GL Transcript Wednesday 10/23/02

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/23/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ready or not here I come. Hmm, now where could Zach be? I know he's got to be in here somewhere. He's not over here. There he is! (Laughs) I found you. I found you. I found you.

Phillip: You want some coffee or anything?

Harley: No, I think we have enough of a buzz going on. (Laughs)

Phillip: I can see that. He, um...

Harley: It's time?

Phillip: Yeah. He's got to get ready for school. You got to get ready for school, buddy. Real soon.

Harley: You have to go school, so I have to leave.

Zach: No, stay here and play.

Harley: I wish I could. I wish I could stay and play with you, baby, but you have to go to school.

Phillip: You have to go to school. Hey, you know what? You get to paint today. Painting is your favorite, isn't it? Oh, and you know what? Why don't you go get that painting that you did for mommy. You want to show it to her? Why don't you do that? Go get that painting. Go on. Go get it. Bring it back. He's okay. He misses you, but you know, he's okay in a little while.

Harley: I can't do it anymore. I can’t. I can’t. I can't do this anymore. Please let me bring him home? Please? Tell me what I have to do.

Phillip: You know the answer to that.

Harley: Okay, fine. You win. I'll do it.

Eden: My first guest of the day.

Gus: Yeah. And I come bearing gifts.

Eden: Ammo world?

Gus: Well, you know, I figured anybody could bring you flowers. You could look through there. On page 28, they got those musculy dudes with the cool tattoos. You might like that.

Eden: Really?

Gus: Mm-hmm. Also bullet proof vests. You can mail order them. I think it's page 69 in case you plan on jumping in front of any bullets in the near future. Bullets in the near future.

Eden: Only for you.

Gus: Right.

Eden: What, are you sorry that I saved your life?

Gus: No, I'm just sorry that you got so many people in the line of danger. I think next time maybe I'll just shoot you myself. Put us both out of our misery. And I'm a much better shot than your little extortion buddy.

Eden: Well, not by much. You want to see the scar?

Gus: No, I don't want to see you naked. You're my sister.

Eden: So this go-to-hell thing is that still on?

Gus: I never said that you should go to--

Eden: You said that you were going to send me to jail. Is that still your plan?

Gus: You belong in jail. (Phone rings)

Bill: (Laughs slightly) Good morning, beautiful.

Beth: Do you know that those are the first words that I’ve heard today?

Bill: Well, that's the way it should be every morning. And every night.

Beth: I was dreaming about you last night.

Bill: Really? I've been daydreaming about you all day. It's just not the same thing as being there.

Beth: No, it isn't, is it?

Bill: Well, listen. Why don't I take my coffee break with you? I'll bring you breakfast in bed. Anything else you want? (Knock at the door)

Beth: That sounds perfect.

Bill: Any special requests?

Lillian: Oh, so you spend all day in bed now?

Bill: Beth?

Lillian: You know, you are a grown woman, Beth. You have responsibilities. And what in the world do you think you're doing?

Beth: Well, I think you better cancel that breakfast. My mother's here.

Bill: Beth, you okay? Honey? Beth, honey? You okay?

Reva: Hi, sis.

Cassie: So is there anything that you need? Because I've got a list of things that you're allowed to have. And I thought that I could pick some things up for you.

Reva: Cassie, don't. Josh can get all that.

Cassie: I really want to do this. They said that you can have your own soap and I thought I could go to that store off Camden Street that you really liked. I know your favorite kind was gardenia.

Reva: Don't. Don't spend your money on soap.

Cassie: I can afford some soap for you.

Reva: Okay. Thanks.

Cassie: So is there anything else?

Reva: Um, do they have ear plugs on that list?

Cassie: Headphones.

Reva: Oh, good. That'll do. Anything to block off... Who'd thought they'd let people play radios in here? I mean radios, shouting, screaming, fighting, crying all night long. It's loud.

Cassie: I am so sorry. I never wanted you in here, Reva. I'm so sorry.

Reva: Cassie, you didn't do this. You didn't file charges. You did not put me in here. This was not your fault. Don’t. Cassie. It's okay.

Cassie: No, it's not. It's not going to be okay until you're out of this place.

Harley: Is Zach all right?

Phillip: He's getting ready for school. Are you all right?

Harley: I meant what I said. I'll do it. I'll do what you want. I will break up with Gus. But there are some things I would like in return.

Phillip: Harley, do you think I’m in any mood to negotiate with you after that stunt you helped Alexandra pull?

