Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/16/02
Harley: Alexandra told me what she said to you-- all that stuff about us, you know, getting married. And I want you to know that was not my idea. I would never put such a ridiculous notion in her head.
Gus: Yeah, that's the thing. That's the thing right there. What exactly is so ridiculous about marrying me?
Eden: A lot of things, if you ask me.
Gus: I didn't ask you. What?
Harley: The point is that she was completely out of line...
Gus: Uh-huh.
Harley: ...For even bringing that up in the first place. And I'm sorry if it upset you. You know, sometimes people, they do that thing where they think they're helping, but they're actually making it worse.
Gus: Yeah. Eden, can you go inside and just, you know, get us a table?
Eden: That's okay. I'll wait here.
Gus: No, honey, it isn't okay. I'd like to talk to Harley for a second, if that's okay. So, you know, order us a couple of cold ones or something--
Dad's favorite. Do that for me. Thank you very much.
Eden: Don’t take long, okay?
Gus: Bye.
Harley: You don't even have to say anything else.
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Really. We can leave it at that. I am going to set Alexandra straight about her interference, I promise.
Gus: I know. I'm not even angry at Alexandra. I'm angry at you.
Harley: Me?
Gus: Yeah. Yeah. What's so ridiculous about marrying me (stammering)... you know. I told you before, I'm a catch.
Harley: If that's what it sounded like, that's not what I meant.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Harley: I just meant... come on. I would never put pressure on you like that to get married.
Gus: Why? Why not?
Olivia: I have nothing to say to you!
Alexandra: Yeah, you just listen to me, Olivia. You should think very carefully before you have Alan's baby.
Olivia: This is none of your business!
Alexandra: Oh, yes, yes, yes, it is my business, because my family is my business, and nothing matters to me more, and nothing else lasts.
Olivia: Which is probably why Alan wants to have a child.
Alexandra: Really? And what do you get in return?
Olivia: I get to make him happy. Not that you would understand that.
Alexandra: You think that having a baby is going to make Alan happy? You think that's going to make your marriage better? Oh, Olivia, you are so deluded.
Olivia: (sighs)
Alan: ...So stubborn...
Phillip: I don't know why you want to sell this right now.
Alan: Cut our losses and sell the divisions.
Phillip: I don't want to do that. I want to give it another quarter. Can't we give it one more quarter to see what the earnings do? This new division could be great. Give it a chance.
Alan: Oh, really? What if it tanks and the stock plummet?
Phillip: It's not going to tank. You don't know what... what makes you...
Alan: So we should sell it.
Nolan: Oh, good evening, sir.
Alan: Good evening, Nolan.
Nolan: Welcome home.
Alan: Where's Mrs. Spaulding?
Nolan: Ah, she's at the Beacon. She asked for you to call her about dinner.
Phillip: Yea! There we go! Do that, call her. Go have dinner. Because you know what? I'm done for the day. I am punching out as of right now because I am not going to stand around and argue with you about this for the rest of the evening. Good night, Dad.
Alan: Well, you know, out of conflict, Phillip, comes creativity.
Phillip: Really?
Alan: And creativity has many different forms. I was just telling Olivia the other day that men make empires because they can't make babies.
Phillip: Where does that leave the women who can do both?
Alan: Ah, very smug. I want you to be the first to congratulate us. Olivia and I will be starting our family soon.
Phillip: Yeah, I heard. Congratulations.
Alan: What do you mean you heard? Who told you?
Phillip: Olivia
Rick: Very nice.
Mel: Thank you.
Rick: Thank you. To Mrs. Bauer.
Mel: That's Dr. Bauer to you, Dr. Bauer.
Rick: Here, here.
Mel: (laughs)
Rick: I've got a great idea.
Mel: What?
Rick: Let's get wild and crazy.
Mel: Here?
Rick: Mm-hmm.
Mel: What did you have in mind?
Rick: Let's turn off our beepers.
Mel: Oh, Rick, you are so naughty.
Rick: No, no, no, honey. Naughty... naughty would be if we turned off our cell phones, too. What do you say?
Mel: No, no, no.
Rick: Let's just go for it.
Mel: We can't. What about your son?
Rick: Yes, we can.
Mel: What about our patients?
