Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/07/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Blake: So here we are staring at your phone.
Harley: Yep.
Blake: If we stare at it long enough, it'll ring?
Harley: Yep.
Blake: Got it. Is this to find out more information about your friend Bruce?
Harley: Yes. I called my contact at the DMV. She said she would run his license and see what comes up.
Blake: Oh, you know what? It's too bad we didn't have a fingerprint kit. We could have lifted his prints off a glass from the hotel.
Harley: I'll tell you something. You can take the girl out of the private detective agency, but you cannot take...
Blake: You've got it, baby. I don't know what Eden’s into, but, man, I had so much fun yesterday.
Harley: It was fun. And you know what this is? This is silence. This is called silence because Ross and Frank are not here to tell us how dangerous the whole thing was.
Blake: It could have been, though, you know, if Eden had walked in on you.
Harley: Yeah, but she didn't, thanks to your quick thinking. Do you think it's normal to hate your boyfriend's sister as much as I hate her?
Blake: Oh, not at all. Hello? She lied to Phillip. She pretended that Gus abused her.
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Blake: I mean, it's no big surprise that this woman chose a career of drugging married men and blackmailing them.
Harley: Oh, come on! Ring!
Blake: Okay, so while you're waiting for your phone to ring, what do I do?
Harley: Um... Nothing. I mean, you know, thanks. Thanks for everything yesterday, Blake, but I work on my own.
Eden: Hey, Ripley, it's me. Eden. No, I do not have a cold. Okay, now, what the hell happened yesterday? Some chick impersonating me showed up at my job. Because I saw the guy when he walked back in because he left his wallet. And when I told him who I was, he nearly fainted, and then he ran out of there. Of course my voice sounds different, because you've been talking to the chick that is impersonating me. Look, you know, I got to go. Um, we'll meet someplace, okay? Hey, boss. How's tricks?
Tony: You tell me. I thought you were supposed to start work yesterday.
Eden: I did. I punched the time clock and everything.
Tony: Yeah, well, you took off five minutes after you punched in. Give me one-- one-- good reason why I shouldn't fire you right now.
Eden: Look, I’m sorry, but yesterday something happened and I had to leave. If you were here, I would have told you.
Tony: Hey, I'm here now. So spill. Make it good.
Phillip: No, no....
Olivia: What? What? Why are you fighting this? It's what we both want.
Phillip: No. This is not what I want! Stop trying to make this into something that it's not.
Olivia: You can't admit the truth, can you?
Phillip: Damn it. Damn it! Look, my father is lying on his back in a hospital bed that we helped put him in. I have done a lot of things in my life that I’m not proud of, but I am not going to sleep with my sick father's fiancée.
Olivia: Fine, I understand that. Just say the word, and my engagement to Alan is over.
Phillip: What I’m saying, Olivia, is good-bye.
Alan: One week, Alexandra. One week to run the company, that's all.
Alexandra: They say the world was created in six days. I should be able to accomplish a lot in a week.
Alan: Maybe so, but the only thing you're going to do is bring up the value of the company and sell at a profit.
Alexandra: If you say so.
Alan: Alexandra...
Alexandra: Alan, you are such a worrier. Let's talk about happier things.
Alan: Yes, your return to Paris.
Alexandra: Oh, thanks. No, I mean your impending marriage. Have you set a date yet and... A place? I mean, you're not going to have it here, are you?
Alan: None of your business.
Alexandra: Well, if I were you, I’d get a move on. I mean, if Olivia finds out that you faked two heart attacks...
Alan: But she's not going to find out because you're not going to tell her. We have a deal.
Alexandra: Do we?
Alan: Alexandra, if you sabotage my marriage and my company, I will personally wring your neck.
Alexandra: Alan, you don't have to worry about me. What you have to worry about is the fact that you have done this family a great deal of damage, and you also have to worry about the fact that Phillip and Olivia are living under the same roof.
Alan: Phillip and Olivia are under control.
Alexandra: Hmm. Of course they are.
Alan: Phillip is so consumed by his guilt, there's no way he will betray me again.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Guilt... Yes, a parent's best friend.
Alan: And Olivia signed a prenuptial agreement. If she cheats on me, she will lose millions.
