GL Transcript Monday 11/25/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 11/25/02

From Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya


Tony: Okay. Miss Lewis... Your table is ready.

Marah: Wow!

Tony: Wow. And I thought you already looked beautiful tonight.

Marah: Tony, this... This is beautiful.

Tony: It's our own little private party.

Marah: I guess we are sort of celebrating, aren't we?

Tony: Not everyone's given a second chance to make things right between them.

Marah: I do feel pretty lucky.

Tony: Me, too. Want to sit?

Marah: Yeah.

Tony: Okay.

Marah: Thank you.

Tony: You're welcome.

Gus: Coop! (coughs) Coop. Hey.

Harley: Gus, is that you?

Gus: Cable guy. I'm here to fix the cable.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Yes.

Harley: Cable guy, huh?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Well, that's perfect because I was hoping to get my signal boosted.

Gus: Perfect. Really awesome. 800 channels right here.

Harley: (laughing)

Gus: What?

Harley: What?

Gus: What?

Harley: What's with you? What's bothering you? Come on. And, hey, more importantly, where exactly did you go tonight anyway?

Michelle: Dad? Rick? Oh, my God. Oh, my God, she's back.

Ed: Michelle? Michelle? What are you doing?

Michelle: Carmen's here, Dad. I heard her.

Ed: Honey, look, the door is locked, she can't be inside. I mean, what you heard, was it like kind of like a muffled thump or something?

Michelle: It was from inside of the house.

Ed: I'm sorry. That was me.

Michelle: What?

Ed: It was me. I was downstairs in the basement. I was trying to fix that valve, you know, in the furnace. You've got to get some sleep.

Michelle: I don't think I'm ever going to sleep again. Where is it? Where is it?

Ed: What are you looking for?

Michelle: Come on!

Ed: What?

Michelle: A gun. Danny must have stashed one somewhere here. What good is it to be married to a mobster if you can't find a stupid gun when you need one?

Ed: You're looking for a gun now? I mean, what were you going to do? If I walk in here, you're going to use it on me?

Michelle: No, of course not.

Ed: Well, how do you know that? You're nervous, you're on edge. I come in and frighten you.

Michelle: You're not Carmen, Dad, but if she had come in here, and she had gone after Robbie, and I did have a gun, she would be dead right now.

Cassie: Come on.

Danny: I'm okay.

Cassie: No, you're not okay.

Danny: I'm okay, I'm okay.

Cassie: Get up here.

Danny: I'm okay.

Cassie: You're not okay, Danny. You're burning up. All right. You have a fever. You're still bleeding, and you may have an infection. I have got to go get Ed Bauer. I have to, Danny.

Danny: No, no, I just need a rest. Need a rest...

Cassie: You're not listening to me. Danny, I have done everything you have asked me to do, but you are getting worse, and I can't help you anymore. Danny, do you hear me?

Danny: Please, please, I'll be fine.

Cassie: What if this bullet didn't go straight through? What if there's a fragment left in your shoulder? I don't know, but your father- in-law will.

Danny (mumbling): No, no, no, wait. No, wait, I'll be fine.

Cassie: I'm getting you help, and you don't have to like it. Oh, my God. I'll be back.

Gus: (whistles) Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Anyway, it was pretty much a waste of time: 50 cups of coffee, a thousand doughnuts, stinky pineapple pizza.

Harley: Oh, I hate those.

Gus: So tell me what did I miss? Tell me, did I miss anything at the party?

Harley: Oh, the party, the party. Yeah, at what point did you leave?

Gus: I left when Phillip was all, like, tight-lipped and, you know, chewing glass, skeletor- looking thing.

Harley: Yeah, yeah, well, it got a lot better than that. Listen.

Gus: Did it?

Harley: Uh-huh. Pretty soon...

Gus: Yeah?

Harley: ...Phillip got into his whole riff about how he's just doing all this to protect Zach, blah, blah, blah. So Alexandra pretty much tells him to stuff it.

Gus: Really?

Harley: She says that we're the Cooper’s, that we are this child's family, too, and that she's going to keep inviting us over there until he realizes that he can't keep Zach away from us just because our name isn't Spaulding, too.

Gus: Wow. So... So I'm... I missed it. I would have loved to have seen it.

Harley: It was a great party.

Gus: No, I missed it. So she knows, then. The Baroness knows good guys from the bad guys.

Harley: I think she does. She also said that she's going to work on Phillip to try to get him to let Zach come over here to spend time with us, instead of just always at the mansion. And... Mmm... Yeah. Well, I was sort of going to skip this little part here, but then I realized we're not keeping secrets from each other anymore, right? Yeah. So here it is. Alexandra agrees with me that Eden is... She's the key to the whole changing Phillip's mind thing.

