Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/24/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Alexandra: So this sofa has to be recovered. This poof can go down into the living room. Oh, must get that hideous chair out of my sight.
Thomas: This is Mr. Spaulding's favorite chair.
Alexandra: Well, that may be, but this is my home now, and I’m just letting Mr. Spaulding stay here because of my generosity.
Olivia: Thomas, why don't you go check on the cook? Last time I saw her, she appeared to be hyperventilating.
Alexandra: Lloyd, would you go and find those paint samples that my decorator left for me, please?
Olivia: Tonight is my rehearsal dinner, Alexandra, and tomorrow is my wedding. Can't the Evita routine wait?
Alexandra: Well, tomorrow may be your wedding day, but I doubt it.
Olivia: Well, I don't.
Alexandra: You know, when you fell in love with Alan, he was a very powerful C.E.O. Now, he's just a figurehead with a bad heart.
Olivia: Oh, what perfect timing. Another moment with your lovely sister and I would just break her neck.
Alan: Patience, patience. Phillip, would you mind keeping Alexandra company? Olivia and I need to talk about our wedding plans.
Phillip: No, I'd love to.
Alexandra: Was it something I said?
Phillip: Oh, it was all kinds of things that you said, Aunt Alexandra. And did.
Holly: Ben, gunplay? Your father will hit the roof!
Ben: Look, the whole thing was a big mix-up, all right? Marina was trying to impress me or make me jealous or something, because... because she likes me.
Holly: Likes you?
Ben: Yeah, she has a crush on me, you know. And that's why she got involved in the first place. So, naturally I feel a little guilty, like I’m responsible.
Holly: But you're not?
Ben: No, no, of course not, but still, you know, I want to make sure she knows there's no hard feelings between us and that I’m glad she's okay. So, I thought it might be nice to ask her out sometime... To dinner, just something simple, you know, low-key. I mean, that would be the polite thing to do, right?
Holly: I suppose.
Ben: Right, but there's a hitch.
Holly: Isn't there always?
Ben: Yeah, because I'm older than she is, her father and grandfather are totally against me having anything to do with her. They won't even let me near her.
Holly: With your reputation, international playboy, all- around party animal, not to mention the age difference, I can see why.
Ben: Okay, that reputation is completely undeserved and you know that.
Holly: I do?
Ben: Look, I thought, you know, given your relationship to Buzz, maybe you could talk to him, put in a good word for me, make him see I’m not such a bad guy.
Holly: And you would take her out to a nice low-key dinner, something purely platonic.
Ben: Exactly.
Holly: Ben, do I look that stupid to you?
Marina: All right, will you just look at my dad and my granddad? It's like they haven't even let me out of their sight since the other night.
Lizzie: You mean since when you were kidnapped? What do you expect, Marina?
Marina: I expect them to get over it already. What are they going to do next, they going to fit me with a chastity belt?
Frank: Funny you should mention that, the department locksmith's working on one right now as we speak.
Buzz: I hear stainless is good.
Frank: No, no, Dad, cast iron.
Marina: Yeah, yeah, you see what I have to put up with? Do you want to trade lives?
Lizzie: Trust me, you do not want my life right now. Guess what I walked in on the other night? My mother and her young, hunky boyfriend with hardly any clothes on.
Marina: No, get out.
Lizzie: Yeah, if anyone needs a chastity belt, it's my mother.
Beth: I should really go.
Bill: Yeah, yeah, I should go, too. I really...
Beth: I mean, I should... I should... I should really...
Bill: Yes.
Beth: I should really go.
Bill: Me, too. I got to... I got to...
Beth: (Laughs) Why is it so easy being with you?
Bill: Because it is.
Beth: And why doesn't anyone else see that?
Bill: And do we care what anyone else sees? I don’t...
Beth: I care what my kids think.
Bill: Which is why you have to go.
Beth: Yes, I have to... I have to find Lizzie, and I have to talk to her and get her to come around about us. Right.
Bill: Okay. Then I will leave you to it.
