Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/22/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Phillip: Nolan, what time is dinner is being served?
Nolan: We're just about ready, sir.
Phillip: Okay. Are we having company tonight?
Alexandra: I'm having company. And you're joining us.
Phillip: Oh, you think so, huh?
Alexandra: Yes, it's just a small family affair. You, your father, Lizzie and Olivia of course.
Phillip: You try to make an afterthought of her all your life. She's dad's wife, you know. She is staying.
Alexandra: Yes, unlike you who's deserting the ship.
Phillip: Yes, and you know why I'm moving out.
Alexandra: Yes.
Phillip: I thought you understood.
Alexandra: Well, I do understand. But you wouldn't have to move out if Olivia would.
Phillip: (sighs)
Alexandra: I just want to tell you it's a nice surprise who else is arriving tonight.
Nolan: Excuse me, ma'am.
Alexandra: Yes?
Nolan: Your guests have arrived.
Alexandra: Oh, good. Show them in.
Phillip: Will I be presently surprised?
Alexandra: Yes. Here they are. Welcome.
Harley: Hi.
Alexandra: How are you?
Buzz: Hi. How are you?
Gus: Hi.
Alexandra: Hi, Gus, nice to see you.
Frank: Hello. (everyone greeting)
Alexandra: Here we all are, Phillip. One big happy family.
Lizzie: So you didn't ask him did you?
Alan: Well, Elizabeth...
Lizzie: You said that you were going to convince daddy not to move out, but you didn’t.
Alan: Elizabeth, your father may be my son, but he is a grown man. If he wants to move out, I can't stop him.
Lizzie: Look, I don't want to accidentally tell daddy or Olivia that you faked a heart attack twice. And that you scared them nearly to death for no reason. I want to live here. With you.
Olivia: Alan, do you know what time dinner is? Hi. Sorry. Am I interrupting something?
Lizzie: No. Olivia, actually you could stay, because this concerns you.
Alan: Elizabeth--
Lizzie: No, no, no. I was just asking grandpa to convince daddy to stay. But you can help.
Olivia: I can? How?
Lizzie: You can talk to dad. He'll listen to you. He likes you. I can tell.
Carmen: Hey. Hey, big boy. You still up? What are you doing up? You waiting for grandma? Well, I'm here. I'm here. And I'm going to make sure you get everything you deserve in life, you know that? That's right. I know your daddy is gone, but I’m here for you. And I'm always going to protect you, okay? Yeah.
Billy: To Reva, freedom hard fought and well deserved!
All: To Reva! Yeah!
Blake: Where's Michelle? Michelle, where did you go to?
Michelle: Oh, just walking Mel and Rick out.
Beth: I wasn't spying on you.
Bill: Well, Beth, you come to my place, you see Michelle and I sharing an innocent kiss. And I know out of context it might have looked funny. But you leave without saying a word. I mean what else would you call it?
Beth: Okay, okay. We had a date, I went over to see you, and you were kissing someone. I don't think that I was wrong to leave. If... if I was wrong about one thing it was that if I had a problem with what I saw going on, I should have said something to you, not to someone else.
Bill: Yeah, that's right. So why didn't you?
Beth: Because I guess I was afraid of the answer.
Blake: Hey, you. Tomorrow I am taking you out for a pedicure, manicure and full body massage.
Reva: Twist my arm. (laughter)
Billy: I can't believe that this whole mess is finally over with.
Josh: All thanks to Cassie. This was a mistake wasn't it. You're overwhelmed tonight?
Reva: No, sweetie. This is great. I'm having a great time.
Josh: Are you sure? Because I'm getting the distinct impression that you would rather be someplace else.
Danny: Come on, stop. Damn it. Damn it. Stop. Please stop. I got to get out of here. I got to get out of here.
Cassie: Danny, what are you doing?
Danny: I'm leaving.
Cassie: Like hell you are. Whoa. Come on. Put your arm up. You're way too weak to go anywhere.
Danny: No. I'm better now. I'm better. Much better.
Cassie: You're not better. You could barely walk out of the Beacon.
