Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/29/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Bill: Help me! She's kidnapping me! Help me!
Michelle: Shh, shh. Okay, look, shh. Here's the deal, okay? You do recall that I'm studying to be a physician's assistant, right?
Bill: Is that why your nose is always in a book?
Michelle: Yes. And my midterms start tomorrow and the first part of the exam, you know, has nothing to do with books. They're grading us on our bedside manner while performing a physical examination.
Bill: So?
Michelle: So...
Bill: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Michelle: Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Bill: You want me to be your guinea pig while you manhandle me?
Michelle: Well, I prefer to think of it as one good friend helping another.
Bill: Really? Well, what do I get in return, friend?
Michelle: I'm helping you out at your Halloween party.
Bill: You already said you'd do that.
Michelle: I'll be true to my word.
Bill: Nope, nope, nope, nope. If I'm going to do this, let's see, you have to make at least one more concession. Hmm. Food. You've got to cook for me.
Michelle: Cook for you?
Bill: Yes, you have to cook for me.
Michelle: What am I, a grandmother?
Bill: No one in my house can cook, and I am so tired of ordering takeout, okay? So you have to, let's see, make me a week's worth of homemade meals, and I'm talking with all the fixings. Something I can just stick in the freezer, pop in a microwave, and then you've got yourself a deal.
Michelle: Fine, fine, fine. Shake on it?
Bill: All right.
Michelle: All right.
Bill: So now I'm all yours. Just tell me what I've got to do.
Michelle: All right. For starters, clothes off.
Lizzie: Well, this is it, Olivia. In just a little while, you're going to be married to my grandfather. Are you nervous?
Olivia: No. I'm excited.
Alan: Well, I think we can begin as soon as everyone gets settled.
Phillip: Dad, where's Alexandra?
Alan: What, she's not here?
Phillip: No, she's not here. Don't you think that's weird?
Alan: I think it's a blessing. We can get started whenever you're ready.
Edmund: Alexandra planned this event. You can't proceed without her.
Alan: Since when is it any of your business?
Edmund: Your sister's missing, man. That doesn't concern you?
Alan: She's not missing. She's simply not present.
Alexandra: Will you stop this car at once? Stop it! I was told I was going to be given some information about my brother. Now, where are you taking me?
Driver: You'll find out when we get there. (Tires squealing)
Edmund: You may not care about what's happened to your sister, but I do.
Alan: Edmund, the only person you care about is yourself. Now, if you have any accusations to make, make them, because I have a wedding to get on with.
Edmund: All right.
Phillip: Edmund, time to go.
Edmund: Actually, it's time to find out what's happened to Alexandra. And when I do, I'll be back-- with the police, if necessary.
Alan: The man is certifiable.
Phillip: Yeah, he is, but he's got a point. It's not like Alexandra to miss this. I mean, I... I don't know. I guess anything is possible. Maybe she finally decided to bow out and let you and Olivia have the day that you deserve.
Buzz: The way Phillip stepped in, you'd think it was his wedding.
Frank: Well, it looks like he's taking his best man duty seriously. And Edmund, he knows how to bring out the worst in people, doesn't he?
Buzz: Well, with Philip, that's not much of a stretch.
Alan: Olivia, I'm sure, is a little upset about this delay, so why don't you go up there and reassure her that we'll be starting any minute now, okay?
Phillip: Okay, sure.
Olivia: Okay. Is everything all right?
Phillip: Yeah, everything's fine. Edmund tried to make a scene, but everything's okay. Everything's fine. You two look beautiful. Just beautiful.
Olivia: Are we ready to begin? Phillip? Is that what you came to tell me?
Bill: Let's see what we got here. Aha. Now did you get all this stuff on discount, or do you have to pay retail like the rest of us peasants?
Michelle: Is that the way you normally talk to your doctors, Lewis, hmm? How about a little respect? Did you ever think about that one? Huh? Bill? Oh, Bill?
Bill: (Mumbling)
Michelle: Is that better?
Bill: Ah!
