GL Transcript Thursday 10/3/02

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/3/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: I take back my not guilty plea because it was a lie. The only truth I know is that I turned off Richard’s life support. I did it because he asked me to. And if that makes me a murderer, then I’m guilty as charged. (Courtroom gasps)

Shayne: Mom, no.

Josh: Don't do this, Reva.

Judge: Order!

Reva: I, Reva Shayne Lewis, turned off Richard Winslow’s life support and I watched him die. He was in pain and he begged me to do it, and I followed his wishes. Okay? Are you satisfied now? I'm guilty.

Judge: Mr. Marler, what's going on here? Is your client changing her plea?

Ross: No, your honor, she is not...

Reva: Yes, yes. I plead guilty. I did what the state is accusing me of. And given the same circumstances, I’d do it again.

Michelle: So what did Dr. Pierce say after your check up?

Rick: Oh, he said that I was doing remarkably well for a heart transplant patient.

Michelle: Hey.

Rick: And he said that I would be perfect if my sister would just stop worrying about me.

Michelle: Well, that is not going to happen. Especially when I see you so down in the dumps like this and you're not telling me why? You know they say that some transplant patient experience post-op depression. Is that what's going on here?

Rick: Michelle, I’m not depressed. I'm not depressed. I've just got a lot on my mind, that's all.

Michelle: Such as? Reva's trial?

Rick: Do you have any idea how it's going?

Michelle: Do you want to go over there?

Rick: To the courthouse? I don't think so.

Michelle: Good. Because it'll be a little much for you. You still need to rest.

Rick: No, it's not... Michelle, the only reason for me to be in that courthouse is to be supportive. But supportive to whom? Because right now I honestly don't know who I support.

Ben: Hey, Bill.

Bill: Hey, what's up, buddy?

Ben: Shouldn't you be at your Aunt Reva’s trial right now?

Bill: Oh, well, the family wisdom is I can be more use to Josh and Reva if I’m running things at Lewis.

Ben: Oh, hence the paperwork.

Bill: Yeah. Well, Ben, I think that we're about to see the downside of your popularity.

Ben: What do you mean?

Bill: Well, in this corner here is your teeny-bopper girlfriend Marina, who I can bet any amount money is making googly eyes over at you right now. And there's our friend Michelle. You remember our friend Michelle? Since, gee, since nursery school? The one you tried hitting on over at the beach? I guess this is going to be very interesting.

Blake: Okay. How about a bracelet?

Harley: I don't know. I thought I'd be a little more understated, you know. What am I saying? What am I doing?

Blake: Abusing innocent cosmetics?

Harley: No. I mean this. What is this?

Blake: You look fabulous.

Harley: No, that's not like me, Blake. Blake, Blake, I am about to come on to a perfect stranger. Possibly dangerous. All so I could get the goods on Eden.

Blake: Oh, stop it. You've done this a million times before as a police officer undercover. I've been a P.I. before. And besides, we know what Eden’s up to.

Harley: She's not just a hooker, Blake. No, I mean there's definitely sex involved. I'm sure that there is. But there's more to it. I just... I hate that I have to stoop to this. And I hate it that I have to lie to Gus. I feel like such a hypocrite. If she would have just told the truth at that arbitration meeting, I wouldn't have to do any of this.

Blake: Okay, okay. She didn't, did she? All right. So now you have to force her to come clean. And the only way to do that is to get something to hold over her.

Harley: Did I tell you that Rick’s back in town?

Blake: We don't have time to talk about Rick. Is it permanently?

Harley: No, it's just for a couple of days, for a check-up. But the point is I told him not to bring Jude over because of her. Because of Gus' sister. All of this. So now she's keeping me away from both of our children.

Blake: Not if our plan works. So we have to start cracking if we're going to get the goods on her.

Harley: Yeah.

Ripley: Yeah?

