GL Transcript Wednesday 12/4/02

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/4/02

From Suzanne
Proofread by


Harley: Maybe they're friends. I think they're friends. Oh, hi.

Alexandra: Hi, Zach, how are you?

Harley: Look who it is.

Alexandra: Oh, he's looking more like his father every day.

Harley: You mean, he stopped sharing his toys and won't play well with others.

Alexandra: (laughs) No, I mean, that little blond who was so adorable until he decided to become a Spaulding.

Harley: Yes, that little blond boy is long gone.

Alexandra: I'd like to think he's still in there somewhere.

Harley: By the way, thanks again for paving the way so that I could come in here without the household staff barring the door. You know, I can't start my day until I kiss my boys good morning, and tuck them in at night. I just feel like I'm missing so much with them all the time. I think they grow up between breakfast and dinner.

Alexandra: Yeah, well, I missed out so much with my two boys; that's why I don't want to see that happen to you, honey.

Harley: Listen, I want to talk to you for a second. Listen to me. Mommy's going to go back to work more often, remember we talked about that? Mommy has to work so she can make money. Well, I'm working more, so I might be seeing you a little less often. Okay? Is that okay?

Alexandra: Yeah, you see, mommy has to fight the bad guys, which is something Aunt Alexandra knows a lot about, because there are a lot of bad guys in family.

Harley: Alexandra... Please.

Alexandra: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Talking about bad guys, I'd like to have the low down on Eden August.

Tony: What the hell are you doing here?

Eden: I work here.

Tony: No, you worked here-- past tense.

Eden: Look, I know this is hard for you with Danny gone and everything. I mean, it's all over the papers.

Tony: I've known about Danny for days.

Eden: You're hurting, let me...

Tony: Let you what? Let you what? What could you possibly do for me?

Eden: I can comfort you. Believe me, I am so sorry.

Tony: Sorry? Sorry that Danny's dead, or are you sorry that you're at least half responsible for his death?

Rick: It's our time to grieve...

Mel: By no comment, I mean, no comment.

Rick:.. So we would appreciate if you wouldn't call again. So why don't you get yourself a real job?

Mel: Okay, I'm hanging up now.

Rick: Michelle, you don't need to do this right now.

Michelle: I've got to plan Danny's memorial. (knock at door)

Mel: I'll get it.

Michelle: No, I can get it. I can get it. Bill, what are you doing here?

Rick: Thanks for coming, Bill.

Bill: Hey, Rick, Mel.

Mel: Hey.

Bill: So, how you holding up?

Michelle: Why couldn't I just stayed in love with you, like I was when I was ten?

Bill: (laughs) If I remember correctly, I think it was the other way around. Besides, it would've ended very badly.

Michelle: Really?

Bill: Yeah, it would've been a messy divorce before we were even legal.

Michelle: On what grounds?

Bill: Hey, you know, I was a pretty dangerous kid, remember? You know, the burning down the houses, the drinking, the time you and I ran in that department store, I ripped that tag off a mattress. You always running away from home. Regular Bonnie and Clyde. It would've been very messy.

Michelle: Yeah, it still would've been easier than this. Why did I have to choose this?

Bill: You know what, Michelle? You followed your heart. And I'll bet any amount of money, if you could do it all over again, you couldn't help falling in love with Danny Santos.

Frank: Hello. You.

Gus: Yes, me, Gus; you, Frank.

Frank: The body in the morgue; it's not Danny Santos. You know it, I know it, and the Chief's going to know it when he gets my report.

Gus: So you've got the Chief checking up on me, is that what you're doing?

Frank: Well, gee, Gus, you know, you didn't check in after you tagged the body in the morgue, and the details of your report ended up on the evening news, what did you expect?

Gus: I think you should stay out of this one, Frank.

Frank: Listen, if you don't mind going down this road and losing your badge, that's fine by me, but I'll be damned if I let you take my sister down with you.

Ray: Hey.

Rick: Hey, Ray, thank you for coming.

Ray: Hey.

Michelle: Hey. Here we are.

Ray: Yeah, can I do anything?

Michelle: No, I'm just glad that someone is here that loves Danny as much as I do.

Ray: That's me.

Michelle: I just wish that I could wake up out of this nightmare.

Ray: I know.

