Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/16/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Eden: Please don't send me away.
Gus: Get your hands off me! Get your hands off me!
Eden: I can't go to jail! I can't...
Gus: Just listen to...
Eden: I'll die there!
Gus: Just listen for a second.
Eden: Listen, please, I can't go there. I didn't know that Marina was in danger.
Gus: Oh, come on. Harley didn't matter, right? She didn't matter?
Eden: No, no, no, that's not true.
Gus: Uh-huh. You know what? You should take our father's advice. You should take responsibility for your own actions. That's what differentiates the good guys from the bad guys, Eden.
Eden: Who the hell are you to preach to me, huh?
Gus: Don't you hit me.
Eden: Dad was killed, and you just took off.
Gus: Oh, I took off?
Eden: Yeah.
Gus: I was in juvenile hall because of you! Because of a crime that you committed!
Eden: You abandoned me!
Gus: What are you talking about?
Eden: I am the way I am because of you. Yes!
Gus: Is that right? Well, let's just take care of that right now, okay? Let me tell you something. Harley deserves to have a good life, and she deserves to have a future. And I'm going to be in it, and you have no right to be... (Gunfire)
Harley: Stay down. Stay down. Stay there. Stay down. In the bushes! Freeze!
Cassie: All this cash. Where did it come from?
Danny: Cassie, if you don't start paying up after the second rose, there isn't going to be another warning.
Cassie: Blake.
Blake: You didn't see me waving at you, huh?
Cassie: No, I didn't. I'm sorry, I just... You know, I've got a lot of things going on in my mind with the hotel and everything, you know.
Blake: What's that?
Cassie: I don't know. It's not mine. I... I'm not sure. Listen to me, I sound... I don't know how I sound. It's just, you know, long hours, no sleep, yeah.
Blake: Are you sure that's all it is?
Cassie: Yeah, I'm fine, I'm totally fine. Why are you here? Are you going to meet Ross here or something?
Blake: No, actually, I came here to check on you.
Cassie: Reva's sentencing hearing is tomorrow. That's why you're here.
Blake: Thinking about going?
Cassie: Thinking about it. But I don't think I can do that to Reva.
Reva: Thank you very much... For everything, Ross. I mean, if it weren't for you, I don't even want to think about where I might be right now.
Ross: Well, I appreciate your confidence, and I want you to be confident as well, but...
Reva: I know, I know. There's no way of telling what kind of sentence the judge is going to give me.
Ross: All we can do is hope for the best. And in the meantime, have a good time, all right? I mean, you've always thrown great parties.
Reva: (Laughs) This doesn't feel much like a party, though, does it?
Ross: Well, sure it does-- family, friends, food, wine.
Reva: Well, they're trying very hard.
Josh: I couldn't believe it when you called us from the airport, Melinda Sue, but I am so glad you're here.
Billy: Two visits in one year. I think my princess is getting a little homesick.
Mindy: Yeah, something like that.
Ross: Oh, I just talked to Blake. She's on her way over here.
Reva: Well, good, because if Blake and I can't make this a party, then nobody can.
Ross: Good point. (Laughs)
Reva: Hi, sweetheart. What are you doing back so soon? I didn't know that speed dating actually meant speedy.
Marah: Don't remind me about speed dating.
Reva: That bad, huh?
Marah: I don't know, maybe not. But I just kept thinking that I don't want to have fun, I want to be home. You know what I mean.
Reva: Marah, listen to me. Would everyone please listen to me? I have never known this family to waste an opportunity to be together. And we're not about to start now.
Shayne: Mom, what are you doing?
Reva: I'm going to find that oldies station that I like so much, so your father and I can show you all how to have a good time. ("Jailhouse Rock" plays)
Josh: Okay, I'll bite.
Billy: Come on, sweetheart. (Laughter)
Reva: Come on, baby. ( Cheering) (music continues)
Harley: Drop it! I said drop it on the ground! Don't think about it.
Gus: Drop it!
Harley: Put it down! Put it down! Put it down!
Gus: Put your hands in the air. Keep your hands visible!
Harley: Down on the ground! On the ground!
Gus: You got him, Coop?
Harley: Yeah. Here. Give me your hands. Give me your hands. Hands up! Your other hand. Are you hurt? Are you all right?
Gus: No, it's not me. I'm not hit. She took it, she stood in front of me. She took it. You know that bullet was meant for me. You knew it. Come on. Come on.
