Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/22/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Hi. I... I didn't know that... I didn't think that I'd run into you here.
Harley: Well, my father owns this place. (Nervous chuckle) Part of me was hoping that his would happen, so...
Gus: Oh, yeah?
Harley: Mm-hmm. I... I called Rubello at the station, and he said that you were at Cedars visiting Eden.
Gus: Yeah, yeah.
Harley: So I knew that you'd hop over here for your afternoon caffeine fix.
Gus: Wait a second, wait. What did you say, there was a part of you that... What was the other part of you doing?
Harley: That was my head, screaming for me to get out of here as fast as I could.
Gus: Right, yeah.
Harley: We have to talk.
Gus: Well, yeah. Where should we start? Start at the beginning. Danny Santos, Blake and Tory, or Phillip, or Eden, Zach or...
Harley: I don't know.
Gus: Well, can we put it off?
Harley: Yeah, I mean, I guess we could do that, sure.
Gus: How long can we do that for?
Harley: I give that about another ten seconds.
Gus: Yeah.
Shayne: You know, this is a joke! I wonder if they've even got her in chains yet.
Marah: Shayne, do not talk like that.
Shayne: Look, this sorry excuse for a judge, he's going to sentence her for two years at Vailsburg...
Josh: Settle down, settle down, son.
Marah: Did you see the way he dragged her out like that, Dad. I didn't even say anything to her. Why didn't I say something to her?
Josh: I know, I know, it took us all by surprise. It happened very fast.
Marah: I lost the one chance that I had to really say good- bye to mom the way that I wanted to.
Josh: We're all going to have another chance, I promise you. Okay, I'll take care of it.
Frank: Reva, we were all hoping for a suspended sentence.
Reva: So what'd they do, Frank, send you here to do the dirty work?
Frank: The processing starts right away.
Reva: Processing? I thought that's what they did to cheese and hamburger meat.
Frank: I'll try to make this as painless as possible. Thanks, Curtis.
Josh: Excuse me. Where did they take my wife, we need to see her?
Bailiff: Sorry, Mr. Lewis, there's no contact permitted now.
Edmund: Disappointed, Cassie? Reva was guilty, and quite Frankly, so are you.
Cassie: Of what?
Edmund: Hypocrisy. Oh, admit it. This is the way you wanted it to end. This is justice for you.
Cassie: You make me sick.
Edmund: Oh, come on, don't tell me you don't feel validated somewhere tucked inside of you.
Cassie: No, I do not.
Edmund: Well, a hypocrite and a liar. The charges are just mounting, Cassie.
Cassie: Because I have feelings, is that why?
Edmund: And it's so convenient to imagine that I don't, is that it?
Cassie: No. No decent ones, no, you don't, Edmund. And you know what? You're right, I do feel something. You know what I feel? I feel guilt. I feel horrible guilt that it took me weeks to understand why Reva did what she did. That's what I feel.
Edmund: Well, interesting timing, isn't it? You didn't feel so much as a twinge of remorse before Reva’s safe sentencing, and now... Now the floodgates, they've just opened up.
Cassie: What are you getting at Edmund?
Edmund: You thought Reva should pay for her crime every bit as much as I did. If not, you would've reached out to her before this, who knows. Maybe even influenced the judge to suspend her sentence.
Cassie: But since in my heart of hearts, I want her to go straight to hell, I held off, is that it?
Edmund: And now you've got your wish.
Josh: Look, we are her family, at the very least we have the right to say good-bye.
Bailiff: That's the way the system works.
Josh: Well, I’m going to go find out for myself.
Bailiff: I can't stop you from looking for her, but I'll guarantee, you'll go to jail if you do.
Frank: Reva, this is Officer Steadman, she'll be helping us with the processing.
Reva: How long does that take?
Frank: Well, the sooner we get started, then...
Reva: The sooner I'll be shipped off to Vailsburg.
Frank: Please don't make this any harder than it is.
Reva: Okay. So what's next? I do all that work and now I get to relax.
Cop: I need your shoes. Your belt, too, and any hose you may be wearing.