Beth: Okay. Okay. Wait... (Laughs) Just hold me first. Just... just make the rest of the world go away for a little bit longer, please.
Olivia: Alan, I know your sister's in charge for the moment, but must we have front- row seats?
Alan: Do you want to move out?
Olivia: Not for long. Just till you're back on top at Spaulding. Look, the presidential suite at the Beacon is very comfortable. We can take suites on either side, have the whole top floor.
Alan: Well, you know, that sounds very appealing, but that is exactly what Alexandra wants. She wants us to leave, and we cannot give her one inch.
Olivia: Can we at least disinvite her to the wedding?
Alan: (Laughs) How can we do that? She's planning it.
Olivia: Yes, at my hotel. I hate this!
Alan: Look, I know this is very difficult for you, but we've got to keep our enemies close.
Olivia: She's going to do something to try and ruin the wedding.
Alan: Oh, I’m counting on it. The more preoccupied she is with her machinations, the less likely she'll be able to catch me in mine.
Olivia: Your plan.
Alan: Yes, my plan. It's going to make my sister absolutely miserable. (Laughs) But now I won't do it till after the wedding, if you object.
Olivia: Object? Hell, no. I want you to go for it. Make her suffer, Alan, and then suffer some more.
Alan: What I'm planning, Olivia, is huge. You won't regret it.
Olivia: I should get to the Beacon.
Alan: Uh, I have some things to do, but I will join you later.
Olivia: Okay, don't be long.
Phillip: So, I'm trying to understand this. It wasn't just enough that you took the company and the house from the old man. You felt this uncontrollable desire to redecorate the whole place the night before his wedding, is that it? What are you doing? How far are you going to take this? Who's next on the list? Should... should the kids and I be looking for a new place to live?
Alexandra: Oh, Phillip, you know I adore your children. I'd never do anything to hurt them. I'm doing this for them and the family.
Phillip: (Laughs) No, no, no, no, don't tell me that. That's not what you're doing. You're throwing your weight around and you're meddling, and you're doing it because you're enjoying it. You inserted yourself into a situation with Harley and Beth that you had no business getting into. You got them both worked up for no good reason whatsoever.
Alexandra: "No good reason"?
Phillip: That's right.
Alexandra: Oh, excuse me. You took Harley’s child away from her, and now you're trying to do the same thing to Beth?
Phillip: Okay, hang on just a second. Wait a minute. When did you become such a champion of Harley’s?
Alexandra: Oh, well, don't be ridiculous. I have always adored Harley.
Phillip: (Laughs)
Alexandra: Yes, what you don't like... What you don't like is the fact that the women in your life are finally standing up to you. None of the Spaulding men have ever liked that, none of them.
Phillip: Oh, wait a minute. Is that what this is about?
Alexandra: What?
Phillip: Is this about Nick and Lujack and how you feel that you were punished for your choice of mates?
Alexandra: Don't be ridiculous.
Phillip: That's what it... I'll be damned. You're still angry with Brandon and Alan for making you give up your son. Okay, all right, well, at least now, I understand why you took Harley’s side without even listening to mine.
Alexandra: Taking your side? I am here just because I do not want history to repeat itself.
Phillip: How... how can you possibly compare your situation all those years ago to this? Gus Aitoro is a criminal. He has been convicted of murdering someone, and as if that's not enough, he tried to blame that crime on his sister!
Alexandra: Ha! And I suppose that you are such a sterling, wonderful character, that you can go around judging other people.
Phillip: No, no, no, no. No, everyone knows that I am far from perfect, but I'll tell you something. When I take issue with someone, at least I do it to their face. And I don't sneak around and stab them in the back, which is what you did to me. So, you know what? When Alan strikes back at you-- and you know he will-- don't come running to me for support or sympathy, because you won't get it.
Alan: Thank you, Phillip. Well, this is shaping up to be quite an evening. Shall we proceed to the rehearsal?
Holly: Do I?