Reva: Hey, everyone, pick your caloric intake. (Laughs) Eat up. Mindy, I'm so glad that you came to the wedding, but to come all this way for tonight is...
Mindy: Oh...
Reva: ...Above and beyond.
Mindy: I wouldn't have missed it for anything.
Reva: Billy, go easy. Leave some for the rest of us. I hope you brought your portfolio, because I want to be dazzled by each and every one of your sketches.
Mindy: Yes, I did. How... How does she do it? With everything hanging over her..
Billy: You mean, how does she carry on?
Mindy: Yeah.
Billy: Hey, darling, you've got to understand something. That... That's the way it is with the Lewis’ and the Shayne’s. No matter what's out ahead of us, we realize that the most important thing is having the people around us. So, she turns up the music, grabs another cookie, and then holds on for dear life. (Music continues playing)
Reva: Uh-uh. Oh, no, you don't, my little future DJ son. You're in charge of the music, you know. And music-- clear lyrics and music that we can dance to, the kind of stuff that your father and I keep down here.
Shayne: I'll go blow the dust off and I'll be right back.
Reva: (Laughs) You're so bad.
Marah: What did Ross say again about the suspended sentence? It's still a possibility, right?
Reva: Are you angry with me for pleading guilty?
Marah: You did what you thought was best for Aunt Cassie.
Reva: And I know that if the worst happens, I know that your father and you and Shayne will be fine. It's Cassie who's going to be alone.
Marah: Yeah, I know. I got that. So, what about the suspended sentence?
Reva: Marah, this is a party. I want you to have a good time. There's music, there's great food. Because that's what I'm going to do.
Ross: No, Josh...
Josh: I understand that you don't like to make predictions, but I'm just saying, the judge is going to show some mercy, right? I mean, maybe a suspended sentence or something? The community supports her. The media supports her.
Ross: I understand.
Reva: Excuse me, can we have less talky talk and more drinky drinky, dancey dancey? (Laughs)
Josh: All right. I'll handle the drinky drinky.
Reva: Okay, good.
Josh: Come here.
Reva: I know, I know. I went a little overboard with the music.
Josh: You going overboard? No, no, never. You just... You know, you're turning this into a party.
Reva: It is a party. I mean, there's music, there's food, it's... All the people I love are here, except, of course...
Josh: Cassie.
Reva: Yeah. I mean, tomorrow I'm going to be facing God knows what, and I have my family here to give me the strength that I need to face it. I think Cassie needs that, too.
Blake: Explain to me how going to Reva's sentencing hearing would harm her.
Cassie: Blake, I show up, and suddenly it's all about me. They see me, and they see loss, they see my children.
Blake: But...
Cassie: You know the press. That's how they're going to see it. What if the judge sees it like that? She'll have a better chance if I just stay away.
Blake: Maybe. But going would be seen as a sign of support as well.
Cassie: Maybe. I don't know. What does Ross think?
Blake: I don't know. He's worried. Oh, God, Cassie, I just wish Richard would... (Sighs)
Cassie: Wish what-- he wasn't in the accident?
Blake: No. I just wish he would have told somebody what he wanted. If he had left...
Cassie: A living will?
Blake: Well, before any of this had happened.
Cassie: I hope you're not saying this was Richard's fault.
Blake: No. No, that's not what I'm saying at all.
Cassie: Or mine. Because I really don't understand why everyone's getting so upset with me lately, you know. I don't know what I have done here. I don't know what I've done wrong. I am just trying to take care of my kids. I'm trying to get on with my life. I'm trying to keep my family safe. I'm trying to pay bills here.
Blake: Cassie, Cassie, no one is blaming you. This is not your fault. This is a terrible situation, that's all.
Cassie: And it's not Richard's fault. Blake, it's not, okay. He cared about his family, and he put us first. So whatever he did or didn't do, it was for us.
Blake: I know. I know that.
Cassie: And do you want to know why I'm not going to that hearing? I am afraid I'll hurt more than I'll help. And even though I do not agree with what Reva did or how she handled it, I do not want my sister to go to prison.
Blake: Okay, all right. Sweetie, can we forget we had this conversation? I'm sorry, I just went into overdrive seeing Alexandra today. I...
Cassie: I thought you guys hated each other?
Blake: It's such a long story, and I'm already late, and I just...
Cassie: Okay.
Blake: Could you forgive me for sticking my nose into where it doesn't belong? Honey, I just want it to be better.