Eden: Hey, it's Eden. Look, I got to make this quick. But I just wanted to let you know that I won't be available for any assignments. I've got to deal with some personal stuff. But, you know, as soon as I'm free I’ll give you a call.

Ripley: Whoa, hold on. What about the job I just gave you?

Eden: What job?

Ripley: The file I sent you.

Eden: I never got any file. Maybe it got lost in the mail or something. Well, when is the gig?

Ripley: This afternoon. Like, right now! Barry's already on the job waiting.

Eden: What? I can't do it. I'm sorry. I can’t. Excuse me? No, you do not have to remind me. Okay, fine. I'll do it. All right, what's the address? And the name of the hotel? Okay. And suite 23b? What's the guy's name? Okay. So the usual deal? All right, I am on my way. But make sure you call the hotel and make sure they have a key at the front desk.

Judge: Bailiff, please remove the jury from the courtroom.

Reva: No. No, let them stay.

Ross: Reva!

Reva: No, let them stay.

Ross: Reva!

Judge: You're about one second away from a contempt charge, Mrs. Lewis.

Reva: I don't care, your honor, charge me. I have no regrets about what I did. I can live with it. But my sister Cassie has been to hell and back since her husband died. And now you're asking her to relive that agony again and again. To burn that pain into her memory and into her heart for the rest of her life.

Judge: Mrs. Lewis, please...

Reva: You saw her on the stand. You saw what that did to her.

Josh: Reva, stop.

Reva: If my sister's agony is the price I have to pay to walk out of this courtroom a free woman than I don't want it. Am I sorry that Richard died? Of course, I am. I miss him terribly. Am I sorry he had a tragic accident? Am I sorry that he was in critical condition? Am I sorry that he was in such terrible pain? Am I sorry that his incredible strength and spirit couldn't help him get through that? Yes. But am I sorry that I helped end his pain when he asked me to do it? No. No, I'm not.

Judge: All right, Mrs. Lewis. That's enough.

Ross: Your honor. My client has been under enormous pressure for quite some time now. It has obviously taken it's toll. I'm sorry, may I have a few minutes to discuss this with her?

Reva: No. No, Ross. Change the plea. This trial is over.

Michelle: Rick, the decision that Reva had to make had nothing to do with you. It was purely about ending Richard’s suffering.

Rick: And I did pretty well, because of it, didn't I?

Michelle: After the fact. And that was because Richard was an organ donor. I mean if you wouldn't have gotten his heart, somebody else would have.

Rick: Michelle, okay, come on. I already know all this stuff.

Michelle: Okay. All right. Then personal stuff aside. Philosophically or ethically, did you think that Reva was wrong?

Rick: Do I think Reva should have to go to jail? No. But I completely understand why Cassie and her children are outraged over all of this, Michelle. I... Look, all I know is that Richard’s dead and I’m alive, and there's a lot of families that have been ruined over all of this. And I don't even know...I don't even know what to feel anymore, Michelle. I don't know what to think. And I just want to go outside and get some fresh air.

Michelle: Do you want company?

Rick: No, it's all right. I'll just meet you back at the house, okay?

Michelle: Okay.

Bill: Rick just left. Now it's your chance to make your move.

Ben: Hey, look, Bill, I don't know what Michelle told you, all right. But what happen between us at the beach was her idea.

Bill: Uh-huh.

Ben: And not mine. Both starting it and stopping it.

Bill: Yeah, you were just an innocent bystander, I'm sure.

Ben: No. No. More like a willing participant.

Bill: Hmm.

Ben: Just like you would have been if she'd invited you. Oh, by the way, she didn't invite you. She chose me.

Bill: Yeah.

Ben: I think that's what you're so bitter about, man.

Bill: Well, you know why she chose you over me, Ben?

Ben: Yeah, because I'm better looking than you are.

Bill: No, because you have no scruples, my friend.

Ben: You're right. You're right. I should be virtuous like you.

Bill: Well...

Ben: Don't forget, Bill, I saw you having drinks with Beth Raines the other night, all right. What was that about?