Michelle: On the table, shirt off.
Bill: My lips, can I have my lips back? Okay, all right, wait a minute. Michelle, I know we've known each other since the first grade, but there are some things I just will not do.
Michelle: You are impossible. Now we're getting started with this exam, whether you like it or not.
Bill: Okay, all right, all right, but just remember-- in exchange for my flesh, one week of homemade meals.
Michelle: I remember, I remember. Okay, thank you. Now, Mr. Lewis, how are you feeling this evening, hmm?
Bill: If I say fine, can I go home?
Michelle: We're going to begin the examination. I'm going to be listening to your heart.
Bill: Ah, the thing is freezing.
Michelle: I warmed it up.
Bill: Yeah, with what, an ice pick? "Nearly froze guinea pig," write that down in your notes. Problem?
Michelle: Shh.
Bill: Problem?
Michelle: Well, your heart's beating rather fast. Do I make you nervous?
Bill: Just turned on. Very, very turned on.
Michelle: Oh, mm-hmm.
Bill: Wait a minute, what are you doing? Did... Is that thing sterilized? Whose arm has this been on, because I'm...
Michelle: Oh, stop it.
Bill: Oh, wait a minute. Oh, wait a minute, ah, ah. Pressure on my arm.
Michelle: What, what, what, what? Hands off, please. Hands off. What are you doing?
Bill: Come on, you listened to my heart, I want to hear yours. Come on.
Michelle: Bill, God, your worse than Robbie, can you just sit still for one second. I'm trying to concentrate here.
Bill: And so am I here. Come on, please.
Michelle: Bill, I want to finish the thing, stop.
Bill: All right, that's it, you've messed with the wrong patient.
Michelle: Come on, what are you doing?
Bill: Who knows all your tickly spots?
Michelle: Don't touch those, don't touch.
Bill: Who knows all your tickly spots, huh? Who knows all your tickly spots? Bill Lewis knows all your tickly spots, Ms. Bauer.
Michelle: Okay, okay, you are in trouble now, mister. Dad.
Ed: What are you two doing here this time of night?
Phillip: I think we're ready to begin.
Olivia: We'll wait for our cue.
Phillip: Okay. See you downstairs.
Lizzie: Olivia, did you and my dad have a fight or something?
Olivia: No, honey, why would you think that?
Lizzie: Well, you both just seem really tense.
Olivia: No, no, we're just... We're both anxious to get this over with, so that your grandfather and I can live happily ever after.
Lillian: Is that Lizzie's earring? I gave her those.
Beth: I guess it is.
Lillian: Well, I better give it back to her before the ceremony. Be right back. Lizzie?
Lizzie: How did I lose that?
Lillian: I don't know, but you better put it back on. Are you nervous, honey?
Lizzie: Maybe a little bit.
Lillian: All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other, and then you'll be just fine.
Lizzie: It's not really that.
Lillian: Well, what is it?
Lizzie: Well, okay, I don't mean to be mean, but I really wish my mom hadn't come.
Lillian: Lizzie.
Lizzie: I know, I'm sorry, all right, but Olivia doesn't like her, and my dad has enough on his mind. At least she had the sense not to bring Bill Lewis.
Lillian: Oh, Lizzie, I'm so sorry, honey, I... Beth, honey.
Beth: Hi, honey, I just wanted to wish you luck. You look so beautiful.
Lizzie: You said that to me already, Mom.
Beth: Well, some things bear repeating.
Lillian: They sure do. Now here are your flowers. Good luck. You're beautiful.
Beth: Good luck, honey. (Chamber music plays)
Judge: Let us begin.
Michelle: I was just practicing the hands-on segment of our... My midterm for tomorrow, and Bill volunteered to be my patient.
Bill: No, see, I'm only the guinea pig here, sir, and I was coerced.
Michelle: I'm compensating you for your time.
Bill: Yes. And while we're on the subject, my favorite meal is pot roast with the baby carrots and potatoes and gravy, lots of gravy. And let's see... Shrimp, anything shrimp.