Michelle: You know, the last couple months, I thought that Danny had given up fighting for us, for our family. And now I found out that that wasn't even the case at all. And I just can't believe that he died without knowing that I know what he did for us.

Ray: Hey, Michelle, he knows.

Michelle: Well, I want everyone to know. I want everyone to know who he was and who he wanted to be.

Ray: I hope you're planning on using St. Michael's.

Michelle: Of course.

Ray: Can I make one request?

Michelle: Anything.

Ray: Don't invite Carmen.

Michelle: You know she killed Danny.

Ray: There will be justice one day, Michelle. I promise you. Let me call the church.

Michelle: Okay, I'm going to work on this list of people.

Ray: Sure.

Michelle: Hey, Rick, do you think you could help me so I don't get forget anybody?

Rick: No, I just got a page from the hospital, I need to return this call. But I'll be right back. Bill?

Bill: Yeah.

Rick: Could you help her with that?

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah, no problem.

Rick: I'll be right back.

Mel: Hey.

Rick: Hey.

Mel: I didn't hear your pager go off.

Rick: It didn't. I just want her to have time alone.

Mel: Are you trying to push Bill and Michelle together?

Gus: You got me. I'll tell you what, Frank, we'll do a little 70/30 split, what do you say? Fine, 60/40, but that's my final offer. You are a tough man, you drive a hard bargain. Plus, I'm the guy that has to marry Michelle.

Frank: Excuse me?

Gus: The insurance money. Danny's insurance money, that's why I'm doing this whole thing.

Frank: You just find yourself so amusing, don't you? Would you just please just tell me what the hell's going on here?

Gus: The chief doesn't know anything about this, okay?

Frank: I kind of figured that.

Gus: Yeah, but the Feds do, Frank.

Frank: The Feds?

Gus: Yeah. They recruited me to take the Santos family down, and the other crime families down in this town, okay, one last time, so that's why I Id'd the body as Danny. And I can't tell you much more than that, Frank.

Frank: So what is this, your ticket back into the Bureau?

Gus: No, no, it's just a one-time thing.

Frank: That's too bad. I was hoping they would offer you your old job back, seeing that you'll be losing this one.

Gus: Frank, I will handle the Chief, okay? You should just be excited that there's going to be a crime-free Springfield.

Frank: I'll believe it when I see it.

Gus: It's happening this time.

Frank: You know, this fly by the seat of the pants thing that you do, it's okay if no one else is involved. But there is someone involved here, it's my sister, Harley.

Gus: Frank, I'd never let anything happen to her, okay. I love your sister. I love her. That's why I kept her out of this whole thing.

Frank: You did what?

Gus: She doesn't know anything about it, Frank. The body, the case, none of it.

Frank: Well, then why didn't you tell me that in the first place?

Gus: Because you don't give me a chance. You never give me a chance. I'm the guy that's going to take the hit for all of this, okay?

Frank: Fine, I want this thing wrapped up, like, yesterday.

Gus: I'm on it. I'm on it.

Frank: You better be.

Gus: Got it. Frank. Hey, Coop, I hope you get this message. Look, you might want to stay away from your brother for a couple days, okay? I think the whole case is at stake. (sighs)

Harley: Eden let Gus take the blame for a crime that she committed and continues to lie about, I might add. She accused him of burning her with cigarettes. I mean, whatever that is, it's not love. And I could just kick myself for reuniting them. I don't know what I was thinking.

Alexandra: Well, I guess you thought that you could convince Phillip that Gus was innocent so you could get your baby back.

Harley: Yes, yes. But all she's done since she's been here is let things go from bad to worse. And he protects her no matter what. I'm competing with a deathbed wish to his father, you know. And every time that I think he might be on to her, she does something heroic like take a bullet for him.

Alexandra: (chuckles) Brothers and sisters.

Harley: I know, I know, I know.

Alexandra: You share the same parents, you share the same life experiences. A sibling can be your first friend and your first enemy.

Harley: Well, Gus makes the mistake of believing that all Eden needs is some love to change her. But I don't think there's enough love in the world for that. He keeps giving and giving, and she keeps taking and taking.

Alexandra: You really do love him, don't you?

Harley: (laughs) Yes, I do.

Alexandra: Well, then I am going to help you. I have an idea. First of all, I will invite Miss Eden to tea. Mohammed will go to the mountain.

