Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/07/02
By Linda
Proofread by
Cassie: Wow that was fast.
Danny: Well the people I deal with are used to working under pressure.
Cassie: Thank you.
Danny: Cassie...
Cassie: The living will of Richard Winslow. Oh, my God, it's so authentic. The seal from San Cristobel, his signature, this...
Danny: Cassie, are you sure you want to go through with this? That document is a forgery and you know it. Once you enter it into evidence, you'll have committed a felony.
Cassie: I told my sister that I found a way to get her conviction thrown out. - I'm not going turn back now.
Danny: You've really done a 180 concerning your sister.
Cassie: I still don't think I've accepted what Reva did, but I never wanted her to go to prison and I know that she was only doing what Richard wanted. And if Edmund wouldn't have taken the only copy of his living will, we would have had her out of jail weeks ago. So I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong. I feel like I'm righting a wrong.
Danny: Cassie, I'm not judging you. I just want to make sure you understand that it is illegal. Some people may even say it's immoral, as well.
Cassie: Who?
Danny: For one. There are a lot of people out there who have never been pushed to the wall, who don't understand what it's like to have to bend the rules to protect people you love.
Cassie: People like Michelle.
(knock at door)
Michelle: Coming. Hey, Beth.
Beth: Hi.
Michelle: Come on in.
Beth: Ah, yes. Stopping by early, I'm afraid.
Michelle: Oh, no. With two babies in the house, I've been up for hours.
Beth: I was actually looking for Rick. - Is he... Is he around
Michelle: I just heard him get out of the shower, and he should be stumbling in here for the coffeepot any minute.
Beth: You know, if I'm intruding, I can just come back.
Michelle: Oh, please. - You're practically family. How about a cup of coffee?
Beth: You know, this is perfect. This will give us a chance to talk.
Bill: They're really strict about that one visitor at a time - rule, huh?
Marah: Yeah.
Bill: It stinks because I want to see your mom, too.
Marah: Well you can take my place.
Bill: All right, that's three times, twice on the way up here, you made a reference to not wanting to see Reva. - What's going on? - -
Marah: I was kidding.
Bill: Were you?
Marah: No. I'm not really looking forward to this visit.
Bill: Why not?
Marah: Because the last time I was here, I was really hard on my mom, Bill.
Bill: About what?
Marah: Everything. Stuff from when I was, like, ten. And my mom must have mentioned something to my dad, because he strongly suggested that I come here and make things right.
Bill: Okay, look, things have - been rough all around since -Richard 's death. I mean you got the strain between Cassie and Aunt Reva, Reva gets convicted, and now she's here. You have every right to be upset, and if that means you vent a little...
Marah: A little?
Bill: Well, look how Tammy acted out. I mean, she went and stole Cassie's ring back from that jewelry store.
Marah: Okay, but Tammy's a kid, I'm not. Plus her dad had just died.
Bill: Your mother is in prison.
Marah: I know, but that still doesn't give me the right to act like a spoiled brat. I just... I wish I wasn't so - -confused about everything.
Reva: Hi.
Marah: Hi.
Reva: I didn't expect to see you again so soon.
Marah: I'm sorry for the way that I acted the other day. I owe you a big apology.
Reva: Don't bother. I won't accept it. Honey, you don't owe me an apology for anything. You said what you were feeling and that's what I've wanted since this whole mess began.
Marah: Yeah, but maybe what I'm feeling doesn't matter.
Reva: Of course it does.
Marah: Mom, hello you're in a horrible situation here. - Did you or did you not say that when someone you love is in a tough situation, that's not the time that you bring up a bunch of other stuff that they can't stand? That's when you support them.
Reva: I told you that?
Marah: Yeah.
Reva: On one of the rare occasions when I was around?
Marah: Mom, don't say that.
Reva: Well, you said it when you were angry. You said it the other day.
Marah: I threw it in your face.
Reva: Whatever. I got the point.
Marah: Okay, but now is not the time to talk about it.
Reva: All I have in here is time. So let's use the time for something that really does matter. The other day you called me selfish.
Marah: Yeah I did..
Reva: You said that I was selfish when I stood up in the court room and pled guilty – knowing that it would mean prison, not knowing what it might do to you and Shane and your father. And you were right. I didn't think. I just acted. In case you hadn't noticed I do a lot of that.
Marah: No?
