Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/15/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Billy: Hey, can you tell me what we're doing here? I mean, why aren't you home with Reva, now that you've got her back, instead of here eating buzz burgers?
Josh: Hey, I have barely let her out of my sight or out of my arms for the last 24 hours. I just figured that she wants to see Cassie so I'll give her a little space.
Billy: Any word on the new trial?
Josh: No. All I know is we can't lose this time. I cannot let her go back to that hellhole. I won't do it.
Reva: Did my sister happen to say when she might be back?
Bellman: No, ma'am. Would you care to leave a message?
Reva: Yes. Can you tell her that I'm still worried and that she... Never mind. I'll just... I'll leave her a note myself. Thank you.
Edmund: And so murder goes unpunished, at least for the time being.
Reva: Luckily, Edmund, you're not my judge, nor are you my executioner, so I really don't care what you think.
Edmund: Enjoy your freedom while you can, Reva. You'll be locked up again soon enough, and who knows? Maybe this time Cassie will join you.
Reva: What are you talking about?
Edmund: Oh, my God. She hasn't told you, has she? And here I thought sisters shared everything.
Cassie: Thank God, your fever has finally broke.
Danny: (coughs) Cassie?
Cassie: Hi. Welcome back, Danny. Gosh.
Danny: Where am I?
Cassie: You're in my wine cellar, okay? Danny, you were shot. I don't know if you remember, but you were shot and you're pretty sick, Danny.
Danny: Was Michelle here? (groaning)
Cassie: No. No, that was your fever talking, but you know, I think the antibiotics are finally kicking in, I do. And you're safe here, okay? You're safe. So I want you to lie still.
Danny: (groaning) No. No, no. Cassie, listen to me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't want you to get involved in this. But you are. You're involved, and you need to know what's going on, in case they...
Cassie: Danny, save your strength.
Danny: No, listen to me. In case they come back for me. Or if I don't make it. I... I need you to take a message to Michelle for me. Please.
Ed: Here you go.
Michelle: Thanks. You know, you'd think that the pediatric dentists would say something to the pharmaceutical companies about putting all this sugar in this. Dad? What's wrong?
Ed: Carmen was at the hospital.
Michelle: Did she see you?
Ed: She wanted to hold Robbie, but I wouldn't let her.
Michelle: Thank you.
Ed: The thing is, honey, she got really, really angry. You know? She kept going on and on about Danny, and I don't want to see you get in the middle of some fight that those two have.
Michelle: You don't have to worry. Danny promised me that Carmen would leave us alone.
Ed: Well, that's not the sense that I got. He might want to, you know, double-check.
Michelle: Sure. I'll let Danny know next time I see him.
Marah: So we'll go to Michelle’s to tell her?
Tony: Are you sure you want to?
Marah: If Danny’s dead, she's going to need all the friends she can get.
Tony: Okay. Come on, let's go.
Gus: Tony. Hold up.
Tony: Hey. Aitoro. What'd you find out? Your guys have been up there all night.
Gus: Yeah, I know. Uh, well...
Tony: What?
Gus: No, don't be so eager to find out what I found out.
Tony: What is it?
Gus: (sighs) We found a bullet fragment and some blood. So I’m going to need your help, okay? I need you to get a toothbrush of Danny’s or a hairbrush or something, so I can run a positive DNA test through the lab. I'm sorry.
Tony: The hell you are! If Danny’s dead, it's because you blew your end of the bargain. Danny might be dead because of you. Good work, Aitoro.
Gus: Tony, honestly, you've been with me the whole time. You know this is Carmen's work.
Tony: No.
Gus: Yes.
Tony: No, I don't know that. The only thing I do know is revenge is what you came to town for.
Gus: You know, Marah, do you want to take a little walk down the beach or something, so I can talk to him? Please?
Marah: It's okay. I'm not leaving. Tony, just because there's blood, it doesn't mean that Danny’s dead and it doesn't mean that Gus had anything to do with it.
