Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/11/02
Provided by
Proofread by Tanya
Tony: Danny, you know that I’ll always have your back, and that's never going to change.
Danny: Tony, things happen. Things do change, and you might start doubting me.
Tony: No, that's not going to happen.
Danny: All right. Here's the deal. Somebody sent Cassie Winslow another warning. Now, that is a direct challenge to me. I need to find out who's messing with me.
Tony: Okay, then let me help you.
Danny: No, I want you to just keep doing your job here. I'm going to take care of the rest of...
Tony: Danny, don’t...
Danny: Tony, don't question my authority!
Tony: All right.
Danny: Okay?
Tony: Okay. Whatever you want, consider it done.
Eden: Hi, am I interrupting?
Tony: Yeah, go wait by the bar.
Eden: Uh, hey, do you want me to go check on that party upstairs?
Tony: Yeah, you know what, that's a great idea. Thank you.
Eden: Okay.
Danny: Hello? What's the deal? Who's that?
Tony: That’s... that's our new bartender that I hired. She's a completely different kind of enemy.
Rick: Hey, we got your pacie. Hey.
Harley: Hi.
Rick: Hi.
Harley: Is something wrong? Did you forget something?
Rick: No, no, no, we just forgot the pacie. We just came back...
Harley: Oh, you can't forget the pacie.
Rick: Yeah.
Harley: (Laughs) Hi. Hi, monkey. So, you don't mind keeping him again for the night? Just for tonight...
Rick: Oh, no, I could use the cardio workout.
Harley: If it's too much of a strain...
Rick: I'm fine...
Harley: I'm not kidding, I'll cancel...
Rick: I am having such a ball with him, please...
Harley: You are?
Rick: Yeah.
Harley: Because he's the funniest boy in the world.
Rick: He is doing so...
Harley: How could you forget the pacie?
Rick: I didn't forget... So, what's going on tonight? Some cop work?
Harley: Um, actually, no, it's more like mommy work. Because if everything goes as planned, Jude’s big brother gets to come back home.
(Music playing in background)
Eden: So, Christopher, you know the plan?
Christopher: Find the mark, get her to leave with me. I take her to Ripley, then he...
Eden: Oh, okay, I don't need to know the gory details.
Christopher: You getting squeamish or something?
Eden: No, it's just... Whatever. Harley brought this on herself. So, now, maybe she'll be out of Nicky’s life for good.
Christopher: You can count on that. What? What is wrong with you?
Eden: Just lose the inhaler, okay? It is so not sexy.
Christopher: I know my job, okay?
Eden: Okay. All right, so you have my cell phone. Call me if there's any problem. You know what, call me as soon as you see Harley. And remember, it's the girl in the red dress.
Marina: All right.
Lizzie: Whoa.
Marina: What do you guys think?
Lizzie: Oh, totally hot.
Marina: Really?
Tammy: Where did you get that?
Marina: My Aunt Harley let me borrow it.
Lizzie: Wait, does she know that's the dress that you took?
Marina: Well, yeah, I mean, she said take whatever, so I’m sure it's fine. She's used to it.
Tammy: You'll totally pass as an adult in that.
Marina: Well, I am... Practically. But trust me, when I walk into Millennium in this, Ben and his friends are not even going to care how old I am. Poor boy won't even know what hit him. (Laughter)
Ben: Hey, what do you know about girl time? I mean, if Marah and Michelle tell me they'd be ready in five minutes...
Remy: Multiply by five, add another ten for accessories.
Ben: That's an impressive body of knowledge, my friend. Please tell me it comes from living with five hot women, all of whom you're ready to introduce to me.
Remy: Yeah, you can dream. Well, so can I, but I had a sister.
Ben: Yeah, I'll stick with the dream. Ladies, it's called three-minute dating for a reason. Nobody's going to be looking at you any longer than three minutes. And trust me, they won't be looking at your clothes.
Beth: Very encouraging.
Bill: Yeah, uh, Benny boy, remember this. Freeze it in your mind, so the next time you wonder why you are still single...
Ben: Oh, this from the guy who's too big a chicken to come out with us tonight.
Bill: (Laughs) It's just not my thing.
Ben: Oh, women aren't your thing? Please. Come on, just come out and have a beer and watch. It will be fun.