Harley: I had to vote my conscience. What? Is this going to be some kind of payback?

Phillip: Go ahead. Tell me what you want. And then I’ll vote my conscience, too, okay?

Harley: I will break up with Gus. But then I would like you to drop the breaking and entering charges against me, so I can get my job back.

Phillip: And that's it? Well, of course, I will do that.

Harley: Thank you.

Phillip: Harley, I didn't do any of this to hurt you. I was just trying to protect Zach, that's all.

Harley: Protect him from who? From Gus?

Phillip: Yes.

Harley: You know Gus nearly took a bullet the other day protecting Marina.

Phillip: What?

Harley: Because that's what he does. He takes care of people.

Phillip: Wait a minute. What happened with Marina?

Harley: It was... It's an ongoing investigation, but she's fine. She really is. She's fine-- thanks to Gus.

Phillip: Thanks to Gus? You don't sound like a woman about to break up with him.

Harley: Maybe that's because I don't want to be. Because I love him. But I love my son, too. And I cannot say good-bye to him like this anymore, so I will do what you ask, because you give me no other choice. I will break up with Gus.

Phillip: Okay.

Harley: Okay. So then I will go pick him up after school today, okay?

Phillip: Whoa! Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Whoa! Wait a minute. Not quite so fast.

Harley: What else do you want from me?

Phillip: Let's just take this one step at a time, all right. You've broken up with Gus before. He left town remember? Gave me his word that he wouldn't come back. You guys were together two days later.

Harley: Okay. Well, you've never had my word. Okay, this is me telling you I am going to break up with Gus.

Phillip: All right. I got you. And I hope that you can for your sake. And for everybody's sake. But let's just see, all right? I promise you when he's gone.... When he is really gone, we will go back to the old custody arrangement.

Harley: I'm going to see Gus right now. And then what? What are you going to do? Search my house? Are you going to have Gus followed in case he accidentally walks past Zach in the park?

Phillip: I don't think that will be necessary.

Harley: Well, you know what? None of this was necessary, frankly. You have no idea what cost me. But why don't you remember this moment anytime you're wondering why nobody really likes you very much anymore?

India: Knock, knock.

Phillip: (Laughs) Okay. Come on in. Give me your best shot.

India: Pardon de moi?

Phillip: Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought perhaps Alexandra was sending you all in one by one to take one final shot, no?

India: I think I've more than satisfied my obligation to Alexandra.

Phillip: Hmm.

India: No doubt you're wondering how I could show my face here today after I pulled the rug out from under you and Alan yesterday.

Phillip: Actually, you know what, India? I have a feeling I’m better off not knowing.

India: You're right.

Phillip: Hmm.

India: I never meant to hurt you, Phillip. Or Alan.

Phillip: Are you staying for the wedding?

India: Shucks no. (Laughs) I'm leaving tonight. Dorie and I have our own plans to make. She's engaged to be married.

Phillip: Wow. Do you like the guy?

India: Very much.

Phillip: Good. (Laughs) You're going to be a mother-in- law.

India: Yes, yes. Go on and laugh, darling. Yes. I've seen Lizzie. You don't have much time left, papa.

Phillip: Yeah, tell me about it. It's scary with Lizzie right now. She's so upset with Beth and me that it really frightens just what kind of guys she's going to end up.

India: She's hoping you and Beth remarry.

Phillip: Isn't that what every kid wants?

India: You and Beth have survived an awful lot, Phillip. Maybe...

Phillip: Not this time.

India: You really mean it, don't you?

Phillip: Yeah, I do.

India: Because of the boardroom?

Phillip: Because of a lot of things. No, Beth and I are finished.

Lillian: You're a grown woman now with responsibilities. You're not some hormone-powered teenager shacking up with a kid.

Beth: I haven't had my coffee yet, Mom. I'm really not up for this right now.

Lillian: You're not up for anything to do with your family anymore, Beth.

Beth: That's not true. That is not true. I have tried to reach Lizzie. She doesn't want to talk to me. She needs some time to cool down.

Lillian: She needs her mother.

Beth: I am still her mother.

Lillian: She does not think so, Beth. Not at all. She is so confused. How could you let her see the two of you?

Beth: I didn't let her anything. She came over to Bill's new place. She had no idea I was there.

Lillian: She had no idea where you were. She had no idea how to reach you if she needed you.

Beth: I had my cell phone, Mom.

