GL Transcript Thursday 12/12/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/12/02

By Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya


Josh: By the way, where do we keep the gunk that we use to, you know, clean stains off of furniture?

Reva: You want to clean? Now?

Josh: Yeah. I was thinking that I should probably clean the gangster blood off the chair out in the pool house.

Reva: Sure.

Josh: Or maybe we could turn it into a museum and sell tickets. What do you think about that, huh?

Reva: Is that what you mean by "doing your own thing?"

Josh: Maybe.

Reva: Well, you want to clue me in on when this plan of yours kicks in.

Josh: I'll tell you when. I'll give you about the same notice that you gave me when you decided to help Cassie and Danny. How's that?

Reva: Oh, boy.

Josh: Or maybe I'll give you a little more. Who knows?

Reva: Okay. I earned that. But I'm the first to say...

Josh: No, actually, usually I'm the first to say. It usually goes something like this: "What? You did what?  When? Why didn't you tell me? What are we supposed to do about it now?"

Reva: Wait! Let me write that down.

Josh: Yeah, you know what? I think that's a good idea. Let's make a list, okay? "Things you say when your spouse runs amok."

Reva: Is that the plan?

Josh: Could be. I don't know.

Reva: Are you trying to drive me crazy?

Josh: Well, it's my turn, isn't it?

Cassie: Carmen's in jail. Are you sure?

Ed: Yeah. I mean, Gus called me. It's over.

Cassie: (sighs)

Ed: Just think: Now Danny can get a real doctor.

Cassie: He had a real doctor. The best. I'm just so sorry that I brought you into this mess.

Ed: I'm glad you called. I'm glad you found Danny. I'm glad it's over.

Cassie: You're just a glad man. (laughter)

Ed: Well, come on. You've got to be happy it's over, too, aren't you? And here, my family, we owe you yet again.

Cassie: No. No. No one owes me. I didn't do it for your family. I didn't do it for Danny. I did it for Richard.

Frank: Thank you, Eric.

Tony: Hey. Frank. I got a call to come down. Something about Carmen?

Frank: Yeah. Carmen gave Gus and Harley a full confession.

Tony: Yes! Good.

Frank: Well, with Danny's help.

Tony: Danny? What?

Frank: Don't tell me you don't know. Nobody told you?

Tony: What?

Frank: Tony.

Tony: What?

Frank: Danny's alive.

Tony: What?

Frank: Carmen shot him and he survived.

Tony: How is... Wait... How is that possible?

Frank: Cassie Winslow. She found him; she hid him. Then they went underground. It was the only way that Danny could finally pull this off to bring Carmen down.

Tony: He's alive? You're serious?

Frank: Yes, I am. He's with Michelle right now, probably recovering.

Tony: I can't believe this.

Frank: In order to pull this off, he had to convince  everybody. It had to be totally real. Do you understand that?

Tony: Do you have Carmen?

Frank: Oh, I got her all right. I got Carmen right over there.

Carmen: So, Danny fooled you too, huh?

Tony: Looks like.

Carmen: You know what this means for the family, don't you? Every Santos is a target-- to the Feds, to the other families. You ought to save yourself, Antonio.

Tony: What did you have in mind, Carmen?

Carmen: I want you to help me get out of here. We can put it back together, and you'll be exactly where you belong: At the head of the family. You'll have everything you've always wanted.

Michelle: I didn't think you'd come back.

Danny: I told you I would. Look, I know that you're upset about the way I left you at the Lewis’. Just hear me out, okay? I know you think that this was all about Carmen, but it wasn't. I swear to you, Michelle, that all this time, the only thought in my head, the only goal I had was to make things right for us, to get us out from under my family. And I did. I did it.

Michelle: Danny...

Danny: I did.

Michelle: Just shut up and hold me. Just hold me.

Ed: You helped Danny because of Richard?

Cassie: Yes. It sounds strange, I know, but it's true.

Ed: Well, how do you figure?

Cassie: The night of Richard's accident, he was on his way to his new job. So we could have a new life. And I know that's what Danny wanted to do, and I think it was so important for me to help Danny because I couldn't help Richard.

Ed: Well, you helped Richard a lot more than you'll ever know, but...

Cassie: Well, I... He didn't tell me about this new job because he wanted to surprise me. So when he was in the hospital later...

Ed: Cassie?

