Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/4/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: Oh, Richard, please tell me what I should do. Please tell me what I should do.
Danny: Hey.
Cassie: Hey.
Danny: They told me at the front desk that you were out here.
Cassie: Yeah. You... you... Came for your money.
Danny: You didn't come by yesterday with it. What happened?
Cassie: I know. Alexandra's giving me the cash this afternoon. I was going to bring it right over. It's enough to cover all of the interest. Is that Robbie?
Danny: Yeah.
Cassie: Oh, my goodness. Look how big he's gotten. Is that his baby-sitter?
Danny: Um-hmm.
Cassie: It's amazing how fast they grow. Hey, Robbie!
Danny: No, no, no, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. Please. He can't... He can't see me. He can't... He can't know I'm here.
Agent: The house is in perfect condition. The owners decided on a change.
Bill: Yeah, actually, I know the owners. But what I need to know is... is how many bedrooms, how much, stuff like that.
Agents: Here are the specs.
Bill: Oh, great, great, great, great. Oh, wow, this place has four bedrooms. Really? It's tough, you know, because I’m renting a place with some friends, and it's tough to find a place that's big enough, decent enough, you know.
Agent: You couldn't do better than this property. (Cell phone rings) Oh, excuse me.
Bill: So, tell me about the master bedroom.
Beth: It's big. It holds a bed. What else do you need to know?
Alexandra: Think about your
fiancée and your son finding
out that you faked the heart
And also think about the fact
that that's not going to look
good splashed all over the
financial papers.
Alan: Yes, it's me. Did you get the copy I sent over last night? Well? It's Alexandra. I want you to make sure that all the contract experts go over that with a fine tooth comb. I do care about what they think about this, because I have no intention of signing it. I just need to know how far, theoretically, she can go.
Phillip: Hey.
Alan: I'll call you back later.
Phillip: How you feeling?
Alan: I hate being stuck here in this bed.
Phillip: Oh, well, you're cranky. That's a good sign. I don't like the look of this. You're not supposed to be worrying about business.
Alan: Um, Phillip, I can read, you know.
Phillip: What is this?
Alan: It's just a routine drivel, that's all.
Phillip: Are you sure it's a routine drivel?
Alan: Yes.
Phillip: That would give Alexandra your power of attorney? Have you lost your mind?
Alan: I haven't signed it.
Phillip: Why does it exist?
Alan: Wasn't my idea.
Phillip: I'm sure it wasn't your idea, but why... What on earth would make her think that you would sign it?
Alan: As a precaution.
Phillip: Against what? Dad, you would never give her this kind of power voluntarily. What has she got on you?
Alexandra: If I were you, I’d have that checked for authenticity. My brother's never been very good at spotting fakes.
Olivia: Well, he has people to do at for him. Like you, for instance. Maybe you should check it out, you know, to satisfy yourself.
Alexandra: You know, this really looks familiar. I think this was the one he gave Reva. Oh, no, no, no, no. That one fell in the lake. Well, it will come to me.
Olivia: It's mine, bought for me, and I intend to keep it.
Alexandra: The question is, do you intend to keep Alan with it?
Olivia: You know, your concern for your brother after all this tame, it's really... Touching.
Alexandra: Well, don't let the distance fool you. I've never been far away, because I take this family very seriously.
Olivia: Oh, so you're always hovering?
Alexandra: Yes, always, just like a guardian angel. And after that prank that you and Phillip pulled that put Alan in hospital, I would say that my concern was justified.
Olivia: We never meant to hurt Alan. It was all a terrible misunderstanding.
Alexandra: Oh, yes, like that misunderstanding with Lorelei’s diary. A little bird told me that you could have been responsible for publishing that trash.
Olivia: Well, I have a motto: Never listen to talking birds.
Alexandra: Yes, well, I think whoever was responsible should have had the feelings of a 16-year-old girl at heart.
Olivia: You know, Lizzie is a good kid, and she's a... She's a tough kid. She'll be fine.
Alexandra: Yes, I’m sure she will after she finishes her community service for shoplifting. It's a good thing I've come back to look things over.
Olivia: Actually, things are just fine now. Alan's getting better. He and I are going to be married, and despite the diary, Phillip and Beth are going to live happily ever after. So that's that.
