GL Transcript Tuesday 11/5/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/5/02

Provided by Suzanne 
Proofread by Tanya

Eden: Are you going to go to the cemetery? You know, I should leave. You probably want to be by yourself.

Tony: No, no, no. It's okay. You understand.

Eden: You know, every year on the day that my dad died, I go and buy him tickets to the cub game, and I put it on his grave.

Tony: I always wanted to bring my dad something, too. He didn't really go for flowers. He always said, "Oh, who died?" Yeah. But I brought him flowers once, you know, out of respect.

Eden: It's the thought that counts.

Tony: Mm-hmm.

Gus: Excuse me. Eden, can I talk to you?

Eden: In a minute.

Gus: No, right now.

Tony: Come on, man, you heard her. Why don't you let up?

Gus: Shut up.

Eden: Look, Tony, it's cool. He's been like this ever since he's quit smoking. Will you wait for me outside?

Tony: Sure, yeah.

Gus: Are you crazy? Do you know what today is?

Eden: Yes, I know.

Gus: Uh-huh. You know? Then what are you doing with him?

Marah: Hey.

Tony: Hey, yourself.

Marah: I... I was going to come see you earlier.

Tony: You were? Why?

Marah: Because I owe you.

Harley: "Lee was so tiny, they called him Wee Lee."

Zach: Who?

Harley: "The tiniest ant you ever did see." There he is. "But Lee did not know he was tiny until he met the bug." And there's the bug.

Zach: Where the bug?

Harley: What?

Zach: Shoes.

Harley: Oh, he's got shoes. And he's a mean-looking bug. "One night when Lee was traveling home, there was a clunk, and a crump, and a big, mean, slimy bug appeared, blocking Lee's way. 'Excuse me,' said Wee Lee, 'but this is my only way home.' The bug smiled and roared, 'bring me an olive and I will let you go home.' So poor, tiny Wee Lee searched and searched until he found an olive. 'Here's your olive, sir. Now may I please go home?' But the bug just threw back its head, ha, ha, ha, and laughed. 'Bug off.' Wee Lee could not believe his itsy- bitsy tiny ant ears. He fell to his knees from exhaustion and begged, 'please, sir, you promised.' But the big, mean, powerful, slimy bug spread its wings and all six of its legs, blocking Wee Lee from passing. 'This will teach you a lesson. Never trust a bug you don't know.' Suddenly Lee, the wee little ant, rose up on his hind legs, put his antennas into the sky like swords, and said, 'I'm not afraid of you. If you won't let me pass, I will take your whole mountain.'" See, and there he is, sitting on his mountain.

Phillip: What are you reading?

Harley: Um, it's a book about bullies, and how we handle them.

(phone ringing)

Alexandra: Let him think I died. On the other hand, why should I make his day? Alan, darling, you're up so bright and early. What's the matter? Trouble with the wife again?

Alan: Alexandra, what did you have to gain by blackmailing my doctor?

Alexandra: Blackmail? Oh, Alan, what a terrible accusation before I've even had my tea.

Alan: Because you don't have any servants to brew it for you. It must be very unsettling, being on that island all alone.

Alexandra: Not nearly as upsetting as a newlywed husband having to sleep alone.

Alan: Do you enjoy watching me suffer? Do you get some kind of pleasure out of denying me mine?

Alexandra: I only have your best interests at heart, Alan.

Alan: The hell you do, Alexandra. You take my company, and then you blackmail my doctor into telling my wife that if we have sex, it will kill me.

Alexandra: I wonder just how long young, passionate Olivia can wait before her passion explodes and she gets passionate at the wrong time with the wrong person.

Alan: Keep talking that way and you will stay out there the rest of your life.

Alexandra: Oh, I'm sure I’ll find someone to vote me off. You, on the other hand... Alan? Alan, are still there? Was it something I said? He was always overly sensitive.

Olivia: Good morning.

