GL Transcript Tuesday 10/15/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/15/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Michelle: Remember the bad girls in high school?

Marah: Sue Moniz. A leather jacket, major attitude. Use and abused guys, and they always came back for more.

Michelle: And you hated her so much, but you wanted to be her at the same time.

Marah: Every single guy at school wanted to date her, and she would blow them all off. She would run off with the crazy bad boys instead.

Michelle: Yeah, leaving us good girls in the dust.

Marah: Boy, you had about as much fun as I did tonight, didn't you?

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

Marah: Speed dating, I mean, why did we let Ben talk us into it?

Michelle: I don't know, I guess because it sounded so ridiculous that it had to be a little fun.

Marah: Actually, my mom thought that I should go. She thought that it would take my mind off of the sentencing hearing tomorrow. Can you believe, she is actually throwing herself a pre-sentencing party.

Michelle: That sounds like Reva.

Cassie: Wow, you guys look great. You going out tonight?

Marah: Well we were, at Millennium. There was this weird event thing that Ben’s frat...

Michelle: It was called speed dating.

Marah: You know, you sit with a guy for three minutes, talk to them, and then at the end you decide whether or not you want to date him.

Cassie: Sounds really weird. Did you meet some interesting men?

Michelle: My husband.

Marah: My ex-boyfriend.

Danny: Hey.

Tony: What, you got sick of sleeping on the couch?

Danny: Huh? Yes, but you're not getting rid of me that easy.

Tony: Okay, what's with the bag, where you're going?

Danny: What I’m sick of is getting these, so is Cassie Winslow.

Tony: You going to take care of it?

Danny: You bet I am.

Ripley: Who did you call?

Marina: No one.

Ripley: The cops?

Marina: How could I call anyone, Einstein; my hands are tied.

Ripley: We'll see.

Marina: You guys are so paranoid. Look, I'm the one tied up. Now I don't know what you think that my aunt did, but when she finds out what happened to me, she is going to personally reinstate the death penalty for you.

Ripley: Chris, it's me. Where are you? Did you get the cop?

Marina: Think my aunt's going to fall for your plan, well, you're wrong, because she is way, way too smart for you guys. I mean, you're like the worst kidnappers on the face of the planet, anyway. First you go and you kidnap the wrong chick, and then you even forget to search me. I mean, I think that I could do a better job of... ( Muffled)

Ripley: Shut up! Shut up! You know, I was going to let you go, but now after Chris takes care of your aunt, I’m going to have him come back here for you.

Gus: First what I want you to do is you knock on the door, and you identify yourself, okay. And then Cooper and I will be right behind you.

Eden: What? You guys are going to use me as your battering ram?

Harley: Don't tempt me.

Eden: You know, why don't you just take your gun and shoot me right now, huh?

Harley: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't.

Gus: Ladies, please.

Harley: You're the reason why my niece is in there in the first place.

Eden: Excuse me, you were the one who impersonated me in the first place, and got these guys to go after you.

Gus: Shut up. Ben, I told you to stay in the car.

Ben: I'm coming with you.

Gus: I need you to stay away.

Ben: It's my fault that guy left with Marina.

Gus: There's plenty of blame to go around for everybody, Ben, please.

Harley: Ben, you could get hurt. You could put her at greater risk. Go back to the car, please.

Ben: All right, if you guys need back up, call me.

Gus: I will call you. I will call you if we need you. We do this thing.

Harley: The other way, missy, and I'm not kidding. If you don't get there, I'm going to throw you in and yell "Police." (Knocks at door)

Eden: Ripley, it's me, Eden. (Knocks at door) Ripley, come on, open up.

Ripley: Eden, what the hell are you doing here?

Eden: Well, I know I screwed things up, and I was hoping I could come and make it up to you. Maybe I could help you.

Ripley: Help? How?

Eden: Well, I’m sure that kid's a real pain.

Ripley: Yeah, that's an understatement. All right, maybe you could...

Eden: Don't push me.

Ripley: Drop the gun. Drop it.

Gus: Calm down, calm down, we're just going to talk.

Ripley: Guns down!

Gus: All right, just give the girl over to my partner, we're going to just talk about it.

