GL Transcript Thursday 11/14/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/14/02

By Linda
Proofread by Tanya


Alexandra: So my brother is paying you to seduce me?

Edmund: No. Alan's much shrewder than that. He's paying for you to fall madly in love with me.

Alexandra: (laughs) Then it's Alan who's mad.

Edmund: Thank you. I'll try not to take that personally.

Alexandra: Darling, please don't get huffy on me. You... You do have your charms, after all. Tell me more about Alan.

Edmund: He underestimates you.

Alexandra: Always has.

Edmund: But I don't. I see how this contest of wills is going to play out. You'll be the victor, and I will be on the winning team.

Alexandra: Hmm. So, how much is he paying you to have his way with me? (laughs) Good heavens. Either my brother is absolutely desperate to get rid of me, or you must have an amazing way with the ladies.

Edmund: Both.

Alexandra: And modest, too.

Edmund: Just candid and practical, Alexandra. That's why I know you'll take that number and double it.

Alan: Pick up the phone. Dozen messages. Look, I don't care that you're on vacation in the Caribbean. I am in an emergency situation here. Olivia and Phillip are bringing in a cardiologist to give me an examination. I need to know if there's any way that he could discover that I faked my heart attack. Damn it!

Olivia: Alan...

Alan: Allied tech has taken a nose dive.

Olivia: Who cares? Look, just... Why are you fighting this? Maybe Dr. Pierce will give you a better prognosis than Dr. Kirby. You know, isn't that what you want, to be told that you're healthy again and you can resume all your normal activities?

Alan: You know that. Some activities more than others.

Olivia: Yeah, I got that. So, what's the problem?

Alan: The problem is I don't know if Dr. Pierce is a quack or what. I mean, he... We don't know him from Adam!

Olivia: He's Rick's... He's Rick's cardiologist. He did his transplant. If that isn't glowing testimony, I don't know what is.

Alan: Yes, but Dr. Kirby is an excellent physician.

Olivia: I know, I know. You said that. But what's wrong with getting a second opinion?

Alan: Because it's a waste of time and money.

Olivia: Not when your health is concerned, and I don't care what it costs.

Alan: I thought you trusted Dr. Kirby.

Olivia: I do.

Alan: Well, then why do you keep pushing this situation?

Olivia: Because I want you to get better. Okay? So, we can start our married life off together in the right way, okay, with nothing hanging over our heads. So, will you just do this, please, for me? For us?

Alan: All right, if it's that important to you. How can I refuse?

Olivia: Thank you. I'll tell Dr. Pierce you're ready for him.

Alan: (sighs)

Tony: It's almost been 24 hours, Ray.

Ray: Hold the bag.

Tony: 24 hours and no sign of Danny.

Ray: Hold the bag still, Tony.

Tony: I mean, look. Why did Aunt Carmen have to do that? I mean, I know Danny was going to rat her out, but Danny's... Danny's her son, her only son!

Ray: With this family, nothing surprises me.

Tony: Aw, come on, Ray. You're not supposed to say that. You're supposed to give me a sermon, telling me how there's good in people, and no matter how far they fall, and come on!

Ray: Not Carmen. There's no redeeming that woman.

Tony: Why do you say that?

Ray: Hold the bag!

Tony: No, no.

Ray: Hold the bag!

Tony: Why now, why?

Ray: Hold the bag or the next thing I hit's going to be you.

Tony: You know something, don't you?

Ray: (sighs) Know what?

Tony: You know something about Carmen and Danny. You know... You know... You know that Carmen killed him, don't you? What did she do? Did she tell you under the seal of confession? The same way Catalina did, huh?

Ray: If she did, you know I couldn't say anything to you.

Tony: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are not going to use that same line on me again. You are not. Catalina's tricks were one thing, but this... This is Danny we're talking about, Danny, our cousin! He could be in the trunk of some car somewhere with no air or buried alive, Ray! So, if you know anything, tell me!

