GL Transcript Friday 12/13/02

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/13/02

From Suzanne
Proofread by

Eden: I love this: Still life with jail cell and Santos.

Carmen: Sounding like your brother.

Eden: Oh, I could do worse. I've got news for you; I’m not your little errand girl any more.

Carmen: That's funny, you came when I called for you.

Eden: That's right, I came down to see this. You locked up and lost.

Carmen: Don't get too used to it.

Eden: What, you going to walk out of here, beat the system? Dream on.

Carmen: You have no idea what I dream about.

Eden: I bet those shrinks in prison just can't wait for you to get shipped up there. You'll keep them very busy.

Carmen: You hate me.

Eden: Yeah, just the sight of you. But that's what makes this so satisfying, that I can tell you exactly what I think of you now.

Carmen: That's funny, because I have a few things I want to tell you, too.

Reva: So, exactly what is it that we're toasting to? Decadence. (laughter)

Blake: What, you don't have champagne for lunch every single day?

Harley: I barely have lunch.

Cassie: We are toasting to us, to our friendship, and to the holiday spirit, in that order.

Reva: There you go.

Blake: Oh my gosh, the ring, it's back.

Cassie: Mm.

Blake: Oh, my gosh.

Harley: How could you miss a rock like that?

Cassie: It was an early Christmas present. One of the best from one of the best.

Reva: Aww! Well, it was either the ring or a lifetime supply of floor wax. (laughter) What? She runs a hotel. Floor wax comes in very handy.

Cassie: That's exactly why I wanted you guys here for lunch.

Blake: Yeah, so we could insult each other.

Cassie: No, so we could celebrate. I really thought this Christmas was going to be pretty bad, but you know what, I’ve got a lot to be thankful for, and we have a lot to celebrate.

Reva: Just for getting through the year.

Cassie: That's right, that's on the top of the list. (glasses clink)

Blake: And you opened this incredibly successful hotel, and you got your children back in time for the holidays.

Cassie: Yes, I did.

Harley: And it seems obvious the two of you have patched things up.

Reva: And you helped put Carmen Santos behind bars.

Cassie: And Ross and Blake did the same thing with Tory.

Harley: That's right.

Blake: All right, back up. I have a little gripe to add to the grape here.

Cassie: Okay, of course.

Blake: Tell me that it was just a little accident that you kept me out of the loop about Danny being alive. Okay, it wasn't an accident. (Laughter)

Cassie: You know, Blake, we...

Reva: We had to keep it a secret.

Cassie: We all had to keep it a secret.

Harley: We all had to keep it a secret and we knew that if you knew...

Blake: A secret, when have I never not kept a secret? All right, don't answer that.

Reva: It wasn't so much keeping you out of the loop, I mean, we did keep you out of the loop, but you were never out of our hearts.

All: Yeah. (laughter)

Harley: Yeah, now the only one with any real problems is me.

Cassie: Oh yeah, everything going on with Zack, huh?

Harley: Well, Zack's not the problem, Phillip is the problem. But hey, if all goes well, I should be saying bye-bye to that just the way we're saying bye- bye to this champagne. Can I have a little bit more?

Cassie: Uh-huh.

Blake: Why, why, why, what's going on?

Harley: Gus is going over to speak with Alexandra Spaulding today.

Reva: And she's on your side?

Harley: Yes, she thinks that Phillip is a self-serving, what did she say, ignoramus... "Infantile," that's what she said.

Cassie: Oh, wow. I'm so sorry he is being such a jerk.

Harley: Well, it certainly wasn't my idea.

Blake: An idea, that's what we have to get. Yeah, we have to make Phillip change his mind about Zack.

Harley: No more champagne for Blake.

Blake: I'm... We are four intelligent women, we can come up with something to appeal to his holiday good will, his cheer, something.

Harley: Blake, there is not enough Christmas spirit in the solar system to make Phillip change his mind about this.

Reva: Well, now, wait a minute. We could... Santa could maybe put a new blonde in Phillip’s stocking. It would at least cheer him up. (laughter)

Blake: Reva, that's a great idea. We should set Phillip up with someone, and then he would put all his attention, his mind, on that person and off of you.

Olivia: Finishing up your Christmas cards? Quite a large pile.

Alexandra: Yes. Well, unlike you, I have a lot of friends.

Olivia: Hmm, why bother? If Alan calls I'll be at the Beacon.

