Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/20/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: Hey. Hi. Well, let's see what the chef has made for you today. I think you got some chicken noodle soup and some toasted bread with butter. I'll help you with that in just a minute. I want to check you.
Danny: What's going on?
Cassie: Hmm?
Danny: You seem nervous.
Cassie: Uh, nothing. It's just, you know, you're taking over my best wine cellar here. It's bad for business, Danny. Customers are going to be rushing down here to get a hold of the wine. Sorry.
Danny: My mother, did she come by again?
Cassie: No.
Danny: Then what?
Cassie: A couple checked into the hotel and they've been acting real strange. I don't know. You know, maybe they're just undercover building inspectors, who knows.
Danny: What do they look like?
Cassie: Well, the man is tall, broad shoulders, dark hair, beard; and she's tiny-- light hair, light eyes. But they dress very nice. Lots of money.
Danny: You got a good look at them?
Cassie: Well, yeah. Like I said, they've been watching me. But who knows? Maybe they have a crush on me.
Danny: I don't like it. We need to get out of here.
Cassie: You better not move.
Danny: We need to...
Cassie: Uh-uh. I'm going to kill you myself if you mess up this. It's my best bandage yet.
Danny: Listen to me. Listen. They sound like professionals that I know from Chicago. We've got to move.
Cassie: Professional what, Danny?
Danny: My mother's nosing around to make sure that I’m dead. If they find me, they'll kill me. And if they know that you're helping me, they'll kill you, too.
Carmen: Men. Men. They always leave you. Even when they're right in front of you and you can reach out and touch them. But they're a million miles away from you inside.
Michelle: Hello, Carmen.
Carmen: You have some nerve to come in here. What do you want?
Michelle: I need to know where Tony is.
Carmen: Like I would tell you.
Michelle: Well, you might as well, because I'm not leaving until you do. I need to get in touch with Danny.
Carmen: Tony's not here, and Danny’s gone. Are you happy?
Marah: Hey.
Tony: Hey.
Marah: Any news yet from the lab?
Tony: No. Between the rain, the dirt and the leaves, the blood sample that Gus found was too contaminated to prove that Danny got shot. They're going to run the test again, but I’m not hopeful.
Marah: So then we're right back where we started. We don't anything for sure.
Tony: Yeah, we do. We know what happened up there on that cliff. Carmen took him out.
Marah: So, then when are we going to tell Michelle? I mean, she has a right to know what's going on.
Waitress: Excuse me.
Marah: Mm-hmm.
Tony: As soon as we know what happened, we'll tell her.
Marah: But it doesn't... It just doesn't feel right keeping a secret from her, Tony. I mean, I don't know. What if... What if the results never match? What if a body never shows up? I mean, are we just going to let her drift along not knowing?
Tony: Maybe that would be the kindest thing to do, Marah.
Marah: Just let her keep thinking that Danny went away?
Tony: Why not?
Marah: Well, it... Is that how things work in your family? I mean, people go away and you just go on just like that?
Tony: No. No, not anymore. This is too much. She's not getting away with this one, Marah. I can promise you that.
Reva: Ms. Wolfe.
Doris: Mrs. Lewis. May we come in?
Reva: "We" who?
Edmund: Hello, Reva.
Reva: Edmund, what are you doing here?
Edmund: I'm in the pursuit of justice, as always. Gentlemen.
Josh: Get this man out of here, Doris, before I...
Ross: Doris, what are you doing? The plaintiff should not be here. This is a family meeting.
Edmund: But I am family. I'm Reva's former brother-in- law.
Ross: Your only interest in this is financial because you filed a wrongful death suit.
Doris: Ross, I'm sure you'll soon agree that Mr. Winslow belongs here. He came to me today with some new information that completely changes the prosecution of this case.
Reva: No, no. You are not going to do this. You're not. You've done some horrible things to me and my family, and I will not let you accuse me here in my own living room. If you want me in jail, then stop talking, stop the torture and just do it.