Alan: For whom?

Alexandra: (laughs) Sleep well, dear Prince?

Edmund: Well, I spent most of the night shivering, but I wasn't eaten by a bear, which I suppose could be considered a small victory.

Alexandra: There are no bears on this island, only snakes, scorpions, and centipedes-- small, nasty creatures that can get into your bed and do nasty things to you.

Edmund: Well, then that's another good reason to get going as quickly as possible. Now, I’ll go get the boat started if you'd like to get ready.

Alexandra: I want you to know, I didn't make you sleep out here last night because of being modest or trying to play the coquette.

Edmund: I can assure you that my intentions are largely dishonorable. But in this case, I saw a beautiful woman in distress, and I acted.

Alexandra: Well, if you really did come here to rescue me, then I’m apologizing. But if you came here to take advantage, then you'd be better off out in the woods, taking your chances with the bears.

Edmund: Ah, but there are no bears, remember?

Alexander: I lied.

Edmund: Where are you going?

Alexander: I'm going to get my things together and let you take me back to Springfield. I have a ton of work to do. I don't want to stay on this island any longer.

Edmund: Right. Is there anything else I can do?

Alexander: Yes, kill that rattlesnake. I'll be right back. Mustn't forget this. What kind of a sister would I be if I didn't come back from a lovely holiday with my souvenir for my brother? (laughs)

Olivia: Ouch. Something I did?

Alan: No, it's something you didn't do.

Olivia: Alan, it won't be that long, okay? I want you to stay calm for my sake, because if anything ever happened to you, I couldn't live with myself.

Alan: Olivia, you will be fine. You're a survivor.

Olivia: Don't say... Say it like that. It's not true.

Alan: Look, I’ve lost my power. I've lost my company. In many ways, I am now a different man.

Olivia: Are you asking me if I regret marrying you?

Alan: I just want you to know that I will be back. Alexandra is going to pay for what she has done, and I will be the husband to you that you need in every way.

Olivia: You are a husband to me in all the ways that count. You may think you're different, but you're not. You're the same man who supported me, the same man who helped me rebuild after Josh threw me aside. I own a hotel because of you. I own my whole life because of you. And now it's my turn to be strong, and I am grateful for the opportunity.

Alan: You won't have to be strong for long. I can promise you that.

Olivia: You don't owe me any promises, okay? If anything, I owe you. I'm the one who put you in this condition with that stupid prank, and I’m going to make sure you get back on your feet.

Alan: I'd prefer to be off my feet.

Olivia: Oh, you don't give up, do you?

Alan: I'm insulted that you even ask me that question.

Olivia: I do love you. You know that?

Alan: I want you to know that I have never doubted that for one moment.

Harley: Zach-a-doodle-doo. No, that's what a rooster says. An airplanes says (imitates fighter plane). ( Laughs)

Zach: It's all over, now, right?

Harley: Well, here, you can take them both.

Zach: Why?

Harley: I'm going to put this away.

Phillip: You know, you really are great with him.

Zach: I want to read that.

Harley: Oh, okay. Here, I'll leave it with you. Is that why we've had this arrangement with him for months and months?

Phillip: Oh, come on. I don't want to fight. You know what that's about.

Zach: Remember Jack and the beanstalk?

Phillip: You know how I feel about Gus.

Harley: Well, I did what you asked me to do. You said choose, and I did. And Gus is gone, and Zach is still here.

Phillip: I will call my lawyer and have him draft an agreement.

Harley: Joint custody? Or what's the catch?

Phillip: The catch is that you've just gone back to work, and now you're going to have your son to take care of. You're going to be very busy for a while.

Harley: Did you hear that? You're coming home. Yeah! Everything's coming together finally, and all because I did exactly what daddy asked me to.

Phillip: What? Harley? Harley?

Gus: Did he mention his father? Did he mention the anniversary of his father's death?

