Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/18/02
Tony: Ooh. What's this place?
Marah: It's my parents cabin. They missed Cross Creek and wanted a place closer to town.
Tony: Is there a heater?
Marah: If the pilot's lit. Didn't really have a good time
Tony: It's a new experience.
Marah: Well, it'll get better once you practice some more.
Tony: Ow!
Marah: And you won't be so cold, because you won't be...
Tony: Because I won't be falling so much?
Marah: Yeah.
Tony: Yeah.
Marah: Next time you'll be better.
Tony: Marah, did I mention to you that I'm Cuban? We don't... we don't do ice.
Marah: Oh. We were just getting to the best part. With the hot chocolate, and the fire in the fireplace will make you warm.
Tony: Well, you know what? Next time. Next time. Ooh. Next time we should start here.
Marah: Deal. So did you just learn how to make a fire the other night
from my dad, really?
Tony: Well, I don't need your dad to teach me how to make a fire. Yeah, I got the basics.
Marah: Well, there's wood right over there. Go start.
Tony: Okay.
Marah: I'm going to get one more thing that'll make this day even more perfect.
Tony: Oh, yeah. What's that?
Marah: This. (laughs)
Alexandra: No, no. You needn't worry about disturbing me this early. This news is extremely interesting. I'll be in touch.
Alan: Well, you're up early
Alexandra: Yes, I have a meeting with Edmund.
Alan: You know, Alexandra, persistent taste for Euro-trash is not
very impressive.
Alexandra: (laughs) Well, isn't that strange. After all, you did put him on the Spaulding board.
Alan: Yes, but that was ages ago. He wasn't the asset I thought he would be.
Olivia: To say the least.
Alexandra: Yes, well, he's going to do better now, because he's going to be better managed.
Alan: You wouldn't?
Alexandra: Hey, if you and Phillip could go scurrying off to try and bribe the board members into your camp, I can certainly do this.
Alan: What are you talking about?
Alexandra: What I'm talking about. I happen to know that you tried to bribe India to change her vote.
Alan: We're not talking about India; we're talking about Edmund. He
will be on the board over my dead body.
Phillip: Oh, yes, another lovely morning at the Spaulding hearth.
Alexandra: Good morning, Phillip.
Phillip: Good morning. Good morning. Good morning.
Alan: Good morning. Where we you last night?
Noelle: Sorry. I had trouble finding the dining room. This house is so huge.
Phillip: I'm sorry. Everyone this is Noelle Hamilton. That's my Aunt Alexandra.
Alexandra: How do you do?
Phillip: My father Alan, his wife Olivia.
Noelle: Hello.
Harley: Leave me alone.
Frank: Oh, come on. Let me enjoy this for two seconds. I never beat
you at the shooting range. Nobody here does.
Harley: The sights on my gun were off.
Frank: No, no, no. That's not what's going on here. You've got something on your mind. Something's bugging you.
Harley: Bugging me?
Frank: Uh-huh. I think I know my sister pretty damn well.
Harley: My gun was off, Frank. That's all.
Frank: No, that's not what's off. You're off. What's going on... what's going on, little sister, huh? What's up?
Harley: Something's bugging me.
Frank: And there it is.
Harley: I don't even know if it's true. It's just something stupid
that Eden said to me yesterday. Eden, like she ever tells the truth. She
told me that that Joe August-- her dad, Mr. Super cop, the man that Gus
worships above anybody-- she said that he was on the Santos payroll.
Frank: What? Joe August is on the...
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Hello, you crazy kids.
Frank: What's up?
Marah: Sweetie, will you give me a hand?
Tony: Oh, yeah, sure. What is this?
Marah: It's a tree.
Tony: Yeah, I got that. But what are you doing with it?
Marah: I wanted to get one bigger, but you know what? This one will do.
Tony: You... you cut this down yourself?
Marah: Don't worry. I know how to use an ax.