Reva: You can't seriously believe that I would try to...
Frank: What? Kill yourself? No, we don't think that. But unfortunately, they don't care what we think, Reva.
Reva: Yeah, well, they don't care what I think either. I'm not wearing hose or a belt.
Frank: All right, Reva, sorry, but I have to do this.
Reva: No, I know. I know. If I’m not going to be able to keep my shoes, I’m sure I can't keep the bag. I know you're just doing your job.
Frank: You ready? We've got cosmetics here. We've got two compacts, lipstick. Lotion here. Nail polish.
Reva: Any chance I can keep the hanky.
Cop: You'll get it back.
Frank: Eyelash kind of thing there. More lotion, brush. We've got a wallet here with no money, credit cards. Tissues, comb, keys. Eyeliner. And stamps.
Reva: I wonder how long it's going to take me to mail a letter and how much it's going to cost me in two years.
Frank: All right.
Reva: What? What do you want now? Teeth, hair?
Frank: Unfortunately, Reva, we're going to need your rings. Don't worry, we'll log everything and you'll get a receipt.
Reva: Don't worry.
Buzz: About an hour, I guess. Yeah. All right, you got it.
Marina: Oh, ow.
Buzz: Stick it in the cold water. I got to go.
Marina: I know how to put my hand in water.
Buzz: I'm not sure about anything you do these days.
Marina: Cute. Subtle, too. Wow, a major to-go order, huh?
Buzz: Major headache. We're out of Vidalia onions.
Marina: No, we're not. Not if I run to the store really quickly and pick some up for us.
Buzz: No, you get back here. You're confined to base, remember?
Marina: You don't even trust me with onions now.
Buzz: I'm worried about what you'd do after you got them. Hand, water.
Marina: I'm not a baby.
Buzz: Prove it. No, don’t. Your father would turn me into souvlaki if I let you out here. Answer me something, would you?
Marina: Yes.
Buzz: Why are you in such a hurry to grow up?
Marina: Like it's not obvious.
Buzz: Humor me.
Marina: Okay. Well, I want to be free. I want to make my own choices about stuff, without having to worry about if I’m grounded or not every time I turn around.
Buzz: Did you ever think that maybe you're grounded because of the choices?
Marina: Oh, oh, I feel a lecture coming up. We get a lecture and we got a burn, it's only been three minutes.
Buzz: We are friends, aren't we?
Marina: Yeah, most of the time.
Buzz: Well, let me let you in on a little secret about grownups, just one friend to another.
Marina: Okay.
Buzz: It's true, you do get to make your own decisions, but then you have to live with them.
Gus: Well, I think that ten seconds is about up, so why don't you... you speak.
Harley: No, you.
Gus: How are you?
Harley: How's Eden?
Gus: She's okay.
Harley: I'm okay.
Gus: I'm sorry.
Harley: What is her...
Gus: She's stable, she's stable. It's funny, I never thought I could use that word in the same sentence as my sister.
Harley: No kidding. So, were you able to give blood for her surgery?
Gus: No, I'm not the right match.
Harley: Yeah, me neither. It would be nice if you could've given, you know, pints and pints of blood, then maybe she would owe you again.
Gus: She took a bullet for me.
Harley: I know she did. And that's why you owe her.
Gus: You don’t. You don't owe her.
Harley: It's not really that simple.
Gus: Well, why not? I don't see why not. She's the only thing that's standing between you and your son right now, so.
Harley: Things have changed.
Gus: Yeah, they have changed. You've got more ammunition on her. She's threw the guy off the roof. You know about her little extortion ring now, so.
Harley: Yeah, about that. Do you think that Ripley and his pal are going to roll over on her?
Gus: In a heartbeat, they would. So you see again, everything that you want: Get Zach back, home.
Harley: What if that's not all I want?
Gus: Let me ask you something. Did you grow up thinking that you could have it all?
Harley: No. That's a recent development.
Gus: Yeah, there have been a lot of recent developments lately.
Harley: Listen, Gus...
