Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/6/02
From Suzanne
Proofread by
Phillip: Okay, I think that's the last ornament.
Alan: Finally.
Phillip: Pop, would you stop being such a scrooge? You know, it's actually a good thing for us to trim our own Christmas tree occasionally.
Alan: Yeah, well, I liked it better when the servants did it.
Phillip: (Mumbling) Oh, you know, I forgot. We got to finish it off here. Let me... Give me the angel.
Alan: The angel? You mean the star.
Phillip: No, let's try the angel this year.
Alan: We've always used the star. It's a family tradition.
Phillip: So, okay, so what is the harm in trying something new for a change?
Olivia: It's beautiful. And it's just in time for the company party, huh?
Alan: Yes, but Phillip and I are conflicted about what should go on top. I say the star, and he says the...
Phillip: Angel.
Olivia: Star, definitely the star.
Alan: Two against one, I win. Why don't you do the honors, Olivia?
Olivia: I'd love to.
Alan: Phillip, please?
Phillip: Yeah.
Olivia: Okay, I think that's it. Looks great.
Alan: Beautiful. The lights, Phillip.
Olivia: It's perfect.
Alan: Just like you. Now, look, I have to go to a meeting to the Beacon, so I'll be back in time for supper. And I'd like it to be a cozy one, just the two of us, okay?
Olivia: I can't wait.
Alan: Neither can I.
Phillip: Well, you and dad seemed to have put the whole thing with "Lorelei’s Diary" behind you. Haven't you?
Reva: My sister hasn't gotten any of my messages. Well, here's another one. I don't like this.
Marah: Mom.
Reva: Hi.
Marah: I'm glad I found you. I need you to do me a favor.
Reva: Well, what... What's that?
Marah: Come to Danny Santos' memorial service today, with dad, please.
Reva: Marah.
Marah: Mom, I know he's very anti-Santos right now, but...
Reva: I just... We're going to pay our respects to Danny another way, we will. But we're not going anywhere near that church today.
Marah: Okay, but I am.
Reva: Marah, please don't. Hi.
Josh: Hello, ladies. Did you see this obituary for Danny Santos? "Businessman Daniel Santos," I think that's very generous of them, don't you?
Reva: Joshua, Marah’s going to the memorial service today. And I think that we should go along with her.
Josh: No.
Cassie: Can you please pull rank on your boyfriend and let me out of here?
Gus: Whoa, slow down. She was determined to tell Michelle that Danny’s alive. She was going to ruin the whole thing. She was going to throw the whole thing away...
Cassie: Michelle has a right to know the truth, Gus.
Gus: We have a plan, okay?
Cassie: Okay, what if your plan doesn't work?
Gus: Well, we have a plan B, a backup plan.
Cassie: All the while, Michelle just suffers. Is that it?
Cop: Detective Aitoro?
Gus: Yeah?
Cop: Your friend is here.
Gus: Oh, thank God. Just talk a little sense into her, will you, please? See you at the church. Never thought I'd say that.
Cassie: Okay, come on. Harley? Come on.
Harley: Cassie. Come on. (Laughs) I am sorry, but Gus is right. I can't let you out of this cell.
Tony: All right... Okay, what's this about?
Gus: What's up?
Tony: What?
Gus: I just wanted to make sure that Carmen was going to be at the church.
Tony: You know, Carmen, she got to do her public grieving thing. But Ray and I talked her out of it, so don't worry about it. We got it...
Gus: You did what? You talked her out of it? What are you, crazy? She needs to be at the church, okay? No questions about it. You just make sure your aunt is at the church.
Cassie: What are you doing?
Gus: You're not going
Danny: I'm not going to miss
my funeral.
Gus: No, no, you'd blow the
whole thing.
No, this is not happening.
You're going to stay dead, at
least until tomorrow.
Danny: No, I will stay
somewhere out of the way.
Gus: Are you kidding me?
Cassie: Danny...
Gus: No.
Ed: Michelle, Danny is alive. Honey, he's alive.
Michelle: You mean because his spirit lives on in Robbie and me?
Ed: No. Look, I'm probably making a huge mistake by telling you this, but I can't stand around anymore and watch you talk to Robbie and tell him his father is gone, and then think about you going to this funeral and crying and grieving when it... It stops. No more. It stops right here.
Michelle: I... I don't understand, Dad.
Ed: Look, part of what you were told is true. I mean, Danny was working with the FBI to try and entrap Carmen. And she did get wind of this and she did shoot him.
Michelle: And he died.