Tony: Oh, my. I'm impressed or scared; I can't really decide.
Marah: Well, see in my family it sort of comes in handy...
Tony: Hmm?
Marah: ...Using... using an ax.
Marah: Every year my dad, and Uncle Billy and I, we go out and we pick out our own tree and we throw in the back of the truck. But this year I wanted to get one of my own.
Tony: So, this is a nice tradition. We just stand here and hold the tree till New Year's. That's cool.
Marah: No. Do you have it?
Tony: Yeah.
Marah: Okay, lift it up for a sec.
Tony: Oh, all right. I got it.
Marah: There.
Tony: I bet that's not really how you imagined it.
Marah: No, it's leaning just a little.
Tony: You know what? Hang on. Oh, my God. (Marah laughs)
Marah: One on the other side. There.
Tony: There.
Marah: Yeah!
Tony: Hey!
Marah: Perfect!
Tony: It is. Hmm. We should have it decorated.
Marah: Have it decorated?
Tony: Yeah.
Marah: How do you suppose that's going to happen?
Tony: I don't know. You call someone, I guess. My aunts and uncles, you just come home from school or you come home one day and there it was, all done.
Marah: So servants did it?
Tony: Yeah. I guess. What did I care? I was a kid. I was just in for
the loot underneath the tree.
Marah: Yeah, I know. Me, too. But... I don't know. Was it pretty at least?
Tony: Yeah, sure. It was all done up with lit candles and everything.
Marah: You put lit candles on a tree?
Tony: We lived dangerously, Marah. My aunt wasn't really familiar with how Americans do Christmas so she got a book, but the pictures were all really old fashioned and everything.
Marah: So then it was sort of like Victorian or maybe even Norman Rockwellish?
Tony: Yeah. Whatever. I mean it didn't matter, you know. As long as
it looked like the picture in the book, she was happy.
Marah: Well, we are going to decorate this one ourselves.
Tony: You have Christmas in a fishing cabinet.
Marah: (laughs) No, probably not. But I'm sure we can find something. Come on, let's snoop.
Tony: Oh, snoop. Okay, snoopy.
Marah: Oh, your butt still hurts.
Tony: Yeah, ice-skating.
Marah: You know what? This is really good, because I wanted to have my own tree at the carriage house, but I wasn't sure what the guys would end up putting on it.
Tony: Oh, yeah. Well, you kind of do live in a frat house.
Marah: Yeah. Yeah, but you know what? None of my roommates try to
seduce me. I mean not lately. Which is more than I can say for you.
Tony: What? You mean Eden?
Marah: Yeah. I mean that night that Danny disappeared. She told me how close you two were.
Tony: Marah...
Marah: No. You know what? You don't need to explain it to me.
Tony: Well, I want to.
Harley: Frank was just giving me grief for being a lousy shot today.
Gus: Oh. Well, everyone's entitled to a bad day. Especially when they had such a great night before. (laughs)
Frank: Oh, my... this is far too much information.
Gus: Frank, Frank, I didn't mean it. No disrespect to you. But,
brother, I'm saying, we went down to the Beacon last night, Harley and
Eden and myself and was sort of celebrating the collapse of the Santos
family and raised a glass in honor of my father. It's the first time I
felt free, you know, since my father died. I think Eden felt the same
way, you know.
Harley: She seemed happy.
Gus: Yeah. She did, didn't she? The monkey's off her back. Maybe she can start straightening out her life now, and talking straight.
Harley: I hope so.
Gus: Yeah, I do, too. Of course. So, honey, I got to tell you. I want to go over and see Phillip right now.
Harley: Why?
Gus: Well, because since Carmen's away, Eden is free to tell the truth. I'd like to make it as easy on her as possible, you know. I don't want her to go to court. If she has to go to court, she will go to court, I promise you. But didn't Phillip once say something about being decent and reasonable and everything?
Harley: Hmm. Yeah.
Gus: Right. So...