Ben: No. Okay, so I like Marina, all right. She's a cute kid.
Holly: Kid. "Kid" is the operative word here.
Ben: Absolutely. She's still in high school. I'm on my way to finishing grad school. I mean, it's only a few years.
Holly: Any idea when that might be? Your father's getting a little frustrated with this endless education of yours. I wonder if you'd like being a student so much, if the trust fund wasn't picking up the bill. All your bills, as long as you stay in school.
Ben: Now you are knocking higher education.
Holly: As a stalling technique for getting on with your life? You bet.
Ben: Okay. Okay, I will make you a proposition. You put in a good word for me with Buzz and Frank, and I will make serious, concrete plans towards graduating.
Holly: And start a career?
India: Holly?
Holly: India, hello, I heard you were in town.
India: Blake told you, of course.
Holly: Yes, yes, she did. Do you remember Ben Reade? India Von Halkein.
Ben: Hi.
India: Ben. Maeve's son.
Ben: Yeah, I think we met.
India: You were very young. Your mother was a very dear friend of mine. It's amazing how much you look like her.
Ben: I wish I’d known her.
India: She was a truly great person. I am leaving for home tonight, but if you ever need anything, never hesitate to call me.
Ben: Thanks. Nice to see you.
India: Same here.
Ben: Okay, that was out of nowhere right there.
Holly: And a side of her I have never seen. So, you want me to talk to Buzz.
Ben: Yes, please, Holly, please.
Holly: You're very focused. You're very determined about this girl. You must like her a lot.
Ben: I enjoy her company, that's all. And I think her parents are being unreasonable.
Holly: They're worried you're going to take advantage of her.
Ben: Never, Holly, never. I promise you.
Holly: Okay. I will talk to Buzz, but the rest is up to you.
Ben: Thank you, thank you.
Marina: So, this guy your mom was with... You like... You, like, saw him, like, you know, naked?
Lizzie: No, no. He was wearing underwear, you know, boxers. (Laughter)
Marina: Whoo!
Lizzie: It's really not funny, is it?
Marina: Actually, yes, it's really not funny. It's kind of scandalous, though.
Lizzie: It is. I mean, Marina, this is my mother we're talking about. What's worse? I know the guy she was with.
Marina: You do? Well, who was it?
Lizzie: Bill Lewis.
Marina: No. No! Wait. Bill Lewis, as in, like, Ben’s best friend, Bill Lewis? Wow. I bet he looks really good nearly naked.
Lizzie: Oh, my God, no. Bill and my mother is beyond gross. It's... it's repellent! I mean, the only good thing about it is she's so distracted with Bill that she's not keeping tabs on me anymore. And believe me, I'm taking full advantage of that.
Marina: Oh, my God, Lizzie. You're brilliant. You guys, you guys, I figured out why you're so obsessed over my love life.
Frank: Marina, you don't have a love life.
Marina: And neither do you. And that is essentially the problem. Daddy, you have not had a date since, what, like, like the ice ages or something? And you, you're obviously not seeing Holly anymore.
Buzz: Says who?
Marina: Says your total lack of contact with her.
Frank: Hey... You know, the other night when we had our little talk?
Marina: Yeah.
Frank: I hope I didn't give you the wrong impression about dating.
Marina: How do you mean?
Frank: Well, I just want you to know it's okay to go out on dates. Just as long as they're not with Ben Reade, okay?
Bill: Beth, it's me. Hey, look, I’m at Company and Lizzie is here. She's all alone. I thought maybe if you want to come down here and talk to her. All right. I'll see you soon. Oh, don't worry, I will stay clear out of the way, okay? All right.
Lizzie: Marina, can I get a soda? Never mind, I need the check now.
Bill: Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, don't go.
Lizzie: No, I have to go. I have stuff to do.
Bill: Please, that's not the reason why you're going to leave. Just... Come on, sit down, let me buy you a soda. I'm not that bad once you get to know me.