Ripley: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, right.

Gus: Just me and you, okay?

Ripley: Eden, who else is out there?

Eden: No one. They didn't have time for backup.

Ripley: Okay, okay, all right. I'm...

Gus: Just calm down.

Ripley: I'm going to walk out of here with the girl. I'm going to get in my car, and I’m going to let her off a couple miles down the road. If you try to stop me, I will shoot her.

Eden: Don't you... (Glass shatters)

Gus: Face down!

Harley: You all right?

Marina: Ouch.

Gus: Where's the other guy?

Ripley: I want a lawyer.

Harley: He's down on Fourth Street.

Gus: Stop it.

Marina: How did you know that I was here? Did Ben tell you about my call?

Harley: I heard everything on Ben’s cell phone. I am so proud of you, you were great.

Marina: Please, I have so many cop genes, I should practically have my own set of handcuffs.

Gus: All right, stay down.

Marina: Now all the popular kids are probably going to want to sit with me at lunch.

Harley: Probably.

Marina: And maybe they'll make, like, a TV movie about my life, you know, and I can go to Hollywood, and I can meet Brad Pitt, because he's really, really, really cute.

Harley: He'd be so lucky to meet you.

Gus: Hey, Charles, we need some backup on Fourth Street. Right. As soon as you can, I'd appreciate it. Who threw that rock? Who threw the rock?

Ben: Marina, are you all right?

Marina: Uh-huh.

Ben: Hey, that rock didn't hit you, did it?

Marina: No, wait. Did you throw it?

Ben: Well, yeah, I was trying to distract him, but I wasn't sure about my aim.

Gus: Good job, Reade. Probably saved her life. Let's go.

Eden: Nicky, look... Look, I didn't mean to get that kid hurt.

Gus: Really? And if it was Harley instead of Marina, would you have felt the same way? I don't think so.

Cassie: Danny and Tony, they weren't speed dating, were they?

Michelle: Oh, no, no.

Marah: Like they need to. Tony's already got his next girlfriend all picked out.

Michelle: And Danny’s too busy taking care of business.

Cassie: It's really over between you two, isn't it? I'm so sorry, Michelle.

Michelle: Me, too. Do we have one more espresso, time for that, you know...

Marah: A quick one. I should be getting home to mom.

Cassie: Her sentencing's tomorrow, isn't it?

Marah: And what is she doing? She's having a party. You should come.

Cassie: I don't think that I should go.

Marah: It might be a good idea. Think about it.

Cassie: I really have to stay here, and I have to watch the desk.

Marah: Sure.

Cassie: So, I bet your mother talked you into this speed dating thing, huh?

Marah: Mm.

Cassie: Sounds like something she would love.

Marah: Chapter six in the "Reva Shayne-Lewis Guide To Living." If your whole world's falling apart, you just go out....

Cassie: Put on a good face, put on a sexy dress, and have a blast.

Michelle: Hey, I thought I'd try it. Marriage over, take off that wedding ring, and meet someone new.

Marah: Hey, your mom's going to prison, hey, why not go out and meet guys. You see your ex-boyfriend kissing a new girl, and you just smile and tell yourself you're over it.

Cassie: You guys are an inspiration.

Michelle: Yeah, that's us.

Marah: I guess we probably sound pretty silly, considering everything you've been through.

Cassie: We've all had a tough time, I think. And you know what they say, misery loves company.

Michelle: Well, then let's party.

Marah: Party.

Cassie: Let's party.

Tony: Can't you tell me where you're going?

Danny: No, Tony. The less you know, the better.

Tony: Danny, don't do that. We're supposed to be a team here.

Danny: Right, I go, you stay. No questions.

Tony: No, no, that's not good enough.

Danny: Tony, well, it has to be. I'll keep you posted.

Carmen: Going away somewhere?

Danny: Yeah, a little business.

Carmen: What kind of business? Come on, what's the big secret?

Danny: Nothing, no secret. I’ve just got to take care of a few things on my own, so I’ll be in touch.

Tony: All right.

Carmen: What's going on, Antonio?

Tony: As if I know, come on.