Lillian: (Laughs) And I'm sure that was on.

Beth: Oh. You know if I went to the movies, I would turn off my cell phone. Would I be a bad mother if I went to the movies?

Lillian: If you went to the movies, she wouldn't have walked in on a peep show. Or would she?

Beth: Oh.

Lillian: That's a very fair question these days, Beth Raines.

Beth: Nothing about this conversation is fair, Mom. I am entitled to a little private adult time.

Lillian: Then why are you spending it with a teenager?

Beth: (Laughs) This is what it's really about, isn't it? This is it?

Lillian: Yes, of course, this is it.

Beth: Mom, he is not a child. He may be a little younger than I am, but he's a grown man. And you know something? This just kills me, because if I were a man, no one would think twice about the age difference.

Lillian: That's right, Beth, we're all hypocrites. Lizzie's a hypocrite, I'm a hypocrite, Lizzie’s friends are hypocrites, Lizzie’s friends' parents are hypocrites. Didn't you do enough damage with that Lorelei’s diary? This child is so hurt and confused and messed up. You know what she's doing? She's glomming on to Olivia.

Beth: I know that, okay.

Lillian: All she talks about is her dress, and money and the wedding. Do you want those values for her, or these values?

Beth: What would you like me to do, Mom?

Lillian: You know what I want you to do?

Beth: Oh, no, no. Don't even go there. I'm not giving Bill up!

Lillian: Why? Why? Tell me what it is about this boy that's causing all this trouble for us?

Beth: Because he sees me, Mom. He sees all of me. I am not a wife, or a mother, or a messed up daughter. He cares about all of me and not just some role I play in his life.

Lillian: The role you play with him is sexual.

Beth: You want details, Mom?

Lillian: Sweetheart, I think I’ve read every one in your diary.

Beth: Why are you doing this to me?

Lillian: Because I want to shake you up. I love you. When you told me about Bill in the beginning, I understood. I really tried to understand. But look at what he has done to your life. Look at what he's done to your daughter.

Billy: Hey, I think that should do it.

Bill: Yeah. Well, let's give it a test.

Billy: Okay. Test it. Motion sensor.

Bill: Yeah. See that way it only goes on when it's necessary. It saves Cassie a little bit of money.

Billy: Hey, she could use all the help she could get.

Bill: Sure could.

Billy: So you like your little sideline here, boy?

Bill: Yeah, I’m liking it.

Billy: Yeah.

Bill: Yeah.

Billy: Well, when your through, I got some lawn you can mow.

Bill: Yeah, well, you couldn't afford me.

Billy: Oh, I see you're Mr. Gotrocks. You're making money hand over fists.

Bill: I'm making enough.

Billy: Hey, come on, Bill. Come on back to Lewis Oil. It was so much fun having you there during Reva’s trial. And the company can use you and you make ten times the money.

Bill: Dad, sitting behind a desk in a suit, making sales calls, reading contracts. I mean, tell me, was that what you were doing at my age?

Billy: No, no. I was a wild cat. I didn't want the job. You want to wild cat? He, we can have Lewis Oil pick you up, take you right down to Texas and put you on a rig. Now would you like that?

Bill: I got to... Are you trying to get rid of me? Is that what's going on?

Billy: Well, just trying to figure out why you're hanging around besides you love me so much. Maybe it's "Beth honey." (Laughs)

Bill: (Laughs) See there it is. Now that must have been killing you.

Billy: It was.

Bill: What? That was a whole half hour you held that in.

Billy: I did.

Bill: Well, whatever you thought you heard, forget about it.

Billy: Okay, well, mums the word. Just tell me one thing. Is she pretty?

Bill: She's very pretty.

Billy: She's pretty, huh? Where did you meet her?

Bill: Actually I met her down in Texas.

Billy: You met her in Texas? You brought her back from Texas and you didn't even tell me.

Bill: She was here when I came back.

Billy: Oh. See she's the kind of the stalker type.

Bill: She's not a stalker. She... (Sighs) What the hell am I doing? You're going to find out soon enough.

Billy: Yeah, sooner is better. I mean, what are you, embarrassed about her?

Bill: No.

Billy: Well, are you ashamed of me?

Bill: Every day.

Billy: Okay. All right, we're getting somewhere. All right, you tell me about her, and I will not hunt her down and embarrass you.

Bill: It's Beth Raines.

Billy: Beth Raines? Phillip's Beth?