Bill: Uh, well, I do have to admit the idea of watching you get shot down by ten ladies tonight is pretty appealing.
Ben: (Laughs) You're funny. Hello. Whoa!
Remy: Hey, you look great, Marah.
Beth: You do.
Bill: Yeah. Now, see, this is what I’m talking about. This is why I can't go, because if I had to watch your frat buddies drooling over my baby cousin, some of them might get hurt.
Marah: Oh, yeah, like you, if you call me "Baby cousin" again.
Bill: (Laughs) I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Would you forgive me?
Marah: That's better.
Bill: Young woman.
Marah: Thank you.
Bill: You'd better keep an eye on her.
Remy: No problem.
Marah: Hey, I heard that. And don't worry, I’m not going to be there long enough to get into any trouble. I want to go home and spend some time with mom.
Ben: Yeah, but your mom wants you to go out and have fun, right?
Marah: Yeah, and I'll try. You sure you don't want to come with us, Bill?
Bill: Uh, no, I’m just up for a night alone.
Rick: Well, I should know better than to ask this, but is this something that's going to get you in trouble? I mean, you've already gotten in trouble before, and... Taken off your job. Is this something that's going to be...
Harley: No. I mean, I may be on suspension, yes, but... but he isn't. So, if it should get official, he can handle it.
Rick: Well, I don't know if he believes that. Is that right?
Gus: Yeah. I mean, if it comes to that, you know.
Rick: Okay. So, is this dangerous?
Gus: Sort of. I mean, no. Well, the element that we're dealing with is so out of whack, that it could go either way...
Harley: No, it's not... It's not dangerous. We expect everything to go very smoothly.
Rick: Why don't you just go upstairs and freshen up, so Gus and I can catch up a little bit? Here you go.
Harley: Okay.
Rick: Why don't you take him?
Harley: Come here, we'll look for your other pacies, pumpkin. I'm going to put some makeup on, okay? Let's go look for the pacie.
Gus: Pacifiers are... they're called binkeys.
Rick: Okay. Makeup? Is this some sort of undercover job?
Gus: What, that?
Rick: Yeah.
Gus: Uh, sort of. Good to be home for you?
Rick: Fine, it's good. I'm just, you know, little concerned about Mel being reinstated.
Gus: How's Michelle doing?
Rick: What?
Gus: Your sister. How's your sister doing?
Rick: Hanging in.
Gus: Yeah?
Rick: Yeah. Gus?
Gus: Hmm?
Rick: Is there something you want to talk to me about?
Gus: Maybe, yeah.
Rick: Why don't we just jump to it, Gus?
Gus: All right. What... Has she ever let you down? Like you want to grab her and shake her because she's an idiot, but you want to hold her and... and protect her at the same time.
Rick: Every brother does that.
Gus: Yeah?
Rick: Yeah, it's normal, Gus.
Gus: Really?
Rick: Yes. When Michelle was dating Danny at first, I wanted to strangle her.
Gus: Right, well, that's Danny, though, you know. But maybe she saw a little bit of Danny that she liked or she... He became a better person...
Rick: Gus!
Gus: Yeah?
Rick: Get to the point.
Gus: All right. I'm just saying what if she went for trouble because she liked it?
Tony: Eden... Eden August. That's her name. She's been hanging around. She's been hitting on me and she's been wanting the job.
Danny: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a second, wait a second. August?
Tony: Yeah, she's... Gus Aitoro’s sister.
Danny: Are you kidding me?
Tony: No, I’m not.
Danny: You hired her? Why did you hire her?
Tony: Look, Danny... Of course I did. You know why? Because...
Danny: Why?
Tony: ...You keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. That's what you've always told me.
Danny: Tony, if she's gunning for us, what are you thinking?
Tony: Well, I’m going to see it coming a mile away. It's not like we've hidden anything in this club that's going to get us into trouble. But she doesn't think that, all right?
Danny: Right, so you think that this way you can keep an eye on her and figure out...
Tony: Yes.
Danny: ...Her angle?
Tony: Yes, look, I came at her, but she didn't give me anything. She said that the vendetta against us was all Gus. She doesn't care about it.
Danny: Oh, and you bought that? You're not... You're not...
Tony: Hell no. She's going to tip her hand, and when she does, I’ll see it coming. What? What do you think? You think that you're the only one who knows how to play these angles, Danny?
