Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/26/02
From Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Alexandra: Good morning, Phillip.
Phillip: Good morning.
Alexandra: I love the smell of turkey roasting in the morning, especially when it's not me roasting it.
Phillip: Yeah, cook started dinner early.
Alexandra: Yes, well, many to serve, much to do.
Phillip: You're in a good mood today.
Alexandra: Yes, well, I love holidays, especially Thanksgiving.
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Alexandra: What are those?
Phillip: Dad's vitamins. He keeps forgetting to take them.
Alexandra: What would my poor brother do without you to remind him to look after his weak heart?
Phillip: He has Olivia.
Alexandra: Mm, yes, of course he does. Ah, Phillip, I'm going to miss you so much when you move out.
Phillip: Oh, yeah, that's right, I forgot to tell you. I'm not. I've decided I'm going to stay.
Alexandra: That's wonderful. What made you change your mind?
Phillip: Well, actually not what-- who. Olivia convinced me to stay. Yeah. And I'm actually really glad that she did.
Alexandra: Huh.
Ed: Cassie, listen to me. No, listen to me. Tony told Michelle that Danny was dead last night, okay? I told Rick and Mel this morning, so the entire family thinks that he's been murdered, so you've got to relax. How is Danny this morning? Well, you've got to try and keep the bandage clean. Listen, I've got to go.
Rick: Hey, what are you doing out here? It's freezing.
Ed: It was just a long night. I wanted to get some fresh air.
Rick: Mel's got some coffee on. Why don't you come in?
Ed: Hi. Michelle still asleep?
Mel: Yeah. Does she usually...
Rick: No, she never sleeps this late.
Ed: Just let her rest.
Mel: It's going to be a tough day for her, you know? It's bad enough losing someone around the holidays, and...
Rick: I just keep thinking it was this time last year that... That they were so happy.
Ed: All right, then let's not even mention Thanksgiving, all right? Let's try to get her through the day and don't complicate it.
Rick: Hey.
Michelle: Oh, good, you're all here. Mmm, that coffee smells great, doesn't it?
Rick: Michelle, you okay?
Michelle: We're fine, aren't we? Aren't we, little Robbie?
Robbie: My daddy.
Michelle: Oh, right, I'm all sweaty. Oh, mommy's sweaty. Gross! I thought you guys would be cooking by now. I would've stayed in if I'd known you weren't going to get started.
Mel: You know what? Let me help you with him.
Michelle: No, I've got it.
Ed: Honey, please, why don't you just sit down and relax, you know?
Michelle: I can't, Dad, or else Thanksgiving dinner will never be ready at this rate.
Carmen: You sneaking up on me like that... What are you trying to do?
Tony: Happy Thanksgiving, Carmen.
Carmen: Yeah, I should count my blessings.
Tony: It's tough, isn't it, without Danny here?
Carmen: Yeah. Yeah, Danny, my boy, my baby boy. He should be here, you know? He should be here with his family, where he belongs. I know what you're thinking, Antonio, but you're wrong. You're wrong.
Gus: Wrong about what, hmm?
Tony: Aitoro, what are you doing here?
Carmen: Have you found Danny yet?
Gus: Yeah, I found him. Dead, murdered. But you knew that already, didn't you, Carmen?
Carmen: (gasping)
Alexandra: Olivia convinced you to stay? Your father's wife, your stepmother?
Phillip: Okay, I know what you're thinking, and you're wrong.
Alexandra: What did she do? Did she come to you and say, "Oh, Phillip, I'm so lonely, please move into the mansion and sleep right down the hall from me"? And you said, "Oh, what a brilliant idea, Olivia"?
Phillip: You're hurting my feelings. You're telling me that you don't want me here?
Alexandra: Oh, you know who I want to stay and who I don't want to stay. I just wish you'd made this decision with your head instead of your...
Phillip: Heart?
Alexandra: You know what I mean.
Phillip: Mm. Well, my heart tells me that I would like to have at least one thing in my children's lives that is stable. And at the moment, living here is that. Lizzie is still trying to deal with what's going on with Beth. And James... James has had more addresses than he's had birthdays.
Alexandra: Did Olivia inspire these revelations?
Phillip: No, Olivia just pointed out-- and I quite agree with her-- that my moving out right now would be an empty gesture. Why do I need to move out? What am I afraid of? We're all adults here. It doesn't matter where I live, as long as Olivia and I agree that she and Alan belong together.