Cassie: I know, I know. I know that. It's fine.
Blake: Okay.
Cassie: Sorry. I'm so emotional. (Sighs)
Blake: As much as Alexandra ruined part of my day, I did get revenge, because I introduced his highness over there to the Baroness, and it was fabulous. (Clears throat)
Edmund: Carmen. A bit of a surprise finding you here.
Carmen: Yes, I can see that. I came here to check out the competition, Olivia's new martini bar. And something tells me you're not here to have a cocktail. And that lovely gift you're holding, I'm sure it isn't for your sister-in-law. So that leaves who? Let me guess: Alexandra Spaulding, since she's the only guest in this Godforsaken place.
Edmund: How lovely for her.
Carmen: I know you're interested in her.
Edmund: Oh, Carmen, everyone's interested in the rich and famous.
Carmen: You know exactly what I'm talking about, Eddie. Keep this in mind. While you're laying gifts at the feet of the Baroness, I don't take well to betrayal.
Edmund: Neither do I, Carmen, neither do I.
Mel: Okay?
Rick: Okay.
Mel: What happened?
Rick: Dr. Grant is still in surgery.
Mel: (Groans)
Rick: Hey, don't... Don't worry, okay? We're back way before anybody's expecting us. And I'm... I'm sure Grant hasn't even thought about how he's going to deal with your situation yet.
Mel: How could he not think about it? I mean, Reva's case is in all the newspapers, on television...
Rick: When all is said and done, he's going to realize that this hospital cannot afford to lose its best doctor, period. Lillian is back to work. Come on, that's got to be a good sign.
Mel: Okay, Lillian is head nurse with tons of experience and a clean record behind her. Dr. Grant is going to want to make an example of me, so that all the other doctors don't make the same kind of decision I made when I found Richard Winslow's ventilator turned off.
Rick: No, he is not going to lose a doctor like you in that kind of way. No way.
Mel: Well, he hasn't returned any of my phone calls.
Rick: He's Chief of Staff, honey. Look, when my father was running this hospital, he never called me back.
Mel: Look, I know you're trying to make me feel better, and I love you for it, but we've got to get real here.
Rick: Mel, look...
Mel: No. He's postponing the inevitable, okay? When I was put on indefinite suspension, the message was loud and clear. I'm never going to work at Cedars again.
Ben: You are not going out there!
Marina: No, look, this is all my fault, Ben. This is all my fault! Because I took that dress so that I could impress you, and then that guy, he started hitting on me, and I let him, because I felt that it would make you jealous. And then he took me, and then I screwed up getting the whole signal to you, and now somebody's been hurt, and... What if it's Harley?
Ben: No, listen, Harley is fine, okay? No one is going to die. You just hold onto me, all right?
Harley: Central, central, we've got a shooting. Ranger station 370, man down. Two apprehended. We need a bus and backup, over. Bus and backup!
Gus: How long is it going to take them?
Harley: And send Frank Cooper, Frank Cooper. He's needed. Over, over.
Gus: She just... Oh, you shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have done that. I should have... God. Come on. (Eden moaning lightly)
Eden: Oh, Nicky.
Gus: Shh, you're going to be okay.
Eden: (Weakly) Tell me, are we even now?
Blake: Hi.
Reva: Hi. Oh.
Blake: Sounds like you're having a party.
Reva: Yeah, we are having a party. Come in.
Blake: Okay.
Reva: We are playing a wicked game of charades, and I need you on my team.
Billy: Good party.
Blake: Wow. (Laughter) (talking at same time) I didn't expect this, but I'm relieved.
Ross: Well, I have only one answer for you: Reva.
Blake: Uh-huh.
Ross: She doesn't want any sympathy. She wants this. So turn on the personality and join the party.
Blake: Oh, I'll give it a go. (Murmuring in background)
Cassie: Edmund, we have nothing more to say to each other.
Edmund: I believe we do, Cassie, important things to say.
Cassie: No. And not about that damn lawsuit that you insist on.
Edmund: I'm sorry, Cassie. I don't need you for that. I fully expect the court to do its duty tomorrow in regards to your sister. And after that, it's simply my affair.
Cassie: Great. Then we have nothing left to discuss-- nothing. What is that?
Edmund: That is a present for your guest. I was wondering if you could see it delivered to her room.
Cassie: Sure.
Edmund: Thank you. Cassie, despite what you may believe, I care a great deal about you and your children. You're the only family I have.