Bill: I was having a few drinks with a woman I've known my whole life. I mean big deal.

Marina: And while you were there you were lucky enough to catch the floor show, huh?

Bill: Hmm.

Marina: Doesn't Ben have the cutest little knees.

Michelle: They're adorable. I've had a thing for them since kindergarten.

Marina: He's a heck of a good dancer, too, you know?

Michelle: Oh, yeah?

Marina: Yes. Ben, did you tell Michelle about the other night when you embarrassed yourself when we were at the...At the...

Ben: Join us, Michelle. Won't you sit down right here. Right here next to me.

Bill: Well, safer girl, you're safer next me. I mean how many days and nights did we spend together on a deserted island, and did I make one pass at you?

Michelle: No. And what the heck is wrong with you, huh? You think I'm kidding, right? I'm serious. You know when I'm done with this hunky guy here, I'm coming after you. So you better watch out.

Bill: Yeah, you're going to get me?

Michelle: Mm-hmm. And then I’m going to the cute guy over there, and like the cook and the... Hey, Buzz, when is the mailman getting here? (Laughter)

Blake: Eden's pretty. Looking at her, you'd never know she could cause so much trouble. Then again so was Tory.

Harley: Here's your room key.

Blake: Oh, okay.

Harley: Okay. Now remember...

Blake: I know. I hide down the hall and I wait for you to let the John in. And then once he's in I stick right by the door and I listen. And if you're in trouble the TV goes up and then I come in with my key and I deck him with a lamp.

Harley: You do not.

Blake: Okay, no, I don’t. I come in and I'm going to tell some story and I’m going to get rid of the guy.

Harley: Yes, hopefully. And hopefully this whole Bruce Levitt thing will work out. I will get the information I need to nail Eden, and I will get Zach back home where he belongs and we'll be happy. And you better go.

Blake: Okay, okay. Good luck. Good luck. Hide that thing.

Harley: Oh, right? Hide this. And my I.D.. Hide my I.D. Okay. Okay. Zach, mommy is doing this for you. We're going to be back together soon again. I promise. ( Knock on the door) You must be Bruce.

Bruce: And you're Eden.

Harley: (Laughs) Come on in. Have any trouble finding the place?

Bruce: No.

Harley: Can I fix you a drink?

Bruce: Please.

Harley: Well, should I use my telepathic powers or would you like to tell me what you drink? (Laughter)

Bruce: Sorry. Bourbon, neat.

Harley: Bourbon it is. Why don't you take off your jacket? Get comfortable.

Bruce: This is all really new to me.

Harley: I understand perfectly.

Bruce: But not to you, right?

Harley: Why? What did you hear?

Bruce: Well, I heard you were very good at what you do.

Harley: (Laughs) Well, you heard right. Bruce, I want you to do something for me.

Bruce: You name it.

Harley: I want you to take a warm, relaxing shower and when you come out we'll get started, okay? Bathroom is right over there.

Bruce: Why don't you join me?

Harley: We have plenty of time for that later. Go on. (Bell rings) (phone rings) Hello?

Agency contact: What the hell are you doing?

Harley: Who is this?

Agency contact: Come on, open the damn curtains.

Harley: I couldn't hear you. Say that again.

Agency contact: The curtains, Eden. There's no payoff if I can't see anything.

Harley: Right, yeah. Now if you just tell me why you want me to do... (Phone disconnects) ....That.

Blake: Eden.

Bill: You are such a drag, Michelle. What's the point of kidding you if you're not going to get embarrassed.

Michelle: What do I have to be embarrassed about? So I got tanked and I made a pass at my best friend.

Bill: No.

Michelle: Can you blame me? Look how cute he is.

Bill: Well, he's not my type.

Ben: That's good, because you're not mine either.

Bill: You're breaking my heart. Hey, can I take a look at that paper?

Ben: Sure, man.

Bill: Yeah.

Ben: I mean why don't I open it up to the personal section for you, because your love life stinks.