Alexandra: Yeah, I guess you're right, but I wonder what would happen one hot, humid night when the mood is right and the moon is full and suddenly the elevator gets stuck again.
Lizzie: So we're really staying, then? Thank you, thank you. (laughter)
Alexandra: I guess you gave her the good news, huh?
Olivia: Don't kill the messenger, thank you.
Alexandra: Oh, I won't. You've already got enough rope to hang yourself with.
Bill: I can't believe all this paperwork to lease one little loft.
Beth: Are you saying that I'm not worth it? Is that what you're saying?
Bill: You are more than worth it. In fact, I cannot wait to get our own little place away from the rest of the world.
Beth: It's not exactly away from the rest of the world, since this club and Millennium will be right downstairs. (laughs)
Bill: Okay, that's true. That is true. But you have to admit, it beats my place. I mean, look, if anyone walks in on you like the way Lizzie did... I'm sorry. How's she doing?
Beth: She's still not speaking to me. Actually, I was hoping that we could swing by the house, and, you know, maybe the holiday's put her in a more generous mood... Not that I think the Spaulding’s have set Thanksgiving dinner for us or anything.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, well, I wish I could treat you to turkey day Lewis-style, but...
Beth: No, no, I think we shouldn't push it.
Bill: You know, I'm sorry if my dad ruined last night for you, grilling you the way he did.
Beth: No, no, he's just worried about you. Speaking of last night, I'm sorry that I thought there was something going on between you and Michelle.
Bill: No, no, no, don't be.
Beth: Well, no, I mean, I know the way that she feels about Danny, and I never should have...
Bill: Listen, Beth, listen to me, listen to me. I'm glad that I found out about this big, bad jealous streak of yours.
Beth: Well, Bill, wait a minute, I...
Bill: Because now... Because now I know that I have to remind you of the many reasons why you shouldn't be.
Beth: Okay.
Bill: Uh-huh. Because you are sexy.
Beth: Mm-hmm.
Bill: You are gorgeous.
Beth: Keep going, keep going.
Bill: You are fun. You're clumsy, but in a cute way. And I just filled out about a gazillion pages to rent us a little place upstairs.
Beth: You are this close to convincing me. This close.
Bill: This close?
Beth: You know, you are this close...
Bill: Oh, that close?
Beth: (laughs)
Bill: So what are we going to do about Thanksgiving?
Beth: Is there something wrong with this? (glass shatters) Gee. I wonder what that's all about.
Bill: Well, probably just your average Santos family holiday.
Gus: You have a little too much caffeine, maybe, this morning, Carmen.
Carmen: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. How cruel can you possibly be? You come here and you tell me that my son is dead, and then you talk to me this way?
Gus: Yeah, right. All right, Carmen, well, do you want to tell me how you murdered your son, or shall I? All right, it's okay, I'll do all the talking. He was shot, upper chest, in the lake. I have a bullet fragment, as well, but I'm not going to hang my hat on that. I'm going to wait for the autopsy, because I really don't think that he just drowned. No. I think he fell in the lake from wherever he was shot, or you dumped his body there.
Carmen: How dare you? How dare you? You should be out there hunting for my son's murderer.
Gus: Why is that, Carmen? That would be a waste of time, when the murderer is right in front of me. But okay, all right, I'll go get my proof, and then you're going to go away for a very long time. Happy Thanksgiving.
Tony: Look, why don't you just knock it off, all right? She told you she didn't do it. Just leave her alone, all right?
Gus: You were on the bluff, Tony, weren't you? You know. Right.
Tony: Just go.
Gus: I'll be back. Got what I wanted.
Tony: I can't believe this. Primo's gone. I mean, I thought maybe without a body...
Carmen: I don't understand.
Tony: Danny's dead, Carmen.
Carmen: I know. And you, just now you were defending me.
Tony: Of course I was. You're family.
Carmen: Last time we talked, Antonio, I wasn't family. I wasn't family to you, last time we talked. You were accusing me of murdering Danny, my son. What are you trying to do, huh? What are you up to?
Michelle: Oh, this smells like it's starting to go. I'm going to run out and get some more milk.
Rick: Michelle, please, you don't need to do this right now.
Michelle: We might need some more milk later, Rick.
Rick: Would you stop? Please, just stop. We know about Danny.
Mel: Michelle, I am so sorry. We know how much you loved him.
