Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/3/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Marah: It was in the sand. Nobody can do the Meringue...
Tony: Whoa, whoa, Meringue.
Marah: Whatever. At 3:00 am in the morning, in the sand, in heels? Come on, have you ever tried it?
Tony: What do you think? No. But you know what? I think you could get pretty good with some lessons and a good teacher. Yeah.
Marah: I don't think I've ever seen you this happy.
Tony: You have that effect on me, I can't explain it.
Marah: Good. But I think that it might have had something to do with Eden, because after you saw her last night, something changed.
Tony: You're right. It did.
Marah: I wanted to ask you about it all night.
Tony: I know. I know, and it's not that I can't tell you or anything or it's not anything you should worry about it. It's just it involves Ray, and I think I should talk to him about it first.
Marah: You know what? You don't need to explain it to me.
Tony: Have I told you how incredible you are?
Marah: Well, that you can explain, at length, any time.
Tony: Yeah? Danny, Ray, what's up? What's going on?
Ray: You two look great. You're a sight for sore eyes.
Tony: What's wrong?
Danny: Well, we left you a couple messages.
Tony: Well, I didn't check any of the messages. I was out all night.
Danny: Have you checked the club machine?
Tony: No.
Danny: I'm going to go see if she called.
Ray: Yeah.
Tony: Will you tell me what is going on, Ray, please?
Ray: Carmen escaped from prison. She went after Michelle and Robbie.
Marah: Oh, no. Are they okay?
Ray: They're okay. Thank God your cousin Bill was there.
Tony: Bill was at Michelle's?
Ray: Bill took the gun away from Carmen, but...
Marah: Oh, my God.
Ray: He's fine, they're fine. It's Carmen, she was hurt in the struggle. It's bad, Tony. She's in a coma, and it looks like she's not coming out of it. Danny and I have been at the hospital all night.
Tony: Danny was with you? Why?
Ray: No messages?
Danny: No.
Ray: Michelle asked Danny to leave the house.
Danny: Yeah, but I'm not staying away. Excuse me. I can't.
Beth: Thank you.
Bill: Hi.
Beth: Hi, oh. Bill, I am so glad to see you.
Bill: Showed up for once, huh?
Beth: No, no. I read about what happened.
Bill: Look, I'm so sorry about you and Lizzie. I meant to get there, but I...
Beth: When you showed up last night, I just... I had no idea.
Bill: I know, and I should've told you last night. I really should have, but I... I don't know.
Beth: Bill, sit down, you're... You were standing there with blood on your shirt, you were probably in shock. Are you okay?
Bill: Yeah.
Beth: Well, it's a good thing that you were there for Robbie and Michelle, they could've been killed. You're a hero.
Bill: Stop, don't. Don't say that. I'm not a hero, not even close.
Phillip: Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Phillip: Fancy meeting you here. Just found out my breakfast meeting canceled on me. Would you care to join me? My treat.
Olivia: Well, it's going to have to be, because if Alan has his way, I'm going to be broke pretty soon. My hotel's certainly going to be gone.
Phillip: I don't believe that. I don't. He's just hurt, and he's angry. That's why he's threatening right now, because you've wounded his pride. Trust me, I know my father. By the end of the week, he will be begging you to come back to him.
Man: Olivia Spencer?
Olivia: Yeah?
Man: You've been served.
Olivia: Well, it looks like Alan decided not to beg.
Alan: Did you have Olivia served this morning?
Lawyer: As we speak. All of her legal rights as your wife have been revoked. Penalties instituted, her half of the Beacon hotel reverts to you. I'll begin drawing up the divorce papers...
Alan: No.
Lawyer: But I thought that you...
Alan: I won't be divorcing her.
Lawyer: Then why are you confiscating everything that she owns?
Alan: What about my son? Did you draw up his papers?
Lawyer: Divesting Phillip's going to be a little more complicated. He has his own stock in Spaulding Enterprises, his own investments, and his own...
Alan: Yes, because I gave them to him on a silver platter, and I can take them away.
Alexandra: Over my dead body.
Alan: Randall, call me from the office and get to work on what we've discussed.
Lawyer: I'll try, but I'm not going to promise anything.
Alan: Just do it.
Alexandra: Well, my, my, aren't we the bully this morning?
Alan: Stay out of this, Alexandra. You've done enough. You knew what was going on, and you stood by and allowed it...
Alexandra: Olivia and Phillip were merely saying good-bye before your wedding.
Alan: Yeah, looked more like a hello to me.
Alexandra: So they were attracted to each other. They didn't act on it, Alan.
