GL Transcript Tuesday 12/17/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/17/02

By Eric
Proofread by Tanya

3E00327F.JPGBill: So, anything new since I last saw you? Something about a dead husband being alive, maybe?

 Michelle: Oh, yeah. That.

 Bill: Oh, yeah, that. Barely worth mentioning, I guess, so why would you call your best friend?

Michelle: I didn’t.

Bill: You're damn right, you didn’t. So where is Danny? Upstairs?

Michelle: Nope. Robbie and I are on our own, for the moment.

Bill: For the moment, huh?

Michelle: Yeah, I saw Danny last night, and we talked, and I'm just not ready yet. Go on, say it, just like everybody else-- that I should be grateful that's he's alive; I'm crazy for holding back, right?

Bill: Actually I was going to say just the opposite.

 3E00329C.JPG( Bell rings)

Danny: Can I get some service around here, please? How are you?

Cassie: I'm good. How are you?

Danny: Good. I'm good.

Cassie: So, how does it feel to be a free man?

Danny: I don't know yet. I'm still finding out.

Cassie: Well, Carmen’s behind bars; you're with Michelle.

Danny: Not exactly with Michelle, yet.

Cassie: Did you tell her the whole story?

Danny: Yeah, I did, but she's still upset, in shock.

Cassie: She'll come around.

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: I know she loves you. 

Danny: Yeah.

 3E0032C3.JPG Cassie: So...

Danny: What?

Cassie: Did you get to see Robbie?

Danny: Yeah, I did. It was great to hold him again.

Cassie: Oh. I bet you he missed you so much.

Danny: Ah, I missed him. He's got so big, so fast.

Cassie: Oh, they get so big, so fast.

Danny: It's crazy.

Cassie: Come and sit down. Sit down. I know that you're a little... still weak. Come on. 3E0032EA.JPG

Danny: So...

Cassie: So. So what are you doing here? You want to reminisce on how we almost got each other killed? (Laughs)

Danny: No. No, thank you. I actually came by to see if you have a vacancy.

Cassie: A vacancy?

Danny: Well, this is a hotel, isn't it? I need a room.

Gus: One for you. One for you.

Harley: The disc. Now.

Eden: I wasn’t just stealing it for Carmen. I was taking it home to watch it.

Harley: Right. I can see that: Some popcorn, sitting back, watching some of Carmen’s confession. First of all, Eden, this is evidence-- does not leave the station. Second of all, I knew you would do it the second I walked away.

Eden: Oh, you knew?

Harley: Do you really think that I would leave real evidence lying around like that? It's a little kids' movie. It's Zach’s favorite.

 3E003318.JPGEden: You set me up?

 Harley: And you didn't disappoint me.

 Eden: Look. I was... okay, you got me. I was taking it home to make a copy of it. I have waited my entire life to see Santos...

Harley: You weren't making a copy of it. You were going to make it disappear. The question is, why? Why would you help Carmen Santos to beat the charges?

Eden: I wasn’t.

Harley: You were. What does Carmen have on you?

Eden: Nothing.

Harley: Well, let's try it again. What does Carmen Santos have on you? 3E00333C.JPG

Eden: Nothing, okay?

Harley: Let's try it one more time. The truth, Eden. What does Carmen Santos have on you? 

Eden: Okay. She doesn't just have something on me. She's got something on Nicky, too.

Ed: I don’t... I don't want to use my cell phone. This the craziest thing you have ever asked me to do. I mean, this is high school.

Ross: Humor me, please. Disguise your voice. Everything will be fine.

Ed: Fine? I'm going to look like a jackass. I'm going to feel like a total moron.

Ross: Here's the number.

Ed: And I can't disguise my voice. What am I, some kind of ventriloquist? I mean, Blake is going to know it's me. 3E003432.JPG

Ross: We will risk it, Edward. I'm your best friend. Don't you want your best friend to be happy? Don't you believe in the nobility of true love?

Ed: Let me get back to you on that part of it. Here's an idea. Why don't you just go and talk to her? Why don't you just go to Blake and say what you want to say?