Doris: Mrs. Lewis, this outburst is highly unnecessary.
Reva: Oh, it's entirely necessary. I will not be bullied in my own living room.
Josh: Reva, it's okay.
Reva: No, it's not okay.
Ross: Doris, today's meeting is over. And next time no surprise agendas and no guests.
Doris: This is what I get for making a house call?
Edmund: You see what I've been dealing with.
Reva: I'm sorry. What you've been dealing with?
Edmund: Oh, Reva, please. Please. If you just stop talking for one minute. I am dropping my civil suit against you, and I have asked the DA to reconsider the state's position against you as well. No moral outrage, no running to the press. Consider it a cease-fire of sorts between the two of us.
Ross: Doris, you agreed to this?
Doris: That's why I’m here.
Edmund: You see, Reva, the law and I feel the existence of Richard’s living will mitigates your actions somewhat.
Reva: Why are you doing this? What's in it for you?
Edmund: Peace of mind. I'll be able to sleep at night without tossing and turning.
Reva: Bull. You still need money.
Edmund: Reva, a dear friend recently reminded me of the power of forgiveness. I've taken that to heart. So on behalf of my dear brother, I would like to say, I forgive you, Reva. I forgive you.
Bill: Hey there, sexy. I am so sorry I'm late. I am.
Beth: Are you? I hadn't noticed. Oh, wait. This is our first public date. So I guess that means I should kiss you properly. There. That's better.
Bill: That made quite the statement.
Beth: Hmm. It was supposed to. So, it's nice to see you again.
Bill: Is that a shot?
Beth: No.
Bill: Wait a minute. You're not angry with me, are you?
Beth: And why would I be angry with you?
Bill: I... You know, since I’ve been working a lot lately, and with Danny out of town, I have been dropping in on Michelle a lot, so I thought...
Beth: Well, I just... I think that's great. I think that's great. I think that Michelle is lucky to have family and friends that can help her through her divorce.
Bill: So then really you're not angry that you haven't seen me in a few days?
Beth: Is this a trick question?
Bill: No, it's just, you know you girls, you say one thing and then you mean another. And then, "wham," they hit you upside the head with a cement pool of hostility right when you're getting ready to watch your favorite team in the playoffs.
Beth: Ah. But you see, the key word in that last statement was "girl." I'm not a girl, I'm a woman.
Bill: Yes, you certainly are.
Beth: And women know how to keep themselves busy. Because like you said, this thing between us is supposed to be simple, fun, hot. And come to think of it, this nervous fishing expedition of yours is anything but. So let's order something to drink. Waiter?
Bill: Just a second there. Hold on a minute there, gorgeous.
Beth: Bill, you're obviously feeling guilty, and I don't know why, because I haven't said or done anything. I'm not your mother. I'm not going to spank you if you're a naughty boy, unless of course you want me to. So tell me, Bill, have been a naughty boy?
Bill: No. But I can be.
Beth: Because if you were feeling guilty for some reason, if there is someplace that you'd rather be, then hey, you can get up and walk right out that door. No guilt, no head trip from me. So give it to me straight, Bill. Is there someone else?
Carmen: There's the door. Why don't you use it?
Michelle: Not until I find out how to contact Danny.
Carmen: Why? Why? Because there's one more hoop you want Danny to jump through? He signed those separation papers to get away from you, Michelle.
Michelle: No, he signed those separation papers to keep you away from Robbie. And I heard that you tried to lay your hands on my son at the hospital. Don't make that mistake again.
Carmen: Or what?
Michelle: It's a known fact that you've tried to kill me before. You're a danger and a threat to this community. And if you come near my son again, I will defend him with my life if I have to.
Carmen: Don't tempt me.
Michelle: Me either. Just tell Danny that I’m looking for him. And you know what? Tell him that I plan to be a way better mother to Robbie than you ever were to him. And, Carmen, if Danny won't handle you, I will.
