GL Transcript Thursday 10/17/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/17/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Alan: I've got to get a loophole, dammit! Look, I've got to get control of my company back from my sister this morning, now, before the board meeting.

Attorney: Why did you sign this agreement in the first place? I specifically advised you not to.

Olivia: Okay. Shh. Your heart. Just calm down. If we can't nullify that document, what are our options?

Alan: Look, the agreement was for one week. One week only. All we have to do is postpone the meeting... Until the agreement expires. Then all the control reverts back to me, as well as my vote.

Attorney: What reason do we give for postponement?

Alan: My... My health. My fragile health.

Attorney: Your health is the reason you signed the company over to your sister in the first place. And as long as you're physically incapacitated, Alexandra maintains control.

Alan: This is infuriating!

Olivia: Okay. All right. Look, it's just a week. The week is almost up. Whatever she has planned for this morning, you just have to stave her off.

Alan: I have no idea what she has planned, Olivia.

Phillip: Oh, well, you know what? I think I do. Did you get a load of what's going on out here? She's moving into the house. Most specifically, I believe she has her eye on the master suite.

Olivia: She can't do that.

Phillip: Well, yes, actually there's one way she can. The CEO of Spaulding is entitled to residence in this house. Which I believe means...

Alan: My sister is planning on ousting me from Spaulding Enterprises, permanently.

Alexandra: Thank you.

Lloyd: Mrs. Spaulding, your furniture is being delivered to the mansion.

Alexandra: Did my brother see it arrive?

Lloyd: I believe he did, Madame, yes.

Alexandra: Good. Now he'll realize I'm not doing this just as a prank. Is everything ready for the meeting?

Lloyd: The last of everything is being collated as we speak.

Alexandra: Did you deliver the envelopes?

Lloyd: Five blue envelopes have been hand delivered as instructed.

Alexandra: Mm-hmm. Well, you've got to double check everything, Lloyd. I do not want any surprises.

Beth: Hi.

Bill: Hey.

Beth: Work?

Bill: Yeah, just some follow- up renovation stuff with Cassie. Someone joining you? Lizzie maybe?

Beth: No, no. It might be a while before my daughter wants to share a meal with me. Actually the person I'm meeting is someone...

Bill: All right, stop, stop, stop. Don't say another word.

Beth: (Laughs) And why not?

Bill: Are you sure Lizzie’s not around, because there's something I need to do? Good morning.

Beth: Good morning.

Blake: Marina was kidnapped? That's unbelievable. This all happened last night?

Frank: I almost lost my daughter and my sister all in one shot.

Blake: Well, you didn't. Where's Marina now?

Frank: She's under house arrest.

Blake: Yeah.

Frank: She's with dad. Dad's keeping an eye on her. I got to tell you, I don't know what I’m going to do with her. She's a magnet for trouble, and she reminds me so much of Harley. Thank you. Oh, speak of the devil.

Harley: Sorry I’m late.

Frank: Yep.

Harley: Hey, how are we doing for time?

Blake: We're fine.

Harley: Okay. Good, cause I need caffeine.

Frank: Oh, rough night last night, sis?

Harley: Do you want me to say it again? Cause I'll say it again.

Frank: Okay.

Harley: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. The last thing in the world I wanted was for Marina's life to be jeopardized in anyway. But what is she doing at Millennium with a fake I.D.?

Frank: Okay. You're right. You're right, you're right, you're right.

Harley: Thank you.

Frank: Actually you're not the one that should be apologizing. Gus should be. And this wouldn't been happening if it wasn't for that loser sister of his.

Blake: Okay, so Gus knows the whole truth about Eden now. So Phillip will know soon, and then you'll get Zach back, right? Not right? What?

Harley: See that's how it works in the perfect world. But my life has been the opposite of perfect lately. So...

Frank: So what? What's the problem now?

Harley: The problem is that even after last night, even after Gus finding out everything there is to know about his sister, nothing's changed. As a matter of fact, I would say things have gotten worse.

Blake: Worse? How could things be worse, honey? And what happened to Eden? I mean, she didn't die did she?

Harley: Die? No, no, no, no, no. I mean, the bullet hit her chest, but apparently it was removed pretty easily and she'll be up and around in a day or two.

Blake: Okay, so I don't understand.

Harley: See, Ripley’s pal, the one who pulled the trigger, he wasn't aiming for Eden. He was aiming for Gus.

