Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/2/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Harley: Well, it makes me feel very special.
Gus: Well, you are special.
Harley: That must have taken every cent he had, you know. You guys were living on an honest cop's take home pay, right?
Gus: Yeah, that's true. But you know, at least he had his integrity and honesty. Honesty was very important to him like it is to me.
Harley: I know.
Gus: And, of course, trust.
Harley: Right. Well, that's why it's so good that it's just a training ring, you know, so that we have plenty of time to really work on this trust thing.
Gus: Yeah. Yeah, I guess we need that. (cell phone rings) Honey, if that's the station, you know, blow it off.
Harley: (laughs) No, it's not. Hello? What? What? Wait. Can you hear me? Wait. I need to get some better reception. Sorry.
Gus: Okay. Why are you asking all these questions about my father? What the hell is going on?
Harley: Yeah, yeah, I know. I owe you. Are sure that Baker will be out for the rest of the night? Yes. Yep, I'm on my way over.
Gus: Anything important?
Marah: Hey, I'm so proud of you. This new place is going to be awesome.
Tony: Oh, yeah.
Danny: Guys, well, if we get any more successful, I'm going to need a vacation.
Tony: Don't complain. We're are both in serious need of the cash right now.
Danny: Well, you picked a great week to fire one of our bartenders, Tony.
Tony: I don't want Eden hanging around here. Did she come up to pick up her check yet?
Danny: Mm-mm. No.
Tony: So you have a date with Michelle tonight or what? Yeah.
Danny: Yep. Still do.
Tony: Well, if you want you can take off. I mean between me and Marah, I mean we can handle both places. It's not a problem.
Marah: Yeah, that would be fun.
Danny: Well, Michelle's not expecting me for another 53 minutes. She was very specific. (laughter) She wants to get Robbie in bed first. So...
Marah: So she wants to be alone with you. That's a good sign.
Danny: Yeah. Yeah. She asked me not to rush her, so I'm not. Yeah, tonight is a very important night for us. It's a new beginning, and I don't want to do anything to mess it up.
Michelle: Carmen.
Carmen: I'm here for Robbie.
Michelle: You're suppose to be in jail.
Carmen: Slight change of plans. Hey. Hey, big boy.
Michelle: What do you want, Carmen?
Carmen: It's very simple, Michelle. I want what's best for Robbie. He's going to grow up happy and healthy with me.
Michelle: You're going to have to kill me first.
Carmen: Oh, boy. Don't tempt me.
Harley: I can not believe I have to go back to the station.
Gus: Well, I'll go with you.
Harley: No, that's okay.
Gus: What are you talking about? We're partners; we do everything together.
Harley: Yeah. But we have to get the uniforms ready for the awards ceremony tomorrow. And if I remember correctly, yours is in your car.
Gus: Right. What was I thinking? All right, I'll... You know, just meet you at home then.
Harley: Okay.
Gus: All right?
Harley: Great.
Gus: I'll wait up for you actually.
Harley: No. No, no, no. You don't have to do that. Because you've been working so much and you're tired. It's fine.
Gus: Right. Okay. See you later. Pay for this?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Frank: Hello. What's going on with you? Don't tell me your engagement's off already.
Harley: It's not an engagement. Okay, this is just a training ring.
Frank: Easy, easy. Geez Louise. Come on. What's up? Where's Gus? Where did he go?
Harley: He left, okay? Because I lied to him to get rid of him.
Frank: You did what?
Harley: I... Am about to break into Gus' father's partner's apartment.
Frank: Okay, I didn't hear that.
Harley: No, listen, Baker is living way too high on the hog for retired cop on a pension. You were right. So if he's dirty and he's partners with Gus' father, they're both dirty.
Frank: Why don't you just ask Gus?
Harley: Because I can't. Because Gus worships his father. And you can't tell somebody something like that if it's just a suspicion, and I know... What I'm doing is right. But he's going to end up shooting the messenger.
Frank: Well, hopefully my sister doesn't get shot in the process breaking and entering.
Harley: Well, I will certainly try not to.
Frank: You know you're not making me feel any better here, sis.
