GL Transcript Tuesday 12/10/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/10/02

By Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya


Reva: It'll only be a short visit, I promise. I just want to see Cassie.

Josh: Reva, just slow down for a second, all right? What is going on?

Reva: Nothing.

Josh: It doesn't feel like nothing.

Reva: All right. I'm upset.

Josh: About what?

Reva: Danny. I guess his memorial got to me a little more than I thought it would.

Josh: It got to me, too. It made me realize how easy it is for a man to throw his life away.

Reva: This wasn't all Danny’s fault.

Josh: Yeah, well, maybe not. But it's no shock that he died young, is it? I mean, look at the family he came from.

Reva: All the Santos' aren't like Carmen. I mean, you heard Father Ray and Tony. That grief was real.

Josh: Yeah, I know. Tony's grief was real. That made things worse as far as I’m concerned, with Marah. You know, there she is, sitting there listening to this guy that she should stay away from, she has no right being around, and he's pouring out his heart, you know, revealing his soul, whatever, and that's just going to draw her closer to him. I for one do not want our daughter to end up like Michelle-- alone and widowed.

Reva: That's not going happen.

Josh: You don't know that, Reva. It's the Santos family.

Reva: I just... All I’m saying is, you shouldn't judge Tony so quickly.

Josh: I've had plenty of time. Reva, he accosted our daughter. His family is a bunch of criminals. Their whole thing is that they lie all the time. That's all I need to know. Look, I'm sorry. We came here to find Cassie, so...

Reva: I'm going to look in the office.

Josh: I'll look in the bar.

Cassie: Reva.

Reva: Oh, Cassie.

Cassie: Was that Josh?

Reva: Yeah, actually, we came here to see you.

Cassie: Okay, well, let's go get Josh.

Reva: No, no, no. Actually, I need to talk to you about Danny.

Carmen: Who let you in?

Gus: What's the problem? I thought bringing this urn would help you.

Carmen: I'm calling my guard.

Gus: I thought it would give you some closure.

Carmen: Sadist.

Gus: Well, misery loves company, what can I say?

Harley: Listen, take it easy.

Carmen: I know exactly what you're doing.

Gus: What am I doing? I am doing you a favor, that's what I’m doing. I brought you the urn.

Harley: Just give him to her, and let's go.

Gus: He's yours. Take him.

Carmen: Put it down.

Gus: Where? Where? Any particular spot? Let me help you with that, Carmen. How about the mantel? Isn't that where people put urns, right on the mantel?

Carmen: I said stop it, and get out of here.

Gus: Get one of those pinpoint lights and just highlight it. No? We could... The greenhouse. Put him in the greenhouse on a little pedestal with all of Maria’s roses all around. No, that wouldn't work out. There. Put him right there. It’ll be comforting to know, Carmen, believe me, that wherever you put him, there he is. What do you say, huh? You don't have to worry if he's home, if he's out, if he's in trouble-- none of that. No, he'll be there for you as a nice, gentle reminder day after day after day that he never left his mother's side. What do you say?

Carmen: How dare you? How dare you? I'm calling my guards.

Harley: You did make sure that Tony gave the guards the night off, right?

Gus: Yeah. There's nobody here but us chickens.

Harley: A little rough on her, don't you think?

Gus: No, I don't think I was rough enough. I think she’s... I think she's going mental.

Harley: I can't believe she lost... She didn't lose it at the memorial. I mean, she's tough. You've got to give it to Carmen. She's tough.

Gus: She's not that tough. She's not that tough. She's going to confess tonight.

Harley: Well, let's just keep the pressure up, which means we have to bring in Danny now.

Michelle: Danny? Danny? You said he was here.

Ed: He was.

Michelle: When?

Ed: Since before Thanksgiving, recovering from the gunshot wound.

Michelle: Well, where is he now?

Ed: Honey, I don't know.

Michelle: And would you tell me if you did?

Ed: I know you're angry.

Michelle: Maybe he had to leave.

Ed: Why would he?

Michelle: Well, you said the whole point of the memorial service was to get Carmen to confess, to crack, right?

Ed: That was the plan, yeah.

Michelle: Well, she didn't play along. Maybe Danny was there. Maybe he was hiding and watching, and when he realized the plan wasn't going to work, he probably had to disappear again.