Cassie: He needed someone else's help, just like Danny did.

Ed: Honey, are you okay?

Cassie: Danny needed my help not because he didn't love or trust Michelle, but he couldn't hurt her anymore. Just like...

Ed: Just like Richard needed Reva, huh?

Cassie: Yes. Thank you. Thank you.

Ed: I'm just sitting here. I didn't do anything.

Cassie: If you say so. (laughs)

Ed: I've got to go. So, I'll see you?

Cassie: You know, Michelle knows everything. How do you think she's going to take it?

Ed: Good question.

Danny: So, are we okay? Do you understand?

Michelle: I do. And I don't.

Danny: What do you mean? You do know that I love you, don't you?

Michelle: That's never been the problem. The question is, is that all we need?

Danny: It is. It is, Michelle. I know it is. That's all that matters.

Michelle: You think? I've been carrying the weight of all this on my shoulders for the last few months. It's what I've been walking around with since we split.

Danny: What do you mean?

Michelle: You left because of what happened with Edmund. Because you couldn't change who you were. You were a Santos and that's who you'd always be. You had this dark part of yourself that we didn't want to expose to our son. You didn't leave because of Carmen or the business or the other families. It was because of you.

Danny: No, you're right. You're right. That's true. It was.

Michelle: So if that was the truth then, why isn't it the truth now?

Carmen: What is she doing here?

Tony: She drove me here. We were together when I got the call.

Carmen: Then we need to make it fast.

Marah: This is so amazing. So Danny's been alive this whole time?

Frank: Yep.

Marah: Does Tony know?

Frank: I just told him. He's right over there with Carmen right now.

Marah: With Carmen?

Carmen: You've watched the family since you were a little boy, Antonio. You've learned. I've seen it. You know the ups and downs, the power shifts, the arrests and even the convictions. You know better. We're not going anywhere and this move of Danny's is not going to work out. The Santos’ will survive. The only question is: Who's going to take charge? I think it should be you, Antonio. Now, get rid of the girl so we can do some more talking.

Reva: You want to shock me, Bud? Is that how you're going to get back for...

Josh: That's not the goal. It may happen.

Reva: Oh, no, but see, I know you. I've known you a long time and I will see it coming a mile away.

Josh: I love a challenge.

Reva: So, let me guess. The first part of this new agenda of yours is going to be Tony Santos.

Josh: Well, he could end up having a permanent place in the mobster museum, yes.

Reva: But Joshua, the guy is trying. And Marah has been crazy about him for two years.

Josh: You know what? I know where you stand, you know where I stand, and we disagree. And that's okay. That happens. But the point is that this time, I'm not going to let my opinion take a back seat.

Reva: I always listen to your opinions.

Josh: Really? The same way you did when you agreed to help  Danny?

Reva: Well, I didn't include you in...

Josh: I think that's my point.

Reva: Okay! I don't blame you for still being angry about any of this, but this is not the way to...

Josh: It's the only way, Reva.

Reva: But what? I mean, what are we doing, here? How is this going to work if we're on opposite tracks and not knowing what the other one's doing half the time?

Josh: Gee, I guess it's going to work pretty much the same way it always has.

Reva: Can I just do heavy penance and just skip this part?

Josh: (laughs) Do you have something in mind? Hmm? (telephone ringing)

Reva: Maybe. Yikes.

Josh: Hmm? Hmm? That's all right. Go ahead, answer it. I'm not going anywhere.

Reva: Are you sure?

Josh: Maybe.

Reva: Hello?

Cassie: Hey. Are you busy?

Reva: Cassie! Hi. Is something wrong?

Cassie: No. I just really wanted to talk to you about something and it's kind of important.

Reva: Right now?

Josh: It's fine. She'll be there very soon.

Cassie: Josh?

Josh: Yeah. In fact, I think she may be happy about being interrupted right now.

Cassie: I don't want to interrupt.

Josh: No, no, no. Really, it's okay. Don't worry about it.

Reva: I'll be there in 15 minutes.

Josh: Go ahead. Go. You girls have a good time, okay? Oh, but tell her, if she wants to hide another gangster, perhaps in the attic, for instance, she can't do that because I've already got plans for it. Okay?

Reva: I'll see you later.

Josh: Whenever.

Billy: Hi.

Reva: Hi.

Billy: Hi. Well, you forgot that you invited me to dinner?