Michelle: Right. "loved," past tense. And I love that both of you are looking out for me now, but I don't want it, really. What I want is for all of us to have a good, old-fashioned Bauer family dinner, like any normal Thanksgiving.
Rick: Michelle, that's the problem; this isn't normal.
Michelle: I know that, Rick, okay? Look, I... I was up most of the night last night thinking this through. And Danny's gone, and I can't change that. And I couldn't have stopped it, either. He made it very clear that this life, that our life was not the life that he wanted, so I had to let him go. Danny got what he wanted.
Rick: Michelle, please don't do this.
Michelle: Rick, no, I'm not going to sugar coat this, okay? He knew what the risks were, and he didn't want to drag Robbie and me down with him. He even told me to tell Robbie that he was dead. Well, now I don't have to lie to my son. I've got to get Robbie to bed for his nap. Come here, baby. Oh, that's a good boy, yes.
Mel: Oh, honey, you tried.
Rick: She is holding so much inside. It's denial, you know? It's all denial.
Mel: Is there anything we can do for her, Ed?
Ed: We can be here for her when it all comes out, because it is all going to come out.
Lizzie: Hey, Olivia, do you want to help me make an apple pie tonight for dinner? It's grandpa's favorite.
Olivia: Oh, yeah, I know, but cook is just a bit too sensitive. He doesn't like me in the kitchen, so...
Lizzie: No, really, come on, it's fun.
Alexandra: Yeah, come on, Olivia. Spend some quality time with your grandchild-- your step- granddaughter.
Olivia: Sure, let's go make some pie.
Phillip: Actually, honey, why don't you hold off on the pie. Your mom's coming over, and she wants to see you. Why don't you wait until after that?
Lizzie: She's coming?
Phillip: Yeah, she just wants to come by and see you and James. She's not staying for dinner.
Lizzie: She bringing her boyfriend?
Phillip: No, Bill's not coming.
Lizzie: Thanksgiving's just getting better and better, isn't it? Hey, do you mind if my mom comes over?
Olivia: Me? No, why would I?
Lizzie: Well, I know you two aren't exactly best friends anymore.
Olivia: Lizzie, your mom's welcome here any time. We all have to stick together, right? We're a family now.
Phillip: Alexandra, Olivia, would you mind if I have just a moment with Lizzie?
Alexandra: Sure. I've finished my breakfast. Come on, Olivia, let's you and I go and slice apples for the pie.
Olivia: Oh, let's slice.
Alexandra: Yes.
Lizzie: So what did I do now?
Phillip: You didn't do anything. I just picked up on a little attitude when your mom and Bill came up, and I'd like to talk to you about it.
Lizzie: Come on, Dad. Please don't tell me you're buying mom and boy wonder.
Phillip: Okay, see, that's exactly what I'm talking about. All right, now, look. I am not crazy about your mom and Bill being together. I'm not. But I am trying to be more tolerant about things like this, and I think you could try, too. It would mean an awful lot to your mom.
Lizzie: How can you take her side? I mean, mom's been acting like a selfish brat, Dad.
Phillip: Elizabeth...
Lizzie: Fine, whatever. But you know, I'm still a kid. Mom's dating a kid.
Phillip: Oh, come on, he's not a kid.
Lizzie: Dad, I'm sorry, but if people just stop and took half a second to think about what they'd be screwing up if they went around hooking up on a whim or something, the world would be a lot better-- at least my life would be.
Bill: So you need me to come over now? Can you at least tell me what's going on?
Rick: Listen, Bill, you need to keep... Keep quiet about this. We don't know for sure, but it looks like Danny's been killed. Michelle's in complete denial. We're doing everything we can right now to comfort her, but... Bill, look, I know this is Thanksgiving. It would just mean a lot if you could just be here for her.
Bill: Listen, don't say another word. I'll be right there.
Rick: Just keep it to yourself until we know more for sure, okay?
Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it. I'll see you soon.
Beth: So what is it? What's going on?
Bill: Well, it's hard to say, but something's up with Michelle, and that was Rick; he needs me to come over right now. I'm sorry, I said I would...
Beth: Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. You just do what you have to do.
Bill: Sorry.
Tony: I was looking out for the family. That's what Danny would've done.
Carmen: You were furious with me.
Tony: Yeah, because I was mad at the world. Carmen, you know what? I don't expect you to believe me, so let's just drop it, okay?