Carmen: I thought he told you everything.

Tony: Gee, I don't know, Carmen. No, he's been living in this office, he just left his wife and his kid, you've got the big guys breathing down his neck about Cassie Winslow, figure it out.

Cassie: Thomas was at speed dating? The Spaulding’s' butler?

Michelle: Oh, yeah, he told me that butlers are people, too. (Phone rings)

Cassie: Oh, my God, I got to get this. Beacon.

Danny: Cassie, this is Danny Santos.

Cassie: I really need to take this, I'll be there in a minute. What's up?

Danny: I need to talk to you right away.

Cassie: Okay, well, Michelle’s here, and I can't leave the hotel tonight. I'm working.

Danny: All right, I’ll come in through the back, and I’ll meet you at your room, ten minutes.

Cassie: What's this about? Hello?

Danny: I let myself in; I didn't want anyone to see me.

Cassie: What's going on? Was there another warning?

Danny: Is this the second rose?

Cassie: Yes.

Danny: Cassie, if you don't start paying up after the second rose, there isn't going to be another warning.

Cassie: Danny, I don't know what to do. I told you Olivia took the money.

Danny: You've run out of excuses, Cassie.

Cassie: I know I have, but the hotel is doing really, really well, and I will have money soon.

Danny: Look, you need to start paying now or...

Cassie: Or what? What, do I have to get out of town? Do I have to come up with a new identity, start over somewhere? Is that what I need to do?

Danny: They'll find you.

Cassie: You sound like you're walking away from this.

Danny: I'm going away for a few days.

Cassie: You're leaving?

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: So why'd you come over here? Why did you even bother telling me?

Danny: Because... Because, Cassie, I need you... I need you to be alive when I get back.

Marah: I guess you don't want to sleep tonight.

Michelle: More like I don't want to go home tonight.

Marah: It's probably really weird without Danny there, huh?

Michelle: It's crazy, you know. I've got Robbie, I’ve got my dad, Mel and Rick are back from rehab, it's not like I’m alone.

Marah: But that's how you feel?

Michelle: Yeah. You know who I blame for all this?

Marah: Danny, Carmen, the family business.

Michelle: Oh, all of the above. But do you know who I really blame? Fairy tales.

Marah: Mm. "And they lived happily ever after."

Michelle: Exactly, exactly. You kiss a frog, and he's supposed to turn into a prince.

Marah: Oh, yeah, he may be handsome and charming and sweet, but underneath...

Michelle: He's still the frog.

Marah: Who will beat up on the other frogs if they steal his lily pad.

Michelle: And tell you that he did it because he loves you.

Marah: And wants to protect you.

Michelle: (Sighs) I mean, look at Cassie. She married a real prince. If anyone was supposed to live happily ever after, it was her and Richard.

Marah: And then when my mom tries to help them because she loves them, she ends up going to prison. It's like you grow up believing in fairy tales and when reality hits you in the face, where does it leave you?

Michelle: With a tan line where your wedding band used to be.

Harley: Listen, are you going to be okay? Because I'm going to check on your pal real quick.

Marina: Yeah, I’m totally fine. So, you saved my life.

Ben: Yeah, yeah, well, you know, it's amazing what stupid things a person will do when led by guilt.

Marina: Because you thought I was playing a joke on you.

Ben: It wouldn't have been the first time.

Marina: You know, I don't think that it was guilt. I think that you were worried about me.

Ben: You do?

Marina: Yeah, I do. I think that you were worried about me, and I think that you were scared because... Because you care about me.

Ben: You think I care about you? You are so wrong.

Marina: Face it, Reade, you care about me.

Ben: No way.

Marina: You are such a jerk! You're such an idiot! I can't believe you let that guy just drag me away. You almost got me killed!

Eden: Look, I know everything got way out of control in there, but it's really not my fault.

Harley: Well, you can prove that in a court of law.

Eden: I didn't hurt anyone. And everything was fine until you had to butt in.

Harley: Is Ripley stashed in the car?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Good, good. You can join him. Maybe they'll give you guys matching prison cells.

Eden: I didn't do anything.

Gus: Messing with people's lives. Eden, people can get killed because of you.

