Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/5/02
From Suzanne
Proofread by
Alexandra: Wait until you see the Christmas present that I got you.
Buzz: Aren't you the early bird?
Alexandra: Yes.
Buzz: I hope you're going to give Phillip and Alan what they deserve.
Alexandra: That's not what Santa told me.
Buzz: You and Santa had an early date, did you?
Alexandra: Yes. After I sat on his knee for half an hour, guess what he told me?
Buzz: Ho, ho, ho, come meet me later?
Alexandra: (laughs) After that.
Buzz: I give up.
Alexandra: He told me what you wanted for Christmas It was for Phillip to give up custody of Zach.
Buzz: Now we're talking.
Alexandra: Mm-hmm. And he wants me to handle the whole deal, which I will.
Buzz: I'm loving your confidence.
Alexandra: Well, everything's going so well now, Buzz. The company's doing well. Olivia Spencer will soon be on her way out. And before you can say, "Merry Christmas," Zach will be home with you.
Buzz: All because of one unselfish elf.
Alexandra: Yeah, that's me.
Buzz: Uh-huh.
Alexandra: Hmm. You know me so well.
Buzz: Enough to think that maybe there's something in this for you.
Alexandra: (laughs) Well, don't worry. I think that Santa's going to give me everything I want this Christmas.
Harley: All right, I left Zach with the nanny, so I'll see you.
Phillip: Um, Harley, wait a minute.
Harley: You know what? I really can't, because today's Danny's memorial service, and I'm security detail, so...
Phillip: Are they... Are they really going to need that?
Harley: It's... It's just a precaution. Did you need something?
Phillip: I... I've just been doing a lot of thinking, about Danny, and about Michelle and Robbie, and you know, what happens to them now. And I'm actually going to go over the Bauer's in a little while and see if there's anything I can do. But...
Harley: Okay.
Phillip: It's more, that I've been thinking about what's really important.
Harley: You know what, Phillip, I don't have time to listen to your soul searching.
Phillip: Harley, if you would listen to me for just a second. I know how much you've been missing Zach.
Harley: Yes. And you have made it perfectly clear that you won't give me shared custody of him as long as Gus is in my life, so...
Phillip: So what if I were to tell you that I was having second thoughts?
Gus: "In honor of his life, a memorial service will be held for the family and friends tonight at St. Michael's Church. In lieu of flowers..." In lieu of flowers, what, are they kidding me? No flowers?
Cassie: They'll send them anyway. And that's one thing you will always remember is the smell of those flowers.
Gus: Yeah, well, Carmen better remember more than that, because I need my confession.
Danny: Now, you're sure Ed is clear on the kind of eulogy he has to deliver?
Gus: My friend, it is not just an eulogy. This thing is designed specially to lay on the guilt real heavy, and even give Carmen the power to change a few things that she still can.
Danny: Like what?
Gus: Like what? Like the way Robbie's going to grow up, not knowing whatever happened to his father.
Cassie: She's coming apart, Danny. I've seen it.
Danny: (sighs) All right. Well, let's do it.
Gus: Excuse me?
Cassie: What?
Gus: Whoa, you're not going anywhere.
Danny: I'm not going to miss my funeral.
Gus: No, no, you'd blow the whole thing. No, it's not happening. You're going to stay dead at least until tomorrow night.
Danny: No, I will stay somewhere out of the way.
Gus: Are you kidding me?
Cassie: Danny...
Gus: No.
Danny: And Michelle cannot walk into the situation unprotected.
Gus: Ed Bauer is... She's going to be fine.
Danny: You can't be ten places at the same time.
Gus: Ed Bauer is going to be with Michelle and with Robbie, okay? I'll handle the rest. You just got to stay out of sight. Nothing's going to happen.
Cassie: Gus is right. You are way too weak for this, Danny.
Danny: I'm fine.
Gus: Sit down... Danny, you're not... Please, look at me.
Cassie: He's staying.
Gus: I want to hear it from you.
Danny: Whatever, all right.
Gus: Okay, all right. Right.
Danny: Just make sure Michelle's protected.
Gus: I understand.
Danny: Please. I don't like this. I can't just sit here. I can't, I can't.