Frank: And Eden got in the way?

Harley: No, Eden stepped in the way. Eden took a bullet for her brother. Which I have to say in spite of everything I am so grateful for, because when I heard that shot outside the shack, my heart went into my chest and I thought... I mean, I was right back at that mangled car wreck with Richard. And I saw Cassie and kids at the funeral and I just went, "Please, please, no. Please, no."

Frank: So what happens now? What's going on?

Harley: Well, I had a revelation. I realized three very important things. One is how much I love Gus. I do. I just love him. I do. And the second thing is how much Eden loves Gus. And the third thing is how much Gus loves Eden. So you see I’ve come full circle. I am back to square one.

Beth: (Laughs)

Bill: Well, that answers that. You missed me. The way you lit out of my place the other day, I wasn’t...

Beth: Well, of course I missed you, but it just doesn't make everything else go away, you know?

Bill: Well, sure it does.

Beth: (Laughing)

Bill: I'm sorry. It was rough with Lizzie walking in on us like that. I am. I'm really... I'm really sorry.

Beth: I never meant to hurt my daughter, Bill.

Bill: Of course you didn’t. Is she freaking out?

Beth: Yeah. But I went to the house to talk to her, and she let me have it in front of Phillip, who did nothing to defend me. And then after she left, Phillip let me have it. So all and all, it's just been a real picnic.

Bill: Well, just, you sit her down. Talk to her.

Beth: Well, that's what I’ve been trying to do. I've been trying to call her, but so far she's done a real effective job of avoiding me.

Bill: Well, I’m sorry. But she will. She will come around.

Beth: You see, that's what I wish that I knew.

Bill: Well, you know what? I know it. I went through the same sort of thing. My mom, she married a younger guy, remember?

Beth: Yeah, I remember.

Bill: When Matt first came on the scene, all I thought about was the age difference. You know, I hated the guy. He couldn't do anything right in my book.

Beth: Because he was younger.

Bill: Well, that's what I kept telling myself, yeah. But I mean the truth is that I would have hated anyone who was in my mom's life. I mean, it just meant that her marriage to my dad was over, you know, and I wanted them together. You know, I wanted everything back the way it used to be.

Beth: And I guess that's what every child wants.

Bill: Well, really, I think everyone wants that. Whether you're a child or you're an adult. You know, you want a loving family to come home to, a safe place to come home to.

Beth: Sometimes, yeah. It can't...

Bill: Always be that way.

Beth: Be that way, yes.

Bill: That's right. That's right.

Beth: I know that it can't be that way with Phillip and me. I know that.

Bill: Well, look, just give it a little time, okay? And Lizzie will come to understand that.

Beth: Do you have any idea how much time that would be?

Bill: No, I don't. I don’t. I wish I did. But don't push it. But... You know, I’m sorry. You're the parent, not me. I shouldn't be giving you advice.

Beth: No, no, no. I really appreciate your perspective on this, and I will take what you said to heart. I will. So what made you finally come around and start accepting Matt?

Bill: You know what? I don't think it was any particular moment or thing that did it for me. I guess I just saw how much he and my mom loved each other. So hang in there, okay?

Mindy: Tell me this is a mirage. You and my little brother? What happened to Phillip?

Edmund: May I?

Alexandra: Why, yes, certainly.

Edmund: Thank you. You received my present, I trust.

Alexandra: The biography of William the Conqueror, yes. Yes, it was very edifying. So tell me, how does your girlfriend feel about you sending gifts to other women?

Edmund: Girlfriend? ( Laughs) Do you mean Carmen Santos?

Alexandra: Well, she seems to think she has some sort of claim on you.

Edmund: Carmen thinks many things that have no basis and facts.

Alexandra: Unlike me, I’m impossibly pragmatic.

Edmund: Good. Then you researched me as promised?

Alexandra: Top of my must do list.

Edmund: I'm very flattered. Satisfied with the results?

Alexandra: Yes. You are indeed the former prince you said you were.

Edmund: A former prince and a former baroness. We make a perfect pair.

Alexandra: Yes. But, you know, checking my sources, I found out that you are a rather unsavory sort of character. In fact, you're universally disliked. They say you're power hungry and a bit of a sociopath.

Edmund: Then by all reports, I'm just your type.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Charming. Well, you'll have to excuse me. I have a lot of things to do and I don't want any distractions.