Bill: Well, not Phillip’s Beth anymore. (Laughter)

Bill: You got to understand though, I'm not the reason why they broke up.

Billy: Well, that's good. That's good. But I bet you're the reason that she's glad they did.

Bill: Oh, gee.

Billy: Yeah. Well?

Bill: Well, what? You expect me to answer that?

Billy: Yeah, I do.

Bill: Oh...

Billy: I mean, you're having a good time, you're having fun. Let me have some. You are having a good time, aren't you?

Bill: Yeah, I’m having a good time.

Billy: Okay.

Bill: It's just... It's a delicate situation. There's kids involved.

Billy: Well, there's your mistake. You shouldn't have the kids involved.

Bill: Dad, they're part of Beth’s life, so they're part of mine, too.

Billy: Son, are starting to get serious about this girl?

Bill: Why does everyone keep asking me if I’m getting... What if I was? I mean, what would be so wrong with that?

Billy: I could give you a whole list of things that would be wrong.

Bill: Well, you're a little... little too late. I already married her.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: Hi. They patch you up okay?

Eden: Yeah.

Harley: You know, I never did thank you for saving Gus' life.

Eden: Well, I didn't do it for you.

Harley: I know you didn't. Did he tell you about the charges?

Eden: Yeah. He said you were going to drop them.

Harley: Well, he couldn't live with it. I couldn't live with it either. I hope you appreciate how much your brother loves you.

Eden: I do.

Gus: How did it go this morning? Everything all right? Where were you?

Harley: I was at the Spaulding’s' playing with Zach, and then I came straight here.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: I need to borrow your brother for awhile.

Eden: As long as I get him back.

Harley: You will.

Gus: Read your magazines.

Billy: Anyway the Mexican wedding probably wouldn't hold up in court. I got to tell you, I meant everything I said. Hell, I'd marry her again.

Billy: Son, you married a wild, crazy redhead. Not a woman with two kids and an ex-husband.

Bill: Yeah, but Lorelei is part of Beth. I mean, besides, everyone comes with baggage.

Billy: Son, at your age, they come with an overnight baggage. They don't come with a huge trunk of baggage.

Bill: I...

Billy: No. Wait. Wait. Wait. Listen to me. Hey, son, marriage is tough enough without you bringing stepkids in it, with their confusion and their animosity. I'm just saying you don't have to bring the kids in to something that might not be around six months from now.

Bill: It's a little too late. Lizzie already knows.

Billy: Oh...

Bill: But she's going to be okay. Don't ever play poker with that face. You're a terrible liar.

Bill: What are... All right, we're in that confusion part. That's all. But she will... She will come around.

Billy: Just like you did with Matt Reardon, right?

Bill: I did.

Billy: Yeah, I was there. I know.

Bill: I did, too. Eventually.

Billy: Eventually?

Bill: After I saw how much they loved each other, I did. But the bottom line here is, Dad, that in time Lizzie will come around.

Billy: Why should she have to? Why should you have to go through with it?

Bill: Because she is Beth’s kid. She is part of the package.

Billy: Yes. But further down the road. I'm just saying, Bill, you don't have to rub the kid's nose in it right now. Take my advice. Keep your head down. Fly under the radar.

Cassie: I don't know why I didn't think about the dream before now.

Reva: Well, I’m sure it was hard to think about.

Cassie: No, it wasn't. I played it in my mind over and over again. It felt so real, you know. Like Richard was right there with me, making love to me. He was there.

Reva: I believe that. You were so calm when you came back into the hospital. I knew you'd be okay.

Cassie: I was. I knew that he was in a better place. I knew that he was happy. And then I... I guess that just slipped away.

Reva: The pain came back. It's like when you touch yourself really deep and it's numb at first, and then...

Cassie: And then... I guess I was just too angry to remember the important part. But I remember Richard being there. I remember how he felt. And then a couple of days before you were sentenced, he came back to me.

Reva: What did he say?

Cassie: He said, "Reva is a brave woman, and you should thank her for us."

Reva: (Crying) I don't feel very brave right now.

Cassie: You hang on, because we're going to get you out of here.

Reva: I'm just really more worried about Josh and the kids.

Cassie: They're okay. I mean, this is hard on them, but they're okay.

Guard: Times up. Let's go.

Cassie: You can’t wait another minute.

Guard: Now.

Reva: I'm coming. I'll see you.

Cassie: I'm going to get you out of here soon. I'm going to get you out of here, Reva!

