GL Transcript Monday 10/14/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/14/02

Provided by Suzanne 
Proofread by Tanya

Alexandra: Oh, Blake. Please, please forgive me for being so late.

Blake: What if I said no?

Alexandra: Oh, then we'd be starting off on the wrong foot. Please sit down.

Blake: We started off on the wrong foot years ago, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Yes, but that was mostly your father's fault, you know.

Blake: If you summoned me here for a round of Roger bashing, I am not interested.

Alexandra: No, no, no. Absolutely not. No, completely the opposite. I have a proposition for you, and I think that means that we can finally bury the hatchet-- but not in each other's backs.

Olivia: Is Alan here?

Phillip: No, not yet. I wish he would reconsider this. This recuperating at home is nuts. What if he has another heart attack?

Olivia: Well, we just have to make sure he doesn't. You know, the only reason that he's coming home before he should is because he wants to keep an eye on Alexandra.

Phillip: You know, if he trusts her that damn little, why did he turn the company over to her?

Olivia: Maybe because right now he trusts you less.

Phillip: Well, you know, at least he knows that she's after something.

Olivia: As opposed to me, who's obviously after something, only he's too oblivious to see it.

Phillip: Did I say that?

Olivia: Didn't have to.

Phillip: No, but since you brought it up, I mean, I... I know how much you care about my father. Let me give you a hypothetical. If he didn't have the money and the power, let's say he were to lose it all tomorrow, do you think you'd still marry him?

Bill: (Humming) ( Door creaks) Lizzie? What... What are you doing here?

Lizzie: Somebody told me my... My mom was here? (Stammers) I guess I misunderstood.

Beth: Hey, handsome. Hurry up...

Lizzie: Mom!

Beth: Lizzie. Uh, Lizzie, what are you doing here?

Lizzie: I came by to see you. I didn't think I’d be intruding.

Beth: Um, look, I... ( Clears throat) ...I know what this must look like, but...

Lizzie: But what? What? It's not what it looks like? Don't lie to me, Mom.

Beth: I'm not. (Stammers) I... I won't. What I’m trying to say, Lizzie...

Lizzie: You know what? Save it!

Beth: No, just... Let me explain.

Lizzie: Don't bother. I... I don't care.

Beth: Lizzie...

Lizzie: No, no, no. Use any excuse you want to, it's just fine and dandy with me.

Beth: Sweetie, listen to me...

Lizzie: No, you know what? You're an adult. You're free to do whatever you want. But Bill... Bill's the guy... The younger guy that you were telling me about?

Beth: Lizzie...

Lizzie: Forget it, forget it. Whatever floats your boat. After the way Lorelei behaved, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised. I'll see you later at home. Oh, wait. We don't have a home anymore, do we?

Beth: Sweetie, sweetie, don’t. Don't do this. Don’t... Don't pretend like... Like... Like this doesn't bother you, when I know that it does. Let's just sit down and we will talk about this, please.

Lizzie: No! No, I have to go.

Beth: I know that you're upset. I want to talk to you.

Lizzie: I'm fine!

Beth: Lizzie! Lizzie!

Olivia: Would I marry your father if he were penniless? Yeah, I would. I have my own money, Phillip, and my own projects. And despite what you or anyone might think, money isn't the only attraction I have for Alan. We're of like minds and like spirits, for better or for worse. Hey, I wish I could have married him last night in the hospital like I planned. But whenever he wants me, I'm his. Hi.

Alan: Um, that... That will be all, Nicole.

Olivia: How are you feeling?

Alan: Well, I’m rather shocked at the moment. You wanted to marry me last night? That's why you showed up in that beautiful dress with those flowers, huh?

Phillip: Yeah. Yeah, she had a judge there and everything.

Alan: You were there, too?

Phillip: Sure, yeah. Your best man. The only thing missing was the groom.

Alan: Olivia, I thought you wanted a proper engagement. What made you change your mind?

Olivia: The fact that I adore you and can't wait to be your wife isn't enough for you?

Phillip: Okay. Dad, why don't we get you upstairs to your room?

Alan: Uh, no, we're not going upstairs. We've got business to discuss.