Eden: Hey, boss. Just waiting on instructions.
Tony: Yeah, I’ll be right there.
Danny: Hey, I hear you're working for us now. Eden, right?
Eden: Right.
Danny: Danny.
Eden: Thanks for the job.
Danny: Well, actually, it wasn't my idea. You see, the last woman we had who bartended for us, turned out to be a little bit of a surprise.
Eden: Oh, really?
Danny: Yeah, she was FBI.
Tony: She's not. She's not a Fed, I checked her out, and she's doing a really good job.
Danny: Okay. Welcome.
Eden: Thanks. Wow. Thank you.
Tony: You know, he’s... he's really a great guy. It's just that... Trust with him goes both ways.
Eden: You stood up for me. So, how am I going to repay you?
Tony: You ever hear of playing hard to get?
Eden: Yeah. It's a waste of time when two people know what they want.
Danny: Hey, Tony!
Tony: Hold that thought.
Buzz: It should be slow tonight, anyway. If there's a problem, call me up. If not, I'll see you in the morning after I've dropped the stupid car off. I'll wait for Frank outside. No, I won’t. Here he is, right on time.
Frank: Talking to yourself again, Dad?
Buzz: Lynn, she's... Lynn! She's closing up. Thanks for being a chauffeur. I'll drop the stupid car off in the morning.
Frank: It's all right.
Buzz: You want a snack before we go?
Frank: No, no, no. I'm not hungry. It's... All right, maybe I’ll have a little something.
Buzz: All right. Oh, Marina, how did the student parent/teacher conference go?
Frank: It was unbelievable.
Buzz: That could be taken in a number of ways, Frank.
Frank: No, I went in terrified and I came out amazed. She's doing great. Her teachers love her. I mean, they said she's a marked improvement from last year. She's pulling good grades. Pop, I almost cried.
Buzz: Wow, there, you see? The parental sweat is paying off. I thought she'd calm down once she got settled in here with you. You the man.
Marina: All right, wardrobe is set. Now we just need to figure someone out who can come up with a good I.D. really fast, because they're going to be carding at the door.
Tammy: I thought you had one.
Marina: I had three, my dad took them all. I had to clean the grease traps at Company for, like, two weeks. You guys, I don't know. Can you think of anybody who can come up with a good I.D., Like, now?
Lizzie: What about Doogie, the stoner guy?
Marina: Oh, yeah.
Tammy: Well, it's not like we're friends with him.
Lizzie: When you have money, you can be friends with anyone.
Tammy: I don't know.
Marina: No, no, no, if anything happens, I'm going to take the heat. So, you guys don't need to worry about it. But the question at hand is, does Doogie the stoner kid work fast?
Lizzie: Well, I know he has all the stuff in the basement, but I think you need a picture.
Tammy: There's a camera in the office for making employee IDs.
Marina: Perfect. Good, Tammy, really good. Tonight, high school girls are going to kick butt. (Laughter)
Ben: Yeah, baby, yeah! Oh, no, no, come on, not you, too.
Marah: Michelle, don't worry about it. Just consider it battle training. They did the same thing to me, so...
Michelle: I look all tarted up and desperate, right? I'm like this desperate single woman. This is a really bad idea.
Ben: No, you look gorgeous and tasteful, all right? The only desperation will be all the guys dying to get a date with you.
Michelle: Yeah.
Beth: Michelle, you look great-- seriously.
Bill: You do, you do, you look great.
Michelle: Thanks.
Marah: (Sighs) So, are you ready for this?
Michelle: Not at all. Are you?
Marah: Uh-uh. What's the alternative?
Michelle: Well, I could go relieve my dad baby-sitting and stare at my separation papers all night.
Marah: I could go sit at home and listen to my family not talk about how long mom might be in jail. What's the alternative? I mean, could speed dating be any worse? All right. Okay, we can't think like this, all right? This is supposed to be a start.
Ben: Ladies, come on, let's go.
Marah: And who knows? We could surprise ourselves. We could have fun.
Michelle: We're going to make it.
Marah: Okay. Hey, Remy, you want to drive with me so we can practice on the way?
Bill: You're the only one...
Remy: Marah, you're going to be fine.