Ross: Oh, that's a hell of way to go about things. Besides, if it comes from me, she will not listen. She thinks that every time we get engaged, something terrible will happen. And marriage-- oh, God forbid marriage, that's going to ruin our relationship. 3E003459.JPG

Ed: Well, I seem to remember that you were the one who didn't want to get married.

Ross: Ed, I used to think that. I was a fool, but I was so good at it, now she believes it. But right now, our problem is she is spending so much time fixing other people's love life, she's neglected her own. But tonight, we are going to change that. We. It's all coming together, Edward. Just dial the phone.

Holly: Honey, it's going great. We're getting more calls then ever. They love you.

Blake: Of course they love me. I'm Darlena Lacrosse. Who knows more about romance than me? (Laughs) you know, I bet you if you do your research, you'll find that the birth rates in Springfield go up nine months after this show airs.

 3E003488.JPGHolly: How did I raise such a confident child?

Mike: We have the next caller on the line.

Blake: Hello? You're on the air. Hello? Is anybody there? Oh, don't be shy. I'm not here to judge. I'm just here to help. Hello?

Ed: Yeah, hi. Is this Bla...

Ross: Miss Lonelyhearts.

Ed: Is this Miss Lonelyhearts?

Blake: That's me. Who am I talking to?

Ed (disguising voice): Uh, Fred.

Blake: Hi, Fred.

 3E0034B0.JPGEd: Yeah, this is Fred.

Blake: What's the problem, Fred?

Ed: What is the problem?

Blake: Just let it all out, honey. I've heard it all before. So what? Is it Ethel, giving you a hard time? Or maybe it's not Ethel. Maybe it's Barney.

Ed: No, no, no. It's not Barney. It's definitely a woman.

Blake: What about this woman?

Ross: Marriage.

Ed: It is marriage.

Blake: Is someone else there with you?

Ross: Fred, you want to marry this woman.

Ed: I want to marry you.

Harley: Sit down. Wow. So you'd rather do jail time than tell me what Carmen has over you. That must be pretty big.

 3E0034F9.JPGEden: Yeah, it would be, to Nicky.

Harley: Okay, then why don't you tell me? Why don't you tell me? Take a shot, for once. Come on, Eden. Try me here, okay? Just tell me. Okay, I'm going to go see what Carmen knows.

Eden: No, no, no, you can’t. She’s...

Harley: What? She's going to what? What, what, what?

Eden: Carmen knows something about our dad.

Harley: What?

Eden: Something that Federico Santos said before he went over the...

Harley: He went off the roof. Off the roof, yeah.

Eden: That's why I pushed Federico, so Nicky wouldn't hear. I mean, I didn't want to believe it at first, but... I mean, Nicky and I grew up knowing one thing: That our dad was a good cop-- the best.

 3E003539.JPGHarley: Okay, okay. What didn't you want to believe?

Eden: Federico Santos said that our dad was on the take. He worked for the Santos'. And then when things went wrong, they killed him.

Harley: Gus talks about your dad all the time. He's patterned his career after him, his whole life.

Eden: I know.

Harley: Well, isn't it possible that what Federico said is wrong?

Eden: It's true.

Harley: Joe August was crooked?

Eden: And Carmen is going to tell Nicky if I don't help her.

Harley: And you've kept this a secret all these years.

 Eden: So now it's up to you. If you tell Nicky, it'll do more than break his heart. It's going to destroy him.

 Gus: Hey, look, girls, new mugs. Did I miss something?

3E003574.JPGCassie: Here you go.

Danny: Great, thank you.

Cassie: So, what are you going to do now?

Danny: I thought maybe I'd get a bite to eat, I guess.

Cassie: I mean with your life. Since I feel a little bit responsible, I'd like to know what my hard work is bringing into this world. Are you going to be an accountant, or a professional wrestler?

Danny: Oh, please. No, I think I just want to concentrate on being a father and a husband again for awhile.

Cassie: You don't have to wait for that, you know. You can go do that now.

3E0035A1.JPGDanny: Yeah, I wish. It's not that simple.

Cassie: Yes, it is.

Danny: No.