Josh: Hey, Billy. No, no, no. Dinner's on. It's just going to be you and me, that's all. You know, takeout food.

Billy: You going somewhere? What's up?

Josh: We don't ask questions like that anymore.

Reva: We're not done with this.

Josh: We'll see you later. I hope not.

Reva: You know what? Do what you can with him.

Billy: Okay. Are you guys having a fight?

Josh: Yeah. One of the best we've had in a long time.

Billy: No, no. You didn't fight. Nothing's broken in here.

Josh: No, no, no. That's the way you two used to fight. That was never my style.

Billy: That's too bad because, I'll tell you, it really cleared the air. (laughs)

Josh: And the china cabinet. Yeah.

Billy: Well, you can afford it.

Josh: No, no. That's not the way I'm going to do things from now on. I think I've finally hit my stride.

Billy: Okay, are you going to tell me what's going on here? Or am I going to have to read about it in the papers?

Josh: Now, see, that's the point right there. I think you just hit it on the head. I always end up reading about things in the paper after they've happened and I don't want to do that anymore.

Billy: Josh, can I do this on an empty stomach?

Josh: Yeah, maybe. Let me fill you in, though, okay? On everything that's happened so far. And then maybe you can help me out with my, you know, my first problem.

Billy: And what's that?

Josh: Tony Santos.

Carmen: Can we have a little privacy? We were talking.

Tony: No. I want you to stay. I want you to hear this. It's always a big show with Carmen. No, Abuela was better at it, but you, you're pretty good. She was getting to the part where she tells me that I'm the real future of the Santos family, how I have real instincts for business. I'm the best one you've got?

Carmen: Antonio...

Tony: Then comes the deal. Yeah. What do you I have to do this time? Fill in the blank: Stand by while my cousin gets shot? Or maybe this time-- better yet—I buy a judge for you. Or, locate ten witnesses who can prove you were someplace else when Danny was shot? What's the plan, Carmen?

Carmen: I was just thinking of you, Antonio.

Tony: You don't get it. It's over, Carmen. Danny survived. And me and Danny want this to be over.

Carmen: What are you talking about?

Tony: You're so deluded. Your family is dead and now we're given a real chance for a real life.

Carmen: What are you going to do? Bake cookies with the cheerleader here? Who's deluded now? Come on. You'll never fit into that life and they'll treat you like dirt.

Marah: That is not true.

Tony: No. You know what? Maybe you're right, but I'd rather die trying than live the way you do. I'll see you in court, Carmen.

Marah: Tony. Come here. You are amazing, okay? And Carmen is wrong. You are going to have a life.

Tony: I know.

Marah: Do you?

Tony: I don't know what. But it's going to be my life, not hers.

Marah: It'll be a good life. I promise. And you'll be happy. You and Danny.

Tony: Danny, Danny. He's alive.

Marah: Yeah. You want to go find him?

Tony: No. You know what? He's probably with Michelle. There's going to be time.

Marah: Yeah, well, you both have time now.

Carmen: I'm not done yet, Antonio. Not by a long shot.

Cassie: Yes. Is the flight from Tulsa still on time? Great. Thanks. Hey.

Reva: Hi.

Cassie: I'm so glad you came.

Reva: Yeah, well, Josh is right. I needed a time-out from him. He is acting totally strange and he probably will for a while.

Cassie: Payback for the Danny thing?

Reva: I don't know what it is, but don't worry about it. We'll be fine. You sounded urgent, though. What's up?

Cassie: Um, yeah. Well, Ed came by and he told me about Danny and Carmen. Danny's okay and Carmen's in jail.

Reva: Well, that's great. Let's hope it sticks. So it's over?

Cassie: Yeah. Well, that part is. The part that's not goes way back, Reva. It goes back to the night that Richard died. I mean, Ed was here and we were talking and he made me realize that all this is connected and everything's changed.

Danny: Michelle, you're right. You are. When I said those things, I meant them at the time. I was terrified for you and for Robbie.

Michelle: And yourself?

Danny: No. I had given up on myself. I thought that I was a lost cause, the my life was over, that I had no choice but to go back to my family and... And be a dead man walking. But I couldn't die. I couldn't die. Every day, I thought about you and Robbie-- every minute-- and what I'd lost, and I couldn't live without you. But I knew I couldn't just come back.

Michelle: Why?