Harley: Hmm, well, maybe Nolan can put some truth serum in that tea. (laughter) But let me warn you, just be careful with Eden. She can be a handful.

Alexandra: Oh, darling, please. Don't underestimate me. I can, too.

Eden: There is no way I could've known what was going to happen to your cousin. You say I'm half to blame, well, who's the other half? Carmen or you?

Tony: If I hadn't been with you, this would've never happened.

Eden: Look, he's gone, all right, but we're still here. It's not your fault, and it's not my fault, either. And the way we felt that night, that's still here.

Tony: I don't feel anything for you.

Eden: We are so much alike, Tony. You and I have both lost so much. That night I felt like... like someone finally found me, and you did, too. If you would just let yourself feel it again, and not let timing...

Tony: My cousin is dead. You talk about him like a broken fingernail? Go!

Marah: Tony. Tony, I saw the paper, I'm so sorry.

Tony: We knew it about it before it came out.

Marah: I know, I know, but now that it's in the paper. I don't know, before when it was a secret, it just didn't seem like it was real, and now... I got here as fast as I could.

Rick: I am not trying to push Michelle to anyone right now. She's heartbroken, and it's going to be a very long time before she gets over Danny, I know that.

Mel: That's right. And trying to get her to get over it before she's ready would be insensitive, not to mention stupid.

Rick: Yes, dear, yes. As you know, when she was a little kid, not even a teenager, her mother died. She was heartbroken, and she ran away from home.

Mel: I know.

Rick: What you don't know is that she ran to Bill. Bill Lewis. And he was just a kid himself. And you know what? Bill got her through it.

Mel: Okay, but they're not little kids anymore, honey.

Rick: I know. Would life had been easier if she'd married her childhood sweetheart? Of course it would. But it didn't work out that way. She married Danny. And from the moment she met Danny, her life has been a living hell. I want my little sister to be safe. I want her to be with somebody who will make her feel safe.

Mel: Honey, you're a safe place for her, okay? And so is your dad. And I'm trying to be.

Rick: I want her to be safe, Mel, and happy.

Mel: Okay, I have two words for you: Ashton King.

Rick: Ashton King, the guy that your father tried to set you up with? What about it?

Mel: Right, well, you and my father were kind of similar, okay. You're both fixers. Now, I love my father, but he took "Father knows best" to the extreme. Whenever something went wrong or right, my dad was my last call, okay, not the first. Because I knew that whatever was going on in my life, he was going to try to fix it. You can't try to fix Michelle's life right now.

Rick: So, don't be “Brother knows best”?

Mel: Right. Now, Danny is still very much alive for Michelle right now. Every time she looks at her son, every time she looks around, period. And she needs time to get over that. And only she can know when it's time to move on, okay, not you.

Rick: I'm just worried about her.

Mel: I know, honey.

Michelle: Bill, Bill.

Bill: Hey, you're doing just great, okay.

Michelle: I'm hanging on by a thread here.

Bill: That's not true.

Michelle: Look, something happened.

Bill: I know, sweetie.

Michelle: No, no, no, no, not Danny. Yesterday with Carmen.

Bill: What are you talking about? What about her?

Michelle: I saw her yesterday at the cliff. She killed Danny. She came after me. She wanted to get rid of me once and for all. She was very upset, and she was backing me towards the edge of the cliff, and there was this moment that I thought, you know, this is it. And she jumped at me, we struggled and somehow she fell.

Bill: Carmen's dead?

Michelle: No, I grabbed on to her arm, and I pulled her back up.

Bill: You saved her life.

Michelle: Yeah. I knew that I had a choice. And I wanted to let her go, for Danny. But from that minute, I think I understood what it must feel like to be Carmen, to think that you have this power to decide whether someone should live or die.

Bill: Listen to me, I know a lot of people out there would let her go.

Michelle: No, and I couldn't. I couldn't because it wasn't my decision to make. If I let her go, then I'd become her. I'd become just like her.

Harley: You lied to Frank?

Gus: Honey, I did what I had to do, okay? He was about to blow the whole enchilada.

Harley: So basically, my brother, who I see just about every day, thinks I'm not involved in this, when I'm in it up to my eyeballs.

Gus: Quite a guy, your brother. Quite a guy.

Harley: You got a problem with that?

Gus: No, no. No, I think it's kind of cool.