Tony: If anything happened to my cousin, I’m holding you responsible. I would have had his back if it wasn't for your sister, but I guess that was part of your plan, too.
Gus: No, Tony, you're wrong. You're wrong again.
Tony: As long as you get yourself a Santos, huh?
Gus: This is not the way I wanted it to be, okay? I want to find Danny alive, just like you do.
Marah: Tony. Come on; let's go to Michelle’s. We have a lot of work to do.
Frank: Who are you running away from?
Harley: In my mind? I'm at the scene of the crime, ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.
Frank: Ah, good for you. Saving the world from flat tires, are you?
Harley: What?
Frank: Bad joke, bad joke. Just the other day, I helped this little old lady change two flat tires near the highway.
Harley: Uh-huh. Well, at least you're keeping busy. (coughs) Could you get me some water? Please, water?
Frank: Sure.
Harley: Wish I could do anything except think about Zach and Gus and Phillip and how much I hate Phillip. No, I take that back. I don't hate Phillip-- we have "issues."
Frank: I think you were right the first time.
Harley: Ew!
Frank: (laughs)
Harley: I was right the first time, because who is he to tell me how I should live my life? To judge me? What is that?
Frank: He's a Spaulding, right?
Harley: Mm. I'm sorry, I thought he was a mere mortal. Oh, God.
Frank: You know, look at it this way, sis. At least you're going to be in the utmost shape when you get back to active duty. (laughter)
Harley: Yeah. If I ever get back. Hey, have you heard anything about Danny?
Frank: No, no. Um, the chief sent Gus and a forensics team out last night looking for him, but by the time I punched out, he wasn't back. Oh, sis, poor Michelle.
Harley: Yeah, poor Michelle. And I hope that if Gus does find anything, he doesn't send it over to that lab on Fourth Street, because, remember, they bungled that evidence for me once.
Frank: Well, you want me to call him?
Harley: No. No, no, no. I'm inactive, remember? I have to remain inactive. No, Gus can handle this high profile mob murder mystery without his partner. Right?
Reva: You know what you are? A big bag of hot air. Why don't you float your way back to San Cristobel?
Edmund: Oh, Reva, come on. Don't tell me you're not the least bit curious about that miraculous living will Cassie used to get you out of jail?
Reva: Coming from you, no, I'm not.
Edmund: Well, darling, it's a forgery.
Reva: Liar.
Edmund: Often, but not this time. Cassie is. She created it out of thin air.
Reva: Yeah, like I'm going to believe that coming from you.
Edmund: No, of course not. Why believe your sister could bend the law to suit her own purposes-- just as you did-- when it's so much easier to imagine she just conveniently found a very important document that an entire battery of very good lawyers couldn't find? Well, as someone once told me, it doesn't matter what you think, it matters what the judge thinks.
Reva: Okay. Now you've made a big mistake: You have my full and complete attention.
Cassie: Danny, I want you to save your strength. Don't try to talk, Danny.
Danny: No. You need to know. You need to know. For your safety. Michelle needs to know. She needs to. Listen to me. Michelle thought that I loved my family more than her and Robbie, but it's not true. It's not true. I was trying to change everything... For them. (groans)
Cassie: I don't understand what you're saying, Danny. Please, just try to rest, okay? Just rest.
Danny: Listen! I was born a Santos, and so was Robbie, and I had to... I had to change my family from the inside so that they couldn't hurt us anymore. That's what I was doing. But she... She found out and she made her move before I was ready. (gasping in pain)
Cassie: Michelle found out what, Danny? What did Michelle find out?
Danny: She shot me. (gasping frantically) She shot me.
Cassie: What? Michelle shot you? Michelle did this? Danny! Danny!
Carmen: (sobbing) Oh, Danny. Danny. Danny.
Cassie: Danny? Danny? Oh, this is crazy. This is crazy. I know Michelle did not shoot you. I'm going to find out what happened. I am going to find out what happened to you. Your fever's coming back. You're safe, Danny. I'm not going to let anyone find you and I'm not going to let anything happen to you, but I have got to get you some help. I've got to get you some help. I will be right back.
