Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/13/02
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Proofread by Maria
Cassie: St. Vincent's ER? Yes, I'm calling because I'd like to know if there was anyone admitted last night with a gunshot wound? Yes, it's very important. Yeah, I'll hold. Come on, Danny, please be there. Please be there. Yes. No one? Okay. Thank you. Okay, Danny, you cannot take care of yourself. You must have known that. Where did you go?
Edmund: It's freezing out here, Alan. Could we not have met inside?
Alan: No, Edmund. And I want you to think. My sister keeps a suite here at the Beacon, and I don't want to run into her while you and I are planning her deserved downfall. Now, how are things going on your end? Are you getting to know my sister a little better?
Edmund: Well, I haven't exactly had much time. She's been away.
Alan: Ah, yes, the goodwill ambassador visiting every branch of the company-- save one.
Edmund: The west coast office-- Roger Thorpe's domain.
Alan: Alexandra's Achilles heel.
Edmund: Yes, I've been told.
Alan: Roger Thorpe was one of the few men that broke my sister's heart. She's never forgiven him for it, and she hasn't forgiven herself for allowing it to happen in the first place.
Edmund: So, underneath all that savvy and intelligence, your sister's got a bit of a blind spot for love, is that it?
Alan: My sister has an insatiable appetite for scoundrels, Edmund. The more untrustworthy they are, the better. That's why she will fall in love with you.
Alexandra: Phillip, darling, have you missed me?
Phillip: Well, that all depends. If you have returned home with a new and improved attitude towards your family, then yes, I have missed you desperately and I'm delighted to see you.
Alexandra: Thank you. You know, ever since I came back, you have misunderstood my motives. It's not like you, Phillip. It's not like you at all.
Phillip: Well, you know, you raise an interesting point. I wonder how well we do know each other now. You've been gone for years. Then you come back, and you take the company. And, no, not just take the company; then you decide that you want to destroy my father and his marriage and apparently me as well.
Alexandra: Oh, Phillip...
Phillip: That's not the aunt that I remember.
Alexandra: No, I had never had any, any intention of destroying you.
Phillip: Really?
Alexandra: Yes.
Phillip: You're holding a videotape of me kissing my father's wife on his wedding day, waiting to spring it on him and destroy all of our lives. You're right; how confused can I be? This has been a wonderful family reunion.
Alexandra: You know, your wicked stepmother is a threat to this family, not me. All I am doing is I am trying to step in to save you from yourself.
Phillip: Okay, and what about Alan?
Alexandra: I'm trying to do everything that I can to help him, too.
Phillip: By taking his company and sabotaging his marriage. Great.
Alexandra: (sighs)
Phillip: What?
Alexandra: I just think that you feel guilty because you know that it was you that caused your father's heart attack.
Phillip: No, there's something you're not telling me. What is it? What don't I know?
Alexandra: Okay, Phillip, what you don't know is your father's true condition. Did you know that Dr. Kirby had told him that not only can he not work, but he cannot exercise, and he cannot exercise his marital rights.
Don't look at me like that.
I just thought that you should
know the truth.
Phillip: I'm sure you did.
I'm sure you just couldn't wait
to tell me that my father's not
sleeping with his bride.
Marah: Hi, this is Marah Lewis. Is Tony there? You know what? I'm going to have to call back.
Reva: Hi.
Marah: Hi. I wasn't expecting you to be here.
Reva: Oh, well, I know. I just wanted to check out Ed's new digs and bring my darling daughter some lunch. Wow, this place is great. He's done wonders with it. Do you like working for Ed?
Marah: Yes, I do.
Reva: Good. So, thanks for coming to the party last night.
Marah: Well, where else would I be?
Reva: You left kind of early.
Marah: Yeah, I did.
Reva: Late date?
Marah: Mom...
Reva: Moms are supposed to ask questions, and daughters are supposed to say, "back off, mom."
Marah: Back off, mom.
Reva: And I'm going to ignore that because I'm worried about you. Did you go and see Tony after you left the house? (knocking on door).
Cassie: Ed? Ed, are you home? Ed?
Michelle: Oh, Cassie, hey.
Cassie: Michelle.
Michelle: Hey, what...
Cassie: Hi.
Michelle: Is everything okay?
