Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/19/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Reva: Shayne! Shayne Lewis, if you're any later...
Shayne: Ma, there's a teachers' meeting today. There's no school.
Reva: Oh. Oh, I didn't know.
Shayne: Well, you couldn't really have known, since you were in the...
Reva: I was in prison, right. Here. Take it to the kitchen.
Shayne: It's no problem. Hey, Dad.
Josh: Hey, son. How are you this morning?
Shayne: All right.
Josh: Hi there.
Reva: Mm!
Josh: Mm.
Reva: Mm. That was nice.
Josh: Well, it's already a good day. I just got off the phone with Ross.
Reva: And?
Josh: And it seems that the governor is indeed interested in taking another look at your case. In fact, he called the D.A.'s office this morning. And Doris wants to have a little meeting with us later on.
Reva: The governor's thinking about the pardon?
Josh: Yes, that's right.
Reva: Oh, Joshua.
Josh: And it was all because of finding that living will, Richard's living will. That's what made the difference. What? What is that? This is what we want, isn't it? This is a good thing.
Reva: Oh, Joshua, I... I don't know how to tell you this, but you're going to have to call Ross and cancel the meeting.
Josh: (laughs in disbelief) What... What are you talking about? The governor's pardon would make all of this go away. It would be...
Reva: I know. I know. Joshua, I know what it would do. But if this is all based on Richard's "Do not resuscitate" order, then it can't happen.
Josh: Why?
Reva: Because Cassie didn't find the living will. What she has is a forgery.
Marina: Anything else?
Edmund: Just a question, actually. Hasn't Ross Marler been having breakfast here lately?
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, he comes in every couple of days. I think Blake has him on some sort of heart-healthy diet, so of course he sneaks out. He gets two eggs over easy, a side of hash browns, and rye toast.
Edmund: Well, I'm sure that does his arteries a world of good.
Marina: Why do you need a lawyer?
Ross: Good morning, Marina. Good morning. I believe that I will have...
Edmund: Two eggs over easy, a side of hash browns, and some rye toast.
Ross: It's all right, Marina, I'll have my usual. Edmund, hello.
Edmund: This is your lucky day, Counselor. I'm about to save you from being disbarred and going to jail for defending Reva Lewis.
Olivia: Last night was incredible.
Alan: How foolish those doctors were to think that if I made love to my wife, it would be my death. I've never felt more alive in my life.
Olivia: I want to make you happy, Alan. You know that, don't you?
Alan: I've never been happier, Olivia. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone.
Alexandra: Make sure you get that buy order in to Tokyo before their market closes, okay?
Lloyd: Right away, Baroness.
Alexandra: Listen, you go ahead. I want to stay here for a while.
Lloyd: As you wish, Baroness.
Alexandra: So, Phillip, a single malt whiskey for breakfast?
Phillip: Well, actually, I'm still working on last night, but I appreciate your concern.
Alexandra: Oh, Phillip, I am really concerned about you. You know, I stayed here last night, too, for the same reason that you did.
Phillip: I don't think so.
Alexandra: Oh, not exactly for the same reason, but if Alan is determined to make such a fool of himself about Olivia, then I just cannot stand by, and neither can you-- as the two people who love him most in the world—and watch.
Phillip: You know what, Alexandra? Why don't you just go to hell?
Alexandra: Phillip, I am only trying to help you.
Phillip: You know what? Just stay out of my way. And just leave me alone, okay? Hey! Come here. Who do I have to talk to, to get a drink around here?
Alexandra: No, no. No, no. Not another drink. We want a pot of coffee.
Phillip: No, I don't want... I want a drink. I would... Bring me some scotch.
Alexandra: Listen, will you...
Phillip: Bring...
Alexandra: No. Sit down and shut up and listen to me, Phillip. Please. I am really concerned about you, and it is driving me crazy to see how you are being just totally besotted and overtaken by Olivia.
Phillip: (laughs) I'm not being overtaken by anything. You think what I've got is a schoolboy crush here? It's actually quite a bit more complicated than that.
Alexandra: Is it?
Phillip: Yeah, it is.
Alexandra: Well, in that case, I'd like you to explain it to me, please. Thank you. Here.
Phillip: Okay.
Alexandra: Drink this, all of it.
Phillip: You want me to explain?
Alexandra: Yeah.
Phillip: Hey.
