Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/3/02
From Suzanne
Proofread by
Josh: Nice to see you, darling.
Reva: You, too. Did you bring your laundry?
Marah: No, no laundry.
Reva: You need help with your Anthropology homework?
Marah: No.
Reva: Well, that's good. Because we couldn't help you with it anyway. (laughter)
Marah: I just thought we could spend some time together.
Josh: Well, I get to hang out with my two favorite girls. Lucky me, huh?
Marah: Yes. We are all lucky, and I think I keep seeing that more and more.
Reva: I know, I count my blessings every day.
Marah: I know. Me, too. So I was thinking that since we're so lucky, we could share that with someone who isn't so lucky. Someone who has suffered a terrible loss and is all alone right now.
Josh: Is your Aunt Cassie coming by, or...? (doorbell rings)
Marah: I'll... I'll get it.
Cassie: Danny, this isn't helping.
Danny: I'm fine. I'm fine.
Cassie: No, you're not fine.
Danny: I'm just a little light-headed. Every minute that I sit here is another minute that Michelle thinks that I'm dead. I can't take it anymore. I can't.
Cassie: Danny, you have to rest so you can get better so you guys can go on to the next step of this plan, okay? (knock at door) It's Ed.
Ed: I want you to look at this. Michelle left that for me and then she took off. So she's out wandering around the streets in the middle of the night grieving for you, or worried sick that Carmen is going to come back and try and make off with Robbie again.
Danny: Come back? What do you mean, come back?
Ed: She broke into the house, Danny. Your mother broke into our house, tried to take Robbie with her.
Danny: What... Are you... Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Ed: What were you going to do about it? You're dead, remember?
Michelle: Look, I'm not the enemy, Carmen. You won. Danny left me.
Carmen: It was just a setup. You send him home to betray me. You're responsible for his death and I'm going to make sure that you never take anything away from me ever again.
Holly: Oh, sweetheart.
Ben: Hm.
Holly: No, I talked to Fletcher last night about your trust fund.
Ben: Hm. He didn't send you a memo?
Holly: No.
Ben: Yeah, well, you're lucky. I've been getting lengthy emails with attachments outlining all my options. Like I can't see for myself I'm screwed.
Holly: Oh. You know, you need to look upon this as an opportunity to learn something.
Ben: Learning is the booby prize.
Holly: No. If you need a loan to tide you over until you know what you're doing...
Ben: No, no. I'm more into drowning my sorrows these days.
Holly: Well, I can't join you there.
Ben: How about dessert, then? A chocolate binge. You're buying.
Holly: No. I'm steering clear of Company these days.
Ben: Why?
Holly: Because Buzz and I have a new... Understanding.
Ben: You dumped him.
Holly: I wouldn't put it that way.
Ben: Oh. Well, I bet he would.
Holly: We care a lot about each other. We're friends.
Ben: Except that you won't set foot in Company now.
Holly: I feel I need to give it a little more time.
Ben: All right. I'm sorry, Holly. I mean, Buzz isn't my biggest fan, but I hear he's a good guy, by all reports.
Holly: He is. But everything happens for a reason. Remember that next time you look at your checkbook.
Ben: Yeah. Thanks.
Holly: (laughs) Call me.
Ben: All right.
Holly: Please? Don't be a stranger.
Marina: Hey! It's my favorite rich boy.
Tony: Mr. And Mrs. Lewis, I just want to say that I appreciate you inviting me here today.
Josh: We didn't.
Marah: I...
Tony: I thought that...
Marah: I...Invited you. I thought that maybe we could spend some time together.
Reva: And we're glad you're here. Can I take your coat?
Tony: Sure.
Reva: I was just going to get us all dessert. Would you care for some?
Tony: Yeah, that'd be really nice.
Josh: Excuse me. Did you know about this?
Reva: No. But you saw the look on Marah's face. This is obviously who she was talking about, who's suffered a loss. And I think we have to try.
Josh: Reva, I haven't forgotten what he did to our daughter.
Reva: Sweetheart, Marah is old enough to make her own choices. Now, she didn't have to come here. She didn't have to bring him here. He didn't have to come. I mean, what do you want to do, just cut her out of our lives?
Josh: No.
Reva: Well, then get back in there and give it a try, please. I don't want to push her away now that she's just come back to me.
Marah: You know what would be really nice right now, Dad? A fire in the fireplace.
Josh: I can do that.
