Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/12/02
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Proofread by Maria
NOTE: for some reason most of the names were cut off at the beginning...
Cassie: Just hang on, Danny, okay, just take it easy, I'm right here, just hang on, okay? Hang on! Danny? Danny? Danny don't die on me! Danny? Oh, my God. All right. The bleeding stopped. That's not good enough, I've got to get you help, I've got to get you out of here. All right. I'll do what I can do. I'll be back, I promise you, I will be back.
Holly: So, you must be relieved.
Ed: Relieved?
Holly: That Michelle is no longer a part of the Santos world.
Ed: You know, I'll tell you the truth. I don't know what's harder, dealing with my daughter's broken heart, or that family. You know, I talk to Danny, I told him I didn't think it had to end this way because they love each other. I was so convinced that they could just work it out.
Danny obviously disagreed.
Ed: Well, he said he'd try, but ...
Holly: I can attest to that, I used to see him at the country club and at towers. He was trying his best to fit in. I got the sense it was a struggle.
Ed: Well, you know, the struggle is over, he said he can't be anything but what he is, he's a Santos, he doesn't want it hanging over Michelle and Roby's head, so...
Holly: Cancel that marriage.
Ed: You take away the family part and that guy could have been just a wonderful husband.
Holly: Is that what Michelle feels?
Ed: She can't allow herself to feel that way, it hurts too much. She's got to concentrate on moving forward with her life.
Holly: Yeah, it's called letting go of the past.
Ed: Easier said than done, huh?
Holly: It's late. Kid take this with me?
Ed: What just happened there? What's going on, you have something on your mind, what?
Holly: Standard condition with me. No, I, well, I was thinking about you. I've never said... I'm sorry.
Ed: Sorry about what? What!
Holly: Well, the last time I was here, that I kissed you and I ran out the door as soon as Buzz showed up.
Ed: I remember that day.
Holly: Well, you must think I am a complete flake, or a tease, or something worse.
Ed: I think you're one hell of a kisser. I don't know if there's anything worse.
Buzz: Your school sure picked a heck of a night to put on a tempest. The crazy thunder and lightning outside. They could have set up a stage outside and saved a bundle on the special effects.
Buzz: You know what I think of that?
Buzz: How about a couple of hot fudge sundaes?
Marina: Yeah, always.
Lizzie: You know, I should probably call home and set up a ride for later, if I could only find my phone in this bag.
Ben: Are we free tonight?
Marina: Hey!
Marina: Until desert is ready at least.
Ben: All right. What's this, are you car shopping?
Lizzie: My grandfather, sort of promised me a car.
Ben: Don't settle for this.
Marina: Girl is getting a new car for free, you're telling her hold out for more?
Ben: No, for better.
Ben: Try heated leather seats.
Lizzie: I think I'm in love.
Ben: You should be, this is a very high end automobile we're talking about, they have new high gloss paint that comes in all these different colors and everything.
Lizzie: It's just getting better and better.
Ben: Well, there's more. There's a sound system with nine speakers, two in the front, a couple in the back, tinted windows, rims, everything.
Buzz: That's a good girl. You stay here.
Marina: Yeah, no worries. You need a certain something to get in on that conversation-- that would be a million bucks-- which I'm fresh out of.
Carmen: So what are you going to do, huh? Huh? What are you going to do, big man? You want to kill me, too? Keep the tradition alive?
Tony: Shut up! Shut up. This is about you, not me, and what you did to Danny-- your only son. Why? Why'd you have to go ahead and blast the one person you swore meant more to you than your own life? Because you were lying. That's it.
Carmen: This is... Crazy.
Danny: Even... Even if Danny went to the Feds, like Aitoro said, what would it have cost you? Huh, what? What? Six, seven years in prison? Oh, that's a great reason to go ahead and kill the only son that you had left!
Carmen: You have it all wrong! I'm just as worried about Danny as you are.
Tony: Oh, the lying! You're such a liar. Everybody—daughters-in-law, sons-- it doesn't matter, as long as you get yours.
