Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/2/02
From Suzanne
Proofread by
Beth: I knew it. I knew that you had something to do with the publication of that diary, Olivia.
Lizzie: But I thought you did it, Mom, when you were Lorelei.
Beth: No, no, sweetie, that's what Olivia wanted us to believe.
Lizzie: Everyone in school read that diary. I was totally humiliated. How could you do that?
Alexandra: You have something to say, Alan?
Phillip: You did this, didn't you? This is true.
Olivia: Yes, I did.
Beth: Unbelievable.
Phillip: Well, you may not want an answer, but I sure as hell do.
Alan: I already have my answer.
Olivia: Excuse me.
Phillip: Why, Olivia?
Olivia: (gasps)
Phillip: Why?
Olivia: (crying)
Michelle: Sorry I got your shirt all messy.
Bill: It's okay. It's okay.
Michelle: I don't know what brought that on.
Bill: Michelle, you just lost your husband. It's okay to cry.
Michelle: I know, but I was doing okay, and then I guess suddenly it just caught up with me again. I was sitting in there, and I started thinking about something I said to Cassie.
Bill: What did you say to her?
Michelle: Just the other day, I was really upset because I couldn't find Danny, and I thought he had left town. And I was... I was complaining about it to her, not even realizing how much pain she must've felt losing Richard, like the two even compared.
Bill: Michelle.
Michelle: Oh, God. He's gone. He's, like, gone, not for a day, not for a week, not for a year. He's gone forever. I'm never going to hear his voice again, I’m never going to see his face. I'm never going to feel his arms around me. He's never coming back.
Harley: Hey, Steiner, it's Coop. Yes, the blonde one. It was really good. How was yours? Good. Listen, have you seen, Gus? I know he's on duty. He's working the Santos case. And I saw him earlier. I saw him over at Frank's. He had a few bites to eat, but then he had to split. I thought maybe you guys had... The morgue? With Carmen Santos. No, don't bother. I'll head over there. No, no, don't call. I'll... I want to surprise him. Thanks.
Gus: Are you sure you're ready for this?
Carmen: (gasping)
Michelle: He's gone and it's all my fault.
Bill: You didn't split up with him on some whim. Look, you really believed that that was the only choice that you had. You did what you had to do for you and your son.
Michelle: No, I was so selfish.
Bill: You stop... Stop that. You're not selfish. You put Robbie first. And I don't know, maybe... Maybe that's what Danny did to. That's what Danny did too. I mean, he agreed to walk away, didn't he?
Michelle: Yes, yes, but...
Bill: He agreed. He made that choice. And I can't say why. Maybe he felt that it was the only choice that he had because he loved you just as much as you loved him.
Michelle: No, Bill, he loved me more.
Bill: You're shivering. Why don't we... Why don't we go back inside?
Michelle: No, I'm... I've said everything I'm going to say. You're supposed to be with Beth.
Bill: Look, she'll understand.
Michelle: Thank you so much. You're the best. I've got Rick and Mel and my dad in there, and even if I wanted to be alone, they wouldn't let me be. Go I'm okay.
Bill: You sure?
Michelle: Go be with Beth.
Bill: All right. Look, I'm going to call you first thing in the morning, okay? And if you need anything before then, will you call me, please? Please?
Michelle: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Okay. It's going to be all right. I love you.
Michelle: Same here. Bill? Cassie? What are you doing here?
Carmen: Oh, Danny, Danny.
Gus: No! No, you're n.. No, you're not allowed in here, okay.
Carmen: (crying)
Gus: This is an ongoing investigation. You're not allowed in here, it's regulation, Carmen.
Carmen: No!
Gus: Please, please, come on. Let's go... Let's go, let's get you out of here.
Carmen: He doesn't look dead.
Gus: Come on.
Carmen: He doesn't look dead.
Gus: Let's get you out of here. You're not allowed to be in here, okay?
Carmen: How could this happen? How could this happen? How did this happen to my boy?
Gus: Carmen, you're talking about it like it was an accident. We both know that's not the case. This must be very tiring for you to keep up this lie.
Alexandra: I'm so...
Lizzie: I really don't get it. Olivia pretended to be my friend.
Alexandra: Oh, I know, baby, I know.
Beth: I should've trusted my instincts. I knew that Olivia was responsible for putting that diary into print, but when Masterson told us that it was Lorelei, I just... I couldn't prove anything because I couldn't remember anything.
Alexandra: Yes, but, Beth, you know, even with Lorelei's split personality, you had more grace and dignity in your little finger than Olivia had in her entire body.
Phillip: Oh! You had a place here. You were living here for God's sake.
Olivia: I was living here, but I didn't have a place here. You were with Beth.
Phillip: Oh, oh, oh, okay. Okay.
Olivia: Right, I didn't care who you were because that's how much I loved you. Are you satisfied? (sobs)
Phillip: Am I satisfied? No, Olivia, I'm not satisfied. Because what you just gave me is not an explanation. It's an excuse for behavior that was incredibly selfish and hurtful.