Cassie: You could always call it off.
Danny: No, I can't do that either, Cassie.
Cassie: Danny, the day of Richard's funeral was the worst day of my life, and I had no idea how I was going to get through it. I had never felt pain like that. I kept trying not to cry in front of everyone. And to sit there and listen to those people say such wonderful things about my husband-- someone I was never going to see again-- you have no idea what this is going to do to Michelle.
Danny: Cassie, this is the only way to ultimately protect Michelle. Believe me, if there... If there were an alternative, I would do it.
Cassie: Well, there is. Tell her. Tell Michelle you're alive.
Michelle: "How do you say good-bye to a husband and a father? How do you say farewell to your best friend? Because Danny is all those things and... Was... All those things, and more. Even now, when I know he's gone, I sense his presence. I talk to him. The only difference is for once he can't argue with me. I get to be right." (sighs) "Most of you didn't know Danny very well. But he wasn't the sort of person who was into money or power or position. Danny's one big dream was to build a house, just a simple house in Laurel Falls. He used to drive me crazy with the plans for that house. How many bedrooms we were going to have, what kind of porch, an old-fashioned swing set for all the children we were going..."
Ed: Michelle? There's something I have to tell you.
Michelle: About mom?
Ed: About mom?
Michelle: Well, I wasn't old enough to write a speech for her memorial. I guess it must have been just as hard for you.
Ed: No. We're not going back to that place ever again. I am not going to let us feel anything we felt then, ever again. That's why...
Danny: Don't tell.
Ed: All right, Danny.
Danny: Don't tell.
Ed: I won't tell Michelle.
Michelle: That's why what, Dad?
Ed: I was just going to say I could maybe help you with your eulogy or something.
Michelle: I don't know. I mean, how do you sum up a person's life in a couple of sentences? I tried it so many different ways, it just doesn't come out right. Danny was so, so much more.
Ed: Well, sweetie, you know, you don't... You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. I mean, people aren't even expecting you to.
Michelle: Well, but it's not for them; it's for Danny. I want people to know what a wonderful man that he was.
Ed: I know, you want to share all of that with other people. But maybe this, you know, is that one... That step too far, that's...
Michelle: No, no, I can do it. I just need more time. I just... (Robbie crying) He needs his bottle.
Ed: I got it.
Michelle: Thanks. (sighs) How am I going to get through this? Cassie Winslow, please. Did she happen to mention where she was going? It's important. Her sister's place? No, I know exactly where that is. Thank you.
Harley: So suddenly, out of the blue, you're no longer sure that Gus is bad for Zach. Is that what you're saying or am I just hearing that?
Phillip: Okay, we can discuss this another time.
Harley: Phillip, if you are playing with me...
Phillip: Harley, do you think I would have brought it up if I wasn't serious?
Harley: Then what's changed? Because it's not like you to change your mind about anything, let alone Gus.
Phillip: Well, you know, the other night on Thanksgiving, a very interesting thing happened that you may find surprising. It turns out that I am not, in fact, always right.
Harley: No.
Phillip: I had been blaming Beth-- or rather, Lorelei-- for something that she had not, in fact, done, putting her through hell in the process, which I now regret.
Harley: Uh-huh.
Phillip: Because, you know, sometimes you see what you want to see. We believe people because we want to believe people. And when we don't want to believe people, we don't even listen.
Harley: I could have read that in a fortune cookie. What does it mean?
Phillip: It means I'm willing to listen. I'm not saying that I suddenly think that Gus is some great guy who is going to be a great influence in Zach's life. I'm not even saying that I'm ready to share custody.
Harley: Then what are you saying?
Phillip: I'm saying that my mind has been closed about Gus from day one, and there was nothing that you were going to say or do that would have been able to change my opinion of him. I'm willing to reconsider that.
Harley: God, I hate this. You know, I hate it that you hold the cards, that I have to wait for you to make some magnanimous gesture before I can be with my son. Gus well, Zach is my son, too. And you want me to, what, audition to be his mother? I'm not going to do it.
Phillip: I'm trying.