India: So, you're footloose and fancy-free. Maybe I should extend my stay.

Phillip: India, thank you very much for the offer. I think at the moment the last thing is another emotional entanglement.

India: There you go again, confusing me with your needy ex- wives. I'm the fun one, remember?

Phillip: I remember.

India: And you look like you could use a dose of lighthearted fun. Just... just think about it.

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

India: A candlelight dinner at the Beacon, followed by a nightcap in my suite. I could even give you a recitation. (Phillip laughs) You recall my poetry. And then I could slip into something more comfortable. And we can talk about the good times.

Phillip: How about we talk about the equator? Whoa.

(Knock at the door)

Beth: Oh, you are a lifesaver. (Laughs)

Bill: I am really? Now is your mother still around?

Beth: You are the antidote to my mother.

Bill: Oh, yeah. Well... How is she doing?

Beth: Full of opinions on how I should run my life and how I should handle Lizzie.

Bill: Mm. There's a lot of that going around.

Beth: What?

Bill: My father heard us on the phone, so I had to tell him about us.

Beth: I bet he was just thrilled for us.

Bill: You know he does just want me to be happy.

Beth: Does it bother you that nobody seems to be happy for us?

Bill: What are you talking about? I don't care what anyone thinks. Well, except for Lizzie, of course. How is she doing?

Beth: She's not speaking to me. I keep trying to call her at the house and trying to reach her on her cell phone, but she just really hates me right now.

Bill: And you know what? That's going to pass. She's going to get over it. Beth, you're entitled to have a life.

Beth: Yes. If I do what everyone else says that I should. (Laughs)

Bill: You know what? I'm really, really sorry about that. Is there anything I can do?

Beth: Well, actually there is just one, one thing.

Bill: One thing. That's it. Name it.

Beth: You could um... Kiss me right here. Because I always seem to stop thinking when you do.

Bill: Is that better?

Beth: That's much better. You kiss me and everything else goes away. All I think about is you.

Gus: Listen, whatever you're going to say, just don't say it, okay? I don't want to hear it.

Harley: I don't want to say it. We both knew this was coming. It's over. It's over. It has to be for real this time.

Gus: Anything else?

Harley: Part of the deal with Phillip... Part of the deal with him is that he will drop the charges against me so I can go back to work. And when I do, I’ll be requesting a new partner.

Gus: No. You don't have to. Don't do that. Don’t... You don't have to do that. You don’t... don't do that. You don't have to... You would be cutting me out of every single corner of your life. I'd never get to see you.

Harley: But I think that makes it easier for both of us.

Gus: I would never get to see you.

Harley: Do you think I can see you? Do you really think I can see... I can't see you at work or anywhere else. I'm getting a new assignment. That's how this has to be.

Gus: Do I have any say in any of this?

Harley: I give up my son or you put your sister in jail. That's it. I can't do one; you... you can't do the other. I love my son, and you love your sister. That's not going to change for either of us. Zach needs me. He needs me. And she needs you to help straighten her out.

Gus: There is a way that we can all work this out together. Now we can try to...

Harley: We have tried. We have tried. How many ways have we tried? We have tried and tried for months now, haven't we? And it just keeps coming back to the same problem. It can't be fixed. Let's just admit that, okay? And stop this. Because I swear I will go crazy.

Billy: Hey. Look at you. Hey.

Cassie: Oh, Billy.

Billy: I guess we both had the same idea, huh? Figured you've seen Reva.

Cassie: Yes. She's not going to tell you, but it's awful.

Billy: It's awful. And talking through that glass doesn't help at all.

Cassie: I've been sitting here racking my brain trying to figure out how we're going to get her out of here.

Billy: The only thing I could think of is we've got to find somebody who knew Richard’s wishes besides Reva. And he never said anything to you?

Cassie: No, and I’ve gone through all of our papers. Billy, there's nothing. There's nothing. And he was a prince. There has to be someone who knew about this.

Billy: What about down in San Cristobel? A lawyer or somebody?

Cassie: Well, there's Dax. Oh, my God, I should go see if Dax... I mean, he might know. I will call that entire island till I find what I’m looking for.

Billy: That's the Cassie I know.

Cassie: I don't have the money for even a plane ticket.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey. No problem.

Cassie: Billy, this is only a loan.

Billy: No, you don't need any more loans. Besides there's nothing I like better than solving a problem by throwing some money at it. Here.

Cassie: Thank you.

