Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/9/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Richard: Cassie, I want to thank your sister. Thank your sister, Reva... For what she's done for us. She's a very brave woman, you know.
Tammy: Mom? Hey, Mom.
Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Wow, you look cute.
Tammy: It's my first day of community service at the hospital.
Cassie: Oh.
Tammy: Do you think they'll make me work in the children's ward?
Cassie: I could think of worse places you could be working.
Tammy: Mom, sick kids. I don't think I can take it.
Cassie: I think you have to take whatever they ask you to do.
Tammy: It's just that after everything that happened with dad.
Cassie: I know, I know. I know, it's hard.
Tammy: And dad would want me to be strong. But I feel like such a wimp.
Cassie: Tammy, honey, you're anything but a wimp, okay? And nobody's going to want you to do anything upsetting, especially your dad. Especially your dad.
Tammy: How do you think he'd feel about what happened to Aunt Reva?
Cassie: He'd hate it. And he'd protect her no matter what.
Sunny: And Dr. Voelker is so cute. He actually makes James Joyce kind of interesting. Although if he expects me to read all 500 trillion pages of "Ulysses," he's got another thing coming...
Marah: Mom. (Laughter)
Reva: I hope I'm not interrupting.
Marah: No.
Reva: Hi, sweetheart.
Sunny: This is your mom? Hi, I'm Sunny Adelman.
Reva: Sunny? Oh, this is... You're Marah’s new roommate? It's very nice to meet you.
Sunny: And you. (Laughs) Oh, oops, culture time. I've got Professor Wickstrom's Shakespeare class in like two minutes. Oh, good luck, Mrs. Lewis. You know, I hear you can actually do some pretty cool things in prison, like earn a law degree or teach other inmates how to read. It could be kind of cool, actually. Well, bye. (Laughs)
Marah: And you think you've got troubles.
Reva: Oh, she's... she's... Just a little direct.
Marah: Direct? Mom, she doesn't even know you, and she brought up that.
Reva: What?
Marah: You know what.
Reva: The word is "prison." And I'm going to prison. And if you can't even mention the word, then how are we supposed to deal with it?
Eden: Can I help you?
Ripley: Yeah, I’m meeting someone here. Her name's Eden.
Eden: I'm Eden. You Ripley?
Ripley: Yeah. But my Eden’s a blonde. She's got a cast on her hand. And you're not her, unless there are two of you.
Gus: Hi, there.
Harley: Hi.
Gus: You think... You think Phillip’s having the house watched?
Harley: Probably.
Gus: Yeah? Well, let's not give his spies anything to report on.
Harley: Hi. Hi, to you, too. (Laughs)
Gus: I feel much better.
Harley: Don't...
Gus: What... what...
Harley: No, don't...
Gus: What... Looks like I’m still living here. Are you kidding me?
Harley: I... I couldn't sleep. When I can't sleep, I eat.
Gus: Listen, you're going to get your son back, okay?
Harley: Uh-huh.
Gus: I swear it on my mother's grave. I'm going to work on Eden. I'm not going to go to Phillip anymore behind your back. I'm going to come back and report everything to you...
Harley: That’s... that's so great, but that's not why I couldn't sleep, actually.
Gus: Well, no more secrets. That will help you. No more secrets. I'm not going to protect Eden as much, okay. And I would never go to him without talking to you. Well, I would never go to him at all...
Harley: Gus.
Gus: What?
Harley: Gus, listen.
Gus: Open honesty, I'm thinking. Open honesty, it's the least I can do.
Harley: Gus!
Gus: Yeah? You got something to say? Just say it. I'm sorry. You got...
Harley: Yeah. The reason that I couldn't sleep is not... It's not because of Phillip or Zach or... You or Eden even. It's... it's because of me. I couldn't sleep because... I've been keeping a secret from you.
Reva: You don't want to talk about it now? Well, that's fine, so when?
Marah: Mom.
Reva: Tonight? No? Tomorrow? Tomorrow morning... The weekend?
Marah: Mom, stop. Stop acting like everything's fine.
Reva: Maybe it will be.
Marah: Maybe you won't have to go to prison. Maybe Ross can get you community service or something...
Reva: Sweetheart, I pleaded guilty to shutting off Richard’s ventilator. What I did was illegal.
Marah: Yeah, but you had his permission, right?