Eden: Everything was under control until she had to stick her nose in it.

Harley: You know, you may hate me, but my niece didn't do anything to you.

Gus: You know, I can't believe you. I can't believe you would send Harley into a trap just to save your own skin.

Eden: But I didn’t. I was trying to buy time so that we could save them. I was about to tell you the truth, but then you just slapped the handcuffs on me, and you just thought of the worst.

Harley: And you wonder why?

Eden: Nicky, if anything happened to Harley, you would blame me. Do you really think I would do that?

Harley: Enough of this, please. Can we just get her to the car?

Eden: Nicky, I know you believe me. I know you really do.

Harley: Please. Gus, tell me you don't believe a word of this.

Gus: All right, so you say that you care about me. I want you to be honest with me, just tell me the truth. Let's start with the job. Why did you take it?

Eden: To survive.

Harley: Please, please, please.

Gus: Go on, go on.

Eden: I mean, catholic school was fine, the nuns were strict, but they meant well. You know every Christmas and every summer, all the girls got to go home.

Gus: I know.

Eden: And I know you're sorry, too. You did that for my own good. And I used to write letters to you.

Gus: Yeah.

Eden: Begging you to come get me, or to come visit me or to call. But you know what? I had no place to send those letters. So you know what I did? I burned them.

Gus: Yeah.

Eden: And at graduation, you know I looked for you. I thought maybe if you were undercover, you'd be there anyway, just to, you know, send me good luck. I looked everywhere for you, you weren't there.

Gus: So you're saying what your job, what you did is my fault. You had no choice. I put money aside for your college.

Eden: What? And go spend another four years in another prison? No way.

Gus: All right, so what did you do with the money. The college money?

Eden: I spent it. I mean, I partied a couple years and then it was gone.

Gus: And then... And then what?

Eden: And then I answered an ad in the paper, looking for models.

Gus: You answered an ad in the paper. For what? Models that take men to their hotel rooms and take pictures of them and blackmail them.

Eden: I needed the money. Look, I thought it would be an easy job. And I hated every minute of it.

Harley: Yeah, right.

Eden: You think I like these men pawing on me and kissing me? It was disgusting.

Gus: Why didn't you do something about it? Why didn't you stop?

Eden: I couldn’t. They threatened me.

Gus: With what? What, jail?

Eden: Worse.

Gus: Worse, what?

Harley: Please, please.

Eden: Okay, all right, all right, you need to make me the bad guy because you feel so bad about your kid. You know, I get that, that's fine. And I guess you've never made a mistake in your life, either, right?

Gus: This is not about... It's not about her.

Eden: You know, you don't get it. You don't get it, do you? You guys kept threatening me with jail that... I have been a prisoner of these guys all along and what they've been making me do. And when you finally found me, I thought, "I'm safe. I'm finally safe."

Marina: I told you that I was being kidnapped! I told you to call Harley. And what did you do? You just laughed at me, and you just pretended like it was some kind of joke.

Ben: Well, I thought it was another game.

Marina: Oh... Oh, yeah, what a great game. Just pretend that you're being kidnapped and killed by a psychopath! How could you be so stupid?

Ben: You were flirting with that guy, trying to make me jealous. What was I supposed to think?

Marina: I don't know... Maybe that I was actually in trouble.

Ben: Well, you know what I was thinking? How much I hated that guy. Because you were spending all of your time with him, instead of me.

Marina: You're such an idiot.

Carmen: Remember what we talked about before Danny shipped me off on my vacation?

Tony: Yeah, you thought that he couldn't handle the family business.

Carmen: Sending me away was a sign of weakness. Everybody could see that he did it because he couldn't control me.

Tony: Just like the way he can't control Cassie Winslow.

Carmen: Why, Antonio? Why is he protecting her? He's grown soft. It's this separation from Michelle.

Tony: He's distracted. Get over it, because our...

Carmen: Yeah, well, he better get over it, because our investors are not happy with him.

Tony: So what are we supposed to do, Carmen?

Carmen: We step in and we save Danny from himself.