Gus: (sighs) Yeah.

Harley: See, this is why I wasn't going to tell you about this, because I knew it would upset you, because I know how protective you are of Eden. But really, if she's our only choice, what can we do?

Gus: No, it's... It's... It's not Eden that I'm... It's not Eden I'm upset about. It's the whole keeping secrets thing. That's what I have a major problem with.

Marah: (giggling)

Tony: Oh, boy.

Tony: Uh? Huh?

Marah: Mm-hmm.

Tony: Okay.

Marah: Mm-hmm. (laughing)

Tony: (laughing)

Marah: It's delicious. Do you want to taste?

Tony: Oh, yeah. Wow.

Marah: (giggles)

Tony: I'm so good. I really am. You want more? Oh, yeah, come on.

Marah: You?

Tony: Yes.

Marah: Okay.

Tony: Let's do this. Let's get crazy.

Marah: (giggles)

Tony: (laughs)

Marah: What's wrong?

Tony: I just... I don't know. I just... I feel... I feel weird.

Marah: Did... Did I do something wrong?

Tony: No, no, no, no. It wasn't you. This is... This is exactly how I hoped it would be. It's just I can't... I can't help thinking that we're here, having a great time together, and Danny's...

Marah: Tony, he wouldn't want you to stop living.

Tony: I bet he wouldn't want me to keep Michelle in the dark about what happened to him. You know what? I'm going to tell her tomorrow for sure.

Marah: Okay. But tonight...

Ed: I'm not going to let you turn this house into an armed fortress.

Michelle: Do you have a better suggestion?

Ed: Yes, the police. Let's get a hold of Frank Cooper.

Michelle: Okay, fine, fine. Let's say, Frank did us a favor, gives us police protection 24/seven. Even if the P.D. could do that, Dad, Carmen would just bide her time. She would just wait till the threat went away, till our guard was down, and then she'd come after Robbie again.

Ed: There's got to be a better solution. I mean...

Michelle: There is. Danny. Danny's the only one who can make Carmen keep her distance from Robbie and me, and he promised to do that before he left town.

Ed: If you believe that, then you got to get a hold of him.

Michelle: I've been trying to, Dad, but it's like he has completely disappeared.

Ed: It just seems odd to me that all of a sudden Danny is so hard to get a hold of.

Michelle: Well, you know, we are separated. It's not like he's required to check in with me anymore.

Ed: But he still cares for you.

Michelle: Well, if he cares, where is he? (Robbie crying) I'll get him.

Cassie: Ed.

Ed: Cassie, are you all right?

Cassie: Look, the other night at the clinic you told me if things got out of hand with the person I was helping that I should come to you.

Ed: So this person's condition is getting worse?

Cassie: It's a lot worse, and I really need you to come with me.

Ed: Now?

Cassie: Right now, and you cannot tell anybody.

Michelle: Dad, where are you?

Cassie: I need you now.

Ed: All right. It's just me.

Michelle: Was there somebody out there? Did you hear something?

Ed: No. I went out to the car just to see if my medical bag was in it, and I got beeped, there was an emergency, and I have to go take care of it.

Michelle: Great timing for a house call.

Ed: I don't want to leave you like this.

Michelle: No, no, it's okay. Just go, just try to hurry back.

Ed: As soon as I can. All right, let's get this over with fast. I'll follow you in my car, all right?

Cassie: Thank you.

Marah: This is...

Tony: What? Relaxed, civilized?

Marah: Yeah, and nice.

Tony: You haven't done that in a while.

Marah: You know, I can't... I still can't believe how many awful nights that we have had together. Aside from this great one.

Tony: I'd have to say, New Year's Eve at the Rex Motel, that was the worst.

Marah: No, prom night from hell.

Tony: Yeah, that was pretty bad.

Marah: Or how about the time Ben and I double-dated with you and Catalina? Talk about awful.

Tony: But it all seems so long ago.

Marah: I know. It's a wonder that we still talk, let alone like each other.

Tony: Just goes to show that we've always had a destino. (laughs)

Marah: Destiny. (cell phone rings)

Tony: It's Michelle. Hey, you.

Michelle: Answer me something, Tony, do you stand by what you say?

Tony: Michelle, what's the matter?

Michelle: Answer me, yes or no.

Tony: Yeah, sure.

Michelle: Then I need you to come over here right away. I'm at home.

Tony: I'll be there in five. I have to go. Michelle knows something, I can hear it in her voice.