Reva: Not in the eyes of the law. I did it and now I have to take responsibility.
Marah: I haven't made this any easier for you, have I?
Reva: Oh, sweetheart.
Marah: No, I sided with Aunt Cassie against you, and maybe if I had been more supportive of you...
Reva: You were supportive, Marah. You came to the hearings. You sat with me at the trial.
Marah: But Shayne was the one who believed in you from the beginning. Shayne and dad.
Reva: Oh, sweetheart, your dad struggled with this. He did. But the thing is, is we talked to each other. And he respected my decision, just like I respect yours. If there's anything to learn from all of this, it's to...
Marah: ...Follow your heart? I only hear that from you guys about a hundred times a day.
Reva: Is that all?
Marah: So, is that what you did with Uncle Richard? You followed your heart?
Reva: And I struggled with it. I yelled and screamed and cried a lot.
Marah: But you did it because you respected Uncle Richard and what he wanted. I wish that I could be as strong as you.
Reva: Marah, you are strong. I don't want you living your life afraid of loving, or afraid of being hurt. Because how can you learn anything in this world if you just hang back and are afraid to make mistakes?
Marah: But I've already made so many. When do I start getting smart?
Reva: You're so much smarter than I was at your age. Oh, sweetheart, look at the way you handled Tony. I know you loved him, and he hurt you so many times, but you survived it. You're back in school. You have new friends. And be careful or you just might fall in love again.
Marah: You think so?
Reva: I know so. And I want you to tell me all about it. I want you to call me, write me. I want to know everything. Good and bad. Because I love you, sweetheart. And I'm so proud of you and Shayne. And I will be here. It's not like the last time.
Marah: I know. I know. I get it, Mom. And I'll be okay, and Shayne will be okay, and dad can take care of us. You're right. He's done it before while you're away, and he can do it again. We'll be fine, okay, so don't worry.
Rick: Hey.
Cassie: Hey. Hi, there, Ed, Rick.
Rick: Hi.
Cassie: Are you all done with rehab?
Rick: Uh, no, no such luck. Actually... I've got a checkup with Dr. Pierce, and Mel’s got her hearing tomorrow.
Cassie: Hearing? Hearing for what?
Rick: To get reinstated.
Cassie: Now, I would have thought that would have happened by now.
Ed: Yeah, we're hoping she comes back soon. So, how are you doing?
Cassie: I'm hanging in there. I just dropped Tammy off...
Ed: Is she sick?
Cassie: No, the judge sent her here to do community service for shoplifting my ring.
Rick: Oh, no.
Ed: Is there anything we can do to help?
Cassie: No. She'll be fine. I think this will be good for her.
Rick: Yeah, there's nothing we kids hate more than hearing our parents say something will be good for us.
Cassie: (Laughs) Well, I'm sure your father never had to say that to you.
Ed: Don't get me started.
Rick: Oh, yeah, please, don't get him started. Listen, maybe I can, you know, go check on Tammy if that's okay with you.
Cassie: Yeah, that's okay. I think that would be great.
Rick: Thanks.
Ed: That was nice, thanks.
Cassie: For what?
Ed: Letting him visit with Tammy.
Cassie: I think it's nice that he wants to check in on her. Plus, he makes her feel close to her father.
Ed: So, how are you doing, really? I mean, feeling any better about things?
Cassie: The Beacon's open. It's doing great.
Ed: I heard, congratulations.
Cassie: Thank you.
Ed: But how about you? You doing as well as the Beacon?
Cassie: Some days.
Ed: Some days not.
Cassie: Do you think there's ever going to be a day when I feel completely fine? Or completely over everything that's happened?
Ed: I think you'll get to a place where you... you find peace. And you'll also find happiness eventually.
Cassie: If you could give me an exact timeline, that would be great.
Ed: (Laughs) No timeline. One morning you wake up, and you'll feel the sun warm on your face. And you'll hear your kids laughing in the kitchen, and you'll know. You'll just know.
Cassie: Reva pleaded guilty for Richard’s murder.
Ed: I know, I heard.
Cassie: You want to get a cup of coffee at Company?
Ed: Yeah, I do.
Eden: She scammed you. Ask the boss. Ask him to describe me. Ask him if I have a scar on my arm.
Ripley: A scar?
Eden: I bet you Blondie doesn't have one of these. Go ahead.
Ripley: Not with you hanging on my every word. I'm doing this in private.