Cassie: Yeah, I was just hoping... I was just wondering if...
Michelle: Cassie, are you okay?
Cassie: I really need to see your father. I need to see your father now.
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Marah: I had to see Tony last night. I got this overwhelming feeling that he needed me.
Reva: Hmm. Overwhelming feelings. Well, I know all about those. They got me into enough trouble over the years.
Marah: Yeah, this is different.
Reva: Oh, yeah?
Marah: Mom, look, I'm really glad that you're back and I'm sure you have a lot to do with getting your life back together and all, so can we please just leave mine alone?
Reva: Okay. See you later.
Marah: Mom... I'm sorry. Okay, I don't want to fight with you. I'm sorry I've been on such an emotional roller coaster lately. One minute I'm mad at you, the next I'm kissing and making up, the next I'm mad again. I just... What is it about?
Reva: Sounds to me like a good old-fashioned mother- daughter relationship.
Marah: Stay. You want to share lunch if you're hungry?
Reva: Eat my own cooking? No, thanks.
Marah: So I guess you heard me on the phone with Tony earlier, trying to talk to Tony. I had to call him because I wanted to see how he was.
Reva: Well, why were you concerned?
Marah: There's just been a lot of crazy stuff going on with his family right now.
Reva: Yeah, well, what else is new? I'll shut up. Go on.
Marah: All right, it's not about us this time. Nothing happened. All right, I just... I went over to the Santos', and I heard Carmen and Tony talking... Or arguing about Danny.
Reva: Danny?
Marah: Yeah. I guess he went to the police to try and put the family out of the business.
Reva: Really? Carmen must've freaked out when she heard that.
Marah: Well, yeah. But, anyway, I guess that Danny is missing, and Tony thinks that Carmen had something to do with it, so he was really angry at her and he was yelling at her and... I almost thought that he was going to kill her.
Reva: See, Marah, that's exactly why your father and I don't want you hanging out with him. He's dangerous.
Marah: Mom, okay, listen. I was going to let him know that I was there so that he would stop, but he stopped anyway all on his own; he backed off. He said that he didn't want to be like Carmen, and he was trying really hard not to.
Reva: Well, I'm glad he was trying so hard, Marah. But it's not easy to escape who you are, because it's in your blood.
Marah: Okay, mom, but you weren't there, all right? Something in him clicked. It just... It changed.
Reva: I know you want to believe that, but you cannot forget what he did to you. It wasn't all that long ago.
Marah: Mom, people can change if they want to.
Reva: Yes, I know. Believe me, I have been struggling with that all my life. And no matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I learned, I still would leap before I'd look. And the people I loved... They paid for it. Tony has a problem with violence, and the people he loves have already paid.
Reva: You've already paid.
Marah: Okay. Okay. Thank you for your concern. I'm going to get back to work.
Reva: I'm... I'm going to go take a walk on the beach. I know that you don't like hearing what I have to say about Tony right now, and I would love nothing more than to be able to lock you up and throw away the key, but I can't do that either. But I want you to know that you can still come to me and tell me whatever it is that's going on-- whether or not I'm going to like it or not.
Marah: Enjoy your walk.
Reva: I will, because I am going to savor every moment of my freedom.
Michelle: I'm really sorry, Cassie. My dad's not here. He had an early appointment.
Cassie: Was it an emergency patient?
Michelle: Oh, no, no, no. Nothing like that. Are you all right, because you just don't look... Well, you don't look like yourself.
Cassie: You know, I just really had a hectic morning, that's all. Hey, there! Hi. Wow, he has gotten so big. Hello. You and Danny must be so proud of him.
Michelle: We are. We... Well, I am. I'm trying not to speak for Danny. Danny decided that in order to protect Robbie, he had to cut him off completely.
Cassie: I'm... I'm sorry. I mean, that must be so tough for you. I'm so sorry.
Michelle: Yeah, and now he's left town.
Cassie: So he's not here right now?
Michelle: Nope, and I'm left with a little boy who cries for his daddy every night.
Cassie: Yeah, I know how that goes. When I took the kids to the airport so they could go visit Rusty, R. J. Wanted to know if the plane could stop in heaven so he could visit his daddy.
Michelle: Oh, Cassie, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to be so self- centered. You've been through so much.