Marah: Are you going to tell her what happened with Danny?

Tony: Yeah, I mean, I can't... I can't wait till tomorrow. I have to do it now. Um...

Marah: Okay. You know what, I understand. I can go with you if you want.

Tony: No, I think I got to do this by myself. I'll take you home.

Marah: No, don't worry about it. I'll find my own ride back. Thank you for tonight.

Tony: It was nice.

Marah: Tony, good luck.

Harley: So, you don't think telling each other the truth is a good idea?

Gus: No. I mean, yes, yes. Of course I think it's... Yes. All right, let me put it this way. Let's say I'm working on a case, and my informant gives me some information, you know. And it's a juicy hunk of information, but he wants me to keep it strictly... Strictly confidential.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: Is that... Am I supposed to tell you that part, or do we keep that part separate?

Harley: Listen, if you're on the job, and some low-life informant gives you information that is strictly confidential, I don't want to know about it. One, because I don't want to jeopardize the case, and two, I don't want to jeopardize your life. So I have absolutely no problem with you keeping that information from me, none at all.

Gus: Are you sure?

Harley: I'm a cop, too. I know the drill.

Gus: Hmm. Okay, so that's so... So then that cop biz stays out over there, all the way at the station.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Gus: That's the cop business, and our business stays right here.

Harley: Stays right here, in the bedroom.

Gus: Oh, yeah, that would be it. That's fine with me. Perfect to me.

Ed: Does this have to do with Reva somehow?

Cassie: No, no, it's not Reva. But she knows that I have someone here, and she said that it was okay.

Ed: So Reva said, not Josh.

Cassie: Josh doesn't know about this, Ed, and he can't know anything about this, okay?

Ed: Why all the secrecy?

Cassie: Someone's life depends on it. You know, it depends on you.

Ed: Oh, Danny.

Tony: Hey, what's up?

Michelle: Carmen broke in here tonight.

Tony: What?

Michelle: My dad came home and found Robbie in Carmen's arms.

Tony: Oh, man.

Michelle: Tony, if my dad hadn't come home when he did, Carmen would have taken Robbie, I am sure of it.

Tony: Carmen would never hurt Robbie, never.

Michelle: You trust her now? Look, you are Robbie's Godfather, and you promised to keep Carmen away from us while Danny was away. And you are obviously not up to the job, so I need Danny to get it done.

Tony: Wait a minute.

Michelle: No, I'm not going to argue with you, Tony. My son needs protection right now.

Tony: Look, I know you're upset, Michelle, but...

Michelle: But nothing, Tony, I need to know where Danny is.

Tony: I can't tell you, Michelle.

Michelle: Why not? What is this, another one of those Santos family secrets?

Tony: Not anymore.

Michelle: Excuse me?

Tony: Danny's gone.

Michelle: I know that, Tony. I just need to know where. And don't give me one of those vague "It's business answers." Because I know you know what the story is, I can see it in your eyes.

Tony: Okay. We should sit down.

Michelle: I don't want to sit down, Tony, I just want you to tell me the truth! I think you owe that to your Godson, considering his life may depend on it.

Tony: I think Danny may be...

Michelle: Come on, just say it, Tony.

Tony: ...Dead. I know, I could hardly believe it at first, too.

Michelle: Forget it, Tony, I know what you're doing, and it won't work.

Michelle: Danny wanted me to raise Robbie as if he were dead; now he's got you playing along.

Tony: Oh, no, this is no game, Michelle.

Michelle: Yeah, you're right, it's not.

Tony: You don't understand.

Michelle: No, Danny is the one who needs to understand. For months now, I've been playing it all his way. But now Carmen is even more psychotic than ever. And she is fixating on Robbie. And I'm not going to keep pretending that he's dead if it puts Robbie in danger.

Tony: I'm not pretending, Michelle! I'm telling you the truth, that's what I've been getting at.

Michelle: That Danny is...

Tony: He's been setting up Carmen; he's been trying to take her down. He set up a deal with the FBI. She got to him first, okay?

Michelle: She got to him?

Tony: On a bluff at the lake the other night. Okay, she knew he was going to be there. She had a gun, he didn't.

Michelle: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Carmen shot Danny?

Tony: But his body hasn't been found yet. And without the body, they can't put Carmen away. But they will, for murder, Michelle.

Michelle: Danny's gone?

Tony: I know, I know. I've been trying to tell you, but I couldn't do it. I'm sorry, Michelle, I'm so sorry.

Michelle: God, no, but it doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense, because Carmen loved Danny. So this can't be. Tony, no, it can't.

Tony: No, no, she heard that he was going to take her down, which he was.