Edmund: Well, avoid distractions, yes, but not allies, I hope. Your sources must of also told you that I’ve become quite well acquainted with your family over the past several years. If there's anything I could do, please don't hesitate to call on me.

Phillip: You know, I knew Alexandra was up to something, but I didn't think it was this. This is so far over the line.

Olivia: First she wants to take Spaulding away from you, and now the roof over your head. Nice.

Phillip: She's planning to fix everything that she thinks I’ve destroyed.

Olivia: Why did you do this? Why did you give her so much power? What on earth possessed you?

Alan: Olivia, please don't ask me that question again.

Olivia: Okay, I’m sorry. I'm sorry. I don't want to upset you. I just...

Alan: Why did I do it?

Phillip: Dad...

Alan: How do I know why I did it?

Phillip: All right...

Alan: I was in a weakened condition brought on by you two. That's why I did it.

Olivia: All right, sit down.

Phillip: Take it easy. It doesn't matter. All this worrying is for nothing. Let Alexandra make a bid for CEO. Who cares? She can't win. She doesn't have the votes.

Alan: Yes, unless she's managed to persuade some of the other board members to...

Phillip: No, the only people she could persuade are family. All the rest of the votes are in, and we know how family's going to vote. It's okay. Really. But listen, if it'll make you feel better, I will get on the phone right now and I will talk to everybody one more time before the meeting.

Alan: It would. Go ahead.

Phillip: I'll do it. I'll do it right now.

Olivia: Wait. Wait. That might not be necessary. Look, if you could get your vote back from Alexandra, you would have a clear majority on the board, right? I mean, we're talking certain victory.

Phillip: But we can't get his vote back, Olivia.

Olivia: Because he's incapacitated.

Phillip: Right. And so?

Olivia: But if we could prove that he's healthy again...

Phillip: We can't prove that he's healthy, because he's not healthy. So there's no sense wasting...

Alan: Phillip? Phillip?

Phillip: What?

Alan: Let her finish.

Phillip: Fine. Go ahead.

Olivia: Alexandra and her threat are history, if we could prove beyond a doubt that you're healthy again. Healthy and therefore able to run your own company and exercise your vote. And I'm uniquely qualified to help you do that.

Alan: How's that?

Olivia: By doing what comes naturally, Alan. Using my God given gifts. The only thing some people seem to think I’m good for. Sex.

Bill: Hey, there. When did your flight get in?

Mindy: Late last night. I need to sit down.

Bill: What, do you got jetlag?

Mindy: No, shock. First, Reva’s going to prison, and now I've got... Well, and now I come here to have breakfast with you, missy, assuming I’m going to hear all about all about how you're getting remarried to Phillip, and instead I find you in a liplock with my brother.

Bill: Yeah, that's right. I am brother. Now how come you called Beth and told her you were coming, but you didn't call me?

Mindy: Notice how good he is at changing the subject.

Beth: (Laughs)

Mindy: He gets that from my daddy.

Bill: Well, yeah, you still didn't answer my question. I am hurt, Melinda Sue. I truly am.

Mindy: Well, you know, and so am I that you didn't tell me about the two of you.

Bill: Well, I guess we're even.

Beth: Okay, okay. Mindy, what is it that you want to know?

Mindy: Well, I guess you and Phillip are kaput again?

Beth: Kaput permanently.

Mindy: You're sure?

Beth: Very.

Mindy: You know, when I was here for Josh and Reva’s wedding, the two of you looked so happy together. And that was exactly the time you came to town. Did you lure her away? (Laughter) Did you break them up?

Bill: How about rooting for the home team here?

Mindy: You know, come on, Beth, you know that you and Phillip belong together.

Beth: Oh.

Bill: Yeah, ah! Ah, she stabs me again right here. Why don't you go back to Paris, and take your sisterly support with you, please.

Mindy: I'm sorry, Beth, I’m feeling a little protective of Phillip these days.

Bill: What? Why?

Mindy: Because he's my friend.

Bill: I'm your brother.

Beth: Okay, okay. Bill, didn't have anything to do with it. He was just himself.

Mindy: And that's exactly what I’m afraid of.

Beth: (Laughs) No. Phillip and I would have broken up anyhow. We would have. He... He is becoming more and more like Alan everyday.