Danny: (groans)
Cassie: Danny, Danny, Danny, stop, okay? You can't move.
Danny: It must be those painkillers.
Cassie: You can't move, do you hear me? How are you going to defend yourself?
Danny: I can’t stay here. I can’t. If they find me, they'll kill me.
Cassie: Danny, listen to me. I have been so careful, okay? I keep checking every single time I come down here.
Danny: I know.
Cassie: No one has followed me.
Danny: Cassie... But you still... There are hours of the day when you're missing. Look, I'm sorry that I got you involved in this.
Cassie: No. Don't be, okay?
Danny: You got to help me get out of here.
Cassie: Listen, I would never have walked away from you, especially everything you've done to help me. I just... I'm just glad that I’m the one that found you.
Danny: Yeah, me, too. Me, too. But you got to...
Cassie: Danny, I... I have got to help you somehow. We have got to go somewhere for help. Should I call the cops?
Danny: No, no. No, I can’t... I can't trust them.
Cassie: Well, I can't do this...
Danny: They can't help me anyway.
Cassie: I cannot do this alone. I can't do this by myself. I need help. Please, Danny, let me get you some help.
Danny: Okay. Okay. You need to call somebody that you trust; somebody you trust with your life.
Cassie: Thank you. I'll be back.
Bill: Come on. Here. I will keep you warm. See?
Beth: Wow.
Bill: Now don't you ever ask me if there's someplace I'd rather be.
Beth: Bill, what is it that you want?
Bill: You really don't know what I want? You are the most fascinating, beautiful, sexy, changeable and impossible woman that I've ever known. And I want you. I want to be with you. And I am perfectly capable of walking out any door, invited or not, open or shut, all by myself; and let me tell you something, I am not walking.
Tony: I have to finish what Danny started. This family is out of control. Danny had that figured out. And he must have been working his way back to Michelle and using Gus to protect his family.
Marah: So is that why he turned on Carmen?
Tony: That and a whole lot of other reasons. Carmen had this coming to her.
Marah: So now what? I mean, Carmen comes after you next?
Tony: I hope so. I'm pretty sure self-defense will stand up in court. You know, I... I have to get away from all of this. This life took my father, my uncle, my two cousins. I want better than that for myself.
Marah: What do you want?
Tony: A new life, from start to finish. Only I don't know where that life is.
Marah: Well, Ray was able to find it.
Tony: Because he left one family for another. The church took him in, put him through school. It keeps a roof over his head. But when I took that job with your dad, it literally blew up in my face. Anything else I ever tried after that never panned out.
Marah: Tony, just because you were raised a certain way doesn’t... Doesn't mean anything. That's not the real you.
Tony: Yeah, right.
Marah: Hey, didn't you say that you're not a quitter? So don't quit on yourself, okay? If you want something different, then you have to go after it. You have to make it happen. And just keep on trying.
Tony: Marah, why... Why do you still believe in me?
Marah: Because I think that anything is possible. If you believe in it and work hard enough for it.
Tony: If that were true, we'd be together right now.
Marah: Well, in a way, we sort of are.
Reva: Do not presume to forgive me. I did nothing wrong, and you've known that all along. Do you want me to go further with the details? I will. Try me.
Edmund: Reva, your suspicions wound me more than I can say. Here, if it makes you feel any better. Here is a copy of my letter of intent to withdraw the civil suit against you. Oh, you'll find a small character reference at the end; small, but sincere. Just sort of a retraction of the harsh words I've had against you.
Josh: Miss... Ms. Wolfe, can I ask you a question? Have you had any contact with the Governor perhaps today?
Doris: What of it?
Josh: Well, did he happen to say anything to you about the possibility of a pardon?
Doris: As a matter of fact, one of his aides did mention it. I believe it was approved last night. You should be getting your copy delivered tomorrow.
Josh: (laughs) Thank you.
Reva: You mean it's over? It's all over?