Carmen: Antonio, I knew I could count on you.
Tony: Yeah, well, Danny was blood. Even if he was going to sell you out and turn in the family, I know you couldn't have killed him. He was your own son. I'm going to go out and see what the word is on the street on Danny, see if I can find out who offed Primo.
Carmen: You tell me if you find something out, will you?
Tony: Yeah, yeah. I'll tell you, all right.
(knock at door)
Gus: Hi, Dr. Bauer. Detective Aitoro. I'm sorry to tell you I have some unfortunate news about your son-in...
Ed: Stop the song and dance. I know Danny’s alive. I treated him yesterday.
Gus: All right, all right. So who else knows?
Ed: No one. Tony told Michelle that Danny was dead last night. I'm going along with that, so I'm lying to my grieving daughter; I am lying to my son; I am lying to my daughter-in- law.
Gus: I know that it's hard, but that's just the way that it has to be.
Ed: How long do I have to do this?
Gus: Until I get Carmen for trying to kill Danny. I'm very close. I went and told her that I found his dead body, and she just about had a meltdown.
Ed: That's kind of risky, isn't it, since you don't have a body?
Gus: Yeah, well, that's why I'm here, sir. I fished a body out of the lake this morning, a John Doe, so I went down to the morgue and I tagged him as Danny Santos. I need you to come down to the morgue and I.D. him as Danny Santos.
Ed: You're telling me that some family is going to spend their Thanksgiving agonizing over a missing loved one so you can pretend he is someone else and put the screws on Carmen?
Gus: Well, do you have a better idea? Do you, sir? Listen, thanks to the John Doe, we have officially... We have a dead body at the morgue. What?
Michelle: So this is real then, huh? You found the body? I thought Carmen would've covered her tracks a little better than that.
Gus: I am really sorry, Michelle. I didn't mean for you to hear it like this.
Michelle: Well, I was bound to hear it sooner or later, right? I mean, that's why you're here; I have to identify the body.
Ed: No, I'm going to do that. You don't have to put yourself through that.
Michelle: He was my husband. It should be me.
Ed: No, it should be you staying home, taking care of your son. You stay with Robbie.
Michelle: So have you arrested Carmen yet?
Gus: She's our chief suspect.
Michelle: She killed him, Aitoro. What the hell are you waiting for?
Gus: Michelle, I don't have enough proof yet, but I'm working on it. Doctor, can we take care of this thing? Thank you.
Ed: I love you.
Michelle: Thanks, Dad. (baby crying) Oh, God, I woke him.
Mel: It's okay, Michelle, I've got him.
Olivia: Well, for what it's worth, Happy Thanksgiving too, I love you, too. Give Jonathan a hug for me, okay? Bye.
Alexandra: Who's Jonathan?
Olivia: That was my sister, Marissa, and Jonathan is her son.
Alexandra: At Thanksgiving, family's so important, isn't it?
Olivia: It is. I couldn't agree more.
Alexandra: You know, I've never heard you mention them before, Olivia. You're so full of secrets, aren't you?
Olivia: Oh, for the love of... Okay, just tell me what it is you want now, okay?
Alexandra: Well, as I have told you a million times, what I want is the wellbeing of this family, which is rather difficult to achieve since some people say one thing and mean another.
Olivia: Stop it.
Alexandra: What?
Olivia: Stop twisting things around like you always do. This is about my convincing Phillip to stay, right?
Alexandra: Why don't we discuss Phillip?
Olivia: I don't want to discuss it. There's nothing to discuss. I did this for my husband. Alan is the one who asked me to persuade Phillip to stay here.
Alexandra: Oh, my poor, deluded brother. He still actually believes that there is nothing going on between you and Phillip.
Olivia: Because there is nothing going on between Phillip and me.
Alexandra: Ha. Well, you could have fooled me. I bumped into Phillip the day after your wedding. He was at the Beacon, and he was very, very drunk. And of course your name eventually came up.
Olivia: Of course.
Alexandra: And of course, I didn't have very nice things to say about you.
Olivia: Of course.
Alexandra: Phillip had some very, very nice things to say about you. In fact, if I didn't know better, I would say that Phillip was in love with you.
Olivia: Is that right? He said he was in love with me?
Alexandra: No, no, no. He didn't exactly say that in so many words, but I was just reading between the lines.