Cassie: No, you're not being self-centered at all, Michelle. Not at all. Look, you know, I... I'll call your dad, okay? I'll call Ed and figure everything out. But, you know, maybe Danny will change his mind. He loves you so much.
Michelle: I don't think so. He's gone for good.
Cassie: Bye.
Michelle: Bye.
Cassie: (sighs) oh, God, Michelle, I hope not. I hope not.
Marina: So will I be on camera if I'm still here when the governor arrives?
Buzz: I don't know. Will you?
Marina: Well, you know, holly's covering this thing for the WSPR, so I figure what's the use of dating the Springfield media queen if you can't get your favorite granddaughter a little on-air coverage.
Buzz: No news coverage. Never mentioned it to holly.
Marina: What's up with you guys? No, I'm sensing... I'm sensing that there's trouble here. So why don't you sit down, talk to me. Dr. Marina is in.
Edmund: All right, all right. Tell me everything I need to know about Alexandra's past. Couldn't we possibly go inside? It's...
Alan: Settle, Edmund. This will not take very long. Now, years ago my sister fell in love with a musician—very intense, romantic, passionate young man-- just the kind of man that would turn a young girl's head.
Edmund: Right, her first love. Is that it?
Alan: Yes. My father put an end to that. He went as far as to send her son away.
Edmund: Good lord.
Alan: Needless to say, my sister changed quite a bit. She became very guarded, very careful. She never allowed herself to fall in love with anyone who could break her heart. She was attracted to men who were safe, unchallenging. But then the inevitable happened. She fell in love again with a man much like my father-- a man who was capable of fighting for her.
Edmund: And that ended badly also, right?
Alan: Of course.
Edmund: All right, then I would imagine she would want to steer clear of a complicated man such as myself.
Alan: When it comes to love, my sister is as naive as a 12- year-old. You are just the kind of man she falls in love with, Edmund. So I encourage you, challenge her. I have every faith that you will charm her.
Edmund: Well, I have no doubt about that. But a word to the wise, Alan, from someone who knows something about sibling rivalry, it is very dangerous to underestimate your sandbox playmate. And from what I've heard, you've made mistakes in that arena before.
Alan: I know what I'm up against. Now, are you turning down an opportunity to experience the American dream?
Edmund: No. I didn't say that, and i have every confidence in myself; I'm just not making any guarantees.
Alan: Well, I can accept that.
Edmund: All right. Then it's a deal. And might I add, it's going to be a pleasure to pursue someone as beautiful as your sister.
Alan: (laughs)
Edmund: (laughs) one more thing, Alan. I can't for a moment imagine this is all about control of the company. There has to be some old wound involved.
Alan: Well, I don't want to clutter your mind any more about family history. Let me just say this. All I want you to do is distract her. Keep her off balance-- simple as that.
Edmund: And then what?
Alan: Then I'll have an opportunity to repay her-- with interest.
Olivia: Everyone in this family needs to get a hobby-- preferably one that doesn't involve Alan's and my sex life.
Phillip: Sounds good to me. What exactly were you hoping to achieve with that little tidbit?
Alexandra: Well...
Olivia: Oh, don't bother. Let me take this one. She was hoping her news flash would cause you to go flying after me, and of course I couldn't resist you.
Alexandra: Well, that's one thing we all agree on.
Olivia: And then she would make sure that Alan found out about it. You'd feel guilty as hell. There'd be a huge blowup. I'd get kicked to the curb. How am I doing so far?
Alexandra: Do you see how this woman thinks? It's all about her. Me, me, me. If she would've let us finish our conversation. She would've heard me say to you that it's time that you got out of this house before it's too late, Phillip-- before she gets her claws into you again.
Olivia: I'll show you claws!
Phillip: All right, okay. Enough, enough, enough. That's enough for today. Really unbelievable.
Alexandra: Okay.
Phillip: Listen to me.
Alexandra: Mm?
Phillip: I want you to stop this. This is really beneath you; it is. Your help is not wanted or needed. And you know what? If you keep it up, neither are you.
Alexandra: (sighs) yeah, hello.
Edmund: Hello, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Oh, Edmund. Hi. What can I do for you?
Edmund: Well, I was hoping I could talk you into a cup of coffee.
Alexandra: Oh, what a great idea. I could do with a little fresh air.