Harley: Well, you know what, Frank? Join the club because I'm feeling pretty lousy myself.
Lizzie: Mom?
Beth: Hmm?
Lizzie: Hello.
Beth: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I've got to... I've got a word right here. There.
Lizzie: Mom, are you kidding me? "Fog" is the best you can come up with after all that time? I don't believe this. Are you... Are you letting me win?
Beth: No, no, no, why would I do something like that?
Lizzie: I don't know, but... You totally spaced out on this triple word right here.
Beth: Oh.
Lizzie: See?
Beth: (laughs) I didn't even see that. Hmm, well...
Lizzie: I know you didn't. Mom, Bill's going to be here. He's just late. Young guys do that a lot.
Beth: I'm not worried about Bill.
Lizzie: Good, because when he gets here, you should just act totally cool like... Like you didn't even realize he was late. And, oh, you're so surprised that he even got here so early.
Beth: You think?
Lizzie: Well, I don't know. It's what the girls at my school do. Believe me, the less they care about guys, the more they fall all over them.
Beth: Huh. Here you are coaching me. I thought that you didn't even like Bill.
Lizzie: I... I didn't at first. Then I realized I was acting like a jerk. Besides, I don't like to see you unhappy.
Beth: Oh, sweetie. You don't have to take care of me anymore. For the first time in a long time, I am living life on my own terms. And things are good. I feel good about myself. I've got Bill in my life and you're talking to me again. What could be better than that?
Lizzie: Dinner.
Beth: Yeah.
Lizzie: But I promise, when Bill gets here, I won't complain or anything. I... I'll even be really nice to him.
Beth: You know, when Bill gets here, we are going to celebrate big because this is going to be a fabulous New Year.
Carmen: Listen very carefully, Michelle, okay, because I'm not going to repeat myself. Save yourself.
Michelle: This isn't going to work, Carmen. Robbie's going to grow up hating you, just like the rest of your family. Especially if he hears you shoot me now. He's young, but he'll remember.
Carmen: Well, don't you worry about that. Because he's going to grow up happy and healthy and surrounded by people who love him. And then one day, he's going to be a powerful man. And he's going to lead this family in a way that Danny couldn't because you made him weak.
Michelle: I'm really sorry that I saved your pathetic, delusional life on the bluff.
Carmen: That was your mistake. Danny's not the only weak one.
Michelle: Well, I'm not as weak as I look.
Bill: Carmen!
Carmen: No!
Harley: Mr. Baker? (Harley struggles)
Gus: Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
Danny: Flowers, champagne, do you think... What do you think, Marah? Do you think she'll like these flowers?
Marah: I think it's going to be perfect.
Danny: Okay, well, I'm all set. But it's only a five minute drive over there, so talk to me, somebody.
Marah: I'm sure you and Michelle are going to have a very special evening tonight.
Danny: Thank you for your confidence. Oh, hey, did you go see Carmen?
Tony: Yeah.
Danny: What did she want? What was so important?
Tony: Oh, you know, usual. Go help her escape and she'll give me the world. But don't worry, I don't... I don't want anything that Carmen has to offer me.
Danny: Yeah. She nearly destroyed my life. Okay, enough talk on that topic. I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to get out of here. I'll take the scenic route if I have to.
Tony: Hey, see you... Good luck, man. Get her, tiger.
Marah: Yeah, go get her.
Danny: Thanks, Happy New Year to you both.
Marah: Bye.
Danny: Bye.
Tony: You, too, man.
Marah: He's acting like a schoolboy on his first date.
Tony: I don't think he ever loved anybody but Michelle. We Santos guys, we're really good at that one woman thing.
Marah: Yeah?
Tony: Yeah.
Eden: Excuse me.
Tony: Eden. I'm glad you could make it.
Eden: Yeah, well, you're holding my check.
Tony: Yeah. Marah, um... Would you give us a moment?
Marah: Yeah, sure.
Tony: It will just take a minute. Why don't you go into the office? I have your check.
Eden: So if you want to tell me about you and that Marah chick, you can just save your breath. I got the picture.