Alexandra: Oh, that's my brother talking now.
Alan: Of course, your agreement with Roger Thorpe didn't stop him from jumping into bed with Mindy Lewis.
Alexandra: The difference was that I was in love with Roger.
Alan: What?
Alexandra: Oh, no. Oh, you really do love her. Oh, my poor dearest brother, you are in deep trouble.
Olivia: Why do I scare you so much?
Phillip: Hey.
Olivia: Is it my honesty about how I feel? Is it my passion? Maybe you've been with Beth so long you've forgotten what passion means.
Phillip: Don't bring her into this.
Olivia: Why not? She's here.
Phillip: No, she’s...
Olivia: It's not Alan, it's Beth.
Phillip: Olivia.
Olivia: She was never your equal. Never! And that made her safe. But you go toe-to-toe with me and it's anybody's guess who could win. Isn't that a little more interesting?
Phillip: You know, just stop, all right?
Olivia: Will you challenge yourself?! Why don't you take a chance on what I can give you, what we can give each other?
Phillip: Yeah, you know what? This is not about taking chances or about passion. This is about your destructiveness. God, lady, you don't give a damn who you hurt just as long as you get what you want.
Olivia: No. Look, your father may think that he loves me, but he doesn’t.
Phillip: I'm not talking about Alan. I'm talking about... I'm talking about what you did to Beth.
Olivia: I thought I had nothing to do with your breakup with Beth.
Phillip: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the way you undermined her from the moment you moved into the house.
Olivia: Oh, please! Beth gave as good as she got.
Phillip: But why should she have to? Why should anybody? Why should anybody have to fight with you? What, to prove that they're as strong as you are?
Olivia: You are.
Phillip: That doesn't mean that I have feelings for you.
Olivia: No?
Phillip: No. Okay, you're right. You're right. I do have feelings for you. I have the feelings that a man gets when he looks at a woman and he thinks, "Oh, God, I’d love to have a night with her-- one night." Because you know what, Olivia? That's really all that I want from you. I don't want any commitment. I don't want any promises from you. No, I'd just like to have one night. I don't love you. But my father, God help him, does. So do us all a favor. You made the deal, so you make him happy. After what we did to him, that's the least he deserves.
Harley: What are you doing?
Blake: Oh, I'm sorry. I... I thought I was hearing Ross tell me that this was going to be too dangerous, but apparently, the words are coming out of your mouth.
Harley: Because it is dangerous, Blake, and I don't want you getting into trouble.
Blake: I won't be in half as much trouble as you if Eden finds out about this.
Harley: Just promise me that you will back off and you will keep quiet.
Blake: Of course.
Harley: And that you're not going to write some book about this whole thing.
Blake: I'm not going to do that. I mean, at least not right now. I mean, give it six months until this is all blown over and you have Zach back.
Harley: No.
Blake: Yes.
Harley: No!
Blake: Yes! All right, no book. You're so lucky to have me as a friend.
Harley: I'm lucky to have you as a friend? Who was there for you when nobody in the department believed you about Tory? I was the one that...
Blake: Ixnay on the Tory. Could you at least tell me when you're going to spring this news on Phillip?
Harley: I don't know. I have to wait till I have all the pieces. I have one shot at this, Blake. If I blow it... If I blow this, Phillip is not going to let me see Zach at all.
Blake: Why are you waiting for more information about this Bruce character? Why don't you just go to Eden and threaten to blow the lid off her whole operation, unless she recants her story about Gus?
Harley: Because she will run for the hills. I mean, yeah, I guess I could always arrest her or something, but that would just... That would hurt Gus.
Tony: So do you want the job or what?
Eden: Of course I want the job. All right, I’ll tell you what happened yesterday. It was horrible. I lost my wallet. So my bank in Chicago called me, and they said that some chick is trying to drain my account.
Tony: Oh. All right, so, of course, you had to drop everything you were doing and run down to the bank to prove to them that you are the real Eden August. Am I right?
Eden: What am I supposed to do, let her take my whole savings?
Tony: What's the name of the bank, hmm?
Eden: Look it, no... No, don't do that. They're not going to give it to you.