Marina: This is so ridiculous! You guys are being completely unfair. Right, I can't go out with Ben. I can go out with just any other guys, as long as he's not 18? What if he's like a 16-year-old ax murderer? Or a... Or what if he's just a complete creep?
Frank: Well, I prefer that you don't date those guys either.
Holly: Am I interrupting anything?
Marina: Ooh, nothing, just my pathetic attempt to actually have a life.
Holly: Does this have anything to do with Ben?
Frank: Good guess, Holly. Listen, I'm going to let you guys have some time to be alone, all right? I'm sure you'd like to talk.
Holly: Frank, actually, I want to talk to both of you. I have come to plead Ben’s case.
Bill: Please, Lizzie, let me talk to you just for one minute.
Lizzie: About what?
Bill: About what you walked in on the other day, your mom and me. I figure if we just put it out there, we talk about it, and make it a little less awkward, that's all.
Lizzie: So, you're sleeping with my mother, and you're only a few years older than me. What could be weird or gross or disgusting about that?
Bill: Did I say "weird," "gross," or "disgusting"? I... I... I thought I said "awkward."
Lizzie: Is this funny to you?
Bill: No, it's not, it's not funny, no.
Lizzie: You totally embarrassed me in front of my friends, not to mention you broke up my parent's marriage, and you think it's funny.
Bill: I don't think it's funny, it's not.
Lizzie: Just forget it.
Beth: Hi.
Olivia: I wonder where Lizzie is. I know that Alan’s going to be here shortly.
Judge: Lizzie is?
Olivia: Alan's granddaughter. She's my maid-of-honor.
Judge: Ah.
Olivia: Excuse me, India. It is India, isn't it?
India: Hello, Olivia. Promises to be an eventful wedding. Shame I can't stay.
Olivia: No offense, but I’m a little surprised you're still here, that... That Alan is allowing it.
India: Wonderful Phillip invited me. But don't think Alan would ever turn me away, because you'd be mistaken. Best of luck in your marriage.
Alexandra: I told you I wanted to have the crystal goblets. Oh, well.
Phillip: (Laughs) Oh, Alexandra. Ever the perfectionist.
Alexandra: Thank you, Phillip. I want this wedding to be everything that Olivia and your father deserve.
Olivia: Is that why you like to run things with an iron fist?
Alexandra: Well, Olivia, I did let you choose your own wedding dress. Even though the one I chose, I thought was far more glamorous.
Olivia: It was black.
Alexandra: I know.
Alan: If you two will excuse us, I need to speak with my sister. Alexandra, I want to thank you.
Alexandra: For all this?
Alan: No. For weeks you have been threatening to tell Phillip and Olivia that I faked my heart attack.
Alexandra: Well, I still could if I wanted to.
Alan: I don't think so. You know, ever since you've become CEO, have you noticed how much more devoted Olivia is to me now? You thought your little scheme would split us up, didn't you? But she's more loyal to me now than ever before. And Phillip...
Alexandra: Oh, well, if Phillip found out that you lied, he would be so furious with you, so don't delude yourself.
Alan: More furious at me than you? If he found out that you knew that I faked my heart attack and didn't tell him and then used that information for your own selfish ends and betrayed him, he would never speak to you again.
Alexandra: (Laughs) You know, you're awfully cocky for a man who's almost lost everything.
Alan: I'll get it back. Besides, I’m about to marry the woman I love. And poor Alexandra has no man in her life, no children in the vicinity. Here she has this great win with no/one to share it with. My, my, I guess what they say is true. It's lonely at the top.
Alexandra: There's no need to gloat, Alan. Yes, I am at the top, and I still have my trump card to play.
Alan: You wouldn't dare.
Alexandra: Oh, yes, I would. Because at that ceremony tomorrow, when the judge says, "Is there any reason to prevent this union?" I might be compelled to just raise my hand.
Alan: Oh, why wait until tomorrow? Your honor, you know that part of the ceremony where it says if anyone objects to this union, why do we have to do it tomorrow? Why can't we do it today? Because, you see, my sister has something she would like to say.