Alexandra: Right, the dutiful wife at the helm of her empire.

Olivia: You know what, you seem to think that since Alan and Phillip are away that it's open season on me, but it's not.

Alexandra: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

Olivia: No, of course not.

Alexandra: You misunderstand me, Olivia.

Olivia: I wish that were possible, Alexandra.

Alexandra: I have nothing but the greatest respect for your obvious desire to make your marriage work.

Olivia: But?

Alexandra: But nothing, I mean it. Gus!

Gus: Hi.

Alexandra: Oh, Gus, Gus, Gus, come in.

Gus: Bad timing?

Alexandra: Nope, not at all.

Gus: Okay.

Alexandra: Come sit down.

Olivia: I'll leave you to your guest. Good luck to you.

Alexandra: So.

Gus: What's her problem? (laughter)

Alexandra: Love.

Gus: Wow, she's in love with big Al, scary thought. No offense or anything.

Alexandra: No, none taken. So, I've been looking forward to our little chat.

Gus: Yes, and I was wondering what it is you wanted to talk to me about.

Alexandra: I enjoy your company.

Gus: Okay, well, I just want you to know I'm a little bit tired. I was working all night on Carmen Santos' paperwork at the station, so I'm a little out of it.

Alexandra: Carmen Santos behind bars, well done.

Gus: Well, thank you. I feel pretty good about that. But like I said, I’m just wiped out, Alexandra, so if we could just get to the point.

Alexandra: Look Gus, I've been a champion of yours since we first met. But I suddenly realized that I really barely know you, so it's time to change all that.

Harley: Oh, Blake, for a minute there I actually thought you were serious, setting Phillip up with somebody. (laughter) You were serious?

Cassie: Harley, why do you think that Phillip is making your life so miserable?

Harley: Because he's Phillip.

Blake: You know, because he's Phillip, and he has nobody else's life to make miserable. Think about it, you know, he was this close to marrying Beth, right? Now she's gone. So he's all alone, he has all this time and energy to spend, and P.S., This is a man who cannot stand not being the center of some woman's universe. So, where does that leave you?

Harley: Okay, yes, I see what you're saying, I see what you're saying. And it sounds like a good idea in theory, but what poor unsuspecting woman am I supposed to sign him on?

Cassie: Oh, come on, you know? He's alone, that's probably hard for Phillip, I know.

Harley: Don't do that, don't compare your alone with his alone, it's not the same thing, Cassie. He deserves this much sympathy.

Cassie: Now wait a minute, Phillip is not a monster. He's a little highfalutin' and all, but he's not a monster.

Harley: Phillip is a dictator without a country.

Cassie: Harley, come on.

Harley: I am dead serious. You guys were not married to him, you don't know him. You know, when he lays down the law that's it, it's his way or the highway. Blake?

Blake: Yes, he's very demanding.

Reva: Oh, unlike any of us. (laughter)

Harley: My point is, my point is that maybe it would be good for him to actually be alone, you know? God forbid he becomes maybe a little self-sufficient.

Blake: Do you think a man can really become self-sufficient.

Reva: Moving on to a more philosophical discussion.

Cassie: Or more male-bashing. And you know, Blake, I’m sorry. I just feel so sorry for you, I mean, because you are saddled with such a loser-- Ross?

Reva: I couldn't agree more. How many nights has he dragged her off to some romantic dinner, night after night? I've seen her struggling over a Chateau Briand, a bottle of wine lit only by romantic candlelight. He is merciless.

Blake: You're right, I suffer. (laughter) And what about you, what you have to put up with?

Cassie: Oh, right, Josh. Ugh.

Harley: What a beast. Does he ever think about you for a second, does he spend one minute really thinking about how you are and your feelings?

Reva: Stop, stop, or I'll cry. (laughter)

Cassie: What about you, Harley? Gus, that cold fish detective. I mean, the only time he's not thinking about you is when you're cooking him dinner.

Harley: I never cook him dinner.

Cassie: I know.

Blake: And you haven't made any kind of impression on him at all. I mean, it's not like he hasn't changed at all since he's known you.

Harley: Okay. (laughter) Yeah, okay, it's a good idea. Yes, maybe Phillip would leave me alone if he found someone to date.

Blake: Or if we found someone for him.

Cassie: We don't have anything to lose.

Reva: Except Phillip breathing down your neck.

Harley: All right, fine, fine, fine. We will set Phillip up with somebody. Now, who are we supposed to do that to?