Tony: Well, they will, they will if I tell them I'm with the feds, I'm investigating identity theft. They will.
Eden: Look, just... Just don't, okay? Look, I lied, all right?
Tony: Oh, no, I’m shocked.
Eden: Look, I just didn't want you to think I was an idiot.
Tony: Well, what I think is how you're going to look in that unemployment line actually.
Eden: Okay, you know what happened? An ex walked in here. He took one look at me, and he walked back out.
Tony: Let me guess. You followed him and you told him off. Am I right?
Eden: Yeah, I needed closure.
Tony: Closure? Oh, closure. And this closure, it took all day?
Eden: Well, kind of. I slept with him first just so he would know what he was missing. And then I told him off. It was very satisfying.
Tony: What was that? Was that the sex or the telling him off?
Eden: Both.
Tony: I love this. I love this. You... You rolling off these lies like you expect me to believe them, starting with why you wanted this job in the first place.
Eden: I want this job.
Tony: Oh, I’m sure you do. You want to get the drop on me because I'm a Santos. And here I am.
Eden: If my brother has a grudge on your family, that is his business. That has nothing to do with me.
Tony: Yeah, right. That's why your brother's girlfriend came in here the other day to warn me about you. What, and she was what? She was lying? Is that it?
Eden: Harley? My biggest fan? What did she have to say about me?
Tony: She told me that you were bad news, and I should stay away from you.
Eden: Yeah, she hates me. She is jealous of my relationship with my brother.
Tony: Oh, yeah, is that it?
Eden: Well, what, isn't that enough? I mean, yeah, she's possessive and she's insecure. I feel sorry for her.
Tony: You know what? You know what? "Possessive" and "insecure" aren't the words that come to mind when I think of Harley Cooper.
Eden: Oh, okay, fine. All right, you're going to take her side just like everyone else? You know what? Great. So what, am I like fired now? Fine.
Tony: I didn't say that. I didn't... I didn't say that you were fired. You want to go around snooping? Go ahead, be my guest. You and the feds. They do it all the time.
Eden: So, what, I’m still your bartender?
Tony: You're hot, and you're good for business.
Eden: You think I’m hot? Isn't that sexual harassment?
Tony: So sue me.
Eden: No, I think I’d rather do this.
Tony: You lie to me again, and you're out of here. Now get back to work.
Eden: My pleasure, boss.
Tony: Oh, and by the way, you... You should thank Harley for the reference.
Eden: Oh, believe me, I will.
Gus: So you're sparing my feelings about what exactly? Because I'm a tough guy. I can handle it. Just...
Harley: (Laughs)
Blake: My next novel. It's about two cops trying to manage their private lives despite the chaos of their public one.
Harley: And I said that I didn't think it would work. And then that's when I said, and you would be hurt... "He would be hurt."
Gus: Oh, I get it. Now, why don't you just write about your own life?
Blake: Mm-hmm?
Gus: You know what I mean? Like that what's her face, the whole Tory thing.
Blake: Mm-hmm. Okay, fine, the book is history. I'm going to check on my order. Have fun, guys.
Gus: Do you think that I... Did I insult her? Should I apologize? I could apologize.
Harley: I think she'll get over it, but you're very sweet to offer to apologize.
Gus: Well, I could apologize. You know, guys can change. They can soften up. They can say "I'm sorry," you know, get in touch with my... Well, not my feminine side, but... I'm not going to decorate or anything. But I could apologize to you for things I do in the future.
Harley: (Laughs)
Buzz: Cut it out. That's disgusting. People are trying to eat here.
Harley: Hi, Daddy.
Gus: Sorry.
Harley: (Laughs)
Buzz: Could you at least have the decency to look embarrassed?
Gus: Should I apologize? I could apologize.
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: I mean, I'm feeling...
Harley: It's okay.
Gus: I'm feeling apologetic.
Harley: (Laughs) It's okay.
Buzz: What is this, a celebration?
Harley: What do we have to celebrate? Unless Phillip told you he's giving Zach back.
Buzz: Not that I've heard, but I did hear that Beth left him.
Harley: What? Well... Why?
Buzz: (Laughs) Why would somebody leave Phillip? I just haven't a clue. But I do know that she moved out of the manse and moved into Towers.