Danny: Because, Michelle, I knew that I would have no chance at taking my life in a new direction as long as my family was up and running, as long as Carmen was able to meddle in our lives.

Michelle: Why couldn't you have told me that, Danny?

Danny: Because I couldn't come to you and ask you for a second chance as long as I wasn't certain that we had one, but we do. Carmen is out of the picture. She can't hurt you or Robbie or me anymore.

Michelle: Danny, she's always going to be a part of you. How do you untie yourself from someone like that? Today when we were at the Lewis’, when you were ready to go after her, it was like you were possessed.

Danny: I know.

Michelle: It almost doesn't even matter where Carmen is.

Danny: Hey. Hey, champ. Hey. What have you got there? Is that for me?  No. No? Oh, I missed you. Come here. Oh. I missed you.

Robbie: I'm heavy.

Danny: You're heavy? That's because daddy's not feeling too well. This is what I do. I choose. I choose to tie myself to the people I love, to our son and to you. You want to go with mommy. I love you two more than anything. You're everything that matters to me, and I choose to be with you. You have all of me now.

Cassie: And then I realized the way I was helping Danny—I mean, I would do anything, even use you.

Reva: You didn't use me.

Cassie: Yes, I did. Reva, Josh was right, you know. I played on your guilt because I was so desperate to help Danny, because he needed me and I understood that. And whether he should have asked Michelle, whether she'll ever get it, I don't know, but I did. I got it. It was the same for you with Richard. And I was so angry at you. I was so angry at you because Richard should have come to me. He should have come to me and I couldn't get past that, no matter how hard I tried. I just couldn't. Because Richard should have asked me. But you know what? He didn't. He asked you. He asked you because he loved me too much, just like Danny asked me instead of Michelle, and I get it. I mean, I don't just get it, I feel it. I do. And God, you know, you just get a kick in the butt just when you need to learn a lesson and I am so sorry that it took me this long to get here, but I'm here. I am here and I just want you to know that I want us back. I want us back to where we used to be, and I don't want anything-- any of this-- in between us anymore. Ever.

Billy: So Reva jumped into the middle of this Danny Santos thing and didn't tell you anything about it.

Josh: Exactly.

Billy: And your point is? (laughs) Hey, don't look surprised. Come on, how many years have you known her? Are you going to tell me you're just now beginning to figure out what the rules are?

Josh: No, I want to change the rules.

Billy: No! You're Josh Lewis. You don't want to change the rules.

Josh: What?

Billy: Rules have kept your marriage together.

Josh: Well, that may be so, but what, I can't change?

Billy: No.

Josh: No?

Billy: No, you're Josh Lewis. Now, if you want to get some of your little rules back, I'll help you, but I don't want to hear any more of this you changing into a whole new person.

Josh: I don't want to change into a whole new person. I just want...

Billy: Give her a run for her money; that'll be good for her. But I don't quite understand how Tony fits into this Danny thing? What did he do, jump in the middle of it?

Josh: No, actually, that was my wife and my sister-in-law.

Billy: So how come all of a sudden Tony's such a problem for you?

Josh: My daughter.

Danny: Oh, man. You are getting big! Okay. Come over here. There we go. There.

Michelle: I had to tell him that you were gone. I dressed him for your funeral.

Danny: Hey. Come here. Michelle, maybe you will never understand what I did or why I did it the way I had to do it, but you've got to know that I love you and that I love our boy, more than anything. These past few months have been... They've well, honey, I know these past few months have been... They've been horrible. I know that, for both of us.

Michelle: It wasn't the same for you. You had this plan. You had this idea that you were coming back to us. You know what I had? I had a little boy to raise. I had a job. I had no... I had no hope. I was a single mother. You didn't tell me what was going on, Danny.

Danny: I couldn't tell you, Michelle. I couldn't. The risks were too big.

Michelle: I know the risks. I know all about dealing with Carmen.

Danny: Exactly. I couldn't put you in that kind of danger again. I couldn't. I couldn't let you down again. I couldn't tell you until I was sure that it would work. Michelle, you've got to know that I loved you too much to give you any false hope. Hi, Ed.

Ed: Listen, I'm going to go upstairs.

Danny: No, Ed, please. You know, you were there. You know how everything I did was to protect Michelle. Can you...