Alexandra: Yeah, I'm listening.
Phillip: I would like for my father to have some happiness, okay? And Olivia, she deserves to have a good life, too. You may not think so.
Alexandra: I'm only concerned about you.
Phillip: Well, you know, I'd like to have a good life. I'd like to feel good. I'd like to have something good happen to me. But the way things are looking at the moment, I don't think that that's going to happen anytime soon.
Alexandra: Yeah, well, I think that it's Olivia that's made you feel like that. She's an opportunist.
Phillip: No, she's not. You know what? You don't know her at all. You don't know who she is. She... She is a good person. You just don't know her. You think because she wants things that there's something wrong with her. But you want things. I want things. Everybody wants things. There's nothing wrong with that. Maybe she has made some mistakes in the way that she's gone about trying to get them. But you know what? She's had a hard time. She'd... Men have treated her like garbage. She's had a hard time with men, and Alan makes her feel safe, and that's a good thing. And she makes him happy, and that's good, too. So you know what? My goal... My goal is just to stay the hell out of their way.
Alexandra: I don't believe this. You really are in love with her.
Alan: Olivia, where are you going? I thought you were coming back upstairs.
Olivia: Well, you need your rest, okay? In the meantime, I'm going to take care of our business.
Alan: Oh, yes, but my heart... My heart needs a workout, and so I think you should come back upstairs.
Olivia: Alan Spaulding turning his back on business? I don't think my heart can take it.
Alan: Well, it's true. You're looking at the new, improved man that you fell in love with.
Olivia: I don't need new and improved. I just need completely well, okay?
Alan: You've made me well. I'm a better man because of you.
Olivia: We're a good team.
Alan: Yes, we are. Maybe it has to do with the love that we have for each other. Now, why don't you forget the Beacon for one day? I think it'll survive without you. Stay here with me.
Olivia: Oh, can I survive without it? For better or for worse, you married a career woman, sweetheart.
Alan: Oh, my, my. You want it all, don't you?
Olivia: Oh, yes I do. And I have it now.
Alan: And so do I, so do I. All right.
Nolan: Good morning.
Alan: Go to work, but come home as soon as...
Nolan: I thought you might like a little breakfast.
Olivia: Oh. Let's check this.
Nolan: Here you are.
Alan: Well, that looks pretty good.
Olivia: Yes, it does. Listen, this is going to have to go back. Sorry. The rest can stay.
Alan: Oh, I see. Now you're watching what I eat.
Olivia: Oh, yeah, always.
Alan: Hm.
Olivia: Nolan, make sure that Mr. Spaulding gets his rest today. He's going to need his strength tonight.
Nolan: Yes, ma'am.
Alan: (chuckles) She's gone. Give me that.
Nolan: Oh, no, no, no, sir.
Alan: Now you're turning against me?
Nolan: No, sir.
Alan: All right. Now, I want you to do me a favor then. When Phillip gets up, tell him I need to speak with him.
Nolan: Well, Mr. Phillip never returned home, sir.
Alan: Really? Well, where is he?
Nolan: Lizzie said something about him staying at the Beacon.
Alan: The Beacon, huh?
Buzz: Hello, Holly.
Holly: Hello, Buzz.
Buzz: What brings you here this morning?
Holly: I'm meeting Ben. I can't put off telling him about that trust fund anymore. I just don't exactly know how to say it.
Buzz: How about "You're young, you're healthy, and it could be a lot worse"?
Holly: Yeah. That's a start.
Buzz: I happen to be making cranberry muffins in the kitchen and it's about time to take them out. Why don't you come along? I'll give you a muffin, and we'll work on your speech? Hmm?
Holly: Well...
Buzz: Come on. I won't bite. I promise. Come to my kitchen. I'll fix you up.
Marina: Hey.
Lizzie: Hey.
Marina: So what's with this big takeout order? Did the cook at your place finally get sick of the Spaulding family?
Lizzie: No. My grandfather is recovering, and I thought that he deserved a little treat, and for some reason, he really likes your grandfather's corned beef hash.
Marina: Ah. So you get him corned beef hash, he gets you, what, a new car? An apartment in Paris?
Lizzie: No. I think I have something a little more important this time.
Marina: Oh. Oh, hey you!
Ben: Hey, yourself. Hi, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Hey, Ben.
Marina: Oh, we have those cranberry muffins that you like so much today.