Alexandra: I think not, but I’m sure that Phillip will get over it.
Olivia: What are you talking about?
Alexandra: Didn't Phillip tell you?
Olivia: Tell me what?,
Alexandra: Well, I thought that he or Alan would have told you, but then I guess that Alan would have been so upset about the news, that... Anyway, never mind. I'm going to go.
Olivia: Alexandra. Don't you think you should tell me the news? If it's going to be upsetting to Alan, I would like to be able to help him.
Alexandra: I think that you've already helped enough, you know? Phillip and Beth have split up. She has moved out of the mansion, and now Phillip is free. He is free as a bird.
Alan: There's a possibility that I won't be able to handle the company for a while.
Phillip: Dad, I told you, I will handle things. Spaulding will be fine. Now, look, I... Nobody loves Alexandra more than I do, but you know you can't trust her with the keys to the kingdom.
Alan: (Laughs)
Phillip: What?
Alan: I can trust her as much as I can trust anyone.
Phillip: Oh, Dad, come on. Look, the thing with Olivia and me was stupid and it was cruel and I can't apologize enough for it. But it was never about disloyalty. It was just a... Just a silly moment.
Alan: What about the time before?
Phillip: Oh, are we going to talk about the hot tub again? I explained that to you...
Alan: No, during the brown out, when I caught you dancing.
Phillip: You were there? You never said a word.
Alan: I trusted you then.
Phillip: You still can.
Alan: That night was not for my benefit.
Phillip: No.
Alan: Well, then what kind of silly moment was that? You say you have no feelings for Olivia.
Phillip: Dad, I was having a bad night; I had a couple of cocktails. You know... Look, she's a beautiful woman, all right. Yes, I notice her. I would have to be dead not to. Nothing happened.
Alan: Because Olivia wouldn't allow it.
Phillip: No, she wouldn't, and neither would I. What you saw was all there was.
Alan: Except when I had my heart attack.
Phillip: Well, no, that's... That... That night was about trying to teach you a lesson. As lame as that may sound now, that's all we were trying to do. Because you were eavesdropping on us. Nobody likes to be manipulated. That's what set Olivia off.
Alan: What set you off?
Phillip: The same thing, you know? I... I don't know why we're talking about this. I'm... The woman cares about you, all right?
Alan: I know that.
Phillip: Okay. Well, then all you have to do is make sure that you let her know that you know that, and everything will be fine. So just do that, all right? Just... just be straight with her. No more games, okay?
Alan: No more games.
Bill: Now, are you...
Beth: ...On the market? Yes, yes, I'm... I'm looking for a place to rent.
Bill: So, you're giving up that memorable suite at Towers?
Beth: Unfortunately, yes, I am.
Bill: So you going to head back to the big house? Try and rescue Phillip from Olivia? Is that...
Beth: No, no, I told you. He's on his own.
Bill: Glad to hear it. So?
Beth: So. I have two kids. I need some room for them to spread out.
Bill: Well, that's too bad, because this place would be perfect, but it's already taken.
Beth: You're renting this place? This... This big house with extra rooms that you couldn't possibly need?
Bill: Listen, lady, I got here first.
Beth: You going to fall back on that? So what's next? Finders, keepers? How should we settle this, what do you think?
Bill: Well, I’m open to suggestions.
Beth: We could... Arm wrestle.
Bill: Well, see that's not quite right, but it's a start.
Beth: What's a start?
Bill: It's physical.
Ben: I had no idea this place was up for grabs...
Michelle: We should check it out.
Ben: Oh, okay, we're signing the lease right now. We have scored, man!
Cassie: I am sorry. Is this a visitation thing?
Danny: No.
Cassie: Is Michelle keeping Robbie from you?
Danny: No, no, it's... (Sighs) ...It's my decision.
Cassie: What is? And why do we have to talk so quiet?
Danny: Because he can... He can still recognize my voice. He knows what I... Sound like.
Cassie: Well, of course, he can recognize your voice.
Danny: Well, he won't forever, and it will be easier then.
Cassie: Is this your deal? You don't see Robbie ever?
Danny: No, it has to be that way. So what are you doing out here? I mean, is everything okay? Why didn't you...