Gus: Well, there's really not a lot to tell. I'm a detective, I’m from Chicago, and I’m deeply in love with Harley Cooper.

Alexandra: I know you're really serious about her.

Gus: Yeah, I would lay my life on the line for her actually. That sounded very corny, didn't it?

Alexandra: No, it's really refreshing to hear a man talk about his feelings, because, you see, Harley had had a really terrible time. The men in our family have just given her hell.

Gus: Well, I just want to give her everything I've got.

Alexandra: Well, she's already given up a lot for you.

Gus: You're talking about Zack, right? Well, you know, we're working on that. We're going to do everything that we can to get him back where he belongs.

Alexandra: Yeah, you work together well, don't you?

Gus: I think so. I mean, we're real partners.

Alexandra: Partners. So, if you're partners then would you be willing to take the next step?

Gus: Which is?

Alexandra: Marriage?

Gus: How do you see that as the next step?

Alexandra: If you married Harley then the court would see you living together as man and wife, and it would also help to nullify Phillip’s claim against that she is living in sin with...

Gus: With a creep like me who's got a criminal past.

Alexandra: Look, you have already paid your debt to society, and you are willing to make an honest woman of Harley. So, what's the problem?

Gus: This conversation is the problem, and I think that... I think that it's over.

Eden: I don't want to hear a word you have to say because everything is a sick lie.

Carmen: Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

Eden: I don't think so Carmen. Happy rotting.

Carmen: You're a fool.

Eden: Excuse me? No, you're the idiot. You know, my father used to tell me that criminals were crooked because they were too dumb to come up with an idea to make a decent living. And you know what, he was right. You're so stupid. You brought me into your house to get me to go against my own brother; against everything my father stood for?

Carmen: Wouldn't your father be proud of his daughter now, huh, making her buck climbing into beds with strange men, and blackmailing them.

Eden: I did what I had to do to survive.

Carmen: Don't we all.

Eden: Your family destroyed mine. They murdered my father and practically made my brother go underground. And I grew up by myself, scraping to get by. But you know what, it was all worth it to watch the Santos' finished.

Carmen: We're not finished.

Eden: Oh, yes, you are. You're going to be in jail forever. And Danny’s got states evidence against you, and Tony’s got immunity and now is going to go and live a straight life with Ms. Marah-perfect. And Father Ray spits at the mention of your name.

Carmen: Ray loves me, they all do. We're a family.

Eden: Not any more. And you know what, thank you so much for making this all unravel in front of my eyes. This has been the ultimate Christmas present.

Carmen: You know something, Eden, you know why I allowed you into my home? Because I knew the time would come when I could make you my errand girl, and that time is now.

Eden: You are so cracked. Nicky knows that I worked for Ripley. You have nothing on me.

Carmen: How tall was that building that Rico fell off of, huh, ten, 12 stories?

Eden: What are you talking about?

Carmen: Oh yes, that's right. I know it was Rico and I know why you pushed him off that building. You didn't kill Tony’s father out of revenge, you killed him to shut him up. But the secret didn't die with him. It's mine.

Alexandra: Is it the subject of marriage that you have a problem with, or is it the fact that I’m bringing it up?

Gus: I just don't like people poking around in other people's business.

Alexandra: Of course. In other words, meddling.

Gus: Yeah, meddling.

Alexandra: Well, I'm sorry. I have no right to probe into your personal life.

Gus: You said it.

Alexandra: But I think that we should look at the big picture here.

Gus: Spoken like a true Spaulding.

Alexandra: Well, I am a true Spaulding, so let me tell you what I think. Please sit down. Okay, now here's what I feel. No judge in his right mind is going to turn down a two-parent family in favor of a one-parent one.

Gus: Especially if one of the parents is somebody who threw somebody off the roof.

Alexandra: Oh listen, we both know, Gus, that you didn't do that. Now, I’ve spoken to your sister.

Gus: Yeah, I heard about that.

Alexandra: Yeah, I know you did. But the fact is, that she is not going to set the record straight, I'm sorry to say.

Gus: Well, can you blame her? I mean, honestly, Phillip would come down swooping with his lawyers in a minute, and she is not going to jail. She and I have a very clear understanding about that. So just... Let's move on to another subject, let's not talk about my sister, okay?

Alexandra: Yeah, fine, fine, God, this is going beautifully.