Ed: What, to protect himself from Carmen?

Michelle: She is even more dangerous when she gets hurt.

Ed: Honey, I know that, but she's not the only person who's been hurt by all of this.

Michelle: You did what you thought was best, Dad.

Ed: Yes, I did.

Michelle: So the entire time you were keeping this secret, this is where Danny was?

Ed: Michelle, I hated lying to you.

Michelle: I wish that you hated it so much that you didn't do it.

Ed: I know you do.

Michelle: I know, but what do you say? You can't change history. What happened, happened. I don't know, Danny might be gone for good now. I can't stay here, Dad, I'm sorry.

Danny: Michelle. (Panting)

Michelle: You're so pale.

Danny: I'm okay. Ed.

Ed: I told her. She knows.

Danny: How much do you know?

Michelle: Everything, except why you didn't trust me.

Danny: No.

Ed: I'll be outside.

Danny: Michelle, this wasn't about trust, believe me. You have to believe me. It was about protecting you.

Michelle: Protecting me and Robbie, right, so you could bring Carmen down.

Danny: So we could be together again, and free.

Michelle: Our dream.

Danny: Yeah. Yeah.

Michelle: You have no idea what this has been like for me.

Danny: No, I probably don't. I'm sorry. Michelle, this was... I really thought it was the only way to do this.

Michelle: You could've let me know you were all right. You could've gotten word to me somehow.

Danny: No. And then if Carmen had suspected that your grieving wasn't genuine, she would've... She would've been all over you, used you and Robbie to try to figure out what you were hiding.

Michelle: Who's to say she didn't do that anyway, Danny? She hates me, with or without you.

Danny: I know. That's why I’m doing this. I'm so close to getting Carmen out of our lives, honey, for good.

Michelle: Were you at the church today?

Danny: Yes.

Michelle: So you saw me with Carmen.

Danny: Yes.

Michelle: Did I give anything away? Did she doubt that I was grieving?

Danny: No, you were great.

Michelle: And I would've been just as great, Danny, if you'd let me in all along.

Danny: Michelle.

Michelle: You used me. And you know what makes it even worse is that you considered that your only choice. Do you know how that makes me feel?

Danny: I don't know what to say to you, except that it's not going to happen again, because I’m finishing it. And I'm doing it tonight, right now.

Cassie: Has something happened to Danny?

Reva: No, not that I know of. But I'll tell you something. Being at that so-called memorial, all I could think about was Josh.

Cassie: It's almost over, Reva.

Reva: No, it's not. And the longer it goes on, the more I’m reminded that I’m lying to him.

Cassie: I know this is hard for you.

Reva: Try impossible. He didn't want to be at the church, but he was there because he knew I wanted to go. This is too loving and too trusting a man to deceive, Cassie.

Cassie: Reva...

Reva: Will you just let me finish? The night of my wedding, Josh and I stood at the top of those stairs, and I have never felt such closeness and such trust before in my life, probably because we've had it... We've had it before, and then we lost it and had to work through hell to get it back again.

Cassie: And now you feel like you're betraying him for me.

Reva: I helped you because I love you. But I love Josh, too. You'd think I would've learned by now that deceiving someone you know so well just doesn't work, because it comes back to hurt you.

Cassie: So now you really want to tell Josh about Danny.

Reva: I know that you feel you owe Danny, and that you want to do whatever you can to help him. I know the feeling, because when somebody needs my help, I feel compelled to help them, too. It's in my bones.

Cassie: It's in your genes, because I feel the same way.

Reva: Well, that's a blessing and a curse.

Cassie: So what do you think Josh will do if he found out?

Reva: I have no idea. He may insist that Danny leave the pool house, or he may see how serious the situation is and want to help. But either way, if I don't tell him the truth, I’m going to explode.

Buzz: Hey, Frank.

Frank: Pop.

Buzz: Gee, who died? Oh, I forgot. I'm sorry. Danny Santos' funeral.

Frank: Yeah. What a circus.

Buzz: Big surprise. How's Michelle?

Frank: You know, she had it pretty much all together. It was just a little weird.

Buzz: Well, shock will do that to you.

Frank: Yeah, I guess. Why didn't you go? What happened to you?