Rick: My dad and Michelle are at the house watching my son in case Harley's babysitter flips out, and we're not needed at the hospital, right? Let's do it, honey. Let's do it right here and right now. Let's do it. Let's go all the way. Do you trust me?
Mel: Yeah.
Rick: On three.
Mel: Okay.
Rick: One...
Rick/Mel: Two...
Rick: And...
Mel: Oh, I can't. I can't.
Rick: Yes, you can. Yes, you can.
Mel: You know what? I'm not good at being bad.
Rick: I am very good at being bad. Just take your thumb, put it on there, turn the power off. And then you turn...
Blake: Hi, guys. Rick, I was just about to call you.
Rick: Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.
Blake: No, I just need five minutes. Reva, Cassie, Harley and I, well, we would like to set Phillip up on a blind date, and I want to run some names by you in case... well, you know, Phillip's been there, done that and I don't know about it, you know. I'd like to spare myself an embarrassing conversation.
Rick: That certainly never stopped you before. She kicked me.
Blake: Mm-hmm.
Rick: Okay, fine. You want to set up Phillip on a blind date, right?
Blake: Exactly.
Rick: Very bad idea. Bad.
Blake: No. We have to distract him. Otherwise Harley will kill him if he doesn't leave her alone. Michelle. Is she seeing someone?
Rick: Michelle's off limits.
Mel: Look, Phillip is tall, rich, handsome. I mean, it shouldn't be hard for us to find someone for him.
Blake: I was thinking blonde, sexy...
Mel: Intelligent, she's got to be intelligent.
Blake: And she has to be able to put up with Rick.
Mel: Yeah, and aloof. Men like that kind of stuff.
Rick: No, we don't. We don't like aloof.
Mel: Yes, you do.
Rick: No, we don't.
Mel: Yes, you do.
Rick: No, we don't.
Blake: Money.
Rick: He's got more money than he knows what to do with it.
Blake: No, she needs to have money. Otherwise he's going to think she's a gold digger.
Mel: Wait a minute. Is an out-of-towner okay?
Blake: That's perfect. He'd have to travel to her and then he'd have to let go of Zach even more.
Mel: Well, a friend of mine is in town from Atlanta. Actually, she's interviewing for a position at the hospital as a surgeon. And nobody pushes her around.
Blake: A doctor? That works for me.
Rick: Well, then that should scare the hell out of us all.
Blake: Uh-huh. Can you track her down?
Mel: I'll give it a shot.
Blake: You know, if you could get her to come over right now, Rick and I could have a primary look-see.
Mel: That's perfect. I mean, I wanted o see how her interview went anyway, so...
Rick: I don't want a primary look-see. Honey, do you remember... do you remember that we talked about this? You didn't call Noelle earlier, because you and I, we wanted some private time?
Mel: I know, sweetheart...
Rick: Right?
But isn't it selfish of us to retreat in the shelter of marital bliss when your best friend is out there in the world just single and all alone?
Blake: Make it a double date.
Mel: I'll call Noelle. You call Phillip.
Rick: Fine. When this...
Mel: Mm-hmm.
Rick: Fine. If this doesn't work out, it's your fault.
Alan: I don't find it reassuring that my wife shared our most intimate decision with you.
Phillip: Dad, she didn't share it with me, Dad. She was just musing one evening about what kind of a mother she would be. It was not terribly difficult to guess why.
Alan: How did you bolster her confidence?
Phillip: (laughs) Dad, I think Olivia knows she can do anything she puts her mind to.
Alan: No one knows better than I. She is frightened. This is her first child. And I think creating a child together would do nothing but underscore our commitment to each other.
Phillip: So it's pretty much a done deal, huh?
Alan: Yes, it's a done deal. We're in for the long haul. Besides I think our child will be a wonderful addition to this family.
Phillip: Well, I think it's great that you're building a life together. Good night.
Nolan: Excuse me, sir. Phone is for you.
Phillip: Okay. Thank you.
Nolan: You're welcome.
Phillip: Hello?
Rick: Hey, buddy. All work and no play makes Phillip a very dull boy. So why don't you join
Mel and I over at Beacon for a cocktail?
Phillip: Listen, thanks, buddy, but I just got back from a business trip and I'm beat.