Reva: It's the one thing I really hate about myself. And if I could take a pill to change that, I would swallow the whole bottle if it meant never hurting you guys again.
Marah: I wish that I had a pill, too. A pill that would make me forget about all the stuff that's happened so far in the past that I can hardly even remember it.
Reva: Except the hurt. You remember that.
Marah: Yeah, but you were sick.
Reva: I should have been there for you, even if I couldn't be and you had every right to expect it. You have every right to be hurt and angry when I let you down.
Marah: Yeah but that doesn't do anything. That doesn't change things.
Reva: Sweetheart, stop trying to fix everything. Stop trying to rise above. Feel what it is you're feeling, and if you want to blame me, blame me. And maybe I can do whatever I can to put things right again, because I love you.
Marah: I love you too.
Reva: I wish this glass wasn't between us so I could give you a big hug. -
Guard: Time's up.
Reva: Oh, hey. You didn't tell me about Halloween. How was the party?
Guard: Let's go.
Reva: Okay. We'll talk next time.
Marah: All right. I' l see you soon, like in a day or two, okay? I promise.
Reva: Okay. Bye
Beth: Thanks. So you and Danny are legally separated now, right? It's official?
Michelle: Yeah. It's going to take about a year for the divorce to actually go through. Well, I guess I don't have to tell you that. You've just been through it yourself
Beth: Yeah. Michelle, I also know that a lot can happen in a year. Maybe you and Danny can work things out.
Michelle: I don't think so. I think that this is my reality now. I'm a single woman again-- whoo. – My dad actually kind of suggested the other day that I - should get out there and start dating again and I was just ugh, it's just... It's too soon.
Beth: Yeah. I think it's much too soon.
Michelle: You know, it's always nice to have company and someone to take you to dinner and a movie, but when I think about everything else that goes along with it, you know, getting to know a whole new person again, it's just... It's not simple. And besides, I still love Danny. I guess I'll always love Danny.
Beth: Then you should definitely take your time. - I mean, look what happened to me after Jim died. I was so lonely or needy or whatever, that I got involved too soon. I allowed Edmund to sweep me off my feet and... Well, we all know how that turned out.
Michelle: Do you really think that it was the timing, that if you had waited longer...?
Beth: Yeah. If I hadn't been on the rebound, I would have had my wits about me and I wouldn't have made such a terrible mistake? Absolutely. You know, when your vulnerable, your need for companionship - overlies your common sense. - I mean, look at... I don't mean this in a negative way or anything, but look ...
Michelle: Rick and Harley.
Beth: Yeah. When Harley was hurt off her breakup with Philip and Rick was comforting her and two people that really should just be friends wound up making a baby together. - -
Michelle: Yeah, that was the classic rebound scenario.
Beth: So I'm just... I'm just telling you, you should take some time to be alone. And when you do start dating, I really hope that you'll find someone special. That's what we all want, right? That's what I'm hoping that I've found with Bill.
Michelle: Well, he talks about you all the time.
Beth: Oh. (laughs nervously) Well, gee, I hope he doesn't get too personal. I mean he and I have a great sex life. It's been a real awakening for me.
Rick: Yowza, yowza. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Whoo. - Yes, yes yes. I don't know if I'm mature enough to handle this conversation and frankly, it's just none of my business. So would you mind if I pulled up a chair? (Laughter) Yeah.
Cassie: Yes, Ross, you are hearing me correctly, Richard had a living will. Yes, I'm sitting here. I'm looking at it right now. What do you mean, this could change everything? This will change everything. - -yes, I will bring it over. I’ll meet you there. Bye.
Danny: You seeing him today?
Cassie: Yes I'm going to see him today, because I'm going to get my sister out of jail. Look, that's why I can't leave her, no matter how much trouble that you think I'm in.
Danny: What?
Cassie: Danny, you know, I have gotten...
Danny: Cassie...
Cassie: I have gotten my children out of here, I have, And they're safe. They're with my brother. I know they're safe.
Danny: I cannot make you leave, but I wasn't kidding when I told you that you're in real danger.
Cassie: I know, but I've got to deal with Edmund now. Okay, he's the next step.
Danny: How are you going to deal with Edmund?
Cassie: I don't know. I have no idea.
Danny: He's going to know that that document's a fake.
Cassie: Well, you know, if he says so, he's only going to implicate himself, so..
Danny: All right. You do what you need to do. I have to go out of town again for a while. If you insist on staying here, just make sure you take care of yourself.