Michelle: What are you doing? What are you doing?
Bill: I'm getting dressed. It is freezing in here.
Michelle: I guess I can do the rest of the exam clothed.
Bill: What, there's more?
Michelle: So what are you doing here so late?
Ed: I had a meeting with Jay Wilkins, from the board. He's going to come up with some funding for the clinic. (Cell phone rings)
Bill: Bill Lewis, guinea pig extraordinaire.
Beth: Bill, hi.
Bill: Hey there, sunshine, what are you doing? I thought you were at the wedding?
Beth: Well, actually, it's kind of a bore, and I'm looking for a reason to leave-- hint, hint.
Bill: Well, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.
Beth: Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll have more fun with me.
Bill: Could you hold that thought till later on?
Beth: How much later?
Bill: Beth, is everything okay?
Beth: It will be when I see you.
Bill: Okay, well, I guess I can be done here. Let's see, no one's at my place right now, so why don't we meet there, like, in 15 minutes? All right. Okay. Okay, your dad is going to have to fill in, because I got to go.
Michelle: Where?
Bill: Hey, you're not the only woman in town who wants to rip all my clothes off.
Michelle: Okay, well, then you can forget about all those meals that I was going to cook for you, because you've earned yourself exactly one bowl of chips.
Bill: Nice daughter you raised here. But I love her anyway.
Michelle: Yeah, yeah.
Bill: Okay, bye.
Michelle: Bye.
Bill: Dr. Bauer, thank you.
Ed: Mm-hmm.
Alexandra: Take your hands off me. Oh, my God. What the hell is this place? Hello? Hello? Is anyone here? Listen to me, whoever you are, will you talk to me? Now you... you kidnapped me and you stuffed me onto a seaplane and then you take away my cell phone. I was promised some information about my brother. You going to give it to me or not?
Driver: You'll get your information, lady, but not from me.
Judge: Olivia and Alan have come here today and now stand before you to be joined together for eternity. Two separate individuals who knowingly, willfully, and joyfully have chosen to become one. And as you all witness their union, you take a vow to help and support them in all that's to come. Alan, will you take Olivia to be your wife and live with her in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her for as long as you both shall live?
Alan: I will.
Judge: Olivia, will you take Alan to be your husband and live with him in the covenant of marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, stay faithful to him for as long as you both shall live?
Olivia: I will.
Judge: The rings. And now the groom's. Olivia?
Olivia: I love you.
Judge: By the power vested in me by this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Alan, you may kiss your lovely bride. (Applause)
Phillip: Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Mr. And Mrs. Alan Spaulding. (Applause) All right, champagne is making its way around the room, if everyone would take a glass, please so that we could toast the newlyweds. Everybody getting a glass? Get a glass, I'll proceed. Olivia, please let me be the first to officially welcome you to the Spaulding family. You're a very lucky man, Dad. And I'm happy for you. I really am. I'm happy for both of you, because you're a perfect match. You're a terrific team. You're similar enough to understand each other, but you're different enough to keep things interesting. And you both... You both approach life with such a passion and such an intensity, and I know that truly great things can come from that. Just look at... Look at this wonderful place that we're in today. For years, this hotel has been a derelict white elephant. And you, Olivia, you saw the potential that was here. And in a few short months, the Beacon Hotel has now become the destination in Springfield. And Dad, hmm, oh, well, I think everybody in this room knows what happens when you put your focus and determination into something you want.
Alan: Me? (Laughter)
Phillip: Yeah. You're doers, both of you. You make things happen. And now that you have decided to join forces, I, for one, can't wait to see the results. And I know I speak for everyone in this room when I tell you that I sincerely wish you both a lifetime of happiness.
Guests: Here, here.
Phillip: Okay, enough of that. The reception is down the hall in the martini bar named after the bride.
Sam: Congratulations.
Phillip: I'm happy for you. I really am. Honey, you were wonderful. Congratulations. Beautiful. Proud of you.
Olivia: Come on, you want to go?
