's out of my control.
Reva: Well, that's very grownup of you.
Marah: Yeah, I'm just trying to stay sane.
Reva: (laughs)
Marah: You know, Tony could rescue dad and Uncle Billy from a grizzly bear up there, and dad would still find a reason not to like him.
Reva: Your father doesn't have to make up a reason, Marah. He has several valid ones.
Marah: From the past.
Reva: From the recent past.
Marah: Okay, fine. But Tony is doing an incredible job of putting all that behind him, and he's finally out of the family business, and he's starting a new, very positive chapter in his life.
Reva: With you. Things are serious between the two of you?
Marah: Yeah, they are. And if you and dad have a problem with that, well, I hope you don't. And I really hope that you can one last time give Tony the benefit of the doubt. I know it's a lot to ask, I know, but I'm asking it.
Reva: Oh, honey, I don't have a problem with it, and I hope your father doesn't, but I can't make you any promises.
Marah: That's fair enough. But just so that we understand each other, I love you, and I really respect your opinion. But I am not asking for your permission anymore, or your blessing, though I would love to have it.
Reva: Whoa, well, hmm. This could all be moot anyway, because Tony may be dead by this afternoon.
Marah: Mom, don't even joke like that. It's not funny, really. I am worried about how dad and Billy might torture Tony up there. And you know what? If they do, I am going to let them have it.
Josh: Thermos.
Billy: Thermos.
Josh: First aid kit.
Billy: First... Hope we're not going to need this so nothing here stops a bullet wound. Just kidding, Tony. ( Laughter)
Tony: So, hey, don't forget about the matches for the three- match fire drill.
Josh: Check out the big brain on Tony. I think, you know, I think Marah prepared him before he got here.
Billy: (Imitating John Wayne): There'll be no fires out there, today, pilgrim. (laughter)
Tony: So, what is it we're hunting, huh, deer? I mean, isn't the season over?
Josh: You know, I have to say I appreciate a man who prepares himself before he steps into the fray. No, deer hunting season should be over, but it's not yet. They extended it.
Billy: Yeah, see, that's it.
Josh: Because they got to reduce the deer population, you know. Otherwise, they just starve to death.
Billy: That's the law of the wild, son.
Josh: That's right.
Billy: Now, where's your jacket, out in the car?
Tony: No, I was going to wear this. (laughter)
Billy: Come on, you're going to ruin it, or you'll freeze to death. Those fancy schmancy shoes got to go, too.
Josh: That's all right. You know, you don't have to worry about that. I thought about this already. I figured you wouldn't have the right clothes, so... I went out and bought you some stuff. Brand-spanking new, just for you.
Tony: Thanks, Josh. That's... That's really nice of you.
Josh: I don't want you to freeze to death out there, or worse. So, here, go ahead, why don't you try on... Let's see. Here, try on that piece right there, there you go. Now, this is... This is top of the line stuff, you know. This is comfortable, it's insulated, it's reversible for the camouflage thing, it's nice. Go ahead.
Tony: Yeah, it's great.
Josh: Yeah, give a try, go.
Billy: Yeah, here, let's just see how it fits on you. Give me your arm, let's go, good.
Josh: Look very nice.
Tony: I mean, are you guys going to wear this stuff or what?
Josh: Absolutely.
Billy: Yeah.
Josh: Well, it's almost the same. Our stuff is just a little bit older, that's all. But the principle is the same.
Tony: I mean, are you sure that I have to wear this?
Josh: Yeah, the orange is absolutely necessary, you know, because that's a safety issue.
Billy: Yeah, might mistake you for a deer and shoot you accidental.
Josh: Wouldn't want that to happen. What would I tell Marah?
Billy: Really.
Tony: Yeah, that'd be tough.
Josh: It would be. It would be painful as well. Here, let's get this on.
Billy: And besides, you see Tony, now...
Josh: That's nice.
Billy: ...You're not in a nightclub in Chicago. You're out here in the wilderness.
Josh: That's right. You're on our turf now.
Billy: Mother nature rules.
Josh: Yeah. Only the most fit survive, the best prepared survive.
Billy: Yep, all the rest get squashed like bugs or... Oh, my God! They fall into a bear trap, there goes my leg again.
Tony: Oh, boy, all right. So, what firepower are we using? I mean, I am licensed, you know.
Josh: Oh, you mean guns. No, we're not using guns. We were just joking about that before. No, gun season's over.
Billy: That wouldn't even be fair to the deer. Heck, it'd be no... (stammers) You'd pick them off like nothing.
Josh: That's right.
Tony: No guns, huh?
Josh: No.
Tony: Let me guess. You want me to... You want me to run up to the deer, leap on its back, and strangle it with my bare hands, right?
Josh: That's a funny idea. In fact, we might think about that for next season, what do you say?
Billy: I kind of like it, pro wrestling with critters. It's fun.
Josh: No, no, no. Our method of annihilation is much, much more sophisticated that that, Tony. Say hello to your very own Sweeney screamer.
