Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/11/02
Reva: I... I can explain all of this.
Josh: Go ahead. We have a bloody jacket and a busted cell phone, so I'm listening, Reva. What happened here? Who have you been hiding?
Reva: Danny Santos.
Josh: What?
Reva: He's alive. It's true. I mean, he... He was shot, but he wasn't killed...
Josh: Danny Santos is alive?
Reva: Yes, Cassie found him. He was bleeding to death on the beach, and she saved his life.
Josh: How did he end up here?
Reva: Well, she... She didn't really know what to do. And she knew... Knew that she had to keep him someplace safe, and it wasn't working at the Beacon.
Josh: So, she came to you.
Reva: Yeah. She came to me and... And she didn't have a choice, and when she did come to me, I... I didn't have a choice either.
Josh: No, no, no, you see, Reva, now that's where you're wrong. You did have a choice. You had a choice every step of the way.
Reva: Joshua...
Josh: You had a choice in this, Reva, and you chose to do what you wanted to do, and you didn't think about your family.
Michelle: I can't believe that you of all people would let me believe that my husband was dead.
Cassie: Michelle, wait, you have got to understand something.
Michelle: No, what I understand, Cassie, is that you came to my house, and you pretended to comfort me, as if we were both widows. I poured my heart out to you, all the pain that I was feeling. Did you feel anything for me at all, anything?
Cassie: Of course I did, Michelle.
Michelle: Really? Well, I'm having a little trouble believing that now. And then you said you'd sit next to me at Danny's memorial service. And I was so appreciative.
Cassie: I wanted to help somehow, I really did.
Michelle: Yeah, well, you didn't show up. Now I know why you couldn't face me.
Cassie: It doesn't matter why I didn't show up. Look, Danny was afraid if you found out that he was alive, that your life would be in danger, Michelle. Carmen was still out there. She was... What if she suspected something?
Michelle: Look, I've got a news flash for you: Even up against Carmen, I can handle myself. But what I can't handle is having to tell my little boy that his father is gone for good.
Cassie: It's hard, I know that.
Michelle: Yeah, you do. And yet you still kept this secret.
Cassie: Nobody wanted you hurt. Not me, and certainly not Danny.
Michelle: Yeah, but you did, you both did...
Cassie: Listen to me for a second, please. I am going to give you the same advice that a very good friend gave me not so long ago. Get over the pain, Michelle. It is finished and it is done with. You need to see things how they are right now, and be grateful for what you have.
Carmen: This can't be happening. This can't be happening. No... No, Danny, I... I saw your dead... I have your ashes here. I... (Sobbing) Oh... What are you... What, Danny, what are you doing with... Why are you here?
Danny: I heard you calling me.
Carmen: Oh, yes. I need you to forgive me. Can you do that? Danny, can you do that?
Danny: How can I do that, Carmen? You killed me. You killed your own son.
Carmen: Oh, I'm so sorry. (crying) I'm so sorry.
Danny: It's too late, Mother.
Gus: It's working, Coop. Carmen looks like she's about to have a meltdown.
Harley: She does. But we still need her to confess.
Carmen: What's going on? What's going on here?
Danny: I'm dead. Tell me, Mother, how did it feel to kill your own son?
Reva: I knew that hiding Danny wasn't a good idea.
Josh: Why didn't... Why didn't you come to me?
Reva: I wanted to.
Josh: Why didn't you tell me about this?
Reva: Believe me, I wanted to. I begged Cassie to let me tell you...
Josh: No, don't... Don't blame Cassie. This is not Cassie's fault. You should have come to me, Reva...
Reva: I know!
Josh: ...On your own.
Reva: But when Cassie told me the circumstances, we both agreed that... That if we told you, you'd never agree to let Danny stay here.
Josh: That... That's true, and I would have been right, Reva. Did it... Did it occur to either one of you that whoever tried to kill Danny, might try to come back here to finish the job?
Reva: I know, that's why...
Josh: Did you think about what kind of danger you were placing this family in... Shayne in? Tell me at least you considered our son in this, please.
Reva: Of course I did. I did. But nothing happened because we kept our mouth shut.
Josh: What do I have to say to get through to you?
Reva: Just listen to me, please. When I helped Richard die, that left a huge hole in my life. I'd lost a good friend, but I'd also lost my sister.
Josh: I know that, Reva, I was there, I went through that with you. Remember? I helped you through it.
Reva: I know, and I love you for that. But when Cassie came to me with this problem...
Josh: (stammering) Just... Just a second, okay? Because harboring a gangster who's been shot is a little more than just a problem, Reva.