Phillip: Nothing that can't keep till tomorrow morning.

Alan: Tomorrow is the emergency board meeting, may I remind you? And my sister is, I'm sure, going to stir up some trouble.

Phillip: Well, you know, she wouldn't be able to do that if you hadn't have given her your proxy.

Alan: Phillip, I'm not feeling well. For once can you not argue with me? What happened has happened, okay? Now, what we have to do is make sure that she doesn't create some real damage. So, we need to muster the troops.

Blake: Interesting offer. But given our history, why should I help you in any way, shape or form?

Alexandra: Because it's in your best interests.

Blake: And you care so much about me.

Alexandra: Blake, I can really understand your reluctance to trust me, but this is such a sweet deal.

Blake: Said the spider to the fly.

Alexandra: (Laughs) All right, just sleep on it, okay?

Blake: I can do that.

Alexandra: Good. Then I hope to see you soon.

Blake: Maybe.

Edmund: Hello, Blake. Luring another unexpected interviewee onto your telly?

Blake: Yes. Yes, but this time I’m going for a true aristocrat instead of the fallen from grace variety.

Edmund: True aristocrat? There aren't any of those in this town, love.

Blake: Go tell that to the Baroness. Baroness Von Halkein. Wait, second thought. Leave her alone. That's a nice lady and she's still grieving over her husband's recent death. And the last thing she needs is you hounding her.

Edmund: Baroness? Please forgive me for being forward, but I believe we have something in common.

Alexandra: Oh. Do we?

Gus: Wait a second. Coop, I lost... Coop, can you hear me now?

Harley: Yeah, I can hear you.

Gus: What are you... What are you seeing?

Harley: The back of your head.

Gus: Could you please?

Harley: Listen, something is wrong, okay, because the guy I’m supposed to meet is not upstairs, but your sister sure is.

Gus: Yeah, I know.

Harley: And I don't think that's a coincidence. I mean, you should see the way she's eyeballing me.

Gus: What do you want to do? You want to scratch the mission?

Harley: No, what do you think?

Gus: No, we just hold tight, okay? Maybe the guy will show up. We have to get her over a barrel. This is the way you've got to get your son back, okay?

Harley: I like all the "We's" in that sentence. That was very good.

Gus: Thank you. It's us against the world. So, when the guy shows up...

Harley: Yeah, I know, I’ve got to get him out of there as soon as possible...

Gus: Good.

Harley: ...Before Eden sees him, I know, I know. Can I have a kiss for luck or something?

Gus: Yes. What do you think? Good-bye. Go get him.

Eden: Harley, where are you? Ripley, pick up, pick up.

Marina: All right, look, you creep, I’m not going to go anywhere with you, so you need to let go of me right now or I’m going to scream, and I scream really, really, really loud.

Ben: Hey.

Marina: Ben, this guy...

Ben: What's going on out here?

Christopher: You feel that? You feel that? It's going to be you first and boyfriend second. Now, smile.

Ben: Marina, why don't you come back inside?

Marina: Um, I can't. I have to go.

Ben: You're leaving with this guy?

Marina: Yeah, yeah. Wait, no. Ben, he's kidnapping me.

Ben: He's kidnapping you?

Marina: Yes.

Ben: Sure, he is. Listen, Marina, I'm not falling for this...

Marina: No, Ben, this is serious. Ben, this is real! Ben!

Edmund: Edmund Winslow. Perhaps you know of me.

Alexandra: Should I?

Edmund: Royal House of Winslow? Former Prince of San Cristobel. Surely you visited our island at one point or another, Baroness. Winslow cup, one of the regattas, perhaps?

Alexandra: I'm afraid not, but I've heard it's a charming little place.

Edmund: May I?

Alexandra: Oh, please, do.

Edmund: Thank you. So, what brings you to Springfield?

Alexandra: Oh, family business. What about you?

Edmund: Well, family concerns myself, initially. It is a dreadful little town, but I do find reasons to hang on. And now that I’ve found another absolutely delightful reason, has anyone ever told you that you have the most remarkable eyes?