Cassie: You know, I just wish you would have thought about that before. Because then maybe we could have talked to each other about our feelings for Richard. Maybe we could have comforted each other, Edmund.
Edmund: Yes, well, I'm sorry we can't. Cassie, if there's anything you need...
Cassie: You know, there is. There is one thing you can do for me. There's a question I've been meaning to ask you. Do you have a living will? That's a document that you would have drawn up if you were ever...
Edmund: If one is incapacitated, yes. Well, that sort of thing is much more popular in the states than it is in San Cristobel. So I've never had such a document drafted. But you're not wondering about me. You want to know about Richard.
Cassie: Ross has gone through our papers, and I just thought that maybe it might help...
Edmund: Help your sister? Well, as much as I would like to ease Reva's conscience, but to my knowledge, there is no such document of Richard's in existence. (Phone rings)
Cassie: Beacon Hotel?
Reva: It's me.
Cassie: I'm here.
Reva: Listen, we're having a family gathering over here, our family. And I think everyone would really like to see you. And I think you'd like to see all of them, too. So I... I hope you come.
Cassie: Give that to the bellhop to give it to Alexandra. I have something I have to do.
Carmen: Hello, Cassie. Lovely hotel.
Cassie: Thank you. I'm glad you like it. If you don't mind, I'm really busy and...
Carmen: No doubt, no doubt at all. It's an expensive operation, isn't it? As a fellow businesswoman, I do hope your profit margin allows you to pay your startup obligations as soon as possible, because nothing-- and I do mean nothing-- is more important.
Mel: You look so strong and healthy. I feel greedy asking for anything else.
Rick: Well, you shouldn't feel that way, okay? In the meantime, we do have to come up with a backup plan, just in case Dr. Grant isn't smart enough to realize that this hospital cannot afford to lose its best doctor.
Mel: Wait, a backup plan, like being something other than a doctor?
Rick: Oh, no, honey, you're a doctor. You'll always be a doctor. That's like breathing for you. But, come on, Cedars isn't the only place.
Mel: Yeah, but it's my place.
Rick: Well, you know what, we can open up a hospital right across the street, and it'll do very well. And the bottom line is, if you're not here, I'm not here. We can get Michelle, my father onboard. I mean, if anybody can take on Cedars, it's us. Now, having said that, I think we need to stick to plan A, which is, sit tight, come up with the best "I'm sorry" speech you can possibly think of. And sweetie, I just want you to realize this: No matter what happens, we're in this together.
Mel: We're a juggernaut.
Rick: That's right, that's us. It's going to be okay. I'm going to check on Dr. Grant and see how it's going, okay?
Mel: Okay.
Rick: You stay right here?
Mel: Yep.
Rick: Okay. Be right back.
Mel: All right.
Harley: No, no, no, no, no.
Gus: Shouldn't you be applying pressure to that?
Harley: Hey, let them do their job.
Gus: Fine. I'm just trying to help.
Frank: Harley, Harley, what the hell is going on here? Are you okay?
Harley: I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. And Marina is inside. She's fine.
Frank: All right. You better stay clear of the Chief, because you're still on suspension. Marina!
Marina: Daddy.
Frank: Oh, my God. Are you okay? If anybody hurt you, I'll kill them.
Marina: No, Daddy, I'm going to be fine. I'm going to be fine.
Frank: Where did you get another fake I.D.? I thought I confiscated it.
Marina: Look, I know you're probably really mad at me...
Frank: Mad? I'm furious with you. But at least you're okay. What are you doing?
Ben: Mr. Cooper, I can explain what is going on here.
Marina: No, Daddy, Daddy, Ben saved me. Look, if it weren't for him, I would probably be dead, or even worse. He is a hero.
Frank: Don't turn this around.
Marina: No, I'm serious. I'm telling the truth about this. This whole mess, this is me. This whole mess right now is me.
Frank: Yeah? We'll see about that.
Gus: Eden, stay with us. Stay with us. She's going to make it, all right?
Paramedic #1: Try to calm down, Detective.
Gus: Don't tell me to calm down! All right, she doesn't die tonight, do you hear me? You make sure that she... You make sure that she doesn't die...
Harley: Listen, listen, listen to me.
Gus: They go so slow.
Harley: Go with them. Go with them to the hospital. I'll take care of everything here, okay?
Gus: But, wait, you're on suspension.
Harley: It doesn't matter. Frank is here. He can help me out, okay? You go to the hospital. Go ahead.