Alan: Sure, you ready?
Lizzie: Yeah, we're ready.
(Knock at door)
Bill: Hey, you.
Beth: Hey. So, you beat me here.
Bill: I didn't know it was a race. So what's wrong?
Beth: Did I say that something was wrong?
Bill: Well, no, just on the phone, you sounded a little... A little funny.
Beth: Oh, I guess it's just, you know, just been one of those days. But we all have those, right?
Bill: Hmm, well, I think I got just the thing for you.
Beth: Yeah, what would that be?
Bill: How's that?
Beth: That's nice. So what were you doing tonight? You said something on the phone about being a patient?
Bill: Oh, I was at the hospital.
Beth: At the hospital?
Bill: Well, just helping Michelle. She's cramming for midterms, so she needed someone to play doctor with.
Beth: Oh, play doctor. Well, that sounds interesting.
Bill: No, cold is what it was. She's got to learn to warm up the stethoscope. (Laughter) I don't know what that means, but beer?
Beth: Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Ed: I can fill in for the rest of that exam, if you want?
Michelle: Oh, thanks, but I think I'm pretty much set. Besides, if I leave now, I can still get home to tuck Robbie in, maybe get a good night's sleep.
Ed: You having trouble sleeping?
Michelle: Just a little. You know the last couple of days.
Ed: Why? Because you're worried about that midterm exam?
Michelle: It's not just a midterm, Dad. It's the rest of my life. This P.A. certificate is my and Robbie's whole future.
Ed: Without Danny.
Michelle: Why, do you think that I'm wrong to be anxious about all this?
Ed: I think the way you've handled everything-- yourself, everything that past couple of months has been extraordinary.
Michelle: I hear a "but" coming.
Ed: No. No, no, no, no. It's just, you know, a career, even a wonderful career taking care of other people, it's great, but it's... it's not the whole picture.
Michelle: I love you, Dad. But, you know, one thing at a time, okay.
Olivia: Where are you taking me?
Alan: I am the luckiest man in the world.
Olivia: I think we're both pretty lucky.
Alan: You know, this has been a long time coming, Olivia. You were pretty resistant, you know.
Olivia: I wasn't resistant. I was wisely cautious.
Alan: Oh, is that what you call it?
Olivia: Uh-huh.
Alan: Well, you were certainly playing hard to get.
Olivia: Yeah, well, you loved every minute of it.
Alan: Of course, I loved every minute. I love every inch of you. I love everything about you. Your strength, your independence, your beauty. Phillip was right. We are a force to be reckoned with.
Olivia: Well, look out world, because here we come.
Alan: Mm-hmm. Wow.
Olivia: (Laughs) There's plenty more where that came from, but we have guests. And I think we should get back with them.
Alan: Well, you go back. I've got something I need to do first.
Olivia: You are doing business at a time like this?
Alan: Well, it's part business and part revenge.
Olivia: Oh, does this have something to do with your sweet sister Alexandra's disappearance? Do tell. Come on, you naughty, devious man. Tell me everything.
Alan: I will soon. But I... I want you to know that my sister is about to learn who is truly in charge. Now, you go back to the party. I won't be long. (Jazz music playing)
Ben: "Parking lot, your car, five minutes." Hey, Mr. Cooper.
Frank: How's it going?
Ben: It's all right. It's all right.
Frank: Good. You having fun?
Ben: You know, little bit.
Frank: You know, it's the funny thing about weddings, they tend to bring out the romantic mood in people. Ever notice that?
Ben: Oh, not me, sir. I'm not feeling the least bit romantic right now.
Frank: Good answer.
Olivia: Thank you.
Sam: Liv, tell me that Alan did not run off and leave you here at your reception for some business call.
Olivia: With my blessing. And aren't the first words out of your mouth... Shouldn't they be "I'm so happy for you, Liv?"
Sam: Are you happy? Because if you are, I am for you, I mean it.
Olivia: Sam, Sam, look what I have now. I've got this place that I've created, and I've got this wonderful, strong, powerful, adoring man who wants to share the success with me.