Harley: Yeah, well, I'm leaving, Phillip. Hey, you want to watch Gus with an open mind? You go right ahead, but I'm not going to beg or grovel. Gus and I have been proving ourselves all along. I think if somebody has to prove themselves now, maybe it's you.
Gus: Wait.
Eden: Hey, stranger.
Gus: Where are you going off to in such a hurry?
Eden: Why? You want to go ice skating or something?
Gus: Wait a second. You're not planning on going to the memorial, are you?
Eden: It's just common courtesy.
Gus: No, no. Eden, please. I need you to stay away.
Eden: Oh. Have you got something planned for Carmen Santos?
Gus: Eden, you don't belong there, okay? Just please, stay away.
Eden: Well, I wouldn't say that. You know, Tony's been pretty broken up about losing Danny, and also...
Gus: He hasn't forgiven you for distracting him the night Danny was killed.
Eden: Well, so this is my chance to make it up to him and be a real friend.
Gus: Eden, you are not his friend. You are the person that killed his father. So the more you chase after him, the more likely he is to catch on to that. You know what I'm saying? Just stay away.
Buzz: You do love to keep a secret, don't you?
Alexandra: Well, of course.
Buzz: You know, I know you're trying to do right by your family, but you know, we both know that you're not Mary Poppins.
Alexandra: A spoonful of sugar, please.
Buzz: There's something else going on. There's got to be. I mean, there's got to be some deep reason why you're on this quest and you're keeping it to yourself.
Alexandra: Shh! Even the walls have ears. Besides, I think there's something wonderful about a little mystery.
Buzz: She's not going to tell me.
Alexandra: Is it so strange to want to help one's family?
Buzz: No, please. When I came back to town after all those years, you know, I wanted to make up for lost time. I got into everybody's business. And Harley and Frank didn't like it any better than Phillip and Alan seem to like you doing what you're doing.
Alexandra: Yes, but eventually they're going to come around, and then they're going to realize that you really love them.
Buzz: Eventually I learned to shut up.
Alexandra: Yes, well, that won't happen to me.
Buzz: I hope your family appreciates that.
Alexandra: (laughs) Does yours?
Buzz: On a good day.
Alexandra: Yeah, well. Hmm.
Buzz: There they are.
Alexandra: Who?
Buzz: The loving boyfriend and the trouble-making sister-- reasons A and B why Phillip is keeping Zach away from my daughter.
Alexandra: Do you like Gus?
Buzz: On a good day. (grumbles) On a very good day.
Alexandra: Well, I guess he does carry a lot of baggage, including that surly sister of his. But I don't know. I don't know what I really think about him yet.
Buzz: Join the club.
Danny: As soon as Carmen is in custody, I will go to Michelle. But if I were to do it sooner, it would screw up everything that I've planned.
Cassie: Okay. So I guess I'm just going to go watch your wife grieve, huh?
Danny: You don't have to go.
Cassie: Yes, I do. I have to go.
Danny: No.
Cassie: Yes, I do, Danny, because you paid off my debt. Your mother is already suspicious of me. If I don't show up there, she's really going to be suspicious. Are you going to be okay?
Danny: Yeah. I'm going crazy here, but yeah, I'll be fine.
Cassie: So I guess this is the last time I have to come out here.
Danny: Yeah. Hopefully this will be over very soon.
Cassie: No more turkey leftovers. No more people thinking I'm a sauna addict.
Danny: Well, you could always find some other wounded guy on the beach.
Cassie: I dare to dream.
Danny: Hey. Thank you. Really, for everything. I owe you.
Cassie: I owe you.
Danny: No. Not anymore.
Cassie: Well, I guess we're even.
Danny: If you or your family ever need anything...
Cassie: Thank you. Just get back to Michelle and Robbie in one piece.
Danny: I'm trying.
Cassie: Take care of yourself.
Danny: You, too.
Cassie: Michelle.
Gus: Goodbye, sister darling. Go on home, have a good evening, okay?
Eden: Why? Is Phillip's aunt going to come visit me again?
Harley: Alexandra?
Eden: (scoffs) Like you didn't know she tried to bribe me to change my story.
Harley: News to me.