Harley: How... How... How do you know this?
Buzz: Nolan, the family butler. He comes in here for coffee and donuts every morning, and he talks a lot.
Harley: Why would she leave him? I don't understand this. Why would she leave him? Gus?
Gus: Hmm?
Harley: Do you know something you're not telling me?
Gus: Uh, would I have to apologize if the answer was yes?
Olivia: Um... Yeah, uh, Judge Prescott, it's Olivia Spencer. Ted, hi. Oh, I'm good. How are you? Um... Oh, you're welcome. Look, Alan and I were happy to host the fund-raiser. We both thought you deserved to be elected. Yeah. Um... Listen, Ted, you remember at the fund-raiser, you said if I ever needed a favor, all I had to do was ask? I'm asking. Alan and I are going to be married, and we'd like you to do the honors. How about today? Cedars. Great, thanks.
Alan: They didn't have any china in the cafeteria?
Alexandra: It's not for me. It's for you.
Alan: No thank you.
Alexandra: A jolt of caffeine to shock you back into reality.
Alan: What reality would you like that to be?
Alexandra: The reality that true love does not exist.
Alan: I never said I was in love with Olivia.
Alexandra: Oh, come on, it's written all over your face. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a sign of it on hers.
Alan: She loves me in her own way.
Alexandra: And what way is that? Oh, Alan, I think you're getting soft. Otherwise you wouldn't have been willing to hand the company over to me.
Alan: Willing? I think blackmail is more like it.
Alexandra: So, tell me, what is it about Olivia that inspires these feelings in you?
Alan: Oddly enough, she's a lot like you.
Alexandra: This is starting to sound like a Greek tragedy.
Alan: Like you, she's tough on the outside...
Alexandra: ...And soft and warm on the inside, hmm?
Alan: Exactly. You'd rather kill than let anyone see the real you.
Alexandra: I think you're missing the point and the big difference between Olivia and me. I have never been unfaithful to any of the men in my life.
Alan: Neither will she. Not anymore.
Alexandra: Because of the pre-nup?
Alan: No. She was using Phillip to teach me a lesson. I learned my lesson, and she has learned hers.
Alexandra: You know, Alan, it's about time somebody did teach you a lesson, but I think that Olivia is the wrong person to do it.
Alan: Oh, Alexandra, don't tell me you're on one of your "Save the Spaulding" campaigns again?
Alexandra: Look, I come back here. I find that Phillip is trying to take Harley’s child, that you are running the company into the ground, not to mention that ridiculous "Lorelei’s Diary" thing.
Alan: I try not to think about that.
Alexandra: And poor little Lizzie, shoplifting while her grandfather fakes two heart attacks, so he can marry the...
Alan: Careful.
Alexandra: ...The girl of his dreams. You know, Alan, the thing about love is that when it works, it's the greatest thing in the world for making you happy. But when it doesn’t...
Alan: You're thinking about Roger.
Alexandra: Don't bother having compassion for me. Otherwise I'll blow the whistle on you right now.
Alan: No, you won't, because you will forfeit running the company.
Alexandra: Yes, I guess so, and forfeit all my wonderful plans.
Alan: "Plans," what does that mean?
Alexandra: When I went out just now, I didn't go out just to get you a cup of coffee. I called an emergency board meeting.
Alan: You did what?!
Alexandra: Alan, your heart!
Alan: And what would your agenda be, Alexandra, to call a board meeting?
Alexandra: Just making a few small changes. Don't worry. I just want to push the price of the stock back up again.
Alan: Alexandra!
Alexandra: I'll send you the minutes of the meeting as soon as it's over, Alan. Get some rest. You're going to need it. And I'm going to need this.
Alan: How could you allow Alexandra to plan a board meeting behind my back? Well, of course, I didn't give her approval. Now, you listen. There is something very important you must know. She must not get into my office and break into the computer. Do you understand? There is very important information in there.
Phillip: Hey, what the hell are you doing?
Alan: Um, I just need to make some phone calls...
Phillip: No, you don't need to make any phone calls. No phone calls, no. No stress, no getting out of bed. Get back into bed.