Alexandra: (Laughs) Like twin limpid pools that you could drown in?

Edmund: Yes, something like that. And I will be buying you a drink.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, that's smart. Give the lady a titillating glimpse of what's to come, and then change the subject. You're good, but I’m better.

Edmund: I have no doubt.

Alexandra: And I have been flattered a few times before.

Edmund: Oh, I have no doubt of that either.

Alexandra: Mmm. But it's my guess that if I gave in to the blandishments of every attractive, titled gentleman who passed my way, I’d never accomplish all my goals in life.

Edmund: Which are?

Alexandra: To live fast, die young, and have a good looking corpse, and conquer the world.

Edmund: (Laughs) Baroness, where have you been my whole life?

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Phillip: Dad, what are you doing?

Alan: Planning a strategy. I need a little visual aid.

Olivia: Wait, are you sure you're up for this? Shouldn't you be resting?

Alan: Resting while my sister runs my empire in the ground? No. Now, let's clear the table.

Phillip: What...

Alan: All right? I am white, Alexandra is black.

Phillip: Good versus evil.

Alan: Mm-hmm. Now, the major shareholders each have a vote as well as the families, so let's start with the family. Phillip, you go first.

Phillip: Hang on a second. If you're going to do this, you can't count your vote, because you already gave her your proxy.

Alan: Thank you for reminding me. Once again, you go first.

Olivia: White knight.

Phillip: Oh, that's certainly me.

Alan: Well...

Olivia: It is, actually.

Alan: Well, whose side are you on, Phillip? If you had to choose, where would your loyalties lie?

Phillip: Oh, come on. Where do you think?

Alan: You tell me.

Phillip: You should have made me a bishop since I'm your second in command. But for the purposes of illustration, how about I take this space next to you? How's that? Or that?

Alan: (Laughs) Gratifying, thank you.

Phillip: Okay. If you want to do it, let's do it. My three children: Lizzie, Zach, James.

Alan: That makes four. Who else do we have?

Phillip: We have Vicky and Victoria, definitely.

Olivia: Alan-Michael?

Alan: Well, we've had our ups and downs, but I think in a pinch...

Phillip: No, you can count on Alan-Michael and Lucy. What about... What about India?

Alan: I have issues with her, but she loathes Alexandra.

Phillip: Oh, what... Yeah, what the hell am I talking about? She'd vote against her just for spite.

Alan: Put her on our side. All right, well, that makes nine for the family already.

Olivia: Well, that's impressive. Who's left to vote for Alexandra?

Phillip: Well, definitely Nick and Susan. But what about Roger and Amanda?

Alan: Wild card. They could go either way.

Phillip: Yeah.

Olivia: Well, either way, you have more than enough votes to win.

Phillip: Yeah.

Alan: Well, as far as family goes, but what about the board at large?

Phillip: The board should be no contest.

Alan: Well, not necessarily, Phillip. I think we should go down the list.

Olivia: Tonight?

Alan: Well, no, not tonight. As a matter of fact, I am a little tired, Olivia. Maybe you can show me upstairs.

Phillip: I'll take you up, Dad.

Olivia: No.

Alan: No, no, no, no, no. I would prefer to be nursed by my fiancée, Phillip.

Olivia: Yeah, I’ll just be Florence Nightingale for the night. I'm glad you're home.

Alan: Me, too.

Phillip: Good night, Dad.

Lizzie: The computer better be free. Good.

Phillip: Well, good evening to you, too, daughter. Where have you been?

Lizzie: Out.

Phillip: That's informative. Out anywhere in particular? Something going on at the high school? Hey. Honey, is something wrong?

Lizzie: Wrong? What could possibly be wrong?

Phillip: That's what I'm asking.

Lizzie: You want to know what's wrong? Ask mom. But I doubt you'll like the answer.

Carmen: Thank you.

Ross: (Clears throat)

Carmen: Hello, Ross.

Ross: Carmen.

Carmen: Looking for someone?

Ross: I'm here to meet Blake, but I... I think I’m a little early.

Carmen: Well, would you like to join me till she gets here?

Ross: What?

Carmen: (Laughs) Oh, of course. What was I thinking?