Buzz: I didn't think anybody would miss me.

Frank: I know why you didn't go. You were afraid you were going to run into Holly and Ed, right? You've been in hiding these days, haven't you?

Buzz: Not anymore. You found me.

Frank: You know, Pop, I learned something at that funeral today. I learned that you've got to keep your eyes on your kids. You can't turn your back for one second. Like what happened with Ed and Michelle-- turn around and the kid ends up marrying someone who could ruin their life forever.

Marina: (Muffled laughter)

Carmen: I don't have to take any more of this.

Gus: Well, I don't think you are going to have to take any more of this, Carmen, because it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Carmen: Give me the urn.

Gus: You know what you should do, Carmen? You should give this baby a good ol' shake every now and then. You can remind yourself of where all of your children are going to end up, just like this.

Carmen: You're sick, you're sick.

Harley: Give her a break.

Gus: I am giving her a break! I'm giving her a break. She's got a break. She's walking around free while her son's in here. Isn't that right, Danny?

Harley: Come on, that's enough, that's enough.

Carmen: I said no more.

Gus: No more. You're absolutely right, Carmen. No more son named Danny. You know what? If you get angry at him again in the future, you can just get rid of him, just like you did before.

Carmen: Get out of here, and leave me alone.

Gus: Top of the cliff, just empty out his ashes. That is your favorite spot, isn't it? I bet it's not Danny’s favorite spot, is it, Danny?

Harley: Okay, okay!

Carmen: Get out of here!

Harley: I said that's enough!

Gus: Can you just please let me do my job!

Harley: You don't stop, do you? Gus Aitoro-- got to take it too far, the trademark. Well, I'll tell you something, I'm not going to stand by and watch it, not this time.

Cassie: You don't have to do this.

Reva: Yes, I do. I never should've lied to Josh in the first place, but now that I have, it's only making it worse.

Cassie: No, I mean that you don't have to keep Josh in the dark any longer for me. Tell him.

Reva: Why the change of heart?

Cassie: Because I think I made this as much about me as about Danny.

Reva: I don't understand.

Cassie: Well, I had this talk with Harley earlier while I was in jail.

Reva: Jail?

Cassie: Well, yeah, see, I felt the need to be honest with someone, too-- Michelle. So Gus arrested me and threw me in jail so I wouldn't go to the church.

Reva: So that's why you weren't at the service. I wondered.

Cassie: Right. The point is, Harley made me take a really long look at this crazy mess.

Reva: And?

Cassie: And I might have gotten involved by accident, but I’m not so sure that's why I stayed in it.

Reva: Cassie, you couldn't have left Danny lying on the beach, and once you started helping him, you had to see it through. I understand that.

Cassie: Well, then answer me this question: Why was I so ferocious in my protectiveness of Danny?

Reva: He was in danger, Cassie, and he still is as long as Carmen’s on the loose.

Cassie: Reva, I made it my whole life. I left everything else go. I sent my children away to Oklahoma.

Reva: To protect them.

Cassie: I am just trying to look at everything I’ve done with both eyes wide open.

Reva: Okay. And what do you see?

Cassie: I think it was an escape.

Reva: From what?

Cassie: From what my life had become.

Reva: You mean since Richard died.

Cassie: Yeah. You and I were getting better. This hotel has been doing so well. But still there was this shadow over everything.

Reva: It's called loss, Cassie. It's going to take you a while to get through that.

Cassie: Yeah, and I guess I’m just not willing to wait. I don't know, maybe I'm just hurt or I'm scared, but nothing like a nice, little drama to distract me.

Reva: Finding Danny on the beach, if that's true, was not an accident. It was fate.

Cassie: Whatever it was, it worked.

Reva: I know the feeling. Nothing like a little racing to the rescue as a world of distraction.

Cassie: But look at the damage it's done.

Reva: You saved Danny’s life.

Cassie: And I made you lie to Josh. I made Michelle mourn a man who never really died.

Reva: Hey, you said it yourself: The more people that knew he was alive, the bigger risk he was in.

Cassie: I know, but that didn't give me the right to bring other people into the situation and make them play by my rules.

Reva: Your rules weren't always bad. You helped Danny because you cared.

Cassie: And because he helped me.