Reva: Exactly, that's it. Cassie was faced with this huge dilemma, and she didn't know what to do. And who did she come to? Me. She came to me.
Josh: I understand that.
Reva: No, I don't think you do. She needed help and she came to me because she trusted me. Finally, after all these months, she trusted me, and you can't even begin to understand what that meant to me. What it means to me now. Don't you see? I got my sister back.
Josh: And if you turned her down, you would have lost her.
Reva: Yeah. I knew you'd understand.
Josh: I... I... I didn't say that. Okay, I just wanted to hear you say it.
Reva: Say what?
Josh: That Cassie comes first-- before honesty, before our marriage, before me.
Cassie: I know it may sound harsh, me telling you just to get over it, but it's not, Michelle. It's the truth.
Michelle: That's as you see it.
Cassie: No, it's the way it is. Danny didn't want to keep this from you. I didn't want to keep this from you. Michelle, I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy, okay? But you have got to see why he did this.
Michelle: I'm having a little of a hard time believing anything right now.
Cassie: Okay, I understand that. But you're missing something here. Danny's alive. You're going to see him walk through your kitchen door again. You're going to see him throw your little boy up in the air. He's going to tuck him into bed at night. You need to be grateful for what you have, and count your blessings.
Michelle: So, what, I'm supposed to forget about all the deceptions, all the lies?
Cassie: No, no, no one's saying you don't have the right to be confused, upset, and angry. I know what's it like to have a man who's very protective and who keeps you out of the loop, I do. But you have got to recognize what Danny has done for you, Michelle.
Michelle: I understand the concept, Cassie.
Cassie: Okay, good. All I am saying, Michelle, that if you hang onto this anger and it turns to bitterness, you are going to have pain that you just can't even imagine. Do you know what I would give for one more day, for one more hour with Richard? And you have a lifetime with Danny. Don't push him away. You've got to see everything he's done for you.
Danny: Don't turn away from me. Look at me. I'm here for a reason.
Carmen: This can't be happening. This... This can't be happening.
Danny: It is happening. If you'd ever paid attention to the religion you pretend to practice, you'd know that you're being judged by your acts on earth.
Carmen: I gave up my life for my family. All I ever wanted was the best for all of you.
Danny: Don't try to put a spin on this, Carmen, it's not going to work.
Carmen: It's the truth, Danny, it's the truth. I... I loved my children more than I loved my own life!
Danny: Love? What do you know about love?
Gus: Oh, no.
Harley: What?
Gus: (sighs) He looks like he's going to lose it.
Carmen: You betrayed me, Danny. Why? Why? You were going to send me to jail.
Danny: Because you tried to take away everything that mattered to me: Michelle, Robbie, the life that I had with them.
Carmen: She was never good for you. Michelle was never good for you.
Danny: That wasn't for you to decide. Michelle and Robbie were my life. They made me happy, and you hated that.
Carmen: No.
Danny: You hated that it made me happy.
Carmen: No, no.
Danny: You kept dragging me back into your life, until you finally killed me.
Carmen: No, stop it, Danny.
Danny: You killed your own son.
Carmen: Stop it!
Danny: You killed me, Carmen.
Carmen: No, stop. Please, Danny, forgive me. Please forgive me. No! Don't go. Don't go, please. Where are you? I miss you so much. I miss you. Where are you, Danny?
Gus: Danny, come on. Come on now.
Harley: Danny.
Gus: Come on, we're almost there. Come on, buddy, come on.
Harley: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Gus: Pal, come on, get up, get up, get up.
Harley: Can you stand?
Gus: Just rest up against me.
Danny: I'm okay. I'm all right.
Gus: Rest up against me.
Danny: I'm okay.
Gus: Harley, check out Carmen, keep your eye on the monitor, will you?
Harley: Oh, boy.
Carmen: Danny, are you here? Talk to me.
Harley: Okay. Guys, I don't know how much time we have here.
Gus: You know what, call it, forget it...
Danny: No, no, no, no, no, no, just give me two more minutes, two...
Harley: I don't think we have that much time. Carmen is about to leave.
Danny: Come on, let's go, Aitoro... No, I know what I need to do. Cooper, get me back in there. Let's go, now.
Carmen: I have to go and get some rest.
Danny: Leaving so soon? We haven't finished our little chat.
Carmen: Danny, I... I thought...
Danny: What, that I was part of your imagination or your guilty conscience? No, it's really me, Carmen, your son.
Carmen: My boy. My beautiful boy. You're my boy, my beautiful boy.
Danny: I know your secret, Carmen. I know the truth.
Carmen: Danny, you don't understand.
Danny: I understand. I understand that you're not sorry. I hope you remember every day what you did to me.