Tony: I don't want to talk here. Maybe we should go up to the roof.
Eden: What?
Tony: I hear you do your best work there.
Eden: You're being really weird, Tony.
Tony: And you are playing dumb. I talked to Carmen. She told me everything. You killed my father. And you played me for a fool.
Eden: So now you know.
Tony: Oh, yeah, I know.
Michelle: Bill, Bill, are you all right?
Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you okay?
Michelle: I think so.
Bill: All right, Michelle, call 911. She's not moving. I think she hit her head bad.
Michelle: Get her gun, Bill. Get her gun, please...
Bill: What?
Michelle: Get her gun. Bill, she was going to take Robbie. She was going to kill me and she was going to take Robbie.
Bill: I... I know. I saw through the window. I couldn't believe that she was here.
Lansky: FBI, freeze! Don't move!
Bill: Drop it, you drop it! Drop it! Drop it right now! Put your hands up. All right, nice. Michelle, get... Call 9-1-1. Get Robbie upstairs, just go.
Michelle: Bill... Bill...
Bill: Michelle, go upstairs! If you're really FBI, I'm just going to let the police deal with that.
Harley: Oh, my... What are you doing?
Gus: Oh, what am I doing? What are you doing? What are you doing here? You told me that you're going off to the station to work on paperwork? Paperwork?
Harley: Okay, well... I lied.
Gus: I leave you wearing my mother's ring...
Harley: Look...
Gus: You tell me you're going off to the station to do paperwork. "Don't wait up for me."
Harley: Listen...
Gus: Lying to my face, breaking my heart.
Harley: I have a very good reason.
Gus: You know, just as soon as I think that we're doing fine, you turn into somebody different. You actually think you're any better than my sister.
Harley: Listen to me.
Gus: Why'd you do this?
Harley: Listen to me.
Gus: Why'd you do this?
Harley: Do you think I enjoy being suspicious of your father's partner? Do you think I enjoy sneaking around behind your back? Well, you know what, I'm not just going to check in my brain because I'm in a relationship with you, okay? At least I'm trying to find the facts before I jump to a conclusion that could hurt you.
Gus: Really, what conclusion? What did Roy Baker do that was wrong?
Harley: Try working for Carmen Santos.
Gus: You better... You better be able to back that up before you talk like that...
Harley: Well, I was trying to when you talk like that.
Gus: Where... Where do you get your information?
Harley: Your sister.
Gus: Oh, is that right, and you believe her?
Harley: Yes.
Gus: Why?
Harley: Because... Because she was so desperate to keep it a secret, she was willing to wreck that case with Carmen.
Gus: Why would you say something...
Harley: She was stealing the CD with Carmen's confession on it. I caught her.
Gus: Eden doesn't give a damn about Roy Baker. She doesn't even remember the guy hardly...
Harley: No, she doesn't. But she cares about your father. She cares about you. Eden told me, and Carmen told me.
Gus: (scoffs)
Harley: That your father was on the take, too, Gus.
Gus: Oh, really? This is crazy. Do you actually believe these two idiots?
Harley: That's why... That's why she pushed Federico off the roof. She said he was taunting her...
Gus: My sister is a liar! She lies about me. She lies to me. Now, she's lying about my father!
Harley: If Roy Baker was on the take, they were partners. I'm sorry, but that means your father was on the take, too.
Gus: Shut up! Shut up!
Tony: You killed my father and you played me for a fool.
Eden: Yeah, well, your father killed mine!
Tony: So, what is this, huh? What is this, justice, huh?
Eden: No, it is not justice. Because if this was justice, I would have been raised by a family that would have kept me off the streets.
Tony: You should have stayed in Chicago.
Eden: Trust me, I wish I did.
Tony: So, what... What, you just came over here, and what, you figured that... That you'd finish the job? You get the whole family, is that it?
Eden: You know what? I have hated your family and everything about them ever since I was a kid. And when I found out that you were one of them, I hated you, too. But I found out I was wrong. You're not like them. Inside, you're hurt just like me.
Tony: Carmen... She expects me to kill you.