Reva: If it makes you feel any better, I'm not intending to interfere on whatever Danny has planned for Carmen. In fact, I will be the first one to stand up and applaud if she's arrested. But I just think I need to warn Danny that things may be changing.

Cassie: After you tell Josh.

Reva: Yeah. He may have to leave the pool house and find someplace else to hide out, or face Josh. But the decision's up to him.

Cassie: Whatever you decide to do.

Reva: Cassie, are you going to be all right?

Cassie: Yes, I'm going to be all right. This is going to sound really strange, but as dangerous as this has been and nerve-racking as this has been and how much I’ve hated to be away from children, I'm going to miss this.

Reva: Oh, I know that. I wish I didn’t.

Josh: There you are.

Cassie: Hi. Here I am.

Josh: We've been looking all over for you.

Reva: Well, I found her, we've talked, and now we can leave.

Josh: We can?

Reva: Yes. Yes, we've taken care of everything. We have things to take care of at home.

Josh: All right, then we'll leave. I'm my wife's limo driver.

Cassie: I think you're a lot more than that.

Josh: Oh, thank you so much.

Harley: Carmen is a mother. Whatever else you would like to believe about her as a person or how much you hate her family, she is a mother who just lost her son. The only thing she has left of him are memories, Gus, and a jar of ashes. Here, Carmen. I'm sorry.

Gus: She is a... She's a nut, okay? She's the reason the guy's dead.

Harley: There you go, assuming that somebody's guilty just because you want them to be. My God, they haven't even swept out the church, your waving Danny’s ashes in his mother's face.

Gus: She killed him, she killed him, she killed him!

Harley: Not according to the law. Oh, but I forgot, I forgot, innocent until proven guilty doesn't mean anything to Gus Aitoro.

Gus: What is going on?

Harley: I'm just sick and tired of watching you steamroll people. Did it ever occur to you that maybe this case is not as cut- and-dried as you would like to believe it is.

Gus: What are you talking about?

Harley: What I am talking about is that maybe... Maybe... Maybe Danny tried to kill her. Maybe she fired at him in self- defense.

Gus: That's not true. You know it's not true.

Harley: No, of course not, not in your book, the book that has no facts or forensics. No, the truth is that you don't know what happened on that bluff. You have no idea. All you know is that you have Danny’s ashes, and you're using them as an instrument of torture.

Gus: What has gotten into you?

Harley: I'm just disgusted, that's what it is. I'm a mother, too, remember? I've had my child ripped away from me, and I’m supposed to stand... That was your fault, by the way. And I'm not going to stand here and watch you torment another mother about her kid. I'm not going to do it.

Gus: Oh, this is nice. We should do this in front of people more often.

Harley: Look, I’m leaving you, okay? You're on your own. Danny deserves a little respect, just a little respect-- maybe a decent burial, maybe with the other Santos’ who have passed away. He deserves to be with his family-- family, something you don't give a damn about.

Gus: She's under a lot of stress.

Carmen: I know what I have to do. I've always taken care of you, Danny, and I’m not going to stop.

Harley: Wow, talk about losing it.

Gus: Yeah, just like we figured.

Harley: Okay, she's primed. Now it's time to light the fuse.

Michelle: What are you doing?

Danny: I have to finish what I started, Michelle.

Michelle: That's all you're going to say to me?

Danny: I can't get into it right now. I'm sorry.

Michelle: Well, where have I heard that one before.

Danny: Look, when this is over and we're safe, I’ll explain everything.

Michelle: Come on, Danny.

Danny: I will. I can't get into it right now.

Michelle: I don't want this kind of protection if this means that you're going to get killed.

Danny: I'm fine. I'll be all right.

Michelle: My God, Danny, look at this.

Danny: I'm okay now. I am. I had a good doctor.

Michelle: He told me that he worked on you, but he didn't say it was anything like this. Why didn't you go to the hospital?

Danny: Why do you think? Carmen.

Michelle: You could've died.

Danny: And if I checked myself into Cedars, she would've finished me off. Michelle, I'm all right now, I am.

Michelle: Yeah, you're fine, you're fine, right? You get yourself shot, you go underground, you let everyone who cares about you think you're dead, and now you're going to go do what? What? You're just fine!