Sam: You didn't answer my question.
Olivia: Just let me enjoy it. If I don't have to ask, neither should you. Just, shh. I'll be back.
Sam: Where are you going?
Olivia: I'm just going to go to the beach and collect my thoughts, okay?
Sam: Okay.
Phillip: Hey, buddy.
Rick: Hey, buddy. Some nice toast that you gave.
Phillip: Thank you. Meant every word of it.
Rick: Some nice disappearing act that you staged with Olivia in the elevator, too.
Phillip: That was not planned, if that's what you're, in your hopelessly inept way, are trying to suggest.
Rick: I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just saying that... I mean...
Phillip: What?
Rick: That must've been awkward being in an elevator alone with her.
Phillip: With Olivia? Yeah, it was a little awkward. Actually, it was really awkward. Is that what you wanted to here? You happy?
Rick: Would you just chill out? I'm just trying to help you out here.
Phillip: You're trying to help me out? Thanks, pal, you're not helping me out. Olivia and my father are married. They're happy, I'm happy.
Rick: Okay.
Phillip: Cool?
Rick: That's cool.
Phillip: Great.
Rick: Fine.
Phillip: Great.
Rick: Okay, great. Where are you going?
Phillip: I'm going to go get some air.
Rick: Ok, have a nice air break. Ooh.
Alexandra: I'll swim back. (Phone rings)
Alan: Good evening, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Ah, you! Ha, I should've known.
Alan: Sorry you had to miss the festivities at the Beacon. You'll be happy to know that the wedding went off without a hitch.
Alexandra: Oh, how lovely for you. So when you're in jail, you'll have somebody to visit when you're convicted of kidnapping me.
Alan: I thought you liked surprises. After all, isn't that what you gave me at the board meeting? There's something I think you've forgotten about your brother. When you cross Alan Spaulding, there are consequences.
Phillip: Hi.
Olivia: Hi.
Phillip: How you doing? You okay?
Olivia: I'm fine, fabulous, yeah.
Phillip: Good.
Olivia: Alan had a phone call to make, so I thought I'd come out here and reflect on my good fortune.
Phillip: Okay, well, I'll leave you to it.
Olivia: No, stay. I was heading back in anyway.
Phillip: Okay. ( Simultaneously) Olivia?
Olivia: Phillip?
Phillip: I'm sorry.
Olivia: No.
Phillip: No, it's okay. Is there something you want to say?
Olivia: You wanted to say something.
Phillip: It's okay.
Olivia: Okay. I just wanted to say that I'm... I'm sorry.
Phillip: That's exactly what I wanted to say to you.
Bill: (Chuckles)
Beth: So who's idea was all of this, anyhow?
Bill: This was Remy's, but we actually... We all chipped in. We're going to have a big Halloween party for all the kids in the neighborhood. Haunted house, you know, the whole nine yards. And what are you going to come as?
Beth: Me?
Bill: Yeah, you. I was thinking maybe a sexy, sultry wench with hardly any clothes on. Just a thought.
Beth: I could... I could do that. Or I could dress as a sexy, sultry wench in a fabulous little black cocktail dress, and you could come with me to a different party-- a benefit at the Beacon for breast cancer research. My mother organized it, please.
Bill: Aye-yi-yi. Is that a costume party?
Beth: Formal attire.
Bill: Like I said, costume.
Beth: Oh, come on, being in a suit isn't so bad, and you look incredibly handsome in one.
Bill: Oh, ho ho, well, flattery will get you nowhere.
Beth: Okay. (Laughing)
Bill: Neither will that.
Beth: Oh, come on, we'll have fun. Please come with me, please.
Bill: I... I can't, I can't. I promised these guys that I would help co-host this party.
Beth: Okay, yeah, I understand, I do.
Bill: No, come on, don't be mad.
Beth: No, no, I'm not, I'm not. I just... I'm disappointed, but it's my own fault because I should've asked you sooner. But I can go by myself, because there will be plenty of people there that I'll know.