Cassie: Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I just was out here... Thinking about life and the things that we can't walk away from. How do you do it?
Danny: Huh?
Cassie: How do you walk away from your son?
Danny: I guess you don't know why Michelle and I split up.
Cassie: Because you wanted to kill Edmund.
Danny: Um-hmm.
Cassie: So do a lot of people.
Danny: (Laughs)
Cassie: I mean, I...
Danny: Yeah.
Cassie: ...I wanted to a few times myself.
Danny: Well, it was a little... I was serious.
Cassie: So was I.
Danny: It was a little different, and... That's what my life is about. So... You know?
Cassie: So, you're staying away from Robbie to protect him?
Danny: Hm-hmm. Yeah.
Cassie: This is the only way to do it, clean break.
Danny: It's the best thing for him.
Cassie: Wow. You know, I think you're the bravest man I know. I don't know, I guess I’m way too selfish, you know. I don't think I could ever believe that my kids would be better off without me in their lives.
Danny: Well, spend a few minutes with my mother, you'd understand.
Cassie: You're a brave man.
Danny: What? I'm going to take off.
Cassie: I don't think you should go.
Danny: I... I really... Come on. I can't see him anymore.
Cassie: So where are you going to go?
Danny: What?
Cassie: Where are you going to go? Home, wherever that may be, and feel rotten anyway? How many times do you look at a picture of Robbie and make him come to life in your mind? How many times does that happen?
Danny: What, are you spying on me?
Cassie: I'm living it. But there's a big difference. Look out there, Danny. Your boy's alive. And because of your courage, he is safe and he's happy. And you can see it. We are so lucky. We can just brush up against love. You can stand here and you can look at him for this minute. You can do it. You can look at a picture anytime. "To live in this world you must be able to do three things: To love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and when the time comes to let it go, let it go."
Danny: What is that?
Cassie: Mary Oliver. Richard's favorite poem.
Danny: Hey, whoa, look at him run.
Ben: You want to rent this place, too?
Beth: I was hoping to, yes.
Bill: Well, we were just discussing who... who got here first.
Ben: Please, please tell me it was you, man. I mean, no offense, Beth, but this place is perfect for us.
Beth: Us? Oh, you and Bill are going to be renting together?
Ben: Well, we needed a bigger party central.
Beth: Thank you for that.
Ben: Okay, Beth, how about this? I will help you find a better place, all right? I'll do all the leg work for you...
Bill: Look, Ben, I don't think that...
Ben: Come on, Bill, this is a hard place to give up, man. I already found the perfect place for my kegorator. That's a combination keg and refrigerator. You can tap it all day long...
Beth: I know what a kegorator is. I'm not a grandmother... Yet.
Olivia: Phillip and Beth argue all the time. I can't imagine... Are you sure that she moved out?
Alexandra: Well, of course I’m sure. Both Phillip and Alan told me. I'm surprised they didn't tell you, but then I suppose they had their reasons. Those boys. What a pair they are. You know, you are really going to have your hands full with them. Wife to Alan, step-mother to Phillip. Don't you think it will be a little odd?
Olivia: Not in the least.
Alexandra: Well, you're a very brave girl. I'd find it positively daunting.
Olivia: Well, I’m not that peasily thrown.
Alexandra: Yes, well, you're obviously experienced at juggling. I mean, look how you manage everything. You run this hotel, you tend to Alan at the hospital, you look after your other interests. And on top of everything, you're having a wedding. I'd love to help you with that.
Olivia: (Laughs) Excuse me?
Alexandra: Well, after all, I am going to be your sister-in- law, so let me pitch in. We could have it at the mansion. No, that wouldn't be good because of Phillip and Beth getting married there. Well, we could have it here. Uh... No, didn't your ex-husband and Reva...
Olivia: My goodness, you certainly caught up on what you missed.
Alexandra: No, I can never sleep on airplanes. I had a lot of research to do. What a fascinating career you have had.
Olivia: As have you. Here's an idea. Let's skip the part where you pretend that this is all about your concern for Alan, your bonding with me. Because quite frankly, it's a lousy act.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Bravo. I thought it was about time you finally grew a spine.