Eden: Yes, he did, because he knew I would understand, because I lost my father, too.

Gus: Oh, okay. So what are you going to do? Go to the grave with him?

Eden: Maybe.

Gus: You know, if you're not careful, he's going to put you in a grave of your own.

Marah: I know you helped my mom. One of the guards told me. She's... She's getting preferential treatment now because of something that you did.

Tony: Well, I didn't bust heads or anything, if that's what you're getting at.

Marah: That's not what I'm talking about. Thank you. Really, we're all grateful.

Tony: How is she holding up?

Marah: Are you kidding? This is her shining moment, her chance to be brave in the face of adversity.

Tony: Oh... You act like she wants to be in jail.

Marah: She chose it.

Tony: No, she didn't. She did it so that you and Cassie and everybody else can move on, Marah.

Marah: Yeah, only she didn't ask us if we wanted to move on.

Tony: You know what? You should give her some credit. She took the rap for all the right reasons.

Marah: Oh, like you did when you thought I killed Catalina? We saw how well that turned out. I'm sorry. I just... I can't seem to say the right thing to anyone, anymore. I went to go visit my mom in prison, and I totally blew up at her, and that's not what I wanted at all.

Tony: Apologize.

Marah: I just wish I wasn't so mad at her. It's really hard to be mad at somebody that you love.

Tony: I know.

Marah: So are you here alone?

Tony: No. I came with Eden.

Gus: Stop. This is not a game. What is the matter with you? Tony Santos is not just any Santos.

Eden: What do you think, I'm falling in love with him or something?

Gus: Well, you're... You're staying at their house. What if you slip up? What if you have a glass of wine and you slip up? I don't know how to prot... I have spent half my life keeping this secret.

Eden: I am not going to mess up.

Gus: But how do you know? Eden, you have... You have been talking in your sleep since you were a little girl. You could mess up. I don't know how to protect you. I don't want to go over to the Santos mansion and pick up your body, unless of course, they dispose of your body.

Eden: Oh, you are being so melodramatic.

Gus: What do you thinks going to happen? You think he wants to sit there with you and have a little chat?

Eden: No. But I--

Gus: But, Eden, he... You did not just cross Tony’s father, you murdered him.

Eden: I didn't murder anyone. Federico Santos got what he deserved.

Gus: Will you please?

Eden: Remember why we went up there?

Gus: Yeah, I know why we went up on the roof. We went up to get a taped confession to get him arrested, okay? And thanks to you, we warrant by pushing the guy off the roof.

Eden: Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I should have let you handled it.

Gus: Yeah, you should have let me handled it. You should have let me handle it. My God. You know something? We wouldn't even be alive today if we didn't have the whole police department covering up for us, you understand that?

Eden: Yeah. The whole police department wanted him dead just as much as I did.

Gus: Well, they should have handled it legally. That's the way it should have been done.

Eden: You know, I probably saved a lot of lives by pushing him.

Gus: Federico Santos was not the guy that took the contract out on our father.

Eden: He was the trigger man.

Gus: Yeah, for Miguel. You know, something, Eden? You know what you never will understand, is that we could have had them. We could have had them all, but you had to go too far.

Eden: Yeah, I shoved him off the roof. But you know what? I gave him 15 seconds more time to reflect than our dad ever got.

Gus: Well that is nice.

Eden: And you know what? In my world, I was merciful.

Gus: So what are you going to tell Tony Santos? You killed his father, but you were merciful?

Eden: He won't know until I want him to know. And then I will tell him why his father deserved to die.

Gus: I want you to get out of the house. Get out of their house.

Eden: You are not my father. My father is dead.

Marah: Eden's pretty.

Tony: Well, I’m not seeing her or anything, if that's what you're getting at.

Marah: No that’s not what I meant. She's just attractive. That's all.

Tony: She works for me at Inferno, you know. Well, she did, until she got injured. She's recuperating at the house. Carmen asked her to stay.