Gus: Now look, I know... I know that you're trying to help Harley, and I appreciate that. I really appreciate that. But this is Phillip Spaulding we're dealing with. The guy is like a bulldozer. He's like a bulldozer without one of those reverse gears on it.

Alexandra: Yeah, I know, he takes after his father.

Gus: And even if I did marry her, the guy would find some sort of a way to keep Zack away from her anyway.

Alexandra: I just thought it would be worth a try.

Gus: Worth a try? Marriage worth a try? Alexandra, we're not talking about tasting cake recipes here, or, "try this," or, you know, this is exactly like a Spaulding. Forgive me, but, you know, a Spaulding gets an idea in their head and they think, "that's the way it's going to be." Well, I've got to tell you something: No Spaulding is going to control me or Harley, just as much as I wouldn't let Phillip do it, okay?

Alexandra: Fine.

Gus: Fine. And even if I did marry her, the guy would find a way to take Zack away from her. And when I do marry her, when I do marry her, I will do it on my own timetable, thank you very much. No Spaulding is going to control any part of that.

Alexandra: Fine.

Gus: Fine, fine. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. You're the only Spaulding that cares about Harley and I. I mean, you're a lovely woman, you're a classy woman, and I... This probably has been a big waste of your time.

Alexandra: I respect your honesty, and I really understand where you're coming from. And I want to say that most people who are around people with money lose their spine, but you don’t.

Gus: Listen, money is about the least important thing to me. Almost everything else in this world matters more.

Alexandra: Yeah, well, now I can see why Harley really loves you.

Gus: Yeah, she probably loves more because I’m just as crazy as she is. Listen, thank you. Thank you very much for the tea.

Alexandra: Yeah, it was interesting. Good-bye, Gus. (Laughter)

Blake: Ooh, Sally Barnes.

Harley: The Architect? Forget it.

Blake: No, she's funny, she's smart, she single.

Harley: Not blonde.

Blake: All right, all right, all right. Um... Oh, Marge Henset?

Cassie: Oh.

Blake: Got you, okay, not blonde enough. Well who do we know that's blonde?

Cassie: I'm not available. (laughter) Uh-uh.

Harley: No, no, no, don't put Cassie and Phillip even in the same sentence.

Cassie: Thank you, thank you.

Reva: Besides it's too soon for her to be dating.

Blake: Why?

Harley: Why?

Reva: Well, I don't know, but... Look, we're looking for a woman who's not just going to date Phillip, right?

Blake: That's right, that's right. She has to do a lot more, and fast.

Harley: Okay, okay, getting weird, getting weird.

Blake: No, just practical. If Phillip doesn't find a girl that really rocks his world, he's going to have more time and energy to spend on you, dear.

Harley: Sally Barnes is very nice though, I've always liked her.

Blake: Nice legs. (laughter)

Reva: So we're looking for someone who's funny, smart, a real world rocker.

Cassie: And who available right now.

Blake: Olivia.

Harley and Cassie: What?

Blake: Olivia, we'll ask her if she has any single friends.

Harley and Cassie: Oh.

Reva: Oh, for a minute there I thought you were talking about Olivia being available.

Blake: Oh, please, she just married Alan, that's enough Spaulding for any person, let alone adding Phillip into the mix.

Harley: Although you know, she and Phillip live in the same house, it should be easy enough for her to start up with him. It's just a thought.

Blake: I'm going to call her over here.

Reva: Blake, I don't even know whether Olivia has any friends.

Blake: Olivia!

Olivia: Excuse me.

Cassie: How am I going to deal with her when you guys leave?

Olivia: You certainly look like you're enjoying yourselves.

Reva: So far.

Blake: This is a fabulous space, isn't it?

Harley: It's beautiful.

Cassie: Yes, I have to say that it is pretty wonderful.

Olivia: Well, it's a good place for friends to come together, you're certainly proof of that.

Blake: How's married life treating you?

Olivia: Very well, thank you.

Reva: It's not what you thought it would be, huh?

Olivia: No, it's better, it's better actually. I never thought that Alan could be so easy.

Harley: Spaulding? I mean, you're talking about Alan Spaulding?

Olivia: He's been very sweet, very considerate, and actually a lot of fun. And it's made me realize something.

All: What?

Olivia: Just that that's how a husband should be.

Reva: Well, it's nice to know you finally found one that suits you. So, how's Phillip? Is he seeing anyone right now?

Olivia: Uh, not that I know of. Why?