Lizzie: I have to go.
Beth: Lizzie, Lizzie...
Lizzie: I'm late.
Beth: I know that you're angry and you're upset with me. But we can work this out. Can't we at least try to talk?
Lizzie: There's nothing to talk about.
Beth: Okay, you're angry with me, just admit that. You don't return my phone calls. When I do see you, you run away from me. I know that you have a problem with me seeing Bill and I want... I want to understand what you're feeling and why.
Lizzie: Why?
Beth: Why?
Lizzie: Why do you want to know what I'm feeling?
Beth: Because I love you!
Lizzie: Enough to change your behavior? If I asked you to stop seeing Bill, would you? I didn't think so.
Beth: No, no...
Lizzie: No, I have someplace to be.
Beth: Where?
Lizzie: At grandpa and Olivia’s rehearsal dinner. Oh, I guess you weren't invited.
Beth: No. No, but I'm going to be at the wedding tomorrow night. And I will... I'll see you there.
Lizzie: Great.
Beth: (Crying)
Ben: Hey.
Marina: Over here, over here, over here.
Ben: Wait, wait, what is going on?
Marina: We have major arm twisting in progress.
Ben: Wow. Holly works fast.
Marina: You put her up to this?
Ben: Who else?
Marina: You get a big kiss for that. Yeah, but later. Just go and make yourself inconspicuous. Go, go, go.
Holly: Okay, okay, so Marina does not have a great track record.
Frank: Try never.
Holly: And you've got your doubts about Ben.
Frank: Ben is way too old for her.
Holly: But they really like each other, and they are determined to be together. Maybe they know something we don’t.
Frank: Yeah, like how to get into trouble.
Holly: All I'm saying is would it be so terrible to give them a chance? I mean, you can keep your eye on her. She's what, almost 18? And Ben is an adult. It just seems unfair to... to unilaterally tell them what to do. Anyway, that's my opinion, and now having said it, I'll be going.
Buzz: Excuse me. Excuse me! What was that? Is that what this has come to? We talk about kids because we can't talk about us?
Judge: You have an objection to this marriage, Ms. Spaulding?
Alexandra: Well, not per se, your honor, but you see my brother's been terribly, terribly ill and even though weddings are such joyous occasions, I just think it might be all too stressful for him.
Phillip: Well, but actually in this case, there's no need to worry, because I can assure you, as the best man, I’m going to make sure that this wedding is completely stress-free.
Judge: Well, should we begin the rehearsal?
Alan: Yes.
Olivia: Please.
Phillip: Actually, can you give us just one second? Talk to you for a second?
Alexandra: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: You know what, maybe... maybe I didn't make myself clear before, but this is a wedding rehearsal, and this is not a battlefield in your war with my father.
Alexandra: Phillip, stay out of this.
Phillip: Oh, no, I'm not going to stay out of this at all. No, see, you've made my exes choose sides, so now that's what I’m doing, and I choose my father. You know what that means? That means that if you do anything tomorrow, I mean, anything to disrupt this wedding, I’m going to take it so personally. I'm going to do something really awful, like move out of the house with the kids. And make sure, and I mean it, that you will never see your niece or your nephews again. Do you hear me?
Alexandra: I hear you loud and clear. I promise I won't disrupt the wedding tomorrow.
Phillip: Great.
Alexandra: I won't have to.
Holly: I don't know, Buzz, what do you want me to say?
Buzz: (Stammers) The truth would be good.
Holly: About?
Buzz: You're avoiding me.
Holly: I haven’t...
Buzz: (Laughs)
Holly: Okay, I have.
Buzz: Is it Ed, because Ed's in town?
Holly: No, it's not because of... It's because of me. Because I need space or something. I don't know, I'm just...
Buzz: Scared.
Holly: Maybe.
Buzz: Wow. Roger sure did a number on you.
Holly: No, I did a number on me. Everything that happened with Roger, with Fletcher, it's because I allowed it. So, now, I’m just trying to play it safe.