Olivia: Oh. So are we done? Can we please be done with this? Did I pass the test?
Alexandra: What are you talking about?
Olivia: You're making all this stuff up to see how I'm going to react.
Alexandra: Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. I've got nothing better to do than to sit around all day making up fanciful lies to test your loyalty to my brother. No, I do have a business to run, and a life to live. But you know, since you're so interested, why don't you ask Phillip yourself?
Olivia: Well, maybe I will.
Alexandra: Yes. And you are right about one thing. I was interested in seeing how you would react. And I did notice that you liked what you heard, didn't you?
Olivia: Yeah, I liked it. You got me. I like it when people say nice things about me, because, you know, it's rare, first of all. And the truth of the matter is that I'm really fond of Phillip, and I'm flattered that he's fond of me. So there. You know, things would be a lot easier around here, Alexandra, if you'd stop trying to throw a wrench into things. I mean, what did you hope to accomplish by telling me this? Do you expect me to run out of here and throw myself at Phillip?
Alexandra: You know, Olivia, I never know what to expect from you.
Olivia: Let me give you a sneak peak. I'm going to live here in this house, I'm going to go about my business as usual, and I'm going to build a marriage with my husband. Alan is my future, not Phillip.
Alexandra: Phillip, Phillip. Oh, love is so blind.
Beth: Lizzie? Ja—Phillip. Hi.
Phillip: Hey.
Beth: Happy Thanksgiving. I'm just looking for the kids.
Phillip: The kids. James is upstairs, and Lizzie's in the kitchen.
Beth: Okay.
Phillip: But, Beth, can we talk for just a second first? Is that okay?
Beth: About?
Phillip: About... About Lizzie. She's really having hard time with you and Bill being together.
Beth: Phillip, I really don't want to get into this with you. Bill and I have enough to deal with without you putting your two cents into this, also.
Phillip: I'm not arguing about that. I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just saying that Lizzie is really angry about the two of you being together.
Beth: And you're not?
Phillip: I... I'm calming down, but she's not. She's really struggling with this, and I think that we need to try to help her get over it.
Beth: Okay. Well, I agree with you there.
Phillip: Okay, because she does. She needs her mom.
Beth: And I need her too, Phillip. But she has to understand I am not going to break up with Bill just because she wants me to.
Phillip: I'm not suggesting that you do that. As a matter of fact, I'm suggesting just the opposite. I think... I think Bill needs to be around more if Lizzie is going to accept the fact that he's sticking around.
Beth: Okay. So what are you suggesting?
Phillip: It's Thanksgiving. I'd like you to stay. And I'd like you to invite Bill.
Michelle: I see Rick called in the reinforcements. You don't need to be here, Bill. I'm fine. Really. It's Thanksgiving. You should be with your family. You should be with Beth.
Bill: Well, right now I'm here.
Michelle: Whatever floats your boat.
Bill: It's quite the spread you got here.
Michelle: Yeah, well, it's no different than any other Thanksgiving. Why should it be?
Bill: So you need a hand?
Michelle: Sure. Why don't you...
Bill: Come on.
Michelle: Don't.
Bill: What, I failed carrot chopping?
Michelle: No, don't stand there and try to think of the right thing to say to me. Everybody is so worried about saying the wrong thing to me, but they shouldn't, because I am fine.
Bill: And I trust you on that.
Michelle: You know, Danny asked for this. I don't mean to sound cruel, but it's true. He could have walked away from that life. But he walked away from this one instead.
Bill: You sound angry.
Michelle: I am angry. My little boy has to grow up without a father because Danny couldn't change. And now I've got to tell my little boy that his daddy's dead, that he was murdered. You know, revenge and anger were as much a part of his life as our holiday dinners and Bauer barbecues were to me. What you expect, what you count on, what makes family family... Why wasn't the family we had enough for him? Ow!
Bill: Here, here. Let me help you with that. Come here. Come here. All right. There you go, see? It's going to be all right. That's not too bad.
Michelle: I can't feel it. I can't feel... I just feel so numb, Bill. (crying) I'm so numb. What am I going to do without him? I miss him so much. I miss him so much already.
Tony: Thanks for coming back, Aitoro. Listen, we don't have a lot of time before Carmen gets here, so...
Gus: Let me ask you something, Tony. Did you call me back here so you could get in between my work and interfere with the next time I deal with Carmen?