Olivia: Ooh, ooh, no, don't tell me there was no way we were going to get through this politely. I mean, live and let live?
Alexandra: After you almost sent my brother to his grave? Not a chance.
Olivia: Okay. Well, Alan loves me, and we're going to get married. And since you and I are going to be a part of the same family, let's say we lay down some ground rules.
Alexandra: Delighted.
Olivia: You come swooping back into town the minute you hear your brother is sick, spouting all this concern for his wellbeing. I'm not buying it, and neither is Alan. He knows you're up to something, Alexandra, and so do I. And neither one of us is stupid enough to turn our backs on you for a minute.
Alexandra: Mmm. So that leaves everyone with their backs to the wall. It's wonderful how you've managed to bring out the best in everyone around you. You know, having a spine is admirable, Olivia, but it doesn't compare with having the upper hand. You've put yourself in a box of your own making, and I for one will be guarding the exit. Good-bye.
Olivia: Nolan, it's Olivia. I need to speak with Beth. She moved out? Are you sure? When? No, thank you.
Phillip: Okay, I'm going to get back to the office, where I will look after everything, so don't sign anything crazy, all right? I will look after the company, and I will look after your interests.
Alan: Of course.
Phillip: Okay.
Alan: Before you leave, I want to ask a question. Have you spoken to Beth recently?
Phillip: Not since she moved out, no.
Alan: Phillip, I really wish you would...
Phillip: Dad, please don't do this. This is exactly what always gets us into trouble.
Alan: Can I ask a question?
Phillip: Okay.
Alan: Did Beth leave because of what happened between you and Olivia?
Phillip: No. Didn't help, but no, that was not the reason.
Alan: How did she find out?
Phillip: That's two questions.
Alan: Did you tell her?
Phillip: Yes. Beth and I eventually always tell each other the truth, Dad. We have found in the past that it just works out better that way. No, there are many reasons why Beth and I can't be together right now, and we finally faced them. It's really over.
Alan: Well, I want you to try to get it back.
Phillip: Dad, I don't want to talk about this, and I don't want you to get upset about it.
Alan: I'm upset for you. You need to be with Beth. When you are with her, you're complete, you're whole.
Phillip: Well, maybe that's part of the problem. Maybe Beth and I need to learn to be whole people on our own. (Cell phone rings) Hello?
Olivia: It's Olivia, I need to see you now.
Phillip: I can’t.
Olivia: It's urgent. Meet me at the beach.
Alan: Who was that?
Phillip: It's nothing important. I got to go, though. I'll tell you what, I'll... I'll check in on you later, okay? Feel better.
Cassie: I just wanted to say... (Sighs) ...That I know I put you in a horrible position with this loan, and I... I had a few curves thrown at me. And if it would have come down to it, Danny, I really would have done something.
Danny: Well, it did come down to it. It is down to it. You understand that?
Cassie: I would have found a way to get the money. I was willing to do anything, as you know. I would have never let my children suffer... Or you.
Danny: Yeah, family comes first.
Cassie: Yes. I'll see you later.
Danny: Uh, wait up. I'm going to... I'll walk you.
Cassie: Are you sure?
Danny: Yeah, yeah, it's time.
Beth: You guys should really rent this place. It would... (Clears throat) ...Be perfect for you.
Bill: Whoa, wait, wait, wait. Don’t... don't go. I mean, if you want to rent this place, then...
Beth: I don't need this much room.
Bill: Maybe you do. Why not just wait, we'll talk about it...
Michelle: Ben, let's go.
Ben: What?
Michelle: Come on, come on. We've seen the place and I have to pick up Robbie. Let’s... let's go. You drove.
Ben: All right. Look, Beth, I'm sorry, I... Bye.
Bill: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, you cannot leave. Not after Michelle went through all that trouble to get rid of frat boy, no, no, no.
Beth: Is that any way to talk about your new roommate?
Bill: Party central? Kegorator? I mean, I think it's a perfect way to talk about him. Look, Beth, this arrangement is about getting us some privacy.
Beth: And how do you figure that?