Reva: Well, we're just trying to figure out the rest of his life for him. (laughter)

Cassie: Actually, we were just thinking that if he met someone...

Harley: That he would leave me alone.

Blake: Yeah, so, we're looking for someone who would really rock his world. Do you know anybody that would do the trick?

Eden: You can't get to those shrinks fast enough, can you?

Carmen: You know I'm not making this up. You killed Federico to shut him up.

Eden: He was the one that went off the roof, all right? I will admit that.

Carmen: Because you pushed him.

Eden: It was not to shut him up, it was to get him to confess to killing my father. But I wanted him in jail, I didn't want him dead.

Carmen: Liar.

Eden: It was to make him talk.

Carmen: And he did talk, didn't he? More than you expected, more than you wanted to hear, huh?

Eden: What are you talking about?

Carmen: What's wrong, Eden, why are you going so pale all of a sudden? Rico didn't die from falling off that roof-- well, at least not right away. He was still breathing. My boys found him behind that building in the alley. They called me. I cradled that poor man's head in my lap. He told me the whole truth, one choked word after another, and then he died. Now there are only two people who know the truth: You and me.

Eden: So what? You're the one behind bars. Who do you think they're going to believe?

Carmen: We can wait and find out. But do you really want to air the whole sordid tale about your father? Your poor brother, he'll be devastated, he'll be destroyed.

Eden: Why couldn't have Danny killed you?

Carmen: You know, there is a solution to this problem. If you could somehow manage to get that evidence against me and make it disappear, then our secret would remain just what it is, secret.

Eden: And what if I don't?

Carmen: Oh, well, then poor Gus is going to be completely shattered. Oh, I mean Nicky. And about you, well, Tony may want to change his life but he's still a Santos', he's hot- headed. Who knows how he's going to react when he finds out that you killed his father? I doubt if it'll be pretty. So what do you think about all of this, huh? Come on, Eden, what do you know, hmm? Answer me.

Gus: Excuse me, what's going on here?

Cassie: Go ahead, have a seat.

Olivia: Thanks. No offense, but it sounds to me like you plan to ambush Phillip, not just find him a date.

Blake: We're not only thinking of Harley here.

Harley: We're not?

Blake: No, we're not. We're thinking of Phillip. I think it would be good for him to find someone new.

Cassie: He's probably pretty lonely too.

Reva: And we just don't know whether he's even interested in dating. Do you know whether or not he is still obsessed with Beth?

Olivia: I honestly don't know. I don't know, you know, he probably is ready to move on. I don't know anybody off hand, but if I think of someone I'll let you know. He should, he should find someone and settle down and have more babies maybe, I don't know. I want him to be as happy as Alan and I are.

Blake: It's really working out then, isn't it?

Olivia: Alan's the one for me, I know that, but it's going to take work to stay close. I mean, all marriages take work, right?

Harley: You think?

Olivia: There's just so much to consider, I mean, I’m like you-- in some ways. I'm just trying to figure out a way to balance a full-time career, you know, with a full-time husband.

Cassie: And you don't have any children.

Harley: Talk about balance.

Olivia: It isn't really that much harder, though, I mean, to be a mother on top of everything else? (laughter)

Blake: Try having twins. Double the diapers, double the headaches.

Cassie: Right. For me, it was getting the kids to sleep through the night, that was so hard. And waking up the next day and being such a zombie. It was tough.

Harley: I have two words that get me through it: Reliable baby-sitter.

Blake: I have two more: Involved husband.

Reva: Aren't they the same thing?

Olivia: So let me see if I've got this right, the sooner you get the kids to bed and get somebody else to take care of them, then the better for the mommy.

Harley: Well, every bit helps, that's the point. (Laughter)

Cassie: I mean, children are not for the faint of heart.

Blake: Or the impatient.

Harley: Or the squeamish.

Cassie: Or the sane. (laughter)

Reva: Oh, my. Olivia, Alan wants you to have a baby, doesn't he? That's why you're asking all these questions.

Carmen: Eden just dropped by to tell me how grateful she was for letting her stay in my home, weren't you?

Eden: Like hell I was. You used me. You tried to turn me against my brother, and for that I'm supposed to be grateful?

Carmen: Well, why don't we just tell your brother exactly what we were talking about then.

Gus: What were we talking about here, ladies?

Eden: Yeah, we were talking about the past and how rotten it was. And I just came down here to see one of the Santos' behind bars.

Carmen: Stripped of power.