Alan: Look, I have to do a little damage control. Alexandra has called a board meeting.
Phillip: What?
Alan: She is undermining our authority.
Phillip: No, she can’t... You... You didn't sign over that power of attorney to her, did you? (Sighs) I thought we settled this before, but obviously not. So you still don't trust me?
Alan: I wish I could.
Phillip: Dad, I don't know what to tell you. I have apologized to you 100 times. There's not a second that goes by that I don't feel guilty about what I did. If I could go back and change it, I would, but I can't. I don't know what you need to hear from me. I did not sleep with Olivia, and I never will.
Alan: Why should I believe you?
Phillip: Because I'm telling you the truth.
Alan: It's too late.
Phillip: Yeah, well, maybe for you, because this decision may end up costing you your company.
Buzz: Well, look what the wind blew in.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Hi, Buzz!
Buzz: "Hi, Buzz"? I don't think so. Come here, you.
Alexandra: You know, I thought that Spaulding’s weren't welcome in this joint.
Buzz: Well, you'd be the exception to that rule.
Alexandra: Oh.
Buzz: Oh, God.
Alexandra: You know, I... I know that Harley’s been telling me everything about what's happened with her and Phillip. I'm really sorry.
Buzz: Don't tell me you're on his side.
Alexandra: I'm only ever on my side.
Buzz: That's my girl. God, you... ....Look terrific.
Alexandra: Thank you! Flattery will get you absolutely anything. Um, do you have time to hang out?
Buzz: For you? All the time in the world. How about a... How about a ride on the wild side, my motorcycle? Unless you're afraid?
Alexandra: Oh, honey, I’m not afraid of anything.
Buzz: Okay.
Alexandra: Harley! Hi!
Harley: Hi.
Alexandra: Aha, this must be the evil boyfriend that I've heard so much about.
Harley: Yes, this is the boyfriend, but the evil part is a Spaulding invention.
Gus: Gus Aitoro. I'm a saint.
Alexandra: Mm-hmm. Alexandra Spaulding. Ditto.
Gus: Hey.
Alexandra: So tell me, Gus, are you in love with Harley?
Harley: (Coughs)
Gus: Wowsers. You don't beat around the bush, do you?
Alexandra: Do you?
Gus: I love her. I love her! I love everything about her. I love her hair, her toes, her eyes, her sense of duty.
Alexandra: I get... I get the picture. (Laughter)
Gus: I love her.
Alexandra: I get the picture. You know something? It's really amazing. You remind me of someone... My late son. Hey, I approve.
Harley: Thank you. I'm glad you do, because Phillip doesn't, Alan doesn’t.
Alexandra: Darling, I have an excellent knack of making people change their minds.
Gus: I like this lady. (Laughter) How about you have a little sit- down right here with us, so...
Harley: Yeah, sit with us!
Gus: We can trash the Spaulding men if you'd like.
Alexandra: Maybe some other time. I've got a date. I'll see you later.
Gus: Right.
Alexandra: There he is.
Harley: Be careful, Daddy.
Gus: All right, honey. So where were we...
Harley: Yeah, we were...
Gus: ...Before we got interrupted?
Harley: You were about to tell me why you think that Beth left Phillip.
Gus: I'll just scoot over here. Well, I will tell you if you promise not to shoot me in the head.
Harley: I can't promise that.
Gus: Right, okay. I told you, I thought that big Al had his heart attack because... Because of something that Phillip and Olivia did.
Harley: Yeah, and then I think I told you to stay out of it, right?
Gus: Yeah, but I didn't do that. I didn't do that.
Harley: So, just tell me this: Did you go to Phillip? Did you talk to him?
Gus: (Sighs) I told him what I knew, okay? I told him that he... You know, if he gave Zach back, I wouldn't tell Beth. That's all... That's what...
Harley: And let me guess. He went to Beth and told her himself and then she left him.
Gus: Yeah, well, can you blame her? Come on. Look, he... His cage is a little rattled right now. All I did was I made the first domino fall. Beth leaving, that was the second domino falling. There's going to be a third one and a fourth one and a fifth one.
Harley: I know, I know. But I think what's going to happen is that he is going to end up blaming the whole thing on you. (Cell phone rings)
Gus: (Sighs) Who's that?