Nurse: What's her status?
Paramedic #1: GSW right chest, no exit.
Paramedic #2: BP 80 over 40, heart rate 100, significant blood loss.
Gus: Eden, you're going to be all right. Eden, you're fine. Can we get a doctor in here, please?
Nurse: Sir, just calm down. We're very busy tonight.
Gus: Don't tell me to calm down! I need a doctor in here! This is my sister. What is wrong with you? Mel, can you please help? My sister's been shot.
Mel: Gus, I can't.
Gus: What do you mean? What do you mean? Come on!
Mel: Type and cross, get ready for a chest tube.
Gus: You're going to be fine, Eden, you're going to be fine.
Mel: All right, we need to page a surgery team.
Gus: When you get out of here, you're going to be busting my chops in no time, okay?
Mel: Gus, you're going to have to wait outside.
Nurse: Dr. Bauer, you shouldn't do this. You're still suspended.
Mel: Look, are you going to help me, or are we going to let this girl bleed out? All right, come on, let's get this tube in.
Harley: How is she?
Gus: Hey.
Harley: How are you?
Gus: Unbelievable.
Harley: Do you want to sit down?
Gus: No, I've got to walk. I just want to walk.
Harley: She did it, huh? I mean, she saved your life.
Gus: I was going to cuff her. I was just about to throw her in jail.
Harley: Yeah. Yeah, she changed everything. In that moment, she... She sure changed everything.
Josh: Hey.
Reva: Hi.
Josh: You are really extraordinary, you know that? And I'm not just talking about your ability to play charades. You're about as good as it gets.
Reva: You know, that's a great one. I should've brought that down and put it in the hat.
Josh: (Laughs) No, I'm serious here, all right? You have somehow managed to turn this into an evening that our friends and family are going to remember for a very long time.
Reva: Well, I want to remember every bit of it, too.
Josh: You're going to be coming home with me tomorrow. I know that in my heart.
Reva: Do you?
Josh: We have an agreement, I think, that we will never be apart again. I'm going to hold you to that.
Reva: I'm with you, Joshua. I am. No matter where I am, no matter how many miles apart we are, I'm... I'm with you. And this party, this party tonight, it's... The games... It's good. It's what this family needs. And so you need to go back in there. You do, because Shayne's going to need help from an old guy if he has to do "Citizen Kane." (Laughter) Oh, lord, keep them safe, please.
Cassie: I'm here. You did this, didn't you?
Reva: No. No, I swear, I didn't. I mean, I wanted to, but you made it very clear that you didn't want anything from us or me.
Cassie: Well, then if it wasn't you, I mean, who was it?
Reva: That's a lot of money. Who knew that you needed it?
Cassie: Olivia, Alan, my creditors...
Reva: I'd scratch them off the list of possibilities.
Cassie: Then who?
Reva: Fairy Godmother?
Cassie: I could sure use one right now.
Reva: Well, if I were you, I would take the money and run.
Cassie: You think I should use this to pay off...
Reva: I do-- the Santos’, you bet. I mean, I wanted to do it for you. But that's not what this is about. You're here, and I'm glad. I'm glad you're here. I mean, I didn't know whether or not you'd come or not, and I... I wanted to make myself scarce if you did, because I think it would be awkward for the family to see us together.
Cassie: Reva...
Reva: No, Cassie...
Cassie: I don't know. I don't know. I don't think I'm ready to... To see everybody.
Reva: Well, that's the thing about families. Ready or not, they're here. So you go in, and you let them help you. (Crying) Because if they need help one day, I know you'll do the same for them.
Cassie: I never wanted you to go to jail.
Reva: I know. Me neither. ( Laughs) But the thing that's going to help me get through this is knowing that my family is in there together, helping each other. So, go. Go on. I mean it.
Marina: So, is this the part where you ground me for the rest of my life?
Frank: You nearly gave me a heart attack. I don't get it. I don't know how a smart, young girl like yourself keeps getting into these dangerous situations?
Marina: Exactly like the ones you got into probably, like, a million years ago?
Frank: A million years ago, your father didn't have time enough to get into the kind of trouble you're getting into. Hand it over.
Marina: What? Hand what over?
Frank: The fake I.D., I want it.
Marina: Okay. There. Are we done with this now, Daddy?
Frank: No. We are not done with this. You keep getting into trouble because you keep trying to impress a guy, a guy who is way too old for you.