Alan: Is this supposed to make me feel good, this noble sacrifice of not acting on it? I'm not a fool, Alexandra. They will pay.
Alexandra: With what? Scorched earth? You want to ruin Olivia, ruin Phillip, drive them both away?
Alan: She's not going away. Just call this a warning. Tough love, if you will. When she sees how much she has to lose.
Alexandra: Lose? Alan, you're taking. You think she's really going to respond to this kind of...
Alan: Yes, I do. She may be passionate, but she's realistic. She'll come back. It's like training a thoroughbred. You harness her, but you don't break her spirit.
Alexandra: Alan, you are impossible!
Olivia: He's enforcing the entire pre-nup. Well, the Beacon's gone, and all the other penalties are enforced, including cash forfeitures.
Phillip: Is he filing for divorce?
Olivia: Yeah. No, there's no mention of a divorce or a legal separation.
Phillip: He is a rat.
Olivia: Yes, he is.
Phillip: He's a skunk. He's a rat-skunk.
Olivia: Uh-huh.
Phillip: And you know what? You should divorce him.
Olivia: Look, Phillip...
Phillip: You should. You absolutely should, because you don't deserve this. Damn him. You know, you stood by him through his heart attack. You stayed when Alexandra wiped him out, when he was at his lowest. You could've walked, but you didn't. And you know what? Believe me, I know how difficult it's been for you to be a good wife to him. I know that that was a choice that you had to make every single day, even when... If he doesn't appreciate what he has, he doesn't deserve to have it.
Beth: Well, you can see, it's right there in black and white. You saved Robbie and Michelle, you captured Carmen, and that guy who could've killed...
Bill: You didn't even ask me.
Beth: Ask you what?
Bill: Beth, why I was there? Why I was at the Bauer house when I was supposed to be with you and Lizzie?
Beth: Was Michelle afraid that something was going to happen? Did she call you?
Bill: No, she didn't. She didn't call me. I went there on my own, Beth. Before I wished Happy New Year to anyone else, I had to say it to her first.
Beth: Why?
Bill: Beth, you know why. You knew why before even I did.
Michelle: It's time, isn't it? Enough of this waiting around. It's time.
Danny: Why hasn't Michelle called? Why?
Ray: She said she'd call when she's ready.
Danny: Yeah, well, I want to see her. I want to be with her and my son.
Ray: You want to push it?
Danny: I just can't take much more of this, Ray.
Marah: Poor guy.
Tony: I know. It's like it never ends for him. Carmen, I mean... It's hard to believe.
Marah: Yeah, for you, too.
Tony: It's not the same. It's not like she's my mother. You know, any good Carmen had in her was gone by the time I met her. Whatever happens now, Carmen died a long time ago. I just hope that she didn't kill the rest of Danny's life, too. (phone rings)
Danny: I'll get it. Hello?
Michelle: Hi, it's me.
Danny: Michelle, are you okay? How's Robbie?
Michelle: We're okay. I'm ready now. I need to see you. Can you come over?
Danny: I'm leaving right now, don't move. I'll be right there.
Alan: She'll come back, because she's going to have my child.
Alexandra: Oh, Alan, you are truly living in a fairy tale. All right, all right. You are going to lose Olivia. I can't seem to stop it. But where Phillip is concerned, you will not take one thing away from him, and I will see to that.
Alan: You're acting as if Phillip is the injured party here, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Oh, it sure as hell isn't you, Alan, after all the tricks you've pulled. And now this. Phillip loves you.
Alan: He loves my wife. He's coveted her ever since she got here. He's coveted everything of mine his entire life.
Alexandra: All right, stop, stop. You're scaring me, Alan. Are you... You really have that short a memory or are you truly deranged?
Alan: I'm just stating the truth, that's all.
Alexandra: Oh, Alan, have you forgotten all the years that Phillip never wanted to be anything at all like you? No part of the business, nowhere near you. Honestly, it's a miracle he came back at all.
Alan: Maybe it would've been better if he didn't come back. He's done nothing but compete with me. Now he's trying the ultimate revenge of stealing my wife. He is not going to do it, because she is mine. I will make that message to him loud and clear if I have to take away everything he owns.
Olivia: That's what you admire, isn't it, Phillip? A woman who can resist her attraction to you?
Phillip: Well, I know how hard that is.
Olivia: (laughs) I'm not an admirable woman. Your father knows that. No, he knows who he married, and those papers are the proof. It's an opening bid, and I know it, just like he expected. You're right. Anybody else would divorce him, but...
Phillip: You won't.
Olivia: No.
Phillip: Why? Is it because of the money and the hotel?
Olivia: I won't lose them. I won't. I fight and scratch to keep what's mine.