Buzz: You know, for me, safe is... is... Is... It's stultifying.
Holly: For you. For me, it's oddly comforting.
Buzz: Oh, God, I have told you over and over and over and over and over and over again, I'm not going to hurt you. I mean, how much more do I have to say?
Holly: Nothing. Say nothing.
Buzz: You're touching me. Can I...?
Holly: Nope.
Buzz: No. One thing, I got the crazy hots for you, but I am not going to wait forever.
Holly: I like that. Fair enough.
Marina: Well?
Frank: Well what?
Marina: Well, I heard some of what Holly said, Daddy, and personally, it made a lot of sense to me.
Frank: You're grounded, Marina.
Marina: Okay, that’s... that's fair, that's fair. But how about when I’m ungrounded?
Frank: You know at this rate? That may be never.
Ben: Marina, look... I think your father and I should speak alone. If that's all right with you, sir.
Frank: Sure, absolutely, if you don't mind wasting your own time.
Marina: Okay, just remember he carries a service revolver.
Ben: Thank you, Marina, thank you. Mr. Cooper...
Frank: That's Detective Cooper.
Ben: Detective Cooper, I understand your concern for Marina, sir, and I totally respect where you're coming from. She's still in high school, I'm a few years older, and you're concerned what that might mean, that things might get out of hand between us.
Frank: Yeah, that thought did cross my mind.
Ben: I really like your daughter, sir. But more than that, I respect her. And you have my word that I would never let things go too far between us physically.
Frank: I think our definition of "too far" may be a little bit different.
Ben: I won't touch her at all, okay, you have my word on that.
Frank: Well, well, Ben is here giving me his word that he's not going to make a move on Marina. Now, if I happen to believe you, which I absolutely do not...
Ben: Okay, look, hold on. You guys are both going to Alan Spaulding and Olivia Spencer’s wedding tomorrow night, right? I know you are. I know you are because Alexandra invited me, and she told me you'd be there.
Frank: So?
Ben: So, you're letting Marina out of the house for that.
Frank: It's a social obligation.
Ben: Right, absolutely. All I'm saying is since both of us will be there anyway, how about letting me be her escort? You guys will both be there, and you can keep an eye on us at all times. Does that sound good?
Frank: It sounds to me that you're not listening to anything I’m saying. I don't want you having any contact with my daughter.
Ben: So, what, I'm not even allowed to come here?
Frank: You know what? Let me rephrase this for you. I don't want you having any contact with my daughter. Make myself clear?
Ben: Very.
Frank: Good.
Ben: Detective. (Sighs)
Bill: Well, not so good, huh?
Beth: I don't know. I have... I have just... I've never seen her this closed off, this shut down. I mean, we have had our problems before, but we've always been able to talk things out.
Bill: And you know what? You will talk again, I guarantee it.
Beth: She's now purposely gravitating to Olivia, just to spite me.
Bill: Gravitating how?
Beth: Alan and Olivia’s wedding is tomorrow night.
Bill: At the Beacon, right.
Beth: Yeah. And Olivia asked Lizzie to be her maid-of-honor and Lizzie said yes.
Bill: Well, look on the bright side. If Lizzie’s at the wedding, that gives us all night to do whatever we want to do.
Beth: I can't. I was invited to the wedding, too.
Bill: Wow, so, we're going to Alan and Olivia’s wedding. I'll have to shine up my boots for that one. (Laughs)
Beth: No. I am.
India: Well, it's been grand, Phillip, but I’ve had enough of this little love fest.
Phillip: What'd I tell you?
India: I could give Olivia a run for her money.
Phillip: What is that supposed to mean?
India: Be careful.
Phillip: Always am.
India: A bien tôt, mon cher.
Phillip: Take care.
Alexandra: Throwing out the trash, darling?
Phillip: Aunt Alexandra.
Alexandra: I was just trying to be funny.
Olivia: Is that what you were doing?
Alan: Elizabeth.