Cassie: Are you in trouble?
Dan y: No, no.
Cassie: Wait, Danny.
Danny: Cassie I meant what I said. Please take care of yourself. Make sure your kids have a mother to come home to.
Maria: Bad news?
Carmen: That meeting that Danny claimed to have had out of town? It was a sit-down with Theeds.
Maria: No. There must be some mistake.
Carmen: No mistake, Maria. No mistake. Danny talked to he FBI, and that can mean only one thing.
Maria: What will you do?
Carmen: You ask as if I have a choice.
Beth: Excuse me. You were eavesdropping on our girl-talk?
Rick: Well, it is my kitchen. - Unless you girls want to catch up on your sex life and have me drink my coffee somewhere else.
Michelle: Don't be silly. Beth came here to see you. I'm going to grab Robbie and bundle him up and go into town. It was good to see you Beth.
Beth: Yeah, you, too. And maybe you and Bill and I can all have dinner sometime.
Michelle: That would be nice. All right I'll see you guys.
Rick: Beth, you want some coffee? You're looking a little tired.
Beth: Thanks, but no thanks.
Rick: Did you catch up with Bill?
Beth: Um... Yeah. Yeah he was stuck at his party doling out candy to the neighborhood kids. Michelle didn't say anything about it? She was there with Robbie.
Rick: Oh, yeah, she mentioned it, but she didn't say anything about seeing you.
Beth: Well, she... She had fun, I know, which was great, because with the divorce and...
Rick: That's been rough.
Beth: I just thought that she and Danny would stay together forever.
Rick: I did, too, but you know, the reality of their situation just hit them in the face.
Beth: Is Michelle okay? I know that she says that she is, but is she? Really?
Rick: You know, she's had her ups an downs, but I'd say that she's doing pretty good, actually.
Beth: Okay, so then what happened the other night was nothing.
Rick: The other night?
Beth: Oh, come on. - -At the party? At Bill's?
Rick: Why don't you just spit it out and tell me what happened, Beth?
Beth: I thought Michelle would have told you, but okay, don't tell her I said anything.
Rick: I won't, I won't. Go ahead.
Beth: But when I walked into the party, she was kissing Bill.
Marah: Well, that was fun.
Bill: Well, at least you and your mom can be honest with each other.
Marah: Yeah. Honestly angry. Honestly annoyed. -- honestly confused.
Bill: All right, all right. Well, little cousin, let me share something with you that's been dawning on me lately: Relationships are never easy.
Marah: Are we still talking about me or have we moved on to you and Beth?
Bill: Yeah, I guess we have.
Marah: You guys are having problems already? You haven't been dating that long.
Bill: No, not problems really. It's just, you know, things got going so fast for us. Not that I blame Beth for that because I'm the one who really pushed things along. It's just... Everything's so - complicated now, it has me a little worried. I guess I got more than I bargained for.
Mariah: Nice, Bill. Really nice. The woman leaves a relationship and her family for you and you're having second thoughts?
Cassie: Edmund. Well, that was fast. Come in.
Edmund: You said it was urgent.
Cassie: It is.
Edmund: Bad news?
Cassie: Wonderful news. And I want you to know that I am a big enough person to admit when I'm wrong and apologize.
Edmund: Wrong about what?
Cassie: I should have never accused you of stealing Richard's living will. Please accept my apology.
Edmund: Gladly. What made you change your mind?
Cassie: Evidence to the contrary - I found it.
Edmund: You found...
Cassie: Richard's living will. Yeah, that's what this is. You're never going to believe where I found it.
Edmund: Try me.
Cassie: In one of Will's books. He must have gotten into the box of papers that was sent to me from San Cristobel without me even knowing about it. I'm so thankful that he didn't keep, rip it up or draw all over it or something.
Edmund: Yes, of course. That would have been terrible. May I?
Cassie: Sure.
Edmund: Thank you. Cassie, I don't know how to tell you this.
Cassie: Tell me what?
Edmund: This document is a forgery.
Cassie: A forgery? No.
Edmund: Yes, I'm afraid it is.
Cassie: Why would you say that? Why would you even think it, Edmund?
Carmen: (sobs) After everything... Everything I've done for that boy. This... This is how he takes care of this family? This is how he repays us?
Maria: Careful with the us stuff. I want no part of this.
