GL Transcript Thursday 11/21/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/21/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya


Josh: Excuse us. What the hell is he doing here?

Marah: I invited him.

Josh: I didn't know you were bringing a guest.

Marah: Dad, we're celebrating Mom getting out of prison, right?

Tony: Hey, I can go.

Marah: No, no. Look, Tony put out the word in prison so that Mom wouldn't get into trouble while she was there. I think that he deserves to be here.

Josh: Thank you for helping Reva.

Tony: That went well.

(Marah scoffs)

Beth: So, Michelle, how have you been?

Michelle: Well, you know, busy with classes, chasing a toddler. It's a lot.

Beth: Oh, yeah, sounds like you need a place to escape to. You know, Bill and I are looking to rent a place to escape to. That will make things a lot easier for us, hopefully.

Michelle: Good. That's good.

Josh: I'm going to head upstairs, throw something else on.

Ross: Yeah, all right. Listen, Blake finally arrived, but we may have to leave early because of the baby-sitter. Where's Reva? I mean, is she going to come home soon?

Josh: I haven't the faintest idea. I just know she's working on something with Cassie.

Ross: Something legal, I hope. No more forgery or anything like that?

Josh: I think that's over, Ross.

Ross: Yeah, I hope so. Listen, Josh, the governor went out on a limb to grant a pardon to her. Reva's going to have to be a model citizen for quite some time.

Josh: Okay.

Carmen: I want the Beacon covered. Every exit. No, I'll check the wine cellar myself. No, you just stay there. I'll be there in a few minutes. Antonio!

Eden: He's not here, Carmen. Remember? He hates our guts. He thinks that you're the one that killed...

Carmen: Shut up. I don't want you to say that anymore. You hear me? He should be here helping me. That's what he should be doing. (sighs)

Eden: Well, what do you need help with?

Carmen: All right. Grab a case of wine and come with me. You're about to see what happens when people hide things from me.

Reva: What does it look like?

Cassie: Well, bad news. We're being watched. There's some guy outside the building, and there's some guy by your car.

Danny: That means every door's covered.

Cassie: No, I haven't checked all the doors yet, Danny.

Danny: No, it's Carmen. Trust me. She's got every exit covered.

Reva: How are we supposed to get him out of here?

Danny: Is there anything underground?

Cassie: No, the only way we can leave is through the lobby.

Danny: I'm screwed. I'm... I'm screwed.

Cassie: No, no, don't say that. You're not.

Danny: My mother knows I'm here. She's moving in. I'm a dead man.

Michelle: Well, I'm glad that one member of the loser's club is doing well, anyway.

Beth: Loser's club?

Bill: Yeah. It's just a game that we used to play when we were feeling down and sorry for ourselves.

Beth: Oh. Well, I hope you won't be having to call a meeting any time soon.

Bill: I don't think so. (laughter) How about you? Are you ready to convene?

Michelle: I'm fine.

Bill: Really?

Michelle: Really. I am. Excuse me.

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Hey, son.

Bill: Hey, Dad. What's going on? You know Beth.

Billy: Sure do.

Beth: Hi, Billy.

Bill: Well, I'm going to go drop this off in the kitchen.

Beth: Oh, take this with you, too.

Bill: I'm going to be right back. You got it.

Billy: How about we go be lookouts?

Beth: You want to step outside?

Billy: Yeah, that way we can surprise Reva instead of the other way around.

Ross: Oh, thank you.

Blake: This is nice. It's a real party, instead of a funeral or a pre-prison wake. I'm sure Cassie and Reva are both relieved that this is over.

Ross: Let's hope it actually is.

Blake: What do you mean?

Ross: Well, Reva's still technically my client, so I can't break privilege.

Blake: Okay. But you can tell me that everything's okay? Or it's going to be okay?

Ross: Worrying is not going to help either one of us, Blake.

Blake: Ross.

Ross: I think I'm going to call home, check on the baby- sitter. I want to say good night to the kids, anyway.

Michelle: I think that Carmen's holding out on me.

Tony: What?

Michelle: When I saw her today, I told her that I was trying to get in touch with Danny and I also warned her off.

Tony: Michelle, you've got to stay away from Carmen.

Michelle: I won't have her going after Robbie again like she did at the hospital.

Tony: I'm on it, Michelle, but don't do that again, promise me. Don't do anything to set Carmen off.

Michelle: Why, Tony? What's going on?

Tony: She's just really strange these days.