Bill: Oh, you're so funny. Look whose talking. Anyway I got to find an apartment. The boarding house life is getting pretty tiresome.

Michelle: I thought you liked living upstairs?

Bill: Yeah, well, you know, it could cramp a guy's style after awhile.

Michelle: Does that mean what I think it means? Are you going to be seeing...(Mumbles) a certain person?

Ben: Wait. (Mumbling) What?

Bill: Don't worry about it, all right. Let's talk about jail bait. Dating jail bait and how that can take a lot out of you.

Michelle: Wait. What are you talking about-- Marina? Are you guys, actually dating?

Ben: No, no. No, of course not. We just, you know, we hang out every now and then.

Marina: Hey, Bill, Michelle? Do you guys want some dessert?

Bill: Dessert? No, thanks.

Marina: No, really, why don't you take a look at the menu? We have some really great specials. Come on, it's on the house.

Bill: Okay. Thank you. Here, you decide.

Michelle: Okay. (Laughter) Oh, my God! I told you he was cute.

Bill: My...

Ben: What? What’s so funny?

Bill: Oh, my. You are.

Michelle: Oh, boy.

Marina: Gotcha.

Bill: Just hanging out, huh?

Ross: You have any idea the damage that you've done? Reva, I can't repair this. I'm going to have to move for a mistrial. There's no way this jury can be impartial.

Reva: No, Ross.

Ross: Yes, we need a new trial.

Reva: And start this all over again?

Ross: Yes.

Reva: No. No, I pleaded guilty and I meant it.

Ross: Reva, if you plead guilty it's out of my--

Josh: Ross. I understand what you're trying to do here, I appreciate it. But once Reva has made up her mind, that's it.

Ross: And you're saying she's made up her mind?

Josh: Yes. Let's move on. What about the manslaughter two possibility? Is that still on the table?

Ross: I doubt it. It's not official yet.

Josh: Okay.

Ross: I'll go ask Doris.

Josh: Thank you.

Marah: Mom, I know that you want to protect Aunt Cassie, but this is your life we're talking about.

Shayne: I mean, Mom, what about you? And what about us? Uncle Richard would not ever told you to do this. He wouldn't want you in this position to go to jail for the rest of your life.

Josh: She's not going to jail, son. We're going to figure this out. Okay. We will.

Reva: We'll try. But if we have to face the worst, than we'll deal with it.

Shayne: I'm sure it'll be no problem.

Reva: I know. I know how difficult this is going to be for you kids. I know that. But you're all grown-up now... Practically. And you have very full lives of your own. And if you have to be without me for a little while, it will be okay. Because you all have each other. I mean, you saw Cassie up on that stand. You saw what she went through for just a few minutes. Now if she has to go through a whole trial, I don't know what that will do to her.

Marah: Mom.

Ross: There is no plea bargain. We have second degree murder.

Shayne: And how long is the sentence for that?

Ross: 15 to 30 years.

Edmund: Ms. Wolf? What's going on?

Doris: Mr. Marler wanted me to reinstate the plea bargain I offered. I said no. Mrs. Lewis is definitely doing time. That should help you in your wrongful death suit up ahead.

Edmund: What will it take to get Reva Lewis off right now?

Doris: Short of your brother coming back from the dead and admitting that he asked Reva to kill him, nothing.

Ross: All right, I want you to go home. Reva, you can go and officially change your plea. Obviously, you can not leave Springfield. There will probably be other restrictions.

Reva: Thanks, Ross.

Ross: And I will call tonight.

Josh: We're going to have to... We're going to have to get you out of a side door, I think. Son, go get the car. Remember that side entrance we went by earlier?

Shayne: Yeah.

Josh: Get the car and take it there. And check and to see if there's anybody out there in the hallway. Marah, you and I will go out the front door and we'll deal with the press. There's a stairwell right over there. I want you to go in there and just wait there and I'll come and get you.