Marah: Oh, but I thought you might want to practice. You know, you're going to be the hottest guy there. You'll have to figure out a polite way to turn the girls down.
Remy: Come on.
Beth: Have fun.
Marah: Thanks, bye.
Bill: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Michelle: I know, I know. The last time I went out, I got really drunk and I almost slept with Ben.
Bill: Okay, I thought we decided that didn't happen.
Michelle: We did, we did. So you have nothing to worry about, okay?
Bill: Well, that's good, because that's not why I stopped you.
Michelle: What do I... like, lipstick on my teeth or something?
Bill: No, you don't have lipstick on your teeth. Something on your finger.
Michelle: I forgot. I mean, I didn't forget, I just didn't...
Bill: Hey, hey, relax. Relax. I mean, you just got the final separation papers today. I mean, why would you think of...
Michelle: Because I knew... I knew it was happening, so...
Bill: Look, just because Ben’s having this thing with his friends, I mean, if you're not ready, you don't have to go.
Michelle: No, I want to. And... I do have to. (Laughs) I got the papers; it's real. My marriage is over. Hi, I'm Michelle Bauer.
Bill: Oh, hi. Bill Lewis. (Horn honks) And what is your sign?
Michelle: (Laughs) Thank you.
Bill: All right. Hey, have fun. And don't do anything that Ben would do.
Michelle: (Laughs)
Bill: I'm serious.
Beth: You are a good friend, Bill Lewis.
Bill: Well, you know, I do have many other stellar qualities.
Beth: So, I’ve heard. (Laughs)
Bill: Now, what do you have in mind for tonight?
Beth: (Laughs)
Bill: Allow me.
Beth: (Laughs)
Eden: Why hasn't he called? (Sighs)
Tony: Bored? Or are you just looking for some light reading?
Eden: I told you I don't like to wait. What are you thinking about?
Tony: You know, schedules and produce deliveries and...
Eden: That's not good. See, I told you waiting makes you do terrible things.
Buzz: What a relief, huh? Marina. I just... I was hoping she was getting better, you know? But, I don't know, because she was showing up at school. But then, you never know.
Frank: Yeah, I know. I know what you're talking about. But I honestly believe that she's going to finish high school unlike Harley and me.
Buzz: Maybe Ben Reade's been a good influence.
Frank: Ah, let's not get carried away, Dad. Something bizarre did happen, though.
Buzz: What?
Frank: There were, like, two or three teachers. They were standing next to each other and I was heading out. And they were kind of looking over at me and they were whispering. Well, a couple of them made a point of asking me about Eleni.
Buzz: Frank, you are so innocent.
Frank: What are you talking about?
Buzz: Your daughter's probably been scouting out the school, looking for a nice teacher or guidance counselor for you to date.
Frank: That's why Marina's English teacher was telling me that I was her last... last meeting of the night. She said it like a couple different times.
Buzz: What did you say, Frank?
Frank: (Stammers) "Well, hey, that's great, have a nice night."
Buzz: (Laughs) Oh, Frank, was she, you know, cute?
Frank: As a matter of fact, yes.
Buzz: Then why don't you take her out for a cup of coffee, Frank? You know, don't use me as an excuse. I could have taken a cab home.
Frank: I'm going to talk to Marina about this. Oh, anyway, before I do, I’m going to just tell my daughter how proud of her I am.
Buzz: Is she home?
Frank: No, she's at the movies with Tammy and Lizzie. Hey, Pop, you know what? I got to get going here. I got to get to the station after I drop you off.
Buzz: Hey, I'm ready when you are. Lynn's got everything covered.
Frank: All right. Are you seeing Holly tonight?
Buzz: Why ever would you think that?
Frank: Don't tell me things are still iffy between the two of you?
Buzz: (Laughs) Iffy? No, iffy would be too passionate, too romantic for what we have.
Frank: Aw, come on, Dad, you're the one who needs to be setting a good example for me here.
Buzz: Frank, I'm afraid. You're the one that has to set a good example...
Frank: Whoa, look at us. Are we pathetic, or what? (Laughter) We really need to get a life. We really need to get a life.
Buzz: Well, at least we got Marina on the right track. Come on.
Rick: Is this really something you think I can help you with, Gus?
Gus: Well, you know, could you try?