Marah: She's living with you?

Tony: So, you know, we came back for a cup of coffee, and I figured we might stop by my dad's grave on the way home.

Marah: Do you do that often?

Tony: No. Today's the anniversary of the day he died. And Eden understands that, you know, because her dad's gone, too.

Marah: God. I'm sorry. Here I am going on about my mom, and you don't even have parents.

Tony: Hey, they've been gone a long time, you know.

Marah: Yeah, but I'm sure you still miss them every day.

Tony: You know, my dad lived a violent life, and he died a violent death. Marah, if it means anything, I don't want to end up like that.

Harley: Oh, hi. Congratulations and all that. We were just leaving.

Alan: Is there something that you need, Harley?

Harley: Yeah, um, my bag. I left it here last night. Where did it go? Oh, here it is.

Phillip: Harley?

Harley: Got it.

Phillip: Okay...

Alan: Where do you think you're going with Zach?

Phillip: Everything's all right. It's okay.

Harley: I'm not going anywhere with him now, but soon, Alan. Very soon.

Phillip: Yes. We have everything worked out. It's okay. So as soon as...

Harley: Yes, I did every single thing that Phillip asked. Gus is gone, and I am all by myself. Is everybody happy?

Phillip: Everybody is very happy. As soon as I hear from the lawyers, I will give you a call, okay?

Harley: Right, right.

Phillip: Let me take him.

Harley: Yes.

Phillip: Okay.

Harley: Okay.

Phillip: Here we go.

Harley: You stay here with daddy. I'm going to go home, and I'm going to get your room ready. Pooka-pooka-pooka. You stay and be a good boy, okay? I'll be waiting for that call.

Phillip: Okay.

Alan: Just a minute, Harley.

Phillip: Dad. Dad, dad, dad...

Olivia: Don't worry. Harley can handle him.

Phillip: It's not Harley that I’m worried about.

Alan: Do you realize how lucky you are? If it were up to me, you wouldn't even lay a hand on Zach. Exposing him to that cold-blooded murderer...

Harley: Please, Gus isn't cold-blooded anything.

Alan: I may not be able to fight you now, but I want you to know one thing. I am watching you.

Harley: You're such a hypocrite, Alan. If anyone's a danger to Zach, it's you.

Alan: You know I love my grandson.

Harley: I know that you do. But really, really, you just want to control him like all the other little Spaulding puppets. You want to turn him into a juvenile version of you. Well, I'll tell you this. It's not going to happen, not while I'm alive.

Alan: You should get on your knees and thank Phillip for all of his generosity. He's given you gifts that you're not worthy of, gifts you don't even deserve. Please, I don't want to hear anything else come out of your mouth. My heart won't take it.

Harley: What heart? "Dear, Coop, you know I'm not good at saying how I feel, and I’m even worse at writing it. But I am sitting alone on this stupid beach and I can't stop thinking about you." Gus?

Gus: Coop, what's wrong? Is something wrong?

Harley: I want to see you.

Eden: Haven't seen you in a while.

Marah: How are you?

Eden: Just great. Thanks.

Marah: Right. Well, I'd better go get something to eat. Bye, Tony.

Tony: Bye.

Eden: So, you want to go home?

Tony: You know, I got to go to the cemetery. I don't know. If you don't want to come, you can go home.

Eden: No, no, no. That's fine. I'll go with you.

Gus: Excuse me, Eden. We are not done talking.

Eden: Later, okay?

Harley: Gus? Hi.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: Oh. Oh, I... You're okay? I mean, did he renege on his deal with you?

Harley: No, no, no. Actually... Actually, the opposite. He offered me joint custody.

Gus: He did?

Harley: And he's going to drop the criminal charges. (laughs)

Gus: That's great. So he's okay with us being together, then?

Harley: No. Not at all. But it doesn't matter, because I’m turning down his offer.

Phillip: Okay. What did you say to Harley?