Tony: Marah, why don't you go help your mom with the dessert?
Marah: She doesn't need any help.
Tony: Please? I thought you'd invited me. I wouldn't have ambushed you like this.
Josh: Obviously Marah knew this was the only way.
Tony: Whatever you're thinking about me, whatever you feel about me, I earned it. What I did was inexcusable, I know. (sighs) I’ve learned a lot since then. And I'm doing anything, everything I can to change my life. To change, period.
Josh: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Tony: No. No. I figure that nothing I can say can do that. But my actions will speak for themselves. You'll see.
Josh: They always have. Tony, the only reason you're standing in this room right now, in my home, is because it's important to my daughter.
Tony: I know. And I will never do anything to hurt Marah ever again.
Josh: I'm going to make a fire. You're welcome to help me if you'd like.
Danny: Ed, I'm sorry that you have to do this but it's the only way that we're going to catch Carmen.
Ed: I know that it's the only way that we're going to catch Carmen. I've heard that, Danny. I have also seen. I have seen what this is doing to Michelle.
Danny: I'm going to go find her.
Cassie: No. No. You can't.
Danny: Cassie.
Cassie: No, you can't. Ed, listen to me. I know how Michelle feels right now and I know that she is hurting. But she's okay. She's going to be okay.
Ed: You have 48 hours, Danny. 48 hours, that's all I can give you to do whatever it is you have to do and get this over with, because I don't give a damn about your mother and I don't give a damn about you. I am not going to watch Michelle suffer any more.
Danny: I don't blame him. Oh, God. I can't... The thought of Michelle being out, wandering around all by herself.
Cassie: Listen to me. When Richard died, I wanted to be by myself. I wanted to be alone all the time, Danny. I'll call her. I will call her and...
Danny: Will you?
Cassie: Yes, I will call her and if she wants to, I'll go meet her and I'll be with her.
Danny: Thank you.
Michelle: Carmen... I'm sorry, Carmen. I know that going to the morgue must have been horrible for you to have to look at Danny, to see your son lying there...
Carmen: No mother-- no mother—should ever have to bury her own children!
Michelle: I know. I know. If it were Robbie, I can't even imagine.
Carmen: What are you going to do? Are you going to kill him, too? Your own son?
Michelle: No! No, no. No, he's safe. He's safe and thank you so much for looking in on him the other night.
Carmen: Your father... Your father was so vicious and cruel to me.
Michelle: He didn't understand, Carmen. About the babysitter. But now we do, and we've changed. We got a new one. See, I want the best for Robbie, just like you.
Carmen: You try, you try. They just don't listen to you. They just don't listen to you.
Michelle: No. No, but every son needs their mother, right?
Carmen: Yes. I know. I know what's best for Robbie.
Michelle: Well, we can both be a part of his life, Carmen.
Carmen: You're just saying that now. But you'll take him away from me. You'll take him away, just like you've murdered my two sons. But I'm not going to let you take my grandson away from me, you hear me?
Cassie: Okay, well, your dad said you were out, but Michelle, if you want company or you want anyone to talk to, I want you to call me, okay? Call me anyway. I'll try her back in a little bit.
Danny: I don't like this. She always... She always leaves her phone on when she's away from Robbie.
Cassie: She knows everyone is going to be calling her to talk to her and see how she's doing and she doesn't want to talk to anyone right now, Danny. She wants some peace.
Danny: Maybe you're right. She hasn't had a day's peace since she met me.
Cassie: I think you're exaggerating just a little bit.
Danny: No, I'm not. I'm not. Believe me. If she can just hang on for a little while longer, this will be over. Carmen will be out of the picture. This will all be behind us. She's gut got to hang in there.
Cassie: You know, you had to know... You had to know that she was going to be hurting like this when you left and decided to do this.
Danny: I didn't have a plan. I had no plan when I left. Michelle wanted me to leave. She was afraid that I couldn't shake my family; that's why we split up, for Robbie's sake, so that he couldn't be influenced by my family. I thought I was freeing my son. But then I realized that the only way that I could really save him was if I could get rid of all the people who could pull him into the life-- mainly my mother. I had to blow my entire family out of the water. And then it occurred to me, if I could do that, then I could have one last chance at making a life with Michelle and Robbie again. I'm not going to stop. I can't stop. I'm too close. Too close to getting the freedom that Michelle and I have always dreamed about, from the day that we met and fell in love. I have to make it happen. I have to.