Bill: Look, I’m serious. Since I've been staying at the boardinghouse, Ben comes by all the time, hangs out with his friends. Now even if I could see us staying there, I don't want that. And I know that you don't want that. Now the only way I could put a stop to it, is if I live with him. So that way you live with your kids, I live with mine, and... Then we can just find a little place for ourselves. What?
Beth: That's sweet.
Bill: But?
Beth: You belong here with your friends. I don't fit in. I may have just told Ben that I’m not a grandmother, but right now, that's how old I feel.
Alexandra: You can open your eyes now and come back from death's door. It's only me.
Alan: I was asleep.
Alexandra: Yes, well, while you've been lulling around in bed, I have been doing a full morning's work looking out for your interests.
Alan: Really? What have you been up to?
Alexandra: Ooh, I’ve had a tête-à-tête with your fiancée. We had a really nice, little chat.
Alan: What'd you talk about?
Alexandra: You. (Laughs) But don't worry, I didn't spill your guilty little secret... Yet.
Alan: When you finished, were you both still standing?
Alexandra: Oh, yes. She certainly held her own. I have to say it was... It was quite a horn locking. You'd have loved it.
Alan: You know, Alexandra, she's a remarkable woman.
Alexandra: Yes, she's certainly shrewd, I'll give you that.
Alan: What?
Alexandra: Look, Alan, if you really love this woman, you better pray that she doesn't find out that you have faked this heart attack and this relapse.
Alan: She may find it charming.
Alexandra: Oh, I doubt that. And think how Phillip’s going to react. He was pretty cut up. The whole thing could turn very ugly. And I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen.
Olivia: I... I didn't think you'd come.
Phillip: I wasn't sure if I was coming either. So what was so urgent?
Olivia: Why didn't you tell me?
Phillip: Tell you what?
Olivia: About you and Beth.
Phillip: What, did my father tell you?
Olivia: No, no, I got to hear it from you Aunt Alexandra, who batted me around like a cat with a ball of yarn. Alan never...
Phillip: Said a word?
Olivia: No.
Phillip: Wonder why.
Olivia: Maybe the same reason you didn't.
Phillip: Can I have your hand? See this ring?
Olivia: I'm engaged to your father.
Phillip: Right.
Olivia: Okay, I know that.
Phillip: Yeah. So what difference does it make who told you about Beth and me? Doesn't have anything to do with you.
Olivia: Really? What happened between you and I had nothing to do with you and Beth splitting up?
Phillip: No, it didn’t.
Olivia: Boy, how long are you going to be able to keep lying to my face?
Phillip: Olivia, do you ever think about my father when he's not standing right in front of you? Or can you only lie to his face?
Olivia: I think about Alan all the time. And I care about him, that's not a lie.
Phillip: Thank God for something.
Olivia: But that's not all there is. There is a you and me. And until we can both be honest about that, there is going to be hell to pay.
Cassie: Do you want to come check out the martini bar? It's great, Olivia just opened it up.
Danny: Oh, well, next time.
Cassie: Okay. I'll see you later.
Danny: Okay. Hey, thanks.
Cassie: For what?
Michelle: Hi.
Danny: Hi.
Michelle: What... what are you doing here?
Danny: Just... just a little business.
Michelle: So how are you doing?
Danny: I'm okay. I'm okay. How are you?
Michelle: I'm... I'm okay. I had quite a morning. I was house hunting with Ben and Bill. They're looking, I’m not.
Danny: No. So did they find a place?
Michelle: Maybe. I feel sorry for whoever rents to them, though. All the parties they're going to have, it's going to be hard on the paint, upholstery, roof. I got to go get Robbie. He's at the beach.
Danny: Oh, yeah? Sounds like fun.
Michelle: Yeah, he's still... He loves to play in the sand. Do you want to see him?
Danny: Of course I do, but... I don't think it's a good idea. (Clears throat) So... Well, you take care of yourself, okay? Take care, Michelle.
Michelle: Okay. I'll give Robbie a kiss for you.
Tammy: Mom, where were you? I searched the whole hotel.
Cassie: I was out. Why, what's up?
Tammy: Aunt Reva pled guilty.
Cassie: What?
Tammy: Right in the middle of court after you ran out. She confessed. The trial's over, Mom. She said she was guilty in front of everybody.