Harley: Coop.
Eden: Harley, it's me, the big bad wolf.
Harley: What do you want?
Eden: A truce.
Harley: What do you want?
Eden: I want to stop fighting with you. Look, it's not getting your kid back and it's not getting Nicky out of your life. So I am waving the big old white flag. Let's talk. Come down to Infierno, and drinks are on me.
Gus: Who was that?
Harley: Um... Old case, new information.
Gus: Uh-huh. But you're on suspension.
Harley: I won't tell if you won't tell. (Laughs) But I... I... I should... I got to go. I've got to take this.
Gus: All right. Well, I want to come.
Harley: No. No, no, no. It's really better if you stay here.
Gus: Really?
Harley: Stay here. Stay out of trouble. Stay away from Phillip.
Harley: Tony Santos hired you?
Eden: Yeah. You got a problem with that?
Harley: No. It doesn't really bother me, not if you're going to tell me you're ready to go to Phillip and tell him the truth.
Eden: Well, why should I after you badmouthed me to Tony?
Harley: Oh, he told you?
Eden: Yeah, he thought I should know.
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Eden: See, there is someone that's on my side.
Harley: Yeah. So what about our little truce?
Eden: Oh, I lied.
Harley: Oh.
Eden: Shocker, huh?
Harley: So what do you want, Eden?
Eden: You to stay out of my life. If I find out you have done anything else behind my back, I will find out and make you pay back triple.
Harley: Really? Is that a threat?
Eden: Yes, and it felt really good.
Harley: Yeah? Because I'm trying to get back my little boy, and I’ll tell you something. I will smash you to pieces before I let you get in the way.
Eden: Shouldn't you be a little nicer to me? After all, I could leave town forever and then where would you be? Right, Nicky?
Harley: What... What are you doing here?
Gus: Following you. I was worried. And it looks like I have something to worry about.
Eden: She just threatened me.
Harley: You threatened me.
Gus: Stop, stop. What are you doing behind the bar?
Eden: I work here.
Gus: No, you're not. Not anymore. Let's go.
Eden: It's an honest job.
Harley: You haven't done an honest anything in your life.
Eden: Oh, how do you know? What, you know something about me? Come on, let me hear it.
Blake: Phillip.
Phillip: Hey, Blake.
Blake: Hey.
Phillip: How are you?
Blake: I'm... I'm good. How are you?
Phillip: Uh, you know... All right.
Blake: Oh, that's right, Alan. I forgot. (Sighs) How is he?
Phillip: I think he's doing a little better. We're sort of guardedly optimistic.
Blake: You look exhausted.
Phillip: Thank you. I'm sure I do.
Blake: (Laughs)
Phillip: Why? Why do I do this? Why do I get myself so bent out of shape every time something happens to him? You know, it's not... It's not like we even get along half the time.
Blake: Well, maybe it's because he loves you more than anyone in the world.
Phillip: What a frightening thought.
Blake: Hmm.
Phillip: You know a little bit about this, don't you? Being the child of a difficult father?
Blake: Oh, you bet I do.
Phillip: How is old Rog? How is he?
Blake: I haven't seen him in ages.
Phillip: Yeah?
Blake: I mean, he... Every holiday, every birthday, he calls and... Oh, well, he offered to kill Ross during the whole Tory fiasco.
Phillip: I'm surprised he didn't.
Blake: Yeah, well, I talked him down.
Phillip: Do you ever wish that he lived closer?
Blake: Sometimes, yeah. But life is so much simpler without him. He takes up so much space.
Phillip: See, that's exactly the problem with Alan, you know. I would give anything if... If things could be easier between us. But it doesn't get easier. It just gets harder and harder...
Blake: Well, it would be easier if you two didn't love each other so much. You know, when I was a little girl, you know, I was looking for my daddy. That's all I wanted. And then when I found him, all he did was ruin my life trying to run it, you know, all in the name of love.
Phillip: Well, yes, of course. It's always in the name of love.
Blake: And now... (Sighs)
Phillip: What?
Blake: Boy, I just hope I never become him.
Phillip: That's my recurring nightmare.
Blake: Is it?