Olivia: I am hurtful and selfish.
Phillip: And I'm not just talking about Beth. You hurt my father, and you hurt Lillian, and you hurt my daughter.
Olivia: I'm sorry, I'm sorry I hurt Lizzie. I didn't think about what it was doing.
Phillip: Well, you should've. And, you know, I don't give a damn whether you like Beth or not. You should've thought about her feelings.
Olivia: I'm not proud of what I did.
Phillip: But what? You... You were just so drawn to me that you were blinded by desire, you couldn't help yourself. What would ever make you think that you could do something so cruel and it could possibly bring us together?
Olivia: I didn't think.
Phillip: Yeah, you did. You thought about yourself. And then you covered up your tracks and you hoped that I wouldn't find out. Well, I'm glad I did, because I think it makes things between us pretty clear now. Why don't you think about it, Olivia? I'd really like to know.
Alexandra: Yes, so would I.
Olivia: I really can't justify what
I did. You're right. You're right.
Michelle: It hurts me most of all.
Cassie: I am so sorry.
Michelle: The reason I couldn't find Danny is... Is because he's dead.
Cassie: No.
Michelle: Carmen killed him. But God knows if they're ever going to be able to prove it.
Cassie: Michelle, I'm so sorry. I am so sorry.
Michelle: I just want to crawl up in a corner and sleep. I'm just, like, worried about coping with tomorrow.
Cassie: Yeah.
Michelle: You know the worst part? I didn't get to say good-bye.
Cassie: Yeah, I didn't get to say good-bye to Richard.
Michelle: Thanks for listening to me.
Cassie: Any time. Any time.
Carmen: Talk to you? Why should I talk to you? I have nothing to say to you.
Gus: You aren't angry?
Carmen: Angry?
Gus: Yes, you're angry that Danny stole your money to cover Cassie Winslow's marker.
Carmen: Danny never stole anything from me.
Gus: Carmen, of course, he did. It's all documented.
Gus: No, Carmen, the voice is not circumstantial. I have the whole thing
Gus: I have conversations with you and Maria. I heard all those conversations. And I also have the bullet from Danny's body. And once I get the gun, once we find the gun... . I need to get information from you. And I need you to keep on giving me that information of all those members from all those crime families in this town so I can take them down one at a time. Now, I'm going to give you a way out of this. You listening to me?
Carmen: Maybe.
Gus: Good. You're going to have to cop to the homicide. This is how we're going to do this thing. First, we're going to make everybody realize how reluctant Danny was to turn on you.
Carmen: He was.
Gus: Yes, of course, he was. Carmen, I know that he was. And it was from Michelle. Michelle was pressuring him, threatening to leave him if he wouldn't get out of the life. She even went as far as using their child as leverage. I mean, the guy had no choice but to ultimately turn against you.
Carmen: From the first day he met Michelle, ever since that day, everything... Everything has all... Has been her fault.
Gus: Well, you know something, I couldn't agree with you more, and I'll never understand what he saw in her. And then when you did find out that he turned against you, you were upset. Purely. You never meant to hurt him. That slug that you put into Danny, you never meant to hurt him. You never wanted to kill him, did you?
Bill: Good night.
Phillip: Good night.
Alexandra: Don't blame me, Olivia. What goes around comes around.
Alan: Alexandra, if you and Phillip wouldn't mind leaving me alone, I would like to have a word with my wife.
Alexandra: Of course.
Olivia: Well, go ahead, say it.
Alan: You had that diary published to break up Phillip and Beth because you wanted to be with Phillip. You wanted him all to yourself.
Olivia: Alan, this was before your heart attack. It was before you asked me to marry you.
Alan: The truth, Olivia. For once, give me the truth. You wanted Phillip. That's why you did this despicable thing.
Olivia: Yes. That's why I did it.
Harley: Danny's hands were bagged like you said.
Gus: Wait, wait, where are you going?
Carmen: I'm going home.
Gus: Oh, no, hold on a second. We're not done yet, okay...
Carmen: If you have anything more to say to me, you do it through my lawyer.
Gus: Thanks a lot.
Harley: Danny's alive.
Gus: And I almost got her to confess to his so-called death. And then you walk in, I got... I had her on the ropes.
Harley: Danny is alive. This whole thing was a setup. You knew all along he wasn't dead, and you didn't trust me enough to tell me? You jerk!
Michelle: "Went out for some air. Be back soon. Love, M."
Cassie: Danny? Danny? Danny! Danny! Danny!
Danny: Hey.
Cassie: Oh, Danny. Oh, my God. My God.
Alan: No, you got that right. It's not going to be...
Olivia: Just tell me what to do! Tell me what to do. Anything.
Alan: Oh, I think... I will never feel the same way about you again.
Harley: Okay, but now I'm feeling like you engineered that whole story to justify lying to me about this. Did you?
Gus: I brought it up with you so I could feel it out with you. And you said work was work, we said us was us, and that was it. Or maybe you're lying to me. You lying to me?