Phillip: Oh, don't... Spare me the tough as nails routine. I know better.
Olivia: Well, if you did, then you'd know what I'm saying is true.
Phillip: You know what? It's irrelevant right now.
Olivia: No, it is relevant, and Alan knows it. That's why he played it this way.
Phillip: So don't play.
Olivia: Why? Because I would lose your high opinion of me?
Phillip: No, because you'll lose who you are. You lose the woman who does believe that she deserves and can have real love. Isn't that what you really want?
Olivia: You know what, Phillip? I've had that, I thought more than once, and it doesn't last. I mean, if you're going to build on that, you're dead. Every single time I threw myself into the fire, I lost and I lost big, and I... My life just blew up in my face and I... I'm not going to do that to myself again, okay? I'm not going to do that to myself again. That's why I married Alan. So yeah, I am, I'm keeping my life, and I am going to work hard to put the love back into the relationship because Alan does love me. We both know that.
Phillip: As much as he can.
Olivia: Well, if I put all the love into it that I can, that'll be enough.
Phillip: Do you really believe that?
Olivia: I'm going to make it true.
Bill: I mean, you always thought that there was something going on between me and Michelle.
Beth: Yeah, and you told me that I was being jealous and insecure. You told me that, and I believed you.
Bill: And I meant it, Beth. I did. I just... Look, I never thought that this was going to happen.
Beth: You never thought that what was going to happen, Bill?
Bill: Michelle and I, we've been friends, but last night, I just...
Beth: Last night? No, no, no, no, no, no. Last night was very emotional. Normally feel. Now, I'm sure you felt a lot of things that you wouldn't normally feel.
Bill: All right, look, Beth, I was there, okay, I was there. Not because I knew that there was going to be trouble, but... I was there because of Michelle. But I mean, look, you know, she's in love with Danny and they're getting back together, so it's not like she and I would ever... Look, it's just how I feel. I felt like I needed to be honest with you, because you deserve that.
Beth: How exactly do you feel about Michelle?
Bill: Beth, like I said... I mean, Michelle and I, we've been friends. But the truth is the feelings I have for her are stronger than friendship.
Beth: The feelings you have for her are stronger than friendship. You know something, you want to be honest, why don't you just be honest? You're in love with Michelle, aren't you?
Danny: Hey.
Michelle: Hey. I saw you through the window.
Danny: Yeah, I was checking out the snowman. It was too dark for me last night to see it. Did Robbie help with that? It's a good one. Yeah, it's bigger than the one we made last year. Remember that one?
Michelle: The snow midget? Yeah.
Danny: That was a good day.
Michelle: Oh, I have a garbage bag inside.
Danny: No, I'm going to throw it away right here. See, I can take care of it. See? All gone. Like I said, we can have good days again, Michelle, I know we can.
Ray: She knew who killed Papi and she didn't...
Tony: It was Eden August.
Ray: Eden? Gus Aitoro's sister?
Tony: Yep.
Ray: Tony, that makes no sense. Come on, we both know the story. Pops was shot. They found his body floating in the river.
Tony: I know. I know, but that was all part of Carmine's cover story.
Ray: But Eden was just a kid. Why?
Tony: Revenge. Our dad was the button man in the hit on her father. She pushed him off the roof.
Ray: You believe that?
Tony: I wasn't sure at first, but I asked her, and she copped to it, straight up. Ray.
Ray: Yeah, yeah, I'm here.
Marah: Is that why you were so happy last night, because now you know and you can do something about it?
Tony: Oh, I already did.
Ray: Tony, what did you do?
Tony: Nothing.
Ray: You forgave her?
Tony: Like you said, she was a kid. You know, our dad and Uncle Miguel did take her father out, that I believe. Along with who knows how many people. But when she told me, that was it. I start running it through my head, who would I get? Would I take her out myself? Where would I stash her body, or you know, everything. It all came out like an old reflex. I mean, I was tired, you know? I looked at her and I thought, "Why? What is the point? Is that going to make the situation better? Is that going to make me feel better?" I was just so tired. And I looked at her, and I thought, "you know what? What if I don't? What if I just forget it?"
Ray: I'm so proud of you, kid. God, I love you.
Beth: So the two of you are...? How does Michelle feel about all of this?
Bill: Beth, Michelle is in love with Danny.
Beth: Is that what she said when you told her?
Bill: I didn't. Look, she's got so much to deal with right now, and besides, like I said, she's... She's with Danny.
Beth: She wasn't last night.
Bill: No, she wasn't. He was on his way over there, and... It's the two of them. They're going to be back together, so...