Ray: Hey, you think this is easy for me? You think I didn't love him as much as you do?

Tony: "Didn't, didn't?" Why are you talking in the past tense?

Ray: If there was anything we can do for Danny, to help him, but there isn't, okay? There isn't.

Tony: What are you saying to me, Ray? What are you saying? Tell me, tell me!

Ray: There's nothing to tell, all right?! Nothing!

Marah: Hi. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay, but if it's a bad time, I can...

Ray: No, Marah, actually, it's perfect timing.

Cassie: Danny? Danny? Danny! Oh, my God! Danny. Danny. Danny, can you hear me? Danny, can you hear me? Danny, it's Cassie. Can you hear me?

Danny: (Weakly) I can hear you.

Cassie: Oh, my God. Danny, you're ice cold. Come on, you've got to move. We got to get you inside, Danny.

Danny: No, don't touch me.

Alexandra: Why should I pay you a dime when you've told me about Alan's plans?

Edmund: No reason. Unless you want advance notice of every move he's trying to make against you.

Alexandra: Oh, I get the picture. "Edmund Winslow, double agent."

Edmund: I've had a lot of practice at it and I'm very good.

Alexandra: Well, explain how it would work.

Edmund: Well, it's simple, really. You and I make the pretense of being completely enthralled with one another, which for me would be no pretense at all.

Alexandra: And in return, you'd tell me everything about Alan's machinations.

Edmund: Plus, feed him all the misinformation you'd like. And, of course, if there's anything else I can do to be of service, well, I want you to get your money's worth.

Alexandra: Well, why should I trust you when you've just betrayed my brother?

Edmund: I haven't just betrayed your brother. I've just chosen sides.

Alexandra: What's to prevent you from changing sides again?

Edmund: Fear of your wrath and the pleasure of your company. Alexandra, you are a very attractive, very exciting woman, and I sincerely wish I could help you without remuneration, but my finances are now such that I simply can't afford it.

Alexandra: Contrary to popular opinion, I'm afraid I'm not exactly rolling in greenbacks myself. So, here's what I can afford.

Edmund: I think that's a bit more like it.

Alexandra: I think we should split the difference.

Edmund: Done. Is there a problem?

Alexandra: No, I'm just concerned about you. I wouldn't want you to fall madly in love with me and get hurt.

Edmund: Ah, but you see, you are going to fall madly in love with me.

Alexandra: Oh, no, no, I'm afraid not. I am never going to fall in love with anyone again.

Edmund: Then we have even more in common.

Alexandra: No, no, I'm serious. The last time I fell in love, I... I got pretty badly hurt, so I wouldn't want that to happen again. And I shall never trust any man again either.

Edmund: All right, Alexandra. Here's a tidbit. Put us both on the same page. I am perfectly well aware of the pain love extracts, the price of being a victim to one's emotions. It cost me my father's love, my brother's respect, and the throne of San Cristobel all before I was born. And afterwards, it cost me a great deal more. So as long as we do understand one another, let's have a bottle of bubbly to seal the deal, shall we?

Alexandra: All right. Is this going to be on me?

Edmund: Well, as strange as this may sound, while I'm under your employ, I am still a gentleman. So, it is on me. Bottle of Bin '37 please.

Waiter #1: Thank you, sir. It will just take a moment, and I have to get it from our second cellar.

Edmund: Right.

Waiter #1: I'm going down to the second wine cellar.

Waiter #2: Okay.

Cassie: Danny, come on. I know it hurts when you move, but we've got to get you inside...

Danny: No.

Cassie: ...You're freezing.

Danny: It's not why I... Cassie, I left the beach because I don't want you anywhere near me. You can't be involved, it's too dangerous.

Cassie: Danny, I am already involved, and I am not going to let you die.

Danny: Look, the person who shot me...

Cassie: May come back and try and finish the job, I know that. And if I'm with you, they may take me out, too, okay. I've heard this before.

Danny: No, please, leave me. Leave me.