Reva: I don't know what burr you've got stuck under your saddle and I really don't care right now, but I suggest you drop it, because I’ve had enough of you to last a lifetime. It's bad enough you come after me with your frivolous lawsuit, but if you come after my sister after everything she's come through, you're going to have a real fight on your hands.
Edmund: My lawsuits are never frivolous.
Reva: (laughs)
Edmund: You ignored the law when you pulled the plug on my brother and Cassie ignored the law when she decided to forge a document to get you out of jail...
Reva: Cassie found that document on San Cristobel.
Edmund: No, she didn’t. Ask her.
Reva: How do you know so much about this?
Edmund: I have my ways.
Reva: Uh-huh. So why aren't you running to the DA screaming in moral indignation? Why are you filling me in on what you're up to?
Edmund: Because it's much more fun watching you squirm.
Reva: No. You don't do anything unless it's for your own purpose. There's a reason why you're not going to the D.A. My guess is that my sister somehow, some way, beat you.
Cassie: Reva.
Reva: Cassie. I came to apologize to you and to thank you for the freedom I have now to walk these streets, because my presence here is just making Edmund nuts.
Edmund: Well. Water does seek its own level. Ladies-- and I do use that term loosely.
Reva: Choke on an olive. I can't believe he was the one that had to ruin my first day of freedom.
Cassie: Well, I hope he didn't.
Reva: Uh, uh, uh. Uh-uh. You're not going anywhere. I know what you're hiding.
Josh: See, according to Ross, now that Cassie has found Richard’s living will, we have all these precedents we can draw from if the case goes to trial again-- if that's the route we choose to take.
Billy: And we certainly want to take that route.
Josh: Well, I’m worried, though, about the stress that it's going to put on the family. You know, Reva folded last time because she was afraid Cassie was getting too upset.
Billy: Yeah, well, I just don't see how we have any other choice. We're just going to have to circle up the wagons and tough it out.
Josh: There's always other choices. Hey, there's H.B.'s way, right?
Billy: What do you mean? Lassoes at dawn?
Josh: Something like that, yes.
Buzz: Mr. Governor, it is an honor to have you here, sir.
Governor: Oh, no, no, no, Buzz. It's my honor to say thank you to you and the rest of the vet riders for turning out in such numbers to vote for me.
Buzz: Well, that motorcycle escort was quite a kick, wasn't it?
Governor: Well, I never saw so many cars to clear out of the way so fast.
Buzz: There's a couple of them right now, over there. Hey, guys.
Josh: Big night for you, huh?
Buzz: Yeah. Come on, I’ll introduce you to the governor.
Billy: Oh, no, we voted for the other guy.
Josh: No, no, no. Wait, wait. Not so fast. There's nothing wrong with a little glad-handing, HB-style. After all, that's what I came here for.
Gus: Hey.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: How are you?
Harley: What are you doing here?
Gus: You know, I haven't seen the inside of a gym in quite a while. I've got some good news and I've got some bad news. Which one would you like first?
Harley: Uh-oh. Definitely the good.
Gus: Yeah, all right. Well, Reva got out of jail yesterday. She's going to have a new trial. They've got some new evidence.
Harley: Wow, really? That's great. That's not good. What's the bad news?
Gus: The bad news is I found a little something in my search for Danny Santos and I’m going to take it down to the lab.
Harley: Oh. Well, it's not that lab on Fourth Street, is it?
Gus: No.
Harley: Because remember they...
Gus: They messed everything up.
Harley: They messed everything up that time.
Gus: I'm taking it to Dogwood.
Harley: Oh, good. So, what did you find?
Gus: Well, I found a fragment of a bullet and I found some blood on the floor, some evidence he might have gotten shot. And I kind of feel like it might be my fault.
Harley: Oh, come on. This isn't your fault.