Bill: Why do you have to go at all? Why don't you just send them a check and just come here in your... your wench outfit?
Beth: I can't. It's my mother, and I promised her that I would be there. But it's fine, it's really... It's fine. The truth.
Bill: Well, I would prefer that you lie to me, really.
Beth: Call me silly, but I wanted to go someplace fancy and romantic with you. Get dressed up, dance, have people see us together. And I know that that is annoyingly girlie of me, but that's what I wanted.
Bill: Oh. (Sighs) You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to get the party rolling here and then I will come and meet you at the benefit.
Beth: Yeah?
Bill: That is what I'm going to do.
Beth: Oh, thank you. Thank you. That's perfect.
Bill: Yeah?
Beth: Yeah.
Bill: Let me ask you something: Did someone say something to you today to make you feel self-conscious about us?
Beth: Yeah. Maybe, yeah.
Bill: Is it better now?
Beth: Yeah, it's much better.
Bill: Good.
Phillip: No, I am the one that owes you the apology.
Olivia: No.
Phillip: Yes.
Olivia: No.
Phillip: Trust me, yes. You had every right to take my head off in the elevator after I kissed you. I... I shouldn't have done that. I really shouldn't have. And I've been sending nothing but mixed messages. You know, I think I was just so attracted to you... Doesn't matter, doesn't make any difference. It was wrong, and I shouldn't have done it. I apologize. I know all you've been looking for from me was a clear signal.
Olivia: Yeah, okay, so you gave it to me when you gave that toast.
Phillip: It's true, Olivia, it is true. You and my father are so much more compatible than you and I could ever be. I think... I really do think that the two of you have a chance for a great life together. And damn it, you... you deserve that.
Olivia: You're a good man, Phillip.
Phillip: (Scoffs) Yes, when I'm not causing my father to have a heart attack.
Olivia: Look, no, that mess was created by both of us, okay. And well, no, really, I'm the one who's responsible for most of it.
Phillip: No, no, no.
Olivia: Yeah, I am. I am, because I knew you were vulnerable and hurt over what happened with Beth, and I... I manipulated you and pressured you in more ways than you know. And I'm certainly not going to tell you now, because it's going to make me look like I'm shamelessly desperate, so...
Phillip: You're an amazing woman. I hope you know that. I mean it, I really do. I like you.
Olivia: I like you, too. So can we just put all this behind us and move forward?
Phillip: Sure. Do we get to like each other? Can we still do that?
Olivia: I think that will be all right to like each other.
Phillip: That's a relief.
Olivia: I've been wanting to give this back to you.
Phillip: Oh, yeah, thanks.
Olivia: I'll see you inside.
Phillip: Okay.
Alan: Once it's daylight, I want you to walk around the island. You'll notice that the cottages are all boarded up. And they will remain that way until next spring. You're stranded, Alexandra, completely alone.
Alexandra: Oh. Dear me, is this my punishment for being a naughty girl? Stranded on a dessert island? How long do you expect to keep me here, Alan?
Alan: Ah, that's up to you, Alexandra. Underneath the television, you will find a drawer. In it, a document, stating that I resigned as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises and reinstate Alan. Now, all you have to do is sign that, and you'll be out of there tonight.
Alexandra: You want me to sign it? Never!
Alan: I anticipated that reaction. That's why I scattered a few other documents around the cottage for when you come to your senses, assuming you don't run out of supplies.
Alexandra: And what supplies would those be? Bread and water?
Alan: Bread and water, canned tuna, canned vegetables, some cheap wine. I don't want you to get malnourished, Alexandra. Also, there is some firewood, but you will have to split that yourself. It gets very cold up there in the winter. I assume this is going to take awhile.
Alexandra: You have truly lost your mind, Alan.
Alan: That plane you hear in the distance, that is not someone coming to rescue you. No, that's my man leaving the island. And he will not return, Alexandra, until you sign that document. Ciao.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Don't ever underestimate me, brother dearest.