Carmen: You have no idea how difficult it was to raise three children alone.
Danny: It might have been easier if you hadn't killed our father.
Carmen: You think you knew your father, but you didn't, Danny. He lied, he cheated, he killed! (crying) And I still loved him. His family made it difficult for me. Oh, my God, now I've lost all of you. All of you. No mother should ever... Ever have to bury her children.
Danny: No mother should ever kill her son.
Carmen: Michelle, she killed my son. She killed Mick. She's the one that deserves to die, not you, Danny. You, it was never you.
Danny: I know the truth, Carmen. I saw the look in your eyes when you pulled the trigger. I saw how relieved you were...
Carmen: No.
Danny: ...That it was over, that I'd be dead and out of your life.
Carmen: No, that's not the way it happened, Danny, you know that. You know that's not true.
Danny: I saw it.
Carmen: No. I didn't mean to shoot you, Danny. I didn't mean to, it was an accident, and you know it was an accident.
Harley: That looks good enough to me.
Gus: I got it.
Harley: Let's go.
Gus: Let's do it. You all right?
Danny: Yeah, go, go. I'm okay, go.
Michelle: I guess I feel like I want to know what happened. Can you tell me? I mean, you were there.
Cassie: You want to know everything he went through.
Michelle: I'm so scared when I think about him being shot, bleeding, almost dying.
Cassie: Michelle, I was so scared, too. I mean, there were times I didn't think that he was going to make it. But, you know, he was such a trooper and a fighter. If he was afraid, I didn't know it, I didn't. I mean, the only time that I saw fear was...
Michelle: Was when? Tell me, please.
Cassie: Whenever he thought something might happen to you and Robbie. What if Carmen...
Michelle: The truth is, Carmen did try. But we're okay, nothing happened.
Cassie: You know, one night when Danny was delirious from his fever, he thought I was you.
Michelle: He did?
Cassie: Yeah, he did, and he told me everything. I mean, it was in bits and pieces, but it made sense, you know. Why he went to the Feds, why he told you that he couldn't ever come back to Robbie, everything.
Michelle: You mean he had this whole thing planned, even from when he left?
Cassie: No, I don't think he had it planned from the start. But he realized what he had to do, and that he had to put Carmen away so the three of you could have a future together; so you could have a life without violence.
Michelle: He thought this would just happen after everything; going through all this?
Cassie: No, no, no, no, no, don't go there, okay? Just don't. I know that stuff happened, and I know that it was awful, Michelle, I do. But you got to look past that, you... You've got to see why Danny did all this. And that's where you'll see his love.
Michelle: I don't know, I... I'm trying. I hear what you're saying, but I just feel... I feel so raw. It's hard.
Cassie: I know, I know you feel, I know that.
Michelle: No, I don't think that you do. I mean, I'm sorry, I know that you lost your husband, but he died loving you and you loving him.
Cassie: I know, I was just saying, Michelle...
Michelle: After Danny left, I was forced to... To push all my feelings away. I had to deal with that pain, pushing it away and pretending it didn't matter.
Cassie: I realize that, Michelle.
Michelle: But... I don't think so. Your children know that their father loved them. You know that Richard loved you. I was left with nothing, Cassie, nothing. I tried to go on with my life. I even tried to have fun. I just... I blew that time and time again.
Cassie: That's because your heart was with Danny. It's because you're still in love with him.
Michelle: I don't know. I'm sorry. I really have to go, Robbie's at home.
Cassie: Michelle, if you're going to be mad at someone, you can be mad at me. Be mad at your dad. Don't be mad at Danny. He loves you and he deserves your love in return, he really does.
Michelle: Thanks.
Carmen: God forgive me, I've committed sins, I have. I am so sorry. I'm so sorry, Danny.
Gus: Carmen Santos, please rise, put your hands behind your back. I am placing you under arrest for the murder of Miguel Santos, the attempted murder of Michelle Bauer Santos, the attempted murder of Danny Santos.
Carmen: Attempted murder? Danny?
Gus: You have the right to remain silent...
Carmen: Danny...
Gus: ..Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you need an attorney, one will be appointed to you.
Danny: Do you got everything you need?
Harley: Yeah, we're all set.
Carmen: You set me up.
Harley: Let's go.
Carmen: You're alive. Danny, you're alive. Thank you, God.
Gus: Let's go.
Carmen: Thank you, God. He's alive.
Michelle: Oh, boy. What are you doing up so late, huh?
Robbie: I just seen Jack on TV.
Michelle: Yes, you did. You shouldn't be watching, it's too late. Why don't we sit in your favorite chair here? Hey, I know things haven't been so good lately. But they're going to get better. Come sit here.