Josh: It's over.
Reva: Oh, my God! I can't believe it.
Ross: Reva, congratulations.
Reva: The nightmare is over. So no more retrials? No more recanting? No more rethinking... No more...
Doris: What more do you want, Mrs. Lewis? You have a pardon from the governor, a letter of retraction, and a contrite D.A. standing in your living room. That's about as sure as it gets in this life.
Reva: Yes. Yes, it is.
Ross: Madame District Attorney, should we go and take care of the paperwork?
Doris: Sure.
Josh: Edmund, let me walk you out. There's something you and I need to talk about. Excuse me for just one second.
Edmund: Yes, of course. Reva.
Reva: Thank you, God. Thanks, Richard.
Edmund: You're not going to take a swing at me, are you, Josh?
Josh: Why are you really here? What is it? What do you want? Money?
Edmund: You insult me. Couldn't possibly compare with the satisfaction I feel.
Josh: Let's skip the sanctimonious garbage.
Edmund: All right. Richard's living will is a forgery-- you know it and I know it. And better yet, you know I know it. But the power of forgiveness-- I didn't think it applied in this case, but she was right, and I was wrong. My friend was right. The moment I forgave your wife for taking my brother away, the moment I allowed her to return to her family and her life, I felt... Well, I felt powerful. Oh, I realized I did it as much for myself as anyone else, but look at it this way: In the end, everyone benefited.
Josh: Yeah. (door shuts)
Reva: Did you hurt him?
Josh: I wanted to, but no, I did not.
Reva: You think he'll keep quiet?
Josh: I think he'll keep quiet. I think he knows when he's beat.
Reva: I can't believe it.
Josh: (laughs)
Reva: I can barely believe it. Oh! I just keep waiting for the next miracle, nightmare, whatever it happens to be.
Josh: No more nightmares. Just good dreams from here on in. That's it. In fact, I’m going to get us a bottle of champagne so we can celebrate.
Reva: That sounds great. (knock at door) Oh. I'll get that. Cassie.
Cassie: Reva, I need you, and you are the only person I can trust.
Reva: What's wrong? Come in?
Cassie: Who's here?
Reva: Josh is here with Ross and the DA.
Cassie: Is there trouble?
Reva: No, Cassie. You won't believe this, but the governor is going to pardon me. It's over. It's finally over. And I'm free, thanks to you.
Cassie: Oh, my God, Reva, I’m so happy for you. I am. I know this is fast, but are you ready to cash in the chip?
Reva: You could ask me to do just about anything right now and I'd say yes.
Cassie: Well come out on the porch so we can talk in private?
Reva: Okay, now you're scaring me.
Cassie: The other day on the beach you told me that I could trust you. Now, I need your help right now, but you can't ask any questions.
Reva: Well, I mean I've known for leaping before looking, so it's doable.
Cassie: But this is the hard part. You cannot tell Josh.
Reva: Oh. Well, if it doesn't concern him and it's important to you, then I guess it's okay.
Cassie: Can you go in there and tell him that you need to come with me and run a few errands?
Reva: Now?
Cassie: Reva, it's important.
Reva: Okay.
Cassie: It's really important.
Reva: It's going to be weird, but I'm with you, okay? I'm with you for life. Just wait.
Josh: Well, it's not chilled, but I think after a couple of glasses it won't matter.
Reva: Well, you know, maybe you can chill it, because can we just wait for the celebration until a little later? You'll never believe who's waiting for me out on the porch. Cassie.
Josh: Really?
Reva: She wants me to... Yeah, she wants a second opinion on a color that Olivia picked out at the hotel.
Josh: She asked for your help?
Reva: Yeah.
Josh: That's good.
Reva: Yeah, and I think I need to respond to her overture, don't you?
Josh: Yeah, I think it's a great idea. You go. Be with your sister, you know. Play nice. And then we'll have even more to celebrate later.
Reva: You bet. Love you.