Marina: So, you... You sit. I haven't seen you in forever.
Ben: Okay.
Marina: So, how was Thanksgiving? A big blowout?
Ben: Not really. How about you?
Marina: A Cooper classic, totally in form. Let's see: Harley and I cooked for, like, 85 hours. Did you know that Thanksgiving dinner uses up, like, every single pan in the kitchen? I'm serious, because I counted, because after Harley and I cooked for 85 hours, then my dad and my grandpa gobbled it all down in, like, ten seconds. And then they planted themselves in front of the TV and they watched football while Harley and I cleaned every single pan in the kitchen. And then I got to come here and scrape off the exact same nasty turkey mess off the plates into the sink. It was just lovely. Check it out. It looks like I've been hoeing fields with my bare hands.
Ben: Well, they still look good.
Marina: Is that a manicure?
Ben: Oh.
Marina: (laughs) Oh, my God. It totally is. I can't believe I never noticed that before.
Ben: It's not a manicure, all right? I just have them professionally ground.
Marina: Ah, honey that's a manicure. That is so cool. You're officially, like, the only guy that I know who gets manicures.
Ben: Yeah. Well, soon you're not going to know any.
Marina: Why, are you leaving town or something?
Ben: No. I can't afford one. I'm broke.
Marina: (laughs) Wait, what, broke?
Ben: I mean, broke. As in tapped out. No money.
Marina: Wait, wait. Like, as in, you can't go to the Riviera on vacation, you've got to go to the Caribbean? Yeah, that's rough, babe. That is really rough.
Ben: I am serious, Marina. My trust fund is gone. So if you're looking for a rich boyfriend, you need to keep looking.
Tony: I think the little sticks...
Josh: Kindling.
Tony: Yeah, the kindling. I think it was wet when I gave it to you. Maybe that's why...
Josh: That's not why. This wood is too green.
Tony: Green?
Josh: It's unseasoned. It's got too much wet sap in it. I'm going to have to go out and get some off of last year's cord.
Tony: I can do that. I can go to the cord. I can get you the wood, if that's what you want.
Marah: Here we are!
Reva: Looks good.
Josh: I've got to run outside and get some more wood.
Reva: No! Josh, I just brought a bunch up from the pool house. I did it on purpose so you wouldn't have to go out there in the dark and cold.
Josh: Yeah. But that wood is green, so it's not going to catch, so I'm going to go on out. It's okay. I'm not afraid of the dark.
Reva: Joshua.
Tony: That's okay. I'll help.
Marah: Mom? I just wanted to thank you so much. I mean, I know it's really difficult for you to accept Tony right now, but he is trying to change and he needs as many...
Reva: And I'm going to keep an open mind, sweetheart.
Marah: Thank you. I know that I've been a brat and I don't really deserve it, but...
Reva: You deserve whatever I can muster, and you're going to get it. I just am worried about your dad and Tony being out there on their own, so I'm just going to go...
Marah: Tony can handle it. Don't worry, Mom. Everything will work out.
Cassie: I can call Gus and Harley and see if they can go look for Michelle.
Danny: No, no, no, no, no. I can't risk a slip now, Cassie. I can't. We're too close. Just need a little longer.
Cassie: Well, you've got 48 hours, Danny, because Ed is not kidding. He is going to tell Michelle. Shh. Go, go, go. Come on, come on.
Josh: Hello, Cassie.
Cassie: Hi.
Josh: What are you doing out here?
Michelle: Carmen, I know that you hate me, but do you really think any son should grow up without his mother?
Carmen: He'd be better off. You had your chance, Michelle. You should have left him years ago. But now it's too late.
Michelle: Because you killed him! No. But that's what the police are saying.
Carmen: That's a lie! It's a lie!
Michelle: I know that. I know that, Carmen. I know that. Look, whatever is between you and me, I know that you would never hurt Danny.
Carmen: I could never hurt my boy. That was my boy. He was such a beautiful boy.
Michelle: He was. He was, and he loved you so much. He... He talked about you all the time, Carmen, how you had taken care of him his whole life, and nobody would ever love him as much as you did.
Carmen: Why did he betray me the way he did? Why did he steal my money and give it to you?
Michelle: What... What money? I don't know.
Carmen: For your hotel! It's Cassie. It's Cassie. He stole my money and he gave it to Cassie.
Michelle: Why? Carmen, why? Cassie doesn't need your money.