Carmen: I love this family!
Tony: The hell you do. The only thing that you love is what's good for you.
Ray: Tony, what's going on?
Carmen: Thank God you're here. He's gone mad. He thinks that...
Tony: She killed Danny. She shot him. Shouldn't you be smiling, huh? You got rid of somebody else that was in your way!
Ray: Tony, stop it.
Tony: Not until I get some answers. Tell me, is it really worth being number one when you've got to kill everybody that you love?
Ray: Tony, that's enough.
Tony: She killed Danny.
Ray: You know that for a fact?
Tony: I'm not going to wait for his body to turn up to do something about it.
Ray: Tony, leave her alone, all right?
Tony: You're the one. You're the one who should be dead.
Carmen: Go ahead. Go ahead, big man. Go ahead! Kill me!
Tony: No! No. I'm not you. I pray to God that I never will be. here?
Tony: Don't you...
Carmen: I want you to leave right now.
Tony: Don't you say a damn word to her, Carmen.
Marah: I came when I heard Harley talking about what happened.
Tony: How much of this did you hear?
Marah: The most important part.
Carmen: Ray, he's mad. There's no proof, no evidence, nothing.
Ray: Where is Danny?
Carmen: I don't know! I wish I did so we could all feel better about all this.
Tony: That can't happen because you've got his body stashed away someplace. You know, Carmen, you killed this whole family way before tonight.
Carmen: What are you doing?
Tony: I'm calling Aitoro and I'm getting you locked up.
Carmen: On what charge? Imagined murder?
Ray: Tony, without proof or a body, they can't arrest her.
Tony: Fine. Fine. Get out of my sight! But don't you leave town. I never want to see you again.
Marah: Tony.
Tony: I'm okay. Ray, she killed Danny. She killed him. She killed him. And I was just here. I was just wasting time when I should have been watching his back. I could have done something. I could have seen this coming.
Ray: Tony, you can't blame yourself. Nobody can predict what...
Tony: Don't you try to rationalize this, Ray. Don't. I let him down, that's it.
Ray: Maybe it's not what it seems.
Tony: Yeah, right.
Ray: Don't give up hope.
Marah: I thought you were going to kill Carmen.
Tony: I wanted to so bad.
Marah: But something made you stop. Doesn't that make you feel better?
Tony: If Ray hadn't shown up, anything could have happened.
Anything. How good am I supposed to feel about that?
Buzz: What do you see in that guy? I mean, besides the dollar signs.
Marina: And gorgeousness and intellect and humor? Nothing. Don't get me wrong, the money's not a bad thing.
Buzz: I'm serious. I mean, I used to think the almighty dollar was almighty.
Marina: Yeah. Clearly you got over that, though, huh?
Buzz: You know what it took? It took winning the sweepstakes over in England. The point is, miss clever, that having a few bucks is fine, but you shouldn't have to sell your soul to get it. I mean, look at that poor kid.
Marina: You use the term loosely, right?
Buzz: Okay, she has the Spaulding bazillions to back her up, but what's the cost, right? I mean, she has to swallow all that garbage from Phillip and Alan about power and privilege.
Marina: While little people like us never have to worry about any of that?
Buzz: There are other things. Better things. Like lecturing your granddaughter. Hello? Am I getting through here?
Marina: Oh, yeah. I always hear you, Grandpa.
Buzz: But do you listen?
Holly: Okay, well, the question is who is she and who should she be kissing?
Ed: Oh, Holly, you and your questions. You got an answer to that one?
Holly: No. I have another question, though.
Ed: Uh-huh.
Holly: How could she be this old and still be so unsure of what she wants from a relation... From life.
Ed: Well, maybe because for so long she thought she was sure and then realized she was just kidding herself.
Holly: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Denial. My denial. Denial, alcoholism.
Ed: It's kind of a rude awakening, isn't it, when we wise up to our own games?
Holly: I just don't want to hurt anybody anymore.