Harley: I think that I am... I vaguely remember that.
Gus: So I'm thinking... I'm thinking maybe, you know, he'll be decent and let us do this the right way. Quietly.
Frank: Yeah, well, keep dreaming, buddy.
Gus: Well, Frank, it's worth a shot, isn't it?
Harley: It certainly is.
Gus: Right.
Harley: It is. Just stay calm, you know.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Do no harm.
Frank: No, no, no.
Gus: Come on. I'll be calm and cool and collected. I' be the caretaker to all children around the world.
Harley: Hey. You're the best guy ever, you know that?
Gus: Yeah. Yeah, that's me.
Frank: You didn't tell him about his father, did you?
Harley: Well, of course, I didn't tell him. I don't even know if it's true.
Frank: That's why you didn't have a problem with his just shooting right over to Phillip's. You're going to go check this out, aren't you? Behind his back.
Harley: Well, of course I am. I don't have a choice. Hey, if I knew it was true then I would tell him. But if Gus finds out that his dad was on the take, that could destroy him, Frank. And you know, you just don't just dump something like that on somebody without knowing for sure.
Alan: You have quite an appetite for someone who's so fit.
Noelle: Oh, well, you know, I just have one of those metabolisms, could eat anything, never gain weight. (laughs)
Olivia: That's lucky.
Noelle: Oh, well, I wish. The six workouts a week help.
Alan: So you're an athlete?
Noelle: Well, not really. I mean in college I played on the tennis and soccer teams, but now I only have time for tennis. But I did take Tae Kwan Do, now that's a great workout. I actually got my brown belt last month.
Alexandra: Oh, really.
Noelle: Mm.
Alexandra: So tell me, how did you two meet?
Phillip: Well, Noelle and Mel Boudreau were in medical school together.
Alexandra: Oh.
Alan: So you're a doctor?
Noelle: Oh, surgeon. I'm actually here in town interviewing for Cedars.
Alan: Beauty, brains, fit as a fiddle and talented hands.
Phillip: Dad...
Noelle: I'm sorry. I have to run. I'm sorry to be taking off like this.
Phillip: Are you sure?
Noelle: Yes.
Olivia: Oh, that's all right.
Noelle: But I'll say goodbye before I leave.
Phillip: Okay, great.
Alexandra: Yes, I have to go, too. Don't want to keep Edmund waiting. She seems like a very nice girl, Phillip.
Phillip: Yes, she...
Alan: Wait, Alexandra.
Phillip: ...Very sweet.
Alan: She's a keeper. Before you offer Edmund anything, we need to
Alexandra: Right.
Olivia: She's quite a gal. You know, there aren't too many women who could throw your back out and then fix it for you.
Phillip: It's not what it looks like.
Olivia: You don't have to explain anything to me, Phillip.
Phillip: The hospital asked her to stay another day and she had already given up her hotel room, so I offered her a guest room.
Olivia: I told you, you don't have to clear your guests with me.
Phillip: She's leaving today.
Olivia: That's a shame.
Phillip: Yeah, it is. Very nice woman. God knows I need to get a
life. It hit me the other day, I realized you and Alan are planning to
have a child. You know, life moves on. What? Olivia, come on. It was all
over your face the other night, but Alan did tell me.
Olivia: Look it's... it's just that it's not going to happen.
Phillip: What?
Olivia: I... we decided that we should wait. I can't have a child. Not yet.
Tony: Marah, look, when you were gone, I wasn't kidding. I walked around numb for months.
Marah: So Eden changed that?
Tony: No. No. She was... she was trying to get the dirt on my family. She was trying to set us up. That's why I kept her around, so I could figure out what she was up to.
Marah: So you're saying that that's all that it was?
Tony: Most of it. Yeah, I mean, we both had dads who were killed when
we were kids, and sometimes that got to me. But it... it never was at
the place where you and I were. And nothing happened.
Marah: Tony, you know that you don't need to lie to me if you don't want to tell me anything.