Harley: Of course, I'm not.
Gus: Oh, no, no?
Harley: No!
Gus: No. Then what are you so bent out of shape for? I'm just doing what I said we were going to do.
Harley: Because... Yes, yes, but we agreed to it after the fact.
Gus: Oh, come on, this is... You know what, you're just making this stuff up now...
Harley: No, I'm not.
Gus: You're just making a big excuse to be mad at me.
Harley: No, I'm not!
Gus: Yes, you are! Yes, you are. I thought we were past this.
Harley: Well, so did I! And we are, and you're right... Wrong. I'm sorry that I came down here and I almost blew the whole thing. Did I? Did I blow it for you?
Gus: Well, you didn't exactly help.
Harley: I know, I'm sorry.
Gus: Mm-hmm. That's all right. It's all right, you didn't know.
Harley: Well, why is Danny playing dead? Are you trying to get Carmen to confess?
Gus: Well, I had told her originally that we had a body. I also told her I didn't need her to I.D. the body. I had Ed Bauer to do that. He is a...
Harley: Ed knows about this?
Gus: Well, yeah, who do you think treated Danny in the first place?
Harley: Oh, so, Danny really was shot?
Gus: Yes, of course, he was shot, and Cassie found him down at the beach. She brought him down to Reva's pool house.
Harley: Cassie? Reva?
Gus: Will you forgive me I'm sorry.
Harley: Well, tell me next time!
Cassie: No.
Danny: She wouldn't take no for an answer. So, I had to go to the morgue and play dead.
Cassie: Uh-uh. Oh, my God. Do you know what would have happened, Danny, if she thought you were acting and she knew you were alive?
Danny: Well, she didn't, she didn't, she bought it. She really freaked out, too. She really started losing it.
Cassie: Well, that's exactly what you wanted, right? Let's get this thing back on.
Danny: Yeah, the more rattled Carmen gets, the more likely she is to slip up and incriminate herself.
Cassie: Okay. So, this is almost over?
Danny: Yeah. Soon.
Cassie: Well, that's a good thing, because I saw Michelle.
Danny: What?
Cassie: When I went to go find Ed.
Danny: You did?
Cassie: Yeah, I did.
Danny: Well, you didn't tell her anything, did you?
Cassie: No, I didn't tell her, but she told me a lot, Danny. She is a wreck. And she said she doesn't know how she can go on without you. And she completely lost it, she completely lost it with Bill. And I am telling you that this is tearing her apart.
Michelle: Oh, Danny. I wonder where you were when this happened to you? Sweetie, such a cold and lonely place.
Carmen: Hello, Michelle. Guess where I was just now? The morgue, viewing my dead son's body.
Michelle: You saw Danny?
Carmen: Your grief is touching, Michelle, really. Considering you're the reason why he's dead.
Phillip: Beth is leaving. She wants to say good-bye to you.
Alan: Thank you. I would like to say good-bye to her. Excuse me.
Olivia: So, do you hate me?
Alexandra: Alan, Beth's...
Phillip: I already told him. But I would like you to tell me something. Why did you do this? This way? Tonight of all nights? Do you just enjoy watching people suffer?
Alexandra: (scoffs) I was just tired of seeing you and Alan make fools of yourself over that woman. She needed to be exposed. Tell me, are you sorry now that you know the truth?
Olivia: Why didn't you just show him the tape while you were at it?
Alexandra: If I did, Alan would divorce you.
Olivia: It's what you want.
Alexandra: No, no, it's not what I want. What I want is for you to learn this lesson: You cannot get away with anything in this house.
Cassie: Danny...
Danny: Cassie...
Cassie: Danny, Michelle is hurt. I know what she's feeling, and I understand what she is going through. And for her to suffer like this for no reason is wrong.
Danny: What are you talking about? There was a reason. There's a reason. Do you think that I... I... I don't think about Michelle every minute of every single day? You think that I want her to go through this?
Cassie: No, but, Danny...
Danny: Look, I had a plan.
Gus: No, it's all right. She knows all about it. Is he back yet?
Danny: Right here. That was unfortunate timing at the morgue, Harley. You know now to keep quiet about this.
Harley: You think? Oh, by the way, I didn't get to tell you at the morgue, but I'm really glad you're alive, Danny. And Michelle will be, too.
Danny: She's not going to find out about this. She can't.
Harley: Well, I have to say, personally, I have a problem with that.
Cassie: Yeah, well, me, too.
Carmen: You killed Danny just like you killed my son, Mick.
Michelle: Mick tried to rape me, Carmen. He was a monster. He was just like you!
Carmen: But Danny, Danny was a monster, too? No. Danny was a sweet boy who loved his mother until you came along and you filled him with your crazy Bauer ideas.
Michelle: You are out of your mind.
Carmen: Where are you going?
Michelle: Let go of me, Carmen! You're losing it! You're really over the edge.
Carmen: Michelle, that's where you're going.