Eden: I wanted to tell her what I really thought of her.

Carmen: And what do you think?

Eden: I don't know any more.

Carmen: That's very open-minded of you. You can't say that the girl's not bright.

Gus: Listen, do we have to listen to this garbage, come on. Carmen Santos means nothing to anybody, especially us. I can't take it. You know what I'll tell you, come here. I will tell you that there is no reason to let them live rent- free in your head, okay? There is no reason for it.

Eden: Yeah, that's right. All our problems are gone.

Olivia: Ah, has Alan given me an order to procreate? No, no, hardly.

Reva: But he does want you to get pregnant, am I right?

Olivia: We both want to have a child.

Harley: Um, that would really seal the deal for you, wouldn't it?

Blake: Not necessarily. I mean, it didn't really work for all of us, did it? I mean, we've all been in single mom-city at some point.

Reva: Is there really room in your life for a child? I mean, you and Alan are so busy conquering the world, or at least buying it up, and a son or a daughter would just slow you down.

Olivia: Well, most of you managed to have kids and a career. I mean, how hard can it be? Besides, it's not like it's going to happen tomorrow. Alan's very flexible about the timing.

Reva: We'll see how long that lasts.

Olivia: You know, my marriage means everything to me. It's not just another business project. And if having a baby will make my marriage deeper and stronger, then I’m all for it.

Harley: And just what the world needs, more Spaulding’s. (Laughter)

Olivia: See, I don't know what that means because Zack is a Spaulding. You're not sorry he came along, are you?

Blake: Okay, it's holiday cheer time.

Harley: I try not to think about it.

Reva: I'm just wondering whether or not you could be present enough to raise a child.

Olivia: "Present"? You know, you're not really one to lecture on being present. You were gone half the time your kids were growing up.

Reva: That's exactly why I know what I'm talking about. I need to get to the station. But it's been fun.

Cassie: I'll walk you out.

Reva: Okay.

Blake: Bye.

Reva: Bye-bye, thanks.

Cassie: You okay? You won.

Reva: You know, it's going to take more than Olivia to spoil my day. Thanks for lunch.

Cassie: My pleasure.

Reva: Could it also be your pleasure to bring the children over to our place for Christmas dinner? Unless you think it's too soon.

Cassie: No, no, I would love to, I would. I would really like to do that. I just hope Josh doesn't mind.

Reva: Well, why would he?

Cassie: I don't want him to think about the whole Danny thing and how I made you lie to him and...

Reva: Cassie, look, can we get something straight? You may have asked me to participate in all that, but I agreed to do it. So I take full responsibility for all of it. And whatever problems Josh and I have-- which we do have some sort of weird problem-- we'll settle it. Just bring a pumpkin pie.

Cassie: And some whipped cream.

Reva: Lots of whipped cream.

Cassie: Okay. Hey.

Olivia: Look, I was just telling Harley and Blake that I’m sorry I broke up your lunch.

Cassie: You didn't break up the lunch, really, you didn't. A little different, but...

Olivia: Uh-huh.

Blake: That's okay. Reva had to go to the show anyway.

Olivia: Okay, even so, I feel like the least I should do is just pick up your drink tab.

Blake: Okay, no argument here.

Cassie: Cheers.

Harley: And actually, I would love to do nothing more than finish off another bottle of this bubbly. (laughter) But I have a boyfriend I have to meet, so I’ll see you guys.

Blake: And you look fabulous.

Harley: Thank you. And by the way, my children are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Bye, ladies. Alexandra, let me guess. Your meeting with Gus went so well that now you're having lunch.

Alexandra: No, actually I'm meeting a girlfriend, and I'm not quite sure where Gus is.

Harley: Oh, well, your meeting went well, didn't it?

Alexandra: Yeah, listen, come on, sit down, sit down. I need to talk to you, because there's good news and there's bad news.

Harley: Okay, well, give me the good news first.

Alexandra: Well, the good news is that I really like Gus.

Harley: Oh.

Alexandra: Yeah, he's great. And he loves you. He always says it just like it is.

Harley: Yes, he sure does.

Alexandra: Yeah.

Harley: What's the bad news?

Alexandra: He wasn't exactly thrilled when I said that to break the custody deadlock with Phillip that you two get married.

Harley: What? You're pressuring Gus to marry me?

Alexandra: No, no darling, of course I’m not pressuring him. I merely suggested that it would be a very good move, like a chess move.