Carmen: I know this is true. He did this. This is true.
Michelle: Are you sure you're not confused?
Carmen: No. I am not confused. I am not confused! And from this moment on, nothing... Nothing will ever be the same, Michelle. Do you hear me?
Michelle: No. No.
Carmen: Do you hear me?
Michelle: No. No. (both scream)
Ed: Jenny? It's me. Did Michelle call?
Holly: Uh, no.
Ed: Holly.
Holly: Hi. I had to pass inspection to get in here.
Ed: Yeah, yeah. The police guard, that's Gus Aitoro's idea.
Holly: I had to come and see you. I sent the baby sitter away. Is that okay?
Ed: No, that's fine, compared to the last person who...
Holly: What?
Ed: Nothing. It's fine.
Holly: Okay. I checked on Robbie. He's still... He's sound asleep and this is on. We'll hear anything.
Ed: That's good. You want some coffee or anything?
Holly: No. I'm so sorry about this Danny thing. It's just awful.
Ed: The whole thing's crazy. I mean, it's really crazy. You know, Michelle is out there walking, I... The last time I came in, Carmen is standing in the middle of the kitchen, she's holding Robbie. As far as I know, she was about to walk out the door with him, which is why we have this police guard out there.
Holly: Oh, no. I must have scared you when I walked in like that.
Ed: You're waiting for me to admit that?
Holly: I wanted to see if I could help.
Ed: Well, you did. You know? Just... I mean, seriously, just looking at you.
Holly: Oh. Well, I'm glad. I wish I had better news.
Ed: What's happened now?
Holly: It'll come. It's tomorrow's headline and I wanted you and Michelle to see it so that you'll be ready. The whole town's going to know about it tomorrow. It's just dreadful.
Cassie: You caught me. I was sneaking in to use the sauna.
Josh: Why were you sneaking in?
Cassie: I thought the eucalyptus would help. I have this really bad cold, so I just wanted to... You know.
Josh: Cassie, you don't have to sneak in anywhere. You must have seen the lights on in the house. Why didn't you just come in?
Cassie: I didn't want to bother anyone. Hi, Tony. How are you doing?
Tony: Hi. Good. You?
Cassie: Good. I saw an extra car in the driveway, so I thought you had company; I didn't want to disturb anyone, and since I had the extra key that Reva...
Reva: Hey.
Cassie: Hey.
Reva: You out here on your own?
Cassie: Uh, yeah. I just wanted to borrow the sauna.
Marah: We were wondering what happened to you guys.
Josh: We got a little sidetracked.
Reva: So, is everything okay? With the sauna?
Cassie: Yeah , everything is... Why don't you guys go back inside? You guys don't have coats? It's cold out here.
Josh: Why don't you come inside with us?
Reva: Well, you go ahead and then I'm going to help Cassie lock up out here.
Josh: Listen, you come by for a real visit soon, okay?
Cassie: Yeah.
Josh: All right.
Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Reva. This is bad. Danny's freaking out. Michelle has wandered off somewhere and he is so upset about it.
Reva: Well, it's nice to know he's thinking about her.
Cassie: He is thinking about her, but he can't tell her he's alive because it'll ruin the whole plan, and I feel like I should go find her or I should call Gus and Harley and see if they can go look for her.
Reva: Gus and Harley know?
Cassie: Yes.
Reva: Oh.
Cassie: They had to know. They had to.
Reva: Cassie, this is so out of control. Too many people know. Everyone in the world, of course, except Josh-- who is now suspicious. I have to tell him.
Cassie: No. You can't tell him. Okay? I'm sorry. Please. I am so sorry that I roped you into this, but I... I wasn't thinking. I was doing anything I could to help Danny. I'm sorry.
Reva: One question, Cassie: Why? Why are you risking so much for Danny Santos?
Michelle: Come here. Come on. I can help you. I can help you.
Carmen: No! Let me go. I have nothing left. I want to die.
Marina: I just... I don't understand how that's possible, you know? How does an entire fortune just... Just disappear?
Ben: Don't you read the newspapers?
Marina: Yeah, and those investment sleazoids are going to prison.
Ben: Yeah, well, they might go to prison, but the people they bankrupt are still broke. Besides, this wasn't fraud. It was just bad investments and the market going down. A lot of people are losing their shirts.
Marina: You lost, like, the whole closet?
Ben: Down to my tighty whiteys. Listen, Marina, I'm sorry if this ruins your whole master plan. I know you wanted a rich guy, right. Not some broke loser.