Cassie: Well, if that's what you wanted me to do, then how come you crawled upon my doorstep?

Danny: I didn't mean to. Look, I was trying to find somewhere safe and I got tired. The sun came up and I had to...

Cassie: So, you're just going to hang out on my property and bleed all over the place and not tell me about it. Some friend you are.

Danny: You're not listening to me.

Cassie: Danny, I'm not listening to you. This is a second wine cellar, Danny, okay. We never use it. No one will ever find you here.

Danny: Please, Cassie.

Cassie: No, do you know what's in this bag? Danny, medical supplies, all right. I went through hell to get these for you, and I've been up all night long, okay. I have already invested a whole lot of energy in you. And you know what? I'm a lot stronger than you are right now. So, stop trying to play the hero and let me help you.

Marah: So, have you guys heard anything about Danny, Tony?

Tony: Have we heard anything, Ray?

Ray: No, Marah, nothing's changed since last night.

Tony: I should have gotten the information out of Carmen when I had the chance.

Marah: But then you would have only stooped down to her level, and I'm really proud that you didn't.

Ray: Listen to her, Tony.

Tony: All I know is Carmen's poison, and all these secrets and lies are poison. And I'm not going to stand for any of it anymore. You got that? From now on, I want the truth and only the truth.

Marah: I can't believe that nobody's heard anything.

Tony: Some of us may have heard something and may not be telling.

Marah: Did you guys check all the hospitals in town?

Ray: Yeah. Nothing.

Marah: Were you guys able to get any sleep last night?

Tony: I didn't. What about you, Ray? Did you get any... Any sleep?

Marah: Well, have you eaten? Do you want to go get something to eat?

Tony: I'm not hungry.

Marah: Maybe we can go for a drive, go for a walk on the beach, something to get you some air. I'm sure it'd make you feel better. I mean, you know, whenever you guys are done...

Tony: Marah, Marah, you don't have to do this.

Ray: Hey, yeah, we're done. Done. We're finished. That's a great idea. Go on, get out of here. Go for a drive. Get that fresh air. Yeah.

Tony: Are you sure... Are you sure you have the time? You don't have stuff to do or anything?

Marah: Yeah, I have stuff to do: This. This is where I want to be, with you. I feel like you could use a friend right now.

Ray: Go on. I'll call you if there's any news.

Carmen: Father, can I make a

Confession here, right now?

Ray: What someone says to a

Priest is between them and

God, regardless of where or

when it happens.

Carmen: And held in


Ray: That is a tenet of the


Carmen: (sobs) Danny, he fell through my arms

When his legs couldn't hold him

any longer.

Ray: Why couldn't they?

Carmen: Because I shot him.

You can't tell anyone what I

Told you.

I told you in confidence.

It was a confession, Ray!

It was a confession!

Dr. Pierce: Along with the blood work, we'll do an Echo.

Alan: Wait a minute, wait, wait, wait. Why is Dr. Pierce running more tests? Dr. Kirby did tests a week ago.

Olivia: Well, because there are no records of any tests. That's what's so strange about this.

Alan: So now I have to pay for the hospital's ineptitude? Is that what...

Olivia: Will you stop? Relax, I'll be right back.

Alan: Get down to Cedars immediately.

Alexandra: I'm sorry. Who is this?

Alan: You know bloody well who it is, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Alan?

Alan: Get down here immediately!

Alexandra: Why? Well, darling, I hope you haven't had another heart attack.

Alan: I'm about to. Olivia and Phillip have brought in a specialist to give me a second opinion.

Alexandra: That could be a problem.

Alan: You know it could.

Alexandra: Excuse me a moment. Well, you know something, darling. I think you should be absolutely overjoyed because that will only verify that you are as healthy as a horse, and then I shall lose my hold over you.

Alan: A thorough examination will expose the fact that I didn't have a heart attack to begin with.

Alexandra: How?