Eden: Yeah? Then go ahead and just do it! Just get it over with! Would you put me out of my misery?
Tony: I am not my father. And I am not Carmen.
Eden: So, what, you're just going to let me walk?
Tony: If I let my father reach from under the grave and ruin the one chance I have to be finally rid of him, then I am more dead than he is. I'm very sorry for what my family did to yours, Eden. But I think it's safe to say it won't happen again.
Eden: If I would have known it was going to end like this...
Tony: It is the end. We're finished with the past as of right now.
Beth: Bill should have been here by now.
Lizzie: Well, maybe his phone died. I mean, you know that happens to me a lot.
Beth: Maybe.
Lizzie: Well, you know what? Personally, I'm glad we're having some girl time. I mean, honestly with grandpa and Olivia already talking about divorce, and... Well, dad's grumpier than ever, you're actually pretty much the most normal person left.
Beth: (laughs) You know what, let's... Let's go to the Country Club without Bill. Yeah, yeah, we'll... We'll do something extravagant like... Like order a round of drinks for the whole bar, French champagne.
Lizzie: We can leave a message for Bill, so, you know, when he finally shows up-- which he will-- he can meet us there.
Beth: Yeah, yeah, I'm sure he will show up, unless... Oh, unless he thinks he was supposed to meet us there. Oh, I can't remember what I told him. (laughs) Now, that would be silly if he's been waiting for us at the Country Club all this time. You know what? I bet that is exactly what happened. I'm going to call the club right now.
Frank: I'm with Carmen Santos right now. She's got a serious head trauma. She's unconscious. We're moving her to Cedars. Her accomplice is on her way downtown now. And I'll be there as soon as I get some statements from the witnesses. Cooper out.
EMT: Locked.
Frank: Ralph, I want you to ride with her in the back. She is still dangerous. I want to make sure no one else tries to spring her. Do you understand me?
Officer: Yes.
Frank: Go. Michelle, you okay?
Bill: Yeah, we're... We're fine. We're fine. Everything's okay. You are safe, Robbie's safe.
Michelle: If you hadn't shown up when you did... She'd be halfway to the islands with Robbie, and I'd be dead right now.
Bill: Michelle, don't say that...
Michelle: No, it's true. Frank, how did she get out of jail?
Frank: Michelle, I don't know. Obviously, she had this Lansky guy in place for years until she needed him. I don't think we're going to have to worry about that anymore. I doubt very much he's going to make it.
Bill: Are you saying that...
Frank: Bill, you acted under the full protection of the good Samaritan law to prevent a tragedy. You did a damn good job. Don't you worry about a thing. However, I am going to need a statement.
Bill: Yeah... Can I have five minutes to talk to Michelle?
Frank: Yeah, I'll be outside.
Michelle: Look at this place. Everything that she touches, she ruins!
Bill: Michelle, you can clean up tomorrow.
Michelle: No, this is my home! I want it the way it was! I want Robbie to wake up in the morning and not see a single trace of anything of her!
Bill: Could you sit with me for a minute? I just never sort of killed somebody before.
Michelle: I'm sorry, Bill.
Bill: I didn't mean to hurt her, Michelle. I... I... I just had to stop her from hurting you. I... I didn't even think, I ...
Michelle: Hey, hey, you didn't do anything wrong. Even Frank says so.
Bill: It's just at that moment I just saw everything... Everything flashed before my eyes. When we were kids playing... When we were on the island. You said you had to get away from this violence in your life. And you'd do anything you had to do to get Robbie away from the violence, even if it meant leaving the man that you love. And at that moment right there, I... I knew exactly what you've been battling all alone, all this time. And it's like my entire being just said, "No, I can't lose you. I'm not going to lose her." So I just tackled her.
Michelle: Thank God. I don't know what I would do without you.
Bill: Michelle. That's exactly what I thought. What would I do without you? (sighs) Michelle, I... I came here tonight because I'm... I'm confused. Confused about you. It's just I... I... I have these feelings about you that I know I just shouldn't be having. So, now you... You're with Danny and I know that. I know you and Danny, you belong together, I know that. It's just... It's just I... I can't help... I can't help but wish that things could be different. Things could be different. For us.