Shayne: Everything's clear.

Josh: Thank you, son. Let's go.

Marah: Okay.

Edmund: Hello, Reva.

Eden: Do you mind?

Blake: Do you? That's my room.

Eden: I don't think so.

Blake: See? 23B.

Eden: See? 23B. Someone must have made a mistake.

Blake: Apparently so. But you know what? I have all my stuff in there. I'm already checked in, so...

Eden: Well, then you'll have to disappear.

Blake: Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Eden: Hey, I specifically asked for this room.

Blake: Well, I got it first.

Eden: Well, then you're just going to have leave. I'm sorry.

Blake: No, no, no. No, no.

Eden: If you don't like it, that is just too bad. Is someone in here? What is that noise?

Blake: That...That would be my husband, the lawyer. My husband who sues everybody and anything that moves, okay? So you could sit here and wait for him to get out of the shower and he would take care of you. Or you could just go downstairs and get yourself another room. Thank you. (Whispers) Harley? Harley? Harley?

Harley: What is going on?

Blake: Hello? Eden has a key to the room. Come on, I got rid of her. But we have to get out of here.

Harley: No, no. No, Blake, what about Bruce? What if he comes out and what if she comes in? What if they talk?

Blake: No, no, no. Too many "ifs." What-ifs? What-ifs?

Blake: No, listen to me. Listen to me. You go in there and you guard, Blake. Just do what I’m telling you to do. Guard, get rid of her, okay?

Blake: You better know what you're doing.

Harley: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bruce?

Bruce: Yes.

Harley: Sweetie, are you married?

Bruce: Why?

Harley: I don't know if you heard the phone ring just now, but a woman was on the line and she said...

Bruce: Yeah. I got... I got to get out of here.

Bill: Now was this taken at the beach at night? (Laughs)

Michelle: Hey, I thought I was the only girl you brought to the beach. You cad.

Ben: Okay, listen. Listen. First of all, you brought me out there. And as for this, this is just, you know...

Bill: Yes, please explain this, Benjamin.

Michelle: Yeah, in detail. Not that there's much left to the imagination. (Laughs)

Ben: Look, Marina played a little joke on me, okay? Ha, ha, ha. Very funny.

Michelle: Ah.

Bill: Just the two of you?

Ben: No, no. As matter of fact, Lizzie Spaulding and Tammy Winslow.

Bill: (Laughs) Did he just say Lizzie and Tammy? Did they bring their babysitters, too?

Michelle: Weren't they after their bedtime? I mean come on.

Bill: What is wrong with you?

Ben: No, it's not...

Bill: Oh, my goodness.

Ben: Marina and I were... Look, it's not like that, okay?

Bill: Keep digging yourself out of that hole, my friend.

Michelle: Yeah.

Ben: Look, we're not...It's a game we play, all right? Marina does something to me then I get her back... Yep.

Bill: How cute.

Michelle: So mature.

Ben: Okay, you know what? Forget it, all right?

Bill: Now were the girls in their undies, too? (Laughter) Oh, my goodness.

Michelle: Oh, boys. Boys. You know, I did. I really needed this. Thank you very much. But I got to go, because my brother's not in the best of moods. But, oh, love you guys. Thank for the laugh, cutie. (Laughs)

Ben: Thanks a lot, Bill.

Bill: Don't thank me. You brought it on yourself.

Ben: Okay, fine. Can we just drop it now? Please? Seriously?

Bill: Of course. Of course. Of course. But now would you like me to get this framed for you? I'm sure I could have that done at a low, low cost. All right, all right I’m done. No more.

Ben: All right, thank you. Hey, what are you looking for in the paper?

Bill: I told you. A place to live, my friend.

Ben: Yeah, I know that. I mean what kind of place? An apartment?

Bill: Well, yeah, I guess.

Ben: Bill, if we pull our resources, man, we could get a house. A nice house with a pool, little Jacuzzi.

Bill: So you want to move off campus?