Ben: Yeah, that's great. Listen, have you guys seen Holly? I'm supposed to meet her here. It's kind of...
Marina: Well, if I have, what's in it for me?
Ben: Well, that's...
Lizzie: Um, Ben, I think Holly went in the kitchen with Buzz.
Ben: Oh, she did, huh? All right, thanks. Thanks, Lizzie.
Marina: (clears throat) A word to the wise, babe: Ben's taken. I can see the way that you're looking at him, okay? First of all, the boy's got so much money that your little trust fund isn't going to matter. Second of all, you are way too young for him.
Lizzie: Like you're not.
Marina: No, I'm not. And thirdly, like I said before, he's mine.
Holly: Ben.
Ben: Hey.
Holly: Hi.
Ben: So, what's going on?
Holly: Um, let's grab a seat, okay?
Edmund: The key to Reva's freedom is Richard's living will, correct?
Ross: It's important, I'll grant you that.
Edmund: And more important still if that document's a forgery.
Ross: What?
Edmund: Forgery, Counselor. Now, as an officer of the court, you're obliged to reveal that fact, aren't you?
Reva: There was a living will, but unfortunately, Edmund got his hands on it first and had it destroyed, and that's why Cassie felt the need to make another copy. I mean, you can understand that. And she didn't just do it for me. She did it for Richard, too. I don't know how she did it, I don't know who helped arrange it for her, but she did it, Joshua. And no matter how crazy or illegal this was, you can't be mad at her. She was trying to put the pieces of the puzzle back together.
Josh: What was she thinking? What were you thinking?
Reva: Me? I had nothing to do with the forgery!
Josh: Reva, I pressured the governor of this state to take another look at your case based on that document. Based on a forgery?
Reva: Okay, but maybe you should have talked to me before you went to the governor, and then this wouldn't have been happening.
Josh: Oh, somehow this is my fault now?
Reva: No. No, it's not your fault. It's no one's fault. But Cassie... Cassie did this because of her love for Richard, because of her love for this family, and now you've put yourself on the line because of your love for me.
Josh: Okay, look, look. This is still in the family. Maybe there's something I could do to keep us all out of jail, but you've got to promise me that you're not going to say a word about this to anybody. Reva, does somebody else know about this?
Reva: There's Edmund.
Josh: Oh. Great. Well, Edmund. Well, that won't be a problem then.
Reva: He doesn't just want me to go back to jail; he wants Cassie to be right there alongside me.
Josh: Wonderful. That's really wonderful. That's great.
Reva: Well, where are you going?
Josh: I'm going to find Cassie. I hope she found somebody good to do this forgery.
Holly: I should have told you about this as soon as I heard, but I just...
Ben: Come on, spit it out, Holly. Come on, how bad can it be?
Holly: Bad. But you know... I mean, there are very few rock-solid investments.
Ben: So, what, you have a stock tip for me? What?
Holly: No. What I'm trying to say is that when the stock market went down, your trust fund went down.
Ben: (laughs) Yeah, right. Oh, okay. Okay. All right, this is a message from my dad, right? He's trying to scare me? All right, we can tell him I'm scared, that I'll cut back on my spending, okay? Wait, I lost my money? Is it a lot of money?
Holly: It's not just a lot. It's most of it. But it's like you... You're on your own now.
Ben: No. No, I'm not on my own, Holly. I'm broke. I have nothing.
Alan: Elizabeth. Why aren't you in school?
Lizzie: Teachers' meeting.
Alan: Oh, really? What have you got there? Hm, wait a minute. It smells like corned beef hash.
Lizzie: Yep. Two eggs on top, buttered toast, and home fries.
Alan: Elizabeth, you are the only one around here who understands what I really need.
Lizzie: Of course I do. I know you don't need to be on that stupid diet.
Alan: Shh, shh. That's our secret, remember?
Lizzie: Oh, Grandpa. We're just so much alike. I mean, we know what we want, and we know how to get it.
Alan: Spoken like a true Spaulding. I want to tell you something: I can honestly say that I have everything that I want, and even more.
Lizzie: Lucky you. I really wish I could say the same thing.
Alan: Why can't you say the same thing? I mean, you're young, talented, very intelligent, rich. You've got a full life of happiness in front of you.
Lizzie: I wouldn't say that. I mean, I won't have any more days like these, that's for sure.