Rick: Oh, you're beat? Well, listen up, buddy boy. I'm on medication. What's your excuse? That's right, you have none. So get over here, doctor's orders.
Phillip: How about a rain check?
Rick: How about getting a life? Doctor's orders, pal.
Phillip: Okay, you make it all warm and fuzzy like that, what can I say? Um... give me like 20 minutes, okay?
Rick: Great.
Phillip: That was Rick. I'm going to go meet him for a drink, so you and Olivia will have the house to yourself. Um... and by the way it is none of my business, but if you are blessed with a child, I do hope it makes you happy.
Alan: I'm sure it will, thank you.
Phillip: Good night.
Alexandra: Olivia... up until now, all of your little games with Alan and Phillip have been played with consenting adults. But having a baby is no game.
Olivia: I'm well aware of that, okay? I'm also aware that having Alan's baby is the greatest gift I can give to him right now.
Alexandra: Oh, please. Buy him a watch, give him a massage, but don't have a baby on a whim, because a baby needs the love of its mother and its father.
Olivia: I would love my child. Of course I would.
Alexandra: Oh, yeah, but love's only the beginning. Your child has got to come first, Olivia. It's got to come before everything, do you understand? It's got to come before your job, it's got to come before your husband, and no parade of nannies can ever make up for that love of a mother. Do you understand that, Olivia?
Olivia: You know, you don't know me very well. I raised my brother, Sam after my parents died and, yes, actually lately I have been thinking about having a child of my own.
Alexandra: With Alan?
Gus: All right, okay, so we have our little promise. I can't talk about the "M" word. Listen, wait, we can't even talk about the "L" word.
Harley: I don't believe Alexandra has us talking about this!
Gus: But what is the big deal? What does that matter? Why?
Harley: What is the big deal?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: The big deal is you don't want to marry me. I'm a three-time loser in the marriage department.
Gus: Oh, no, don't use that word, "loser," first of all. Let's talk about marriage for a second. Just hypothetically speaking, say we got married, okay? What it would do is it would make the whole at-home thing, two-parent thing kind of, you know, united together. It would defuse Phillip's whole argument against me. That's what I'm saying.
Harley: Uh-huh. Well, we would still have to deal with Eden lying about you.
Gus: No, nonsense. No. Here's what we'd do: We would get a judge, impress him with
what a hero detective I am, you know, and how I've paid my debt to society, and bing, bang, boom bang.
Harley: Mmm, painting an awfully romantic picture of our newly married year.
Gus: Honey, you he romance.
Harley: I don't hate romance.
Gus: Yes, you do.
Harley: I just... I don't believe in it.
Gus: Reality. Reality is better.
Harley: Yes, cold, hard facts. I agree with that.
Gus: Okay, me, too.
Harley: So do you have any other reasons why we should get married?
Gus: Save on bills.
Harley: Tax returns.
Gus: Mm-hmm, that's good.
Eden: Nicky, your beer is getting warm. Come on, we came here to celebrate, remember?
Harley: You're right, you're right. That's my fault. I'm sorry. What's the occasion, anyway?
Gus: Oh, homage to my father. You know, Carmen is behind bars and everything/ it's A... come join us.
Harley: No, you guys have waited a long time for this moment. Enjoy it.
Gus: Oh, no, no, no, no. This wouldn't have happened without you, right?
Eden: She said no, Gus.
Gus: (sighs) come on. Join us. My father would want it that way.
Harley: Well, maybe just one, you know, to... to honor your father's name.
Gus: That's good.
Harley: Somebody told me that he was a great guy.
Gus: He was-- the best. You, too.
Carmen: You know, there is a solution to this problem. If you could somehow manage to get that evidence against me and make it disappear, then our secret will remain just what it is, secret.
Eden: And what if I don't?
Carmen: Oh, well... then, poor Gus. He's going to be completely shattered.
Eden: I've got to get that disk, Nicky. It's for your own good.
Mel: Noelle is on her way.
Blake: Mm-hmm, Christmas is coming! Oh, jolly up, Rick. It's a joke.
Rick: How come women are never satisfied unless all the single men they know are paired up two by two? I mean, what, is there a flood going on that I don't know about?
Blake: We know what's best for you.
Rick: Mmm... uh-huh.