Ed: People are very resilient, Holly. They're very resilient-- especially the ones who care about you.
Holly: So you're not... You're not mad about that kiss then, are you?
Ed: Holly, I meant what I said about things being different, if we were to try to start seeing each other again. I am not the same person. I don't believe that you are the same person.
Holly: Do you mean that you would be interested in finding out how we would be if we would see each other again?
Ed: I'm a very curious guy. I mean, I can wait, but...
Holly: Ah, doc. Doc. Did people always call you that when you were younger?
Ed: Why are you asking me that at this particular moment?
Holly: Oh, just to keep a little distance. So, I guess I have all that I need. For the article. Would you walk me out to my paddy-wagon?
Ed: (laughs) (glass breaking)
Cassie: Oh, come on. Come on. Oh, yes. Thank you. All right.
Ed: Be right with you.
I forgot something.
Cassie: Hang on.
Danny: (breathing heavily)
Ben: Are you going to finish that?
Marina: No, go right ahead.
Ben: Thanks.
Lizzie: Oh, Malcolm. Hi. I've got to go, guys. Listen, Marina, can you tell Buzz thank you for taking us to the play?
Marina: Yeah.
Lizzie: And listen, thank you so much for the tips.
Ben: No problem.
Lizzie: You will be my first passenger.
Ben: All right!
Lizzie: Bye.
Ben: Not yet. But you know what? I'm willing to bet that you will have a fleet of those cars someday.
Marina: I'd only need one.
Ben: Where would you take it?
Marina: To the desert, no question.
Ben: Because you like the heat?
Marina: No. I like the wide-openness. I keep having this daydream where I'm in a car, almost exactly like one of those, and I'm going, like, 100, but I'm barely even touching the wheel because that's how fast I'm going, and it's only me on the road. And then, at the end there are just, there are mountains and they're lit up gold by the sun, and... I just really love that.
Ben: Why?
Marina: Because I'm free. I'm on my own.
Ben: I bet you'll make that trip.
Marina: Oh, I don't know. You know, I overheard my dad talking to my mom on the phone last night, and I think she was asking him for money. I mean, not that he's a walking bank or anything, but I don't think her catering business is doing too well, and I just had this image of myself, like, 20 years from now, having to make a phone call like that, and I just don't think I could ever do that to my dad.
Ben: Hey. You know what? 20 years from now, you could own that car company.
Marina: Yeah. I could just as easily have nothing, though, you know? I just... I would give anything to have some kind of security, to not have to worry about all of this stuff.
Ben: Well, you know, then the solution's obvious: Just be rich.
Marina: Oh. (laughs) okay, yeah. I'll get right on that. Thanks.
Ben: Hey, you know how to work hard, and that's what it takes.
Marina: Or, I could just, you know, win the lottery, because it seems to run in my family.
Ben: Family's good, but my personal favorite path to financial independence is inheritance.
Marina: Ah. Or, one could take the more classic route of scoring big bucks.
Ben: What's that?
Marina: Marrying them.
Ben: (laughs)
Cassie: I'm sorry if I scared you, Ed. I... I came in the back way. I thought somebody would be here. I'm sorry.
Ed: I could have sworn I locked that door half an hour ago. The one with the broken window in it.
Cassie: I need this stuff. It's not for me, it's for someone else, and it's an emergency, ed.
Ed: Then let me help.
Cassie: You can't.
Ed: Why is that? You have got to tell me who's hurt, who's sick.
Cassie: You have to trust me on this. Please.
Ed: Sweetie, you're breaking into the joint, you're making off with all my supplies, you're not telling me one word of explanation. I mean, that's a lot to accept.
Cassie: I thought that was the idea of this place, you know? It was a place where people could come for help with no questions asked.
Ed: It is.
Cassie: I need help, Ed, and I can't tell you why. But I promise you, when I can, I will.
Ed: Are you in trouble?
Cassie: No, not so far, I'm not in trouble.