Tony: No, I know. I know. I wouldn't. I don't lie to you, Marah.
Marah: I know. I'm glad.
Tony: Me, too.
Marah: Not that it would change anything between us now, but...
Tony: I know. Marah...
Marah: No, there hasn't been anyone else. There couldn't be.
Tony: I'm sorry.
Marah: No. Not because of that. But because I couldn't stop caring about you. I didn't want anyone else.
Tony: You know, it's the same with me. You know all that time I would
have never dreamed it, but I would have given anything to spend one day
like this with you.
Marah: Let's go decorate our tree.
Tony: Okay.
Marah: Okay.
Olivia: It's not that we won't have a baby or that I don't want to. It's just that... Alexandra convinced me, you know. I mean, my extinct was that we should wait, but Alan's just been so...
Phillip: Insistent? Persistent?
Olivia: Eager. Happy about the idea. I just... I think it's too soon. I just don't want to put that kind of pressure on our marriage right now.
Phillip: I think that sounds smart. Did he buy it?
Olivia: It wasn't a bill of goods; I meant it.
Phillip: Oh, I know you mean it. I just know how he could be when he
doesn't get what he wants.
Olivia: Oh, well, I guess it's my job as his wife to know when to say no.
Phillip: (Sighs)
Olivia: He took it well, actually.
Phillip: Good. Glad to hear that. So why are you telling me?
Olivia: Why did you explain Noelle? You didn't want to give me the wrong idea. Same here.
Phillip: I don't have any...
Olivia: Look, you thought that Alan and I were going to have a child. I just didn't want you to assume anything when it didn't happen. Because we're fine. And you're right that you should move on. (knock at the door)
Gus: Good morning. How are you, Phillip?
Phillip: How the hell do you keep getting in?
Gus: Nolan's my buddy. Friends.
Phillip: Well, you're going to visit him at the employment office.
Olivia: No, it's okay.
Phillip: I'm actually busy.
Olivia: I have some things to do.
Phillip: Why are you here?
Gus: Call it a little pre-emptive strike. Okay, now I know you've got your problems with me and I thought maybe I could calm your nerves if you would just give me ten minutes of your time.
Harley: I'll see you then. Okay.
Frank: (clearing his throat)
Harley: Frank.
Frank: Just a wild guess: Joe August's partner?
Harley: Yeah. I tracked him down in Clayton.
Frank: And?
Harley: And I'm going to see himafter the holidays, of course. But do you think that you could de me a big favor and just for me with Gus?
Frank: No.
Harley: Frank.
Frank: Harley, you're going to go see this guy, I think you should take Gus with you. Trust me. If you guys don't go together, this could come right back and bite you in the end.
Phillip: Okay. Ten minutes. I'm listening.
Gus: All right. You've heard a lot about this person who went off the roof.
Phillip: Was pushed off the roof. Sorry. Who are you blaming it on
Gus: It was my sister, but I thought that if you knew who it was who went off the roof, maybe you would understand why she had to lie.
Phillip: I really... I assumed that the two of you lie for sport.
Gus: Listen, it was Federico Santos, okay? Tony Santos' father.
Phillip: You killed a Santos?
Gus: Not just... not just any Santos. This is the man that shot and killed our father.
Phillip: So you or Eden killed a Santos? I'm just trying to figure out why you're telling me this. You somehow, you think that me knowing that is going to make me feel like it's all right for Zach to be around you?
Gus: No, Zach is all right to be around me. It's them. If you mean
them, but they don't know anything about it. And I would like to keep it
that way.
Phillip: Yeah, I would imagine you would.
Gus: I just think that you are the only person who needs to know this information, okay? The Feds, the Chicago P.D. and myself, we've all kept it a secret for years.
Phillip: Right. Which would be the only reason that you're still breathing.
Gus: Yeah, maybe. Maybe. But that Santos family is done. Okay, look, if you want it all out on record now, it's fine. If that's what you insist on doing then fine.