Edmund: Good. How do we say the beacon in half an hour?
Alexandra: No, let's make it 45 minutes.
Edmund: Half an hour, Alexandra. Don't be late.
Alexandra: Hmm.
Phillip: Okay, that's it. You and I have to do something to stop Alexandra.
Alexandra: Alan, hi.
Alan: Well, Alexandra, how was your trip?
Alexandra: Oh, it was excellent. I've gotten some great ideas for the company-- and for the family.
Alan: Wonderful.
Alexandra: And I've even shortened my timeline.
Alan: I can only hope that means you'll be leaving soon.
Alexandra: Oh, Alan, how can you say that? One day you will understand, darling, that everything I have been doing is for you and you alone.
Alan: I will understand that when they're putting me away in the psychiatric ward at Cedars hospital.
Alexandra: Oh.
Olivia: How? How are we going to stop her, Phillip? She has us by the throat with that stupid tape.
Phillip: I don't think so.
Olivia: Are you crazy?
Phillip: No.
Olivia: If Alan finds out about this, then he's not... He's going to hate me, and he's not going to want me in his life as his business partner, certainly not his wife...
Phillip: Yes, absolutely. Alexandra would love to find a way to make Alan throw you to the wolves. But don't you understand? This involves me, too, and that's what will stop her.
Olivia: Oh, really?
Phillip: Yeah. Yes, I mean it. I called her on it this morning, and unless I've missed my guess, I don't think she's going to turn on me.
Olivia: And what was that thing in the boardroom with all your ex-wives? What was that?
Phillip: What, for her? That's a nudge.
Olivia: Well, what happens to people she pushes? All right, I have no doubt she doesn't want to really hurt you, but she does want to get rid of me. And if you get caught in the crossfire, I... Wait a minute.
Phillip: What?
Olivia: Alexandra wants to destroy me by showing Alan that tape, right?
Phillip: Right.
Olivia: So what happens if I preempt her, Phillip? What happens if I'm the
one who shows
Alan that tape?
Michelle: Is he here? Marah, have you seen him?
Marah: Him?
Michelle: My dad.
Marah: Oh, Ed, right.
Michelle: Yeah, because Robbie has an ear infection and I want him to look at it.
Marah: Yeah, well, that... That would make perfect sense why you'd want to see your father because doctors being in the family and everything.
Michelle: Oh, no, I have a regular pediatrician; she's just out of town. But is my dad going to be back? Is he...?
Marah: Oh, no. No, I'm sorry, he's at Cedars. But you know what? I can... I can call ahead and tell him that you're going to come, okay?
Michelle: Oh, thank you. I really appreciate that. Marah, is everything okay?
Marah: Michelle, did something... Did something happen the other night when I left your house?
Michelle: No. I mean, I took a hot bath; I went to bed. Why? Marah, what do you know? Come on, you have to spill it. You're actually making me nervous here.
Marah: It's just that I ran into Harley and Gus' sister, and they were talking about Tony, and it got me really worried, and I went over to the Santos' house, and it seemed like there was some kind of trouble.
Michelle: So you were afraid for Tony?
Marah: Yeah. Yeah, that was part of it.
Michelle: Wait, listen, Marah. You don't have to walk on eggshells around me when you talk about Tony. I'm, like, one of the people who actually understands how hard it is to let go, I mean, whether you decide to or not.
Marah: Michelle...
Michelle: If you decide to be with Tony, that's your choice and I'm not going to judge you for it.
Marah: Okay. Thank you, but this isn't about Tony. I mean, yes, I care about him. I don't know. I probably shouldn't even be talking about this, but I feel like you need to know.
Michelle: Is this about Danny?
Cassie: (whisper) oh, God. Danny, you couldn't have gotten very far. Reva.
Reva: Hi.
Cassie: Hi.
Reva: So, what? You out for a walk, too?
Cassie: Yeah, yeah, sort of. How are you?
Reva: I'm okay.
Cassie: Really?
Reva: Yeah. Well, actually, I just saw Marah, and she's got so much going on right now, and I have to just stand back and let her go through it, which is difficult for me. But it's nice to see you.
Cassie: It's nice to see you.
Reva: Thanks for coming over to the house last night for the party, too. I almost felt like i had my sister back again. So what are you doing now? You want to maybe go grab some lunch? Do something normal for a change?