Harley: And... And what was Gus's reaction to this? I mean, "you said not too thrilled." Does that mean that he was throwing things around the room, or was he shriveled up like a slug?

Alexandra: No, no, no. All he said was that when you guys got married that that would be on his timetable and not someone else's, and he didn't think it would do much good with Phillip anyway.

Harley: Well, I have to agree with him there. Phillip is so dead set against any change in his... Gus said when we get married, not if.

Alexandra: Yeah, he certainly did. Maybe he knows something you don't know.

Blake: Are you mad at Olivia?

Cassie: Oh, no. No more than usual. I was just thinking about something you said earlier. You said the "single mom city." And I just realized that I’m a resident now.

Blake: With a lot of neighbors.

Cassie: Right. Do you feel single?

Blake: I'm not married. No, but I guess it feels like I am, so I’m not technically single.

Cassie: Lucky you.

Blake: We did not address one thing that is a major drawback about being with someone today.

Cassie: What's that?

Blake: Doing laundry for two. (laughter)

Blake: I'm serious. Ross can untangle the most complicated legal battle going, and then, you know, he sits and sees this pile of kids clothes and he goes pale with this lost voice saying Blake?

Cassie: No. When Richard and I moved back from St. Cristobel, I really enjoyed doing his laundry.

Blake: Okay, the fumes in the basement.

Cassie: No. When we lived in the palace, our dirty clothes would just disappear and then mysteriously show back up immaculately clean. You know, I don't know, I kind of like doing it myself.

Blake: You know you could come over to my house any time you feel like it. ( Laughter)

Cassie: There was another way that I could show Richard how much I cared for him. I still wash a couple of his shirts every now and then when I do a load. It just kind of makes me feel like he's not completely gone, you know?

Blake: You want to know how I show my gang that I care?

Cassie: How?

Blake: I don't strangle them at the end of the day that I spend picking up, cleaning up, and washing up after them.

Cassie: What a woman.

Blake: Yeah, I'll say.

Cassie: Do you resent Ross for not marrying you?

Blake: Well, no, no, because this time it's my fault. I put the breaks on.

Cassie: Are you happy with how your life is now?

Blake: You've got a lot of questions.

Cassie: I do, I’m just curious.

Blake: About me or about how your life is going to go?

Cassie: I just look at you and I see that you have a great man and you have great kids, a great career, and enough money to enjoy it all. And I just think that that's wonderful. And I think it's so big.

Blake: It is big. Yeah. Let me ask you something.

Cassie: What?

Blake: Where do you get the strength to be so optimistic? You're amazing.

Cassie: You know, I refuse to be alone and miserable. I've been there so I’m just going to be alone.

Blake: You are beautiful and bright, and so much more. You're not going to be alone for long. The right man will come along.

Cassie: The right man did.

Harley: Marriage is so not on the table for me right now.

Alexandra: Oh, but Harley, why?

Harley: Do you want the reasons alphabetically or chronologically?

Alexandra: You know, it is such a great idea.

Harley: I cannot get married right now, Alexandra! I haven't even sent out my Christmas cards yet. Why did that have to be the chess move that you mentioned to Gus?

Alexandra: Well, it just seemed logical.

Harley: Well, think of something else.

Alexandra: You know, it's not like you haven't been married before.

Harley: Exactly, exactly. That is why I'm flipping out because you know what happens to me when I get married? I get divorced. That's so, let's not talk about that okay, don't mention marriage. Just please stay out of it, please.

Alexandra: Actually, I have other fish to fry.

Harley: What, are you going to talk to Olivia about the baby now?

Alexandra: Baby, what baby?

Harley: You didn't know? Alan and Olivia are talking about having a baby.

Alexandra: Oh, my God! Over my dead body. See you later, honey. Olivia, hi. I need to talk to you.

Olivia: I'd love to, but I've got a business to run so.

Alexandra: Yeah, well, I'd like to talk to you about this baby business.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: How... How... How is it going?

Gus: How did it go? It didn't go that well. I was a little bit ticked off at your baroness friend, I'm sorry.

Harley: No, I’m sorry. I'm the one who's sorry.

Gus: Why are you sorry?

Harley: Because I talked to Alexandra and she told me what she said to you, you know, the thing about us getting married. And I just want you to know I had nothing to do with that. I would never put such a ridiculous idea in her head.

Gus: Well, now, what's so ridiculous about it, us getting married?

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