Alan: Because if I had, there would be recent damage, and there is none, so the doctor will know that I'm a fraud.

Alexandra: Ah. And then Olivia will divorce you, Phillip will never speak to you again, and they can both ride off together happily into the sunset. The truth will out.

Alan: The truth will not out. I won't allow it. Now get down here.

Alexandra: What do you expect me to do?

Alan: Do whatever you have to do to get me out of this mess.

Alexandra: All right, dear brother, I'll come down in a minute. But I'm not going to come just now, because Edmund has ordered me the most fabulous bottle of champagne, which we're going to drink together.

Alan: You're with Edmund? That swine?

Alexandra: Yes. He's terribly charming, extremely attractive, and a fabulous kisser. I can't understand why you dislike him so. (laughs)

Ed: Michelle would have brought him, but she has a class.

Mel: Yep, he's got an ear infection in both ears, but a little Amoxicillin will clear it right up. I'll write you a script.

Ed: Thanks.

Mel: You know, Ed, you didn't need me to do this diagnosis for you.

Ed: I just wanted to check up, you know, see how you're handling things. Besides he wants a lollipop, don't you, Robbie?

Mel: Really, you want a lollipop? Are you sure you want a lollipop, honey? Well, Auntie Mel will go get you one, okay? All right? Just stay right here.

Carmen: Dr. Boudreau, good, maybe you can help me.

Mel: Okay, yeah.

Carmen: I would like to find out if someone was admitted in here last night, a friend.

Mel: Okay, what's the name?

Carmen: He probably had an accident and he's probably in very serious condition.

Mel: Name?

Carmen: I don't know.

Mel: You don't know your friend's name?

Carmen: Well, it's not really a friend. It's more like a friend of a friend. Just please tell me if there were any accident victims admitted in last night, please.

Mel: Okay, well, what kind of accident was it? Was it automobile?

Carmen: Any accident. Every accident. Just give me some names.

Mel: Well, not unless you can give me more information, Mrs. Santos. Suit yourself

Carmen: What are you doing here?

Ed: Well, hello to you, too.

Carmen: I'm sorry. I'm worried. Is Robbie okay?

Ed: Robbie has an ear infection. He'll be fine.

Carmen: Oh, oh, God. Oh, sweetie. Your ears hurt? I'm sorry. Oh, grandma's so sorry about that. Why don't you come here, huh? Let me hold you. Grandma will make it all feel all better.

Ed: You know, why don't we just leave him alone? Contact with you seems to have the opposite effect anyway.

Carmen: Meaning?

Ed: Meaning that my daughter and your son gave up their chance of happiness so that this child could stay safe from you, and I'm not going to undo that.

Carmen: He's still my grandson.

Ed: You're setting a fine example for him, too.

Carmen: He may be all I have left.

Ed: You've still got Danny.

Danny: (moaning)

Cassie: I know it hurts. I know it hurts, and you're going to have to drink some water, Danny, come on. A little bit of water. You've got to drink some.

Danny: (coughing)

Cassie: Oh, God. All right. Shh. Okay. You get all that. Stuff?

Cassie: I got it from Ed Bauer.

Danny: What?

Cassie: No, no, he didn't...

Danny: What do you mean?

Cassie: He didn't know it was for you, okay. Some antibiotics, and hopefully when these kick in, they'll stop any kind of infection that may have... Oh, my God, Danny, you are losing so much blood. You're losing so much blood. I have got to get you some help.

Danny: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No one can...

Cassie: Listen to me, listen to me. Ed is your father-in-law. We can trust him.

Danny: No one can know. No one can know!

Cassie: You can trust Ed.

Danny: No! (door opens)

Cassie: Hi, hi. Oh, God.

Waiter: Oh! Ms. Winslow, I'm... I'm... I'm sorry.

Cassie: No, no, no. No, it was my fault.

Waiter: I'll pay for it.

Cassie: Absolutely not.

Waiter: I'm so sorry.

Cassie: Dwight, right?