Tony: Come on. Gus, Gus, Gus, you know I was playing her. I want to take down Carmen just like Danny tried. She can't know that or she's going to kill me just like she killed Danny.
Gus: All right, well, that's exactly why I can't. I can't let that happen. I can't use you. You're going to end up dead in a lake like your cousin.
Tony: Gus... Gus, come on, there's got to be something I can do. Listen, I know where all the bodies are buried, okay?
Gus: Excuse me? What are you...
Tony: No, no. Listen.
Gus: What did you say?
Tony: You know what I mean. I know things about this business that you could use to put Carmen away forever. And I know how to handle her.
Gus: Tony, were you even in the room this morning? Nobody can say they know how to handle Carmen, especially after she killed her own son.
Tony: Listen, Gus, I'm the ace in your pocket.
Gus: I'm not doing it, Tony, all right? I know you're upset about the whole thing. I know that you... Just leave it alone. It'd be best just to leave it alone. And watch your back, okay? Because the more marbles Carmen loses, the more dangerous she becomes.
Lizzie: Hey, Aunt Alexandra, have you seen my mom? I think Nolan said she was around.
Alexandra: No, darling, I haven't seen her? No, come... Come in. Let's hang out.
Lizzie: What's up?
Alexandra: Well, you know, I'm a little worried about the Thanksgiving dinner.
Lizzie: Cook said everything was okay.
Alexandra: No, sweetheart, not the food. No, something you said earlier made me think that... Is there bad blood between Olivia and Beth?
Lizzie: (scoffs) Oh, yeah. Right. My mom and Olivia used to be friends, but then it got kind of weird, especially after Lorelei's diary got published.
Alexandra: Oh, yeah, the Lorelei diary disaster. Remind me, how did that get published?
Lizzie: Well, my mom blamed Olivia for publishing the diary to embarrass her. But then my grandfather knows this publishing guy who he called in to straighten everything out. And it turns out that my mom actually published the diary herself as Lorelei. But she didn't remember any of that.
Alexandra: Didn't remember? How odd.
Lizzie: I'm sorry. Do you mind if we not talk about this? It kind of creeps me out.
Alexandra: Oh, no. No, of course not. You run along. I'll see you later at dinner.
Lizzie: Okay.
Alexandra: Oh, Lloyd, there you are. Lloyd, do I know the publisher of Lincoln Press?
Lloyd: Yes, madam. Mr. Hanover.
Alexandra: Mr. Hanover. That's right. Lloyd, be an angel. Get Mr. Hanover on the telephone. I have a sudden, insane desire to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving.
Beth: Did you just invite me and Bill for Thanksgiving dinner? Is that what just happened here?
Phillip: Lizzie's getting mixed messages about you and Bill. Time for you to set her straight.
Beth: No, I don't... I don't think so. No.
Phillip: Own the relationship, Beth. If he's that important to you, that's what you're going to have to do.
Beth: Where is Phillip Spaulding, and what have you done to him? I'm sorry, but where is this coming from? "Own the relationship"?
Phillip: Hey, all I'm suggesting is that you stand by your decision to be with Bill.
Beth: You know this could be a total disaster, not to mention the fact that I am completely putting Bill on the spot.
Phillip: Oh, what? Please. Come on, you don't think Bill can handle a little teenage rebellion? I think he can. And if he doesn't want to bother, maybe that's telling you something.
Beth: Oh, he's back! No. You know, Bill is not like that. He is as committed to me as I am to him.
Phillip: Well, good. Well, then you'll both come.
Beth: Nothing could keep us away.
Michelle: Thanks, Bill. Really. Thanks for knowing what I need.
Bill: Whatever it is, you know that I'm going to be here. I'm not going to go anywhere, okay?
Ed: Hey, Carmen.
Carmen: What do you want?
Ed: I want you to understand something. My family doesn't exist for you anymore. The connection between us was Danny. Danny's gone.
Carmen: You... You and your family, you were the ruin of him.
Ed: Today I have a grandson that doesn't have a father. I have a daughter who doesn't have a husband. And I couldn't be with them to comfort them, because I had to be in the morgue to identify your son.
Carmen: You saw Danny? You saw my...
Ed: I saw Danny's body. His blood's all over your hands. Don't come near us again.
Carmen: You saw my boy. You saw... You saw Danny? This is so wrong. This is wrong. I'm his mother. I'm his mother. I have to see him.