Josh: I love you, darling.
Reva: Okay, what are we going to do?
Cassie: We're saving a life, but we got to move quickly. Come on.
Ross: I made Doris go out the back door. She loved it. (laughter) So what is happening? I thought you and Reva would be celebrating? I was ready to give you a few a minutes alone.
Josh: Well, I’ll tell you the truth, that had crossed my mind. Getting her back completely like this is just...It's like a great, early Christmas present, you know.
Ross: Reva always comes back to you.
Josh: I know.
Ross: She's like a boomerang. You don't know that?
Josh: I forget that sometimes, you know. But now I want to hire a skywriter or I want to buy a billboard in Times Square. But I think what I’ll settle for is this-- the good old fashioned Lewis style surprise party for Reva. (Ross laughs)
Bill: So now are you having fun?
Beth: I always have fun when I'm with you. Why is that?
Bill: I'll tell you why. Because we are crazy about each other.
Beth: Which is so much better than being just plain crazy.
Bill: Well, now that I've been called once or twice.
Beth: You? Huh? You are ranked amateur compared to me. (laughs)
Bill: That is true. You are Miss Crazy. You know why. (Beth laughs) But you are beautiful, Miss Crazy. Would you like to dance?
Beth: Here? Now there's no music.
Bill: We will make our own music.
Beth: Are you trying to make a spectacle of me? (laughs)
Bill: Now I am. No. Come here. Now is that going to get you kicked out of the bridge club?
Beth: I don't belong to a bridge club.
Bill: Well, then you have nothing to worry about. (phone rings) I am not answering that.
Beth: No, answer it, because you're making me dizzy and I think that this is just too hot for the clientele here. They can't handle it.
Bill: Well, maybe they should get out of the kitchen. Pow Pow! No, I'm just kidding there. Who could this be? Hello?
Josh: Bill, this is Uncle Josh. You are invited to my house right here, right now for a surprise party for Reva to celebrate her unequivocal and final freedom.
Bill: Are you kidding me? She's free?
Josh: I mean it. She is free as a bird, and the champagne is chilling. So get your butt over here.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, you bet. You bet. All right. See you soon. Wow! Great news.
Beth: I guess so. Reva's free. Well, that is great news for your family.
Bill: Yep, and we are going to head on over there.
Beth: Oh, me, too. No, no, no.
Bill: Wait a minute now. You wanted to go public. So I think we're through shocking the clientele here. I think we should head it over and shock my family.
Beth: Oh, I think it's a little too late for me.
Bill: Wait a minute. What do you have to worry about? You've got Reva who just beat a murder wrap. You have Josh whose going to be making it up to her his whole life, because he left her for another woman. And then there's Marah who basically hangs out with mobsters. So no one there can throw the first stone.
Beth: You know, when you put it that way you have a point.
Bill: Yeah. So wise. Besides I think there's a little too much going on for them to worry about my little love life.
Beth: There is nothing little about it. (laughs)
Bill: Thank you. Let's go.
Beth: Okay.
Tony: Marah, it's not the best time for me and you to start being friends again. If Carmen does come after me, I do not want you and Carmen to cross fires.
Marah: Been there, done that. It wasn't so bad. You remember when I tried to hide you in my room?
Tony: Yeah, yeah. Your mom had to fight off a hit man in your living room. No wonder she hates me.
Marah: Hey, she doesn't hate you. She is just concerned about us hanging out that's all.
Tony: Oh, you're smooth. Very smooth. You know, you should run for president or something, sometime. Really. (phone rings) Is that your cell phone?
Marah: Yeah. I was going to ignore it, but... It's my dad. Hi, Dad.
Josh: Marah, darling, you haven't been answering your cell phone.
Marah: I know. I'm sorry. Is everything okay?
Josh: Everything is great. But now you're not going to be the first one to hear the news.
Marah: What's up?
Josh: Your mother's been pardoned. She's not going to prison. Not now, not ever.