Billy: You're welcome. Hey, you want me to watch the kids?

Cassie: No, they need to stay with me right now. And you know they'd love to go visit San Cristobel.

Billy: Okay, well, if there's anything else I can do for you, let me know.

Cassie: Thank you.

Billy: Okay.

Cassie: Okay?

Billy: Yeah. And you come back with good news.

Cassie: I'm not coming back until I can Reva out of here.

India: Interested?

Phillip: Well, you know what? Damn, India, I’m glad to see you haven't lost any of subtlety, my dear. You know what? Tonight is probably not a good night, cause it's Alan and Olivia’s rehearsal dinner. But you know, thank you so much. And you really should stay. You should stay. I can't promise you that it'll be lighthearted fun. But you know like all Spaulding gatherings, you'll know why you're getting on a jet and flying the hell out of here.

India: (Laughs) You know I think I will.

Phillip: You should.

India: Just to annoy Alexandra.

Phillip: Right there. That's enough.

India: Now that she's done with me, she wants me gone yesterday.

Phillip: Right. Sure. So you got to stick around.

India: And then afterwards...

Lillian: Phillip? Hi.

Phillip: Hey, Lil. How are you?

Lillian: India. How are you are?

Phillip: You remember India.

India: Hello, Lillian. (Laughter) How nice to see you.

Lillian: You were here for that board meeting, huh?

India: Yes, I was. But now, I’m off to pack and prepare for my great escape. I'll see you later.

Phillip: Okay. Hi, Lil.

Lillian: I came to tell you about my...

Phillip: Oh, you know what? If you want to see the kids, James is in the playroom, but Lizzie’s already left for school.

Lillian: No, no, no. I came to talk to you. But I did bring James' ear drops, as a matter of fact.

Phillip: Oh, you did. Great. It was bothering him last night. Let me have a moment and give those to him right now.

Lillian: No, no, no, no. You're going to talk to me. Have you talked to Beth lately?

Beth: She's left some messages for Lizzie, but that's all.

Lillian: This thing with Bill is just a phase.

Phillip: Probably. But it's not my problem anymore, Lillian. Beyond how it affects the kids. Beth is on her own. That's the way she wants it.

Lillian: Is that how you want it?

Phillip: Yeah for the first time, yeah, it really is. I'm done. You know, I'm done. I just can't pick up the pieces anymore.

Beth: Where are you going?

Bill: I got to get back to work, so I can get some rest.

Beth: You looks really great in those jeans. I bet you'd look even better in a suit and tie.

Bill: No, thanks, ma.

Beth: I'm not old enough to be your mother, Bill.

Bill: What?

Beth: Well, no matter what people are telling you, I'm not that old.

Bill: Whoa! No, no, no. Wait a minute. I just meant you sounded like my father this morning. He said the same thing. He's like to see me in a suit, too, working for Lewis Oil behind the desk, that's all. I told him I like what I’m doing. Okay?

Beth: Sure. Sure.

Bill: See, now I can't leave you unless you smile. Now what do I have to do to make you smile?

Gus: I can't just quit, okay? We're going to figure this out. We'll work it out.

Harley: We've already tried.

Gus: We'll just keep working on it.

Harley: We've already tried.

Gus: We've tried breaking up. We've tried breaking up. That doesn't work either, okay? No. We'll work it out.

Harley: It's different this time. This time I mean it. I want my little boy back.

Gus: I know.

Harley: I want my son back home with me. Nothing is more important to me than that.

Gus: Okay, so what do we do then? So what do we do now?

Harley: Now I go home and I wait. And when Phillip sees that we are really over, he will bring Zach back to me.

Gus: (Laughs) Okay. And you trust him to do that?

Harley: I do. I trust him.

Gus: And what will you do... What will you do the first night Zach’s home?

Harley: Once I let go of him? I will read him all of his favorite books over and over again. And we will take all of his stuffed animals and put them on the bed, and we'll play Noah’s Ark with his brother for hours and hours and hours.

Gus: Right. Then you'll tuck him in, tuck Jude in. And when the kids are asleep 8:00 at night, there you are... There you are. What about your life? What about your life? What about somebody to hold you and love you and take care of you the way that you deserve it?

Harley: Please. Please, stop it. Please.

Gus: I'm not going to fight with you. 'Cause even in a fight, it takes two people. All right then. Good-bye. You know, if you ever wondered if I really loved you, just.. Just know that I loved you enough to let you go.

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