Danny: I'm much better.
Cassie: Come on.
Danny: Cassie--
Cassie: What is this? You're bleeding again?
Danny: No. No, I'm not. I'm not.
Cassie: What is this?
Danny: I'm not.
Cassie: You're not?
Danny: It's nothing.
Cassie: Let me see this.
Danny: It's nothing.
Cassie: Oh, my God, Danny. You're right it's nothing, because I'm going to call Ed Bauer right now.
Danny: No stop. No, no, no. Please.
Cassie: Yes, I am, Danny.
Danny: No. Cassie... All right, I’ll stay. I'll stay. I'll stay. Don't call Ed.
Cassie: You know what?
Danny: I mean it.
Cassie: You have a half hour. If the blood hasn't stopped, I am calling him whether you want me to or not.
Danny: All right.
Cassie: Do you understand me?
Danny: Okay, okay. All right. I need you to make another call for me. I need to finish what Carmen started.
Reva: If I'm acting weird, it's just because I am shocked that there are so many people here this evening and elated. And I will recover and once I do I will be dancing on tabletops.
Josh: Oh, no. Lord help us, Reva's back. You're back. I thought I lost you.
Reva: Never. (laughs)
Blake: Hey, you guys?
Reva: Yes.
Josh: Sorry. Hi.
Blake: So where is Cassie? Is she coming?
Reva: I wouldn't count on it.
Ross: Reva, I have to tell you something. I don't ever want to see you in court again. I did not enjoy representing you in court. So from now on, just stay out of trouble.
Beth: Bill, I grew up with Phillip just like you grew up with Michelle.
Bill: So what?
Beth: So when two people have known each other that long a special bond develops. And when it's a man and a woman sometimes that bond evolves into something more.
Bill: Are we talking about the birds and the bees?
Beth: No, I’m serious. I'm serious.
Bill: Listen to me. You listen to me. Michelle and I, we are friends.
Beth: But on Halloween--
Bill: We are only friends.
Beth: With the kiss that I saw--
Bill: That kiss... That kiss was nothing. It was nothing.
Beth: Are you sure?
Bill: Come here. Come here. You got to relax about us, woman, okay? We have to keep this honest, because that is our best shot. Now we better go in and check on Michelle, because she probably thinks we started World War III. Well, speak of the devil.
Michelle: Hey. I'm heading home now.
Bill: Why?
Michelle: I got to get home to Robbie.
Beth: Michelle, I guess I owe you an apology. I overreacted to something that I saw between you and Bill on Halloween.
Michelle: No, Beth, there's no problem, really. I feel like I should apologize to you.
Beth: No. No. And it is a problem. It's my problem. I was jealous and I was acting silly. And I'm sorry. You two are just close, dear friends. Are we okay with this now?
Michelle: Yeah, we're fine. Totally fine.
Beth: Okay, thank you.
Bill: And you really, really have to leave?
Michelle: Yeah. I promised the sitter.
Bill: All right, well, I guess we'll let you go. And listen, I know this whole Carmen thing has you on edge so if you need anything you just give me a call, okay?
Michelle: I will.
Bill: All right.
Michelle: Thanks. Good night. Good night, Beth.
Beth: Good night, Michelle.
Bill: Alrighty. Now that we got that all cleared up, why don't we go back inside, huh?
Billy: The gun gets jammed. I'm trying to un jam it like crazy. I'm real quiet too, because that coppers sitting right out there and I could see him (inaudible). Look, he's still going. I look over here—
Olivia: You know, Lizzie, it's not really my place to tell your father where to live. But that's between the two of you.
Lizzie: But daddy won't even listen to me! I mean I don't know why he's so determined to get me out, but he is.
Alan: Elizabeth, I'd like to speak with Olivia alone. We'll be in to dinner momentarily.
Lizzie: All right. But... I mean you do understand, right? I really want to stay here.
Alan: No, I understand perfectly.
Olivia: Boy, she really doesn't want to move out, does she?
Alan: You noticed that.
Olivia: I feel for her, Alan, but if Phillip’s wants to go, there's nothing I can do.