Gus: Well, okay. So now we all know that Alexandra Spaulding tried to bribe you; you didn't take the money, fabulous. Now go on home. Asta la vista. Take it easy. And if I see you at the memorial, I will personally bury you at the church, okay? Love you. Bye. Bye. Bye-bye.
Harley: Does your sister listen to anybody?
Gus: Well, sometimes, when I'm very, very lucky. Look, I don't want to talk about her. Let's talk about something else. Talk about Zach. How's Zach?
Harley: Zach's great!
Gus: Zach's great?
Harley: We spent the morning building a big castle out of blocks.
Gus: Oh. See, I wish I was there for that. Did Skeletor the big ogre come in and smash it all down?
Harley: No, the ogre was in his study minding his own business.
Gus: (laughs)
Harley: Although, anyway, just try not to kill anybody for a while, okay?
Gus: Yeah, I'll try. I'll try, but I can't promise anything. When Carmen the big ogre shows up at the memorial, we have to be ready. Anything could happen.
Harley: And what if she doesn't show up?
Gus: If she doesn't?
Harley: If she doesn't. Plan B.
Gus: You've got a plan B?
Harley: I've got a plan B. It's a good one.
Gus: You've got a plan B?
Harley: But I'm going to need some help.
(knock on door)
Ed: Whoa. Who's this? Who's here? Who do you think is here? Hey, Phillip. Come on in.
Phillip: Hey, Ed. How are you doing? It's good to see you. I just... I wanted to come by and see how Michelle was doing. Is she around?
Ed: No. According to this, she went out for a walk.
Phillip: Oh. Um, well maybe you know this. Is there anything that she needs, anything that I can do.
Ed: I wish I could tell you there was, but there isn't.
Phillip: Yeah. Nothing worse than feeling helpless when one of your kids is hurting, is there?
Ed: Yeah, I know. Give me a nice broken bone to fix, you know what I mean?
Phillip: Sure.
Ed: You want some pie?
Phillip: Some pie?
Ed: Yeah.
Phillip: Sure. I'll take some pie. I'll take some pie and I’ll take you. Hey, buddy.
Ed: People keep dropping stuff off at the house, so...
Phillip: What kind of pie you got?
Ed: Well, we have pecan, we have pumpkin, we have, and I’m assuming apple.
Phillip: Apple. Okay, I'll have apple.
Ed: All right.
Phillip: What do you want? That's a stupid question, isn't it? (Robbie babbles)
Ed: I'm not sure how much is sinking in at this point.
Robbie: I just... I just...
Phillip: You just what? You don't worry about a thing, buddy.
Robbie: Is that really apple?
Phillip: Does this ever get any easier? I mean, when they grow up and they leave the house and you're not responsible for them anymore?
Ed: You never stop feeling responsible.
Cassie: Michelle. Um, how did you find me here?
Michelle: The desk clerk at the Beacon tipped me off and then Shayne said that you were taking a sauna.
Cassie: Um, you know he was wrong. I keep some of Richard's things here and I was just going through them. That's all.
Michelle: Can I come in for a minute? It's freezing out here. I promise I won't keep you long.
Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, why don't you come on in? Why don't you come on in? So, what's up?
Michelle: I wanted to ask you something about Danny? Well, about something that Carmen had said about money and... Actually, it doesn't matter what Carmen said. I was trying to think of an excuse to talk to you.
Cassie: You don't need an excuse to talk to me. Ever.
Michelle: I was sitting in my kitchen trying to write this speech for the memorial, trying to think of things to say about Danny that I just... I can't seem to put into words. I loved him so much.
Cassie: I know.
Michelle: How did you do it? How did you get through a day like this? I mean, I keep expecting him to walk through that door. I actually... I just... I feel him sometimes, like he's still here. And then, today I'm supposed to go and say goodbye.
Cassie: You don't have to say goodbye, Michelle. Because Danny's here. He's right here.
Gus: Hello there, people.
Alexandra: Hello, Gus.
Gus: How are you? Are you an item? Is that what's going on? Are you an item?
Buzz: She wishes. She wishes.
Alexandra: I could do worse.
Buzz: Your sister... Where... Your sister was out there.
Harley: Yeah. No, no, she's gone. She's off. Gone. Gone to file bribery charges against Alexandra, I'm sure.