Blake: Ooh, there's Ross. Okay! Now, you, good luck, good luck, and, you, act surprised. Hey.
Ross: Hi, honey. I got your message. What's this all about?
Blake: Ah, well, Phillip is about to go on a blind date, and we get to watch.
Ross: Why would we want to do that?
Blake: So you can be impressed by your wife's new career of dispensing advice for the lovelorn. And then maybe you can get a few ideas of your own after my radio show tonight.
Ross: Yeah, well, my mind is racing already.
Blake: Mmm.
Phillip: Hello.
Rick: Well, hello!
Mel: Hey!
Rick: Hey, buddy.
Phillip: Hey, pal. Good to see you.
Rick: Hey, good. I'm glad you followed doctor's orders.
Phillip: Oh, let me hug the pretty one. Follow doctor's orders?
Rick: Yeah.
Phillip: Finally the doctor had something worthwhile to say, you're right. It has been a long time since I've had a life.
Mel: Oh, I don't think that's true.
Rick: Oh, of course it's not true. So tell us about your life.
Phillip: About my life?
Rick: Yeah, what's up?
Phillip: My life? How 'bout a recount of my life? Let's see, Beth is gone, Harley hates me, my dad is remarried, working on his new family. Um... that's about it. That's about it. You'll love this. I was... I was at my desk the other day, I was working on these endless quarterly reports, and I found that I was actually relieved to have this work to focus on, because work seems to be the only thing in my life that makes any sense right now. Now, you tell me, you're the doctor, you tell me, you're the doctors. How pathetic is that?
Mel: Oh, well, I don't think that's pathetic. I mean, as long as you have some sort of balance.
Rick: Right.
Mel: Oh, hey, there's my friend Noelle. I heard she was in town for an interview. Hey, Noelle, over here!
Rick: What a nice... what a nice... that's a nice surprise.
Mel: Hey, what a surprise! Right. How are you? Nice to see you.
Phillip: Why is the word "setup" popping into my mind right now?
Rick: It's all about balance, buddy.
Mel/Noelle: (whispering)
Olivia: You know something, Alexandra? I think I've proven that I'm up to every challenge you can throw at me. Despite your best efforts, I'm still at the mansion. Despite showing the world the diary, Alan still loves me. You know something? Alan's a gift. Because for the first time in my life, I don't have to be perfect. And now I'm ready to settle...
Alexandra: Now you're ready... ready to make up for all the dirty tricks you played on Alan. You know, this baby is going to be like an expensive piece of jewelry that a man buys for his wife after he's cheated on her to assuage his guilt.
Olivia: You are so wrong.
Alexandra: No, I'm not. And my poor brother is at home, trying to persuade himself that he is the only man that you really love. What a way to bring a kid into the world (cell phone rings)
Olivia: Hello?
Alan: Well, darling, did you miss me?
Olivia: Of course I did. How was your trip?
Alan: Very successful. I'll tell you all about it over dinner.
Olivia: I just... I have a few things I have to take care of here, and then I'll be home.
Alan: All right, but don't be too long.
Olivia: You'll have to excuse me, but that was my husband. He's waiting at home for me.
Alexandra: Oh, how nice. Shall I break out my knitting needles and make you a layette?
Olivia: Sister, dearest, when it happens, I promise you, you'll be the last to know.
Gus: Here's to Pops.
Eden: You still have his medals?
Gus: Yeah. I couldn't look at them for the longest time. But they're a thing of beauty, aren't they?
Harley: You guys have been through so much together, and here you are now, safe.
Eden: Yeah, in Springfield.
Gus: No, no, in the Santos- free Springfield, just like we promised him on his grave site.
Eden: Yeah.
Gus: Yeah. Well, we did it. Didn't we, kid? I mean, thanks to you.
Harley: Well, I'm glad I could help.
Gus: I wish he would have gotten to meet you.
Harley: Oh, me, too.
Gus: He would have loved you, I think. I think five minutes of knowing you, he would have had you out in the backyard shooting beer cans.
Harley: Do you think he would have minded losing to a girl?
Gus: That wouldn't happen.
Harley: I'm a pretty good shot.
Gus: Yeah, well, he's better.
Harley: (laughs) so I hear.
Eden: You know, I can't sit here and pretend to be happy about this when I don't know if Carmen's really going to make it to trial or not.