Frank: Why don't... Why don't we all head over to the dining room and get some lunch?
Harley: You know what? Why don't you guys go ahead first and get us the best seats?
Frank: Okay.
Harley: We'll be right in, okay?
Gus: Eden. Do you know that it offends me that you listened to what Carmen Santos and Federico Santos have to say and you repeat it around town as if it's the actual truth?
Eden: Yes.
Gus: And not only does it offend me, but I feel like it insults the memory of our father.
Eden: Well, that's why I didn't say anything. She did.
Gus: Right. So now you want to insult her. That also offends me. Everything you do offends me.
Eden: Oh, really? Well, what do you want me to say, huh? Why don't you just tell me and I'll say it?
Gus: I just want the truth! Okay, I just want the truth. Do you actually... Do you actually believe in your head that what Federico Santos said is the truth? You actually believe, actually believe in your heart that our father was a dirty cop? What is that, yes, why?
Eden: You remember when I was a kid and dad used to pick me up from school and take me on errands? Well, you know what? We didn't always go to the market and get milk and eggs. He took me to smoky bars and basements and sometimes, like, abandoned warehouses and parking lots out in the middle of nowhere. And he would meet up with some guy, and they would exchange words, and then they would exchange an envelope. And you know who that guy usually was? Federico Santos. But I was a kid. I... I didn't know what was going on. Until that night on the roof.
Harley: Okay, well, what did he say to you? What did Federico say to you?
Eden: He put all the pieces together, so that I couldn't deny it anymore. And then he threatened to tell everyone about our dad and that he wouldn't be a hero anymore. And that would destroy you. I couldn't let him do that to you.
Gus: So, what you're saying, you pushed Federico Santos off the roof because you didn't want me knowing all that stuff. So, here I am all this time thinking that I am protecting you, and it's actually the other way around.
Eden: After dad was killed, you worshipped him. How could I let him take that away from you?
Gus: Well, after dad died, who was left to worship? No one.
Eden: Wrong. I had you.
Gus: (sighs) All right. Listen, do me a favor, all right, just go into that luncheon and tell something. Cover my back, you know, because I don't want to deal with anybody right now, okay?
Reva: Yes, I do, and it's... They're great, sweetheart. So, more to the point. Things are going good between you and Tony?
Marah: Yes, they're wonderful, awesome, perfect.
Reva: Has he lost his temper?
Marah: No. That was a one-time thing. And we've discussed it and worked through it, and nothing like that is ever going to happen again. (cell phone rings)
Reva: Excuse me. Hello? Shayne, hi, sweetheart. What? Huh? How much? No, that's fine. Just go ahead and put it on the credit card. But nothing else, no CDs, no DVDs, nothing else that includes the letter, "d," okay? (laughs) Of course. I know you love me. I'm buying you something. I love you, too. See ya. Software for his computer.
Marah: Boy, you guys sure are buying a lot of gadgets lately. You and dad are practically in this century now. I saw that you got a caller I.D. box at home. I asked dad to buy one, like, a year ago, and he gave me a flat out no. What changed his mind?
Reva: I've been getting weird calls about the whole Richard thing.
Marah: What do you mean, like someone's harassing you? Mom, that's so wrong. The governor reviewed your case and the D.A. reversed it. That should be the end of it.
Reva: Just relax, honey. It's... It's fine, it really is. Your dad installed the caller I.D. and now the calls will stop. He's doing what he always does. He's taking good care of me.
Josh: Now, this here is one of the finest bows on the market. It is deadly accurate. Nice cam pulleys on it. Nice broad head. Let-off is at 65%.
Tony: Let-off?
Josh: Yeah, well, that's for easier pull at midpoint.
Tony: Right.
Josh: Yeah.
Billy: Look, Josh, this cowpoke don't have any idea what you're talking about. Son, this here has pulleys and mechanical advantage so that you can draw back full pull and hold it and draw a bead on your prey.
Tony: Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, all right, I got it.
Billy: As a matter of fact, it's pretty easy. You could probably hold it like that all day and not even be affected.
Josh: You want to give it a try?
Tony: Okay.
Josh: Go ahead, take a hold of it. I adjusted it before you got here so it might be a little easy for you. If it is, we could just ratchet it down a little bit for you.
Tony: Like this?
Josh: Yeah, yeah, go ahead, just pull it back. Let me know if it's too easy for you.
Tony: No, that feels kind of good, actually. Yeah. So, what do you want me to do, just let it go.
Billy: No, no, no, just ease back, ease back. Go ahead, ease it back. Why... Why don't you try that again? (Whispering) I thought you said you pulled it...
Josh: I did.
Billy: Well, you maybe went the wrong way.
Josh: No, I didn't go the wrong way. He's a strong kid. Hey, give me that for a minute. Let me make an adjustment here, all right. Easy, easy, easy. Let me take it just for a minute here. Yeah, here we go, here we go. Okay. One more. All right, there you go, try that. Go ahead and pull it back. Go ahead.