Alan: What are you talking about?
Lizzie: Well, I'm talking about spending time with you.
Alan: Elizabeth, you can spend time with me. I'm not going anywhere.
Lizzie: But I am. Dad keeps talking about moving, and he's totally serious. I mean, he wants to take me and James and Zach, and he wants us to live in... You know, I don't even know where.
Alan: I see. Well, it's not as bad as all of that. I... I don't want that to happen either, Elizabeth, but if your father makes that decision, I will have to honor it.
Lizzie: But Grandpa, it's so safe here. I mean, everything is the way it's supposed to be, and if we leave, well... I mean, anything could happen.
Alan: Look, your father and I will always make sure that you are a very safe girl. You know that.
Lizzie: That's not what I mean, exactly. We're family, and we're supposed to stay together. And if we don't, well, information might leak out. You know?
Alan: What kind of information?
Lizzie: Well, almost anything. I mean, dad and Olivia might find out that you faked a heart attack. I mean, you know, I almost slipped up on that before. You know what I mean.
Alan: Yes, I do. I know what you mean.
Phillip: I don't know what you want from me. I've already admitted that I am attracted to Olivia.
Alexandra: Attracted to her? When a man talks about a woman as though she is the only woman in the world for him, then he's hooked. You know, that's the same way you used to talk about Beth.
Phillip: I'm not talking about Beth.
Alexandra: Yeah, I know you're not, but I have a feeling that the split between you and Beth has something to do with Lorelei's diaries.
Phillip: That doesn't have anything... The diary. The diary... The diary just showed us how far apart we have grown, that's all. That's all the diary did.
Alexandra: I'm sorry about that. I really am. But Phillip, I find it really extraordinary that you go from the love of your life to the love of your father's life.
Phillip: You know what? I'm not having this conversation with you.
Alexandra: I know you're not having this conversation with me. I am going to get my driver, and I am going to have him drive you home.
Phillip: Are you going to take me home?
Alexandra: Yes.
Phillip: (laughs) Where is home these days? Thanks anyway.
Alexandra: Honey?
Phillip: Hm?
Alexandra: She's not worth it. She's not worth any of it.
Olivia: Stephen, call maintenance and just let them know that the front pillars are peeling. As soon as possible. It looks horrible. Thanks.
Reva: Well, my friend, you certainly left me one big mess down here. I only wanted to honor your wishes, Richard, to end your pain, and to protect Cassie from having to make that unbearable decision herself. I know you didn't intend for any of this to happen. What I did for you and what Cassie did for me was all out of love, and I know that. I mean, I guess that's all that really matters, isn't it? Love. It can't be all that bad, can it? If you find yourself with a free moment, could you maybe give me a hand down here?
Olivia: Good morning.
Phillip: Hi. How's my dad today?
Olivia: He's good. He's... He's better. He's back to his old self.
Phillip: I guess he's got you to thank for that, huh? Sorry. I didn't mean anything by that.
Olivia: You look a little...
Phillip: What? Not good?
Olivia: Are you okay?
Phillip: I'm okay. Yeah. I'm fine. Absolutely, sure. I think I got a little better acquainted with your martini bar than was probably good for me, but other than that, I'm fine.
Olivia: Phillip, look...
Phillip: It's okay. Actually, it's kind of amusing. I think you will appreciate this. I left the house last night so that I could try to get away from everything, and I ended up getting drunk in a bar named Olivia's. (laughs) That's kind of funny.
Olivia: Funny.
Phillip: Come on, that's funny. It is funny. (laughs)
Olivia: I don't really know what to say.
Josh: Oh, excuse me, Olivia. Hi, Phillip.
Phillip: Hey, Josh. Josh. Can I buy you a drink? (laughs)
Josh: Uh, no, I don't think so.
Phillip: You sure?
Josh: Yeah.
Phillip: Okay.
Josh: Have you seen Cassie?
Olivia: No, I haven't.
Phillip: I think I'm going to take off. A cab would be...
Olivia: Out front.
Phillip: Out front. Out front, okay. I'll see you.
Josh: I'm sorry. You don't know where Cassie is?
Olivia: No, I said I didn't. What do you want, a lie detector test?
Josh: No. Thanks.
Olivia: No, wait, Josh, please... Please, please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's been kind of a rough morning.