Gus: Please don't. Please don't say it. Tell you what. Why don't we play that little game, that little what if game. Do you know that? All right, good. What if the three of us got together for a just a private, little meeting, okay, and we just tell them all about the extortion ring that Eden had.
Harley: I think he'd be very interested.
Gus: I think that knowing that Eden could even do something like that, it would definitely convince him that she's capable of throwing a man off the roof.
Harley: Yes, somebody's who's had no regard for the law ever, sure.
Gus: Exactly. And the worse that he sees that she really is, the more he might just be convinced that I’m not that terrible, that he was wrong about me all the way along.
Harley: And that therefore to keep Zach from me all this time.
Gus: I'm not a threat. I'm not a threat at all. He has no reason to protect his son, not from me.
Harley: Sounds good.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: But see, there's a problem. In a moment of spite, I voted against Phillip at a Spaulding board meeting, so he's furious with me. So, see, if we go back to your original what-if question, how charitable do you think he's really going to be to me.
Gus: Yeah, he'd have her arrested for sure.
Harley: You're not going to let that happen, right?
Gus: There was a time that...
Harley: Yes. No meeting with Phillip.
Gus: Well, I did say it was what if, didn't I?
Harley: She took a bullet for you. I can’t... I can't pretend that that didn't happen.
Gus: I know. It's not something you can just ignore, so...
Harley: I guess not. You know, Gus, if you don't think that you can arrest her now because she took a bullet for you, then I can't do it, either, because I wouldn't do that to you.
Gus: We have a problem.
Harley: Yes, we do.
Gus: All right, well, plan B. What is plan B to get Zach back? Oh, God, what is this whole thing, where does it leave us, huh?
Harley: I think it leaves us nowhere.
Buzz: No, I left the bike out in the middle of nowhere, I never told the guy that owned it where it was.
Marina: Wow, that was seriously lame.
Buzz: Well, it was a lot safer than what you did the last night you were out.
Marina: All right, yeah, but all of these really crazy things that you did, these so-called mistakes...
Buzz: Uh-huh.
Marina: ...You learned from them, right?
Buzz: Every time.
Marina: All right, well, that is where this whole thing falls apart. Look, you and dad have become so obsessed with making me, like, the nun of Company.
Buzz: We're just trying to keep you out of trouble.
Marina: What I'm saying is, though, if I always have to make the safe choices, I'm never going to have one of these mistakes to learn from.
Buzz: Well, you've had more than your share.
Marina: You just finished telling me how much you grew from your mistakes, but, you know, apparently, I'm not allowed to make anymore, so I'll ...Guess I’ll never grow.
Buzz: (Laughs) So... All these stunts you pulled to get Ben Reade's attention, you know those are mistakes, right?
Marina: Yeah, I mean, I guess.
Buzz: Really, what you're saying is that Ben himself is a mistake.
Marina: Maybe. But I'll never know if I’m not allowed to see him. Look, okay, what if... What if there is this other guy who is an even worse guy for me than Ben is, and I'll never know how bad he is because I never got the chance to know how bad Ben was.
Buzz: You're giving me a headache.
Marina: Why? Because I want things.
Buzz: Because you're not afraid to dream big, like your mother, or Deenie, or me.
Marina: That's supposed to be a bad thing?
Buzz: Not bad, exactly. It's worse to have no dreams, or have so much taken from you that you spend your whole life just surviving; don't allow yourself the hope for anything extra.
Marina: What are you talking about now?
Buzz: Your dad and Harley. Their mother and I made sure that they didn't have enough time to dream about anything. You have a freedom they didn't. You have people around you to catch you if you fall.
Marina: Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Buzz: I got to think about that. Check back with me.
Frank: Yup, okay, everything checks out.
Reva: So that's it, huh?
Frank: I've got to have all this paperwork and check it with the Chief, so I'll come back and try to check in on you before you leave.
Reva: Frank?
Frank: Yeah.
Reva: Thanks.
Frank: For what?
Reva: Your patience. I know I’m probably not the easiest person you've processed. So, what's next on the agenda?
Cop: Someone from the Prison Bureau should be here to take you in.