Eden: Fine. Sorry to make you wait. Can I help you?
Carmen: You lead a very interesting life, don't you, Eden?
Eden: Well, I’m sure it's boring compared to yours, Mrs. Santos.
Carmen: Call me Carmen.
Eden: Are you on a first name basis with all of your employees?
Carmen: Only those that work for my nephew. Tell me something. Should he be aware of your... Other friends?
Eden: Oh, that jerk? No. He's just some guy that thinks he knows more than me.
Carmen: Ripley would be very hurt to hear you say that.
Eden: You know Ripley?
Carmen: I know the organization he works for. I've had some dealings with them in the past.
Eden: And you know...
Carmen: And I know what you do. (Laughs) Funny, that wasn't on your resume. Oh, Eden, where are you running off to?
Eden: I'm just making your life easier. I'll just leave before you fire me.
Carmen: Fire you? I'm not going to fire you. In fact, I think I’ll ask Antonio to give you a raise. As far as I'm concerned, you're extremely qualified to work here.
Gus: All right. I am so sorry. I will clean it up. You drink this water. Get... The toxins all out of your system.
Harley: You would know a lot about that. You're being way too nice to me.
Gus: I love you, stupid. It's my job to be nice to you.
Harley: No, it's your job to mess up. It's your job to mess up and then I get mad, and then I forgive you. Are you even going to ask me about the secret? Do you care?
Gus: Yeah, no, what's the secret...
Harley: I'm serious.
Gus: No, I'm serious, too! Tell me the secret then we can move on. Like they say in the talk shows, "Move on."
Harley: Yeah, I certainly hope we can.
Gus: What was that? What was that?
Harley: Okay. What if I told you I’ve been working undercover?
Gus: Well, I'd say that... That's great. What, you're moonlighting?
Harley: Sort of.
Gus: So, what's the case?
Harley: Okay. Say there's this girl, and she's working for an organization. And she scams these guys.
Gus: Scams them how?
Harley: You know, like they're married, they have money, and she meets them at hotels, and she gets them into bed-- she uses drugs-- she gets into bed and somebody else is taking pictures of that.
Gus: Blackmail. Nasty business. So, who's your client?
Harley: I guess you could say the client is Zach. My son's the client. And the girl who's doing the scamming, that's Eden. It's your sister.
Reva: I wish there was a manual for this. "Mom goes to the joint: Step one."
Marah: Mom.
Reva: You know what I want more than anything, I want you to keep telling me the truth when we talk to each other. I don't want you prettying things up just because of what I’m dealing with.
Marah: Right.
Reva: You're not losing me. I'll always be around for you guys.
Marah: You are amazing, you know that? No, I mean, I should be trying to make you feel better. And here you are trying to make me feel better.
Reva: Is it working?
Marah: Not particularly. Sorry.
Reva: Come on.
Marah: Where are we going?
Reva: Home. I think we'll both feel better there. Buzz can pick up the tab.
Marah: Oh, then you have to explain to Professor Whitesell why I cut my Econ class.
Reva: I will take full responsibility.
Harley: Okay, take a deep breath. I know that this is hard for you. I know... I know that she's your little sister, but believe me, I would not even be telling you this if I wasn't absolutely sure it was true.
Gus: Just stop. How did you... How did you find this out?
Harley: When I was in Chicago-- the second time-- it sort of fell into my lap.
Gus: The second time? How?
Harley: I was... I was in her apartment and... and this guy came to the door. And he said he had an assignment for her.
Gus: You pretended to be her?
Harley: Well, I thought if I could figure out what she was up to and if it was illegal, then I could show you that. I could show it to Phillip and say, "Look, she's a liar, and she's lying about him."
Gus: (Laughs) What did you have to do for this assignment? Exactly?
Harley: I had to... I had to... This is all. I just put... I put on a pretty dress, you know, and I met these guys. I met one at Towers, and I met one at a... At a hotel room, but nothing happened. I mean...
Gus: So, you don't have any... You don't have any proof that she blackmailed anybody, actually, right? Is that what you're saying?
Harley: I don't have any actual proof, but it's the only thing that make sense...
Gus: But if you had... If you had some proof that she was blackmailing somebody, then you were going to blackmail her? Just like she's blackmailing these guys?
Harley: Yep.