Hush little baby don't say a word
papa's going to buy you a mockingbird
if that mockingbird don't sing papa's going to buy you a diamond ring
if that diamond ring turns brass
papa's going to buy you a looking glass
if that looking glass gets broke... Oh, Robbie, your daddy's alive. He's alive and he loves you. He loves you so much.
Reva: You have every reason in the world to be angry with me, I admit it.
Josh: Yeah, well, you're right about that.
Reva: But to think that I chose Cassie over you is ridiculous.
Josh: See, Reva, the thing is that none of this surprises me. After all these years, I've learned to expect anything.
Reva: Joshua...
Josh: That's true. You know that's true, right? I mean, you act on what you think is... Is right for you in the moment. And I clean up the mess.
Reva: That's not fair.
Josh: Reva, don't talk to me about what's fair, all right? We went through Richard's death together. When you did that...
Reva: Oh, you're not going to throw that up in my face?
Josh: No, I'm not doing... I'm not going to do that, Reva. You're not listening to me. What I'm trying to say is that...
Reva: No, I am listening! I act on impulse. I know that. But I promise...
Josh: Don't do that. Don't promise anything. I know you mean well, but you can't keep them, can you?
Reva: Josh?
Josh: Just at least admit to me that that's true!
Reva: Fine. I act on impulse.
Josh: Reva, I know.. I know you have a good heart. It's up in here that there's trouble. It's in here that gets us into trouble.
Reva: I know! I don't know why these things happen, I really don't.
Josh: I believe you. And that's what scares the daylights out of me. Reva...
Reva: I know I've put the family in danger, I know I did. But... But this time... But... I can change, I know I can.
Josh: No, see, we have to be realistic about this. If anyone's going to change around here, it's going to have to be me.
Reva: You?
Josh: Yeah, I'm going to have to take a stand, Reva. You know, all these decisions get made. You make decisions about Richard and Cassie and Danny; even about whether or not Tony should be a part of Marah's life.
Reva: I know, I tried to explain to you...
Josh: Yeah, but don't do that, okay, because explaining, I think, is part of the problem. You try to explain everything. But... But I haven't been a part of any of those decisions and I can't live with that, Reva. I can't live with it.
Cassie: I was just...
Reva: Yeah, Danny's not here and Josh knows everything.
Cassie: Right.
Reva: Yeah.
Cassie: Josh, please don't be mad at Reva, it was me. It was all me.
Josh: I'm not mad at Reva. I'm not mad at you. What I am is furious at both of you!
Cassie: Josh, please, be fair. You know, Reva didn't do anything. I'm the one who hid Danny. I made her help me, okay? I made her...
Josh: Nobody makes Reva do anything. She did this because she wanted to do it. She did it because she missed having you in her life, right?
Cassie: Right, I know.
Josh: Yeah, she saw a chance to bring the two of you back together, and she jumped at it. But you knew all along that she would do that, didn't you? You knew, Cassie, you knew that she would not turn you down.
Reva: Joshua...
Cassie: No, stop. He's right. I used your guilt because I knew you'd help me. But, Josh, you have to know that I was certain it was safe. I would never put any of you in danger. You have got to know that.
Reva: She loves our kids. She loves you.
Cassie: And the cops were in on it. Gus and Harley, they were with us on every step of the way.
Reva: And Ed Bauer. I mean, would you believe that a guy like Ed would actually go along with this if he didn't think that it was safe, if there wasn't any real danger?
Cassie: Danny's own mother shot him, can you believe that?
Reva: Because he was trying to put her behind bars where she belongs.
Cassie: He is such a nice guy. He has helped me so much. How could I say no to him?
Reva: And how could I say no to her?
Josh: All right, okay, okay! (laughs) I don't know why I didn't see this before.
Reva: See what?
Cassie: What are you talking about?
Josh: The two of you. Looking at you together like this, it's like I'm seeing double. (laughs)
Cassie: Well, we are...
Reva: It's because we're sisters.
Josh: Yeah, well, there's no doubt about that. (laughs) Oh, man. (yells)
Reva: Are you all right?
Cassie: Can I get you something?
Josh: No, I don't think so. I don't think there's a cure for this. Like I said, I should have seen this a long time ago. See, the thing is this. Cassie, you've always done crazy things, right? But Richard's always been a buffer for that, so I've not had to deal with you, Cassie, I've only had to deal with Reva. But now that you're on your own, I get to deal with both of you. Lucky me! (laughs) So welcome back, Cassie. No, really, come here. Come here, welcome back into my world. Come on, come on, come on. I'm not going to hurt you. Come here, give me a hug. I adore you, welcome back.