Ed: No. No, he was just... He was badly wounded. I mean, look, it happened on that bluff out by the lake, you know? She shot him, he went over the edge, he landed down on the beach, but he survived, sweetheart.
Michelle: (Crying)
Ed: And he's been hiding since then. See? I mean, his... His wound is healing, and now they are going to try and finish what they started, and put Carmen away for good.
Michelle: Danny is alive?
Ed: Yes.
Michelle: He's alive?
Ed: Yes.
Michelle: And he's all right? Well, I got to... I have to see him. You have to tell me where he is!
Ed: I can't do that. Danny's life depends on this staying secret. And so does yours.
Olivia: I'm sorry. I don't really know what you mean.
Phillip: I'm... I'm just amazed that you and dad have already gotten back on track after Alexandra’s Thanksgiving bombshell.
Olivia: Well, why shouldn't we? I mean, no, he's not pleased with what I did, and he told you as much last night, but the person he's really angry with is Alexandra, for ambushing all of us.
Phillip: Yeah, that was bad form. But I guess you... I mean, she was just telling the truth, though.
Olivia: I guess it was just the way she did it.
Phillip: Right, well, I can't argue with that, but I’m still trying to figure this out. Because you... You arranged to have Lorelei’s diary published, you put his granddaughter through hell, you put the last nail in my relationship with Beth, and all he had to say was, "So what?" Gosh, I've... I've never known him to be that magnanimous. Guess he really must love you. Olivia?
Olivia: It was Alan’s idea.
Phillip: It was Alan’s idea. To act like everything is blissfully happy between the two of you, that was his idea?
Olivia: He was humiliated at Thanksgiving and he was terribly hurt, and he doesn't want anyone to see it, okay, especially Alexandra.
Phillip: Do you blame him?
Olivia: No. I think he's completely entitled and I deserve whatever punishment he doles out.
Phillip: You are damn right. Because you did hurt him, and not just his pride, because he does love you.
Olivia: I know.
Phillip: Which is why he will also forgive you eventually.
Olivia: And what about you? Will you ever forgive me?
Phillip: You know, now that you've married into this family, there's something I should probably explain to you. We Spaulding’s can and often will do damn near anything to each other, some really horrible stuff. But when somebody from the outside attacks us, we forget about all that and we band together.
Olivia: And that's what I am, even with this ring on my finger, I'm an outsider.
Phillip: Until you prove otherwise.
Beth: So you will give Michelle my condolences?
Bill: Of course, of course. You know, she said it's okay for you to come.
Beth: Oh, no, I didn't know Danny that well, and besides, this way you can completely focus on Michelle and you don't have to worry about me. Isn't that good of me, huh?
Bill: It's very good of you. Yes, yes, it is. So, then what are you going to be up to this afternoon?
Beth: Uh... I'm going to run some errands and I’m going to see James at Phillip’s.
Bill: Phillip's. Well, I hope you don't run into Olivia over there.
Beth: Actually, I kind of hope that I do.
Bill: Okay, that could be trouble. You mean after what she did to you, publishing the diary?
Beth: Well, it's not what she did to me, it's what she did to Lizzie. But why are we talking about Olivia? We should be talking about us. Do you want to get together after the service? I figure you could use a hug or... Whatever.
Bill: Well, "whatever" sounds interesting.
Beth: (Laughs)
Bill: It does. Okay. I'll call you later, okay?
Beth: Okay.
Bill: All right.
Beth: Nolan, hi, it's Beth. Is Olivia there? No... No, no, no, no, no. I'll see her soon enough. Thanks. Oh, boy, will I see her soon enough.
Josh: You see, if I thought you wanted me to go to pay my respects to Danny, I could handle that. Or if you wanted me to go just to show some support for Tony, maybe I could handle that, too. But what I think you want is... Is for me to show my approval of you and Tony being together, and I can't give you that right now.
Reva: Joshua.
Josh: No, it's the same thing you pulled on me and your mom the other night, and I didn't appreciate it. And by the way, I also did not appreciate you bailing on me and hiding out in the pool house with Cassie.
Reva: Well, I wasn't hiding out. We were talking. It's important that we try to reconnect.
Marah: Right, and don't you want me to be up front and honest with you about my relationship with Tony, instead of running around behind your back?
Reva: Yeah, yeah.
Josh: Oh, excuse me. What, you're going to gang up on me now? Is that it? How can you possibly be condoning this?
Reva: Marah's going to go to the memorial service whether we like it or not, and I want to go to keep my eye on her.