Gus: Well, it depends on who you talk to about that, you know? The whole revenge thing that I was after so badly, and I wanted it, and now it's kind of here and I... It's making me miserable, this whole thing.
Harley: You didn't want anything to happen to Danny.
Gus: No. And, you know, we were, like, playing nice in the sandbox, you know, and now the guy could be dead. I mean, really, is that fair? Would that be fair?
Harley: Hey. You haven't even said hello.
Gus: Hi.
Carmen: Where are you? Where are you, Danny? Oh, God, I never wanted to hurt you! I loved you more than anyone in the world! I know... I know a mother's supposed to love her children all the same, but you were the special one, Danny. You were this... You were special. You were the one that I had hopes for. You were the one that I thought would always take care of me. (laughs bitterly) And then she came along and she poisoned you. And nothing-- nothing-- was the same. They blame me. They blame me. They think that it was me, that I did this, but no. She was the one, Danny. She was the one who did this to you. I would never... I would never hurt my own child. (sobbing) Why? Why did you... Why did you force me to stop you? Why did you force me to hurt you? When you were a little baby, when you were a little boy, I was the one that you would come to, to make things better, to make things all right. And now where are you? We're all alone. We're all alone, Danny. I need someone to talk to. I... I need to talk to you, Danny.
Michelle: Danny's cell phone box is full and Tony is not answering his.
Ed: Well, keep trying. Carmen doesn't give up when she wants something. (knocking at door)
Bill: Hey, Dr. Bauer. How are you?
Ed: How are you?
Bill: Well, I saw the light was on, thought I'd stop by and say hi.
Michelle: Let me guess: The carriage house refrigerator empty?
Bill: Well, does green science projects count?
Michelle: Nope, not as dinner. Do you want me to get you a little leftover pasta?
Bill: I thought you'd never ask. Unless I’m interrupting. I mean, is everything okay?
Michelle: Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Robbie just has an ear infection and, you know, lately when he gets the sniffles, it seems like he always has to be on antibiotics.
Ed: I'll go check on him, okay?
Michelle: Oh, thanks, Dad. Thanks for everything.
Bill: Okay, what's really going on?
Michelle: I just told you.
Bill: Try again.
Michelle: Don't you have, like, a hot date with Beth or something?
Bill: Why can't you tell me what's going on?
Michelle: Because. Because I really don't know that anything is-- not yet anyway. See, that's the fun of being an ex-Santos. They always keep you guessing.
Bill: Danny?
Michelle: No. His mother. But I actually did have a moment today that I thought Danny was whispering my name. Which is really weird, right?
Bill: Not really. You still love the guy.
Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, I'll get over it, right? I have to.
Bill: You sound so sure.
Michelle: Well, you know, they call it wishful thinking.
Tony: She's not alone.
Marah: It's just Bill.
Tony: We can't tell her. Not in front of outsiders.
Marah: So what does that make me?
Tony: Well, you already know.
Marah: And Bill's my cousin.
Tony: We should wait.
Marah: We have to get the samples for Gus, remember? Or do you want to go to Infierno or to the mansion and risk running into Carmen and having her find out that you're working for Gus now, too.
Tony: You think she still has something, after all these weeks?
Marah: Tony, it takes girls a long, long time before they start throwing away their memories. Trust me, I know.
Michelle: Marah. Tony. What are you guys doing here? I guess you got all my messages, Tony?
Tony: No, I didn't get any messages, and I know—Danny told me-- about the new rules: I'm not supposed to be here.
Marah: Hey, Bill.
Bill: Hey.
Tony: So, um, how's my Godson?
Michelle: Well, that's why I was trying to reach you. I think that Carmen's after Robbie. You know that Danny and I split up to keep Robbie out of all this and now I think Carmen might have some other ideas.
Tony: Why? What did she do?
Michelle: Well, she was hanging around him earlier and she was definitely acting weird. I just wanted to know if maybe you could give Danny a call. I know that he's left town, but I get a really bad feeling about this, Tony.