Alan: No, we should talk him into staying.
Olivia: We should talk him into staying?
Alan: More precisely, Olivia, you.
Olivia: Me? You want me to...
Alan: Yes. Now I know that there was tension between us in the past, but the three of us have resolved that, haven't we?
Olivia: Yeah, but I just...
Alan: We're married now, Olivia. Now Phillip is going to do whatever he's going to do with his life. This is a new beginning for all of us. And I would like to share this new beginning, this new life with my son, my grandchildren in the house that they love. Don't you?
Olivia: Yeah, I do. I do. But I think you should be the one to talk to Phillip, not me.
Alan: No. Lizzie's right. He will not listen to me, but he will listen to you.
Olivia: Are you sure this is what you want?
Alan: If it weren't I wouldn't ask.
Olivia: Okay.
Alan: Shall we go to dinner?
Olivia: Let's eat.
Alexandra: So, Buzz, who's watching the store?
Buzz: Nobody. I set it on auto pilot. (laughter)
Marina: So, surprised. Your great aunt invited my family over for dinner.
Lizzie: Yeah, I can see that. But why?
Marina: Yeah, I'd like to say, because she thinks we're so much fun, but my guess is she has an ulterior motive.
Phillip: Okay. So why are you here?
Harley: Because Alexandra invited us.
Phillip: No, I know that. But why are you here? Is everything okay?
Harley: Ah-huh.
Phillip: Okay. I thought you were suppose to be above playing these kinds of games?
Harley: What game? Alexandra has given me an opportunity to spend some time with my son.
Phillip: Okay. You can spend as much time with Zach as you want.
Harley: On your terms. Without Gus.
Phillip: Oh, okay.
Nolan: Look whose here. The Zach attack.
Harley: There you are.
Gus: Hey, buddy.
Alexandra: Take a deep breath, sweetie, otherwise you'll get indigestion.
Phillip: Oh, I won't. Because I won't be sticking around for the meal.
Alexandra: No, you're not to be a spoil sport. I want you to stay.
Phillip: While you serve me as the main course? No, thank you.
Alexandra: Listen, Phillip, this is quid pro quo? You... You begged me to be nice to Olivia, and so this is what I'm doing?
Phillip: Yeah, because that's for the good of the family.
Alexandra: And so is this.
Phillip: So is what? Tell me. Tell me what it is that going to happen tonight?
Alexandra: I don't know yet. But right now I love this music. And I want to take my favorite dance partner and dance with him. What's that Greek song that we used to... The ballerina or something?
Buzz: Balleristos.
Alexandra: No.
Buzz: (speaking Greek)
Alexandra: Let's do something more conventional, darling.
Buzz: How about a lesson?
Alexandra: Yes, yes. Fred and Ginger. (laughter)
Buzz: Okay, you be Fred.
Lizzie: This is so bizarre. Dancing in the dining room. I wonder what's for dinner.
Phillip: Oh, on my plate, I expect there will be crow. (applause)
Alexandra: Alan, Olivia. I'm so glad you could finally arrive.
Alan: What the hell are they doing here?
Alexandra: Well, this is our family. We share history and the love of the child. And we're all having dinner together. What could be more natural?
Alan: Well, we better check the silverware before they leave.
Buzz: Silverware? Frank, do we use silverware? We don't use silverware. We use our hands. We're Cooper’s.
Frank: Alan, you know we club our food and we drag it back to the cave. (laughter)
Alan: Oh, the famous Cooper wit.
Buzz: But we did bring our whoopee cushion.
Alexandra: Gentlemen, gentlemen, please remember what you all have in common.
Alan: What? Name one thing, Alexandra?
Alexandra: Your grandson. Oh, yes.
Nolan: Dinner is ready.
Alexandra: Thank you. I think dinner is ready. I think we should all sit down and eat. And, Buzz, you're right here. Girls, you go over there.
Harley: I'll sit here. I'll sit here.
Olivia: This is a joke, right? This has to be a joke.
Alan: Yeah, a very bad one. Look, we could leave if you'd like.