Josh: Okay, well, I guess that means I’m going to go because I have to keep my eye on you.
Marah: You're going to come? Thank you, Dad.
Josh: Yeah. No, don't, don't thank me. I think it's a mistake.
Maria: That won't help. What's done is done.
Carmen: But I killed him. I killed my own son.
Maria: And if you don't pull yourself together, the whole world will know it. Ray and Antonio are right, you can't go to the funeral.
Carmen: But I have to!
Maria: No, Carmen, you will not, and that's final!
Gus: Tony, we got a plan, okay?
Tony: "We," who's "we"?
Gus: Me... Me, Cooper, Ed Bauer, okay? And the whole thing is contingent on your aunt being at the church.
Tony: I love this. I tell you I want to help, you say thanks, but no thanks? Now, what, you snap your fingers and I'm supposed to jump, what?
Gus: Shh, listen to me. Do you want Carmen to pay for what she did to Danny? Do you want Robbie to be safe? Do you want Michelle to be safe?
Tony: You know I do.
Gus: Okay. Then just make sure she's at the church, okay? Just do what I tell you to do.
Tony: All right. I'll drive Carmen to the church myself. But your plan better work.
Cassie: You're okay with this, Gus and Danny’s plan? It's just fine with you?
Harley: Don't look at me like that. You know I’m not. I hate this, too. But this is a dangerous situation, Cassie. We are going to be out there in a few minutes putting it all on the line, trying to nail Carmen.
Cassie: I know that.
Harley: And if she figures out what it is we're up to-- and she could easily do that if Michelle’s reactions are not the real thing today-- she could figure it out, and we could all be in a lot of trouble, okay? So, I need you to keep your mouth shut. Let us do our job, the police. It'll be over tomorrow, 24 hours.
Cassie: Yeah, I know it's going to be over tomorrow. I'm aware of that.
Harley: Yeah, that's a good thing. You can be happy about that.
Cassie: I am happy about it. It just felt good to be needed.
Harley: Cassie. Needed? You are needed. Your children need you. They need you at the Beacon. Reva needs you, I need you.
Cassie: Yeah, I’m just going to go back to my... To my real life, yeah.
Harley: You mean your life without Richard?
Cassie: I don't know... I don't know how to face it.
Ed: I can't take you to where Danny is, honey. It's too risky. I mean, Carmen’s got people watching the house now.
Michelle: Carmen doesn't scare me.
Ed: Well, she should. She scares me. And she certainly scares Danny. Now, you've got to understand Carmen is the reason that Danny and the others are so adamant that I not tell you that he's alive.
Michelle: What... What "others"? What "others"?
Ed: Well, you know, the police, Gus Aitoro and Harley.
Michelle: (Stammers) Dad, how long have you known that Danny’s alive?
Ed: Since before Thanksgiving.
Michelle: And you didn't say anything?
Ed: I couldn’t. It was for your protection. It was for your safety and Robbie’s, too. I mean, you've just got to be patient here. You've got... Danny can't wait to see you and Robbie as soon as this is over.
Michelle: You... You've seen him? You've seen him face to face?
Ed: Yes. Yes, I... I treated him after he was shot. I mean, I took some bullet fragments out of the wound. He lost a lot of blood.
Michelle: And he's all right?
Ed: Thanks to Cassie. I mean, she's the one who found him on the beach and nursed him back to health.
Michelle: (Scoffs) Okay, Cassie knew, too?
Ed: She probably saved his life, hon.
Michelle: So, you, Cassie, Gus, Harley all knew? Anyone else?
Ed: What... (Clears throat) Reva, a technician down at the morgue.
Michelle: And what about Tony?
Ed: No. Tony still thinks that Danny is dead.
Michelle: So you kept the two people who love Danny the most in the dark?
Ed: Because you do love him the most. I mean, Danny was afraid that you wouldn't be able to pull off the... The fake grieving part of it. Look, Carmen has to be convinced that Danny is dead for this plan to work.
Michelle: What is this plan?
Ed: Carmen's losing it.
Michelle: No kidding.
Ed: All right, so wait. Gus almost got her to confess a couple of days ago. Now, he and Danny think that one more nudge and... And she'll cave.
Michelle: What sort of nudge?
Ed: I'm supposed to give an eulogy. I mean, they've told me pretty much exactly what I’m supposed to say. I'm supposed to push all of Carmen’s buttons, lay on the guilt, especially about Robbie.
Michelle: And what if this doesn't work?
Ed: Well, Danny and Gus think it will.