Ross: Uh, no. Thank you, I will. Thank you very much. So, are you here meeting someone as well?

Carmen: Yes, well, I was, but I think I got my times mixed up.

Ross: Oh.

Carmen: I was about to head on out and then I saw you, and I thought I might take the opportunity to ask you about a friend we have in common.

Ross: Who would that be?

Carmen: Dr. Bauer. Ed Bauer.

Ross: Yes, yes, I know him. I didn't know you and Ed Bauer were friends.

Carmen: (Laughs) No, we're not. We have a grandson in common. And the man, well, he’s... He's very standoffish. Not that I care, but it's not good for Robbie, you understand, all that tension.

Ross: Carmen, I believe that somebody told Ed about your relationship with Michelle, and Ed is a very protective father.

Carmen: (Laughs) So protective that he fell off the face of the earth for a decade? It's amazing how people have such selective memories.

Ross: Shall I put in a good word?

Carmen: Oh, no, no, no, please don't bother. Well, Blake. Just in time to save Ross from my clutches.

Blake: Carmen. If you're looking for Edmund, he's chatting it up with Alexandra Spaulding at Infierno.

Carmen: Well, thank you.

Blake: What was that?

Ross: She was asking me about Ed Bauer. Maybe we should set the two of them up. We could double-date with them.

Blake: Now, there's a frightening thought.

Ross: Yes, isn't it? Uh, excuse me. Could we get two chardonnays, please? Thank you. So, Phillip tells me that Alexandra’s in town for a visit. He didn't sound all that excited about that, which I find a little strange. Have you talked to Alex?

Blake: Oh, yeah, you know me and Alex, big reunion, hugs, kisses. (Laughs) We talked. No bloodshed. And then I spotted Edmund Winslow and I sent him in her direction. It was great.

Ross: Oh, now that's a double dating situation. Thank you very much.

Blake: Thank you.

Ross: Ed Bauer and Carmen, and Edmund and Alexandra.

Blake: (Laughs) All of those people all together in the same night, that sounds like trouble.

Ross: Mm-hmm.

Beth: I have to go after Lizzie.

Bill: Yeah, well, my guess is this is a good reason why we should find a little private place of our own, huh?

Beth: Where is my other shoe? Where is my other...

Bill: Beth, Beth... Look, look, hey, hey, hey, I’m sorry about what just happened, okay, and I am sorry that Lizzie got so upset, all right? But she will come around. Now, don't... Don't make this... Don't make an excuse to back away from us.

Beth: Did I say anything to that effect?

Bill: No, but I know you, and I know how... When something like this...

Beth: Bill, I can't... I can't do this right now. I have to... I have to focus on Lizzie, okay?

Bill: I know. I know. Of course you do. And take all the time you need, okay? No pressure. But just remember that the object of all this is to have fun. And we did have fun just now, didn't we?

Beth: Yes. Yes, we did. And now I... I have to go.

Bill: Now you can go.

Ben: Hey, Harley.

Harley: Oh, hey, Ben, how are you doing? I'm sorry, I’m... I'm actually looking for someone.

Ben: Oh, is it Marina?

Harley: Why? Is she here?

Ben: Yeah, she was. She just left, actually. And when you see her, you can tell her that I hope she survived her little dilemma.

Harley: What dilemma?

Ben: She was acting like some guy was kidnapping her. No, this is not the first practical joke she has played on me, but trust me, it was the most elaborate.

Harley: Ben, was she wearing a red dress?

Ben: Yeah, red, tight, very sexy...

Harley: Okay...

Ben: ...You know, she's a good actress, too...

Harley: Wait, wait, wait, wait. When did this happen? Where is she now? Where did they take her?

Ben: Look, I just told you, it was a joke, all right?

Harley: Ben! Where?

Ben: Is she in trouble?

Harley: Where is my niece? You tell me now!

Marina: You are making such a major mistake.

Christopher: Shut up, Eden.

Marina: Eden? The only Eden that I know is Gus Aitoro’s sister, and I’m definitely not her!

Christopher: No kidding?

Ripley: Who is this?