Carmen: Well, that's too damn bad, because you're very much a part of it old woman.
Maria: Watch how you speak to me!
Carmen: Or what? What are you going to do? Your name is all over the business, Maria. If I go down you go down with me.
Maria: But to be illuminate, Danny? There must be some other way.
Carmen: (laughs) To what? To change his mind? Oh, come on, Maria. You know how this works. Once a deal has been made, that's it. There's no turning back. And what are you so afraid all of a sudden to get your hands - dirty? Didn't you put a hit out on him a couple of years back?
Maria: I did it for the family.
Carmen: And this is for the good of the family. We have to keep this house in order or else the other families will make sure they do it for -us - -otherwise, we will be obliged to retaliate. There'll be a blood war. - -You, me, Tony, even Ray, will all die. Now, is that what you want?
Maria: No. You're right. There's no other way. The sooner the better.
Danny: Everything okay?
Maria: Yes, fine.
Danny: You don't seem fine.
Maria: One of the maids scratched one of your great- Grandmother's silver teapots. - Carmen and I were debating how to handle it.
Carmen: We both like the girl, but she keeps making mistakes. We hate to lose her.
Maria: That's what we decided. Yes, Carmen? Is that what we are going to do?
Carmen: Enough about the maid. Danny, we haven't had a conversation in so long. - Do you have some time?
Danny: No I don't have time. I just came for my mail. - Where is it?
Carmen: I don't know. I don't know. Danny, please. All we do is scowl at each other. Please, let's talk.
Danny: That's how I like it.
Carmen: Danny. - Danny?
Danny: There it is.
Carmen: Danny, isn't there something you have to say to me?
Danny: What do you want from me, Carmen?
Carmen: Nothing. – Nothing.
Maria: Are you sure you want to go through with this, Carmen?
Carmen: Better me than - somebody else.
Rick: So what is it you want me to do? You want me tell Michelle to stay away from your boyfriend? Is that it?
Beth: Rick.
Rick: I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Beth: Okay, I want to know what to do. Bill and I jumped into a relationship kind of quickly and if I made a mistake, I just want to know as soon as possible.
Rick: Do you think there's a chance that you and Phillip can work this thing out?
Beth: Oh, okay. No no, stop, stop, stop right there. Bill or no Bill, Phillip and I are finished for good.
Rick: Then too bad I'm still married.
Beth: Stop it.
Rick: I mean it.
Beth: Stop it.
Rick: I mean it, I mean it. About this kiss, are you sure that this wasn't just an innocent kiss between two friends? My goodness, Bill and Michelle have been... They've been horsing around ever since they were kids. Maybe they were just playing doctor again or something?
Beth: I know. I know what I saw. And this isn't about jealousy, so don't you make it about jealousy. I just want to make an informed decision. You know? I mean, my feeling is that Bill knows what he wants and what he wants is me-- at least that's what he's been telling me for the last few months. But he and Michelle are close and he's been concerned about - - her, and maybe when he let his guard down she...
Rick: Moved in, so to speak.
Beth: I am worried about your sister.
Rick: (laughs)
Beth: Yes, I am. I know what it's like to be in the position that she is in. I do. I do. Just coming off a breakup with the person that you thought was the love of your life, hmm? Sound familiar? And you become vulnerable, you turn to the first man that comes - along, and I don't want to see her lose her oldest friend because of it.
Rick: (laughs) Beth, pardon of me for saying this, but that is such a load of bull.
Cassie: Why do you think that document's a fake?
Edmund: It has to be, as I told you, Richard never - made a living will to my knowledge.
Cassie: Then your knowledge is outdated. I went back to San Cristobel and I found a secretary who will swear under oath that she packed that document in the box of papers she sent me.
Edmund: What secretary?
Cassie: It's listed on the manifest the secretary prepared in San Cristobel. We have the document here, Richard signed it, the seal of San Cristobel, how can it not be legit?
Edmund: Cassie, this isn't Richard's handwriting. I'm sure of it.
Cassie: And when was the last time you saw Richard write anything, Edmund? - Whereas I saw him write something every day up until the day he died. That is Richard's signature and if need be, I will swear to that under oath.
Edmund: So what happens next?
Cassie: I guess Ross is going to show it to a judge, and Reva will get a new trial.
Edmund: You hope.
Cassie: Or, you know, the DA will just drop the charges altogether.
Edmund: Why would you want that to happen, Cassie? Would you like to see Richard's murderer go free?