Official: Is this the prisoner?
Cop: Reva Shayne-Lewis.
Reva: And you are? Mertry. I just have a couple of questions about my family, and when I might see them.
Official: Uh-huh.
Reva: Am I free to contact them any time, or will I have to...
Official: Free? You're not going to camp, lady. Your time's our time now.
Reva: Well, will I be allowed to...
Official: What do I look like to you, a tour guide? I'm going to take you to a correctional facility at Vailsburg, not hold your hand.
Reva: You've made that pretty clear.
Official: The gear's in there. Get her changed.
Cop: Come with me.
Official: You heard her. Go.
Josh: All right, okay. Now listen to me, both of you. We are going to get through this. All of us, including your mom.
Shayne: Yeah, in two years.
Josh: No, son, she's going to come back to us, that's the point. And with any luck, it will be a whole lot less than two years. We are not going to fall apart. We're not going to give up hope. We're not going to let these people here get the best of us. You know why? Because we are Lewis'.
Marah: You're right. You're right. We can take care of each other, we'll be okay.
Josh: Yeah, she's right. We're not going to let your mom down. I, for one, I will promise you right now, I will do the laundry, how's that sound? Huh?
Marah: Don't start going crazy, Dad.
Shayne: The laundry room's a scary place, you know. Only mom could...
Marah: Hey... hey, we've done it before, okay? It's not our first time without her.
Shayne: We're older now, we can take care of ourselves. It will be a lot easier on you, Dad.
Josh: (Whispers) Come here. Frank.
Frank: Oh, hey, Josh. Oh, listen, I was just with Reva, she's hanging in there.
Josh: Yeah, well, you have to get us in there to see her, okay? Ten minutes, five minutes, whatever you can do.
Frank: Josh.
Josh: They dragged her out of here, Frank, without giving us the chance to say good-bye. Now, please, you've got get us in the room with her.
Frank: Josh, I can’t. Reva's been officially remanded to the state, and right now, she's out of my jurisdiction.
Josh: Yeah, well, I don't have anybody else to ask, all right. Now she's scared, isn't she?
Frank: Yes, she is.
Josh: Then do this, Frank. Do this for her, before they take her away.
Frank: Josh, I wish to God I could help you.
Josh: She needs to hear her family say to her that we love her. Now you're going to let them drag her off to some prison cell before that can happen?
Official: Good, right on time. Put your hands up.
Reva: Oh, they... She fingerprinted me already. Can you, like, wait on this, because my family may still be in the courthouse?
Official: So.
Reva: Can I see them again, one last time?
Official: I think you know the answer to that.
Frank: Josh, I wish I could help you, but there's nothing I can do.
Josh: How do you know if you haven't tried? Frank, they're treating her like she's some regular criminal around here, and she's not. She didn't rob a bank, she didn't kidnap a child. She helped a man who needed help, that's it.
Frank: Not in the eyes of the law.
Josh: Well, how about in your eyes, Frank? Hmm? Do you think my wife is a murderer? Answer me.
Frank: No, I do not think Reva is a murderer.
Josh: Then do this. Frank, I’m not asking you to keep her from going to prison. I'm just asking you to get us in there so we can tell her that she's not alone. It's not too much to ask.
Frank: Josh, she's probably gone by now.
Josh: Find out. Just do that at the very least.
Frank: I'll see what I can do.
Josh: Thank you, I'll be waiting here with the kids.
Frank: Listen, it's going to be everything I can do to get you in there. Unfortunately, for the kids, you know, it's not going to happen.
Josh: Just a second. You heard what he said, only one of us can go in.
Marah: It should be you.
Shayne: You're the one who's going to be doing the laundry.
Josh: I love you guys.
Marah: Will you give her a hug for us, please? And tell her that we love her.
Josh: See you both at home.
Frank: Josh, we better hurry, okay.
Josh: It's going to be okay.
Cassie: You amaze me.
Edmund: Well, you finally acknowledge it.
Cassie: For the past few weeks, I’ve had a taste of what it's like to be you, Edmund. To breathe, sleep, and drink bitterness.