Christopher: It's the chick you told me to get, the cop who's been impersonating Eden.

Ripley: That isn't the cop.

Christopher: Sure it is.

Ripley: The cop is blonde.

Christopher: Yeah, but she's wearing a red dress!

Ripley: Who the hell are you?

Marina: Who the hell are you?

Harley: Answer me. Answer me! Where is Marina?

Eden: Marina? What are you talking about?

Harley: Don't pull your games with me, Eden. You know that I have been impersonating you.

Eden: Oh, you have?

Harley: So, you and Ripley devised this little plan to flush me out. But let me tell you something, Marina borrowed the dress, so now Ripley’s guys think that she is me!

Eden: Don't you mean me?

Harley: The point is that they have taken her. They have taken her somewhere, and you tell me where she is or I’ll kill you. I swear to God if you don't tell me...

Eden: Well, you know, this is a really great story. You've got really big problems. But you know what? It is your problem. It is not my problem, okay?

Harley: I swear to God if you don't tell me...

Eden: Okay. Would you call your girlfriend off?

Gus: Eden, you listen to me, okay, and you listen to me very closely. If your friends so much as touch one hair on Marina's head...

Eden: You, too?

Gus: Tell me where Marina is! You tell me where Marina is or I’m taking you downtown.

Eden: What? You're going to arrest me?

Gus: Try me.

Marina: You know, you guys are going to be so dead when my dad and my aunt find you. They're cops. You know, they're detectives for the Springfield P.D.

Ripley: Your aunt is the blonde with the cast?

Marina: Maybe.

Ripley: You stupid girl. What are you thinking? Getting into the middle of all this?

Marina: Getting in the middle of all what?

Ripley: Like you don't know.

Marina: No! Look, you're the brain surgeons who went and kidnapped the wrong chick, okay? I didn't do anything. All I did was just show up at a club looking hot. I was trying to impress a guy!

Ripley: In a red dress.

Marina: Sorry, next time I'll wear blue.

Ripley: Next time? ( Scoffs) You don't get it, do you? This is the end of the line for you, kid, after we use you to get your aunt. Call Eden. We're going to need her help.

Alexandra: Well, your highness, it's been a great pleasure meeting you, but I really have to go.

Edmund: So soon? Where are you staying? I will ring you up, make a nuisance of myself and take you out to dinner. I know a delicious French bistro just outside of town.

Alexandra: Yes, well, the maitre d' will no doubt fawn all over you, thus, proving your pedigree to me, huh?

Edmund: (Laughs) Well, I should hope so by this point. But you doubt my identity? Perhaps you're not a baroness.

Alexandra: Perhaps I'm not.

Edmund: By all means, dear lady, look me up. You'll find my lineage, if not my intention, impeccable. It dates back to William the Conqueror.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Oh, indeed. A conqueror? I consider myself a bit of a conqueror. That could be a problem.

Edmund: Or a great deal of fun.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Yes, well...

Edmund: Please tell me you're staying in town for a while.

Alexandra: To the chagrin of many.

Edmund: That I hardly doubt. Till we meet again.

Alexandra: Yes, of course. Good-bye.

Carmen: Hello. I'm Carmen Santos. You're stepping on my territory.

Alexandra: I'm Alexandra Spaulding, and I couldn't care less.

Edmund: Oh, hello, Carmen. Take care of that for me, would you, love?

Carmen: Do you always kiss the hands of strange women, Eddie?

Edmund: Yes, when their titles merit it. That charming lady, Carmen, was a baroness.

Carmen: Baroness, my foot. That's Alexandra Spaulding.

Phillip: Hey. Did you and your mom have an argument? Did you hear me?

Lizzie: No.

Phillip: No, you didn't have an argument, or no, you didn't hear me?

Lizzie: Dad...

Phillip: Lizzie, please, come on. Just help me out here. I'm just trying to find out what you're upset about, sweetheart. Oh, okay. Hallelujah. Finally somebody that can give me something more than a monosyllabic answer. You want to tell me what's going on? Our daughter returned home in a decidedly chilly mood and the only clue as to why that she will give me is that it has something to do with you.