Phillip: Yes, it is. Listen, hey, I know. I know that you and Harley and the rest of my ex-wives think I’m already a chip off the old block.
Blake: I never said that.
Phillip: You didn't have to.
Blake: (Laughs) I got to go. (Laughs) I'm going to go check on my order here. You take care. Tell your dad... Oh, never mind.
Phillip: Well, you're right about one thing, Blake. So much of this would be so much easier if I didn't give a damn about that S.O.B.
Buzz: Here you go.
Alexandra: No ouzo?
Buzz: Water for the designated driver, beer for the lady.
Alexandra: Oh, don't you dare ever tell anyone that I adore beer.
Buzz: Your secret's safe. All of them. Always.
Alexandra: You know something, Buzz? It is so refreshing to have the one person in the world that I can really trust.
Buzz: Are you here for good? I hope.
Alexandra: Well, that depends on Alan and Phillip and... Lots of things.
Buzz: Well, I’m sorry Alan’s sick.... Well, sort of.
Alexandra: Oh, I wouldn't lose too much sleep over Alan’s health if I were you. But I am so angry about what Phillip is doing to Harley. You know, he's becoming more and more like a Spaulding every day.
Buzz: I cannot begin to tell you the pain they put her through.
Alexandra: Yeah, well, I can understand that. They did exactly the same thing to me. Alan and our father kept my son away from me because they didn't approve of the man that I was in love with.
Buzz: I remember.
Alexandra: Yeah, well, I can't let history repeat itself, and I won’t.
Eden: Come on, Harley, you know some deep, dark, illegal secret about me. Why don't you share it with the class?
Harley: The only deep, dark, illegal secret I know about you, Eden, is that you pushed a guy off a roof, and you made your brother take the blame.
Eden: Oh, ancient history. And I'm not going to jail for it.
Gus: Nobody said that you'd go to jail, Eden.
Eden: Nicky, you're a cop. Why don't you tell me what is the statute of limitations for murder, huh? That's right. There are no statute of limitations for murder.
Harley: You know, I feel sorry for you, Eden. You have a chance to do something really good here. You could reunite a child with his mother. But instead you choose to be selfish, even cruel. And okay, so what? So you don't help me get my kid back. You could still have a real relationship with your brother, but you're blowing that. None of my business. Forget I said anything.
Eden: Nicky...
Gus: She's right. Wait.
Harley: You know, you...
Gus: I'm sorry. You know, I just can't help feeling this is my fault all the time.
Harley: You're sorry?
Gus: Well, yeah, you know...
Harley: You just... Did you just defend me to your sister? Then don't tell me you're sorry.
Gus: I'm talking about going to Phillip behind your back. Anytime I try to do something, it just seems like I make things worse, you know. I don’t... I'm sorry.
Harley: Yeah. I understand. I mean, I think maybe sometimes people have to keep their secrets so they can get what they want.
Gus: No, no. Don't try to make me feel better. It's okay. Let's get out of here. Let's go.
Tony: What is... What is that? What was that all about?
Eden: Nothing.
Tony: What, is it your brother? Is he giving you grief? Look, I can write the book on big brothers and their nagging. All right, so tell me. Come on.
Eden: It wasn't my brother. It's her. She is bad for him. And once she is out of his life, the better it is for all of us.
Alan: Go ahead, Alexandra. Plan your board meeting. You won't win.
Buzz: So, you're actually going to take on Alan?
Alexandra: He's my brother, and I love him, probably a lot more than he deserves. But I've learned the hard way not to let love blind me.
Buzz: Well, I got your back.
Alexandra: I know you would. But when this is all over, only one of us is going to be standing.
Buzz: I hope you remembered to bring your flack jacket from Paris.
Alexandra: I've got something a lot better than that.
Buzz: Machine gun?
Alexandra: Power of attorney.
Buzz: Hmm.
Alexandra: Hmm.
Olivia: Alan, I refuse to wait another minute. I want to marry you now. Alan? Alan? Hi, it's Olivia Spencer, Mr. Spaulding's fiancée. Where is he? What do you mean, you don't know where he is? Is he having tests? Yes, it's an emergency. Find him!
Phillip: Hey. What the hell's going on?