Tony: Is this, uh... This is Danny's hat, isn't it?
Michelle: Yeah. I found it in the trunk. I was going to give it to him when I saw him next, whenever that is.
Marah: Tony.
Tony: Uh, I'll give... I'll give it to him. Um, listen, Michelle, I don't want you to worry about Carmen, okay? I told Danny before he left that I was going to keep an eye out for you, so I'll take care of Carmen. I'll take care of everything.
Michelle: Thank you.
Tony: Hey. You and me, we're friends, you know? We're still family, no matter what. And that kid that you've got upstairs is the only Godson I've got.
Harley: No one is going to think that you set up Danny on purpose.
Gus: I think he does. Tony, that is. I think he's going to try to take a contract out on me.
Harley: Okay, now you're just talking to hear yourself talk.
Gus: They're like that, you know. They're primitive-thinking people. I should have started with the lighter ones.
Harley: Yeah. You know, you didn't do this on purpose.
Gus: Oh, no. No, but I should have... I should have thought it out better, you know? I mean, Carmen, she was supposed to act 24 hours, you know, past the time that this happened, and who knew? Who knew she was going to tip her hand? I didn't know. She's usually like a clock.
Harley: Nobody ever said Carmen wasn't smart.
Gus: Yeah, well, I'll tell you one thing: She made a big fat mistake by getting my sister involved, because now I want her. Now I want to take her down. Now I want to put her away.
Harley: Wish I could help.
Gus: Well, you can. You can. Get your badge back. Help me finish off what Danny and I started, you know? Get him a little justice.
Harley: Get who justice? Your father?
Gus: Yeah, him too. I meant Danny, though, and Michelle. I mean, she's probably going to be a widow, after I find Danny's body.
Harley: Okay, but listen, don't let all that emotion start clouding your thinking, okay?
Gus: It is a little... I can't see so good. My vision gets clouded when I see you like this. I mean, you're all flushed and red and your chest is red and your hair's in... Things.
Harley: What?
Gus: No, Don't. No, I like it, I like it, I like it. I like it the way it is.
Harley: I wish we could be together.
Gus: Well, we are.
Harley: No, we're not. Not really. Not like partners.
Gus: You know something? I don't think I've told you this lately, but you are in my head. All the time, you're in my head, you know? I think about something and I think, "what would she say?" Or "how would she react?" "What would she do?" One night, I thought I heard your voice, but I'm crazy, it was in my head.
Harley: So I'm not sure how all this works. I mean, do I get to put in for overtime if I'm not actually present?
Gus: Oh, no, no, no. I need your warm body next to me. Come here.
Harley: I'm right here.
Cassie: Hiding? Hiding what?
Reva: Edmund told me about the living will.
Cassie: Ooh, the living will, that's right.
Reva: He said that you may have cut some corners in your attempt at getting it.
Cassie: That's ridiculous. He's just upset because you're free and, you know, he's just trying to upset you. You know Edmund.
Reva: Yeah, I do. So it's not true?
Cassie: If it were, would I tell you? And involve you in whatever it is that I might have done?
Reva: I'm so sorry.
Cassie: Don't be. I didn't do anything wrong.
Reva: I wish I could be sure of that.
Cassie: Reva, listen to me. Richard had a living will. I have people who will testify to that. That's all that matters. He would never want you to go to jail for what you did, and you're not. So let's leave it at that.
Buzz: Governor, let me introduce you to a couple of friends. This is Billy and Josh Lewis. Lewis Oil, Lewis Construction, Lewis yadda-yadda...
Governor: Yes, yes. Please to meet you.
Billy: Well, we voted for the other guy.
Governor: Well, just so long as you're not a sore loser. Better luck next time, huh?
Josh: Let me just say it is a pleasure to meet you, Governor. And I also want to say this: I hated the negative campaign that your opponent chose to run against you. I think it got way out of hand in the end.