Michelle: Yeah, especially about Danny.

Tony: Did she say something?

Michelle: No. No, but I get the impression she knows where he is.

Tony: I bet she does.

Michelle: Do you? You do. Tony? Tony, you have to tell me where Danny is.

Reva: Danny, as long as you stay here, you are a sitting duck and so is everyone around you.

Danny: You're right. You're right. You two get out of here. I'll figure something out.

Cassie: Anywhere, Danny. You can't handle this on your own. (Danny groans) No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Be careful, be careful..

Reva: May I suggest something? That maybe we wait until the lobby is almost empty and then create a diversion of some sort? Then Danny can slip out and I'll bring the car to the front. Can you walk at all?

Danny: I can make it to your car. I can.

Cassie: I have extra waiter's uniforms in the employee locker room. I can put you in a uniform.

Reva: Okay, you go get the uniforms, and I'm going to go get the car and bring it around to the front door.

Cassie: Wait, wait, wait. Your car is being watched by some guy.

Reva: I can handle Carmen's muscle. I'll meet you guys in the lobby.

Danny: All right.

Cassie: You going to be okay for a few minutes?

Danny: Yeah.

Cassie: Stop, stop, stop, stop. Come on, lay down, lay down. Be careful.

Danny: Can we trust Reva? Can we trust her?

Cassie: I know we can.

Danny: I hope so.

Cassie: I'll be back.

Carmen: Hello. My name is Carmen Santos, and I brought a case of wine with me. I'd like to store it in your cellar for my dinner parties here.

Bellman: That's unusual, Mrs. Santos. I'm not sure that we can accommodate that sort of...

Carmen: Oh, I'm sure that you can accommodate me. As a matter of fact, we have it. But I'd like to inspect the cellar first. You see, it's a very delicate, expensive vintage.

Michelle: Look, I just want Danny to keep his end of the bargain with Carmen. That's all. So if you know where he is...

Tony: Michelle, I don't. Just let me take care of Carmen.

Michelle: It's Danny's job.

Tony: It's mine now.

Michelle: Why?

Marah: Michelle, he's just trying to help.

Michelle: Well, why do I feel like everybody is trying to keep something from me? What is going on, Tony?

Marah: There's nothing going on.

Michelle: Look, the two of you are here together. Suddenly, I turn around and there you guys are.

Marah: Yes, he helped my mom out in jail. I told you that. I just... I thought it would be nice if he came.

Tony: And I am going to take care of Carmen because Robbie's my Godson. You don't have to see her. That was the deal, right? So let me take care of her, okay?

Michelle: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just... When I think about her near Robbie, it just gives me the creeps, you know?

Marah: I know. I can understand why.

Michelle: And the last time I saw Danny... Look, you would tell me if he was in trouble, wouldn't you? I know I said that I didn't want to know, but now, I just... Just let me know, Tony. Please?

Marah: Oh, hey. Look, Rick and Mel are here.

Michelle: Thanks, Tony.

Tony: Mm-hmm.

Marah: Are you okay?

Tony: You know, maybe I should have told her, but with all these people here, I hate this.

Marah: I know. I know, me, too. You want to just go?

Tony: Well, what about the party?

Marah: I know, but Mom's not even here yet and who knows if she's even going to show up. Come on, let's go.

Mel: So, Michelle, where should I put this?

Michelle: Here, I'll take it for you. I'll put it over there.

Mel: Okay.

Michelle: It's good to see you at a party again, Rick.

Rick: It's good to be at one. Where's... Where's Beth?

Bill: I have no idea where she is. I think she went outside or something.

Beth: So what's on your mind, Billy?

Billy: Well, you know, I just was thinking when I saw you come in with Bill that I've... I've known you just about as long as anybody in Springfield, you know, ever since you were about Shayne's age. That's a long, long, long time.

Beth: (laughs) It's not that long ago. In fact, sometimes it seems like it was yesterday.

Billy: Ah, well. A lot of water under a lot of bridges.

Beth: I guess so.

Billy: Yeah.

Beth: Why don't you just say it, Billy?

Billy: What do you want with Bill?

Beth: You're worried about him, and I understand that.

Billy: I know you can, because you have a teenager of your own.

Beth: Oh, well, hold on. (laughs) Bill is not a teenager. He's a long way from it.

Billy: Yeah, well, it seems like just yesterday and, you know, it's hard not to look at the boy and not see that kid who would bring home every wounded bird that he would find. He's a lot like my mama that way.