Danny: It's the only way that I can get rid of my mother, why don't you understand that?

Michelle: Let somebody else get rid of her, Danny. Let Gus and Harley get rid of her. Aren't they a part of this great plan of yours?

Danny: Yeah, but I'm the biggest part.

Michelle: Is that the way it is, or is that the way you want it to be?

Danny: What? What's that mean?

Michelle: This whole thing is insane, Danny. You are obsessed with Carmen.

Danny: No, I'm not. What I want is for you and me and Robbie to have a life together. And that's not going to happen unless Carmen is out of our live forever. (Cell phone rings)

Michelle: Don't answer it.

Danny: I have to. It's the call that I’m waiting for, Michelle.

Michelle: Danny, I don't care, I don't care. Do not answer it, please!

Danny: Michelle! Michelle, come on, I have to take this. Stop it!

Michelle: Come on, Danny. There's got to be another way.

Danny: Great. Michelle.

Michelle: Just take it as a sign, Danny.

Danny: Look, I can't tell you anything else. I can't, except that this is going to be over very soon. Please.

Michelle: Well, I guess it's a good thing that I bumped into you so I get one last chance to say good-bye.

Danny: In just a few hours, Michelle, this will all be over.

Michelle: That's if things go as planned, which is a big if when Carmen is involved.

Danny: I have to take that chance. Michelle, look, I've tried everything to get my mother out of my life-- out of our lives. We tried everything. I've tried to change who I am. I've tried to change my family's business. Nothing has worked. My mother refuses to back off.

Michelle: My father came home last week, and she was in our kitchen with Robbie.

Danny: That's what I'm talking about. This can't go on anymore.

Michelle: Yeah, but she almost got you killed with this plan.

Danny: I know that. If it weren't for Cassie and for Ed, that service would've been for real, I know that.

Michelle: So maybe we should keep the flowers and the mass cards just in case?

Danny: Michelle, I have to finish what I started.

Michelle: Danny, what if it's never finished? What if there's another problem, and there's another day, and it goes on and on and on? What if it's never over?

Danny: Honey, I understand how you feel. I'm sorry that I didn't trust you as much as I could have. I'm really sorry about that. But I'm asking you to please trust when I tell you that this is going to end. I swear it. I promise you, I’m going to be all right.

Michelle: Don't.

Danny: Okay?

Michelle: Don't go. Please, Danny, don't... Just don’t...

Danny: I have to.

Michelle: No.

Danny: I have to. Please, let me go. Okay? Kiss my son for me. I'll be all right.

Ed: Come on, let's go home.

Michelle: No.

Marina: Hey, guys. So, what's up?

Buzz: Oh, you know, the usual. Your dad and I are solving the problems of the world.

Ben: A little late-night philosophizing, huh?

Marina: Yeah, sounds exhausting. So you think we have time for food, or do you want just coffee?

Ben: Food, definitely, please.

Marina: Okay, cool. No, Grandpa, sit, I'll get it. No!

Buzz: I'll help.

Marina: And leave them alone?

Buzz: Oh, let's live dangerously.

Ben: So how are things going down at the station, Mr. Cooper?

Frank: Ben, you don't have to call me "Mr. Cooper."

Ben: Okay.

Frank: Detective Cooper would be fine.

Ben: So how are things going down at the station, Detective Cooper?

Frank: They're fine, thank you. How are things with you? My daughter tells me that you're considering leaving school.

Ben: Yeah, yeah. Well, I'm taking a little break. You know, I'm just kind of reassessing my priorities. It's time for some changes.

Frank: What kind of changes?

Ben: Well, I'm still formulating my ideas. You know, everything's kind of sketchy right now, but...

Frank: Marina tells me that you're looking for a job. And I thought maybe that... Well, you could talk to Holly, you know, maybe getting a job at the "Journal." And if you didn't work with family, then maybe you could talk to your dad and Holly and maybe get a job at one of the other papers.

Ben: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, that's always a possibility. And actually, Holly already offered. But journalism just doesn't pay the kind of money I need to make.

Marina: Hey. Did you miss me?

Ben: Oh, yeah.

Marina: So what are we talking about?

Frank: We were... Well, actually, Ben was filling me in on his future plans.

Marina: Oh, yeah. Great, great. Milkshakes.