Governor: Well, yes. I guess the voters agreed with you.
Josh: I didn't believe a word that was said about you. I don't believe that your financial policies are mean- spirited; I think you are fiscally prudent.
Governor: Oh, yes.
Josh: I don't think you're ill-tempered. I don't think you're an egomaniac. I think you're a leader who has a clear vision of his own.
Governor: It's been a pleasure meeting you gents, and thank you for the kind words.
Josh: Thank you. Do you know what I would do if I were you?
Governor: Let go of my hand?
Josh: (laughs) I would do something extraordinary to prove them wrong. I would make some kind of a grand gesture, some show of faith that would prove that you have a good heart and a generous spirit underneath that penny- pinching exterior.
Billy: False penny-pinching exterior..
Governor: Just what did you have in mind?
Josh: I'm so glad you asked me that question.
Tony: Look at that. Hello, pumpkin. Here's my Godson. Oh, my...
Michelle: Yes, here he is.
Tony: Here, buddy. How's it going, pal? How are you? He's so cute. He's gotten so big. No, pal, that's not me.
Michelle: He's still asking for Danny a lot. But you know what, Tony? Do me a favor. Don't mention it to Danny because it's like putting salt in an old wound, you know?
Tony: Yeah, yeah. We should get going. Let's go.
Marah: Then I guess I'll just talk to you later, Michelle.
Michelle: Sure.
Tony: Hey, Michelle, if you need anything, any time, you know you call me. And by the way, those divorce papers with Danny? Those didn't go through yet, right?
Michelle: No, no. We signed the final separation papers, but it takes a while for all that stuff to get officially finalized.
Tony: So legally you're still Danny's wife. That's what I thought. Good night, Bill.
Bill: So, what, am I going to get my legs broken, then?
Michelle: No, no. Tony's just very protective, that's all.
Bill: A real good guy. I mean, he even offered to take care of Carmen for you.
Ed: Yeah, that's good news.
Michelle: Yeah. So why don't I feel any better?
Marah: What was that all about? You know Bill and Michelle are old friends.
Tony: She's still Danny's wife.
Marah: Yeah, and she may be his widow. Why didn't you tell her?
Tony: No. Not with that guy in there just waiting for her to cry on his shoulder.
Marah: "That guy" is Bill and he has a girlfriend.
Tony: I'm not telling Michelle anything until we get a positive I.D. from the lab. Let her stay Danny's wife just as long as she can.
Reva: I'm just worried. I'm worried that Edmund's going to use this information to hurt you.
Cassie: He can't-- at least not in open court.
Reva: Why not?
Cassie: Because there was a living will. How does he know that this isn't it?
Reva: Because he destroyed the real thing?
Cassie: I didn't say that.
Reva: So how did you do it? I mean, it can't be easy to forge a legal document.
Cassie: We're not having this conversation.
Reva: Cassie, come on. Tell me. I mean, this isn't something that you could just have done at your local copy center. You must have had some help.
Cassie: Does it matter?
Carmen: I need to see Edmund. Edmund Winslow, where is he?
Reva: You just missed him. And we're having a private conversation.
Cassie: You know, um, that's okay, Reva. I really have a lot of work to do and I will see you later, okay? I promise you, I'll see you later.
Reva: Yeah, you will.
Cassie: He's in the martini bar. I can show you.
Carmen: I know exactly where it is.
Cassie: I know you do, but I really need to ask you a few questions.
Carmen: Like I have time for you.
Cassie: Well, it's about Danny, so maybe you'll find some time.
Harley: This is killing me.
Gus: Me, too. I'll tell you what. We've got to get out of this church. We'll go back to my seedy hotel room. We'll do something a little unGodly.
Harley: That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about not working. Not working is killing me, okay? And worrying about Danny and not being able to help you help Danny. That's killing me. Listen, what do you think I have to do-- really do-- in order to get the Commissioner to take me back?
Gus: Hmm. Well, oh, you could kiss him, like this.