Mindy: I don't believe that.

Beth: Well, believe it. His newest project includes, keeping Harley away from their son, and making out with Alan’s fiancée, so much so that he gave Alan a heart attack.

Mindy: Okay, all right. I guess this I can handle. So this change is good, right?

Beth: In this case, I think it's... It's very good. (Laughs)

Mindy: Okay. So then on to the next obvious question.

Bill: You know what? Who's hungry?

Mindy: Not me. Wait.

Bill: I make a great French toast. I bet you got that in Paris all the time.

Mindy: In a minute. Let me just ask... Let me just ask one more question here. I just... Shut up until I ask this question please. You're together. Is it serious.

Blake: Forgive me for being dense here, but I still don't understand. See you needed to get the goods on Eden so Phillip would give you Zach back. And you've accomplished that.

Harley: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. We've got all the evidence we would need against her. And more, past and present.

Frank: But the problem is that if you use it, she gets busted, and she's goes away for a very, very long time.

Harley: Exactly. And she just took a bullet for her brother. Do you really think I'm going to be able to let that happen? Do you think Gus could?

Blake: Yes. That woman did terrible things to you.

Harley: What do you think?

Frank: About what?

Harley: Okay, let's say we're talking about you and me. Would you take a bullet for me?

Frank: Come on. Sis, what kind of question is that? Of course I would take a bullet for you. And you would do it for me. But you're not Eden.

Harley: No, no, no. But let's say that I would...

Frank: I'm going to say it one more time. You are not Eden.

Harley: Now somebody's standing there. They're pointing a gun at me, and you could save my life. Would you do it?

Frank: Of course I would do it.

Harley: Of course you would do it.

Frank: You're my sister.

Harley: Because I’m your sister.

Frank: That's right. And even though you're a pain and everything else, you're still my sister.

Harley: Exactly.

Blake: Your analogy doesn't hold water, because Eden took a bullet for Gus.

Harley: But it's the same thing. Don't you see that? And what? He's going to let her take a second bullet now by letting her go to prison? No way. No way. When he has the power to stop that? That's not going to happen. And you know the most ironic thing in all of this?

Blake: What?

Harley: I wouldn't want him to, because then he would not be the guy that I love. There's a bond there between those two, and there should be. There should be. My biggest mistake was... In thinking I could somehow break it.

Frank: Look, sis, this is all fine and dandy, but you know what? Where does it leave you now?

Harley: Stuck.

Phillip: Olivia, I have no idea what you are driving at, but this is hardly the time for sexual innuendo.

Olivia: Seth, if we could prove that Alan is healthy again, he'll get his vote back, yes?

Phillip: Okay, yes, we've established that. But what difference does it make? He's not healthy. So there's no way that we could prove that he is.

Olivia: There is if I give a sworn statement describing the incredible lovemaking that Alan and I had last night. With a level of passion and performance no sick man could possibly accomplish.

Phillip: What... That's...

Alan: Seth, what do you think?

Attorney: It just might work.

Olivia: (Laughs) And it will work. You're healthy. You get your chair back at the head of the board table, and Alexandra is out on her you know what. It's real simple. Look, I know that this... I know it's a bit unseemly, but she is going to steal your company. She is going to steal your life. We have to fight fire with fire, Alan. Please, let me do this for you.

Alan: Thank you.

Olivia: Is that a yes?

Alan: That's a yes. What's wrong, Phillip? You got a problem with this?

Phillip: No. (Laughs) Dad, you do whatever you feel you need to do. I'm going to go make those calls.

Attorney: Actually, Phillip, I need you to stay to witness Olivia’s statement.

Alexandra: So you want to be my knight in shining armor in this battle?

Edmund: Black steed and all.

Alexandra: Why? What's in it for you?

Edmund: Well, the pleasure of your company of course.

Alexandra: What else?

Edmund: Not enough? All right. I find your brother and his brood insufferable, and I'd like to help you undermine it.

Alexandra: Undermine? That's a rather inappropriate word for such an act of love.

Edmund: Is that what brought you back to Springfield? Love?

Alexandra: Some people do things for love, some people do things for money.

Edmund: Ah. You forgot power.

Alexandra: Ah, I never forget power. So what is your pleasure, Prince Edmund?

Edmund: Well, I’m a bit of a renaissance man. One day it's money, the next day is power. And love... Well, love everyday.