Edmund: For good reason.
Cassie: No, it was wrong.
Edmund: Your sister murders your husband, and you're overreacting? Is that in...
Cassie: See, that's the difference between us. You'll find anything to be bitter about. And it was tearing me apart.
Edmund: Well, then you need more practice.
Cassie: No, Edmund, I don't want to be good at that, okay? I thank God I was able to climb out of that pit.
Edmund: How? How, by forgiving Reva? The saintly reliever of all pain? Tell me, Cassie, when you visit Richard’s grave, as you drag your fingers across the letters of his name carved in stone, is that what you're thinking? Are you thinking Reva did the right thing?
Cassie: That's not the issue, Edmund.
Edmund: What other issue could their possibly be?
Cassie: Love, understanding. How about compassion? Have you ever heard of those?
Edmund: What about "delusion"?
Cassie: Do I think Reva should face the consequences of her actions? You bet I do. But I think she already has. Edmund, doing what Richard asked her to do...
Edmund: If, if Richard asked her to do it.
Cassie: ...Will stay with her for the rest of her life. How can you ask her to suffer on top of that?
Edmund: Because the only thing that matters is pain.
Cassie: Right. You know, a few weeks ago, I told you that I thought that you could be the man that Richard could be proud of. I was wrong. You're not even close.
Edmund: Well, it's a little late bearing kind thoughts for Reva, isn't it? She's on her way to prison, where they specialize in suffering.
Cassie: It's not too late to try and do something to help my sister.
Edmund: Well, what did you have in mind, Cassie? Busting her out of a cell block? There's no saving her now.
Cassie: Well, you can just wait and see.
Edmund: Words.
Cassie: I'm going to prove it to you, Edmund.
Edmund: How?
Cassie: I haven't figured that out yet, but I will. Mark those words.
Edmund: I don't think so, Cassie.
Frank: All right, Josh, the Prison Bureau guy is in there with her right now, so you just stay out of the way until I get rid of him.
Josh: Okay.
Frank: Okay. Damn!
Josh: What, she's gone? How can she possibly be gone already? There wasn't enough time.
Frank: Josh, you can visit her at Vailsburg. You can even bring the kids.
Josh: How can they do this? What are they, grave robbers or something? They come sneaking in there, they steal a body, and then they leave, is that how it works?
Frank: I'm sorry, Josh.
Josh: No, I’m sorry, Frank. I... I appreciate your doing this for me, I really do.
Frank: That's all right. Look, let me show you the way out.
Josh: I think I can find my own way out. I could just use a couple minutes, if it's okay with you.
Frank: Yeah, you got it, buddy. Take all the time you need.
Official: Who the hell are you?
Josh: I'm Frank Cooper. Detective Frank Cooper.
Official: I know about you.
Josh: Well, good, I’m glad to hear that. I need a few minutes with this... With this prisoner before you take her away.
Official: The transfer's already been made.
Josh: Yeah, well, I understand that, but the fact is that she's a key witness in a major case we're working on, and her testimony could really turn things around for us.
Official: Sorry, Cooper, I can't help you.
Josh: Really? Well, gee, I’m sorry to hear that, because I'll have to include that in my report to the mayor, I suppose, you know, tell him how cooperative you are.
Official: You've got five minutes. I'll be right outside.
Josh: Can you remove the cuffs, please?
Official: No. Have fun.
Reva: I am so glad that you're Frank Cooper.
Josh: Let me tell you something. I would've been Francine Cooper if I could spend a few more minutes with you.
Reva: This doesn't seem real.
Josh: It's going to be okay.
Reva: No, it's not. I'm going to prison in the world's ugliest jumpsuit.
Josh: (Laughs) Not until you know exactly how much I love you.
Shayne: God, we need... We need to turn on the radio or something. It's so quiet in here, I can't even stand it.
Marah: It's never quiet when you're around.
Shayne: I hate this.
Marah: It will be okay, all right? It has to be. (Doorbell rings) I'll get it.
Shayne: If that's a reporter, you tell them to leave, okay?