Waiter: There should be a broom around here.

Cassie: No, no, no, it's okay, I will... I will handle it, okay. I will clean it up.

Waiter: But...

Cassie: I need you to go, okay? I need you to go, and I need you to stay out of here. This room is off limits from now on. Do you understand?

Waiter: Off limits?

Cassie: Yes. Okay? No one can come in or out, and I need you to tell the rest of the staff. Can you do that?

Waiter: But... But why?

Cassie: Because of the asbestos problem. See, the building inspector showed up at the crack of dawn, and they said that the construction crew never took out the asbestos. So, this place is off limits until I can handle it, and it has to be sealed. Do you understand?

Waiter: But... But if that's bad, I mean, you shouldn't be down here either.

Cassie: Well, you know, someone has to come down here for the occasional bottle of wine. And better me than someone who's going to sue me, right? So, what was it that... That... That you had? You know, I can get you another bottle or something.

Waiter: But... But this was... This was the last one.

Cassie: Okay. All right, how about this? Go ahead and give them that. Hopefully, they won't know the difference.

Waiter: I hope they do. This one's twice as expensive.

Cassie: Oh, well, good for them. (laughs)

Waiter: Are you sure you don't want me to help you clean this up?

Cassie: I got it, really. Yeah, it's no problem. And you need to get out of here. You know, it's...

Waiter: Okay, well, if you... If you need anymore help with anything...

Cassie: Right. No, you know what? You need to go because I don't want anything happening to you, and I don't want to be responsible.

Waiter: Oh, okay.

Danny: (coughing)

Cassie: (coughing)

Waiter: What was that?

Cassie: Dust. You know, you should go before it starts to affect you.

Waiter: Okay.

Cassie: Thank you. (keys jangling)

Danny: Lock the door.

Cassie: I am.

Danny: Lock the door. (labored breathing)

Cassie: Oh, my God.

Danny: That was too close. That was too...

Cassie: Danny, you're bleeding so bad. I have got to get you some help, Danny. I've got to get you...

Danny: No, no.

Cassie: No, listen to me. We can trust Ed, do you hear me? We can trust Ed.

Danny: No, no one can know I'm alive. Please, please. No one can know.

Cassie: Danny.

Danny: Please...

Cassie: You're not going to be alive much longer if you don't let me get you some help.

Danny: Listen, listen to me. Please. I left... I left Michelle and Robbie so that they would be safe. The only way that they will stay safe is if I'm dead, real. For real or not... Oh, please.

Cassie: Well, it's not going to be for real, Danny. You're not going to die. I will help you, and I'm going to take care of you. I hope Ed put a miracle in this bag.

Carmen: Danny? Who's Danny? I never see him anymore.

Ed: Well, you think maybe there's a reason for that?

Carmen: You know, I find this very ironic. You criticizing my parenting skills when you abandoned your own family for how many years?

Ed: It just means I know what I'm talking about.

Carmen: Or you're a hypocrite.

Ed: If Danny has actually turned his back on you, my hat is off to him, and I'll tell you something. You're not getting anywhere near his child.

Carmen: Such self-righteousness. Well, you go on. You hold onto your precious grandson, Ed. But mark my word, sooner or later, you're going to have to let go of him.

Ed: What does that mean? Is that a threat?

Carmen: Just the truth. Children will always leave you. And when they do, they take your heart with them.

Man: Your daughter's beautiful.

Alan: It's not my daughter, it's my wife.

Man: No wonder your heart stopped. (knock on door)

Olivia: Alan?

Nurse: Diagnostic services is ready for you, Mr. Spaulding.

Alan: Yeah, well I'm not ready for them.

Olivia: Alan.

Alan: Look, this is all a waste of time, Olivia. All we have to do is wait for Dr. Kirby to return from St. Bart. Then he can go over my chart with Dr. Pierce.

Olivia: There... There are no charts or records or anything.

Alan: That's because an inept nurse misplaced them.