Danny: Hey, Frank.
Frank: Hey.
Danny: What... What's the matter? What's going on?
Michelle: What are we doing?
Bill: I'm sorry. You're upset. I shouldn't' have taken advantage of you like that.
Michelle: No, no, we're both... We're both upset. (doorbell rings)
Danny: Thank God, Michelle. Are you okay?
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: Frank told me. Honey, are you all right?
Michelle: Um-hmm.
Danny: Honey, are you sure?
Michelle: Yeah, yeah.
Danny: Where's Robbie?
Michelle: He's... He's fine. He's in bed.
Danny: (sighs) I can't believe this. I... I can't believe that this happened. I can't believe I almost lost you again.
Michelle: And Robbie. Danny, she came to take Robbie.
Danny: I'm so sorry that I wasn't here.
Michelle: It's okay, it's all right. Bill came in here just in time and he stopped her.
Danny: Bill, thanks. Thanks.
Bill: They said she might not make it. I'm... I'm sorry...
Danny: No, Bill, you did what you had to do. Is Robbie asleep?
Michelle: He's upstairs, he's fine...
Danny: I want to go see him.
Michelle: ...Honey, he's fine.
Danny: I want to go see him. I'll be right back.
Bill: It's quite a night, huh?
Michelle: I'll say. You got blood on your tuxedo.
Bill: I think Uncle Josh will understand under the circumstances. Oh, I'm supposed to take Beth and Lizzie to the club tonight.
Michelle: You better give them a call, you know, and explain.
Bill: Well, I think this is one of those things you have to explain in person. Will you be okay?
Michelle: I'm fine.
Bill: Oh, right, Danny's here. All right, well... I'll get out of your... Your way.
Michelle: Bill, thank you.
Bill: Don't even mention it. It's over, right? All right.
Beth: Well, no sign of Bill at the club, and we've lost our reservation.
Lizzie: Well, you know what? Who cares about that boring old club. We have better things to do. (cell phone rings)
Beth: Oh, finally, okay.
Lizzie: Now, if it's Bill, just act like you don't care.
Beth: At this point, it won't be an act. Hello? Oh... (laughs) ...Yes, yes, Lizzie's right here. It's Rebecca.
Lizzie: Rebecca... She has a hot date tonight. Becca, what's up? What happened? Where's Brett? Oh, I'm sorry. No, actually, I have plans tonight with my mom. I...
Beth: No, no, no, no, no, no. If you've got something better to do, than you jump on it.
Lizzie: What about you?
Beth: Oh, I'm... I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
Lizzie: Yeah, okay, Becca, why... How about you come over here instead, and we'll have like a sleep over. We could watch the ball drop. It will be fun. Okay, great, bye.
Beth: You have a good time.
Lizzie: But... You're not going to stay?
Beth: No. No, I'm going to go back to the hotel. You know, you'll have a better time with your friend. And besides, I don't want Bill to see me waiting around here for him.
Lizzie: I'm sure he has a good excuse, Mom.
Beth: Yeah, I hope so for his sake.
Marah: So did you find everything you were looking for?
Eden: Yeah. And all I need is a new life and a new job. All right, take care you two.
Marah: So what was that all about?
Tony: Setting the record straight.
Marah: Okay, well, if she didn't get the message, just let me know.
Tony: When you're jealous, you know what?
Marah: I am serious. I do not like that girl.
Tony: Yeah. (salsa music playing) Great song. Dance with me. Dance with me.
Marah: Did she just try to make a move on you? Does she still like you...
Tony: (shushing) Just listen. Listen to the music, and move with it, come on.
Marah: No...
Tony: Come on.
Marah: What is it?
Tony: It's salsa. Come on, dance with me.
Marah: No, I can't do this.
Tony: Yes, you can. Come on, just... It's all in the hips, you know, a little spin.
Marah: No, you're just trying to distract me.
Tony: Is it working?
Marah: No.
Tony: Come on, relax, okay? Just feel it, feel the music all right? Feel it.