Rick: I mean, let's... let's just think for a second, back at the hospital, I mean, did I really help you with this... this deathbed confession thing?
Gus: Not... Well, when you told me to do it, I went after her and then... yeah, my life became a living hell, my sister.
Rick: Well, see, then maybe you shouldn't come to me for advice anymore.
Gus: Really?
Rick: Really.
Gus: No. I liked it. It wasn't you. It wasn't you. You understand? Sometimes, Rick, life is stinky.
Rick: Stinky?
Harley: Okay.
Rick: Hey, don't you look nice.
Harley: It's just the lipstick.
Rick: ...Undercover outfit, huh?
Harley: Yeah.
Rick: Be careful tonight.
Harley: Oh, don't be ridiculous. It's no big deal. Here.
Rick: Take care of her. Make sure that she's okay. All right.
Harley: Okay.
Rick: Say good-bye to mommy.
Harley: It's getting cold. He needs a jacket.
Rick: Well, you guys take care, too.
Harley: All right, you take care, too, and I’ll... I'll call you tomorrow.
Rick: Okay.
Harley: Okay? Good night.
Rick: Be careful.
Harley: I love you. Okay, you don't have to come with me. I mean, if you... If you don't feel good about this...
Gus: Don’t... don't even say it...
Harley: It's your sister. I can get Frank to do that...
Gus: I am by your side on this, okay? She made her own bed, my sister, okay? You come first.
Harley: Okay. If you're sure. Oh, let me get the dress, and we'll be out of here.
Gus: All right.
Harley: Wait a second. It's gone.
Gus: What?
Harley: The... the dress. The dress. The one they'll be looking for. It's not here!
Tammy: You look great.
Marina: Thanks.
Lizzie: So does this ID. What, so you decided to go for 21?
Marina: Do you think I'll pass?
Lizzie: Tonight you will. You go, girl.
Marina: Thank you, guys.
Bouncer: Ten bucks a head, pay inside.
Marina: No problem (music playing in background)
Christopher: Yeah, Ripley, it's Chris. Yeah, my date just walked in. Shouldn't be long now.
Danny: (Clears throat)
Tony: You better get back to work.
Eden: Um, yeah, so, you want me to go work upstairs? They seem a little short.
Tony: Yeah. Oh, yeah, you know what? There's a big party tonight. Why don't you go check if the bar's stocked? That's great.
Eden: Okay, great. I'll just put on a uniform and I’ll...
Tony: Yeah, get to work. What? Come on, she's hitting on me. I was just playing along.
Danny: You forgot to mention that you were getting a little on the side.
Tony: Danny, come on.
Danny: Tony.
Tony: What? I love my job. There's nothing I can do. Primo, I thought you trusted me.
Danny: I do trust you. I don't trust her. Now, I know there's been a bit of a drought for you...
Tony: I can handle it.
Danny: Tony.
Tony: Danny.
Danny: I'm serious.
Tony: I got it under control.
Harley: Don't you remember, right before we left, I stuck it right there in the front.
Gus: All right.
Harley: Where could it have gone... Marina! Marina, remember I told her she could borrow something. She must have taken the dress. That means she's wearing it right now!
Gus: Fine, just calm down! Calm down. Steady, all right? The guy's not going to be looking all over town for a red dress. He's going to Millennium, okay? Where's Marina going?
Harley: I don't know. She said something about a party, something at school. I... I wasn't listening, I don’t...
Gus: But she's not going to Millennium, right?
Harley: No, I don't... No. I mean, she can't even get in there... Okay, you're right. Okay, she won't be at Millennium. But I still need a red dress.
Gus: Honey, do you have anything red?
Harley: I think so.
Gus: Is it... Is it anywhere near us now?
Harley: Yeah, yeah, it's upstairs.
Gus: Why don't you...
Harley: Right, right, okay.
Gus: Go ahead.
Harley: I'll go upstairs. Two minutes... Two minutes, I'll... Are you sure?
Gus: Honey...
Harley: Are you... It's your sister. Are you sure you want to do this?
Gus: I'm with you. I'm with you. We take care of this tonight, we get your son back.
(Coldplay's "In This Place" playing in background)
Ben: Look at that crowd. Hey, the frat's going to clean up tonight.
Marah: So, do we mingle or what?