Harley: You know, most girls have a plan. They make a plan early on about who it is they're going to marry, you know, this prince charming, who's going to sweep them off their feet and take them to happily ever after.
Gus: Do you have a plan?
Harley: God no. No. No, I didn't even really play with little girls all that much. I mean, I had dolls and everything, but I never really bought into all that prince charming stuff. And I hated playing wedding. I didn't really like to make things up, you know. I just... I pretty much saw things as they were. And I knew the only thing I could count on, the only guy I could count on was Frank, because there were no princes. And I have to tell you, I grew up to realize that I was right. I mean, not to say that some of these guys didn't have good qualities. You know, Dylan, Mallet. I thought Phillip had some for about a minute and a half, but... Anyway, every time I had my heart broken by one of these non-princes, I said, "See? See? There you go. You were absolutely right not to believe in any of that fairy tale garbage. There's no prince who's going to take you away." Yeah. See, then I met you.
Gus: Well, I'm sure I brought a whole new meaning to the word "non-prince."
Harley: (Laughs) You did. And at first, I said, "No way, I'm not making that mistake again, um-um. This cocky, cigarette-smoking slob? Um-um." But I was wrong about you. You turned out to be the prince that I never let myself daydream about. And it's not about looks or the things that you say. But it is really about the things you say. And it's not... It's about how you feel, it's about how much you feel, and how I feel when I’m with you. You know I’ve had to... In the past, I've had to give up relationships because... because they were just plain wrong. But God, I have never had to give up one when it was so right.
Gus: Listen, shh... No, don't, don't, don't give up on us. Don't give up on us, okay?
Harley (crying): I feel like we both have one foot out the door already.
Gus: No, just listen. We have to win, they can't win, we have to stick together. We have to stick together.
Harley: Okay, then you tell me how.
Gus: I don't have that answer just yet. It's not on the tip of my tongue, but it's just because I haven't thought it yet, you know, okay?
Harley: What does that mean? Are you tired of thinking? I mean, really are you? I'm so tired of planning and plotting this thing all the time, and I want you. God, I want you for my prince. But more than anything else, I want my little boy home again.
Gus: I know, I know, I know. I know, I know.
Cassie: Can I come in?
Marah: Sure.
Cassie: You okay?
Shayne: Sure.
Cassie: Well, I bet you guys are wondering what I’m doing here. Mom's gone, it's a little late now.
Shayne: Better late than never. That's what she was saying when you showed up last night.
Cassie: Well, I had to come.
Shayne: You made it good.
Cassie: I know this is hard on everyone.
Shayne: But we all have to take that first step.
Cassie: Yeah, we do, and that's why I’m here now. This is the second step.
Marah: Cassie, you don't have to prove anything to us.
Cassie: I know. I'm going to get your mother out of this mess. I don't know how, but I know that it starts with me.
Josh: Wait a second here.
Reva: Oh, Joshua.
Josh: Make sure you have this. Now, Marah, Shayne, and I are going to visit you as often as they'll let us, and we'll stay as long as we can, okay? And in the meantime, we'll keep a fire lit under Ross until he gets this thing turned around.
Reva: You were always great at organizing.
Josh: We're going to get you out of that prison, I promise.
Reva: Don't make promises. Just hold me.
Official: Can't go in there. There's a detective interviewing my prisoner.
Frank: Your prisoner? It's my prisoner. Are we talking about Reva Shayne here?
Cop: Detective Cooper? The chief wants to see you again.
Official: You're Frank Cooper? Then who... I don't believe it. Hey, back off!
Josh: Just take it easy.
Frank: Josh, Josh, Josh, Josh.
Josh: Just take it easy, will you?.
Official: This bozo said he was you.
Josh: I love you.
Official: You've got a bust to make, Detective.
Josh: The kids love you.
Reva: I know. Just come and see me please.
Josh: Don't forget that, Reva. We will come and see you. You'll be out before you know it. I'm sorry, all right? I'm sorry. It was the only thing I could think of.
Frank: It's okay. It'll be all right.
Official: The van's this way.