Alan: Before or after my heart palpitation started?

Phillip: What?

Olivia: What?

Alan: I'm just joking, Phillip.

Phillip: Oh, damn it. That's not funny. Now, come on, Dad. Look, please, please don't screw this up for me.

Alan: Why would I do that, Phillip?

Phillip: Why? Because you dislike Harley. You have always disliked Harley, as you dislike all Cooper’s. But she is very, very good with Zach. She is a good mother.

Alan: Well, then why don't you reward her with joint custody, then? I'm sure that your Aunt Alexandra will be pleased to hear that.

Phillip: I wouldn't know. I haven't seen her since the wedding.

Alan: Are you complaining?

Phillip: Not necessarily. I'm just beginning to wonder where she is.

Alan: Let's just say she's taking a little break. (phone rings) That's all. Now, I need to take this call. If you will excuse me. Hello?

Edmund: Alan, its Edmund. Alexandra is coming back to the house.

Alan: Why aren't you with her?

Edmund: Because she insisted on taking her own car once we left the island.

Alan: Look, I cannot talk now. Meet me at the Beacon in a half hour. Well, this is a business meeting that I have to go to.

Olivia: Wait a minute. A meeting?

Phillip: What?

Olivia: No, your doctor said no meetings.

Alan: No, no. It's very peaceful, very calm, no stress. Not to worry, okay?

Olivia: Hey. Don't I get a kiss good-bye?

Alan: Why, of course you do, darling.

Olivia: Don't be long, okay?

Alan: I won't be.

Phillip: You're good with him.

Olivia: He's good with me.

Phillip: Well, I need to talk to Lizzie before she leaves for school, so...

Olivia: Phillip, for what it's worth, I think you did right by Harley.

Phillip: Thank you.

Olivia: Is... This is going to work out, right? Our situation?

Phillip: Well, I had some doubts.

Olivia: But not anymore?

Phillip: I really need to go talk to Lizzie.

Alexandra: Well, well, well. How's my new sister-in-law? Sorry I didn't get a chance to congratulate you on your wedding.

Olivia: Alexandra, we were just talking about you.

Alexandra: Oh, really? With Alan or with Phillip?

Olivia: All three of us.

Alexandra: Really? It's the three of you now, is it? Well, I guess it always has been.

Olivia: What's that?

Alexandra: Your wedding present.

Gus: Wait a minute. Wait. This is crazy, because this is going to cost you Zach. You shouldn’t...

Harley: No, no, it won’t. It won't cost me Zach, because I’m just like Lee the wee ant. (laughs)

Gus: You're like what?

Harley: It's this book that I’m reading to Zach. It's a book about this little tiny ant, and he's being bullied by this big bug, and. Is this a new suit? It's so cute on you. (laughs)

Gus: So, wait. I still don't understand what you...

Harley: The point is... Listen to me. The point is that I realize what kind of an example I am setting for my son if I let Phillip push me around like this? And it's not going to be over, because Alan will just make him... If I cave now, Alan will just make him make a big deal about something later on, and then on and on and on. This is what I’m saying: I'm drawing the line, okay? I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm going to take the whole mountain. That's what I'm saying.

Gus: What are talking about, take the whole mountain? What you...

Harley: That's you. You're the mountain. You and Zach and Jude and me, we're going to climb to the top of the great, big cheese ball. And we're not going to let him push us around anymore.

Gus: This is all because of your reading. Well, I'm glad you didn't give up your reading, then.

Harley: And you want to know what led me to all of this?

Gus: Tell me.

Harley: I was walking on the beach, and I stumbled on this bottle with a message in it. And Blake said it was fate. I don't know about that, but all I can say is, I love you, too.

Gus: I'm surprised that you even found that bottle, because it... But I heard you on the radio.

Harley: What do you mean, you heard me on the radio?

Gus: Well, I... Your father. He popped the tape in; it was you and Blake on the radio.