Ben: Yeah, until we start, then you take a chair, all right? The guys rotate. Three minutes at each chair, the bell rings, they move on. You mark your card, "Yes, I would like to see them again," or, "No, I wouldn’t.” And the guys do the same.
Michelle: This is so barbaric and cruel.
Ben: Well, damn straight, it's dating. No, seriously, it's completely painless. All right, this way you don't have to diss anybody to their face. You know, you just... You come over and you talk with them, and then the sponsors check the cards at the end for any matches, and they call you.
Sunny: Marah, oh, my God, you're here! I am so glad, I missed you so much.
Marah: I just moved out two days ago.
Sunny: I know. Hi!
Marah: Uh, guys, this is my old roommate, Sunny. Sunny...
Ben: Hey, how are you? Marina, how did you just get past... Wow.
Marina: Hi, Ben.
Ben: You look amazing.
Marina: Thanks.
Ben: How did you get past the bouncer?
Marina: With an ID like everybody else.
Ben: Okay, Marina, look, my fraternity is sponsoring this event, so don't be pulling anything...
Christopher: Hey, hey, sorry to interrupt but... I just had to tell you, that dress is terrific. Especially on you.
Marina: Oh... (Laughs) ...thank you. Yeah, I just got it for tonight.
Christopher: Can I buy you a drink?
Marina: Uh... Yeah, yeah, sure. I would love that. Um... okay, great.
Danny: Oh, man, there goes the neighborhood, huh. We got to be more careful about the kind of parties we book here.
Tony: Yeah.
Danny: Hey.
Michelle: Wow, I didn't expect to see you here.
Danny: I... Well, I didn't think you'd be here either. Guess I was wrong. Took off your ring.
Michelle: Yeah, I did. Yeah, I took off my ring. I... I got the final separation papers today.
Danny: Me, too.
Michelle: So, you know, it's over, right? I know it's not what we wanted, but it's what we decided. And here we are.
Danny: Here we are. Well, here you are. Three-minute dating, I didn't really think this would be your type of thing.
Michelle: Well, this is not actually what I wanted either, but it's a start.
Danny: Yeah. Okay, well... Have fun, okay? I'm... I'm going to go for a walk. Just keep an eye on things.
Tony: Sure.
Marah: Hey. Is Danny okay?
Tony: I don't know. It's tough.
Marah: Yeah.
Tony: Are you here for this... this thing?
Marah: Uh, yeah, it was my roommate's idea.
Tony: Oh, yeah, that... battery bunny chick.
Marah: No, not her. I couldn't stand Sunny anymore, so I moved out. I... I'm actually sharing a place with my cousin, Bill, and Ben and Remy.
Tony: Oh. Big changes.
Marah: Yeah, I guess.
Tony: Well, enjoy. Have fun. (Bell rings)
Man #1: All right, it's time to get started. (Cheers and applause)
Marah: I'm so glad you're first because I'm so nervous.
Sunny: I heard you were a musician, and that is so cool and spiritual. Do you love Celine Dion or what?
Michelle: And every year we have this really big barbecue on the fourth of July.
Man #1: I'm a vegetarian.
Michelle: Oh. (Bell rings)
Ben: I can see it in your eye. This is your next shot at me, right? You're going to try to embarrass me?
Marina: Oh, yeah, like you need my help.
Ben: Yeah, and Dr. Cool over there is going to help you out. He's all part of your little plan, isn't he?
Marina: Ben, he happens to be a nice guy who wants to buy me a drink and have a mature, decent conversation. It does happen, you know?
Ben: I don't buy it, Marina.
Michelle: I know where I've seen you. You're one of the Spaulding’s butlers, right?
Thomas: What, like, butlers can't date?
Michelle: Of course, no, I didn't mean that...
Thomas: We're people, too. (Music continues playing)
Tony: Hello. I'm Tony Santos. I run a family business, I love movies, sports, long walks in the park.
Eden: Very nice.
Tony: I am concerned about the environment. I believe in committed, caring relationships. I am such an Oprah fan, you have no idea.
Eden: I'm working.
Tony: Really, so you stack bottles for a living? How fascinating. You know, I'm sure your boss will give you like a half an hour brake for a date.
Eden: I don't believe it. This is so boring and depressing. It does work. (Bell rings)
Tony: What?
Eden: You do like hard-to-get.