Beth: Billy, I'm not looking for anyone to take care of me. In fact, I won't let them, and Bill knows that. He can walk away any time he wants.

Billy: That's just the way to keep him, huh? I mean, that's smart.

Beth: I'm not playing.

Billy: Then what are you doing with my boy?

Rick: Shaggy? Nelly? Is there anything down there with two names and a melody?

Shayne: Hey, look, can we save the old fogey music until Mom gets here?

Rick: I'm a healthy man again, Shayne, so I'd watch your step.

Josh: Our CD’s are down here.

Mel: Honey, it would be nice if you listened to something made in the last decade.

Rick: Thanks, sweetheart.

Ross: Why? Bite your tongue.

Rick: Here we go. (Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" playing)

isn't she lovely...

Bill: Oh.

Michelle: Oh.

Bill: Oh. You ready to make Miss Crosby proud?

Michelle: Okay, you never paid attention in dance class.

Bill: As you see, I've been stretching since then. Let's do this. (laughter)

Cassie: Come on. We're not there yet. Come on.

Danny: Okay. I don't know what's going to happen when you let go.

Cassie: We don't have to worry about that right now, okay? Listen, we're going to take it slow, I'm going to be with you the whole way, and we can make it seem like we're talking about hotel business. We may be able to walk straight through the lobby. If not, Reva's up there and she will make a diversion, okay? Come on.

Danny: I'm sorry. This is... This wasn't the plan.

Cassie: Stop. What is it they say, "Life is what happens when you're making other plans"?

Danny: Yeah, we'd know. We'd know, wouldn't we?

Cassie: Well, I didn't plan for any of this, but I'm here and you're here, and let's try to keep it that way.

Danny: Okay.

Cassie: Let's go. You ready?

Danny: Okay.

Cassie: Come on.

Bellman: Mrs. Winslow has put the wine cellar off-limits, ma'am.

Carmen: That's ridiculous.

Eden: Look, Mrs. Santos has a very expensive case of wine in the car.

Carmen: I want to see Mrs. Winslow immediately.

Cassie: You okay?

Danny: Yeah.

Cassie: Where is she? (low chattering) Your mother is out there, okay? You need to be ready to move quickly. Can you handle that?

Danny: Hmm.

Cassie: Okay.

Danny: Yeah.

Cassie: Is there a problem?

Carmen: Oh, yes, there's a problem.

Reva (drunkenly): Hey, sis! You've got to come with me and talk to your bartender.

Cassie: What?

Reva (drunkenly): He won't give me another glass of wine. Can you believe it? You really need to talk to him.

Cassie: Oh, you know, you really need to go home to your family.

Reva (drunkenly): No, I want to stay here with you, my favorite sister, my best sister, who I would do anything in the world for. Anything.

Cassie: You shouldn't push that, you know? You really shouldn't push it.

Carmen: Cassie, could you please...

Reva: Butt out, Carmen! Pushing, pushing, what am I pushing? I'm free! Let's celebrate!

Carmen: Cassie, could you please...

Reva: Didn't I tell you to butt out, dragon lady?

Cassie: You know what? I'm taking you home.

Reva: No! I'm not going...

Cassie: Let's go, let's go.

Reva: (gasps in horror) Oh.

Carmen: Look what you've done.

Reva (drunkenly): I stained...

Cassie: Oh, my goodness.

Eden: You have to fix this. (All talking over each other)

Cassie: Come on down here please.

Reva (drunkenly): Cassie, this is stained. Maybe you should get something to clean it off.

Cassie: Okay. Club soda, please.

Reva (drunkenly): Send her, send Cassie the bill.

Cassie: Reva, will you please go?

Reva (drunkenly): I'll go.

Cassie: I think you need to go.

Reva (drunkenly): I will get a cab and go.

Cassie: Thank you.

Reva (drunkenly): Sorry.

Cassie: Well, how about that?

Carmen: Your sister is out of control.

Cassie: Well, that's my sister.

Carmen: Well, she made a bad mistake.

Cassie: Is that a threat? I think you need to get out.

Eden: Look, Mrs. Santos came with a case of wine to put in your cellar.

Cassie: I don't want your business, Carmen. I already told you that. I want you to leave.

Carmen: You know, Cassie, you don't get to pick and choose when you want business from my family. We are the only reason this hotel is open and you're still breathing.

Cassie: Okay, fine. Where's your precious case of wine?

Carmen: I want to see the cellar first.