Ed: All right. There are wider bandages down there on the left.
Cassie: Thank you. Thank you.
Ed: You better take this, too. It's antibiotics-- one every four hours. Make sure your patient gets enough water, especially if there's been loss of blood.
Cassie: Okay.
Ed: There is a difference between being helpful and being foolish. You are not a doctor. If this gets out of hand, please come to me.
Cassie: I will pay you for the window. I promise I'll pay you.
Ed: Great.
Carmen: Ray. Ray, you scared me.
Ray: Then we're even.
Carmen: What are you doing, following me?
Ray: I saw you pull out of the driveway. You were weaving all over the road. I was worried.
Carmen: Well, I made it. I'm fine.
Ray: I'm still worried.
Carmen: Well, don't be. I come here to clear my head. That brother of yours, what a hothead-- free with his accusations.
Ray: Sometimes.
Carmen: I understand. He was upset. He needed to lash out. He'll calm down.
Ray: You didn't come here to clear your head, did you, Carmen?
Carmen: What, are you following the crowd now, Ray? Going along with Antonio?
Ray: I just asked a question.
Carmen: What do you think I came out here for, huh? To cover my tracks?
Ray: I don't know.
Carmen: Why are you looking at me like that?
Ray: Like what?
Carmen: Like I'm a murderer.
Ray: Is that what you are, Carmen?
Buzz: Hey, hey, hey, stranger.
Holly: Hey.
Buzz: You look good walking up my steps.
Holly: I don't want to be here. There he is.
Buzz: Who?
Holly: Ben. I saw his car out in the parking lot. I was just over at the "journal" after I went to the... Um, and I saw this e-mail from the lawyer that handles his trust fund. It has taken a major, major hit.
Buzz: Poor baby.
Holly: Yeah, I know, you don't have much sympathy for him. But he's used to having a lot of money and it's going to come as a huge shock to find out that most of it is gone.
Buzz: A lot of things seem to be gone.
Ben: Having money does not make my life perfect, trust me.
Marina: Okay. So, would you just give all of it up, you know? Be a regular guy, have to have a regular job, all that?
Ben: And what if I did, hmm? How interested would you be in me if I were scraping by for rent?
Marina: Huh. Well, I guess that depends on how interesting you are without money.
Marah: Tony, you said that you don't want to be like Carmen, and leaving her alone shows that you meant that.
Tony: Yeah. Lot of good that does him now.
Marah: Maybe... Maybe Danny outsmarted Carmen. Maybe he got away.
Tony: No. No, no. He would have gotten in touch with me. He would have let me know. It just... I still don't get this. Danny made a deal with Aitoro, that's he's gone, that he... Oh.
Marah: That he what?
Tony: He made me part of the deal. He got me immunity.
Marah: He did? Well, he loves you.
Tony: It's not that simple. Don't you understand? A Santos doesn't just go to the Feds like that. Danny wouldn't have just handed over his family unless he felt that his back was against the wall.
Marah: Or maybe he thought it was the only way to make things right.
Tony: It's weird. You know, the other day he was saying how he was going to go away for a while and that if it all worked out, that something big and good could come out of it for me.
Marah: Did he say what?
Tony: No. Only that I would know when the right time came. You see, Danny always knew what I've been pretending not to see most of my life: That being a Santos can eat you up inside. It can make you into someone that you don't know anymore. It could make you kill your own son. That's why he left. He split so that he could protect Michelle and Robbie from this family, and he also did it for me, so that I could have the chance to leave it, too. I just hope to God he's not dead because of it. (thunder rolling)
Ray: Is he out there?
Carmen: Don't do this to me, Ray.
Ray: Carmen.
Carmen: (sobs) he's gone. He's gone. We were... We were up on the bluff. I don't know, he could be out there, anywhere for all I know.
Ray: Did he fall? Was he pushed?
Carmen: Ray... Father. Can I make a confession here, right now?
Ray: What someone says to a priest is between them and God regardless of where or when it happens.