Ben: Yeah. I'm only taking two classes this semester and I’m teaching one. I don't need to be there full- time.

Bill: Yeah--

Ben: We could have a lot of fun, man.

Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you know what? That sounds like an interesting idea. I'll think about it. But you know what? If we do do it, no prancing around like that, okay?

Ben: Hey...

Bill: You can't do that.

Ben: I can't make any promises, man, you know. I got to be me in tighty whities.

Bill: Yeah, I see. Well, that's the thing. That's what I'm afraid of. Well, that's what scares me. ( Laughter) And I can't have that. Let's see what we got here. See if we could started about price ranges and all that kind of thing.

Ben: Yeah, I'm feeling we could, definitely. Hey!

Bill: Hey, Marah.

Ben: Marah.

Bill: Hey, what do you think about Ben and I getting a...

Marah: Sit.

Bill: What's going on? What's wrong?

Ben: Something happened at the trial?

Marah: My mom changed her plea to guilty. So unless some sort of miracle happens, she's going to go to jail.

Edmund: Why did you do it? Why did you change your plea to guilty?

Reva: You heard why I did it.

Edmund: You said you wanted to make Cassie’s life easier. Is that the real reason? Or is it you finally realize what you did was wrong?

Reva: You may find this hard to believe, Edmund, but there are people in this world who manage to put other people first. Maybe not all the time and maybe not every day, because no one's a saint. But in a crunch when it really matters...

Edmund: And you're one of these paragons of virtue?

Reva: No. I just love my sister. The same way Richard loved her. He asked me to help him die, because he didn't want to have to have Cassie make that kind of decision on her own, because he knew what it would do to her. He put her first. I'm following his example now just like I followed his example then.

Edmund: What, damn the consequences?

Reva: Why does it surprise you that your brother was so noble? Because you're not?

Edmund: Richard was a prince.

Reva: So were you. Well, at least you were born one. And you could be again if you chose to be.

Edmund: Reva, wait. Richard’s... Richard's last minutes, did he... How was he with it?

Reva: Do you mean did he lash out about the injustice of it all, the way you would have, Edmund? No. He left this earth the same way he walked in, with dignity.

Ben: I'm sorry, Marah. Your mother only did what your uncle asked her to.

Bill: So now how's Cassie holding up?

Marah: Oh, she left the trial pretty upset. I'm going to have to call her later. Oh, no.

Bill: What?

Ben: What?

Marah: I forgot I have this huge Lit test tomorrow that I have to study for. That's the last thing I want to do tonight.

Bill: So what? Can you just talk to the professor and have it postponed or something?

Marah: No, this professor is a total tyrant.

Ben: Who is it?

Marah: Mrs. Blaine.

Ben: That's perfect. No, I gave her car a jumpstart in the faculty parking lot last week. She owes me a favor. I'll talk to her for you.

Marah: Really? You could?

Ben: Yeah. Consider your test postponed.

Marah: Ben, that's awesome. Thank you. Now I can go sleep at home tonight instead of going back to the dorm. I'm really not enjoying it there this semester.

Bill: No. How come? Beside from the obvious.

Marah: Yeah, somehow sharing a bathroom with 20 other people has lost it's appeal. Not to mention that now that mom's trials going on, people are either showering me with sympathy all of the time, or they're giving me dirty looks. Don't get me started on my new roommate.

Ben: Sounds like we need to make it three bedrooms, Bill. Bill and I are renting a place together.

Bill: Well, we're talking about it.

Ben: No, no, we can get a bigger place and you can join us.

Marah: Move in with you guys?

Ben: Yeah. Why not?

Marah: I don't know. I have to think about it. It's a really cool offer. And maybe if it had come at a different time. But you know what? If I move anywhere right now, I want it to be back home, so I can spend time with my mom. And then I would be able to be there for Shayne and my dad, you know.

Ben: Fair enough.

Bill: Sorry about all of this, all right? And if you need anything, just let me know.