Gus: Eden, you've got to relax, okay? Because we've got Carmen's confession on digital CD-ROM, the whole thing.
Eden: Well, maybe I would feel better if I saw it with my own two eyes like you did. Please. Come on, Nicky. There's got to be some way that you can show it to me. Please.
Russo: : Carmen, I saw the recording of your confession, and I am telling you, I think we need to get a shrink down here to help us out.
Carmen: No. I'm not crazy.
Russo: Of course, not, but you utterly and totally indicated yourself under very trying, emotional conditions.
Carmen: So what?
Russo: So what? The state has an airtight case against you. If you don't let me present an insanity defense, I cannot get you off.
Carmen: They may have their case now, but not for long.
Russo: Why, what do you know?
Carmen: Me, I don't know anything. I'm crazy, remember?
Gus: Eden. Listen to me, Carmen Santos is in jail. She's going to stay in jail.
Eden: If you say so, but I'd like to hear it in her own words.
Gus: Look, even though pop wasn't around for a very long time, he was a hero. He was my hero. And finally I got to do something to pay him back. This case is closed. The Santos family, they're out of business. I mean, you know, it's time to get on with it, start a new life, you know? What do you
Eden: I wish I could believe like you do. I mean, maybe when Carmen Santos is locked up for good. When I know for sure that no one can hurt me for what I did to Federico Santos, then I can relax. I mean, who knows? Maybe I'll feel safe enough to tell Phillip what really happened.
Harley: You would do that, huh? You would tell the truth?
Eden: Sure, why not, if I feel safe. I mean, I don't really want to keep you from your kids. I more than anyone knows what it feels like to be separated from a parent.
Harley: Gus, what could it hurt to show Eden the confession tape?
Gus: We're talking state's evidence here.
Harley: We're talking about getting my son back. And I think if Eden is ready to tell the truth, we should do everything we can to make that happen. Come on.
So, Noelle, tell me, how did your interview go?
Noelle: Well, Charles made me an offer.
Mel: Charles, really? First-name basis with the chief of staff already, that's fabulous.
Noelle: I don't know, though. I have to see what CDC will offer me to stay.
Mel: Center of disease control in Atlanta. Very big.
Rick: Yeah, huge.
Mel: Well, you know, you're not married yet, so you can just pick up stakes.
Noelle: I don't know. We'll see. I'm sorry, we're being so rude, just talking shop. What do you do for a living, Phillip?
Phillip: It's a family business. It's pretty boring.
Mel: Okay, enough talk about work.. Phillip is in need of distraction anyway.
Noelle: Oh, well, that makes two of us.
Phillip: Well, actually, I'm looking for something a bit more meaningful in my life right now than that. If I were looking for distraction, I would take up golf.
Noelle: Oh, no, no, no, don't bother. That... that's a miserable sport if I ever saw one. I mean, you know, I've never met a golfer who's happy with his game, you know. (Laughter) so what do you do to relax, Phillip?
Phillip: I get divorced, That and argue with the mothers of my children. That's my latest hobby.
Noelle: Multiple? Plural?
Phillip: Mm-hmm. (laughter) okay.
Mel: You know what? I'm going to go powder my nose. Why don't you come with me?
Rick: Be right back, sweetheart.
Mel: okay.
Rick: Okay. Take your time. Okay. What is wrong with you? That woman is drop-dead gorgeous and you're acting like a dirt clod.
Phillip: I don't appreciate being set up on a blind date.
Rick: Oh, excuse me. And I suppose pining after your father's bride is the mature alternative.
Olivia: (heavy sigh) that's a nice welcome home.
Alan: One day without you is one day too long, Olivia.
Olivia: Don't let the servants see you talk like that, they'll think you've gone all soft.
Alan: I don't care what anyone thinks except the mother of my child. Now I have a surprise for you.
Olivia: Oh, yeah, really?
Alan: Yes, now the last time I gave you pearls, you threw them in the trash.
Olivia: Oh, didn't you hear it was ungrateful idiot day. These are beautiful. Thank you so... you're going to put them on me.
Alan: Oh, boy.
Olivia: Oh, they're beautiful. Thank you.
Alan: Not as beautiful as you are. Now, let's talk about that project that we're going to be doing here.