Beth: Maybe not. You know. If she were to know how you feel.
Bill: We've been friends for so long, Beth, I don't think Michelle could see me in any other way than just that a friend. Beside, Danny is the love of her life.
Beth: Well, things change. I mean, look at me and Phillip. I thought he was the love of my life. Well, the point is you never know until you give it a try. And trust me, if you turn up the heat, and you give it your best shot, then it is going to work like a charm.
Bill: Beth, I am so... So sorry. I...
Beth: I know.
Bill: Do you? Do you have any idea of what a jerk I feel like right now. Beth, I don't want to hurt you. I never wanted that, ever.
Beth: But you can't help yourself.
Bill: Maybe... Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I had to be honest with you. I... Beth, you are such an amazing woman...
Beth: Don't... Don't... Don't.
Bill: It's true.
Beth: Too bad it's not enough. Good luck.
Bill: Beth, don't you want to at least say something or...
Beth: You know, what I really want right now, is I just want to finish my coffee and then I want to go home and see James.
Bill: Beth, can't we at least...
Beth: I really, really need to be alone right now. You take care of yourself.
Phillip: Hey, Bill, how's... Your father? Beth?
Beth: You know, the last thing I need right now is you, Phillip.
Danny: It's cold out here. I mean, aren't you freezing?
Michelle: Yeah. I just put Robbie to bed, and he didn't sleep very well last night. Every time he drifted off, he had a bad dream and would wake up.
Danny: Michelle, I'm sorry.
Michelle: He hung on to me all night long. And I'm just afraid if he hears my voice right now, he might wake up. So can we just stay out here, is that okay?
Danny: Okay. Okay. Michelle, I don't know what to tell you. I feel terrible about what happened last night. I mean, to think about what you and Robbie went through is a nightmare. I don't know what to tell you except that it's over now.
Michelle: How many times have we said that before? I mean, it was over when Carmen went to jail, too.
Danny: She's in a coma, Michelle. The doctors say that it's irreversible. She's probably not going to survive. And even if she does survive, she's going to prison.
Michelle: You think that that fixes everything.
Danny: Of course it does. She was it, she was the problem.
Michelle: You can't say that, Danny. There could be somebody else. There could be something else. Look, I know how hard you've tried.
Danny: There's not going to be anything else. I'm not going to make any promises. I know you don't want to hear any promises. But I'm here. I'm with you. And as long as I'm here with you, nothing, nobody is going to hurt you or our son.
Michelle: You can't promise that either, Danny. What, are you never going to go to the store? You're never going to go to work?
Danny: Come on, Michelle.
Michelle: You weren't here!
Danny: Because you didn't want me to be here, you wanted me to stay away.
Michelle: Well, I didn't know that wanting a few hours alone was going to put my son's life in danger, but it did. You weren't here, Danny, and you can't always be here. Look, if Bill didn't come in when he did...
Danny: Is this about Bill? This is about Bill, isn't it? It is. What, is he inside? Is that why you're making me stand out here in the cold? Because of Bill.
Michelle: No.
Danny: Then why don't you just come out and tell me? Michelle, this isn't about me, this isn't about Carmen, is it?
Michelle: You don't really believe...
Danny: Bill's the one... Bill's the one who told you that it was too dangerous to hang around me, right? That you should take things slow with me? Of course. He's been coming to me, giving me ultimatums and warnings all the time.
Michelle: Look, you should thank God for Bill Lewis, because if it weren't for him, your son and I would be dead right now.
Danny: All right, look. Of course I'm grateful that Bill was here, but he was here instead of me because you set it up that way. So I have to ask, Michelle, why? Why? I know why Bill was here, but why did you want him here?
Michelle: I didn't. I didn't. You're the one who's fixated on Bill. He's my friend, that's it.
Danny: Okay. Okay. Then why are we doing this? Michelle. Come on. So many people have taken so much from us these past couple years. Don't let them take away anymore. Don't let what happened last night ruin everything. We have a chance right now to start over. Come on. We do. Anything we want. Anything, it's ours.
Phillip: Beth?
Beth: You know, Phillip, why don't you just save it? I really don't want to hear it right now.
Phillip: Is it Bill?
Beth: Of course it is. I mean, didn't you all say that he was a kid and I was making a complete fool of myself over him, that I was deluded to believe that he could really care about me?
Phillip: No, I think it went more like, "Bill's a kid, so he can't possibly be smart or mature enough to appreciate how wonderful you are." I am sorry. He's an idiot.
Beth: Well, there seems to be a lot of that going around, doesn't there? I spoke to Alan last night. He told me why he kicked Olivia out. About the wedding day. Is it true? You and Olivia?