Tony: Actually, you know what? It feels a little weird coming from you.
Eden: It feels weird for me, too. Can I stop now?
Tony: Please do.
Michelle: Yeah, we used to go there for vacations, too, all the time. It's a great place for kids.
Man #2: No thanks.
Michelle: What, you don't like kids?
Man #2: Not in this lifetime. (Bell rings)
Christopher: If this is the only way I can hang with you, I guess I'll play.
Marina: (Laughs)
Tammy: I bet Marina's having the time of her life.
Lizzie: Yeah, and we're here with milkshakes.
Tammy: That's fine with me. I can so not afford any more trouble right now.
Lizzie: We should have gotten IDs.
Tammy: I wouldn't have the clothes even if we did.
Lizzie: Neither would I. You know, it's too bad my mom moved out. She probably has some really nasty things in the back of her closet that I could have borrowed.
Tammy: Have you thought about moving in with your mom?
Lizzie: Why? She's camped out in a hotel room. Oh, Tammy, come on, it's... it's not the same thing. My mom has no clue what she's doing.
Tammy: Then maybe she needs your help.
Lizzie: Like she'd ask. It wasn't like, "Oh, Lizzie, we're in this together. What do you want?" It's all... It's all... "Oh, I need my space, my freedom." Whatever. You know, I'm supposed to move out of the mansion and just go on for this ride? Trust me, she doesn’t... she doesn't even think about me or James anymore.
Tammy: I'm sure she does. You know, Marina said something about her being at the Marler's house. Maybe she went to get Ross' help.
Lizzie: What'd she want to talk about Ross about?
Tammy: I don't know, but Marina said she was at the house.
Lizzie: You know, I bet she wants him to convince me to move out of the mansion because she won custody. Oh, that's perfect. This is just perfect. This is not what I want!
Tammy: Then tell her. If you're not speaking, you can't work anything out.
Lizzie: You know, you're right. I should just go over to the Marler house and tell everybody exactly what I’m feeling. Thanks, Tammy.
Bill: So, what do you think of my new place?
Beth: I think that we have just redefined party central. (Laughs)
Danny: Hey, look who it is. Hey, Jude. How are you? It's good to see you on your feet again.
Rick: It’s... it's really good to be back on them.
Danny: Hey, Jude. He's really getting big. Look at his feet.
Rick: Danny, Michelle told me about your decision about staying out of Robbie’s life.
Danny: Yeah. Rick, I've been...
Rick: Listen, what I'm trying to say is I know this is a difficult time. But I want you to feel free to give me a call so I can keep you in touch with what your son's doing. Okay?
Danny: I can’t. Thanks, though, but I can’t. Looks like he's going to be falling asleep.
Rick: I better... I better get him home. Okay, all right, see you. It was good seeing you again.
Danny: Rick? Can you give me a little something?
Rick: Yesterday... yesterday, Robbie tried to grab a low branch on the crabapple tree in the backyard.
Danny: He did?
Rick: Yeah, he did.
Danny: Really?
Rick: Yeah, he is... That kid is such a natural. He's going to be okay. You know what? You take care of yourself.
Danny: Yeah, you, too. (Sighs)
Man #1: Thanks, everyone. We'll get the matches tallied up and make our calls. (Applause)
Marah: So, how did it go? You, too, huh?
Michelle: Yeah, the last guy, I just told him I'm a single mother and my ex-husband's a mobster just to shut him up.
Marah: (Laughs) All right, so, we bombed. Or everybody else bombed. I don't know, but, hey, we made it and we survived and got through it, right?
Michelle: Right. Let's go.
Marina: Do you know, is there a back door around here?
Christopher: Right this way.
Marina: Okay, great, great.
Harley: Sound check, Gus.
Gus: Yes, I hear you loud and clear. Do you see the guy?
Harley: No, nobody's come over to me yet. But... I think I’m going to go over to the bar. Excuse me, can I have a club soda, please?
Eden: Harley. Nice dress.
Marina: Oh, wow, thank you so much. If a certain person had seen me in there, I would be in, like, huge trouble right now, so...
Christopher: No sweat. My car is right around the corner.
Marina: Oh, oh, no, that's really nice, but I... I actually don't need a ride, so... hey!
Christopher: The ride ain’t optional, honey.