Olivia: You are the most focused man in the world.
Alan: Oh, that I am.
Olivia: Oh, yeah, listen, I need to say something to you, and I don't want you to take it the wrong way.
Alan: Well, try.
Olivia: I just... I've been doing a lot of thinking while you were gone, and I... I'm afraid we've been through so much so fast, what if adding a baby on top of everything else is too much?
Alan: I thought we'd settled all this before I left.
Olivia: We... I was just hoping that we could slow down and be a married couple for a while.
Alan: Having babies is what married people do.
Olivia: Well, what's the harm in waiting?
Alan: Olivia, I want you, and I want our child. Now, if you don't know that, all you have to do is say so.
Olivia: No, no, no, no, listen to me, that's not what I mean at all. I just... I don't want to make a mistake, Alan, that's all.
Alan: I can understand that, really. I... but you do want to have a child?
Olivia: Yeah, actually, I think I do.
Alan: Maybe you just don't want to have a child with me, is that it?
Olivia: No, that's not what I'm saying at all.
Alan: Now before I left, you assured me that it was over between you and Phillip. Is that the truth, or does this hesitation that you're experiencing now tell me that you still have feelings for my son?
Olivia: Sit down. Sit down, please. Listen, I meant everything that I said. I love you. I married the right man, and I want this marriage to work more than anything in the world. I just... Alexandra said something to me that...
Alan: So now you're taking advice from my sister?
Olivia: I know, I know, but I think in her own weird way what she was trying to say is that if I truly cared about your happiness that I would just slow down and try to be a good wife to you for awhile before I tried to be a mother.
Alan: Who told her that we were planning on having a child in the first place?
Olivia: Doesn't matter. Who cares? The point is, what if she's right? I mean, what if we're rushing things?
Alan: Don't let her do this to you, Olivia. Don't you understand what she's doing? She doesn't want you to be a part of this family, and having a child—my child-- would make you a permanent member.
Olivia: Why can't we be happy just the two of us?
Alan: Having a child will not change my feelings for you, only enhance them. You are my wife, and I love you very much. Now, you don't have anything to be afraid of.
Olivia: What if I'm too selfish to be a good mother? Look, you can have anything and everything you want, eventually but for right now, all I want is you. I wish you'd feel the same way about me.
Alan: Oh, I do, I do. I do want you very much. It was wrong to doubt you and to pressure you like this. I'm not a patient man, I won't rush this. We will not have a baby until it is the right time for both of us.
Olivia: Thank you. Thank you for understanding.
Alan: I understand more than you know.
Ross: This blind date is not going very well at all. How much plausible deniability do you actually have in this case?
Blake: None.
Ross: Oh.
Phillip: I am not pining after my father's wife. I am just not in the mood to be treated as a charity case, okay?
Rick: Look, when Mel invited this woman over on this blind date, I was skeptical, I was. But then... then I got a look at her, and now I'm watching you blow her off, and this certainly may not be any of my business, but I think you need a testosterone shot, buddy. Or I don't know, maybe you like pining after a woman that's not available.
Phillip: No, you were right the first time.
Mel: Hi, hello.
Noelle: I'm sorry, guys. I'm going to call it a night.
Rick: Why? Why so early?
Noelle: I'm... you know, I really have to go, and it was very nice to meet you Phillip. You know, I just want you to know, I didn’t know you were going to be here, and I don't think you knew, either, so no harm, no foul. Mel, Rick, Phillip, good night.
Phillip: Noelle, before you go, may I ask you something. My friend tells me I've been acting like a jerk. What do you think?
Noelle: How about complete jerk?
Harley: Step this way, no, not right now.
Gus: Listen to me.
Harley: We need to get the form that will allow us to release that CD from the evidence room. The interrogation room has it. Excuse me. The interrogation room has a DVD player. You can watch it in there if no one is watching.
Gus: Listen to me. It's a bad idea, okay? I don't want this happening.
Harley: I think... I think anything is a good idea.
Gus: Does it matter what I think?
Harley: What do you think?
Gus: I don't think it's a good idea.
Harley: Well, I think it's a good idea if your sister doing this so she can feel comfortable telling Phillip the truth. That's what I think. Right?
Harley: She's just watching it here in the station.