Cassie: Yes, it is. I know Michelle is upset, but her husband came back from the dead. That's a pretty incredible miracle, Danny. It is.

Danny: Except I left her out of it.

Cassie: I would give anything if Richard walked through that door and told me it was one horrible mistake. You guys have something that we never will, and that's a second chance, Danny.

Danny: I understand.

Cassie: Take it and run with it.

Danny: I agree. Believe me, I agree. I think Michelle needs a little convincing.

 3E0035CB.JPGCassie: So go convince her now. Don't wait another minute.

Danny: I can't do it right now.

Cassie: Yes, you can do it now. What?

Danny: It's late.

Cassie: It's not too late. Danny, listen to me. It is not too late. What?

Danny: You're very bossy. You know that?

Cassie: So I've been told. Come on.

Danny: All right. Okay.

Cassie: Are you really going to take my advice and go?

Danny: Believe it or not. (Laughter) I hope you're right. See you later.

Blake: You seem a little nervous, Fred. And there's something about your voice. Do I know you?

 3E0036A5.JPGEd (disguising voice): No, I don't think so.

Blake: Okay, so we're talking about marriage, is that right?

Ed: Yes, that's right.

Blake: Why don't you tell me the whole story and we'll take it from there.

Ed: Well, you see, there was this woman, and we were married, but there were problems.

Blake: What was the problem?

Ed: That's such a good question. Oh, it's so difficult to talk about. I didn't want to cheat on her, but it was just one of those things that happened when I wasn't looking.

Blake: That's a tough one, but not impossible to work through. I take it you're still in with your ex-wife?

 3E0036D5.JPGEd: Oh, yes, yes, yes. I love her. I love her. She... she lights up my life. She is the sunshine. She's the sunshine of my life. (In normal voice): What?

Ross: Are you going to sing?

Ed: If you think you can mess this up better than I'm messing it up, please feel free.

Ross: You're doing fine. You're doing fine. You're doing very well. Just be a little more original.

Blake: Fred, who are you talking to?

Ed (disguising voice): No one. I'm talking to myself. Sometimes I do that just to straighten things out.

Blake: Oh, that's funny. It sounded like two voices to me. So, we're talking about your ex- wife. And I take it that you're still in love with her, but she's not in love with you?

 3E003703.JPGEd: No, she is. At least I think she is. It's just she's afraid to commit to me again.

Blake: Really? How long has it been since you two have been out of touch?

Ed: Oh, years. Years and years and years.

Blake: But now you're back and you're looking for a serious relationship?

Ed: I'd call marriage very serious, yes. But she doesn't seem to believe in it anymore. She has a lot of reservations.

Blake: There seems to be a lot of static on the line. Can you... are you calling from your house?

Ed: No, I'm not.

Blake: Where are you calling from?

Ed: Some new hotel by the water.

 3E00372E.JPGBlake: Okay. So, have you told this woman how you feel?

Ed: Well, yes, but like I said, she's got her own ideas about marriage, you know. We belong together. I just don't know how to convince her on that.

Blake: I think you should tell her exactly what you told me. Don't hold back. Voice all of your insecurities, and she'll find it very endearing. Fred, could you hold on the line for a moment? We're going to cut to a commercial. It's Ed.

Holly: Okay, I know it sounds a little bit like Ed with a French accent, but...

3E00375D.JPGBlake: It's Ed. Why don't you go and see for yourself? You know, if you don't go, I will, just to prove it to you.

Holly: No way. Stay right where you are, Miss Lonelyhearts.

Blake: Get your butt over to the Beacon.

Holly: All right, I will go just to prove that you're wrong. Mike?

Mike: Yeah, go. Go, go. Get out of here. The shows almost over anyway. Good luck.

Michelle: Bill if you're hungry, can you eat these, or these? Look.

Bill: (Laughs) So what do we got here? We got a whole family, huh?

Michelle: Yeah, you got a problem with that?

 3E00377F.JPGBill: No, not at all. It just means more to eat. Well, let's see. We got... we got Mr. Gingerbread and we got Mrs. Gingerbread, and then we got the little, little kid over here, little shortbread.