Cassie: How? Why? I mean, it's just... It's done? Just... just like that? Why would she do that? She could go to jail.
Tammy: Mom, Aunt Reva admitted what she did.
Cassie: She never denied it. She thinks what she did was right, Tammy.
Tammy: Now she's saying it was wrong.
Cassie: I don't want Reva to go to jail.
Tammy: I love Aunt Reva, Mom. But she killed dad, right? I'm so confused, Mom. Is this what you wanted?
Cassie: No, Tammy. I don't know what I want anymore.
Bill: Hey, hey, hey, hey. You are an amazing, beautiful woman. I mean, you heard Michelle. I mean, she thinks we're jerks and she's our age, too. So don't make this an age thing.
Beth: Oh, it's just... I haven't been on a beer run in I don't know how long. And it's not like I miss it.
Bill: Well, you know, actually, it hasn't been that long.
Beth: You mean Lorelei?
Bill: Well, yeah, but we... we don't have to do that.
Beth: But you... you want to, and... and I... I want you to do what you want, and not try to please me.
Bill: Oh, I see. Well, I thought I was doing a pretty good job in that department.
Beth: You are.
Bill: Right, and I want to keep the job. Look, it'll be great. Maybe we could... We could rent out that Howard Hughes suite permanently, right?
Beth: That could get expensive.
Bill: It's worth a second mortgage, don't you think? I mean, I have very fond memories of that place.
Beth: Me, too. And I love this. It will be like that... That show "Friends."
Bill: "Friends," oh, that's... that's great then.
Beth: (Laughs) No, it will be fine. I will... I'll be fine. I don't know what's wrong with me. I... I get insulted because someone's treating me like a grandmother, and then I start acting like one. Don’t... don't listen to me.
Bill: Okay.
Beth: I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.
Bill: Or maybe just the wrong bed, period.
Beth: That's to thank you.
Bill: And what was that for?
Beth: To leave you wanting more.
Bill: Oh.
Beth: I have to go. Rent this place.
Bill: (Laughs)
Alexandra: I don't see your signature on this power of attorney.
Alan: You didn't expect me to sign it without having it checked out, did you? I'm waiting to hear from my attorney.
Alexandra: Oh, for heaven's sake, Alan. It's only a paragraph giving me the power to run the company until you recover.
Alan: Yes, open-ended license to do whatever you want, while I could be ill for weeks, and you could run the company into the ground.
Alexandra: But whenever I’ve run the company, it's done really well.
Alan: If you leave out the episode where your husband was embezzling. I just hope the investors have forgotten.
Alexandra: That is ancient history, and I’m sure that the investors have got more important things to do than worrying about the damage that that has done.
Alan: You still haven't convinced me. If this is so harmless, why are you so insistent?
Alexandra: Because I just want to have some fun. And I think that you should pay the price for all the suffering that you've caused. Of course I... I could tell your fiancée and your son what's happened. That'd be okay. I'd still have my fun, and you would most certainly be punished. What are you doing?
Alan: One week, Alexandra, one week to have your fun. Then it all reverts back to me.
Alexandra: Thank you.
Phillip: What... what are you suggesting, Olivia? We almost killed my father once. Wasn't that enough? You're engaged to the man.
Olivia: I'm engaged to him. I'm engaged to him. I'm not married to him, not yet.
Phillip: So do you just end it with him?
Olivia: I don't want to hurt him. I really don't, but I don't want any of us living half a life, either. Are you honestly saying that you can just forget about what's between us? That it doesn't pull at you at all? That I would never, ever be a temptation for you?
Phillip: No pull. No temptation. Nothing is going to happen between us, Olivia. That I can promise you.
Olivia: Well, good, fine. I was just... I wanted to be clear.
Phillip: My father loves you in a way that I never could, and don't want to. I'm sorry if that hurts you. I never wanted that either.
Olivia: Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Just so long as you're not hurt.
Phillip: I'm okay.
Olivia: Yeah? Because I was concerned when I heard about you and Beth.
Phillip: Don't be. It doesn't change anything for you and me.
Olivia: Okay. Well, then, I guess this is good-bye, sort of. So I wish you all the luck.
Phillip: I am sorry. I really am.
Olivia: I know. Know.