Michelle: No, but why would Danny make a deal with the feds, that's crazy.

Tony: I'm telling you, I'm telling you to take Carmen down, to get the family out from under her thumb. Michelle, he did it for us.

Michelle: For us?

Tony: For me, for you, for Robbie. He was making me part of the deal with the FBI, to get me immunity. He did it for us so that we could all have a future, that we could live on. He did it for himself, Michelle, so that he could come back to you when it was safe.

Michelle: For all the times that he pushed me away, he told me there was no hope. He said that he couldn't be a part of mine and Robbie's life. You're telling me that he was planning this?

Tony: It was in his head for a long time.

Michelle: Even when he was leaving?

Tony: It was all part of the plan, Michelle.

Michelle: Damn him. Damn his plan.

Ed: I need more light. He's delirious because of the fever. All right, shine it here. All right, this has to be debrided before I can even start looking for a... For a fragment in here.

Danny: (mumbling)

Cassie: Can't you give him some kind of anesthetic?

Ed: He couldn't handle it. He's too week. You know, I have to report this to the police, it's the law, you know that, right?

Cassie: The police were already here, Ed. Gus Aitoro, it's kind of unofficial, if you know what I mean.

Ed: Please, just don't tell me anymore. I'm in this way over my head as it is. All right. I'm pretty sure there's a fragment in there, which means I've got to get it out. There's so much bleeding. I'm going to need your help.

Cassie: Whatever I can do.

Ed: All right. Hold the light steady if you can, open that, and then see if you can wipe up some of the blood, so I can see what I'm doing here while I'm trying to get the fragment out, okay? This is wonderful working conditions, like Africa all over again.

Cassie: Well, you should be used to it.

Ed: You don't get used to it. Oh, come on, this is no way to operate.

Cassie: We don't have a choice.

Ed: No, we don't. So, let's hope he has a better chance than that.

Harley: As long as we stick together, you know, we don't hold back from each other, right, right?

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: We will make it, right? We can't miss. Right?

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Harley: Well, then come here. Now who's holding back?

Gus: I'm sorry.

Harley: It's okay. I know it's bugging you.

Gus: You do?

Harley: You feel guilty about Danny Santos, right?

Gus: You know, a little bit.

Harley: Listen, Danny knew what he was getting into when he came to you to make that deal, you both did.

Gus: Yeah, but I could...

Harley: Listen to me, as a cop, and as the woman who shares everything with you, there is nothing anyone could have done to prevent what happened that night, okay? Danny had to make himself vulnerable to suck Carmen in.

Gus: And I told him it was risky.

Harley: Okay. So give yourself a break, okay? You can start here with me.

Gus: Is that so?

Harley: So let's just leave, you know, all that Carmen stuff till tomorrow. We'll dig into that, I promise. But that stays at the station...

Gus: Away.

Harley: Away, at the station, and you stay here. Here, together.

Gus: I could live with that.

Harley: Yeah. It's good to be alive, you know?

Gus: Good to be alive.

Michelle: Danny never could be honest with me.

Tony: Oh, Michelle, don't do this.

Michelle: No, I mean it.

Tony: Please.

Michelle: All the tears I cried when he left. The nights I couldn't sleep, the second guessing, it was all part of the same problem, he refused to trust me.

Tony: No, you've got it all wrong, he was trying to protect you.

Michelle: It doesn't matter, Tony. After everything that Danny and I went through, all the suffering at Carmen's hands, you mean to tell me that he had come up with a plan to be free for her forever, and never said so much as one word about it to the woman that he supposedly loved more than...

Tony: More than life itself. I know.

Michelle: When did he decide this? How long was this in the works?

Tony: I don't know. He didn't tell me about it, either, Michelle.

Michelle: I could've helped him, Tony, if he just told me what he was thinking. I could have kept an eye on Carmen, I could have warned him if... Oh, my God, I knew that something was wrong, I did, I've been feeling this for days.

Tony: I know, I know, I know, I know. I keep asking myself why I didn't see this coming.

Michelle: He's... He's really gone?

Tony: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Look, Michelle, that last thing Danny told me before he left was to look after you and Robbie, and I will.

Michelle: I want to be alone.

Tony: Okay. Okay. But just know from now on, you and Robbie will never be alone, I promise.

Michelle: How could you do this to me, Danny? How could you get yourself killed? I hate you! I hate you! I hate you.

Cassie: Thank you.

Ed: He's not out of the woods yet.

Cassie: Ed.

Ed: I am not a miracle worker. I'm barely a doctor working under these conditions. I know it's not your fault, but...