Cassie: You know, I... I can't. I really can't. It's... It's a little soon, you know?
Reva: Oh, that's fine. It's okay. I know you're busy.
Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I mean, I really have to go.
Reva: That's fine. Oh, but I should probably tell you something that Marah told me about
Danny Santos.
Cassie: Danny Santos? Reva, please tell me someone found him. Is he okay?
Reva: I didn't say anything about Danny missing.
Reva: How did you know that Danny was missing?
Cassie: I... I... I didn't know that he was missing. The truth is he came by my place the other day, and he told me that my debt had been taken care of and told me he was going out of town for a few days; that's all.
Reva: And that upset you?
Cassie: No, I wasn't upset. It's just you mentioned a Santos, so, you know, you usually assume in the next breath that something bad had happened. And Danny is a friend, so, you know, I just really want him to be okay; that is all.
Reva: Well, I'm... I'm sure he will be okay.
Cassie: Yeah. Thanks.
Reva: Cassie, is there something else? Is it the kids?
Cassie: No, the kids are fine.
Reva: They're still with Rusty, right?
Cassie: Yeah, they're fine.
Reva: Tammy must be going crazy missing so much school.
Cassie: I really got to run.
Reva: Are you going somewhere, too?
Cassie: No, you know... Guests fishing forgot their tackles, so I'm...
Reva: What did he think he was going to catch? Great whites? (laughter)
Cassie: I... I got to run.
Reva: There's something going on with you, Cassie. I... I... And you're uncomfortable with it, but I just... I want you to know that you can trust me now-- you can-- to tell me whatever may be going on. Trust me that I will help you in any way I can. Just go, then.
Marah: Tony told me something about Danny last night.
Michelle: Did he tell you that Danny wants to be a father to his son?
Marah: I don't know about that.
Michelle: Because that's really all I want to know. Otherwise, I really don't want to hear about Danny, because he's made his choice and he's not my business anymore.
Marah: Michelle, I know that he hurt you a lot...
Michelle: Yeah, he did. He did. And if it was just me and our marriage, I'd still hate the fact that he walked out, but I'd be able to deal with it. But this is about Robbie. I mean, he turned his back on his own son to go back to that world, to his mother.
Marah: Do you really think that it was that simple?
Michelle: It has to be that simple. If I try to understand what Danny did, if I even think about it, I'm not going to be able to move forward.
Marah: But what if Danny was trying to change things from the inside? I mean, is that a possibility?
Michelle: Oh, Marah. Please, I really... I can't do this. I'm sorry.
Marah: Okay. So what now?
Michelle: Now, it's Robbie and me. And we're okay with that. We're fine.
Marah: Look, Michelle, I'm sorry if I upset you.
Michelle: You didn't upset me. Any time you want to talk to me about Tony or any of your problems, that's fine. I just don't want to talk about Danny, because he's part of my past; he's not part of my future.
Edmund: I missed you very much.
Alexandra: Oh, well, I've only been gone a few days; don't get carried away.
Edmund: All right, I apologize. I didn't mean to gush.
Alexandra: A little gushing can sometimes be a good thing.
Edmund: Good, then I missed you very much.
Alexandra: Well, tell me something: What about that Carmen woman that you're supposed to be involved with?
Edmund: Carmen Santos and I are now finished, which leaves me pretty much alone in this one-horse town.
Alexandra: Really? Then why do you stay here? I mean, you don't have many friends and certainly no family. And I'm afraid that nobody's very impressed by that sort of royal title that you insist on using.
Edmund: My brother's interred here.
Alexandra: Of course.
Edmund: And his children are here. And whether my sister-in-law likes it or not, they're the closest thing to a family I have. I would like to see them grow up. There are things about my brother that only I can tell them.
Alexandra: Well, that's so sweet of you, Edmund. But surely you must have some plans.
Edmund: Oh, I have a plan.
Alexandra: What is it?
Edmund: Well, funny you should ask, because you're a very important part of that plan.
Alexandra: (laughs) well, you know, I have my own plans, so I really don't think that I'm going to have time to be part of yours.
Edmund: And I'm thinking you're going to want to make time for my plan. All work and no play-- that sort of thing.