Olivia: No, no, I don't want to do that. She's just going to get angry.
Alan: Who cares?
Olivia: I do. I don't want to give her the satisfaction.
Frank: Geez.
Marina: (whispers) Daddy.
Frank: (whispers) What?
Marina: Why don't you switch places with grandpa? Sit next to Alexandra
Frank: Why?
Marina: Because she's the sword. Single.
Frank: Marina, she's not exactly my type.
Marina: Yeah, well, maybe one of her single rich friends is. Come on.
Gus: Yeah. Are we having fun yet? (cell phone rings) Hello?
Harley: Who is it?
Gus: Just a second. Sorry. I have to take the call. Pardon me. Aitoro.
Cassie: Gus, it's Cassie Winslow. I need to see you right away.
Gus: I can't. I'm just about to sit down to a beautiful dinner.
Cassie: It's about the item you lost the other day.
Gus: What are you talking about?
Cassie: On the beach?
Gus: How do you know about that?
Cassie: I'm at my sister's place in the pool house. Park your car on Hawthorne and come in the back way. But make sure nobody sees you.
Gus: All right, I'll be right there. I have to tell Harley. I'll be right there.
Cassie: No, don't tell Harley. No one can know.
Alexandra: So tell me, Harley, how's little Jude?
Harley: Oh, he is just more and more adorable everyday.
Alexandra: Oh, I bet he is. And I bet he misses his big brother terribly.
Harley: Oh, Jude misses Zach desperately.
Phillip: That's very subtle, ladies.
Gus: Hi. Sorry.
Harley: That's okay.
Gus: Alexandra, I don't mean to be rude. I'm going to... I can't stay. I have a little--
Alexandra: Oh.
Gus: Police business, you know.
Alexandra: I'm sorry.
Harley: What? What? Which case?
Gus: It's a long story. But I'd love to take a rain check.
Alexandra: Absolutely. I'll hold you to it.
Gus: Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Harley: No, no. I'll walk you out. I'll walk you out. Excuse me.
Buzz: Coward.
Alan: One down, four to go.
Harley: What's going on?
Gus: It's... I... One of the people that are working for me they have a little something for me to go check out.
Harley: Uh-huh.
Gus: It's probably nothing, but I do need to check it out.
Harley: Check it out. I know, I know. I wish I could go with you.
Gus: No, no. No, you stay. Look at everything that Alexandra's done about Zachary. Here's my lucky marble for him. I got to go, all right?
Harley: Okay.
Gus: All right.
Harley: Call me the second you know anything.
Alexandra: Alan. Smile.
Alan: Give me one good reason, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Your good health, darling. Everybody. I'd like to make a toast to our families.
Ed: Jennifer? Hello?
Robbie: Grandma.
Carmen: Yes. What a big boy you are, Robbie. He's getting so big. Where did you get that.
Ed: How did you get in here? Where's the sitter?
Carmen: Well, I let her go. She's... she's incompetent. Isn't that right, Robbie? Yes, I know.
Ed: Give Robbie to me now.
Carmen: I know.
Ed: Or I'll call the police. I swear. Come here, buddy.
Carmen: Okay. Robbie, you got to go to grandpa now, okay?
Ed: Hey, buddy.
Robbie: I got an airplane.
Carmen: Go to grandpa.
Ed: Yeah, you got an airplane.
Carmen: She was watching television, you know.
Ed: She's allowed to watch television if Robbie is sleeping.
Carmen: Well, he wasn't sleeping. He was upset. And he was crying.
Ed: Oh, so what are you going to do, bring him down, give him a little warm milk and then walk out the door with him?
Carmen: I know. I know what babies need, all right? I've had children of my own. Three of them.
Ed: And where are they now, Carmen?
Carmen: Robbie is my grandson.
Michelle: No, he is not. My son is no longer any relation of yours!
Cassie: It's okay. I know. The bleeding has almost stopped.
Danny: See I told you it would stop. Just put pressure on and it would stop. You better go check. Go check.
Reva: Out here. I got gauze and adhesive tape for Danny's wound.
Cassie: Oh, great. Thanks.