Cassie: Sorry. Wine cellar is off-limits. The hotel had an inspection and it didn't pass.

Carmen: I'll risk it. Unless there's something down there you don't want me to see.

Cassie: No, not at all. Let's go.

Eden: Do you want me to go with you?

Carmen: Go back to Infierno and wait for me there.

Tony: (sighs) Thanks for coming. I need to check in every time I know Eden and Carmen aren't here. I haven't been here for days.

Marah: Since that night that Danny... Since that night.

Tony: Yeah. Yeah. I have to do something about Carmen. She's been talking to walls these days, and pretty soon they're going to start answering back.

Marah: How do you know?

Tony: Oh, I got eyes on her just in case she slips. Leads us to Danny. Anyway, my eyes tell me that Carmen's definitely coming unglued, and when Michelle told me about how she got up in her face...

Marah: Uh, you turned white.

Tony: Yeah. I mean, there's no telling how Carmen could fall apart. I mean, I have to find a way to keep the lid on Carmen so Michelle doesn't come after her again. And then I have to find a way to tell Michelle about Danny.

Marah: Tony, it's a lot. It's too much for one person.

Tony: Yeah, well, I'm it. I'm all that's left. Look, maybe, you know, maybe you shouldn't be around here. Why don't you go home, make your dad's night? Huh?

Marah: Is that what you want me to do?

Tony: Well, I don't think you should miss your mom's party.

Marah: Well, there's not really going to be a party if my mom doesn't end up showing up. Do you really want me to go?

Tony: No.

Marah: Look, I'm sorry about my dad. I know he's being unfair right now, but...

Tony: He's just looking out for you.

Marah: I know. I know, but he doesn't know...

Tony: Oh, he knows. And if I were Josh, I probably would have wanted to kill me last summer.

Marah: Yeah, well, he was mad. But he stopped himself, just like you were able to stop yourself the other night with Carmen.

Tony: Yeah, I stopped myself with Carmen. But I didn't when it was you, when you mattered more than anything to me.

Marah: Tony, stop. How do you do that? How do you turn something good like you stopping yourself with Carmen and make it into you're a terrible person?

Tony: Because I was when it counted with you.

Marah: Tony, it always counts. And even with me, you were able to stop.

Tony: Not soon enough.

Marah: No. We always end up back there, don't we?

Tony: Yeah.

Marah: What if... What if there were some way to make that night go away?

Tony: I don't know that we could ever do that.

Marah: Well, maybe we could. I mean, we've never... We've never done this. We've never sat together calmly and gone through it together.

Beth: Bill isn't a boy anymore.

Billy: He's not a man, either, who has two kids and a bunch of angry ex's. Beth, he's young. I want him to have fun, not a bunch of headaches that he didn't ask for and he shouldn't have to deal with at his age.

Beth: Well, he doesn't have to deal with Phillip, and as for my children...

Billy: Oh, yeah, yeah. Lizzie's taking this real well, isn't she?

Beth: And Bill understands that because he was in the same position himself. He knows what it's like to live through a messy breakup and watch both of your parents move on. Look, it happens to the best of us, and he is... He is a lot tougher than you think.

Billy: Yeah, well, I just wish he didn't have to be.

Beth: And we all wish that we had had easier child hoods.

Billy: You know something, Beth? Bradley Raines should have been strung up long...

Beth: Hey, I survived and I didn't get to be young anymore, but... But that is the great thing about Bill. He is still young and he doesn't have any scars. You did good, Billy.

Billy: Oh, not always.

Beth: Yes, you did. You raised a good man who knows how to have fun. And that's what he's given me. I get to be young and I get to have fun in a way that I never could before. And I will always cherish that.

(dance music playing)

Michelle: Oh, boy. All right, thanks. It's been a while since I danced with anyone, you know? Anyone else, anyway.

Bill: I'm going to go ice my toes, okay? Stretch out a little bit.

Michelle: Ha-ha. (music continues)

Rick: You guys look pretty cute together.

Michelle: Lee Ann Crosby's ballroom dance class, fifth grade.

Rick: I would say you definitely graduated from that.

Michelle: And what's that supposed to mean?

Rick: Let's see, um...

Michelle: Come on.

Rick: The kiss?

Michelle: What do you mean?

Rick: Remember when Beth came over to the house the other day and she was going on and on about how great everything was between her and Bill?

Michelle: Right. That was a little weird.

Rick: Well, apparently, she was telling you all that because she had caught you guys kissing.