Josh: Join the club.
Olivia: Really? I would think that you'd be happy. I mean, Reva's out of prison and she's getting a new trial, right?
Josh: Well, you know, one of the things I've learned in my life is that old, you know, "don't count your chickens" thing.
Olivia: Oh, the chickens.
Josh: Yeah.
Olivia: Yeah. Yeah, I've had some experience with that lesson myself lately.
Josh: Really?
Olivia: Yeah.
Josh: I thought things were looking up for you, you know? You have the right man in your life.
Olivia: You know, when our marriage ended, I kind of took it as a personal failure.
Josh: You shouldn't have.
Olivia: I did, because I always knew that I could be successful at business. I just don't know that I can be very successful in relationships.
Josh: You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. It takes two to ruin a marriage.
Olivia: Well, I don't know where Cassie is, but if you want, I can find her.
Josh: Don't worry about it. I'll leave a message at the desk. You take care of yourself, okay?
Alexandra: Oh, Edmund. You know, you don't have to keep tabs on me just because of Alan. We have our own deal.
Edmund: Forgive me for saying this, Alexandra, but you're looking less than yourself today. What seems to be the problem?
Alexandra: I am. Or rather, my conscience is. But don't you dare ever tell anyone I have a conscience, okay?
Edmund: My lips are sealed. Besides, I don't think I've had a conscience for decades. I don't think I'd recognize one. Wait a minute. You're serious, aren't you?
Alexandra: Yes. Don't get me wrong. I can be as ruthless as any other CEO. But I just started to think that it's rather pointless to live that way. It just makes you feel lonely and afraid.
Edmund: I suppose it can, but what else do people respect?
Alexandra: Forgiveness. It's the greatest weapon of them all.
Lizzie: So you'll tell him then? You'll make him change his mind?
Alan: Well, Elizabeth, it's not as easy as that. Your father...
Lizzie: But I love it here with you, Grandpa. And you know, I like Olivia, too.
Alan: Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Lizzie: But I don't want to be a nomad.
Alan: Well, now, Elizabeth, I don't think your father's going to go put you all in a tent anywhere.
Lizzie: This isn't a joke, Grandpa.
Alan: No. I know it's no joke. So let me get this straight: You want me to talk your father into staying put because you're afraid some information might leak out accidentally. Is that it?
Lizzie: Exactly.
Alan: Well, okay. I'll do my best. But let me tell you something: Change is sometimes good.
Lizzie: Hi, Dad.
Phillip: Hi, sweetheart. What are you two up to?
Lizzie: Dad?
Phillip: Hi, sweetie. How's my girl?
Lizzie: No offense...
Phillip: Mm-hmm?
Lizzie: You kind of look like an unmade bed.
Phillip: Thank you, sweetheart.
Alan: (clears throat)
Lizzie: So how was your night at the Beacon? Or shouldn't I ask?
Phillip: Right the second time. I am the parent; you are the child.
Lizzie: In case you haven't noticed, Dad, I haven't been a child in a long time. Right, Grandpa?
Alan: No question about that.
Phillip: Why do I get the feeling like I missed something?
Lizzie: Um, I think I'm going to ask cook for some more coffee. I'll be right back.
Phillip: How are you feeling today, Dad?
Alan: Well, I'm feeling fine. I'm a little concerned about you, though. You didn't have to leave last night, you know.
Phillip: Oh, you know, I figured after everything that you two have been through, I figured you and Olivia deserve a little privacy.
Alan: It's a large mansion.
Phillip: It's not large enough. So I wanted to tell you, I've decided that I'm going to take the kids, and I'm going to find us a place of our own. And I think the sooner I do it, the better.
Alan: Better for whom? What are you afraid might happen if you stay?
Alexandra: We need to talk, Olivia.
Olivia: I'm busy. You know what? Your ultimatums are getting tiresome. You want to show Alan the tape, show it to him, because I have had my fill of you and then some.
Alexandra: I perfectly understand the way you feel.
Olivia: Do you?
Alexandra: Yes.
Olivia: Do you? I love my husband, and he loves me, and I would never do anything to hurt him.
Josh: Where have you been? Ross just got here.
Reva: I went to Richard's grave.
Ross: I hope you got better news from him than what I got from his brother.
Reva: You saw Edmund?
Ross: Oh, yes. He made a point to see me, and he told me that this living will is a forgery.