Harley: It just sounds to me like you got a little problem. I think you have a problem with the fact that he and I finish each others sentences, when you guys can't even talk...

Gus: Okay, fine, fine, fine, you guys win. You win the brother-sister togetherness contest. What's... What... What's going on?

Harley: Well, I just came from Alexandra, who was talking about your sister, so now I've got Eden on the brain.

Gus: All right, well, I got Frank on the brain, we're even. All right, and I lied to him. I lied to him. And I lied to him, not just to shake him off my trail, but because... You should've seen the way he looked at me when I was talking about the body. He looked at me like it was a year ago, like I was still the guy that cared so much about taking down Danny Santos.

Harley: Oh, honey, he knows you've come a long way.

Gus: Well, it's not far enough along for him. And he's... A little piece of me feels like he's right, too, because I got this nagging thing inside me that I wish that I didn't tell you about anything. I wish I was the kind of guy, I should protect you from this stuff. You know, I would like to be that kind of guy.

Harley: I don't want you to protect me, okay? I'm your partner, right? And not just on the force. And I'll tell you another thing. That nagging feeling...

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: It has a name.

Gus: Heartburn.

Harley: No, it's called your conscience.

Gus: Can I get it removed?

Harley: No, and don't be afraid, okay? It's a good thing. It means you're going to feel all this stuff all the time. Welcome to the human race.

Gus: I don't like it.

Harley: You get to feel the guilt about lying to Frank, the guilt about lying to Michelle, it may be bad that I don't see my son all the time the way I wish I could.

Gus: But we did the right thing, right? This is the right thing. We didn't come up with this, we didn't concoct the whole Danny's dead thing. We're just going to go along with it until we put Carmen away.

Harley: But it doesn't feel right, does it?

Gus: No.

Harley: I mean, lying to my brother's one thing, but lying to the whole Bauer family, that doesn't feel right.

Gus: We can stick with it and push through till we get Carmen to break her breaking point.

Harley: Well, do you know exactly what this push is going to be?

Gus: No, but the minute I do, I'll tell you.

Harley: Well, could you let me know in the next few minutes, because I have to go over to the Bauer house to pick up Jude, which means I'm going to run into Michelle, who is mourning her dead husband, who isn't really dead.

Gus: Wouldn't wish it on my enemy.

Harley: Hey, I have a great idea. Since you're the one who got me into this mess, why don't you come with me?

Gus: That's okay, I was going to say and have some... Fine.

Tony: You want to sit down or something?

Marah: No, I think that there's somewhere you need to go.

Tony: Okay. I wouldn't be here when I get back.

Eden: You don't mean that. And once you relax, you'll realize that.

Tony: When I'm relaxed, I'll still feel the same.

Alexandra: Oh, excuse me, can you tell me where I can find Eden August?

Eden: You found her.

Alexandra: Oh. I know your brother.

Eden: Oh, Nicky sent you to see me?

Alexandra: Nicky?

Eden: Well, everyone calls him Gus, but his name's Nicky.

Alexandra: Well, I'm a friend of Harley Cooper’s.

Eden: What a tragedy for you. I'm out of here.

Alexandra: I'm Alexandra Spaulding.

Eden: You say that like I'm supposed to curtsey. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that name means absolutely nothing to me.

Alexandra: Oh, unless it's at the bottom of a check.

Eden: Excuse me?

Alexandra: My accountants have recently told me that my nephew made out a check to you that was never cashed.

Eden: And I tore it up, because it ended up I didn't need it.

Alexandra: Uh-huh. So why would my nephew write that check in the first place?

Eden: Why don't you ask him?

Alexandra: Because I'm asking you. Do you think it was a bribe because of your story to the arbitrator?

Eden: I didn't need a bribe to tell the truth. I didn't cash the check out of my conscience.

Alexandra: Well, you were very young, and I supposed you don't really remember the events as they actually happened.

Eden: And you're supposed to help me remember?

Alexandra: Well, everyone has their price. Name yours.

Marina: Hey.

Frank: Hey. What are you doing here?

Marina: Don't worry, I wasn't hauled in.

Frank: Oh, thank God for small favors, huh? Can I get you some coffee, something to drink?

Marina: Oh, no, no, no. I'm fine, thanks. Actually I was just on Fifth Street, dropping off some clothes for grandpa at the holiday clothing dive. So are you in the middle of something here?