Alexandra: Maybe we could discuss it some other time when I get out of this huddle.

Edmund: Care to discuss the nature of that huddle?

Alexandra: Oh, power positively.

Olivia: Well, I hope I didn't make you feel too uncomfortable, Phillip.

Phillip: Olivia, anything you can do to help my father, I'm all for it. I'm going to spend some time with the kids. We'll leave in about 20 minutes.

Olivia: And I have some Beacon business to attend to, unless you want me to go with you to the meeting.

Alan: Well, I would love that, but I want to catch Alexandra by surprise. And you might tip her off. I want to tell you something, I'm very touched that you want to do this for me.

Olivia: You love me.

Alan: Yes. I love you.

Harley: You weren't at the shack when she was shot. You weren't at the hospital in the ER when he was petrified she was going to die. I mean, he was terrified he was going to lose her. He hasn't seen her in years. She's been nothing but trouble to us since she got back. And in that moment when he thought she was going to die, all he could feel for her was love. He's not going to let anything happen to her now, no way. And I'm not going to ask him to let her go prison.

Blake: That's okay.

Harley: That's okay? That's okay.

Blake: It's okay. It's okay.

Harley: I thought you said that.

Blake: But it's okay. That is why you surround yourself with brilliant people like me and Frank.

Harley: Do you want to remind why I surround myself with brilliant people like you? (Laughs) Just kidding. (Laughter)

Blake: We help you to brainstorm alternatives.

Harley: Right. Brainstorm alternatives. (Laughter)

Frank: Something like that.

Blake: Okay. Because every obstacle, there's a way of getting around it. And see, we will all help you figure out a way around this. And you'll get your little boy back. But in the meantime, sweetie, it's got to wait.

Frank: Uh, where are you wacky kids going off to?

Blake: Shopping.

Harley: Shopping.

Frank: Shopping, of course. What else? What else? Sis, I don't want you worrying about anything. I agree with Blake. We will find a solution to this Eden problem, okay?

Harley: Right.

Frank: What, you don't believe me? You don't believe your brother? Have I ever, ever let you down?

Harley: No, of course, you haven't, because you're my big brother. (Laughs)

Frank: Yes, I am. ( Laughter) Don't spend too much money.

Harley: Yeah.

Frank: See you Harley.

Blake: You ready?

Harley: Ready.

Beth: Are we... What was that word that your... Your sister used?

Mindy: Serious.

Beth: Oh.

Bill: Oh, serious. Well, that's a serious word, serious, that is right there.

Beth: Yeah.

Bill: Yeah, see. But the truth is, Beth and I haven't had time to find a relationship.

Beth: Yeah, mm-hmm.

Bill: We've been much too busy enjoying each other, I think.

Mindy: Oh, okay, that's way more than I wanted to know.

Bill: Are you sure, because we can go into details?

Beth: No, no, no, no...

Mindy: Oh, no, no. ( Laughs)

Beth: ...We can't.

Bill: I have the Polaroid’s to prove it. (Laughter)

Mindy: Time out. Time out.

Bill: Okay, fine. Fine, fine. But I live to shock my sister. But if you two are going to be so boring, I have to go talk to Cassie about some work stuff, all right?

Beth: Hmm-mm.

Bill: I'll be back. And, oh, a word to the wise, missy. I don't know how long you are in town for...

Mindy: Mm-hmm.

Bill: ...But you better make some time in that busy schedule of yours for me.

Mindy: Maybe. I will.

Bill: All right.

Mindy: Promise.

Beth: Sorry to spring that on you. (Laughs) I know that you're dealing with a lot on this trip already.

Mindy: Well, at least I got to see Rick. And this, I guess, is a good surprise, I guess. Unlike other surprises I’ve gotten lately.

Beth: Yeah. Misery loves company. You okay?

Mindy: I will be. You and Bill.

Beth: He is a wonderfully kind and sensitive man. And he accepts me just the way that I am. And I accept him. It's easy between us. It is... It's uncomplicated.

Mindy: Well, then that's a good thing.

Beth: It's great. It's exactly the opposite of what Phillip and I had. It's... With Phillip and me it was just all these layers of history and complications and... It's exhausting.

Mindy: But it usually gets that way once you've known someone for a while, and once you've gotten serious it gets complicated.

Beth: Well, I think that Bill and I will be different on that score.