Frank: You know, you guys, are you planning on going to Michelle’s? Because, you know, today was Danny’s funeral, and, you know, I was a little surprised I didn't even see you there, Ben.

Marina: Dad...

Frank: Well, I mean, being that Ben and, you know, Michelle are good buddies and everything.

Ben: I'm not really good at those kind of things... Mr... Detective Cooper. So I’m sure Michelle had plenty of people there to support her.

Frank: Well, you can never have enough good friends in times like this.

Buzz: Frank, people handle these things differently.

Marina: Yeah, Dad. You and Michelle are very close. I'm sure she was really happy to see you there.

Frank: I doubt very much that Michelle would even remember that I was even there.

Ben: You see? Exactly. It doesn't make that big of a difference in the long run.

Frank: If you say so.

Ben: Okay. Marina, maybe tonight wasn't such a good night to see a movie, okay? I mean, it's a school night for you, and...

Marina: But Ben, it's still really early, and...

Ben: I just... I think I'm just going to stop by Michelle’s on the way home.

Marina: Okay. Okay, so let's go.

Ben: No, no, no, no. Why don't you just stay here with your family, all right, and I’ll call you tomorrow? Good night, everyone.

Frank: Good night.

Marina: Thanks, Dad.

Frank: Sweetheart, I'm doing everything I can to try and like this guy, but he's giving me so many reasons why not to like him.

Marina: Yeah, you said you were going to try and help him.

Frank: Well, you know what? He doesn't want my help.

Marina: Grandpa, help.

Buzz: Frank. You were a little hard on the guy.

Frank: Thanks for your support, Dad.

Buzz: Frank, it's not that I don't support you, it's just... You remember what it's like to be young.

Frank: Do I?

Gus: Why isn't the guy answering the phone?

Harley: I don't know. I know the phone is fine. I charged it myself before I gave it to Danny.

Gus: Maybe he's out of range.

Harley: He's supposed to be in range. That's the point. He's supposed to be where we need him to be. What do we do now?

Gus: Well, take it easy, take it easy. We still have a little time.

Harley: Yeah, not much. Carmen is just where we want her to be, literally.

Gus: I know. "Danny deserves respect. Danny deserves a good resting place with all the other Santos’ that have passed on." You're good.

Harley: That was good, right?

Gus: No, you... You are good. I could see her wheels spinning, too.

Harley: Me, too, exactly.

Gus: "Take him to the crypt."

Harley: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm- hmm.

Gus: But honey, then, you know, I've got to say, you scared me little bit.

Harley: Why?

Gus: All the stuff about Zach, and that it was my fault. I mean, that's very, very realistic.

Harley: You know I don't think you're responsible for any of that.

Gus: No, but I'm just saying there's a lot of anger in that voice, and it comes from someplace.

Harley: I had to sound convincing.

Gus: Very believable. Very believable.

Harley: Okay, I am angry. I was angry, but not at you-- at Phillip, because he's got Zach, and this whole thing isn't resolved yet.

Gus: When the truth comes out. But it will be.

Harley: Okay. I know, I know. But let's just... Let's nail Carmen to the wall first, and then we'll deal with Phillip.

Gus: That' something that was unrehearsed.

Harley: Okay. What was that for?

Gus: Because you've taught me a lot. You've taught me a couple of things.

Harley: Did I teach you that?

Gus: You taught me that, you know... Listen to me, cop business should be left as cop business, you know. And that... Well, you also taught me that trying to make it through life by yourself is a mistake.

Harley: Are you saying I made you a better cop?

Gus: No, I'm not saying that. That's just not possible. Make me... You make me want to be a better man.

Harley: That's so sweet.

Gus: We should just check the phone.

Harley: Right, right, right, right, before we blow it. We don't want to blow it now. We're close, we're real close.

Ed: Honey, wait a minute, please. Why do you want to do this now? You've had a brutal day here,

Michelle: Why stop now, Dad, if I’m on a roll?

Ed: I don't like seeing you like this.

Michelle: Maybe you should go home, Dad, because I am upset-- not so much with you as with Danny. He made a point of keeping me out of all of this.

Ed: Well, I could've brought you into all of this as soon as I knew he was alive, but I...