Frank: Nothing that can't wait for my daughter, right? Besides, I need to kind of keep distracted here. I don't want to be worrying about your Aunt Harley right now.

Marina: Well, I can probably help you with that. I need your help.

Frank: Okay.

Marina: It's about Ben.

Frank: (groans)

Eden: That's what you think, huh? You just throw a little money at a problem, and then it just disappears. I admit to a crime that I didn't commit, and then I go to jail, all for a few bucks?

Alexandra: I want to reunite Harley with her son, and you are standing in the way. Now, I will do anything in my power to make you change your story, or you can change it yourself and reap the rewards. It's up to you.

Eden: Yeah, well, you preach a good game about family and togetherness, but aren't you related to Phillip? I mean, maybe you're doing this just to get him back.

Alexandra: My motives are my business.

Eden: Oh, and mine are up for grabs?

Alexandra: No, but yours are more obvious. Look, I know that we can't bring your father back, but I can give you the kind of life that you have only dreamed about since you were a little girl. And I can also get you back with your brother, and his love, and his forgiveness. All you have to do is change your story and tell the truth.

Tony: This is where Danny died. Why did you bring me here? I don't understand.

Marah: I thought that you needed to come back here.

Tony: Why, so I can relive it? So I can remember how I didn't come soon enough to save Danny?

Marah: Tony, none of what happened that night is your fault. Your carrying all this guilt around, and it needs to stop.

Tony: No, I have to take responsibility for what's happened, for what happened to Danny, for what I did to you.

Marah: Tony.

Tony: Don't make excuses for me.

Marah: I'm not.

Tony: You know, I thought I knew my family. We weren't good people, but there were rules, you know. And I thought... I thought I knew most of them.

Marah: And now?

Tony: Carmen shot Danny in cold blood. She was his son. That meant something, even to someone like Carmen. And Danny was just coming back to Michelle and Robbie. Now he's dead. And I never thought I could hurt someone the way I hurt you, but I did.

Marah: Tony, neither of us will ever forget what happened that night, but you cannot let that one moment define your life. You're more than that, you know that, we've been through this.

Tony: I know, but it's still here. It's always here. When I think about what's happened to my family, what Carmen did to Danny, what I've done to you, I finally realized how the rest of the world must look at us: How ugly. I don't want to be a part of that anymore.

Marah: And you don't have to be. You choose who you are and who you're going to be every single day. And that's all you can do. That's what Danny was trying to do.

Tony: But he didn't make it.

Marah: But he tried. And you're trying.

Tony: Is that why you brought me here?

Marah: I brought you here so you could say good-bye to Danny. I know that there's going to be a service and everyone's going to get up and try to say what Danny meant to them, but not you. Not that you can't get up and say nice things about him, but in order for you to really say good-bye to him, you need to do that in private.

Tony: How is it that you know what I need before I do?

Frank: Ben? Ben, as in Ben Reade?

Marina: Is there another?

Frank: I guess not. How is dear, old Ben?

Marina: He's actually not that good, Daddy. He lost his money. Not just, like, his wallet was stolen. He, like, really lost his money. He is broke. His trust fund just went belly up.

Frank: That's got to be rough. Well, I mean, I don't know how I can help him. I mean, you don't want me to lend me some money, do you? Is that why you're down here?

Marina: Dad, Ben would never take money from you.

Frank: Oh, hey, glad to hear that. Well, I guess the first question that comes to mind is, where does that put you guys? I mean, I know you were pretty dazzled by his cash flow. Does he seem maybe a little less attractive now that he's broke?

Marina: How shallow do you think I am?

Frank: Sweetie, how can I help you?

Marina: Well, I want Ben to get a real job. You know, I really feel like he needs to be doing something else besides this whole T.A. at Springfield U. thing. And I talked to grandpa, and I tried to get him a job at Company, but neither of them seemed particularly thrilled at the suggestion.

Frank: (laughs) What a shock.

Marina: So I was thinking maybe you could talk to him. You know, like, help clue him in on some of those things that you're so good at, like working and, like, paying bills, and... I don't know, just help make him see that the kind of life we lead isn't so bad.

Frank: Well, Marina, you know, he does have a dad, and his dad is kind of down-to-earth kind of guy. I mean, don't you think that's his job to kind of put him on the right track?