Alexandra: Are you suggesting that-- what's that word?-- We enjoy each other's companionship?
Edmund: Oh, please. Nothing so primitive.
Alexandra: Well, then, what do you want? Do you want to go steady?
Edmund: I want and fully expect you to fall madly in love with me.
Alexandra: (laughs)
Marina: You know, it seems to me that you're letting holly just slip right through your fingers. And I think you got to fight for her. Grandpa, you really got to fight. You got to stand up for what's yours, you know? I mean, come on. Haven't you ever fought for a woman before?
Buzz: Oh, maybe once or twice.
Marina: Look at me, okay? You know, if I hadn't fought for Ben, he would have never realized that he can't live without me, and dad would have never relaxed the way that he has.
Buzz: Relaxed, your father?
Marina: Well, he's getting there; trust me. But the point is, it's all because I refuse to give up.
Buzz: I'll keep that in mind.
Marina: Good.
Buzz: What are you looking for, clothes for school?
Marina: No, I'm looking for Christmas presents.
Buzz: It's a little early, don't you think?
Marina: Yeah, well, you know, dad told me to pick out a few things, make his life a little easier. And I'm picking out some things for Ben, too. I really don't want dad spending that much money on me, but Ben is another story.
Buzz: I'm glad the talk we had yesterday had such an effect.
Marina: Well, you know, I figure somebody in this family has got to go for the bucks. I mean, dad apparently thinks it's just this horrible, dirty thing to actually have money. And aunt Harley clearly can't hang onto any of the Spaulding men, and... Well, who knows what's going on with you. So, I figure it's up to me.
Phillip: Well, I hope you plan to dial 9-1-1 before you show it to him, because I'm pretty sure seeing it will put him back in the ICU.
Olivia: No, no, we'll just approach him calmly, and we'll just explain to him what it meant. It meant nothing; it was nothing. It was just... (sighs) it was wedding-day jitters. It was unresolved issues. We were stuck in an elevator and we kissed, okay? It was nothing. And since then, nothing, because it's our choice and our decision.
Phillip: And you think that he's going to find that comforting?
Olivia: I don't know, Phillip. Maybe.
Phillip: Yeah, maybe not. Maybe he'll have another heart attack. I mean, let's be honest here; our plans have had a way of backfiring in the past.
Olivia: Well, it's not going to this time; it won't, because it can't! (sighs) I want him to get better. And I... There have been too many mistakes made-- mostly mine-- and I have to find some way to make this up to him. What?
Phillip: Look, you and I had our problems in the beginning, but I know you're trying to be a good wife to my father, and I respect you for that; I really do. I want him to have that. I do respect you for that.
Olivia: What are you doing?
Phillip: I'm going to call the doctor.
Olivia: Dr. Kirby? Phillip, we know what he thinks...
Phillip: No, not Kirby. I'm going to call Dr. Pierce, Rick's specialist. I think we are long overdue for a second opinion. Let's see what pierce says. If he gives Alan the green light, then we'll consider showing him the tape. That's really the only way that I can allow it.
Olivia: Agreed. Bring on Dr. Pierce. Hi, sweetheart. Hi.
Phillip: Hi, darling.
Olivia: Alan, you certainly are...
Alan: Robust...
Olivia: Yeah.
Alan: ...Is a good word, isn't it? Listen, why don't you and I adjourn to the bedroom and continue this...
Olivia: Not until Phillip's off the phone. I know. I'll tell you in a minute. Look, I just... You always told me it was a good idea to examine the entire playing field before a game, right? That's exactly what we're going to do.
Phillip: Yeah, dr. Pierce, it's Phillip Spaulding. Listen, I don't know you if you're... Yeah. Yes, in the hospital with Rick Bauer, right. Look, I know you're a very busy man, and I will come right to the point here. Any chance that I could talk to you into making a house call?
Alexandra: This is certainly one of the most fascinating conversations I've ever had in Springfield.
Edmund: No man has ever asked for your love? I find that very hard to believe.
Alexandra: Well, of course they have, but seldom over coffee.
Edmund: Good, I want to stand out from the crowd. As you get to know me better, Alexandra, you'll find I'm different from all the other men you've known.
Alexandra: Well, that could be interesting.