Michelle: No. No. No, that was nothing. Oh, God... Oh, my God, Rick. Why do I feel like I'm in the eighth grade all over again?

Rick: You know, this guy's playing the field, Michelle, and I don't want to see you get hurt. I'm worried about you.

Michelle: No, it's not like that, it's not. I have to... I have to go fix this.

Josh: Let me guess: You're starving.

Shayne: I'm a little hungry, but I think I can wait till she gets here.

Josh: Well, I don't know how long she's going to be tied up with Cassie, so you know, if you want to get going.

Shayne: I'm waiting for Mom.

Josh: She'll be here, son.

Shayne: I know. I'm just going to wait for her, I'm going to leave this food so it looks nice and garnished when she gets here, and I'll go raid the fridge.

Josh: All right. Okay, Reva, where are you?

Tony: I hate that office. Every time I'm in there by myself for more than a few minutes, I start seeing it again. Like a movie, it plays over and over. Every time I'm trying to change it, trying to stop myself before I even touch you.

Marah: Do you? Do you stop yourself?

Tony: Every time. You tell me what happened and I just walk out, not a word. And I go to the jail where they keep Romeo Jones, and I kill him with my bare hands. Some hero, huh?

Marah: Well, I've had that fantasy. (scoffs) Many times. I mean, you know where Romeo's in prison, right?

Tony: Oh, yeah.

Marah: And you have connections, so I'm sure you could have had him killed pretty easily. But you didn't, did you?

Tony: No. I would rather see him rot. That's some improvement, huh?

Marah: It's what I want. After what he did to you and Catalina?

Tony: And you.

Marah: No. No, Tony, that was me. And I hate it more than you ever could, and that's what made it so difficult to face you that night, because all those things that you were saying to me, I was telling myself the exact same thing. No matter what my reasons were, I took something that should have been so special, that I wanted to share with you, and I just trashed it. I felt like dirt. Worse than dirt.

Tony: What did I give you in return? Hm? Marah, I am so sorry.

Marah: I know.

Tony: I've never had a right, never, to touch you. Ever.

Marah: No. No, you didn't. You did a horrible thing. But that doesn't mean that that's who you have to be. Tony, don't forget about all the good in you, too. I mean, you've done so many amazing, wonderful things for me.

Tony: That one night means more than those other things.

Marah: Only if you make that true.

Tony: For what it's worth, the other night, when I looked at Carmen, it's like I really saw her for the first time, and I thought to myself, "this isn't me. This isn't me. I want out." You know, and I thought about how Danny tried to get away, and Ray. And I thought, "I really want this." For the first time, I want to be different. For me. Not you.

Marah: Then you can. You've already started. You get a second chance.

Tony: Is that what this is?

Marah: I look at Danny and Michelle and maybe they don't get a second chance. And it makes me think that if I were in Michelle's shoes and it was you who was gone... Tony, if you really, truly want to change...

Tony: I do. I really do. But Marah, no matter what, we're always going to be different.

Marah: Well, yeah. I mean, I hope so, because otherwise it'd be pretty boring.

Tony: Yeah, but what about your family, huh?

Marah: Hey, you know what? I have ex-cons in my family, too. Two of them.

Tony: Two? Who besides your mom has ever done time?

Marah: Uncle Billy.

Tony: Oh, I knew there was a reason that that guy liked me.

Marah: We're not that far apart, Tony. And you just lost somebody that you love. I mean, Danny was the best friend you've ever had, right?

Tony: Yeah.

Marah: And I don't really want you to have to be alone right now.

Tony: So, what do you... What do you want? You want to... You want to watch?

Marah: Yeah. Yeah. Think you can handle that?

Tony: I could learn to.

Reva: Easy, easy.

Danny: Yeah, got it. (coughs)

Reva: Here, sit. Ooh, easy. Careful, careful.

Danny: All right.

Reva: Okay.

Danny: You sure nobody saw us?

Reva: Yeah, well, I came around the back way, so I don't think anybody saw us, at least not in the house. Oh, you're bleeding.

Danny: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Reva: It looks bad, Danny.

Danny: It just opened up again a little bit. It's not bad.

Reva: Oh, you know that for a fact?

Danny: It's just... I'll just put some pressure on it, stop it. It'll stop. You have a towel?

Reva: What are you, Dr. Santos? It's a bullet wound, Danny. You need stitches or surgery.

Danny: No. No, I told Cassie no doctors, no hospital.