Michelle: Well, what if they're wrong?
Ed: Then Harley has a plan B.
Michelle: And what is that, Dad?
Ed: Oh, sweetie, I don't know. I mean, they're not going to tell me, are they?
Michelle: So, this charade has to just keep going on and on and on?
Ed: No!
Michelle: Yes! Yes, because if they can't force Carmen to confess, Danny has to keep playing dead and I get to see him when? When? When Carmen... Someone slips up and Carmen finds out he's still alive and kills him for real?
Ed: Then don't slip up.
Rick: Hey.
Michelle: Hey.
Rick: You okay?
Ed: Yeah.
Rick: What's going on?
Michelle: Yeah. Yes and no, right?
Rick: Look, Michelle, if you don't feel like going to the service, don't.
Ed: Your brother has a point. There's no reason that you have to go to the church, you know.
Michelle: Well, I am.
Ed: I just think given your state of mind right now, that might not be a good idea.
Michelle: Dad, no offense, but I really hate it when people presume to know what's best for me. I'm going to Danny’s funeral.
Desk clerk: Mr. Raynor called to say he's running a little late, sir. He offered to buy you a drink while you wait.
Phillip: All right, we'll accept that offer. We'll have a soda and a scotch, neat, please. Let's talk, okay?
Alan: What would you like to discuss, the merits of the angel versus the star?
Phillip: No, I'd like to talk about something much more important. Let's talk about Olivia.
Beth: And look at all of these pretty ornaments, hmmm? And look up there. You see that star, hmm? Well, mommy would actually prefer if there was an angel up there, but...
Olivia: So would daddy. But Alan wanted a star and he won.
Beth: And Alan always wins, doesn't he? But you've probably figured that out by now. (Gasps) look who it is, it's Christie.
Christie: Hi, James. Zach's upstairs playing with his blocks. Want to go up and say hi?
Beth: Do you want to go play with Zach, huh? Do you want to do that? Yes, you'll have fun with Zach. My sweet boy. Okay, I will see you on Sunday. Love you, sweetie.
Olivia: I just... I just came in to get this, so...
Beth: Oh, that's right. Leave rather than face me.
Olivia: Would it make a difference, Beth? Will you ever forgive me for what I did?
Beth: Would you if you were me?
Olivia: Probably not.
Beth: Well, you know that may be one of the differences between us. True, what you did was cruel and calculated. And maybe I never could really forgive it, but I could accept it and move on. What I can't accept is what you did to Lizzie.
Olivia: I'm sorry about that. I honestly didn't think about what my actions would do to Lizzie.
Beth: No, no, of course, you didn't. Because you're too busy thinking about yourself. Make no mistake, Olivia, my children mean everything to me. And anyone who hurts them has to answer to me. You want my forgiveness? That's the least of your worries. You're lucky you're still alive.
Maria: You and I will light a candle for Daniel back at the house. And tomorrow, Ray will make a special mass just for us.
Carmen: But if I don't go, if I don't go, people will think that... That I’m hiding something.
Maria: No, no, no. They'll... They'll think that you're home sick with grief.
Carmen: Maybe. Maybe you're right. Yeah.
Maria: Come, let's go. Yes?
Tony: You ready to go to the church?
Maria: Carmen's not going.
Tony: (Sighs)
Carmen: Right, last night you and Ray told me you didn't want me there, you didn't want me to be there.
Tony: I know, I know, I know. But things have changed, okay? You have to go.
Carmen: What has changed?
Tony: Word on the street. The other families think that you clipped Danny and they're not pleased with that.
Carmen: Well, that's a lie.
Tony: They're not buying it, Carmen.
Carmen: They're not buying what?
Tony: That Danny ratted you out to the feds. They think that that's just some story that you made up, so that you could get rid of Danny and become head of the family again.
Carmen: That's ridiculous.
Tony: If you don't show up to that church, the other families are going to think it's because you know you did wrong. Now, look, I... I don't have to tell you what kind of trouble that could start.
Carmen: Okay, fine. I'll... I'm going.
Maria: Carmen, no...
Carmen: I'll be fine, Maria. I'm in complete control.
Tony: What, aren't you coming, Abuela?
Maria: No. No, I'll... I'll stay home and pay homage to Daniel my own way. I won't be a witness to this catastrophe.
Michelle: Okay, programs are at the church. Father Ray knows the bible passages I want read.
Rick: Dad, she's really struggling. We need to do something.
Mel: It's catching up to her.
Ed: Okay, look, Michelle...