Phillip: As opposed to...
Gus: As opposed to? As opposed to you listening maybe. Maybe
understanding what it would be like for a little young girl to come to
face with her father's killer... and making a mistake.
Phillip: Because that's the story that she will tell me.
Gus: No, because that's the truth. And I would rather that it not go public.
Phillip: But it will if it has to.
Gus: Oh, Phillip, if that's what it takes to get Zach back to Harley, yeah. Let's go to court. Let's all go to court. The whole thing can come out in the open as far as I'm concerned.
Phillip: Well, you're a hell of a guy, aren't you, sport? You just painted a target on your sister's back.
Gus: Well, you know, you're such a piece of work. It's funny that you would take it like that.
Phillip: Oh, you don't think the Santos might come after her?
Gus: They're not going to come after her.
Phillip: Sure.
Gus: I made sure of it.
Phillip: You did?
Gus: They're done in Chicago, and they're done here.
Phillip: Oh, you don't think they can still order a hit? You don't think that Carmen can still order a hit from jail? You think I'm going to allow my son to get caught in the cross fire?
Gus: That is not going to happen, you understand.
Phillip: You're damn right.
Gus: No, it's not going to happen. Do you think that I would actually
do two years of time for my sister? Do you think that the feds would
cover it up and not talk about either with the Chicago P.D., if I didn't
think it was safe to tell you now? You think I would tell you? No.
Organized crime family. I take them down, that's what I do. I'm pretty
good at it too, I think, okay? I know more about those families than
they know about themselves. And if it wasn't safe, I know that it's safe
otherwise I wouldn't breath a word of it to you!
Phillip: Oh, well, you'll forgive me if I don't share your confidence in your own good judgment.
Noelle: Am I interrupting?
Phillip: No. No, you aren't.
Gus: Oh, who's this?
Phillip: None of your business. Would you do me a favor? Would you meet me in foyer in two minutes?
Noelle: Sure.
Phillip: Thanks. Here's the deal: If Harley wishes to endanger her
own life by hanging around with you and your sister, that's her
business. There's nothing I can do about it. But I can keep my son away
from you. And I will. Now it's time for you to go.
Gus: That's cool. I'd like to go catch up with... what was her name? Have a little chat with her?
Phillip: What did you say?
Gus: If this is the way you want to play it, it's on. Okay, and little tart or new squeeze that you have that you bring around Zach, if they have so much as a traffic ticket, I'm taking it out on you.
Olivia: Stop doing this to yourself. Just stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
Monica: Mr. Spaulding, do we have to be outside? It's freezing.
Alan: I don't want to be overheard.
Monica: Why did your wife put you under surveillance this time?
Alan: Listen. Tell me how difficult it would be to substitute placebo into a package of birth control pills?
Monica: I'd need the brand. Actually, it would be best to have a package of the exact pills. But, Mr. Spaulding, this is crossing a line.
Alan: The child will be mine. I will not be interfering with anyone...
Monica: Except the woman involved.
Alan: The woman involved is my wife.
Monica: Still...
Alan: Miss Parker, I don't have to explain myself to you. Are you going to accept this assignment or not?
Monica: I'll need that fresh package of pills.
Alan: Good. I'll have it for you tonight.
Monica: Then I'll get right on it.
Phillip: I was looking all over for you. Have you been out on the patio the whole time?
Alan: I needed a brisk walk. Fighting with my sister has that effect on me.
Phillip: Oh, that's really good, Dad. Why don't you see if you can catch pneumonia? Maybe have another heart attack?
Alan: You know, Phillip, you're sounding like a little old lady. I hope that gorgeous thing you had last night doesn't hear you talk that way.
Phillip: Oh, you know, I did... never mind. Although just for the
record... just so you know. Noelle, her name, is on her way back home.
And I will probably not be seeing her again.
Alan: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I will say that I'm glad to see that you're getting out more often.