Marah: Oh, my God! That's great.
Tony: What?
Marah: Are you serious? Do you mean it?
Tony: What happened? What? What?
Josh: I mean it. Really. Now where are you? Can you get over here right now?
Marah: Now, yes. I'm at Company, but I'll be right there.
Josh: Wait, wait. Before you leave buy a couple of... What? A couple of gallons of chili. Three gallons of chili from Buzz. And invite him if he's there.
Marah: Okay, I will.
Tony: What?
Marah: My mom, she's free.
Tony: Marah, that's great.
Marah: I know. This is amazing. I can't believe it. Sorry.
Tony: No, Marah.
Marah: I got carried away.
Tony: Don't. Don't be sorry. I'm happy for you. Really. That's really... That's great news. Go on. Get out of here. Don't you have, like, a party to go to or something?
Marah: Aren't you going to come?
Tony: Me? Come on. I'm not invited.
Marah: Yes, sure you are. I'm inviting you.
Tony: Marah, your mom does not want me there.
Marah: Tony, if it weren't for you, she could have been in big trouble when she was in jail. You gave the word that she was safe.
Tony: Well, what are good are connections if you don't use them, right?
Marah: Besides, I don't want you to be alone tonight.
Tony: You don't have to baby- sit me.
Marah: Hey, are we friends or aren't we?
Tony: Yeah. We're friends.
Marah: Right. Friends. So, my parents should have no objections. Come on. Come on.
Tony: Okay. All right.
Marah: Oh, Buzz. The chili. Buzz?
Tony: Chili?
Marah: Buzz, I need some chili.
Carmen: (singing in Spanish)
Eden: Tony?
Carmen: Go away.
Eden: Sorry. I was looking for Tony. I'm about to start my shift upstairs. I was just wondering if you had any specific instructions.
Carmen: Beyond "go to hell"?
Eden: Yes, thanks to you now he won't even speak to me. I'm wondering if next, he's going to fire me.
Carmen: Yeah, well, just remember who the real power is in this family. Did you talk to the cops? Did you tell your story the way I told you to tell them?
Eden: Yes. And a lot of good that did. Tony still thinks it's because of me that he wasn't able to protect Danny when, you know, whatever.
Carmen: What do you care, huh? What do you care what Tony thinks about your feelings? Big mistake, you know. The men in this family, they just take your feelings and they twist them like a knife then you're cut.
Eden: Tony doesn't care about my feelings. He's too wrapped up in Marah.
Carmen: You can't let that happen. You hear me? You can not let that happen, all right? Michelle, she's ruined enough of my boys. Just don't let that happen. She has to stop sometime.
Eden: Wait a second here. Weren't we talking about Marah? Are you okay?
Carmen: No. But I will be.
Eden: Like, if you need a friend or someone to listen to you, I'm really good at keeping secrets.
Carmen: I'll bet.
Eden: Seriously. We all need a little help from time to time. I know I do. Maybe we can use each other.
Reva: So what's so secret that we couldn't go through the lobby?
Cassie: You'll see.
Reva: Oh. (laughs)
Cassie: He's over there.
Reva: Danny? Oh, my God! Everybody's looking for you. Marah and Tony, they have themselves all tied up in knots over you.
Danny: Sorry. It can't be helped.
Cassie: He won't let me take him to a hospital. So I’ve been down here trying to help him get well.
Reva: You?
Cassie: Yeah.
Reva: How did you get roped into this?
Cassie: We said no questions. Remember? He's not safe here, Reva. We have to move him, because people are after him.
Danny: People are looking for me.
Cassie: They're looking for him.
Reva: Uh-huh. To finish the job I assume.
Cassie: Yeah, and if we get caught moving him, we could die, too. So, you still in on this?
Reva: Okay. I'll help move him. Where is this someplace safe?
Cassie: I was thinking your house.
Reva: (laughs)
Michelle: Hello?