Marina: You're not a loser.
Ben: Come on. We usually tell each other the truth, don't we?
Marina: Do you remember Halloween night?
Ben: Yeah. I told you this was my worst fear.
Marina: Yeah. And what did I say to you? Oh, what a time for you to be having a brain freeze. All right, you. Come on.
Buzz: Well, what a pleasant surprise.
Ben: Hi.
Buzz: I was referring to my waitress/granddaughter. Are you ready to work?
Marina: In a minute.
Buzz: Excuse me?
Marina: We have some business we need to discuss with you. I want you to give Ben a job.
Holly: Can I do anything for you?
Ed: How about giving me the last five years of my life back?
Holly: How about ten?
Ed: You know, seriously, if I had been here, none of this would have happened. I mean, if I'd stayed around, Michelle would never have gotten involved with the Santos’ to begin with.
Holly: No, no, no. You couldn't have stopped that.
Ed: Yes, I could! I mean, if I'd sat out on the front porch with a shotgun across my lap, I could have kept them away from her.
Holly: You don't have a shotgun or a front porch.
Ed: I could have gotten both. I only have one daughter. I mean...
Holly: Danny and Michelle would have found each other. You know as well as I do, when a young stubborn woman falls in love...
Ed: Yeah. There's no stopping her.
Holly: Even if he's the worst man in the world for her, and she'd be leaving the best man in the world. But, anyway, I never thought Danny was so bad. He seemed like a nice young man to me. He just had a family from hell.
Ed: Yeah, well, you know, when it's love, reasons don't count.
Holly: Um, well, let's talk about me now. I broke up... I broke up with Buzz. It sounds kind of silly to say because we weren't really together, but we spoke about where we stand and where we don't.
Ed: Well, how'd he take that?
Holly: It was great. I mean, he's Buzz, you know? Well, he said that he expected it ever since he, you know... Not to worry, now. I told him you had nothing to do with it. But of course, where's the first place I come? Why?
Ed: Offering help.
Holly: Yes. Right.
Cassie: Reva, Danny went out on a limb for me, okay? I really owe him.
Reva: And you paid him the debt, with interest.
Cassie: I couldn't pay that debt back. No, I couldn't. Danny did, and he took the heat for it. Reva, I went to him when the Beacon was doing terrible and I asked for his help and he helped me, even though he knew it was going to put him in trouble. And you want to know where I got that living will? Danny's the one who came up with that living will for me.
Reva: Okay.
Cassie: So the only reason you're standing here and out of prison is because of Danny, and you don't think I owe him?
Reva: Okay. Okay. But what is going on right now? All of this, it's too much, Cassie.
Cassie: As soon as Carmen is behind bars, Danny is free to go back to live his life with Michelle and I am free to live my life.
Michelle: I wish I could believe that letting go of you would fix everything.
Carmen: Don't!
Michelle: But it won't.
Carmen: No! Let go. (gasping)
Michelle: Come on!
Carmen: (grunts) Why? Why did you save me? You could have let me die, but you didn't. Why didn't you?
Michelle: I don't know. I had my chance to make you pay for everything. All the pain that you caused Danny and me. When you tried to kill me when I was pregnant with Robbie. And now Danny's death.
Carmen: Michelle, I didn't...
Michelle: I could have made you pay and nobody would have blamed me. But I couldn't, because that's not my decision to make. If I had let you fall, Carmen, I would never be rid of you. Because then I would be you.
Buzz: You? You want a job here at Company?
Ben: Marina was joking, sir.
Marina: No, I wasn't.
Buzz: Do you think that working here is a joke?
Marina: Okay, he didn't say that, and in fact, he's not going to say anything for the next two minutes. Now, sit. Look, you need another waiter on the night shift, and you have this room up here that hasn't been rented in, like, forever, so you know, you could maybe help him out. Room and board for...
Ben: Whoa. Whoa, whoa. Marina, this is completely unnecessary.
Buzz: Not from what I hear. Holly was here when she heard about your trust fund.
Ben: Great. Great. So, what? Now, the whole town knows?
Buzz: Not from me.
Marina: Well, so what if they do? You need to give yourself a little credit here. I mean, you can do this job, okay? I'll help you. You can learn.
Ben: Marina, listen. I have classes to go to, all right, and I have a house and a car.
Buzz: Paid for?