Gus: Oh, yeah? So, you lied to me? You lied to me? You were keeping secrets from me? You going behind my back, hurting my sister?
Harley: She was hurting me and my family...
Gus: Yeah, well, the Santos family, they hurt me, but I walked away from all of that, because I love you. I would do it for you, right? I did that for you! I thought you were the most honest... The best person that I’ve ever known. That's why I tried to do what I do for you, just change who I am to be a better person for you. (Scoffs) Unbelievable. So, this... So... so you lied to me. You're going behind my back to hurt my sister? That hurts me, deliberately hurts me. Well, this doesn't feel like love.
Eden: So, does Tony know about Ripley and the organization?
Carmen: You like Antonio, don't you?
Eden: Yeah, I think he's hot.
Carmen: I think he likes you, too.
Eden: Is that a bad thing?
Carmen: I haven't decided yet. At least you're... Well, you're different.
Eden: So, that's a good thing?
Carmen: In our business, it is.
Eden: Because you think I may be useful.
Carmen: First sign of trouble, I know you won't go running off to the cops.
Eden: So what do you want me to do?
Carmen: Slow down, slow down. I haven't decided if you're in yet.
Eden: Yeah, you want to know if I’m trustworthy. The answer is no.
Carmen: (Laughs) At least you're honest.
Eden: Sometimes.
Carmen: Well, I protect myself as well. But there's one thing I never lie about; and those are my feelings for my family. They come first, last and always.
Eden: Understood.
Carmen: Good.
Ripley: I talked to the boss.
Eden: Did I pass the test?
Ripley: Yeah. He told me that we have to... Take care of the blonde. She knows too much.
Eden: So, I guess we have to figure something out.
Harley: Right. You have every right to be mad.
Gus: Just let me ask you, you... This trust thing that we have, is this supposed to be a one way street? In other words, I do whatever I have to do to be trustworthy in your eyes, but you get to do whatever the...
Harley: No.
Gus: ...Whatever you want... You get to do whatever the hell you want to do.
Harley: Your sister is the one.
Gus: I know who did, I know! I know.
Harley: Then tell me that you understand why I had to do this.
Gus: Yeah, yeah, I understand.
Harley: I hate lying to you. I hate keeping secrets from you. Please believe that.
Gus: Well, it's not a secret anymore. Is it? Don’t. Don’t. Don't look at me with those eyes, okay?
Harley: Honey, I need...
Gus: Don't look at me! What am I... Do you want me to... (Sighs) Do you want me to throw my sister in jail? Do you want me to help you throw my sister in jail? That's what you're asking me to do. (Laughs)
Harley: If that's what it came down to, yes.
Gus: Oh.
Eden: So, what are you going to do to the blonde once you find her?
Ripley: What's it to you?
Eden: Well, she broke into my apartment and stole my assignment.
Ripley: Do yourself a favor, all right? Let me handle this.
Eden: Look, why don't you at least let me find out who this chick is. And then once I do, I will turn her over to you.
Ripley: Do it now. I want the corpse to be hers. Not mine.
Reva: Cassie, Ed, how are you?
Ed: Hi, Reva. Hello, Marah.
Marah: Hi.
Reva: I know this probably isn't the time or place, but I feel like I should apologize for the way Josh talked to you yesterday.
Cassie: He's suffering. He's losing someone that he loves the most.
Reva: Well, he didn't mean to hurt you.
Cassie: I'm okay.
Ed: I'll see you inside.
Cassie: You know, Josh reminded me of Richard.
Reva: Really, how?
Cassie: Do you remember in San Cristobel when you and I dressed up like hookers, and Richard and Noah found out?
Reva: Richard was so angry.
Cassie: Oh, you have no idea. (Laughs)
Reva: He just wanted to protect you.
Cassie: He always hated when I got into trouble, and he always wanted to fix it.
Reva: Cassie...
Cassie: Marah, no class today?
Marah: I'm cutting, so I can spend some time with mom before...
Reva: What do you say we go?
Marah: Okay.
Reva: Take care.
Ed: You okay?
Cassie: What if Richard wanted to die? What if he truly wanted to spare me from his pain?
Ed: Maybe that's why he asked Reva to turn off the ventilator.
Cassie: Because he didn't think I was strong enough to make that decision.
Ed: I think Richard knew you were strong, Cassie. I think he had doubts about whether he was strong enough.
Cassie: What do you mean?