Carmen: And held in confidence.
Ray: That is a tenet of the church.
Carmen: Danny, he fell through my arms. (sobs) when his legs couldn't hold him any longer.
Ray: Why couldn't they?
Carmen: (sobbing) because I shot him. No, you see, he came at me and there was the struggle and he was looking straight in my eyes, and then the bullet, it just... (sobs)
Ray: Why did you have the gun in your hand?
Carmen: Because, Ray, Danny was going to take me down. He sold me out. He sold me out to the police, the FBI and to the devil, for all I know. I didn't start this, Ray. Danny did. He set me up to do this, Ray. He set me up to destroy me.
Ray: So you decided to destroy him first?
Carmen: (sobbing) I had no other choice. He gave me no other choice. He made me pick whether it'd be him or me!
Ray: And you picked you.
Carmen: I didn't want it to come to that!
Ray: Oh, my God.
Carmen: (sobbing) and now... And now they're both gone. Mick. Danny.
Ray: So what's next, Carmen? Now that you've survived?
Carmen: I ask for absolution.
Ray: Ten seconds after you finish telling me that you shot your own son-- my cousin!-- You have the nerve to ask me for absolution?
Carmen: You're a priest! A servant of God.
Ray: Then talk to him yourself, because you're not going to get forgiveness from me.
Carmen: You can't refuse me, Ray!
Ray: Oh, no, Carmen. No one can ever refuse you. Or the end up like
Ray: Michelle would have, if Danny hadn't stopped you.
Carmen: What happened tonight was an accident. I swear to it.
Ray: You and Danny just happened to be on that bluff and though some bizarre coincidence, there was a loaded gun in your hand.
Carmen: I told you, I had no choice!
Ray: So you're blameless in all this?
Carmen: He brought this on himself.
Ray: Huh? You're blameless in all this? God should absolve you of all responsibility?
Carmen: Can't you see that I'm sorry? Can't you see how sorry I am?
Ray: This was no accident, Carmen. It was more like fate.
Carmen: Danny turned on me.
Ray: After all your lies, deceit and treachery. Maybe a lifetime of it is what led you to the moment where Danny looked you in the eye and you pulled that trigger.
Carmen: I didn't want him to die!
Ray: Your actions say otherwise, Carmen.
Carmen: No. None of this would have happened. None of it would have happened if...
Ray: Your son is dead by your own hand and you paint yourself the victim.
Carmen: Why? Ray, why can't... Why can't you understand?
Ray: Oh, I understand, Carmen. I understand too well. I was raised a Santos. I know what evil is.
Ray: Where are you going?
Ray: To hell! Because I can't be God's servant. I can't forgive you. I can't have you mumble a few words of contrition, which I know will mean nothing to you when it's over. I couldn't live with myself.
Carmen: I told you what I did in confidence. In good faith.
Ray: You wouldn't recognize good faith if an angel came down and sat on your shoulder. Your son is dead. You murdered your own son. I hope that eats at your gut every day of your miserable life and that you rot in hell for it when it's over.
Carmen: You're a priest! You're supposed to stay with me! You're not supposed to turn away from someone in need! You can't tell anyone what I told you! I told you it in confidence! It was a confession, ray! It was a confession. It was confidential!
Ray: What are you going to do if I don't? Are you going to shoot me, too?
Carmen: (sobbing)
Marah: I know it's hard but try not to assume the worst.
Tony: With Carmen involved? Why not?
Marah: Are you going to be okay?
Tony: (Sighs) Danny's a survivor. I mean, he's as tough as they come, but this time, I don't know. I just... I don't know.
Marah: Exactly. You don't know. So don't beat yourself up over it. Can I help you, do anything?
Tony: No.
Marah: Are you sure?
Tony: You should go.
Marah: Tony...
Tony: This is no place you should be hanging around.
Marah: Okay. Tony? I'm so sorry. (thunder rolling)
Cassie: Danny, I got a few things for you, and I... Oh, my God. What happened to you?