Michelle: Ha, ha, ha. Shortbread.

Bill: Hey, don't laugh. Gingerbread families have problems, too.

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Bill: Like what would happen if Mr. Gingerbread suddenly disappeared? The Mrs. Gingerbread and little shortbread here would have to move on without him, right? But then suddenly Mr. G. Reappears. But Mrs. G kissed that little icing lips good-bye for good, right?

Michelle: Are you done?

3E0037A3.JPGBill: You're just afraid of how it ends.

Michelle: No, I'm just afraid of your dirty fingers in my cookie batter. That's what I'm afraid of.

Bill: This? This?

Michelle: Bill. No, no, no.

Bill: Come on.

Michelle: No. (Knock at the door) You should go get the door.

Bill: That is your door. (Knock at the door)

Michelle: Just back off. Back off. Back.

Bill: All right, okay.

Michelle: Back away from my cookies, all right? Stay. Stay. Danny.

 Danny: Hi. Hey, Bill.

 3E0037C7.JPGBill: Hey, there, Danny.

Danny: Um, I guess I should have called. No, I just... I was in the neighborhood, and I thought... I was wondering if maybe I could just spend a little time with Robbie, if that's okay.

Michelle: Oh, sure. Well, I mean, I just put him to bed, but he might still be awake. Come in.

Danny: Oh. Are you sure?

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, come on in.

Danny: Okay. I didn't realize you had company. I can come back tomorrow.

Michelle: No, it's okay. It's really okay. Robbie will be thrilled to see you. Just give me a minute.

 3E0037E7.JPGBill: How's it going? Get you a cookie?

Danny: No. Thanks. I'll pass.

Bill: Sounds like a pretty good idea.

Danny: What?

Bill: If you're planning on hurting Michelle again, maybe you should just pass. Don't drag this out till New Year's Eve.

Danny: You know, Bill, it really wasn't my intention to hurt Michelle. I was actually trying to protect her...

 Bill: From your mother. Your mother. I know, I heard all about it. And I was at your funeral.

 3E003912.JPGDanny: Okay. So you know that I did what I did to save their lives, look, I know it's been hard on Michelle. I know that.

Bill: No, you don’t. You have no idea what it was like. I was here when Michelle heard that you were missing, and then right after, when they told her that you were dead.

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Bill: Danny, I watched her fight to stay strong for your son. I saw her smile, keep upbeat, trying to stay busy when all along she felt like she lost everything. But I'll tell you something, it's an amazing thing to witness, because instead of falling apart, she pushed herself forward. She didn't just sit around grieving. She got back to work. She got on with taking care of her son. I mean, she even made time to make other people feel happy. Michelle might be a lot stronger than either of us ever would have thought there, Danny, but there's only so much that one person can stand.

 3E003949.JPGDanny: Well, I'm not here to make her life more difficult. Is that what you think?

Bill: All I'm saying is, Michelle's come a long way since you left. So whatever you do, don't take that away from her.

Danny: Hey, I understand how you feel. I do. But the good news is I'm here now, I'm back, and you don't have to worry about Michelle anymore.

Michelle: Is everything all right?

Danny: Yeah.

Bill: Yeah.

Gus: What's up?

Eden: Harley and I were just talking about our dad.

Gus: Yeah? What about him?

 Eden: I was telling Harley how proud he'd be of you, bringing down the Santos family and everything.



Gus: Yeah, but you know, pop would have done it better and faster.

Harley: Nobody's perfect.

Gus: No one's perfect. My pop was. No, you know what? He wasn't exactly perfect. He used to make a cruddy lasagna.

Harley: Speaking of that, I'm going to make sure Carmen had a meal.

Gus: Yeah. Eden. You think pop would have... well, you know, really been proud?

Eden: Yeah, he would have. I mean, you took care of me and you did everything he asked you to and more.

Gus: Yeah. Yeah, he was one in a million.

Harley: Carmen? Your secret's out.

3E0039C0.JPGCarmen: What are you talking about?

Harley: The leverage that you think you have on Eden-- it's gone. I know all about what you have on her father.