Reva: Did you hear the noise coming from the house?
Cassie: Yeah, I was wondering what that was.
Reva: Yeah, Josh is throwing me a surprise party. A welcome home, Cassie.
Cassie: Oh, no.
Reva: I know I said I was going to help you out and help Danny, but I can't do it. I can't.
Cassie: What?
Reva: I'll help you find another place to keep Danny, but it can't be here.
Cassie: Do you know how hard it was for me to come to you with this after everything we've been through for the last few months?
Reva: I know. I know. And I'm sorry.
Cassie: You know. So you're just going to walk away from this? You just changed your mind?
Reva: No, I have regained my common sense. I never should have said yes in the first place. Look, Danny's a good guy and I like him as much as you do, but he doesn't want you involved in this either. You owe him nothing.
Cassie: I owe him more than you could possibly imagine, Reva. And you owe me. You took so much from me. And you can't do this one thing? This one thing for me?
Josh: Reva? Reva, you out here somewhere? Hey, Cassie. What's this? What's going on?
Reva: What's up is that Cassie and I still have some unresolved issues between us and I thought maybe we could talk about them in here where we'd have some privacy. Because I don't want this gulf between us anymore.
Josh: Okay. All right. Well, talking is a good thing. So, I'll leave you to it. All right. When you're done why don't you come on back in, okay? Both of you.
Cassie: I'm sorry about that. But what I said still stands. You owe me. Are you going to help me or not?
Reva: Yes. Because your my sister and I love you. That's why you came to me in the first place, isn't it?
Cassie: Yes. I called Gus.
Gus: Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. She's in on this, too?
Cassie: Yes. Come on. He's in here.
Gus: You're alive.
Danny: Yeah. But to everybody else I'm dead. And I'm staying that way.
Michelle: You come within one inch of my son and I will have you arrested.
Carmen: What are you talking about, Michelle?
Robbie: I got airplane.
Carmen: I am his legal grandmother.
Michelle: No, he is a Bauer now.
Carmen: What does that matter? He's a Santos. He's got Santos blood in his veins. My blood. And you can't take that away from him. He has a right to know about his heritage.
Michelle: Oh, he will. He will know all about what it's like to grow up decent and honest from my father and my brother and me.
Carmen: Unbelievable. You... Like, you don't lie, you don't cheat, you don't steal. You're stealing Danny from me right now! I am his family, too.
Ed: You said Danny. Are you aware of that instead of Robbie?
Michelle: This is Robbie, Carmen. This is my son. Not yours. And from this moment on, you are no longer in his life.
Carmen: Are you sure about that? Let me remind you that when I want something, I get it.
Buzz: The Japanese bike is peppy, but well priced. Whereas the German motorcycle is just like extra smooth touch of class. But the Italian bike, it is just a pure racing machine, you know. Bellissima, baby.
Alan: Fascinating.
Marina: I think my grandfather is about to hit your grandfather.
Harley: You should really see Gus with Jude. He's so good with Jude. Jude adores him.
Phillip: Really?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: Oh, good, because I didn't hear you the first five times you told me that.
Harley: Oh. Well, who's counting?
Phillip: Mm.
(tapping of glass)
Alexandra: I'd like to make another toast.
Alan: Oh, Alexandra, not now, please. Buzz is about to tell us the mysteries of the four stroke engine.
Alexandra: Oh, Alan. I'm so glad that you're enjoying yourself. That's why I arranged this little soiree, so that we could all get together and realize who we really love more than anything else and that is Zach.
Alan: Yes. And may I remind you his given name is Alan.
Buzz: But if your son would just give Zach back to my daughter everything would be fine.
Phillip: I've already said I will, Buzz, as soon as Gus Aitoro is out of the picture.
Frank: You know what? You arrogant piece of-- who the hell do you think you are telling my sister who she can see and can't see.
Phillip: Let me tell you who I think I am, Frank. I am the boy's father. And Gus Aitoro is a murderer.
Harley: He's not a murderer.
Phillip: And who the hell do you think you are? Yes, he is a murderer.