Marah: Oh, yeah, I feel like a klutz.
Tony: Okay. I want you to relax, okay. And I want you to pretend that this part of your body is mine. (laughter)
Marah: This dance must be every boy's dream.
Tony: No, you're every boy's dream.
Marah: (laughs)
Gus: My father was a good man. Roy Baker is a good man.
Harley: Yeah, well, even good people make hard choices, Gus. You don't believe me? He doesn't dress like any retired cop I've ever seen. Look at this. Designer, double-breasted suits. Look at these shoes.
Gus: Well, maybe the guy won the lottery, you know. He was like an uncle to me.
Harley: I know that. Don't you think I know that? What do you think I'm doing this for? So I don't have to buy into some evil, malicious lie. Do you think I enjoy sneaking around? Do you think I wanted to hurt you? And I'll tell you, if this is a lie, I will be the first person to put it to rest.
Gus: I'm going to tell you something, it is a lie. This is a lie because if... My father was the man that I thought he was, okay, otherwise... Otherwise my whole life doesn't make any sense. Save it, Coop. Because none of it's true, and you want to know something sneaky? You're going to help me prove it now.
Harley: Okay. Good. Why don't we start with the safe? That's what I was doing when you came in.
Gus: Is that right? Well, we both know who can really open a safe. (cell phone rings)
Harley: Hey, Frank. No, I have not been shot yet. Although if I'd been in the middle of something when you called, who knows? How the... No, we'll be right there. We'll be right there. We got to go.
Gus: I got to tell you, it's nice that Frank knows about my whole life. What's going on, what?
Harley: Carmen Santos escaped from prison. She went after Michelle and Robbie. Bill Lewis knocked her down, she hit her head, she's in a coma. Frank doesn't think she's going to make it.
Gus: Let's go. We'll take care of this later. I can't wait to have a word with my sister.
Bill: Hey. I'm... I'm so sorry.
Beth: Yeah, so am I. Would have been fun. But you know what? I had fun with Lizzie. Now, I'm tired and I'm going to go home. Good-night.
Bill: Beth, don't be like that. If you knew... Something happened.
Beth: My God, Bill, there's... There's... There's blood on your shirt.
Bill: This whole evening's been a nightmare.
Beth: You're frightening me. What... What happened?
Bill: I'm okay. But I... I still got to give a statement the police...
Beth: Police? Why do you have to talk to the police? Did you hurt someone?
Bill: You know what, Beth, I'm all talked out... Right now. Do you mind? Can we just talk about this tomorrow? I just wanted to... Stop by and explain that...
Beth: Explain? (laughs) You haven't explained anything!
Bill: Tomorrow. All right? Please, just... Can I talk to you tomorrow?
Beth: Yeah.
Bill: Thanks. I... I got to get going.
Danny: I went to kiss him and his eyes just flew open, because he wants his daddy, don't you?
Michelle: Of course he does. But what he needs most of all right now is his sleep.
Danny: Yeah, you need some sleep. Michelle, I'm so sorry about everything. I... I... Tonight should never have happened.
Michelle: Yeah, but it did. Once again it did, Danny.
Danny: I just wish I'd been here... If I'd been here...
Michelle: Nobody's pointing any fingers, okay?
Danny: Okay, I know... I know you're not.
Michelle: I'm sorry, I just can't... I just can't do this with you right now.
Danny: It's okay, hey, it's okay. It's all right. I... I understand, I do. So... Can I just hold you... For a little bit?
Michelle: Your mother's...
Danny: ...Both of you?
Michelle: ...Been taken to the hospital, Danny...
Danny: Michelle, I don't care about that...
Michelle: You need to go there and make sure she made it. Well, I do. I do. I care, please. Please, Danny.
Danny: Okay.
Michelle: Just go, okay?
Danny: All right, whatever you want. Okay. All right, tiger, want to go to Mommy.
Michelle: That's a good boy.
Danny: Yeah, well, it's a new year, Michelle. It's going to be a better one for us. I know it is.
Michelle: We'll see.
Danny: Happy New Year.