Michelle: Stop trying to talk me out of this.
Ed: I'm not...
Michelle: No. No, I have to be there. I will not let the Santos family claim Danny as theirs.
Rick: Maybe Carmen will do us a favor and pull a no-show.
Michelle: No, Carmen has to be there. Because I want to... I want to look her in the eye, I want to tell her exactly what I think of her.
Ed: That wouldn't be very smart, though, would it? I mean, you might get a small amount of satisfaction if you did that, but you could be doing a lot of harm.
Michelle: Carmen is the one who's done harm, and now she's going to pay for it. But I have changed my mind about Robbie. I don't think he should go to the service. I think things may happen and things may be said that he shouldn't see. So, I'm going to call Mrs. Hoffman and see if she can watch him for the day.
Mel: You know what? I can stay here with Robbie.
Michelle: Really?
Mel: Yeah. I mean, anything to help.
Michelle: Thank you. Thank you. Let's go.
Alan: Phillip, I will discuss anything with you except Olivia.
Phillip: Because?
Alan: Because there's no need to. She and I have patched up our difficulties in reference to the diary debacle, and our relationship is closer than it's ever been.
Phillip: Oh, God. Practically hit me over the head with your closeness. Dad, come on. What Olivia did borders on unforgivable. Talk to me about it. I know you're hurt.
Alan: Look, I told you I was not going to discuss this.
Phillip: Oh, you don’t... Oh, you don't talk to me? Who are you going to talk to? You talk to Alexandra about it?
Alan: So, you followed me here because you were concerned, worried about me, right?
Phillip: Yes. I'm trying to offer you a little support.
Alan: Hogwash. You're not concerned about me at all. You came here to gloat.
Phillip: Excuse me?
Alan: Olivia had that diary published to break you and Beth up so she could have you all to herself. Now, I think on some level, that flatters the hell out of you.
Beth: You think the world revolves around you, and there may be a reason for that. There may be some deep, psychological wounds. I can understand scars like that.
Olivia: I know you can.
Beth: But understanding and forgiving are two very different things. My daughter liked and admired you. You are the new wife of a grandfather she absolutely adores, and she was more than ready to adore you, too.
Olivia: And I adore her.
Beth: Oh, really?!
Olivia: Yes.
Beth: So, is that why you deceived and manipulated her? You betrayed her trust? Do you have any idea how vulnerable she is right now?
Olivia: I am so sorry. I wish I could make you believe that if I could go back and take away every single one of her tears, I would.
Beth: But that is the point, Olivia, you can't! And now you have passed your pain onto her.
Olivia: I'm sorry.
Beth: You are the mistress of this house now, whether I like it or not, for better or for worse, but it is not all champagne and caviar. With it comes certain responsibilities. And if you ever hurt my daughter again, I will make sure you suffer for it. And if you don't think I can make good on that promise, just ask yourself one question: Who does Alan trust more right now? You or me?
Cassie: I don't know. I guess it was easier to worry about Danny’s problems than to face truly being alone.
Harley: You're not alone.
Cassie: I don't have Richard. That's alone to me.
Harley: Well, can I help?
Cassie: No, you can't. I have to go through this on my own. I've got to pick myself up and I’ve got to dust myself off.
Harley: You did a pretty good job after Hart died.
Cassie: It's not something I want to get good at, you know?
Harley: I guess you're right.
Cassie: So, anyway...
Harley: Anyway, I’ve got to go to the memorial service. I've got to go. (Stammers) If I let you go, can I trust you not to turn into a drama queen and run over to St. Michael's and tell Michelle everything and screw it all up for Danny?
Cassie: I won't.
Harley: Cassie, you've got to promise me. This is dangerous.
Cassie: I promise, I won’t.
Harley: Then you can go.
Cassie: Thank you. Thanks.
Harley: Oh, my Cassie. (Laughs) Honey, you know what? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. But it is. Isn't it? I mean, you have so many wonderful things ahead of you: Your kids.
Cassie: I do. Look, you take care of yourself, okay? And I am going to...
Harley: Thanks, Mom.
Cassie: ...Let the cops do what the cops do. And I'm going to let Danny go back to his family. And I... I'm going to go home.
Bill: Hey.
Michelle: Hey.
Bill: I thought maybe you'd change your mind about coming.
Michelle: Not on your life.
Bill: Hey, how are you? How you doing?
Rick: Good.
Michelle: Listen, thanks for being here. This is harder on me than you know.
Bill: Then you lean on me real good, okay? Ready to go in?