Alexandra: Mm-hmm.
Harley: Nice try, though.
Alexandra: Did my best.
Gus: Mr. Cooper, you think I could have a cocktail?
Harley: No, no, no, Daddy. He means a soda. He's on duty.
Gus: Did I say "cocktail"? Soda. Soda's fine.
Harley: He's kidding. He doesn't drink on duty. He's just a little nervous. He has this big case breaking today.
Alexandra: Yeah, well, you know, Harley, I know that police work is important, but nothing is as important as the welfare of your son.
Harley: Oh, no. Of course not. I agree. By the way, I was at the house again this morning, and did you talk to Phillip?
Alexandra: Why?
Harley: Because he seems to be coming around.
Alexandra: Really?
Harley: Well, he said something about giving Gus a second chance, considering things with an open mind. I know, I know, I know. It just... He sounded so sincere.
Alexandra: You know, until you walk out of that house with that baby in your arms, I am not convinced.
Harley: You're right. You're right. I know you're right, and I would actually love to talk to you more about this, but he has a big case breaking and we've got to strategize. It's a very important, very important day.
Alexandra: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, every day is important when it comes to Zach, darling.
Harley: I agree. I agree. But this really is important and this can actually wait.
Alexandra: No, no, no, no. It can't wait. Because time goes by very fast when you're trying to take care of people you love and before you know it, it'll be too late.
Buzz: You want a light?
Gus: No.
Buzz: You look like an expectant father. What, is it a big case or something like that?
Gus: It's the biggest, Mr. Cooper, the biggest.
Buzz: You see that woman, my daughter? I love her more than my life, and you've caused her a lot of trouble.
Gus: I love...
Buzz: Now, let me finish. She lost custody of her son because of you. She's had her heart broken several times because of you.
Gus: I thought we were straight, Mr. Cooper. I love your daughter.
Buzz: She loves you. But that means you have some responsibilities, you know what I mean here?
Gus: Yeah. I take our relationship very, very, very, very seriously.
Buzz: This case, is it dangerous?
Gus: I'd rather not talk about the case.
Buzz: You don't have to talk about it if you remember this: You owe her. If there's a bullet, you're the one that dives in front of it. And if there's a car hood to be jumped on, you jump on it. If there's a sacrifice to be made, you make it, okay? Can I count on you?
Gus: Mr. Cooper, I will always protect your daughter.
Buzz: Are you sure?
Gus: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a very complicated case, but I have the whole thing under control.
Cassie: I'm sorry, I just... I can't go on like this. I have to tell you. I...
Michelle: Tell me what?
Cassie: When Richard was dying and I didn't have any money and the hospital bills were just piling up, Michelle, and I didn't want to worry about that. You know? I really wanted to worry about Richard. And so I went to Danny to see if I could borrow some money, and he really didn't want to, but I insisted. I totally insisted.
Michelle: Cassie. Cassie, it's all right. If you needed money...
Cassie: But it really wasn't just about the money. It was that I couldn't pay back the loan, and I was getting myself in a whole bunch of trouble.
Michelle: Cassie, let's just forget about it, okay? Danny's gone; it doesn't matter. Besides, I've got to get back to the church on time. God, how am I going to get through this?
Cassie: I know how you feel.
Michelle: How did you get through it? How did you get through, you know, taking care of all your kids and answering all these questions from everyone-- how you are and how you're holding up?
Cassie: You know, I'm not someone to take advice from, Michelle. I... I lashed out at everyone I loved. I neglected my children because I couldn't stop crying. I am not a pillar of strength.
Michelle: Yeah, but you're here. You made it this far. I don't even think I can survive the rest of the day.
Cassie: It's not fair. It's not fair.
Michelle: You really are the only other person who understands. I keep saying that to myself over again, that it's not fair, it just isn't fair. I know this is a big thing to ask, but could you sit with me in the church?
Cassie: Yes.
Michelle: Thank you. It'll mean a lot to have somebody there who's been through this.
Cassie: No one deserves to go through this, and I may be doing this the wrong way, but there is something I have got to tell you, Michelle.
Michelle: You know what? Can we talk about it later, because I've got to get home and I've got to get Robbie changed and... I'll meet you at the church. Thank you for listening to me. I can do this, right?