Carmen: And does the brother know?

Harley: No, and you're not going to tell him. As a matter of fact, you're not going to tell anybody, if you know what's good for you.

Carmen: I don't always know what's good for me. Otherwise I wouldn't have wound up here.

3E0039F1.JPGHarley: Well, you're going to prison, far, far away from Santos land. And if you so much as tell a guard what you think you know about Joe August, I will make your jail time unbearable: The worst cell, the worst roommate, maybe even a case of botulism if you push me far enough.

 Carmen: My, my, my. You're actually threatening me, Detective Cooper.

Harley: You used to have power. In here, I am the power. You keep what you know about Joe August to yourself.

Blake: I think we are afraid of commitment, Fred-- of failing ourselves or our partners somehow. We've all been disappointed by someone, someone special we thought we could trust. But that doesn't mean we've stopped dreaming or given up our romantic ideals. We all want to live happily ever after. I think it's part of our inner child.

Ed (disguising voice): Oh, I know all about him.

Cassie: What are you guys doing?

 3E003A29.JPGRoss: Nothing. We're just... we're just two friends having some fun.

Cassie: Making crank calls?

Blake: Do you agree, Fred? Fred, are you still there?

Ed: Could you repeat that please?

Cassie: You know what? I don't even want to know.

Blake: I was talking about living happily ever after with the woman that you love. My guess is that she's much more ready to commit than you think. I say go for it. You're great for each other. You always have been.

Ed: How do you know?

Blake: Oh, I know this woman a lot better than you think, Fred.

Ed (in normal voice): She's on to us, Ross. Now she knows...

Ross: No way.

 3E003A5D.JPGEd: She knows it's a set up. Sounds like she's ready to commit. Now that's what you want, isn't it?

Ross: Blake doesn't know that it's us.

 Ed: $50. $50 says she does. (Disguising voice): Miss Lonelyhearts, are you implying that we've met before?

Blake: I know all about you, Fred. I'll play your favorite song to prove it, if you just hold on the line.

Ed (in normal voice): But of course. There you go. Now, come on. She knows. Now go be with your wife.

Ross: Thank you. Thank you, my friend.

Ed: You owe me so big time.

 3E003A7C.JPGBlake: I'd like to dedicate this next song to Fred and his beautiful lady friend. I hope this helps move things along.

Holly: It is you.

Ed: Me, what?

Holly: That wouldn't be Miss Lonelyhearts on the line, would it?

Ed: Oh, boy. I was that bad, huh?

Holly: Well, Blake was on to you in a flash.

Ed: How embarrassing was it?

Holly: Ed, I heard what you said about still being in love with your ex-wife and wanting to try again.

Ed: And you put two and two together?

Holly: I don't know what to say. Are you serious about us?

Blake: Has my mother checked in yet? Welcome back, everybody. We're live from downtown Springfield. This is Miss Lonelyhearts coming to you. And the subject tonight is commitment to the one you love. I see we have Russ on the line. What can I do for you, Russ?

3E003B79.JPGRoss: Hello, Miss Lonelyhearts.

Blake: Why, Russ, you have a very sexy voice.

Ross: So do you. I've been listening to the program tonight, and you sound lonely yourself.

Blake: Oh, really? Why do you say that?

Ross: It's just a hunch. Are you lonely?

Blake: Not anymore.

Ross: Play a song for me.

Blake: Do you have anything special in mind?

Ross: It has to be romantic. It's for the love of my life.

Blake: Mm-hmm. Lucky lady.

Ross: Miss Lonelyhearts, I know what I have, and I'm never going to let her get away again.

Blake: Okay, everybody, I'd like to dedicate this next song to Russ and the love of his life. May their hearts be linked forever by dancing. (Acoustic guitar playing)

 3E003BC3.JPGBlake: Why, Russ, I thought you were taken.

Ross: I can't resist beautiful redheads.

I can feel the magic floating in the air...

Ross: So you didn't buy anything that Fred said?

Blake: (Laughs) Not for a minute.

Ross: I told him it was stupid and immature.

Blake: But it was so sweet.