Ed: Danny, listen to me. Listen. You helped me when I needed it. I helped you when you needed it. Now we're even. So whatever this is, you guys got to work it out alone. Okay?

Michelle: Dad, would you mind taking Robbie upstairs?

Ed: Sure. Come on, buddy. What do you say we go upstairs? We'll get a juice box, we'll take your truck hmm? Want to take it? Let's go. Yeah. Come on.

Danny: What do you need? From me. You know that I love you. Do you believe that I love you? Do you still love me?

Michelle: Yes.

Danny: Do you think you'll be able to get passed this? The hurt and the anger?

Michelle: Maybe. Probably. I mean, if it was just that.

Danny: What else?

Michelle: You know, I went to the bluff last week, where we thought you had died.

Danny: When you took off on your own? You know, your dad was so worried about you.

Michelle: You knew about that?

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Michelle: I went there because I was just trying to imagine what your last minutes must have been like.

Danny: I'm so sorry that you...

Michelle: Carmen was there.

Danny: She was?

Michelle: Mm-hmm. And she came after me.

Danny: Oh, God, Michelle.

Michelle: And she nearly fell off the cliff herself, but I grabbed on to her and I pulled her back up.

Danny: That must have shocked the hell out of her.

Michelle: Yeah, I think it did. It did me, too. But it was my only choice. What about you? I want to know, would you have let Carmen fall?

Frank: So, are you slumming it today, Russo?

Vince: Frank, I'll need a little privacy with my client, please.

Frank: Hey, not a problem. Just watch her teeth-- she bites.

Carmen: What took you so long?

Vince: Well, hello, Carmen. Nice to see you, too.

Carmen: Well?

Vince: I was going over the indictment. They just handed me the particulars and boy, you really stepped in it this time.

Carmen: We can beat it.

Vince: They have you on tape confessing. Attempted murder, two counts. Conspiracy to murder in the death of your husband.

Carmen: It was coerced. Entrapment.

Vince: Not according to this transcript. It is solid evidence and it'll hold up.

Carmen: Evidence disappears.

Vince: Okay. Okay, stop right there.

Carmen: It happens all the time, Vince.

Vince: Carmen. Carmen...

Carmen: Hand me a pen and a paper, please?

Vince: Privilege does not extend if you're planning a future crime, and you'd be foolish to try. Do you understand me? What's this?

Carmen: You'll see. A name and a number. I want you to get a hold of them and tell them to get here as soon as possible.

Vince: And what if they don't want to come down here?

Carmen: Don't you worry about that. They'll come.

Marah: Hi, Uncle Billy.

Billy: Hey, sweetie. What's up?

Tony: Hi, Billy. Josh.

Billy: Tony, I hear that your cousin Danny's okay.

Tony: Yeah. We just got the news. And Carmen is in jail.

Billy: Hey. The world is right.

Marah: Dad, you should have seen Tony at the police station with Carmen. She wanted to work him so bad, but he knew exactly what she was doing.

Tony: Marah, you know, your dad's not interested in my family's business.

Josh: No, actually, I'm very interested. Go ahead. Tell me about it.

Tony: Okay. Well, it's over. Carmen's going to jail for life and Danny's made sure that the business is done. Shut down.

Josh: For now.

Tony: For good. See, that's why he risked his life-- so that we all could be safe.

Josh: Well, now, there's a concept.

Billy: Well. (clears throat) I'm going to push off.

Josh: No. You're not going to stay for dinner?

Billy: No, I want to go clean my guns.

Josh: Oh, yeah. H.B.'s old 12 gauge. Is that treating you okay?

Billy: Oh, you bet. It stops them in their tracks. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go up hunting after the holidays.

Josh: Really?

Billy: You want to come?

Josh: Absolutely. In fact... Hey, Tony, you want to come with us?

Tony: Hunting?

Josh: Yeah. Yeah. It'll give us a chance, you know, to spend a little time together.

Marah: Dad, I'm sure Tony's busy with...

Tony: No. No, I'm not busy. I can make time. I'd love to come. Thanks for inviting me.

Josh: Good, that's great. Looking forward to it. Come on. Let me walk you out here.

Tony: Hey. See you.

Josh: Okay. Excuse us.

Reva: I'm a mess.

Cassie: Yeah. (laughs) Join the club.

Reva: Come here. I have something that I've been carrying around for a while, just waiting for the right time. I guess maybe now is the right time.