Cassie: Yes. This is wrong.
Danny: You think that I didn't want to come out here and put my arms around her?
Cassie: Then why didn't you, Danny?
Danny: Because everything that I have done-- everything that I'm doing-- is for her and my son. And you almost told her.
Cassie: Oh, yes, I did! And I am. I am not going to let Michelle sit through that memorial. Not when you're here and not when you're alive.
Danny: Cassie. Cassie! Cassie! Damn it. Come on, pick up. Pick up. Hey, it's me. We've got a problem.
Harley: My kids always come first with me. There is not a moment that goes by that I don't wish Zach was home with me.
Alexandra: You have had your chance to get Zach back for months now and where are we?
Harley: Well, not very far, I guess.
Alexandra: Yeah. Not very far. Which is why I have decided to run the show.
Harley: Oh, you're going to run the show.
Alexandra: Yes. You had your chance to get Zach back and you failed, so now I'm going to do it.
Harley: (laughs in disbelief) Alexandra.
Alexandra: Look, you have no idea how fast the years go by and before you know it, Zach's going to be grown up. I mean, take it from me, Harley, I know Lujack's gone and I missed half of Nick's life. You just have to not let those years go by. You just have to grab onto them while you can. Take it from me.
Harley: Well, do I have a choice?
Alexandra: (laughs) No.
Phillip: Hey.
Michelle: Hey, Phillip.
Phillip: Michelle...
Michelle: It is so cold out there. I hate it when the sidewalks get all icy like that. I'm always afraid I'm going to slip. Where's Robbie?
Ed: He's upstairs taking a nap. Where were you?
Michelle: Um, I went to see Cassie.
Ed: You walked all the way to the Beacon?
Michelle: No, no. She was at Reva's, in the pool house. I guess she has some of Richard's stuff stored there; she probably can't seem to get rid of.
Phillip: Michelle, I'm so sorry. If there's anything that I can do.
Michelle: Thanks. I'm fine. I'm going to just go check on Robbie, make sure he's all set. I'll see you in a bit.
Gus: Wait.
Cassie: What are you doing here?
Gus: So what are you doing here? What are you doing here? I got a tip that you were going to come over and tell Michelle about our plan.
Cassie: Look, there is no plan. That woman in there, Gus, she thinks that she's lost the love of her life. Do you understand that?
Gus: Yes, I understand it. It has to stay that way, okay? It just has to stay that way until I get a confession out of Carmen.
Cassie: No. See, I am not going to let her sit through that memorial. I know what it feels like, Gus. It breaks you. Okay? It breaks you.
Gus: It's all going to be over in a few hours, okay? Just let me get the confession, she'll be behind bars.
Cassie: Uh-uh. It's over now. No, it's over now, okay? I don't know what kind of damage has already been done, but I am not going to let her suffer anymore. I am sorry.
Gus: I am just trying to make sure that Carmen doesn't shoot her next.
Cassie: Look, I know you and Danny keep saying that, but you guys don't understand!
Gus: Well, it's true. It's true. She tried it several times. Think about it.
Cassie: You don't understand. She's already dead, okay? Inside, she is already dead. And you can find...
Gus: I can't.
Cassie: No. No. Come on. Gus, stop.
Phillip: Hey! What the hell are you doing?
Gus: You have no idea what's going on, okay?
Phillip: Are you all right?
Cassie: I'm... Yes, I'm fine. I am fine.
Phillip: This didn't look fine.
Gus: Well, things aren't always how they look.
Phillip: Yeah, they are. (scoffs) With you they are. You know what, Aitoro? Earlier today I told Harley that maybe I had misjudged you, but I didn't.
Cassie: No.
Phillip: No, you are exactly the man that I thought you were.
Cassie: Phillip, Gus and I were just talking and things got a little out of hand. That is all.
Phillip: Yeah. That has a way of happening when he's around. Come on. I'll walk you in.
Cassie: You know what? It's okay. Really. I am okay. I am. You can go ahead and go.
Gus: She said she's fine. Won't you listen?
Phillip: She better be fine.
Gus: Idiot. Thank you for not telling him about Danny.