Cassie: I don't mean to but in, Edmund but this is where you should drop the charges against Reva for that wrongful death suit.
Edmund: Thank you. No, but thank you.
Cassie: Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you. Reva's going to fight you tooth and nail, and she will do anything she has to do. I guarantee it.
Edmund: Am I meant to be cowed by that, Cassie? Am I to run out of town with my tail between my legs?
Cassie: Not unless you did something wrong. But I can tell you this: If Josh and Reva find out that you are guilty of even the slightest impropriety in the way you've handled things since Richard's death...
Edmund: Such as?
Cassie: Such as withholding evidence? Reva could counter-sue. She could have you brought up on criminal charges. Could she do that? Yeah, I think she could.
Edmund: You haven't changed, have you? You're still the same little stripper Richard fell in love with.
Cassie: And now I have a date with a judge.
Bill: I am not your typical man who's afraid to commitment.
Marah: Oh are you sure about that?
Bill: Marah I married the woman. Obviously, I was willing to commit to her.
Marah: No. You married Lorelei, who from what you've told me was more afraid of commitment than you were. but this is Beth. Beth who has a family, Beth who has responsibilities in life.
Bill: I know, I know, and that's part of what has me so worried. I mean it's, like, Beth's responsibilities and commitments are not part of my responsibilities.
Marah: So it's more intense than you thought it'd be?
Bill: Yeah, it is, but not the way you think. I mean, I want to do this right, I do. I'm just not so sure that I am or even if I can. It's, like Beth, she gave up so much for me, you know, and she's very very intense.
Marah: Well, she's had a pretty crazy life.
Bill: Yeah, she has. And to top it all off, I'm still adjusting to the fact that she is Beth, you know? – She's not Lorelei. I mean, if something went wrong in Lorelei's world she'd just let it roll off her back, you know? - She'd just get herself up, dust herself off and either say the heck with it or just find a new approach. And...
Marah: And Beth isn't like that?
Bill: Beth is... She's great, But some times she just agonizes over everything, you know? She'll just read into, like, a look or a word, an she'll just be super-sensitive. But then she'll turn around and she'll ask me for advice, but no matter what I say, no matter what I do, it just doesn't help. And it kind of has me worried.
Marah: Well maybe you're going about things the wrong way? I mean, rule number one when dealing with a woman who's upset. Most of the time, she doesn't want you to fix her problem for her. She just wants you to sit there - and listen to her talk.
Bill : I'm sorry, did you say something?
Marah: (laughs)
Bill: No, I'm kidding. That sounds pretty... Pretty uncomplicated.
Marah: Yeah. And I swear, if you sit there without your eyes completely glazing over, you'll be, like, the most amazing man. And once in a while, you will have to throw some things in, like, "Oh, that's terrible" or "Now I understand why you're upset," or "Come here. You need a hug?"
Bill: Beth wants me to do that? - Really? Yeah? I don't think so.
Marah: Oh well I know so. Come on, try it.
Bill : Eh...
Marah: Try it! Pretend like I'm Beth.- I'm Beth. "Oh, Bill, my life is such a mess right now. I feel like I'm being torn in a million different pieces and nobody understands."-
Bill: That's. . That's terrible. No wonder why you're so upset. Come here. You want a hug?
Marah: Wow! Wow! That was amazing! If you weren't my cousin I'd date you.
Bill: Really?
Marah: So, how'd it feel?
Bill: Well, I have to admit it felt pretty... Pretty stupid. But if you say I help her, then I'll...
Marah: It will. Trust me. - And a couple of other key phrases to know are, "You know what? You look like you've had a rough day. Let me take you away from all this." And "You know what? We don't need to do anything special. I just want to be together."
Bill: Really?
Marah: Yeah.
Bill: No offense, Marah, really but Beth is, like, a mature, independent woman.
Marah: Oh. Oh, so I'm not.
Bill: I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. - I'm just... I'm thinking that maybe she's beyond this kind of stuff, because you know, this is just game-playing, isn't it?
Marah: No. This is called understanding your partner's needs and giving it to them.
Bill: You are such a grownup.
Marah: Yeah, well, that's me. You don't believe me?
Bill: (mutters)
Marah: All right, all right. Fine. You know what? Call her.
Bill: Call her now?
Marah: Now.
Rick: Can I just ask you a question?
Beth: Mm-hmm.