Beth: Yes, it does. Earlier, Lizzie showed up at Ross and Blake’s old place. Bill Lewis is living there now, and she saw us together.

Phillip: She saw you...

Beth: Bill and me.

Phillip: Bill and you what?

Lizzie: Why don't you spell it out for him, Mom? Or unless you want me to do it for you. So much for mom moving out of the house because you guys were growing apart. More like she moved out of the house so she could shack up with guys my age.

Beth: Bill Lewis is hardly your age.

Lizzie: Well, he's sure not yours!

Beth: Can we just sit down and talk about this calmly, please?

Lizzie: Why? So you can blame Lorelei for this, too? Hey, wait. Maybe I should get another personality. Then I can jump in the sack with anyone I feel like, too!

Beth: I know that you're upset, but that last remark was way out of line.

Lizzie: Right. I'm supposed to respect you. Too bad you don't deserve it.

Beth: Lizzie... Lizzie... Lizzie, come back here! Well, thank you for letting her treat me like that. Thank you for defending me.

Phillip: How would you suggest I defend you? You don't think that you’re indefensible?

Beth: Excuse me?

Phillip: God, you know, your... Your behavior in the last few months has been extremely irresponsible, but I thought... I thought that you would at least have the good sense not to flaunt your newfound nymphomania in front of our impressionable teenage daughter.

Beth: I didn't flaunt anything! Bill and I were in the privacy of his home when Lizzie showed up out of the blue!

Phillip: Right. Yeah.

Beth: Now, what am I supposed to do, be a psychic?

Phillip: Well, how about you show a little common sense? Or God forbid, a little self restraint?

Beth: Oh, self restraint? And when you and Olivia were groping each other to the point you gave Alan a heart attack...

Phillip: Oh, that is an entirely different situation. That was a practical joke that backfired. No, because there's nothing going on with Olivia and me. There never was and there never will be.

Beth: Yes, yes, and that is painfully obvious every time the two of you are in a room together!

Phillip: Yeah, right. She's marrying my father.

Beth: And how sick is that?

Phillip: Oh, you know what? This is not about Olivia or me. This is about you, and about what a rotten mother you are becoming.

Beth: Oh...

Phillip: Hey, I’m sorry. I never thought I would have to say that to you, but damn it, it's true.

Beth: Well, you know, I suppose this is to be expected at some point. None of the mothers of your children can live up to your expectations, so what are you going to do to me, Phillip? Are you going to treat me like Harley and try to take my children away from me?

Phillip: No, Beth, because unlike Harley, I think you're going to show some intelligence and modify your behavior.

Beth: (Laughs) Oh, my God! Could you possibly be any more arrogant?

Olivia: I'm going to stay in my bed until you've recuperated. It will make it a little easier for me to take care of you.

Alan: Why don't you stay here with me?

Olivia: Why, you're feeling better.

Alan: Were you... Were you really ready to marry me last night?

Olivia: Yeah. I told you I was. I'll go get the judge. He can marry us right now if you want to.

Alan: That's a tempting offer. But no, no, no, no. You deserve a real wedding; a wedding that will make you the envy of everyone in Springfield. Alexandra's offered to plan it for you.

Olivia: Yeah. (Sighs) Why would we want to do that? And why did you give her your company, Alan, even temporarily? None of it makes any sense.

Alan: Well, let's... Let's just say it was a gesture of good will.

Olivia: That obviously backfired.

Alan: Look, I thought we weren't going to discuss business.

Olivia: Okay, we're not. What do you want to talk about?

Alan: Well, I would rather not talk at all. You know, I've missed you very much, more than I can say. I need you. I need to make love to you.

(Cell phone rings)

Gus: Answer it, answer it.

Eden: Hello?

Ripley: We got a problem. Chris nabbed the wrong chick.

Eden: What? How could he be so stupid?

Ripley: It seems to be going around nowadays.

Eden: Yeah, no kidding. So, how are we going to fix it?

Ripley: We don’t. We get rid of both of them.

Marina: You know you guys aren't going to get away with this. Once Ben finds out, Ben will be furious. Ben will make your lives a living hell.