Olivia: No, more likely it's Dr. Kirby who's inept. Now I know you like the guy and you trust him, okay, but if he's such a terrific doctor, why aren't you getting better?

Alan: I am getting better. I'm fine.

Olivia: So you say! But he says otherwise. Now, please, let her take some blood. Just do a few tests, and then we'll know what's what, okay? Thank you! Come here.

Waiter: Sorry for the delay, sir, but the champagne you ordered was unavailable. The owner said she hopes that you'll accept this as a substitute.

Edmund: This bottle wasn't on the list. Well, I'm... (laughs) ...I suppose it'll have to do. (Laughs) you'll never guess the bottle Cassie substituted.

Alexandra: Oh, my goodness. (laughs) Do you think she realizes?

Edmund: What a rare bottle it is? I think Cassie barely understands the difference between red and white. But with a bottle like this, we better have something to celebrate.

Alexandra: Well, we do.

Edmund: With terms as stipulated?

Alexandra: Yes. Except that the amour is strictly for show.

Edmund: Oh, of course, until you say otherwise.

Alexandra: Right, well, I really wish that I could stay and celebrate with you, but I must get back to the hospital.

Edmund: Well, I can't drink this alone. It would be bad luck.

Alexandra: No, you don't have to do that. Tell the waiter to save it for another day.

Edmund: The day I sweep you off your feet.

Alexandra: Yes. The day you sweep me off my feet, Edmund. Au Revoir, Prince.

Edmund: Until then.

Marah: I came out here a lot over the summer when I was upset about you or mom.

Tony: I remember when I saw you here. You looked like an angel. Where is he, Marah? (Voice shaking) Where's Danny? I mean, is he out there alone somewhere needing me? Is he even alive? I mean, why didn't he tell me about the Feds? I would have had his back if he would just... Just... Just would have trusted me.

Marah: Because he wanted to protect you. He wanted to leave you out of it because he loved you. He loves you.

Tony: I mean, he could... He could be alive. He could be, but my gut tells me he's not, and I don't know what I'm going to do without him, Marah. I mean, Ray and Danny are all I've got, you know.

Marah: Well, try not to think the worst.

Tony: How can I help it, huh? Everyone I've ever loved has died on me.

Marah: Not everyone.

Alexandra: Alan Spaulding's here having some tests. Where is he?

Nurse: He's right there.

Alexandra: Thank you.

Olivia: Alexandra, what are you doing?

Alexandra: I'm bringing aid and comfort to my ill brother.

Olivia: Yeah, well, he doesn't want you here.

Alexandra: Oh, really?

Olivia: Yeah.

Alexandra: I suppose that's why he called me just now and begged me to come down here.

Olivia: Alan called you?

Alexandra: Yes, he did. And he, I guess, finally realizes who he can trust around here.

Olivia: You? You stole his company, you threatened to show him the tape of Phillip and me. You want to give him another heart attack?

Alexandra: Oh, you are talking about that tape. You know, you weren't exactly playing scrabble with Phillip on that tape, Olivia. You were kissing and slobbering all over each other, in a lift on your wedding day.

Olivia: I told you, it was nothing.

Alexandra: I don't believe you. Just as I don't believe that you dragged Alan down here with a bad motive.

Olivia: I dragged him down here?

Alexandra: Yes, you dragged tests and a second opinion. Why?

Olivia: Because I love him, and I want him to get better. And you know what else? I want him to be at the top of his game when he makes you live to regret the day you ever stepped foot back in this town again!

Alexandra: Let me tell you something about this family. Let me tell you something about the Spaulding wives, because they come and they go like cheap costume jewelry. But the family stays together, understand? Excuse me.

Alan: Thank you very much.

Alexandra: What are they going to test here?

Alan: Look, all of them, and how much cash do you have on you?

Alexandra: Oh, I don't know, a couple of hundred, why?

Alan: Because when the nurse comes in here with the test results, I want you to...