Reva: Yeah. Well, you can't tell me, because you're here, this is my house. I should be inside celebrating with my husband, not out here with you bleeding all over my pool house, telling me what to do.

Danny: (gasping) You're right. You're right, I'm sorry. I'll go.

Reva: How?

Danny: I'll go.

Reva: How?

Danny: I don't know. I'll manage.

Reva: No. What, are you going to go outside and collapse and die and then have Cassie blame me for that?

Danny: What do you want? What do you want me to do? What do you want?

Reva: I don't know. I want my family to be safe. I want this whole thing to be over.

Danny: Okay. All right. Then don't draw attention to this place.

Reva: Believe me, I won't.

Danny: No doctors. No doctors. That's for your safety, your family's safety as much as mine. And I'll get out of your hair as soon as I can, I promise.

Reva: You're not going anywhere with that wound. I'm going to go in the house and see if I can find some bandages or some gauze or something. Cassie should be here soon. We'll figure out what to do then.

Danny: (groaning)

Cassie: This is the wine cellar that you so desperately had to see.

Carmen: So, what's the problem? I don't see that there was a problem here.

Cassie: It's none of your business, but it's asbestos. So take a deep breath and take a good look, and when you're done, I want you and your goons out of here.

Michelle: Hey. Why didn't you tell me that Beth knew what happened?

Bill: What?

Michelle: On Halloween night. Why didn't you tell me that she'd seen us because then when she came over and was going on and on, I would have known what she was going on about.

Bill: I have no idea what you're going on about. Hey, where you been?

Beth: Oh, I was just getting some fresh air. Is something wrong?

Michelle: Uh... I'm just really, really embarrassed, that's all. Bill didn't tell me that you had seen us kissing on Halloween night and I just... I hope he told you that it meant nothing at all.

Reva: Josh! I'm back!

Everybody: Surprise!

Tony: Marah, is this just because you feel bad about Danny? Or is it, I mean, do you really think we could start over, like, for real?

Marah: I'd like to try.

Tony: Okay. So, all right. Okay. How about it? A date? A first date?

Marah: I remember...

Tony: What?

Marah: ...The first time I went into that office two years ago. Do you remember that night?

Tony: Oh, yeah. Sure.

Marah: Yeah. Back then it was me who wanted the real date. I can still remember your face: "You want the whole romance thing? Oh, yeah, yeah, I could do that. When?"

Tony: Oh, come on, now. You know, that wasn't me. That was some other guy.

Marah: Oh, really?

Tony: Yeah, really.

Marah: Yeah, you know, you wanted it, like, right then, that night.

Tony: Some things never change. (laughs) All right. So, is tonight too early? How about it? A real date.

Marah: (laughs)

Cassie: Well, you've seen it, Carmen. It's a wine cellar. Wine, wine racks, boxes. So, let's go.

Carmen: There's something else, something you're not saying to me.

Cassie: Well, okay. Maybe there is something I'm not saying to you. How about, "I don't want you in my hotel"? How about that? And if you come back again, I'm going to call the cops.

Carmen: You live dangerously, Mrs. Winslow. How many children do you have?

Cassie: Three. Beautiful, safe children that are far away from you.

Carmen: You're very lucky, you know that? You don't know what it's like to have nothing left.

Beth: Uh.

Bill: Yep.

Beth: I didn't say anything about seeing you and Michelle because I didn't know how to.

Bill: Well, this is how you could have done it. You could have walked in and said, "What's going on, you two?" But that means you have to actually walk in, not sneak out like you were just spying on somebody that you don't even trust. (laughter in the background) (laughter).

Blake: So tell me, Reva, where were you, tonight?

Rick: Yeah, we have to go home soon.

Josh: No, no, no. Don't be saying that, now.

Reva: No, I'm sorry, I am.

Josh: So what happened?

Reva: Cassie needed to do some cleaning. (laughter)

Shayne: Cleaning? Since when do you clean? (laughter)

Reva: Very funny.

Josh: So, wait a minute, now. It must have been a pretty big mess, then.

Reva: It was. It was a very large mess.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: But if I'd known that there was a party, I would have been here sooner.

Josh: Doesn't matter. You're here now, and we can party all night if that's what we want to do. So here's a toast to Reva.

Blake: Yeah.

Billy: Reva.

Blake: Reva.

Josh: To a clean slate for my favorite jailbird.

Everyone: Salut! (glasses clink)

Danny: Oh, come on. Oh, come on.

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