Harley: Oh. (laughs)

Gus: No, I liked it.

Harley: Those rats. (laughs)

Gus: I think they're pretty cool rats. I mean, they don't... All right, so wait a second. Tell me, how are we going to do this cheese ball, big mountain thing?

Harley: Oh, oh, this is what I’m saying. I'm going to clear your name. I mean, I'm not saying that it's going to be easy or anything, but I'm a cop, right?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: And if we can't get Eden to admit she pushed that guy off the roof, then we are going to launch a full-scale investigation.

Gus: No.

Harley: What I'm talking about...

Gus: No. No, we're not.

Harley: Witnesses on the ground, DNA, exhuming the body.

Gus: No, we're not doing that. We're not... We're not going anywhere near that body.

Phillip: There you are. Sweetheart, you got a minute for your old dad?

Lizzie: Yeah, sure, Dad.

Phillip: Um... Actually, you know what? Let's go in here for a minute, okay? Have a seat. Have a seat.

Lizzie: What's up?

Phillip: Oh, my pretty girl. Honey, I know these last few months have been hard for you.

Lizzie: What? Do you mean because mom's two people, or because one of them is publishing her diary?

Phillip: Your mom's made some mistakes, okay? We all do.

Lizzie: Yeah, but not like hers. She just sort of keeps on making them.

Phillip: Well, she’s... Your mom has not had an easy life. But it's not just us. It isn't. Look at your friends. Look at their families. They don't have problems? Life is never simple.

Lizzie: Yeah, especially in this house.

Phillip: Well that’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. How would you feel if you and I and James got a place of our own?

Lizzie: Why would we want to do that?

Phillip: Well, it's complicated, honey, but I think it might just be better for everybody. You know, this is a big house, but it's starting to feel a little small.

Lizzie: You mean with Olivia here?

Alexandra: First, I’d like to clear the air. I'm not here to destroy my family, Olivia. I'm here to fix what's wrong with it. And what is wrong with it, mostly, is you.

Olivia: I'd like to poll the rest of the family, Alexandra, because I'm thinking you won’t get a few votes.

Alexandra: Yes, probably. But I possess something that the men in my family don't.

Olivia: What's that? Gall?

Alexandra: Yes that, but also the ability to see through a beautiful face. Scam the husband, seduce the son; isn't that your game plan? And then when you get tired of them, you'll just walk away.

Olivia: You know it's nice to know you have such a lovely opinion of me. But for the record, I love Alan.

Alexandra: (laughs) Oh, yes, and his money. You know, Olivia, the moment I met you, I knew you were trouble. But my brother was so besotted by you, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was wrong.

Olivia: What are you doing?

Alexandra: Ssh. You'll miss the best part. Let me give you a word of advice, Olivia. Next time you decide to get cozy with the best man on your wedding day, make sure there aren't any security cameras there.

Olivia: What do you want?

Gus: There's one little piece of the story that I didn't tell you, and it's a rather big piece of the story.

Harley: Come here.

Gus: Yes.

Harley: You know, your truths always sort of drip, drip, drip out like a leaky faucet.

Gus: And the piece of the story that I didn't tell you is the name of the person that Eden had pushed off the roof.

Harley: No. You just said that it was somebody who was coming on to her.

Gus: Yeah. Yeah, that's what I said. But what happened was, we lured the guy to the rooftop.

Harley: "We"?

Gus: Together. And we were trying to get a taped confession out of him and get him arrested, but that wasn't enough for Eden. She got angry and she got impulsive, and she... Over the edge.

Harley: I know what Eden did.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Why would you lure somebody to the roof?

Gus: Well, because he was the man that actually shot my father. That's why.

Harley: The man who shot your father.

Gus: Federico Santos.

Harley: Eden killed Tony Santos' father?

Gus: Yeah. See, so nobody has ever known this. It was all covered up by the police force, with my dad. They sealed our record to protect our identities.