Mindy: How's Phillip taking it? Did you break up with him or did...

Beth: It was a mutual decision. And as far as how Phillip is taking it, I haven't a clue. I don't know what goes on in his mind these days. (Sighs) Oh, Mindy, he's just become so dictatorial. It is either his way or it's the highway. Well, I guess he's become a real Spaulding.

Lloyd: On the table on the right you'll have bottled water.

Alexandra: Lloyd, Lloyd, please, I know you're trying to calm me down, but you're doing just the opposite. Thank you. Now, there's no need for me to be tense. I've thought of every single possible angle. And there's absolutely nothing that Alan or anyone else could do to stop me now.

Olivia: I was at the house when your furniture arrived today, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Really? I'm surprised you weren't out spending Alan’s money. Lloyd, go on and check on the hallway.

Olivia: What's going to happen when your power play fails today? What are you going to do with all that tasteless stuff, burn it? Perhaps you should save it, have a tag sale. You're going to need the money.

Alexandra: You know, the question is, what are you going to do when Alan loses all his money, huh? And how long is it going to last then? A few months? A few days? Or until you've maxed out his credit cards?

Olivia: I have my own credit cards, thank you. I also have half ownership of this hotel. And you've overstayed your welcome.

Alexandra: Well, that's perfect timing then, because I’m leaving.

Olivia: Mm-hmm. Back to Paris, while at the mansion Alan and I bask in the glow of your departure.

Alexandra: Alan and Olivia. Somehow I just don't see those names being linked for longed.

Olivia: Yeah, well, they will be. And speaking of the wedding, you're uninvited.

Alexandra: Well, thank you. But I don't think there's going to be a wedding. Because I think in a few weeks

you will be history.

Olivia: You've got that backwards, sweetheart. It's your days that are numbered.

Beth: Mindy, you have my solemn vow I will never hurt your brother.

Mindy: Well, just be careful, Beth. Like I said before, no matter, it could be at the beginning of a relationship, it gets complicated. And sometimes very complicated.

Bill: Hey, ladies. I'm sorry I wanted to join you for breakfast, but Olivia came in with a list of stuff for me to do, so...

Mindy: And you know, I have to go.

Beth: Yeah, actually, so do I.

Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. You've haven't eaten yet.

Beth: Then that gives us some excuse to get together again and we can dish about you even more.

Bill: Only the good stuff, I'm sure.

Beth: Only the best. Just like you. Walk us out to the car?

Bill: Spend more time with you? Of course.

Beth: All right, then.

Phillip: All right, will you at least sit down until everyone gets here?

Alan: No, I won't, Phillip. I don't want to give them the slightest indication that I am not fully capable.

Phillip: After your exertions last night with Olivia, who could possibly think that?

Alan: You know, Phillip, you should be less sarcastic and a little more appreciative of what Olivia did.

India: Hello, boys.

Phillip: India?

India: Phillip. Alan, you both look as dashing as ever. (Laughs)

Alan: Well, India.

Phillip: What are you doing here?

Alan: Yes, you sent me your proxy. I have it right here.

Phillip: Yeah.

India: I changed my mind. Under the circumstances, I decided it would be better to make this vote in person.

Alan: I see, I see. So Alexandra couldn't accuse me of coercing you, right?

India: Hmm.

Alan: Smart thinking.

Phillip: I guess it never hurts to have another ally in the room.

India: Allies. Is that how you think of me, Phillip?

Phillip: I was speaking in the broadest, most general terms.

India: Speaking in general terms about me! Oh, now I'm hurt, Phillip. I would rather think that of all your ex-wives, you consider me unique.

Phillip: Ah... (Laughter) ...Well.

India: How is Beth? You two headed for yet another round of bliss?

Phillip: No, actually, Beth and I are no longer involved.

India: No? What a shame.

Phillip: Yes, I can see that it comes as rough news for you. Actually, it's for the best.

India: Words I never thought I’d hear come out of your mouth.

Attorney: Mr. Spaulding?

Alan: Oh, Phillip?

Phillip: Yeah? Excuse me.

India: Mm-hmm.

Alan: Is this it?

Attorney: It's official. You can vote your shares.

Alan: Excellent. ( Sinister laugh)

Alexandra: Hello, India.

India: Oh, it's wonderful to see you, too, Alexandra.

Alan: Alexandra, your loving brother in the flesh.