Alexandra: So, Alan, this strategy of yours. Olivia comes back to you begging forgiveness, and poor Phillip's out in the cold, struggling. This fight that you want so badly can only really happen if everyone wants to play, if everyone cares how much they hurt you.
Alan: They'll suffer because they've earned it.
Alexandra: Well, I can take the guilt away from them. I can break the chain that you're trying to strangle them with.
Alan: Really? What are you going to do?
Alexandra: You back off, Alan, or I will tell Olivia and Phillip the truth: That you faked your own heart attack.
Ray: You are the star of my next sermon.
Tony: Hey, no names. Don't tell anybody.
Marah: Bye!
Ray: See you guys soon.
Marah: I never knew Ray could dance like that.
Tony: Oh, no, he can dance. He's going to dance all the way back to church and tell all his priest buddies about me.
Marah: Yeah, and he's proud of you. Doesn't that make you feel great?
Tony: Yeah, it makes me feel great. It's weird, but it's really good.
Marah: Well, that's all you're going to get from now on is good.
Tony: Well, let's not going forget about weird. Did you forget what today is? I'm going to be late. I've got to get moving.
Marah: For what? Oh, yeah. Oh, no. You and my dad and...
Tony: You know, I've got a date with an elk or something. Our big hunting trip.
Marah: Just bag it. Wouldn't you rather stay here and hang out with me?
Tony: What do you think?
Marah: All right, I'm sorry. I don't want to make it more difficult for you. I mean, you've already had a tough week, so...
Tony: You know what? You make it all easy.
Marah: The hunting trip?
Tony: No.
Marah: It's Danny, huh?
Tony: It's just I see you and how happy I am and all that, and it's just... I just hope he's okay with Michelle, you know. Because he really deserves it.
Michelle: Danny.
Danny: Tell me.
Michelle: Well, you know, it wasn't just about last night or what everyone has done. We did it, too. We broke our marriage.
Danny: I did it. I did it. Is that what you're telling me?
Michelle: No, I'm not putting it all on you.
Danny: That's okay, you can. You can put it all on me, Michelle. I'm serious. You can lay on me whatever you want, because I believe that we can get through this. Look, I'm not asking you to decide right now or... I'm just. What?
Michelle: It's just, I've been here so many times. I'm supposed to wait until tomorrow or next week until something else happens, because it always does.
Danny: Nothing else is going to happen. Nothing else is going to happen because I'm here. Right here.
Michelle: I can't.
Danny: No, no, no, no.
Phillip: Well, you like to tell me I'm an idiot, and I'm not going to stop you. By all means, take your shot.
Beth: Do you love Olivia?
Phillip: I... She's married to my father, you know? That's what she wanted, that's what I want.
Beth: Well, maybe that was a mistake. I mean, Alan's not going to make a real marriage of it, you should've heard him.
Phillip: Oh, I have.
Beth: Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you just go for it?
Phillip: Why don't I just go for it? (laughs) Why don't I just go for Olivia? Is that what you said?
Beth: Yeah, you care about her, why not?
Phillip: Is this some way of trying to exact revenge upon me? I'm well aware of how you feel about it, you can't possibly think that's a good idea.
Beth: No, I don't. But I don't think you're making out with her on the sly while she's still married to your father is a good idea, either. Why don't you just really do it out in the open? Take a real risk.
Phillip: How can you say that after what just happened with Bill?
Beth: Hey, wait a minute. I'm not sorry for that. Yeah, I'm crying. In a few hours I may be kicking and screaming on the floor, but I am not sorry that I took a chance. Holding back, that's the mistake.
Phillip: Yeah, well, not in this case. Because no matter what, Alan is still my father. And when he thought Olivia and I were together before, he had a heart attack. If she left him for me, I think that would kill him.
Alexandra: Oh, once Phillip and Olivia find out that when you were in that hospital bed looking so pathetic, you were lying to them the whole time, and you manipulated them, manipulated Olivia into marrying you, and using their guilt and playing on it, how bad do you think they're going to feel Alan about anything they've done?
Alan: Say whatever you like, Alexandra, they won't believe you.
Alexandra: Oh, sure, they will.
Alan: Don't count on it, because I've got the doctor.
Alexandra: Bought.
Alan: The medical records...
Alexandra: And paid for...
Alan: The EKG's. It will look a lot better than your evidence, which is nothing.
Alexandra: Well, I don't need evidence. They'll believe me because it is the truth. It sounds so right, it is so you, Alan. Now, what's it going to be? Are you going to leave Phillip alone or do I have to tell him and Olivia the truth?
Olivia: Tell me the truth about what?