Marina: Daddy...
Frank: You know what? I told you that I didn't want you to date Ben. What am I going to have to do? Do you want me to ban him from Company altogether?
Marina: No.
Frank: And I don't know what this guy's thinking. I don't know why he wants to hang out with a young, underage girl. It's beyond me. But obviously, he's got some problems of his own now, doesn't he?
Marina: Daddy, Daddy.
Frank: I don't know what to do. What am I supposed to do to keep you from pulling these crazy, dangerous stunts? Well, I'll tell you what, I'm going to start with this guy right here. I'm dealing with him.
Ben: Sir, I'd like to take responsibility for everything that happened tonight.
Gus: I just need to walk. I just... It's just... It was just instinct, you know. It was just... I'm just feeling, you know, a little ashamed, the way I've been treating her, just pushing her away. You know, because I love her, no matter what. I'll never stop loving her. She's my sister. I learned a lot, I just learned a lot tonight. Oh. Stupid. I guess what I'm just saying is that, you know, I would have done the same exact thing if the roles were reversed. I would have taken a bullet for her, without... Without even thinking about it. And that's what family's supposed to be, right?
Ben: Look, I know that tonight was a total mess.
Frank: Well, great-- finally something I agree with.
Ben: But look how it ended up. I mean, Marina was amazing.
Frank: You know what my daughter's amazing at? Finding trouble.
Ben: She got herself into a dangerous situation, but she was smart enough to save herself and your sister.
Frank: Oh, great, what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to give her a trophy now before I ground her?
Ben: Look, Detective, I know that Marina has been doing crazy things lately. Trust me, I know, okay? But it's basically all my fault. And I think I might have a fix for the situation.
Frank: Well, trust me, I think my fix will be a whole lot better.
Ben: I'd like to date your daughter, sir.
Frank: What?
Ben: Out in the open. No games.
Frank: You're asking me to date my daughter?
Ben: Yes.
Frank: Well, Ben, that's very noble of you. And after giving it serious consideration, my answer is no. Stay the hell away from Marina.
Harley: Listen, I hear what you're saying, because I would take a bullet for Frank, too. I mean, that is what family does. But aren't we talking about apples and oranges here really? I mean, who are we talking about? What she did was instinctive, absolutely, but... When she came here...
Gus: Yeah.
Mel: Okay, your sister was hit on the right side of her chest, and her lung collapsed. But it's okay. That's been taken care of. Now she's going into surgery to remove the bullet.
Gus: All right.
Mel: Okay? And it was a very clean hit, no organ damage, so she should be fine.
Gus: Good.
Mel: But she's going to need some blood.
Gus: All right. Where do I go?
Mel: Well, you can go in and see her for a second before you give blood.
Gus: All right.
Mel: Okay?
Gus: Thanks, Mel.
Harley: Go.
Rick: I just heard. What were you thinking? You can't play doctor when you're on suspension.
Mel: Look, I know, okay, but it was a gunshot bleedout. What was I supposed to do, turn my back? Look, it's going to be okay.
Rick: I really hope so.
Gus: Dummy, you're a dummy. (Crying) You pretend to be so tough, as tough as nails. And that bullet was for me. You're dumb, you're dumb. You're dumb.
Blake: Sweetie. Oh, I'm so glad you're here. You've got class, kid.
Cassie: (Laughs) Oh, I don't know about that.
Blake: Hey. So where's Reva?
Cassie: She went to go for a walk.
Blake: Okay. Good for her. Good for you.
Cassie: Hey, Billy.
Billy: So, did you come to check us out?
Cassie: Yeah.
Billy: Good.
Mindy: Cass, you know how he's always been protective of Reva, don't you?
Cassie: I know, I know. Maybe it's time I should go.
Josh: Hi there.
Cassie: I was just, um... Heading out.
Josh: Yeah. Well, I just... I wanted to say something before you go. I know that I said some tough things to you the other day.
Cassie: You were thinking about Reva.
Josh: Well, I think of you, too, though, you know. With love.
Cassie: Me, too.
Josh: So what's the deal here? Reva called you and asked you to come over here to be with the family, and then disappeared so you would feel more comfortable?
Cassie: You know her pretty well, huh?
Josh: Yes, I do. She... She needs for us to be a family right now. And I really want to give her that, so I was thinking that maybe, you know, we could... We could give it a shot. What do you say, you and me together?
Cassie: I think that's a great idea.