Marah: Thank you. You're doing, all right? Keep doing what you doing at the office. I'm going to go, guys. Thank you for listening to me.

Ben: Hey, anytime.

Bill: Of course.

Marah: Bye.

Bill: Hang in there.

Marah: Thank you.

Marina: So did you guys see anything that you liked on the dessert menu? (Laughs)

Bill: Yeah, well... Oh, no. Thanks. I got to get back to the office.

Ben: Yeah, Bill, about our idea...

Marah: What idea?

Ben: ...Listen, I’ll call a couple realtors and we'll figure it out.

Bill: Yeah, you do that. And take it easy, huh?

Ben: All right.

Marina: Yeah. So what is all the stuff about calling realtors?

Ben: Nothing, all right. Could you just... Could you bring me the check?

Marina: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. So what did you think of my little bet, huh?

Ben: It was very clever. Very clever.

Marina: Yeah? And so now what are you going to do to get me back, big boy.

Ben: You know, Marina, games are really fun to a certain point. Take care.

Harley: Wait, wait. Wait a second. Just what I wanted. I don't want to do this inside. Sit down. Sit down. Okay, wait. Does this make sense? The theory? It's right, right?

Blake: There is no other explanation. It's called extortion.

Harley: Right.

Blake: Eden is paid to get married men in compromising situations in hotel rooms...

Harley: Using those sleeping pills, if she has to.

Blake: Right, right. And then phone-guy, you know, he takes the picture through the open curtain and they threatened the John with a picture, viola, instant payoff.

Harley: Hmm.

Blake: Mm-hmm.

Harley: Unless there's more to it.

Blake: What more can there be? Harley, come on. Eden is into some seriously nasty stuff here. You have that girl dead to the rights.

Harley: Yeah, unless there's more to the story, Blake. And then if there is more and she knows I know only part then I lose my leverage.

Blake: Part is enough. Trust me.

Harley: It's not with her. You don't understand. Eden has a way of just... She can weasel her way out of things. I think I... I think I need to do some more investigating so I could get all the facts.

Blake: Okay, but you're not going to impersonate her again. Because today was too close for comfort.

Harley: You're... you're right. No. There are other ways that I can get my information. Starting with our friend, Bruce. Right?

Eden: Something is not right. Hi. Hi.

Bruce: Hi. I didn't realize the room had already been rented out. Look I was in here earlier and I think I left something behind. Would you mind if I just take a look around?

Eden: Are you Bruce?

Bruce: Who wants to know?

Eden: I'm Eden. Your appointment. I'm really sorry I was late.

Bruce: Wait. You're Eden? The other one said she was Eden.

Eden: What other one?

Bruce: The girl who was here.

Eden: What? There was another girl here name Eden?

Bruce: Look, never mind. I don't know what's going on here, but you can count me out.

Josh: Listen. About what you did in that courtroom that was very brave.

Reva: I'm brave? Then why am I so scared?

Josh: Because it's a scary thing. But we'll work it out. There's an answer somewhere. We just haven't found it yet.

Carmen: Little bird told me that you were here alone unhappy.

Edmund: This hasn't exactly been a banner day for me.

Carmen: And what is that?

Edmund: This is my conscience.

Carmen: (Laughs) You have one? Eddie? Hey.

Edmund: Have you ever heard a fable about the scorpion and the frog, Carmen? The scorpion was traveling along one day came to a river bank, needed to get to the other side. Of course he couldn't swim. So he asked a passing frog if he wouldn't mind giving him a lift across the river. The frog naturally refused saying that he knew one sting from a scorpion's tail would send him straight to the bottom. To this the scorpion said was ridiculous, because one sting and they would both go to the bottom. So frog let him climb on his back and the frog and the scorpion went on across the river. And when they got to the middle of the river, scorpion stung the frog. And with his last breath, frog turned around and said, "Why did you do it? You've killed us both." And scorpion said, "Stinging is all I know. It's my nature."

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