Tony: All right.
Josh: Yeah. Now, see, that wasn't as easy for you, was it?
Tony: No, it felt the same, Josh. Yeah, I like this. Makes me feel like Davy Crockett. Are we done? Let's go, let's get out of here. Let's go hunting.
Josh: Yeah, I don't... I guess we are. Are we forgetting...
Billy: Oh, oh, we are forgetting one thing. Hold on a second. It's out here. Just for you. Use it today and when you're through, you can take it home as a souvenir. From me to you.
Tony: What is it?
Billy: Just blow in it. Blow in it nice and easy. Go ahead, just...
Tony: Blow in this?
Billy: Give it a try. It won't hurt you. (sound of a deer mating call) You're excused. (laughter)
Tony: That's cute, Billy.
Billy: This is a deer mating call.
Tony: And you want me to blow that once we get out in the woods?
Josh: Loud. Loud and for as long as you possibly can.
Tony: So some buck will leap on me and skewer me like a shish kabob? No, thanks. Look, are we done here, or do you still have some more humiliation you want to heap on me?
Josh: Humiliation?
Tony: Yeah, sure, I mean, come on. I mean, what is this? Let's get real. The... the... the hat for crying out loud. The whole getup, the bow trick, the deer booty call? This ain't... This ain't about bonding or Marah or any of that stuff. It's about you two having some redneck fun at my expense. Am I right?
Gus: Somebody certainly left in a hurry.
Harley: He sure didn't leave much behind, did he?
Gus: You know, Coop, the only reason somebody leaves this quickly is if they're dirty. And if he's dirty...
Harley: Gus.
Gus: ...Then my father's dirty. Everything in my life then is a lie, then.
Harley: No, listen to me.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: No, that's not true.
Gus: Did I just spend my entire life trying to get justice for a man that didn't deserve it? Somebody who's more crooked than the people... The people that I put away? Who is this guy? My father. Who am I? Who am I?
Harley: You're the same person you always were.
Gus: No.
Harley: Yes.
Gus: No.
Harley: Yes, yes. You are a good, true, honorable man. You are. Whatever your father did or didn't do, whatever happened all those years ago on that roof, it doesn't change anything.
Gus: I don't know how you can stand there and say that. How can you say that? My father... My father.
Harley: Your father was still your father. And, okay, he had some flaws, but he had some good qualities, too. And he loved you like crazy. Otherwise you wouldn't be as wonderful as you are. And you wouldn't have loved him. Listen to me. All that other stuff-- listen to me-- you got to let it go. You got to let it go.
Gus: I can't.
Harley: It doesn't matter anymore.
Gus: I can't.
Harley: Yes, you can.
Gus: Yeah, it matters to me! All right? It matters to me.
Josh: "Redneck"? Did he just use the word "redneck"?
Billy: You know, when you use it disparagingly like that, I could take offense.
Tony: Aw.
Josh: "Redneck" happens to be a decent, traditional way of life for many people, Tony.
Tony: Oh, then how come you're making fun of it, huh? Look, you two want to go ahead and play games? Bring it on. Ain't no skin off my nose. In fact, I got a new idea for next time. Yeah, I'll bring you two unarmed to the south side of Chi-town. I'll sic a couple of gang members on you, see how it works out. Sound like fun, does it? Hmm?
Josh: Is that your turf, Tony? Hmm? Is that what this is? And you wonder why I'm worried about Marah?
Tony: No, Mr. Lewis, I know why you're worried about Marah. Hey, that's why I'm trying my damnedest to convince you how much I care about her, including showing up here today, which I knew from the start was a setup.
Billy: Then why did you come, Tony?
Tony: Because I love Marah! And if being the brunt of your jokes for a day will convince you of that, then go ahead, bring it on. You know what? I was willing to spend the rest of my life in prison for your daughter. So if you think a little fun and games in the woods is going to turn me off.
Josh: I know you love Marah, and I know she loves you, and that scares the daylights out of me because your history together has not exactly been peaceful, Tony.
Tony: Well...
Josh: Let me finish! I'm not saying it's your fault, everything's that happened. Some of it is Marah's fault. But I want to be very clear here. I want to be very honest here. Tony, I remember what you did and what you almost did to my daughter not too long ago. Do you deny it?
Tony: No. That was the worst mistake I've ever made in my life.
Josh: You sure about that? You've made a lot. You're right, you're right. One of the reasons we brought you up here was to have a little fun with you, that's true. But that wasn't the only reason, Tony. We want to send you a message. Marah has a family who loves her and will take care of her, and we will take care of her, Tony. And if you hurt her again, we will hurt you.
Billy: We will make you very, very sorry.
Josh: Do you get it?
Tony: Loud and clear.
Josh: You better.
Billy: Okay, I'll tell you what. Let's go out and see if we really can't get a deer before lunch, okay? Come on, Tony.