Ross: Yeah.

Blake: Yeah.

Ross: And I meant every word that Fred said. I hope you did too.

Blake: You meant it? I thought... you mean Ed.

Ross: No, no. Ed was Fred, speaking for me. He was my front man.

Blake: You?

 3E003BEB.JPGRoss: Would you like to dance?

Ross: Yeah. What?

Blake: Oh, boy.

Ross: What's the matter?

Blake: Uh, my mom's on her way to the Beacon right now because she thought it was Ed speaking to her.

Ross: Oh, boy.

Holly: When I told you I broke up with Buzz, you sounded different than you did on the radio. I just had no idea you felt so strongly about you and me.

Ed: But the thing is, the whole... the whole thing was just... just a huge mistake.

Blake: No, don't be embarrassed about it. I'm just wondering why you would call a radio station. This does not seem like something you would do.

Ed: See, there. See, because I didn’t... I wouldn’t. I...

 3E003C18.JPGHolly: I didn't even know it was you. You know, Blake caught on to you from the start. But you've always said what's on your mind. You've never had to hide behind a third person.

Ed: See, I didn’t. It wasn't me. I mean of course it was me, but... there's no way to say this except to just say it. I was calling the show about Ross.

Holly: About Ross?

Ed: It was so stupid, but Ross just had this idea, you know, that Blake would maybe see herself in the third person, and you know, stop hedging her bets about the whole... about the whole marriage thing. I mean, I told him it was stupid. I said...

 3E003C4B.JPGHolly: Whoa. Wait a minute. So this was all about... you were calling Ross for Blake. This had nothing to do with you and me? Oh. Okay, well, you know... I think I'm going to leave.

Ed: No, don’t. Hey, don’t. Don't, don’t. Come on.

Holly: No, no. Let's talk about it some other time, okay?

Ed: No, let’s... no. Let's talk about it now. Holly, look. I mean, so... so what if I was calling about Ross-- you know, calling the show. I mean, so what if... if... I mean, it's the things that I said, that I told Blake, Miss Lonelyhearts, whoever, whatever-- I mean, there sort of close enough to the truth. Come on. (Holly laughs) No, don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't leave. ( Holly laughs) Come here.

 3E003C8B.JPGDanny: I was just thanking Bill for helping you and Robbie out when we were apart. And I understand he was here for you when you needed him, and I'm really grateful for that.

Michelle: Yeah, I don't know what I would have done without Bill.

Danny: You're very lucky to have a friend like him.

Bill: Robbie sound asleep?

Michelle: Yeah. I'm sorry. I'd wake him, but...

Danny: No, no. Don't wake him. You'll never get him back to sleep. It's okay. I understand.

Michelle: You know, you can just go tiptoe in there and watch him sleep.

Danny: No, no, no. No, it's okay.

 3E003CB0.JPGBill: Is the baby monitor on?

Michelle: I think so. I hope so, actually.

Bill: You know what? I'll go check.

Danny: These are good.

Michelle: Here you...

Danny: You look great. What?

Michelle: Thanks. You're welcome to stay. He might wake up.

Danny: That's okay. I should get going. It's late.

Michelle: I guess it is.

Danny: Besides, it's not New Year's Eve yet, so... you know, Michelle, I know I've already said this. I just want to make sure you understand. I'm not giving up on us. I'm not. I really believe that what we have is stronger than anything that can take us apart. Carmen’s... well, she can't hurt us anymore. I know you don't agree with how I went about it, but the main thing is that you and Robbie are safe now. I just... I just want... you know what I want. So I will come by tomorrow and see Robbie. Is that okay?

 3E003D13.JPGMichelle: Yeah. I'll be at the hospital, but Rick and Mel will be here. I'm sure they'd love to see you.

Danny: Okay. All right. All right, good. So good night.

Michelle: Good night.

Danny: Oh, if you need anything, you can always call my cell phone, and I'm staying at the Beacon.

Michelle: Okay.

Bill: You okay?

Gus: I can't believe it.

Harley: Hey, hey, what do you have there?