Phillip: Yeah, great. Okay, can we get back to what I walked in on this morning? Did Alexandra really know that we had gone to see India?
Alan: I knew she would find out.
Phillip: Well, how did she find out? Do we have a leak? Because if we do, that's something we're going to have to plug before you make a move for the company.
Alan: Well, I will find out very soon, because she's meeting with Edmund this morning.
Phillip: Okay. And?
Alan: He's on my payroll.
Phillip: He's what?
Alan: Well, I needed a little insurance to keep tabs on my sister.
Phillip: (laughs) That's good. That's good. So let me make sure I understand this. Now these days, we're trusting Edmund Winslow?
Alan: No, we're not trusting him; we're buying him. Besides, he's uniquely qualified.
Phillip: Oh, that's good. You think Edmund is going to seduce Alexandra? Is that what you're thinking?
Alan: Phillip, don't kid yourself. My sister is a very lonely woman. And Edmund is ex-royalty. He's charming...
Phillip: Right, right.
Alan: He's a near-criminal.
Phillip: That's good. Tell me, tell me. What gems have Edmund produced for you thus far?
Alan: Well, he's working on it.
Phillip: Yeah, I'm sure he's working on it. I think I'll cast around for some other sources just to be on the safe side.
Alan: Dig around, but be discreet.
Phillip: Always am.
Alan: Because I think Edmund is going to get us the information that we've been looking for.
Phillip: What are we talking about?
Alan: Why Alexandra is truly here. I don't believe for minute, she came back to straighten out our family. No, I think she has another agenda.
Tony: Well, that is the best Christmas tree I have ever seen.
Marah: Wait. We need to get the full effect. Thank you. Thank you.
Tony: For what?
Marah: Well, this is my first solo Christmas tree. I mean normally it's dad directing everything. I mean he never actually puts an ornament on the tree. He just points and tells you where to put it.
Tony: Oh, yeah, Josh is really good at directing.
Marah: (laughs) Tell me about your dad.
Tony: What?
Marah: I don't know. You never talk about him. Except for the fact that he died when you were really young.
Tony: That's funny it seems that all I've been talking about lately is pappy. I've been spending a lot of time with ray. He's pretty good with helping me figure things out when he's my brother and not a priest all the time. The other day at the gym, it was all about Dad
Marah: So then you remember him?
Tony: Some.
Marah: So tell me the best memory you have of him.
Tony: Well, he taught me how to hit a baseball. I was six years old
and I wouldn't stop bugging him. I was like, "Come on, come on, pitch to
me. Come on, pitch to me. Come on, pitch to me." And he couldn't. He was
with his crew. He couldn't be bothered, you know, but then the guys,
they started on him. And they're like, hey, what's the matter? You got
no arm left, hey? So, then of course we had to go outside. He blows one
by me. I mean overhand, okay, like he's pitching to Sosa. I never had a
ball thrown to me at all. I'm six. But you know, hey, I keep trying.
Finally, he throws one and it hits me straight in the head. I fall to
ground and I'm out cold for a couple of seconds. He comes over and he
starts yelling, "Get up,
Antonio. Antonio, get up. What's the matter with you? What are you a
girl? Get up! Come on, you're still up to bat." At this point my whole
family comes out and they're out on the porch and they're all laughing
hysterically. I'm crying, but I'm laughing.
Marah: Tony, that's horrible.
Tony: Yeah, I know, I get that now. But it just became one of those stories. I mean someone even told it at his funeral. That time everybody was crying. Not laughing.
Marah: Did you cry at his funeral?
Tony: I couldn't stop. But it was like, I couldn't remember him. It was weird. I couldn't remember his face. It was like the first time he wasn't in my face, I erased his.
Marah: That's not how it's supposed to be.
Tony: I know. But... that's why I don't talk about it, because I
don't want you feeling sorry for me. That's not the point. There are
people who have it a lot worst than I do.