Marina: They have communications issues, though. I don't know, sometimes it's just easier to talk to somebody else's parents, you know?

Frank: But Ben and I... I don't think we see kind of eye to eye, you know.

Marina: Dad, don't you want to be the person who has a positive influence on my boyfriend right now?

Frank: Not the "B" word. No, ah, no, anything but the "B" word. Oh, no! Okay, I'll help you.

Marina: Oh, thank you.

Frank: (sighs) My daughter. You're really crazy about this guy, aren't you?

Marina: Yes, I am. See, took your mind off Aunt Harley.

Eden: You know, I've got to hand it to you, you're good. But I don't believe in fairy Godmothers. And do you honestly think I would risk going to jail based on a few promises from you. I don't even know you.

Alexandra: You seem to be a quick study.

Eden: Oh, what, so now you're going to be my friend.

Alexandra: Better than an enemy.

Eden: Your empty threats don't compare to prison, but I appreciate your effort. Say hi to Harley for me.

Alexandra: Just a minute. I told you that I could make your dreams come true. Well, that goes double for nightmares. Just ask my brother.

Eden: Well, I give as good as I get. Just ask my brother.

Michelle: What's next? The flowers?

Ray: The church has a wonderful florist.

Michelle: Harley, what do you think?

Harley: I think I don't know anything about flowers. But I'm sure whatever you pick will be just perfect, Michelle. These are... These are beautiful, here. I've got to go upstairs and talk to Rick, you know, when he packs for the baby...

Gus: I'll help with Rick. He loves me.

Harley: Yeah, come with me.

Michelle: Wait, you guys, could you just stay, please. I wanted to ask Gus something.

Gus: Sure.

Michelle: I know that you and Danny didn't get along, but I think something changed between you after you saved his life.

Gus: I know.

Michelle: I think he saw that you had put away all the hatred you had for his family, and you moved on with your life, and that's what Danny wanted to do all along. And Danny respected that, even if he didn't say it.

Gus: I know.

Michelle: What do you mean?

Gus: I mean that I know that he wanted to get out of the life, I know that now.

Michelle: I think you should come to the memorial. He would want you to be there.

Gus: Well, I appreciate the gesture. I think, you know, I should be focused on the investigation. I think that's what I could do for you.

Michelle: Do you have anything on Carmen yet?

Harley: No, not yet. Not yet. Michelle, when we do, we'll be... We'll be here. We'll be right on your doorstep, okay?

Michelle: I know.

Ray: I've got to get back to the church. But I think everything's set. The only thing we have to worry about is keeping Carmen away.

Gus: Well, I don't think she'd have the audacity to show up.

Ray: Her whole life has revolved around Danny-- loving him, hating him. If she shows up, all hell will break loose.

Alexandra: Harley, call me back when you get this. I'm afraid I didn't get very far with Eden, but I did get something. I'm not sure what it was, I can't quite put my finger on it, but I will have something that I know I'm going to being using against her. This Eden August and I aren't done yet, not by a long shot.

Tony: Thank you for bringing me here. You know, when I first came to Springfield, I couldn't believe it. I mean, Danny was being groomed to be head of the family. But he didn't want it. I couldn't understand that. I mean, here he was getting everything I've wanted, that I thought I wanted. But he didn't. It took me a while to figure that out. He just figured it out sooner. I mean, Ray was all good, Carmen is all Carmen, but Danny, he was somewhere in between-- like me, but better.

Marah: Not better.

Tony: Yeah, he was. Always a few steps behind Danny. But no matter what, he'd always turn around just to tell me, "I told you so." (sighs) Danny, even though you're not down here to pave the road anymore, I'm going to try to go all the places you never got to go. Remember how you said that I needed privacy? You were right, I did. But I didn't need to be alone. I needed you.

Gus: Harley, we've got to go.

Harley: Huh?

Gus: Right now, we've got to go, okay? And maybe we can have Jude... Pick him up later or something. Rick could...

Harley: Yeah, yeah, hey, we will call you, okay?

Gus: We got to get down to headquarters.

Harley: Do you want to tell me what's going on?

Gus: I just... I just... I should've thought of this a long time ago.

Harley: What, clue me in. Please, clue me in.

Gus: Something that's going to finish this whole thing off.

Harley: What?

Gus: We're going to go the memorial tomorrow. And so is Carmen.

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