Cassie: Oh, my God. When did you...

Reva: We bought it. We bought it. We bought it right after we heard that you'd sold it.

Cassie: My God, this must have cost you a fortune.

Reva: You know what? It doesn't matter. All that matters is that it didn't end up with some morbid collector or even worse, someone who didn't know exactly how special it was.

Cassie: You're so special.

Reva: (laughs)

Cassie: What, did you just carry this around in your purse all the time?

Reva: I had in my purse because I was going to take it to the jewelers to have it cleaned tomorrow, but you can do that yourself now.

Cassie: Uh-uh. I am never taking this off my finger ever again. Ever. I... I... I'm going to pay you back every penny for this. I am going to pay you back. I promise.

Reva: Well, that'll be music to Josh's ears, but I don't really care, because you just gave me the best gift you could ever give me.

Cassie: Want to stay for dinner?

Reva: (laughs) No. I have to get back to Josh because, God knows, we could have an entire circus company in our living room right now.

Cassie: Oh, gosh. He is really making you pay.

Reva: Yeah, but you know what? I'm owed it. And who knows, maybe it'll be fun. But you stop over, okay? Come on by.

Cassie: When the kids get back. They'll be back tonight.

Reva: Good. Well, give them a hug for me. And a big sloppy kiss. All of them.

Cassie: Bye.

Reva: Bye.

Josh: Yeah. Yeah. And add a couple of orders of steamed dumplings. Hi. Hi. How are you doing? How'd things go with Cassie?

Reva: Good. I think we've actually turned the corner.

Josh: And a kung pao chicken. That'd be great. Thanks a lot. Good, that's great.

Reva: Where's Billy?

Josh: Uh, he just left.

Marah: Hey! Mom, I'm glad I caught you.

Reva: Hi, you two.

Tony: Hi.

Marah: My last final is tomorrow so I'm going to go home and study.

Reva: Okay, good luck.

Josh: Hey. Are you sure you don't want to stick around and have some dinner with us? I mean, you haven't had a chance to talk to your mom or anything.

Marah: I don't know. Could we just...

Tony: You know what? Maybe you should hang around. I should see if I can catch up with Danny.

Reva: Oh, you haven't seen him yet?

Tony: No. We just found out about it.

Reva: I'm glad he's okay.

Tony: Me, too.

Marah: All right. Well, I will walk you to your car.

Tony: Okay. You let me know about that hunting trip.

Josh: You bet.

Reva: Hunting trip?

Tony: Bye.

Josh: Yeah. Yeah, Billy wants to go after the holidays and Tony and I thought it would be fun to, you know, tag along.

Reva: Whatever you're thinking about Tony, you can...

Josh: Actually, I can think whatever I want. You and I see things differently and you're going to have to deal with that.

Reva: Okay, but...

Josh: Now, I'm going to go scare up some chopsticks because we're going to have some Chinese food.

Tammy: Mom. Oh, I missed you.

Cassie: Oh, I missed you, too. Hi, there. Oh, my God, you guys. It's so great to see you. How are you?

Tammy: Good. Uncle Rusty says everything's okay now? Back to normal?

Cassie: Everything's okay and back to normal. I promise. Come here.

Danny: You want to know if I've changed, if the part of me that scares you is gone?

Michelle: I guess. I guess, yeah.

Danny: I'm different from you. That's why I'm here-- because I need your help. I need you to help me change, because it's what I want, and I really believe that I can do that now.

Michelle: That's all I ever asked of you is for you to try to change.

Danny: What about now? Is that all you ask of me?

Michelle: I don't know. I'm afraid.

Danny: Afraid that I won't be able to change?

Michelle: No. What if we burned ourselves out, Danny? You know, I've been trying not to love you for the last couple of months. I just don't know if I can turn it back on. I'm not a faucet.

Danny: I know. I'm not asking you to. Okay, I understand this is very new and sudden. Let's not decide anything right now, okay? Let's take some time. How about we go on a date? New Year's Eve. You want to be my date New Year's Eve?

Michelle: A date?

Danny: Yeah, a date. We can try to bring in the new year together, start a new life together. We've been through so much, I think we deserve another shot, don't you?

Michelle: Yeah.

Danny: Yeah? Was that a yes?

Michelle: Yes, that's a yes.

Danny: Okay. New Year's Eve. New Year's Eve. New Year's Eve.

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