Carmen: So you decided to help me out of here. Smart girl.
Eden: I decided to help my brother. I wouldn't help you if you were the last person on earth. I just can't let you tell him what you think you know.
Carmen: And the truth shall set me free. Little did I know how true it was.
Eden: And once you get out of here, you're going to go very far away, right?
Carmen: You'll find out soon enough.
Harley: Eden, the interrogation room is that way.
Eden: Well, I would feel more comfortable watching it at home. I mean, what if I start crying or something.
Gus: Eden, you're such a bad actress. That tape does not leave the building, do you understand? Do you understand?
Eden: All right.
Harley: Listen, here's everything. You go ahead, you get started without us, right over there, the interrogation room. Okay, we have to process Carmen. She's getting transferred very soon. Patrick?
Gus: Can't get transferred soon enough as far as I'm concerned.
Phillip: So, I've been acting like a complete jerk.
Noelle: Hey, you asked me my opinion. I mean, all I did was show up here to have a drink with my friend and, sweetie, I'm going to call you next time.
Phillip: Um, you know, this was not Mel's fault, this was my fault. It has become painfully obvious that I'm a little out of practice when it comes to meeting beautiful, successful, independent women. I'm hoping you could help me with that. Can I start over? I'm Phillip Spaulding. Any friend of Mel's is a friend of mine.
Noelle: I don't know.
Rick: Noelle, look, this is certainly none of my business, but I'm going to try to jump in anyway. He usually makes a lousy first impression, but that man is well-read and he's very wealthy.
Phillip: How about another drink? I'm buying.
Rick: Of course you are.
Phillip: How about dinner? I haven't eaten yet, have you?
Noelle: No. You know, actually I... I'd love to have dinner.
Phillip: Great.
Blake: Phew, for a minute there I thought I was in big trouble.
Ross: You are in big trouble because I am going to have my way with you.
Blake: Oh, good.
Ross: Will it still be good when you have to deal with another marriage proposal?
Blake: Oh, dear. I thought we were supposed to be part of a romantic atmosphere.
Ross: Marriage is romantic.
Blake: Yes. Aren't you happy with the way things are.
Ross: Yeah, but I would be happier to see my ring on your finger .
Blake: That wouldn't keep me if I really wanted to go.
Ross: I know, but it would be a visual affirmation that you've forgiven me.
Blake: Of course I have.
Ross: You're a fibber, a liar.
Blake: No, I'm not. Oh, look at the time, I've got to go. I've got a radio show to do.
Ross: And you're a coward.
Blake: Yes, a coward that loves you, though.
Ross: Yeah, I love you, too. I'll be waiting up for you after the show.
Blake: Oh, good. Maybe I'll give you a show of your own.
Ross: Hi, Ed, it's Ross. Uh-huh, listen, as my former best man, I have a favor to ask of you.
Alexandra: Oh, you're back. I hope you shook up those out- of-town subsidiaries. We don't want anybody getting complacent.
Alan: God forbid that anyone should let down their guard while you're around, Alexandra.
Alexandra: (laughs) me? I'm a gentle as a pussycat.
Alan: Yeah, you need to be declawed. Olivia told me about your well- intended advice about starting our family. Well, I have a little advice for you: Back off.
Alexandra: I was just trying to help.
Alan: Yeah, well, you talked her out of having a child.
Alexandra: Did I? Good for me. And good for Olivia, too. It's absolutely ridiculous for you two to start thinking about having a family.
Alan: I know what's best for my wife, even if she doesn't yet.
Alexandra: That's very enlightened of you, Alan, but not very practical.
Alan: Why does talking to you give me a headache?
Alexandra: Because I'm the only person who will talk back to you, and you are not used to it. And I am also, Alan, the only person in the world who cares for you deeply who has nothing to gain.
Alan: Spare me, Alexandra. I can take care of myself.
Alexandra: Ha!
Alan: Maybe there's some aspirin in Olivia's purse. Hmm. What's this? Hmm, I'm starting to feel better already. (phone ringing).
Harley: Hold it right there. Eden, where are you going?
Eden: I was just going to get a cup of coffee. Do you want anything?
Harley: Suppose you explain to me why you chose to betray the brother you claim to love to help the woman you claim to hate.