Ben: And a job, as a T.A. So, listen, I don't need any favors, guys.
Buzz: She was trying to give you a chance, not a favor.
Ben: All right. Well, thank you very much but I am not some charity case, all right? And I'm not that desperate, either.
Buzz: So you think honest work is an act of desperation.
Marina: He didn't say that.
Buzz: Close enough.
Ben: Listen, Buzz. No offense, but this whole conversation is completely ridiculous and I will just see you later, okay?
Marina: Ben! Ben. Thank you. Thank you so much. Did you have to be so... So...
Buzz: So... So... Honest?
Marina: No, that's not the word I was looking for.
Buzz: You tried to do a very nice thing, but he's a jerk.
Marina: He's just frustrated and he doesn't think he can make it on his own.
Buzz: Did you ever think that maybe I'm right? Maybe he's not worth the grief?
Marina: No. And if I'd said that to you about Holly, you would have made me clean the grease traps at Company for a week, so don't even.
Buzz: I know the feeling. Believe me, I do.
Marah: Well, the fire's really nice.
Tony: Mm-hmm. It is. Josh, I was watching you make the fire and, you know, in case I ever...
Reva: Tony, we were sorry to hear about Danny. It was on the evening news.
Tony: I didn't know that it was public. I mean, we weren't... We didn't know until we found him. I still can't believe it.
Josh: Do the police have any leads?
Tony: Not enough.
Josh: Well, it may not be a comfort, but I'm sure it will help once they figure out who did it.
Tony: I don't know. The number one suspect is Aunt Carmen.
Josh: Danny's mother Carmen is the number one suspect? What...
Reva: The police don't know that for sure. They don't. And I'm sure that they'll get to the bottom of it.
Marah: Yeah. Yeah, they will. You know what? I should hit the books. I have a final coming up, so we should probably be going.
Josh: Okay.
Tony: Um, thank you for this, for everything. The cake was great.
Reva: You're welcome.
Tony: Thank you so much.
Josh: I love you, sweetheart.
Marah: I love you.
Tony: Mr. Lewis.
Marah: Right. I'll call you guys tomorrow. Love you.
Josh: You have your own car, right, Marah?
Marah: Yes, Dad. I'm driving by myself. And don't worry, I'm wide awake.
Tony: Thanks again.
Reva: Bye-bye.
Marah: You were really great.
Tony: Marah, I wish you would have told me that you didn't tell your parents you invited me.
Marah: Well, you know, they said I could have any friend over, any time I wanted.
Tony: (sighs)
Marah: I'm sorry. I just... I didn't want to give it too much time to get really weird. It was good. It was a good first step.
Tony: Yeah?
Marah: Yeah. I think it went well.
Josh: That was a disaster.
Reva: Well, I think it took a lot of guts for Tony to show up here in our living room.
Josh: Did you hear what he said? His cousin Danny is dead and the mother is prime suspect. Who are these people, Reva?
Reva: They're not all the same, Joshua. They're not all Carmen. And maybe...
Josh: Maybe the Santos family eat their young and destroy people's lives. Why doesn't Marah see that? Why would anybody want to hang out with a Santos? With any Santos?
Ed: You know, there's been so much insanity going on. I mean with my family and stuff that, I mean, things that I can't even tell you.
Holly: I... I understand.
Ed: But, I mean, I don't want you to think that I'm putting it, that I'm... It's...
Holly: No, no, no, no.
Ed: (laughs)
Holly: No, no, no. I know. It's true. You're going through a terrible time. But if you need a shoulder, you know?
Ed: Michelle. Where have you been?
Michelle: I... I went to the bluff where Danny died. I just had to go there.
Ed: Are you all right? Did anything happen?
Michelle: No. No, I'm okay. I just feel like I went to this really dark place and I got to try and pull myself out, okay? I'm going to wash up and check on Robbie.
Ed: Cassie, it's Ed Bauer.
Cassie: Ed. Is Michelle all right?
Ed: Michelle is home.
Cassie: Good. Danny was really worried about her.
Ed: I want you to tell Danny something for me. Tell him the clock is ticking and soon-- soon-- I am going to tell Michelle the truth.
Danny: Michelle's okay?
Cassie: Yeah. Ed just wanted to let us know.
Danny: He's still going to tell her?
Cassie: You've got 48 hours, Danny.
Danny: Carmen is going to crack. She has to. And when she does, this will all be over and I will be back with my wife and my son.