Phillip: Hey, I was worried about you. You okay?
Lizzie: I know, I’m sorry, I'm tried to call, my battery was dead.
Phillip: All right. Where were you?
Lizzie: Um, I...
Phillip: Everything okay?
Lizzie: Yeah, everything's fine. I just... I just got stuck doing some stuff and I lost track of time.
Phillip: Okay.
Lizzie: I’m really sorry, Olivia.
Olivia: Oh, no, no, don't... don't worry about it. You didn't miss anything important.
Lizzie: Are you sure, like... I mean, I know I have to know how to walk and where to stand and stuff.
Olivia: (Laughs) It's really simple. We'll... we'll do it later, or tomorrow, don't worry about it.
Phillip: We'll go over everything. Take a breath, here, have some soda.
Alexandra: Lizzie, come and sit next to me.
Lizzie: Um, actually, I... I'd rather stand. I... I want to make a toast.
Phillip: You want to make a toast?
Lizzie: Yeah, to grandpa and Olivia. I can do that, right? Because I... I mean, I am a member of the wedding party.
Alan: Absolutely. Go right ahead, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: Okay, I want you guys to know how happy I am that you guys are getting married. My life's been sort of falling apart lately. But when I look at you two and I see how much you two love each other, well, I have hope that maybe there is such a thing as true love and that it can last forever. So, thanks for giving me something to believe in.
Alan: Elizabeth, that was beautiful. Thank you, darling.
Lizzie: Did I say the wrong thing?
Alan: Uh, no, darling, not at all. She's just a little nervous, that's all. Phillip, I need to go make a phone call. I'll be right back.
Phillip: Okay.
Lizzie: Should I go out and see if Olivia’s all right?
Alexandra: No, no, no, darling, no, no, that won't be necessary.
Lizzie: I know, but if I said something...
Alexandra: Your father will go. That's okay with you, Phillip, isn't it? Lizzie and I have very important fashion issues to discuss.
Phillip: Sure. Olivia, you okay? What's wrong?
Olivia: I don't think I can go through with this wedding.
Marina: So?
Ben: Your dad has forbidden me from seeing you.
Marina: But that's not fair.
Ben: You know, if we happen to see each other and say hello, he won't shoot me.
Marina: But that... That's it? You talked to him, Holly talked to him, that's it? That's what you accomplished?
Ben: No. I did accomplish something. We know the rules now, which means we know how to break them.
Phillip: Where... where is all this coming from? I thought that you said that you'd made up your mind that you were going to marry my father.
Olivia: I know, I know. I just... Lizzie was talking about true love, a love that lasts a lifetime. (Sighs) I want that. I want it.
Phillip: You don't think that you can feel that way about my father? You don't love him?
Olivia: No, I do. I do love him. Alan and I have a connection that's so intense. But sometimes I just think that we're connected because of what's worst in us, that that's what binds us. I so desperately want to be connected and bound to someone because of what's good, what's deep and real, a love that's so deep that you couldn't escape it even if you tried.
Phillip: Okay, well, then you need to tell him.
Olivia: I should tell him?
Phillip: Yes. You have to tell him. You have to tell him that you can't marry him, that you're not sure.
Olivia: Are you? Look, I could have a good life with Alan, I could. The only way I would give it up, is if something better came along now.
Phillip: I... Olivia... I can’t... I can't have anything to do with it. Don't make it about me.
Olivia: It's not about you, it's about us.
Phillip: No. No, it's about you and my father.
Olivia: Okay. Okay. Well, then I am... I'm going to be the smart, soulless opportunist that everyone thinks I am anyway. I'm going to choose a sure thing.
Alexandra: Is everything all right? Olivia seemed so terribly upset.
Phillip: I think she's fine.
Alexandra: Oh.
Phillip: She’s... You know, she's fine. Everything's fine.
Alexandra: Good, I'm glad. That's just the way it should be. I think tomorrow's going to be a....
Alan: Then you're sure that we understand each other? Excellent. My sister won't know what hit her.