Josh: Hello. Hey, the paper plates have arrived. Let me...I'll take this.
Michelle: Josh, congratulations. I'm so happy for your whole family, really.
Josh: Thank you very much.
Michelle: And you, too, Ross.
Ross: Easiest case I never won and still get paid for it.
Michelle: Whoa! Nice decorations you got here for a last minute party.
Josh: Thank you. With a little help from our friends, we will erase the bad things that happened last year completely from our memories.
Michelle: Amnesia? I could use a little dose of that, too, yeah.
Josh: There you go.
Michelle: How about you putting this lasagna in the oven?
Josh: Thank you very much.
Michelle: Sure. Hey.
Ross: How are you holding up?
Michelle: Oh, I’m fine.
Ross: Yeah?
Michelle: I don't really have any other choice.
Ross: How's Ed?
Michelle: He's good. Better than I am.
Marah: Hey.
Ross: Hi.
Michelle: Hi.
Marah: Did we get here before mom?
Michelle: Yes. Yes. Hey, Tony.
Tony: Hey. Michelle, I didn't know you'd be here.
Michelle: I know. Did you get a chance to talk to Carmen about...
Tony: Yeah, yeah, I did.
Michelle: Me, too. Me, too. But I'm not sure that that's enough.
Josh: Marah, what's he doing here?
Marah: I invited him. He helped mom when she was in jail.
Michelle: Oh, excuse me a second. I'm going to go get myself on the porch.
Ross: Oh, yeah, I’m going to check the ice.
Josh: You are not welcome here in my home.
Bill: Hey, hey, hey.
Michelle: You guys are just in time. Reva's not even here yet.
Bill: Well, good.
Michelle: But you might want to give Josh another moment in there to sort things out with Tony. And I guess I owe you a congratulations on your big day for your family.
Bill: Thank you very much. Thank you.
Michelle: How are you, Beth?
Beth: Good, good. It's nice to see you again, Michelle.
Reva: You're asking me to keep a wounded mobster at my house where my son lives?
Cassie: Reva, look, I’m sorry, okay? I can't take him to the cops. That's why he's here.
Reva: Okay, I’m sorry. I have been here and done this before when they came after Tony in my living room.
Danny: That's right. I'm sorry, Reva. We can do something else.
Reva: This is insane.
Cassie: Okay, what happened to impetuous and daring Reva, huh? Where is she when I need her? Reva, please. I need your help here. Please.
Reva: Okay. We can... We can keep him in the pool house. I mean this time of year no one goes back there and it's warm and it's secluded. But not near the house and not near my kids. And we're telling Josh.
Cassie: No, we can’t. You promised. We can not tell Josh.
Reva: Cassie, if Josh knows about this then he could be prepared if they come after Danny.
Cassie: Josh is such a straight shooter, Reva. He's going to pick up the phone. He's going to call 9-1-1. We can't tell him.
Reva: Okay.
Cassie: Okay.
Reva: It seems that you're calling the shots. So just tell me what to do and when.
Cassie: I think we should wait until after dark and then we'll try to put him in your car. And then we'll come to your house from the backyard...From the back. Who's there right now?
Reva: I'm sure Ross has left by now. And Shayne at practice. It's just Josh. No one will see us.
Danny: Thank you.
Reva: No. You know what? Don’t. Don't even. I'm not doing this for you. And with my pardon, all I need is to get into more trouble with the law. You just stay alive between then and now, okay?
Danny: I'll try.
Cassie: It should be dark in about a half an hour. I'm going to go upstairs and make sure the coast is clear. I know I’m asking you a lot.
Reva: Well, it's like you said, I owe you.
Carmen: No, I don't want to talk to you now. What? Oh, that's just wonderful. News about another blonde? You've been following Cassie too long. I want some results. Yeah. In and out of the wine cellar, huh? Hours at a time? Yeah, I'll hold. Oh, Cassie, Cassie, what so special about your wine cellar?