Alexandra: Well, I expected that you might be here. I haven't thought to see you looking quite so fit.

Alan: (Laughs) Perhaps we should have a word alone?

Alexandra: Yes, perhaps we should.

Alan: Well, Alexandra, are you surprised to see your brother up and about? You shouldn't be. A judge just signed off on this document stating I am no longer incapacitated.

Alexandra: (Laughs) You have never been incapacitated in the first place. You faked your heart attack, remember? Or has pretending to be ill for so long addled your brain?

Alan: On the contrary. I'm seeing very clearly. And with this document, I have my vote back. And with it I can start your attempted coup.

Alexandra: Do you remember why you gave me the vote in the first place, Alan? Because I was the one who knew the secrets of your trusty ticker. And I could have revealed it all to Olivia and Phillip.

Alan: So you keep saying.

Alexandra: Hmm. Well, Spaulding, you can afford to lose. But not the love of your son and his fiancée?

Alan: You will never expose me. You don't have it in you to destroy me and to hurt Phillip. No.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Just try me.

Alan: That's why I'm here. That's what I'm going to do. Call your bluff.

Edmund: Olivia. Trouble in Spaulding land? I couldn't help noticing your tete à tete with Alexandra earlier.

Olivia: You know Alexandra? Well, now wait a minute. She's single and she's wealthy. Of course you'd know her.

Edmund: My attraction to Alexandra Spaulding runs much deeper than appreciation of her obvious charms.

Olivia: Sure it does, Edmund.

Edmund: As does your attraction to Alan. You enjoy ruling Springfield’s little corner of the world, don't you? But now that Alexandra has come home, you're going to be knocked off your pedestal. Pity.

Olivia: No, the pity is she's not going to succeed. And once again, Edmund, you have hitched your wagon to the wrong gravy train.

Edmund: What?

Olivia: Alexandra may think that's she's conquering the universe this morning, but she is in for a rude awakening.

Alan: Now, your little coupe tempt has failed. I shall remain in power. Now if you expose me, you will do nothing but alienate me and I will have to put you in your place. Now you can huff and puff all you want to, but you will never take my son away from me, or the woman that I love. Why is that? Because deep down inside, Alexandra, you're nothing but a softie. Remember, that's why you came back to Springfield to save us from ourselves. Now you won't destroy us in the process. You lack the requisite taste of blood.

Alexandra: Hmm! Unlike you.

Phillip: Okay, did we settle this? Are we through playing games, or do you want to see him back in the wheelchair?

Alan: It's all right, Phillip. Alexandra and I have settled our differences.

Alexandra: All right, Alan, throw me a bone. But since I am still acting CEO for the company, at least let me lead the meeting.

Phillip: Dad?

Alan: It's all right, Phillip. I can afford to be generous. Just watch and learn. Seth, you can go.

Alan: Well, Alexandra, I think we can begin.

Alexandra: Yes, well, it is a rather paltry turn out? Now, by proxy the board has approved the minutes of the last meeting and the agenda for this one, so I think that we can begin. As you know, I initially came to Springfield to look after my ailing brother. But when I got here, what I found severely distressed me. Alan on his sick bed was as difficult as ever... (Laughs) ...And stupid, too. Being hoodwinked by the charms of a gold digger.

Alan: Alexandra, you are out of order.

Alexandra: No, Alan, you are out of order. And, Phillip, you're even more of a disappointment. You used to be so kind and tolerant. Whatever happened to that great guy who gave his ex-wives generous amounts of Spaulding stock to take care of them? That was the mark of a true gentleman. But you've become petty and cold. So cold, in fact, that you are trying to keep your own son away from his mother.

Phillip: Aunt Alexandra, you really might want to get all the facts before you make judgments.

Alexandra: Yes, well, I just have more thing to say to both of you. Phillip, don't be stupid enough to give stock to people whom you've mistreated. And, Alan, dear, you don't know me nearly as well as you think you do. Right. So, we will now vote to see if Alan Spaulding remains the CEO of Spaulding Enterprises or if I will take his place. Per the corporate bylaws of this company, any family members past or present may vote providing that they hold the requisite amount of votes. Now, thanks to my generosity a few members have finally gained that threshold. So won't you all please join me in welcoming the latest voting members of the boards. Or as I fondly like to call them, "The Ex-Wives' Club."

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