Gus: This is new mug day. I got you... you a mug, and one for me. Oh, this. Yeah. Well, there's a couple of cigars. One's for me, and one's in memory of my... my father. It's a trip, because you gave them to me, and they're exactly the brand that he used to smoke with his... well, with Roy.

 3E003E0C.JPGHarley: Hmm.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Who's Roy?

Gus: He was my pop's partner, and he was always around the house, like a permanent fixture, you know. Even taught my sister how to ride a bike.

Harley: Wow. Sounds like a good guy.

Gus: Yeah, he was. He was a good guy.

Harley: What's Roy up to these days?

Gus: Last I heard was he bought a liquor store, something outside of Clayton, you know? I should have called him years ago. I think about it, but it one of those things were you never get around to it. Brian, hold up.

Harley: Roy Baker, huh? How much do you really know about Gus' dad?

 3E003E41.JPGMichelle: So how did I seem with Danny?

Bill: I think you... think you did fine.

Michelle: Really? It didn't feel fine. It felt awkward. It felt strange. It felt really wrong somehow.

Bill: Seriously, Michelle, I think you handled him like a champ. You know, you were friendly without being romantic. It was businesslike without being rude. Perfect way to say, "You know what? I love you, but I have no clue if I can be with you."

Michelle: Is that what I wanted to say?

Bill: You tell me.

Michelle: I don't know. What scares me is that I think that maybe it was.

 3E003E64.JPGBill: Well, that doesn't scare me.

Michelle: Well, nothing scares you.

Bill: That's right. I am fearless and courageous-- everything and anything that any woman needs.

Michelle: Did Beth tell you that?

Bill: That is just common knowledge.

Michelle: Okay.

Bill: You think I would lie to you?

Michelle: All right, well, as long as we're being honest and everything, what were you and Danny talking about while I was upstairs?

Danny: Come on, we're guys. We don't talk. We avoid.

Michelle: Okay, well, what were you avoiding talking about?

Bill: You know what? I think we should get back to this cookie dough before it gets all dried up and old, you know? And please tell me, what kind of flour are you using?

 3E003E8A.JPGMichelle: There it is. There it is. The talking to avoid. Thank you for the demonstration.

Bill: So, this New Year's Eve thing with Danny, are you going to go?

Michelle: Yes. I'm really going to go.

Bill: You're just going to see what happens? Take it from there?

Michelle: You know, I use whole-wheat flour because I think it's better for the digestion.

Bill: Oh, wait a minute now. Avoiding-- that is a guy thing, okay? You are a woman. You have to talk. You have to talk and ask questions and analyze. Wait a minute. What are you doing? Okay, time out. I'm afraid of one thing, and that's being hit with cookie dough, because I bruise easily.

 3E003EAB.JPGMichelle: Oh, really?

Bill: Yes.

Michelle: Oh, really? Why are you afraid? I thought I was the worst baseball player in the world, right?

Bill: You know what? That is true. So what am I afraid of?

Michelle: Oh, God, you're really asking for it now. (Laughter)

Bill: Oh. That almost took my eye out.

Michelle: Oh, got you on top of the head.

Bill: Yeah. You certainly got me.

Cassie: Hey.

Danny: Hey.

Cassie: You need some help?

Danny: No, I'm all set. I got my bags.

Cassie: Looks like you're staying for a while.

 3E003ECD.JPGDanny: Yeah. Is that a problem?

Cassie: No, no. Not at all. You can stay as long as you'd like. I just...

Danny: Good.

Cassie: What happened?

Danny: I went over there, but Robbie was asleep, so I...

Cassie: What about Michelle?

Danny: She was there, but we didn't get to talk much.

Cassie: A lot of people around?

Danny: No, no, just... just Bill Lewis. He issued me a little friendly warning.

Cassie: About what?

Danny: Oh, you know, don't hurt Michelle again. That kind of stuff.

3E003EF2.JPGCassie: He's her friend.

 Danny: I know. I know. They've been friends for a very long time.

 Cassie: Mm-hmm. So?

Danny: So? Yeah. I think Bill is in love with Michelle. He just doesn't know it yet.

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