Cassie: I don't know what to do, Danny. I don't know what to do. You're telling me that there's nowhere I can take my children. That there's nowhere I can go to keep them safe. So what am I supposed to do? Should I just go buy a bulletproof vest? I mean, do they make them for toddlers.

Danny: Cassie...

Cassie: No, you told me... You told me that nothing was going to happen to my family. But now you're leaving town, so what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to...

Danny: You get the money together!

Cassie: I am trying!

Danny: You said you were going to talk to Alonzo.

Cassie: I have talked to Alonzo, I have talked to him. He said he was going to send me the money, but Danny, it's not enough. Damn, it's never going to be enough!

Danny: Well, then you better start think about getting bulletproof vests.

Cassie: I don't even blame you for leaving; I don't blame you for skipping town. You warned me. You warned me, and you told me not to do this, and I didn't listen, and I just ignored the risk, and then I put your life in jeopardy, too. I'm sorry.

Danny: That's not why I’m leaving town. And Cassie, you shouldn't be worried about me, I can take care of myself.

Cassie: Is it worth this, Danny, you know? To have this life, is it worth it-- if that's what you want to call it-- instead of Robbie and Michelle?

Danny: Just remember what I said. I'll call you when I’m back in town.

Cassie: Danny!

Marah: Michelle, how does it feel to be without Danny? Like when you're having a bad day, and not being able to talk to him about it. And not being able to share private jokes anymore.

Michelle: You know what I miss? When we used to go to restaurants and the maitre d' is taking us to our table, Danny would put his hand on the small of my back.

Marah: That's nice.

Michelle: It was. And I hate... I hate how much those things meant to me. I don't need a man in my life to define me.

Marah: I know. I know. It's like you've got this beautiful, healthy, little boy, and you're going to be a P.A. You're going to be saving lives.

Michelle: You're in college, you're an honor student, you're going to be working at my dad's clinic with Father Ray.

Marah: And then there's my mother, who is throwing a going- to-jail party. And she hasn't once broken down or even acted like she’s scared.

Michelle: You've got to be more like your mom.

Marah: Right. We're not pathetic.

Michelle: Totally not pathetic.

Marah: We're so pathetic, it's not even funny.

Michelle: Well, we're allowed to be, at least for tonight, right.

Marah: All right, well, I am going to take my pathetic self home for my mom's party.

Michelle: Tell her I'm thinking about her.

Marah: I will. You staying?

Michelle: Just for a little while.

Danny: Marah, hey.

Marah: Danny, I didn't see you come in.

Danny: Will you do me a favor, will you give this to Michelle for me?

Marah: Why don't you give it to her yourself; she's right there.

Danny: It's for Robbie, and just tell her not to give it to him until he's old enough to understand, okay?

Marah: Danny, I really don't think I should...

Danny: Please.

Marah: Okay, okay.

Danny: Thanks.

Marah: Are you going away or something?

Danny: Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.

Cassie: Bridget, it's Cassie. Can you keep an eye on the front desk for awhile? I'm going to do some accounting up here. Great. Okay, thanks. There has got to be... Got to be something in here.

Marina: Is this because of what we just went through?

Ben: I don't know. I don't care.

Gus: You know why I couldn't visit you, right? Why I couldn't write or call or visit.

Eden: The Santos’.

Gus: You were in danger. You were. You saw what they did to dad, I couldn't let them come after you, all right?

Eden: But they never did.

Gus: Because they couldn’t. Because they didn't know where you were. I promised that to dad. I promised him.

Eden: But we could've found a way.

Gus: This was the way. This was the only way. And now I got... Now I just wish that I had stayed away, you know.

Eden: Why?

Gus: I should never, ever, ever, ever let you near anybody that I love, or anybody that I care about. And I'll tell you something, if it was my fault. If I made you... If I just... If it was me who made you this way, then I'm sorry, I apologize. But I am not responsible for who you are now.

Eden: What are you saying?

Gus: You are a liar. You are a liar. And because of your lies, Harley almost got killed; Marina almost got killed. You'd probably be just cheering at their funeral, right?

Eden: I am not that kind of a person.

Gus: I think that you are that kind of person.

Eden: I'm still your little sister; nothing has changed.