Cassie: Well, he's not the one who needs to know.
Gus: No, no.
Cassie: Stop.
Gus: I cannot believe you are making me do this.
Cassie: Get out of my way!
Gus: Will you stop it?
Cassie: You stop it. What do you think... What do you think you're doing to me?
Gus: I am taking you into protective custody, okay?
Cassie: You can't do this.
Gus: Yes, I can. You're obstructing my case.
Cassie: And where do you think you're taking me?
Gus: You're going to hurt yourself. I'm taking you to jail.
Cassie: Taking me to jail?
Gus: Yeah. Where everybody has handcuffs. Let's go.
Cassie: You can't just... Gus, let me go.
Alexandra: I want to talk to you about Harley and Gus.
Phillip: Hello to you.
Alexandra: Look, since she saw you early today, she is under the impression that you've changed your position?
Phillip: I'm sure she is, but you know, she can actually forget everything that I said earlier today, because you know what? I ran into Gus Aitoro a little while ago and guess what he was doing? He was shoving Cassie Winslow around.
Alexandra: What? Why?
Phillip: I think because he likes doing that. He likes doing those kinds... Yeah, he does. He likes to hide behind his badge and push people around. Like he pushed the guy off the roof when he was a teenager.
Alexandra: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. That was a long time ago, Phillip. I don't believe he did that.
Phillip: I can't... I know that for some reason you have a soft spot for this character. Yeah, you do. You do. But I don't. I don't like him. I don't like anything about him and I don't want him anywhere around my son.
Alexandra: Look, you and Harley have been locked in this battle for months now and it's going absolutely nowhere.
Phillip: Yeah, well, nowhere is right.
Alexandra: Well, at least we agree about something. So, Phillip, from now on, I'm taking over.
Gus: And this is going to be our VIP cell, which I'll be glad to put you in. We've got television, VCR. Even has a Turkish carpet and a porcelain toilet.
Cassie: I'm not staying here.
Gus: Oh, yes you are. I've got videotapes in my desk. I'll be glad to loan it to you, pop them in there. Have you seen "Different Strokes: The movie?" It's really good. There you go. Lock that up.
Cassie: Gus, you are insane, okay? You cannot put someone in jail for saying something that you don't want them to say.
Gus: You were threatening obstruction of justice.
Cassie: Michelle has a right to know that her husband is alive.
Gus: Okay. Well, she'll know as soon as Carmen’s in prison, okay? Would you like something from the minibar? Toasted almond strudel? Anything at all?
Cassie: I want a phone. I get to make a phone call.
Gus: What, so you're just going to call Michelle? I'm not an idiot.
Cassie: I have kids, okay? I can't just disappear without them knowing where I am.
Gus: Your kids are out of town. They're out of town, I know that.
Cassie: I'm going to call a lawyer. Better yet, I'm going to call Harley. Let's see what she thinks about you locking up her best friend.
Harley: No, no. Don't bother with the call. I'm already here.
Danny: "Survived by his loving wife, Michelle, son Robert, sister Pilar, maternal grandmother Maria and mother Carmen. In honor of his life, a memorial service will be held for family and friends tonight at St. Michael's Church." I'm the only one who can protect Michelle.
Michelle: Hey, you. Look at you. You look so good. You are such a big boy, do you know that? You're looking more and more like your daddy every day. That's what we're going to do today, Robbie. We're going to go say goodbye to your daddy. (Robbie babbling) I know. I know you're too young to understand what's going on. Okay. I got it. But today, we're going to go tell your daddy how much we loved him and how much we're going to miss him, so very, very, very much. Right? And it might be a little bit sad, because there's going to be a lot of people who are going to say a lot of nice things about daddy. We're going to wish that we could tell him about it. But we can't. But we can't because... Um... I want you to go see your Aunt Mel over there, okay? Just go in there for a little bit, okay, Robbie? I'll be right back.
Ed: Okay, that's it. I'm not going to stand around here and watch you suffer for one more minute.
Michelle: Oh, Dad, there's nothing that you can do. It's okay.
Ed: The hell there isn't.
Michelle: What are you talking about?
Ed: Michelle, listen to me. Danny is alive.