Michelle: But I understand that, Dad. He insisted that my life was in danger. What father wouldn't have taken that seriously?

Ed: It wasn't necessarily untrue, you know.

Michelle: Well, that's an issue that Danny and I have to straighten out ourselves, if we get a chance. Meantime, this is something I can handle now.

Ed: But you don't have to do it now. Put it off till tomorrow.

Michelle: I can't. I can't, okay? Do me a favor. Will you check on Robbie, and I’ll be home soon.

Ed: Are you okay?

Michelle: I don't know. Is being ready the same thing?

Ed: I love you.

Michelle: I missed you today at the memorial service.

Cassie: I'm sorry. Something came up and... Are you okay?

Michelle: How should I be, Cassie? I know everything. Everything.

Reva: Danny. Danny?

Josh: Reva? Hello?

Harley: I don't understand what's going on. Why is Danny doing this? Why won't he answer the phone?

Gus: Honey, listen to me, all we can do is get into position and hope for the best. Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Harley: I just hope it's not too late.

Carmen: How could this have happened? Oh, Danny, how could this have happened? I loved you. I loved you. I did. Aitoro? Who's there? Who's there? Answer me.

Josh: What is this?

Reva: Josh.

Josh: You've seen this before, haven't you? At least you know what it's doing in our pool house, don't you?

Reva: Joshua...

Josh: Yeah, see, I can tell, because you're startled, but you're not really surprised. And I have to confess that I’m... I'm a little bit of both.

Reva: I can explain.

Josh: I know you can, because something obviously happened here, something that I may have turned a blind eye to because I needed to trust you. But that's a whole other conversation, so why don't you just go ahead and tell me what the hell was going on in here?

Harley: Oh, good. Okay, listen, I am supposed to pick up Jude at the Bauer house, but I can't do it because I have to work, and I don't want Rick to have to schlep all the way over to our place. So if you could take my keys and go pick up... What's going on?

Marina: I'm mad at dad.

Harley: Uh-huh. What's their problem?

Marina: Dad's mad at grandpa.

Harley: Okay. So I have to work. I shouldn't even be here. They're all yours.

Marina: Wait, what about Jude?

Harley: You know what? I'll just talk to Rick, and he and I will work something out. Have fun.

Michelle: Danny was alive this whole time, and you knew it.

Cassie: How did you find out?

Michelle: It doesn't matter.

Cassie: Why don't we sit down and we can talk about it?

Michelle: No, I’m not staying This is just so incredible to me that you would let me go on thinking...

Cassie: Listen to me for a minute.

Michelle: No. No, it was hard enough knowing that you lied to me, but you went out of your way to make me really believe that Danny was dead.

Cassie: I had to.

Michelle: You had to come to my house and tell me how sorry you were? You had to act as if we had some special bond now because both our husbands were dead? You had tears in your eyes, Cassie. Were they as honest as the words coming out of your mouth?

Cassie: It made me sick to do this, Michelle.

Michelle: But you did it.

Cassie: I was trying to protect Danny. His life was in danger. Your life was in danger. You have  to believe me.

Michelle: I do, I do. And it makes it even sadder knowing that nobody-- not you, not Danny, not my father-- trusted me enough to know that I wouldn't fall apart, that I wouldn't make things worse if I knew the truth.

Cassie: That wasn't what this was about. Danny did not want you involved. He wanted to spare you from all of this.

Michelle: Right, because he didn't want me to worry. But grieving as if my life was over was okay.

Cassie: I didn't want Danny to do this, Michelle. I really didn't want Danny to do this.

Michelle: And you went along with it.

Cassie: I had to. He needed my help. He...

Michelle: Yeah, so did I. You came to Reva’s pool house today, and you were so great. You were saying all the right things, giving me the strength I needed to go on. I thought I'd really come to the right person. And Danny was what, four... Four, five feet away from me while I was talking?

Cassie: He was there.

Michelle: You made me feel like we were alone, we were two friends having a heart-to-heart. How could you do this to me, Cassie? How?

( Wind howling)

Carmen: What's left? What's left of my baby boy? My beautiful baby boy. Oh, it's like some horrible, horrible dream. Oh, God. God, I wish I was dreaming. You're gone forever, Danny. You're gone, forever.

Danny: Whose fault is that?

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