Gus: And what does that mean? I can't love somebody? I'm not allowed to love somebody? I told you that I love her. I told you that I'm trying to do the right thing by her, and you try to get her killed.

Eden: No, look, I told you... I was going to tell you, I just didn't have enough time.

Gus: Time? I could've given you all the time in the world, Eden, you still would've lied to me. I took a murder rap for you! I'll tell you something, all right, I protected you, I promised that to dad, but my promise is paid in full.

Eden: Wait, you're leaving me again. You can't go... You can't leave me again, please. I'll do anything. Please.

Gus: Boy, I tell you... Then you just go to Phillip Spaulding, you tell him the truth. You tell him that you pushed the guy off the roof.

Eden: And go to jail.

Gus: Well, maybe... Maybe you will. We'll make a deal with the D.A. We'll get you immunity from the murder, because you were a kid. You were a kid; it was an accident.

Eden: I can't be an informant.

Gus: Well, it's either that or you're going to go to jail, okay? Because I am going to arrest you for blackmail, for murder, for accessory to kidnapping.

Eden: No, you won't.

Gus: Harley needs her child back, don't you understand that? And if you get in the way... If you get in the middle of that, I will arrest you. I will!

Eden: Who are you? You are supposed to protect me.

Gus: You go to Phillip Spaulding, and you tell him the truth, and then you get out of my life. And you get out of Harley’s life.

Eden: Nicky...

Gus: Forever.

Carmen: Tell me something. Do you think Danny’s making a mistake by protecting Cassie Winslow?

Tony: He's the head of the family; it's not my place to question him.

Carmen: But you do.

Tony: What are you asking me here, Carmen?

Carmen: Antonio, what's more important than anything or anyone?

Tony: Family, us.

Carmen: Danny needs a reminder to finish what he started. Collect the debt from Cassie Winslow.

Cassie: What is... What is this?

Man: Ready to go, Mr. Santos.

Danny: Yeah.

Man: Let's go.

Marah: Michelle, Danny asked me to give this to you.

Michelle: What is it?

Marah: A letter for Robbie. He wants him to open it when he's old enough.

Michelle: Why didn't he give it to me, I'm sitting right here.

Marah: I know, I asked him, but he wouldn’t.

Michelle: Just this one letter.

Marah: I'm sorry.

Michelle: It doesn't matter. Thanks, Marah.

Marah: Good night, Michelle.

Michelle: (Sighs) Good-bye, Danny.

(Harley clears throat)

Marina: Oh, Ben was... He was... He was...

Harley: Don't go... Thanks, I know what Ben was doing. Listen, you were great before. Thanks. And I sort of like you, so I don't want my brother to kill you. I think we can just forget about what I just saw.

Marina: Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, don't I get a say in this? Because in case you just forgot, I was almost just killed, so I think maybe I deserve a little bit more than an ice cream sundae at Company.

Harley: Marina.

Marina: What?

Harley: Don't push it.

Marina: Fine. Can you at least tell me why Butch and Sundance are after you and got me instead.

Harley: Yeah, yeah, but I’ll tell you later. Just be glad it's a happy ending-- for most of us, at least.

Eden: No, please, don't go, please. I'll do anything. I won't lie anymore, I won't cheat, I won't steal, I won't do anything.

Gus: You won't what? You won't what? You won't go to jail?

Eden: Please, I can't go there, I’ll die. Please.

Gus: Do you know what would help you? If you could just remember what dad used to say. You have to take responsibility for your actions. And I'll tell you something. He was truly one of the great ones. Don't be like a Santos; don't be the enemy. Take responsibility for your actions.

Eden: Who the hell are you to preach to me, huh? Dad died, and you just took off.

Gus: I didn't take off, honey. I was in juvenile hall for a crime that you committed.

Eden: Yeah, well, you're a hero now. What do you want? A medal or something?

Gus: Stop this, please.

Eden: You abandoned me, and you made me the way I am. So you can't just walk away like that.

Gus: I don't want to walk away. I don't want to, but I can't let you hurt people anymore, okay? Harley deserves a good life, she deserves a good future. In fact, we both do. And you're not a part of that future. (Gunshot)

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