Edmund: Yes, it will be. While I'm a prince, I'm far from being a knight in shining armor; that was my brother's lot in life.
Alexandra: Aha. Well, thanks for the warning.
Edmund: Don't forget to find a soft underbelly to the armor, and I'm not likely to change.
Alexandra: Any woman who expects any man to change is a fool. Make no mistake, I am not a fool in love.
Edmund: I wouldn't want you if you were.
Alexandra: And I wouldn't want you, Edmund, to be under the impression that my bank account and my influence would be at your disposal if this relationship should work out.
Edmund: This may be very difficult to believe, but I am not the least bit interested in your money.
Alexandra (laughing): Oh, that's a surprise.
Edmund: It shouldn't be, because if you do fall madly in love with me, I'm financially set for life.
Alexandra: Oh. And to what do you owe this, the lottery?
Edmund: No. Your brother.
Alan: This really isn't necessary, Olivia. I am getting stronger every day. And, you know, if you two would just lay off for a while, I might...
Nolan: Excuse me. Dr. Pierce is here.
Phillip: Oh, great.
Olivia: Just listen to me.
Phillip: Dr. Pierce, thank you for coming, and thank you again for everything you did for Rick. Dr. Pierce, this is my father, Alan Spaulding.
Alan: Dr. Pierce, I will not be needing a heart transplant today, but thank you for stopping by.
Olivia: Don't be difficult. Come on, dr. Pierce is here to tell us what we already know: You're getting stronger every day.
Alan: My physician is Dr. Kirby. I play by his rules.
Phillip: Dad, this is not about Dr. Kirby. We know you've been going to him for years. You have every reason to trust him...
Alan: If it weren't for Dr. Kirby, there's no telling what would've happened to me.
Olivia: Nobody's cutting Dr. Kirby out. Dr. Pierce is one of the top cardiologists in the country. What's wrong with him just giving you an exam and checking your charts?
Pierce: We'll keep it simple, Mr. Spaulding.
Alan: Yes, we will keep it simple.
Pierce: Well, if you'd rather take care of this in the hospital, I've already reserved a room at Cedars...
Phillip: Oh, great. Let's do that. I'll have him...
Alan: No, no. All you have to do is check my heart here and we can call it a day. Thank you.
Phillip: Dad, this could take a little longer than that. Dr. Pierce has to look over all the tests that Dr. Kirby already did so he can trace it back to the time you had the heart attack.
Olivia: Listen, you're going to thank us for this later, I promise, okay? Come on.
Marah: Mom? Mom, where are you?
Reva: Marah? Sweetie, hey, I'm right here.
Marah: Hi.
Reva: What is it?
Marah: I need... I need you. I need your help. I know that I said that I didn't, but I do.
Reva: What's going on? I knew that if I sat here long enough somebody would need my help.
Marah: It's Michelle. She... She came by the clinic after you left, and I didn't say anything to her about Danny because she kept insisting that she didn't want anything to do with Danny, she didn't want to hear anything. She just wanted to get on with her life and take care of Robbie. And I just kept thinking, though, if something were wrong with Tony, if he were missing, I would want to know, but I didn't... I didn't know what to say to her.
Reva: Okay. Sweetheart, listen to me. Michelle needs to put some distance between she and Danny in order to survive, and hearing about him makes her feel like she's on some kind of a roller coaster.
Marah: Yeah, I know, I guess. I just... I don't know. This whole thing has me feeling so scared, and I... I just want to make sure that everyone's okay.
Reva: Okay. You want to go see Tony and make sure he's safe?
Marah: Yeah, please don't tell me not to see him.
Reva: (sighs) go. Mama, how did you do it? (sighs)
Michelle: You miss your daddy, honey, don't you? I know. I know how you feel, because I was without grandpa, my daddy, for a long, long time. That used to make me very sad, and I'd cry and get mad. Sometimes I'd even scream. But I made it through okay—I did-- because I had uncle Rick, and I had aunt Meta, and I had lots and lots of friends and relatives to take care of me, and that's what's going to happen for you, too. You know that, right? Your daddy loves you very much, sweetie. And just because he's not here, doesn't mean that you're alone, okay? Because I'm here, and I'm never, ever, ever going to leave you.
Cassie: Damn it, Danny, where'd you go? How could you have made it anywhere? That's blood.