Christopher: Shut up! ( Cell phone rings)

Ben: Marina? Marina, can you hear me?

Marina: You and your pal, Ripley are such jerks. You take me all the way up here to Laurel Falls and you expect to get away with it? What is this shack we're in anyways? Is it like an old ranger station? It's got to be near the falls, because I can hear them. So... So what? Now what happens? You're going to lure my aunt somewhere alone, trick her into thinking she's rescuing me? Well, she's not going to fall for that.

Ripley: Tell the lady cop we're holding the girl on Fourth Street, number 252, down in the basement. But she has to go there alone or the deal's off.

Eden: And when she shows up?

Ripley: Chris will take care of her. You got it?

Eden: Got it.

Ripley: Put on a good show, Eden. Make them believe you're on their side.

Eden: Right. He's got her in a basement in... On Fourth Street. If Harley shows up alone, he will do an even exchange.

Harley: Don't listen to a word she's saying. Your sister is setting me up for an ambush. We just heard the whole thing on Ben’s cell phone.

Ben: It's true, Gus.

Harley: She's really in a shack in Laurel Falls.

Eden: She's... She's lying.

Gus: You know what? You're coming with us.

Eden: What?

Gus: You are coming with us. Do you know where the shack is?

Harley: Yes, thank God.

Gus: Give me that. Let's go.

Harley: Come on, let's go, let's go.

Eden: Handcuffs?

Ben: I'm going with you guys.

Harley: No, no, no, no, no. You... You...

Gus: Come on.

Harley: I can't worry about you and worry about Marina, okay? Just stay here. I'll call when I know anything, I promise.

Edmund: Carmen... Carmen, how do you know that that's Alexandra Spaulding?

Carmen: How do I know anything? I have eyes and ears all over this town, Eddie. Why? Are you planning on wooing her? You're hardly in her league anymore.

Edmund: Carmen, just a moment. Do I... Is that... Yes, it is. There's a big dollop of green in those big, brown eyes of yours.

Carmen: (Laughs) Me? Jealous?

Edmund: Yes.

Carmen: Oh, please.

Edmund: Carmen, you have absolutely nothing to worry about with me and Alexandra Spaulding. I will have plenty of time for both of you.

Beth: You try to take my children away from me, and so help me God, Phillip, you will be sorry!

Phillip: Get your act together. Aunt Alexandra. I'm going to go check on dad. I'll be right back.

Alexandra: Yes, fine. Beth, please don't think that I’m meddling, but I couldn't help hearing just what went on.

Beth: Alexandra, I just really don't want to talk about it right now.

Alexandra: Of course not, I realize that. But the reason that I... I bring it up is that you and I have both had our share of trials and tribulations recently, and I have been thinking of a way in which both of us can help each other. So, why don't you sit down and I’ll fill you in.

Olivia: You know, once your doctor tells me as much, our sex life can return to normal. But until then...

Alan: Cruelty, thy name is woman.

Olivia: (Laughs) I have another idea.

Alan: What's that?

Olivia: You could hold me till you fall asleep. I love feeling your arms around me.

Alan: Consider it done.

Marina: Where did Darth Vader go?

Ripley: He's meeting your aunt. Like you don't know. You were listening to everything we said.

Marina: No, I wasn’t.

Ripley: Yeah, you were. Not that it will help you. It's not like you can tell anyone. (Sighs) You little... You just made a big mistake! You understand me? Who did you call? Who did you call? Answer me.

Marina: I didn't call anyone.

Ripley: What do you mean you didn't call anyone? Do I have to get angry? Is that what it's going to take? I want to know right now.

Marina: I didn't call anyone...

Ripley: You didn't call anyone?

Marina: No.

Ripley: Why are you lying to me? Huh? I look stupid to you?

Gus: Be quiet! You almost blew the whole thing.

Harley: Shh! Shh! What are you doing here? Ben, get out of here. Get back to your car. Get him out of here.

Gus: You get in your car, okay? All right.

Harley: All right, we're going in. Okay, you hear me? We're going in, and you're going first.

Eden: Why me?

Harley: Well, in case they shoot, I’m not taking the bullet.

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