Marah: Okay.
Tony: What's that smile?
Marah: I'm just thinking.
Tony: About?
Marah: All the wonderful memories that we're going to make together. Ones that we can really smile about.
I only have to look at you to know how right I am
something about this miracle we never could have planned (laughter)
the magic of the morning light with you here next to me
oh, I believe in the mystery sound of her voice when you least expect it
the rhythm in your heart you barely recognize
an accidental touch feeling so electric
I believe in the mystery that led you here to me
oh maybe there's a power I can feel it
it's just you and me just you and me...
Tony: I've wanted this for so long, but if it's too much, if it's too soon for this...
Gus: Come on, Dory. Please-- no, I can not go through the department.
I can't do that, because it's my partner's ex. Look, I'm not asking
for... I'm not asking for the world here. I'm just saying... look. I'll
say it again really slowly, okay? I just need a 24-hour tail on Phillip
Spaulding. Yeah. For me. I just want to know if the guys blows his cool
or blows his nose or whatever, okay? Thank you. Dory, thank you. I owe
Harley: Frank, if I get anything from the partner that seems like it's remotely true, of course I will tell Gus. But until then?
Frank: I'm going to say it one more time. I don't think you should go alone.
Harley: He's an ex-cop. I'm a cop, okay? It'll be fine. I don't understand...
Gus: I got this for Jude.
Harley: Hey. Oh, thanks. That's sweet. How did it go with Phillip?
Gus: Remember that reasonable one that we talked about? It's a very, very, very small window.
Harley: Yeah. Big surprise. I guess we're going to court. We were
expecting this anyway. And I've got the name of a really good lawyer.
Frank: Then I think you should talk to that lawyer instead of going to Clayton.
Gus: Who's going to Clayton?
Harley: I am, after Christmas.
Gus: Oh.
Frank: I'll be down in evidence.
Harley: Yeah.
Frank: See you guys.
Gus: What's going on in Clayton?
Harley: And old case. Just an old, stupid case. Don't listen to Frank. I'll tell you about it when I get back.
Gus: Okay.
Harley: No big deal. Let me give you advice. Don't let Phillip ruin your day.
Gus: Ha!
Harley: He's not worth it. And we have so much to be happy about
right now, okay?
Gus: Yes, we do. Yes, we do. And the Santos family is collapsing and Carmen's in jail. It's Christmas.
Harley: Well, it's very nearly Christmas.
Gus: Yeah. Actually it's the first Christmas that I'm looking forward to since I was a little kid, you know, since my father left the planet.
Harley: I guess it's my job to make it the best one for you yet.
Gus: (laughs)
Phillip: Hi.
Olivia: Hi. Did Hugo come in here?
Phillip: Not recently. Why?
Olivia: I guess I'm supposed to decide the dinner menu tonight. It's
Alexandra's idea of an olive branch.
Phillip: Oh. Okay, that's good. Won't need a food taster anymore.
Olivia: (laughs) No. Is that "The Great Gatsby"?
Phillip: Yeah.
Olivia: You're reading that?
Phillip: Yeah. I usually read it once a year. I missed last year.
Olivia: Are you catching up?
Phillip: No. Lizzie is doing a paper on her novelist father and his favorite novel.
Olivia: Wait a minute. You wrote a novel?
Phillip: Yeah. A million years ago. Another life ago. And looking at this, boy, really make me think it's a good thing I'm a businessman now.
Olivia: Oh, no, I'd like to read it. Your novel.
Phillip: You'd do better with this.
Olivia: Let me see.
Phillip: Sure.
Olivia: Oh, it's highlighted no less.
Phillip: That's my high school book. What?
Olivia: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy. They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness."
Phillip: Or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up their mess that they had made. Pretty good, huh?
Olivia: Good reminder.
Phillip: That's why I read it once a year.
Olivia: It's good to clean up your own mess.
Phillip: Yeah, it is.
Alan: Our wedding day.