Harley: No, no, no. He did not force that guy off the roof.
Phillip: You're telling me that you want your nephew, you want your grandson... Well, Eden happens to say differently. So whom am I suppose to--
Harley: Eden is a pathological liar.
Alan: So you want my grandson hanging around with a pathological liar? What kind of family have you taken up with family?
Buzz: You're going to cast stone? You're going to cast stone?
Frank: How many people did you rip off today, Alan, huh?
Alan: No, Buzz, I'm going to cast you out of my house.
Phillip: Enough! Happy? This what you wanted?
Alexandra: Well, at least I think you now realize that these good people are family and really care about him.
Phillip: I have never disputed that.
Alexandra: No. Then are you going to start listening to what they have to say. Because I'm just going to keep on inviting them all the time.
Reva: What is this about Danny wanting to stay dead?
Cassie: I don't know. I'll let you know as soon as we've worked it out.
Reva: No, no. You're not working it out. You'll let them work it out. Because I want you to stay as far out of this as you possibly can. Please.
Cassie: Okay, I will.
Reva: No, you won't.
Cassie: Look, Danny needed my help, and I helped him, okay? And he stills need my help.
Reva: Yeah, and you came through for him without even thinking about the consequences.
Cassie: Well, Geez, does that sound familiar?
Reva: You know what? I'm going to go back inside to the party?
Cassie: I'm with you in spirit, I am.
Danny: No, no. If I come forward now and I say that Carmen shot me--
Gus: It'll be her word against yours.
Danny: Right. She has got to believe that I'm dead. Then she'll, you know, get a false sense of security and hopefully, maybe...
Gus: All right, all right.
Danny: ...Sooner or later she'll say or do something to incriminate herself. You understand.
Gus: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Danny: But she's got to be totally convinced that I'm dead. She's got to have proof otherwise she won't buy it otherwise.
Cassie: Wait. What you mean? What do you mean proof? What are you talking about?
Gus: We need a body.
Cassie: A body. How the hell are you suppose to get a body, Danny?
Danny: You have people? You have people, because we can't use my people.
Gus: Yeah, that's right. Yeah.
Danny: Okay.
Cassie: Danny.
Gus: Cassie, I really think you'll be better off if you just stayed out of this.
Cassie: Well, I'm in this, Gus.
Gus: No, Cassie...
Cassie: And I'm sure you guys don't want my opinion, but I think you're wrong here. Danny, Michelle...
Danny: No. Cassie?
Cassie: ...Because this is going to destroy her. This is going to kill her.
Danny: Cassie, this is what's going to keep her alive. Her and my son, all right?
Gus: I'll work on a body and I'll be in touch, all right?
Danny: Okay.
Olivia: Well, that had to be the dinner from hell. You know maybe you can enlighten me. What exactly is Alexandra's problem?
Phillip: She's just doing what she's always accusing me of doing. She's trying to run other people lives.
Olivia: Hmm. So you think she's really serious about having more evenings like this.
Phillip: (laughs) I don't know. Doesn't matter to me. I'm moving out.
Olivia: Yeah, um... Don't. I don't think you should, and... I want you to stay.
Phillip: How could you say that? You know why I'm leaving.
Alexandra: You know I really think I'd rather have a talk with Gus' sister. Make her understand that she's got to do the right thing now.
Harley: No, no, you can't do that. Alex, I already told you, I don't want her to get--
Alexandra: I know. I know. I know you don't want to get her into trouble. There is a way around this.
Harley: Oh, there is. What would that be?
Alexandra: Well, I have a way and I think that I'm going to call her tomorrow and invite her for tea.
Buzz: You work fast.
Alexandra: Yeah, well, I have to. This tension is really getting to me.
Olivia: You and I came to an understanding on the beach, remember? And we agreed that we were going to move forward with our lives separately.
Phillip: Yeah. Which is why I'm moving out.
Olivia: But it's such an enormous house. You know there's so much room. Okay, look, Lizzie really loves it here and she wants to stay, okay? And Alan wants it, too.
Phillip: I'm not so sure Alan...