Harley: Oh, my...

Gus: So... I'm sorry, Coop. I'm sorry, you know. But at the end of the day, she is my sister. So you can understand that if we dig any deeper, she's going to be a corpse.

Marah: Oh, what am I doing?

Lizzie: I saw you guys, Dad. At the wedding.

Phillip: You saw us...

Lizzie: Somebody suggested that the best man dance with the bride, and you said no, and then Olivia said no. It's like you guys can't stand each other. I mean, what? Do you think I don't notice stuff like that?

Phillip: Well, honey, this time you're wrong, because Olivia and I get along fine. We really do. No, we do. And I think she's going to be a great wife and...

Lizzie: Grandma?

Phillip: Ah, yeah, okay. ( Laughs) I don't know. But I think we need to just get out of her hair, okay? They're newlyweds. They need some space.

Lizzie: Did grandpa say that to you?

Phillip: No, I am saying it to you.

Lizzie: Does he even know that you're asking me to move out of the house?

Phillip: No, he doesn't, honey. But don't you think it would be a nice thing if we gave them some privacy?

Lizzie: You know what? You can move out of the house, fine, but you're going to do it without me, okay? I'm staying.

Phillip: Lizzie... Lizzie? Lizzie?

Alan: Well, what did you learn?

Edmund: Never go uninvited to an island without bringing a sleeping bag. Your sister made me sleep on the front porch.

Alan: Will you get to the point, please?

Edmund: I just did. Your sister doesn't trust me, Alan, but she will in time. What is Alexandra after, anyway?

Alan: I was hoping you could tell me that.

Edmund: I'd be more than willing to keep on trying to find out, as long as you're willing to discuss price.

Alan: Haven't we done that already?

Edmund: Oh, the money you gave me up front was a start, but it's not nearly enough to cover a job of this nature. Alexandra isn't exactly what you Americans call a cheap date.

Alan: No, she's not.

Edmund: When all this is done, you'll be at the helm of Spaulding Enterprises again, and I would like to think that we'd be working side by side.

Alan: Really? What are you asking? That you would like a piece of my business?

Edmund: What I'm saying is that without me, you have no business.

Alan: You know I could get someone else.

Edmund: What, haven't you asked?

Alan: All right, we'll discuss it.

Edmund: Alan, don't make me put my money on the wrong horse.

Alexandra: I know you signed a prenup with Alan.

Olivia: Which only proves I'm not after his money.

Alexandra: Oh, yes. But he could be after yours.

Olivia: What the hell are you talking about?

Alexandra: You know, there's a clause in your prenuptial agreement that says that if you cheat on Alan, you forfeit the Beacon.

Olivia: That kiss happened before Alan and I were married.

Alexandra: Oh, yes. Well, you should get your lawyers to get better eyeglasses, because that clause came into effect the day you signed.

Olivia: No. No. That's ridiculous.

Alexandra: Read the fine print.

Olivia: I'm not going to forfeit my hotel over some stupid kiss in an elevator that lasted of all of seven seconds.

Alexandra: (laughs) Seven seconds! You could have fooled me. It seemed like a lot longer. But I am not going to quibble over that. I'm not asking you to forfeit your hotel. I'm all for women running the world, as the long as they don't interfere with my running mine. No, what I think is that I have a way out for you. Lucky for you.

Olivia: I'll bet it's just lucky for me.

Alexandra: Yes. Well, you see, because of Alan’s heart condition, I know that he didn't consummate the marriage. So therefore that means the marriage can be annulled, and the prenup is invalid.

Olivia: You want me to walk away from my marriage?

Alexandra: Yes. But take with you what you came to the party with, as long as it's not Alan... Or Phillip.

Olivia: And what if I refuse to go along with this?

Alexandra: Then I’ll just have to show Alan this tape. Then you will lose him and your hotel. It's your move, Olivia.

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