Harley: (laughs)
Gus: You know what? Don't kiss him, because then I'd have to kill him. Then I'd come and make love to you, you'd both be in big trouble.
Harley: (laughs) Oh, I think you're on to something.
Gus: No, you're not... You're not killing the Commissioner.
Harley: (laughs)
Gus: With a kiss. You're not.
Harley: No. That's not what I'm saying.
Gus: What?
Harley: What I'm saying is, yeah, why is the Commissioner so cowed just because they're the Spaulding’s, right? What am I to him? Chopped liver?
Gus: No.
Harley: I am a valuable resource to that department, aren't I?
Gus: Yes, you are.
Harley: I am an asset to that department.
Gus: Big time.
Harley: I'm their ace in the hole.
Gus: Big time.
Harley: Aren't I? So I don't understand. Why does he walk all over me like I'm some sort of doormat just because the Spaulding’s say so?
Gus: I do not know.
Harley: How does he do that?
Gus: Well, I... Hmm. So, uh, what's going...
Harley: Well, I'm going to go. I'm going to go and I'm going to talk to the Commissioner. I'm going to set up a meeting with him and get my job back if it kills me. Come on.
Gus: All right.
Reva: Hi, handsome.
Josh: Hello there. How are you? Have a seat. Please.
Reva: (laughs) What is that smile all about?
Josh: What smile?
Reva: You're smirking.
Josh: Am I?
Reva: Yeah. What's going on?
Josh: Is it just me or does everybody who's anybody at some time or another show up right here in Company?
Reva: Have you been drinking?
Josh: No, ma'am, I have not been drinking. But I did take your case to a higher authority tonight.
Reva: Meaning?
Josh: Well, I took it to the court of public opinion, the court of the photo opportunity. The governor of our great state was in this very room here tonight.
Reva: Joshua Lewis, what did you do?
Josh: I shook his hand. And then I kept on shaking his hand until he agreed to take another look at your case.
Reva: Really?
Josh: It's okay. I didn't hurt the man. (laughs) I wouldn't do that-- the man can pardon you. I was very careful with him.
Reva: So what did he say? Is he going to do it?
Josh: Well, I got the impression that first he's going to have to, you know, run it by about half a dozen public opinion polls, but he did say that Richard's living will, will make a big difference.
Reva: Oh, yeah. Yeah, that. I'm sure it would.
Josh: What's that?
Reva: It's nothing. It's just... I was just thinking about Cassie and opening up old wounds.
Josh: Cassie's going to be fine. She gave us a miracle when we needed one the most. She's going to be fine. And I cannot and will not lose you again.
Reva: Hopefully, you won’t.
Carmen: What about Danny?
Edmund: Carmen? I was finishing up a martini when some busboy said you were looking for me.
Cassie: I have to talk to you later. It's very important.
Edmund: Yes, well, this had better be important
Carmen: Why? Was the Baroness about to stir your martini?
Edmund: No, but I did pop a cork in her honor earlier.
Carmen: Thanks for the concern, Edmund. As you can see, I am in a crisis. I could use a friend right now.
Edmund: Right. Well, whatever it is, Carmen, I'm sure you've brought it on yourself. Good evening.
Carmen: To hell with you! Cassie. I've got to talk to Cassie.
Cassie: Danny, I'm back. Are you awake? Danny? Danny, it's Cassie. Listen to me. I know that you don't want me to tell anybody about this, but I am so afraid for you, Danny. I have got to get you a real doctor. The antibiotics aren't going to do everything, they're just not.
Danny: The only way I can protect Michelle and Robbie is if everybody thinks I'm dead.
Cassie: At least let me tell your mother.
Danny: Who the hell do you think shot me, Cassie?
Cassie: Your own mother shot you?
Danny: I was working with the Feds and if she knows that I'm still alive, she will come after me and she'll finish me off. Cassie, no. If she... If she... If she knows, if she finds out that you're helping me, she'll kill you, too.