Ed: To ask you to end his life? How hard would that have been?
Cassie: You told me once that the people we love come to us in our dreams.
Ed: Yep.
Cassie: Richard came to me. And he told me that Reva is brave, and that I should thank her for her courage. He would never want her to go to prison.
Ed: Well, maybe he's asking you to do something then. Maybe he's asking you not to let that happen.
Cassie: I don't know how to stop it, Ed. Reva pleaded guilty. It's up to the judge now.
Ed: But, see, you could ask for leniency.
Cassie: That's what Richard would want me to do.
Ed: What do you want to do?
Cassie: I don't know. What would you do? What would you have done if you were in Reva’s shoes?
Ed: I would do what the person I loved wanted me to do, what was best for her. And then you live with it for the rest of your life.
Cassie: Josh said that I was selfish. That it was easy to blame Reva instead of...
Ed: Richard?
Cassie: And God, and fate, or the rain that caused his car to skid.
Ed: Well, do you think Josh was right?
Cassie: I don't know. But this isn't about blaming Reva, you know. Richard would never blame her. He always did the right thing or so I thought.
Ed: What changed?
Cassie: Well, him not wearing a seat belt for one. Not preparing for things like this.
Ed: Honey, most people don't want to think about death.
Cassie: Richard wasn't most people.
Ed: I used to go through this a lot at the hospital. And then my wife was in a car accident, and I realized that I didn't know what her wishes were. You know, no matter how much I’d gone through it with patients, I never once, not one single time went home and said, "Honey, we have to be prepared."
Cassie: Ed, I’m so sorry.
Ed: I mean, I... I had a living will because I thought I was going to be the one to go first. I mean, I was older, and maybe I thought because I was prepared, you know, that that made both of us safe somehow.
Cassie: Richard was like that. I mean, he wouldn't tell me because he would know that I wouldn't want to talk about that.
Ed: Have you gone through all of his papers?
Cassie: Yes. Almost all of the ones that Alonzo just sent me, but it's just so hard to look at them, that I... I haven't finished looking at them. I guess I should.
Reva: Will wonders never cease? Shayne actually raked the leaves. If I knew this was what it would take to get him to do his chores, I would have gone to prison a lot sooner.
Marah: Uh, Mom, I think I should move back home.
Reva: What?
Marah: I can...
Reva: No! No way.
Marah: Then I can take care of dad and Shayne.
Reva: No.
Marah: Look, I can't stand my roommate anyway, and think of how much money dad would save.
Reva: Your father doesn't have to save any money. Marah, I don't want you changing your life because of what I'm going through.
Marah: Well, you don't have any control over that.
Reva: Your dad and Shayne will be fine.
Marah: Bill and Ben asked me to move in with them.
Reva: Really?
Marah: They are moving into Ross and Blake’s old place, and Remy’s going to be there, too.
Reva: Three guys and you?
Marah: Well, they're not like guys, guys. They're more like brothers.
Reva: (Laughs) Oh, really? Brothers who will make you do the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning.
Marah: Mom, I have to make my own mistakes.
Reva: Yes, you do.
Marah: And you met Sunny. I mean, that's the alternative.
Reva: (Laughs) Gotcha.
Marah: What would you do?
Reva: Definitely not tell your father. (Laughter)
Marah: Mom!
Reva: Hey, you asked for motherly advice. You want some more? Duck! (Laughter)
Marah: In my mouth. I'm going to get you for that. (Laughter)
Gus: I got to go. So, you want... You want me to help throw my own sister in prison?
Harley: Well, if she's done something illegal, yes.
Gus: Uh-huh. You know, she pushed a guy off a roof when she was a kid, and I couldn't even put her in juvenile... juvenile...
Harley: Because you had promised your father that you...
Gus: I did! I promised him that I would take care of her for always. Do you get it? Always.
Harley: You said you loved me. Doesn't that mean that you'll take care of me? That you'll help me get my son back? Didn't you promise me that?
Gus: Why did I let you bring her back to Springfield? I just should have seen what a mess this was going to turn into. (Sighs) You know what, you do whatever you got to do. Say you... Say you do what you say you want to do, and she goes back to Phillip and she tells him the truth... And he still doesn't go for it. What then? Did you think of that?
Harley: I think you know what then. (Doorbell rings)
Rick: Surprise!