Rick: Did Bill tell you anything about this kiss?
Beth: No. No, he didn't. See, he didn't... He didn't see me see them, and I... I didn't exactly mention it.
Rick: And he didn't feel it necessary to talk to you about it. Beth, I think you two kids have some issues to work out that have nothing to do with my little sister.
Beth: Please, please...(cell phone rings) - Ugh. Yes, that's mine. Saved by the bell. Hello? -
Bill: Hey, babe what's up? It's me.
Beth: Bill. Hi.
Bill: How are you? You doing okay?
Beth: Yeah, I'm... I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?
Bill: I... I don't know. I just thought with everything that's going on in your life maybe you'd want to see my face. I know I'd like to see yours. I could give you a big hug.
Beth: Uh, yeah. Well that sounds... That sounds great. Nothing I'd like better. Well, actually, there is something that I'd like better, but we can talk about that then, when we see one another. I'll meet you at the suite in, say, 10 minutes?
Bill: You're on.
Rick: So... Bill a little frisky after his paper route?
Beth: Stop it. (laughter) You know what? (clears throat) You know those issues you brought up with me and Bill? Just forget it. Forget it. Bill and I are... We're fine. - -We're just fine.
Rick: Good. I'm just glad to help you out.
Marah: Ah! Ah! And you... You doubted me.
Bill: And I will never doubt you again. In fact, if you'd like to come on our date, give me a few more pointers, you're more than welcome to come.
Marah: (laughs) No.
Michelle: Look at you with your chocolate all over your face, silly boy. You're a mess. You're a mess.
Danny: Hey. sorry, I didn't see you. (Robbie fussing) I didn't see you come in. What do we do? Hey, tiger. -I'm sorry. - I'm sorry I... I'm sorry I walked right by you. Hi. Hi. (Robbie fussing) I'm sorry. I know, I'm sorry. ( Robbie cries) I wasn't thinking. I wasn't t inking. Come here. You want to sit own? I wasn't thinking. - I'm sorry.
Michelle: I did what you told me to do. I told him that you had to go away. He doesn't understand, Danny. – How are we going to do this? Are we supposed to make this work when we run into each other all the time?
Danny: Well we won't. We won't run into each other, at least not for a while.
Michelle: Well , you hope, bu ...
Danny: No, we won't. We won't. I'm going away. Look, when I'm away, I need you to be careful. Keep our eyes open. If anything... If you feel nervous, if anything feels weird to you, get to your father right away, or Rick, or Ray. Ray will know what to do. Okay?
Michelle: What's that supposed to mean, Danny?
Danny: I can't get into it. I'm sorry. I can't. Michelle, I love you and Robbie, I want you to be safe. Please do what I say. Please?
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: Okay, you take care of your mommy, okay?
Michelle: Hey, Bill it's me. I'm convening a meeting of the loser's club.
Bill: Right now Michelle? I can't . I've got a date with Beth.
Michele: Oh . Oh, okay No... No problem.
Bill: Are you alright? You sound upset.
Michelle: No, I'm fine. I just thought you know if you were free we could hang, but - you're not, so... I actually have a lot of housework to do, So I should do that anyway.
Bill : I see. So I was merely an excuse for procrastination?
Michelle: Of course. You think I actually want to hang out with you? I'll catch you later. No good friend Bill to make us feel better, Robbie. it's just you an me, kid.
Carmen: I want something that's going to make it clean and painless. No no. Never mind about that . Are you going to help me or what? No, I'm not all right! Look, you just get me what I need okay? Yeah. (slams phone) Danny. How could it come to this?
Reva: What am I doing on his -side?
Cassie: Hi. Surprised to see me?
Reva: Is something wrong?
Cassie: The opposite. New evidence has come to light in your case. - Ross filed a motion for a new trial and the judge agreed to it.
Reva: What does it mean?
Cassie: What does this mean? It means with any luck, you will get out of here tonight. And you will be home with your family, where you belong. And with any more luck he won't pursue this and you will be home for good.
Reva: Home! How?
Cassie: Richard made a living will and I finally found it, and it proves you were just following his wishes.
Reva: Oh, Cassie. (sobs happily) Thank you. Thank you.
Cassie: Well, look, there's enough time for tears later, but we have to get you in front of a judge, we have to make bail and Ross is waiting for us. So we've got to go okay?
Reva: We're going home.
Cassie: We're going home.