Michelle: Yeah.
Bill: All right.
Ray: Michelle, I can't believe he's gone.
Michelle: Gus. Thank you for coming, for everything that you've done.
Gus: Michelle, I just... I want you to know that we are doing everything that we can, and Carmen will not get away with this, okay?
Michelle: I know she won’t.
Ray: We'll start as soon as Tony gets here. You, Ed, and Rick are here.
Michelle: Thanks.
Ray: Yeah. What's Carmen doing here? I told you it was inappropriate for you to be here. I thought you understood, Carmen.
Carmen: Tony told me to come.
Ray: You what?
Tony: It's a business thing, Ray. Enough said, all right?
Josh: That's the guy who's trying to change his life, right?
Marah: Dad, he wouldn't bring Carmen if it wasn't for a good reason.
Josh: What's the reason?
Marah: I don't know.
Rick: Out of respect for my family, I'm telling you to get out and get out right now.
Michelle: No, Rick, it's okay. She has a right to be here and pay her respects.
Carmen: That's very generous of you, Michelle, thank you.
Michelle: I think enough people have been hurt. Don't you?
Carmen: If you'll excuse me.
Tony: Look, um... Maybe you and your folks should leave. I mean, this is going to get pretty ugly. They already hate me enough as it is anyways.
Marah: No, Tony, we came here to support you, okay? The uglier it gets, the more you're going to need that support. I'll be right there.
Bill: Hey. You sure you're okay with Carmen being here? Because if there's any doubt, I will personally escort her out.
Michelle: No, I want her here. And I'll tell you who else I want here is Cassie. Where is she?
Rick: Dad, she's been acting very strange.
Ed: She just lost her husband. What's normal?
Harley: Hey. Did I miss anything?
Gus: No. Come on, they're just about to start.
Ray: Thank you all for coming here today to celebrate the life and mourn the passing of Daniel Santos. Let us pray. In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit. Incline your ear, O, Lord, to our prayers with which we humbly entreat your mercy. Bring to the region of peace and light the soul of your servant, Daniel, whom you have summoned to go forth from the world, and command him to be numbered with your saints. Through our lord, Jesus Christ, amen.
Assembled: Amen.
Ray: Eternal rest grant unto him, O, Lord.
Assembled: And let perpetual light shine upon him.
Ray: May he rest in peace. May his soul and the souls of all those faithfully departed rest in peace.
Assembled: Amen. Thanks be to God.
Ray: Daniel Santos... Danny was my cousin. He was also my friend. He was a loving husband and father, so loving that he was willing to sacrifice his life for the good of his wife and child. That's not to say Danny was perfect. He, like the rest of us, had his flaws. But what made Danny special is that he never stopped trying to be good. He never stopped trying to be a good person. And that, as Danny will find in heaven, is all that God asks of us. At this time I would like to ask Dr. Ed Bauer, Danny’s father-in-law to come up and say a few words on behalf of the Bauer family.
Ed: (Whispers) What are you doing?
Michelle: Actually, Father Ray, I’ll be saying a few words, not my father.
Ed: (Whispers) Michelle, don't do this.
Michelle: (Whispers) I'm the only one who can do this. Step aside.
Gus: (Whispers) What is she doing?
Ed: (Whispers) I don't know. I couldn't stop her, but she knows, Gus.
Gus: (Whispers) Oh, my God. (Classical music plays)
Olivia: Beth was here with James. He's... He's playing with Zach upstairs. We had some words.
Phillip: (Laughs) I'm shocked.
Olivia: She said that she'll never forgive me for publishing the diary and for hurting Lizzie.
Phillip: You expect anything different?
Olivia: Nope.
Phillip: So, I tracked Alan down at the Beacon. I thought he might want to talk, maybe vent a little bit.
Olivia: Did he?
Phillip: Want to vent? Yeah. Yeah. Mostly at me.
Olivia: Why would he want to vent at you?
Phillip: For offering him sympathy when I was really there to gloat.
Olivia: Gloat about what?
Phillip: About how you're willing to trample everybody to get to me. About how at some level I must find that incredibly appealing. And, of course, he's right.
Michelle: When Danny’s cousin, Tony, came to me and told me that Danny was dead, I felt so empty, so alone. But today before coming here, my perspective changed. And for the first time I feel hope, even joy. What changed my perspective so dramatically was something that my father said to me. Actually, it's something that he's always said to me, a motto to live by: "When in doubt, tell the truth." So, right here, right now, that's exactly what I'm going to do.