Olivia: He does. He does. And so do I. Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas is right around the corner. And we're a family, we should all be together. And if we're adults, which I hope we are, and we're clear about where we stand, which I think we are, then there shouldn't be a problem. So, please, think about it. Stay.
Phillip: Okay. Are you sure?
Olivia: Yeah, I'm positive. Hey, so he's agreed. He's going to stay.
Frank: Hey, Zach, we all miss you, buddy, big time. I like your fire truck pajamas there.
Marina: Yeah, me, too, Zacharoo. Hey, you come see us soon, okay?
Harley: He sure will.
Alexandra: Come back soon.
Frank: We would love to.
Marina: Oh, definitely, you know maybe you guys could get together some time on your own...
Frank: Okay, have a good night... Take care.
Marina: Good night. Bye.
Alexandra: Listen, Buzz, darling, will you take this little man and tuck him up into bed, because I need to talk to his parents.
Buzz: Fine. Gosh, you're going to be a linebacker.
Harley: I'll come up and say goodnight before I go.
Alexandra: Oh, he's the most adorable child. And I can see how much you both love him. Well, since you have admitted that Harley is such a wonderful mother, I just don't understand why we can't broker some kind of a peace deal?
Phillip: We can. We just have to work out the situation with Gus.
Harley: To my satisfaction.
Phillip: Then we won't.
Harley: Okay, well, then. Good-night.
Alexandra: Goodnight.
Harley: Thank you for a wonderful night. Thank you for being so open- minded. I wish that ran in the family. Good night.
Alexandra: I'll see you soon.
Phillip: Don't. He's my son and I love him. And I am protecting him. If I had any doubts about what I was doing, I wouldn't be doing it. I know I'm right.
Alexandra: You always do, Phillip. Even when you're wrong. Good night.
Phillip: Good night.
Ed: Honey, please try to relax.
Michelle: Dad, you heard Carmen. She is after Robbie! She's so sick right now, she thinks that he's Danny. If you hadn't walked in here when you did, she could have Robbie with her right now.
Ed: So then call Tony. He said he was going to run interference.
Michelle: I will, I will. I'll call Tony and I will call Danny, and I'll call whoever else it takes. But if push comes to shove, I will handle Carmen myself.
Josh: The kitchen is clean. It is spotless.
Reva: Thank you.
Josh: Oh, you got to thank your son.
Shayne: It was my pleasure. I'm just happy to have you home.
Reva: Ditto, pal.
Shayne: I'm all tired, guys. I'm going to go hit the sack.
Josh: Goodnight.
Reva: Night, night, sweetheart.
Shayne: Get some rest.
Reva: When I think that it could have been years before I was able to be home with you like this again...
Josh: No, no, no, like Ross said, you're not getting in anymore trouble ever again, okay? What is it...
Reva: There's something...
Josh: With Cassie?
Reva: ...I have to tell you.
Josh: Okay, what is it?
Reva: I love you.
(Danny coughing)
Gus: All right, listen, I have to do that. I'm going to find a body and I'll get back in touch with you, okay? Now, we need to get him some medical attention because he's really in bad shape. But I can't do it because I think it would be too risky. And there's already too many people...
Cassie: What if I know someone that we can trust?
Gus: Who?
Cassie: Ed Bauer.
Gus: Cassie...
Cassie: I'm telling you, Gus, we can trust Ed.
Gus: All right. All right, do. And I'll be in touch with you. And just be careful, all right?
Cassie: Thank you. Hey, there. I'm going to get you some towels and keep you warm, okay?
Danny: I have to...
Cassie: And try and find a blanket.
Danny: I have to leave; I have to go somewhere else.
Cassie: Don't start that again, please. You're not going anywhere. The answer's no. Okay? Danny? Danny?
Danny: What? What? I'm fine.
Cassie: Oh, God, I just...
Danny: I'm fine.
Cassie: Danny. Danny? Gus? Gus! I don't care if you want me to or not, but I am calling Ed.
Danny: Um? No. No.
Cassie: Danny...
Danny: No.
Cassie: Danny! Danny.