Alexandra: Oh, Alan, darling, I couldn't do that. It would be deceitful.

Alan: Have I told you lately how much I loathe you?

Olivia: They have the results back.

Alan: Already?

Nurse: Dr. Pierce will be with you shortly.

Alexandra: Oh, wonderful. Oh, I hope you don't mind if I... If I stay. Can't wait to see the results of those tests.

Alan: Uh, ladies... Would you... Would you mind excusing me for a minute?

Olivia: Why?

Alan: Well, I need to... I need to put on these hospital gowns...

Alexandra: So modest, darling. (laughter)

Dr. Pierce: Let's see what we have here.

Alan: Hello, Dr. Pierce. Well, Doctor, why don't you tell these ladies that I am as fit as a proverbial stradivarius.

Dr. Pierce: I wish I could, Mr. Spaulding, but I'm afraid your Echo indicates severe arterial blockage.

Alan: What does that mean?

Dr. Pierce: Angiogram, possible surgery. We need an O.R. room. I need a surgery team in room four right away, please.

Alan: Possible surgery?

Marah: So what happens next with Danny? I mean, Gus Aitoro's looking for him, right?

Tony: And everyone else in my family who I can trust. But without any proof, if days and weeks go by, then we just... I guess we just got to assume...

Marah: You can't move forward like that without knowing.

Tony: No, I can't. And Michelle and Robbie, what... What am I supposed to tell them?

Marah: I saw Michelle last night, and this morning she stopped by the clinic.

Tony: Was she asking for Danny? I mean, is she... Is she worried about him?

Marah: No, no, she has no idea that anything's wrong. She thinks that he's out of town on business.

Tony: You think I should tell her what I know?

Marah: Well, what you know is nothing for sure.

Tony: Okay then, what I suspect.

Marah: I was going to tell her. I mean, I almost... I tried to, but she kept saying that she needed to cut the cord with Danny, that she needed to move forward with her life.

Tony: Does she mean it?

Marah: She wants to mean it.

Tony: But she still loves him, right? If it was me that this happened to and you were in Michelle's shoes, would you want to know that I was missing, that I might be dead?

Marah: Yes.

Tony: Then I guess deep down inside, Michelle would want to know, too. I mean, she's got... She's got Robbie to think about, and she's still Danny's wife.

Marah: Yeah. You're right, we should... We should tell her.

Tony: We? You want... You want to come with me?

Marah: I mean, if you want me to. I don't know, it's just a difficult thing to do. I thought you might want a friend to be with you.

Tony: I would.

Marah: Then we'll do it together.

Cassie: It's all right. This should stop the bleeding and the antibiotics should kick in soon. My God, you're burning up.

Danny: (labored breathing) Michelle?

Cassie: No, Danny, it's Cassie.

Danny: Hi, Michelle. Hi, Michelle.

Cassie: Danny, it's Cassie. Okay, I want you to hang in there. When these antibiotics kick in, it's going to break your fever and you're going to be fine, okay?

Danny: I love you. I love you, honey. I love you. I never stopped.

Cassie: I'm not...

Danny: I did it all for you. For you and Robbie, everything. I did it for you, to keep you safe.

Cassie: I know, I know you did. And I'm here with you, Danny. Okay, I'm here with you, and we're going to get through this together. All right, I'm here with you.

Danny: (labored breathing) I'm cold, I'm cold.

Cassie: Here. Okay.

Danny: Cold.

Cassie: How's that? Is that better?

Danny: (shivering)

Cassie: All right, listen, I'm going to go upstairs and I'm going to get you another blanket from upstairs...

Danny: Please... Please... No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, please, honey, don't leave... Don't leave. Please, please, don't leave me. Don't leave. don't... Don't go, please.

Cassie: Okay, all right.

Danny: Don't go, don't go.

Cassie: Okay, okay. All right, I'll stay with you. Shh. Shh...

Danny: I love you. I love you, Michelle. I love you. I love you.

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