Cassie: I'm going to stay with him.

Ed: That's fine. I'm going to get some iv antibiotics because the oral ones that you took from the clinic, they're not strong enough, and he needs all the help he can get.

Cassie: What are his chances now? Ed, what are they?

Ed: I'll be back as soon as I can.

Danny: Don't tell Michelle.

Cassie: Danny? You can't. You can't.

Ed: Danny, you're hurt. You are badly hurt. There's no way I'm not going to tell my daughter, okay?

Danny: Then she'll end up dead. Please. Carmen's watching her. If Michelle knows I'm here, she'll come to me, and then we're all in danger. Ed, you owe me. You owe me. I brought you home to your family. You said that you wanted to pay me back. Now you can. Don't tell. Don't tell. (breathing heavily) Please, don't tell.

Ed: I won't tell Michelle.

Cassie: Shh.

Danny: I screwed up.

Cassie: No, no you didn't.

Danny: Michelle and Robbie are better off without me.

Cassie: No. Just stop, don't say that, Danny.

Danny: I'm sorry that I got you involved with this, I'm sorry.

Cassie: Stop, stop. Shh.

Danny: You better cut your losses, Cassie.

Cassie: Danny.

Danny: (breathing heavily) I'm going to be gone tomorrow. Tomorrow morning I'll be gone. I'll be gone.

Cassie: The hell you will.

Tony: I thought you were... You were going to go home.

Marah: I decided to clean up a little bit. And I thought that maybe if I were here when you got back, and you needed some company, that it wouldn't be bad. You told her.

Tony: Yeah, Michelle's... She was fighting it every inch of the way.

Marah: Well, maybe that's the only way she can deal with it.

Tony: I just hope Michelle's not alone when it all sinks in, you know. I let her down. And Danny...

Marah: No, no, no, Tony, it's okay. It's okay.

Tony: I mean, how much guts can a guy have, you know? He went after Carmen for the sake of the family. He did it all by himself, he didn't ask for my help. More guts than I could ever have.

Marah: No, no, Tony, don't stay that, okay? He loved Michelle, and he loved you, and he loved Robbie, and that is what made him great.

Tony: I am not going to let courage like that die with Danny. I'm not.

Gus: We're together and the whole world is against us, you know. It just makes me feel like anything is possible. (cell phone rings) Hello.

Harley: Hey, if that's the Chief, would you tell him that I'm taking an early retirement. (laughter)

Gus: Hello, hello.

Tony: It's Tony Santos, you alone?

Gus: No.

Tony: Then just listen. I need to meet you first thing tomorrow morning.

Gus: Why?

Tony: Because I want to finish what Danny started.

Harley: Who was that?

Gus: Nobody, really.

Harley: You mean it was your informant.

Gus: Yeah, that's the same case. All right, I... I need a little more hope.

Harley: I have plenty.

Gus: Yeah, I'll take it.

Harley: (laughs)

Ed: What's going on?

Michelle: Danny's dead, oh, my God, Dad, how can this be? How can this be?

Cassie: Do you have any idea what has been done for you in the past few days, Danny, do you? You know, you should because you haven't been unconscious the whole time. Reva has turned her pool house into a safe house for you. Gus Aitoro could get in so much trouble for knowing you're here and keeping mum about it. And what about Ed Bauer, huh? Your father-in-law could lose his medical license for coming here and helping you, and not reporting you to the police. And what do you do, you want to take off in the morning? I don't think so.

Danny: Okay, it's a bad idea.

Cassie: Yes, it's a bad idea. It's the worst idea, it's very selfish. The least you could do is keep yourself alive, if not for yourself, then for your wife and your kid, do you hear me, and the rest of us who have put our butts on the line to help you.

Danny: Okay, okay. Remind me not get on your bad side.

Cassie: News flash: You're already there.

Danny: I think I've lost too much blood to get on my knees and beg your forgiveness.

Cassie: Well, you don't have to do that. What you have to do is say thank you. You know, how many times did I thank you after you helped me, huh?

Danny: Too soon, you thanked me too soon, because I got you in trouble all over again.

Cassie: No, Danny, please stop. You didn't get me into trouble. I didn't have to drag you off that beach. I did it because I wanted to.

Danny: Why?

Cassie: Why?

Danny: Why?

Cassie: Your jacket had something to do with it. Do you remember that night at the club when I was willing to strip for you for money? And you put your jacket over my shoulders. You are a true gentleman. And a few days later, you paid off my debt to the mob, and you risked your own life. I'll never forget that, ever. So, that's why.

Danny: So maybe we're even. What do you say?

Cassie: Maybe.

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