Reva: Oh, so you're going to believe the word of a liar over the word of my sister?
Josh: Reva, that's not the point.
Ross: It's certainly... Reva, I need to know one thing. What can he prove?
Reva: I don't know. (cell phone rings)
Ross: Excuse me. Hello. Put her through.
Josh: Reva, we're going to get through this together, just like everything else.
Reva: So you're not angry with me?
Josh: It's not been a great day for me, but no, I'm not angry with you.
Reva: You sure calmed down fast, even for you.
Josh: Well, I ran into Olivia when I was looking for Cassie, and we actually had a civil conversation.
Reva: Wow, I'm impressed. But what does she have to do with us?
Josh: Just talking to her reminded me of all the things we've gone through to find each other again. And I'm not going to let anybody take you away from me ever, especially not Edmund.
Reva: Oh, Bud.
Ross: Thanks. That was the district attorney. She wants to talk. She's on her way over right now.
Holly: He's not taking it very well.
Buzz: It's money. It comes, it goes. It could be a lot worse, you know. He'll survive.
Holly: I know. You know, you go your whole life believing one thing, and then all of a sudden, wham, your life changes in one instant.
Buzz: You hate giving bad news, don't you? Me, I like the truth, every time.
Holly: Oh, Buzz.
Buzz: Look, we've been tap dancing around this thing for a while now, so let's be straight, okay? Ed came to town. Everything changed.
Holly: I wouldn't exactly say that's true, but...
Buzz: It is. You know it. It is. And that's okay. I mean, what we had, whatever that was, we couldn't get it up off the ground, so to speak. But we've been through a lot together. Is it safe to say that we came through this as really good friends?
Holly: You know, you... You are too good for me.
Buzz: Then I can use you as a reference?
Phillip: Look, I just... I think we've all been through a lot lately, and we're all just a little emotionally beat up, and I... I... I think that we could just use a breather, you know. I think that... I think we all deserve that.
Alan: What are you talking about?
Phillip: I love you, Dad. And I want you to be happy. And I would like Olivia to be happy, too. It's... It's just that simple, really.
Alan: And what about you?
Phillip: Yeah, I'd like to be happy, or as close as I can get to it. But I just don't... I don't think it's... It's too tense around here right now. You know, Olivia and I are... You know, we're thinking all the time about how we hurt you. And, you know, Alexandra's watching everybody like a hawk. I just... It's... You know, it's just too much. It's too much.
Alan: And this breather you're talking about, you think moving out will accomplish that?
Phillip: Dad, I need to get the hell out of here, don't you think? I think if I take the kids and I find a place for us, it'll be better for everybody.
Olivia: What are you waiting for? Go ahead. You've got the tape of Phillip and me. Take it home and shove it in the VCR. I think Alan's heart can take it now.
Alexandra: Yeah, but what about your heart?
Olivia: Excuse me?
Alexandra: Let me ask you something woman to woman. Last night, when you and my brother were making love, were you thinking about Phillip?
Olivia: Oh, you know what? I'm not going to dignify that with an answer. Whatever goes on between me and my husband is none of your business-- nobody's business but our own.
Alexandra: Hm.
Olivia: Wrong answer, Alexandra?
Alexandra: No, no. Spoken like a true and loving wife.
Olivia: Well, maybe you're surprised by that, but I've known that about myself since I said, "I do."
Alexandra: Really? My only concern is about my brother. The most important thing in the world is that he is happy. So because of that, I would like to wipe the slate clean.
Olivia: Really?
Alexandra: Yes. I mean, there's a few details to be sorted out, but maybe we can all make a fresh start. Hm?
Reva: So where is she? I can't stand this waiting.
Ross: Reva, don't worry, Doris will be here.
Josh: Maybe Edmund got to her already. Maybe he told her that the documents were forged.
Ross: Well, anything's possible, but don't forget, we already had a meeting scheduled with Doris for today.
Reva: But if she saw the governor, and he told her about the pardon, and then she ran into Edmund, and he said that the...
Ross: Look, Doris is a political animal, all right? Now, she'd do anything to make the most out of any opportunity.
Reva: And if that means sending us all to prison, then so be it. (doorbell rings) Ms. Wolfe.
Doris: Mrs. Lewis. May we come in?
Reva: We? Who's "we"?
Edmund: Hello, Reva.