Harley: Look who's here. (Laughs) Hi, big monkey. Hello. (Laughs) My big boy.
Rick: Yeah, I’m fine and... He's doing pretty good, too.
Harley: You know who I was talking to.
Rick: Yeah, absolutely.
Harley: Oh, I missed my big, big, big boy. How are you?
Gus: I got to go. Excuse me.
Harley: Gus, wait, wait. Out like a light.
Rick: Great. (Laughs)
Harley: So, was he okay while he was gone?
Rick: Oh, he fussed a little bit, but he got used to things.
Harley: Yeah.
Rick: Yeah.
Harley: I'm afraid that's what going to happen to Zach. He'll fuss a little bit, but then he'll just get used to being away from me.
Rick: Come on, Phillip’s letting you see Zach, isn't he?
Harley: Yeah, I see him all the time. It's just that he hasn't spent the night in this house in ages.
Rick: Harley, this is still his house.
Harley: Only if Gus takes a hike.
Rick: Yeah, I noticed a little tension with you lovebirds.
Harley: Can't you talk to Phillip?
Rick: I have, but we both know Phillip, don't we?
Harley: Yeah, I wish that I didn't. You don't think there's any chance that he might...
Rick: ...Just going to give in? I don't think so. No way. I mean, we both know that's not going to happen. Uh, listen, I'd love to hang out and have some more of your delicious cooking, but I’d like to live a few more years. And, besides, I got to go pick up my wife at her parent's house.
Harley: Well, go, no, go. I'm fine. How are you doing? How are you feeling?
Rick: You know what, pretty good, actually.
Harley: You look good.
Rick: Yeah, thank you. You look good, too.
Harley: Well, that's good news. Some good news.
Rick: Hey, listen, you hang in here. You're going to get some good news.
Harley: What?
Rick: Do you mind if I...
Harley: No, take it.
Rick: Okay.
Harley: What are you saying? You think... You think that Phillip’s going to fall into a great big, dark hole and then nobody will see him for years and years?
Rick: Actually, I’d dig it for you, but he is my best friend, and I got a new ticker, I want to take care of it.
Harley: Well, take care of it.
Rick: Okay.
Harley: Say hi to your wife for me, okay.
Rick: And give my son a kiss good-bye, would you? And hang in. Everything's going to be okay.
Harley: Okay.
Rick: All right. (Doorbell rings)
Harley: I knew that you were going to have to say good night to him yourself. (Laughter)
Reva: Okay. I got you! (Laughs) You win, you win. Uncle, uncle, uncle! (Laughs)
Marah: I think it's a tie.
Reva: Oh.
Marah: Shayne's going to kill us.
Reva: You know what? We'll just rake them all back together again. He'll never know. (Laughs)
Marah: Do you remember the first time Shayne ever raked the leaves?
Reva: Was that when he wanted $10 for it, and your dad gave him five, and so he hid in the pile?
Marah: Yes. And we must have been looking for him for, like, two hours.
Reva: Right. And then he jumped out and said, "Surprise!" I didn't know whether to hug him or spank him.
Marah: And then dad made him rake up the whole pile all over again.
Reva: And then your father hid in the pile.
Marah: Uh-huh, and he... Shayne was looking for him. And dad jumped up and yelled, "Boo!"
Reva: Only it wasn't Shayne, it was me and I screamed so loud that the neighbors...
Marah: That the neighbors called the cops.
Reva: Yes. And then we had to explain to them that it was just a game. (Laughs)
Marah: They thought we were crazy.
Reva: Didn't I say I was going to get a leaf blower the next year?
Marah: Yeah, but I didn't think that was environmentally correct.
Reva: So, that's when we all started raking leaves together.
Marah: And we hid under them.
Reva: Yes. And we jumped out, we screamed at the neighbors, who to this day still aren't speaking to us. (Laughs)
Marah: And then dad took us out for ice cream afterwards, and he said, "From now on, ice cream after raking the leaves will be a Lewis tradition."
Reva: (Laughs)
Marah: (Sobs)
Reva: It's okay.
Cassie: "Dear Cassie, here are state and personal documents of Richard’s that I thought you'd like to have. Enclosed are seven folders numbered accordingly." One, two, three, four, five, six... six.
Edmund: When did that box arrive?
Cassie: Early today. Did you get a chance to dig through it?
Edmund: It wasn't addressed to me.
Cassie: Edmund.