Cassie: It's nice to be back in the family.
Josh: (laughs) Right, right. And... And you, Reva. I seem to recall saying something at our last wedding about choosing to accept all of you, everything that comes with you, including your crazy family.
Reva: My family?
Josh: Yes.
Reva: What about your family?
Danny: I can't say I'm sorry, dad, I can't. No matter what Carmen felt about you, she had no right to take it out on us. Maybe things would have been different if you'd been here. Maybe not. But I deserve the right to find out. Hey, Mick. Carmen got her hooks into you, and you turned out just like her. I hope you're at peace now. I'm not going to let what happened to you happen to me. I have an amazing wife, a beautiful son. I love them more than anything. Because of them, I'm going to take my life in a new direction. I'm going to take this whole family in a new direction. I owe it to Michelle and my son.
Reva: Joshua? You know, before Cassie came in and you were talking about things changing, about you changing, what did you mean?
Josh: Well, it's like I was saying when Cassie was here. You know, you'd think after all these years, I would just know better.
Reva: About what?
Josh: About you. About the kind of woman you are. I mean, how many times have I asked you to be more cautious, you know, more thoughtful, a little less impulsive. But you just can't... You can't do it, Reva.
Reva: Joshua, I...
Josh: (sighs) But... But it's okay. It really is, that's okay. Because you are the woman I love with my life. And the truth is, if you changed even the smallest thing about yourself, I would probably hate it.
Reva: Well, then what did you mean about...
Josh: I'm the one that has to change. The change has to come within me. See... See, I've always taken sort of a back seat to you.
Reva: That's not true.
Josh: It is true, Reva. You act, I react. I... I just... I don't think I can live with that anymore.
Reva: So, how are things going to be different?
Josh: I guess I'm going to be different. Can you handle that, do you think? I mean, can you live with a... With a new-and-improved Josh Lewis?
Reva: (laughs)
Josh: Sounds scary, I know. (laughs)
Reva: I can live with you no matter who you want to be.
Cassie: So what's up?
Clerk: Oh, Mrs. Winslow, you just missed a call. He didn't leave his name, but he said it was important that you get this message.
Cassie: Great, thanks. "It's over, bring your kids home." Oh, thank God. Okay, kids, you're coming home. Rusty? Hi, Cassie. I'm good. I'm great, actually. How are you? Yeah, can I speak to her? Is she right there? Hey, Tammy. Hi. I miss you too, sweetie. I miss you so much. And guess what? I want you to pack your brothers up and your bags, because you're coming home.
Carmen: That confession was coerced. It'll never hold up. I'll be out of here in no time.
Harley: Maybe the next millennium.
Gus: She knows that. She just doesn't want to admit it.
Carmen: Phone call. I get one phone call.
Harley: Right, right, right. Ah, here. Department cell phone. Knock yourself out.
Gus: It's just one phone call, Carmen. Look at you.
Harley: (laughs) Thanks. Oh, I'm just taking a little break, till we go get Maria. Obstruction of justice should do it, don't you think?
Gus: Yeah, we got it all. We've got state charges, federal charges. Santos girls are wiped out.
Harley: (laughs) Thinking about your dad?
Gus: Hmm? Yeah, you know, I just think he probably would have been very proud of what happened here today.
Harley: I think so, too. You're a good cop.
Gus: Hmm.
Harley: I know... I know the Santos’ took him away from you, but...
Gus: You know, I had the whole revenge thing going on, but I got this really great woman in my life, and now I just miss him.
Harley: I know.
Gus: The thing I'm saddest about is that my father won't ever get to meet you. I think that he probably would be prouder of what I've put together here, you know, with you, much more than anything that I've done to the Santos family.
Harley: You think?
Gus: Yeah, I think.
Carmen: Danny? It's your mother. I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I know you love me, too, and I forgive you. That's what we do in this family, we forgive each other. But don't count on Michelle. That girl will never forgive you, Danny-- never.
(knock on door)
Danny: It's over, Michelle. Carmen's in jail. She's out of our life for good this time.
Michelle: You said, "our life." You mean our life together?
Danny: Yeah. That's what all this has been about-- us.
Get it on...
Carmen Santos...
Carmen: I want you to help me get out of here.
...Is trying to rule the world...
Carmen: We can put it back together.
...From behind bars.
Carmen: You'll have everything you've always wanted.
But is her empire...
Tony: What's the plan, Carmen?
Carmen: Get rid of the girls so we can do some more talking.
...About to fall?
Eden: Danny's got state's evidence against you. Happy rotting.
Oh, what's a Diva to do?
Carmen: I'm not done yet, not by a long shot.