Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/2/02
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Proofread by Tanya
Reva: Ross, what's going on? Cassie said for weeks that she didn't want to have any part of this trial.
Ross: It doesn't really matter what Cassie wants or doesn't want.
Josh: I thought you said they weren't going to subpoena her.
Ross: I made a mistake. I'll try and fix it, okay? Your honor, the defense has an objection to this particular witness.
Doris: The defense has the state's witness list. The expected testimony of Mrs. Winslow cannot possibly be construed as a surprise.
Ross: Ms. Wolfe, I know her name is on the list. The defense has yet another objection to Mrs. Winslow.
Carmen: When are you going to understand that Danny is putting this family and himself in terrible jeopardy by letting that Winslow woman miss her interest payments.
Tony: Look, Carmen, knock it off already. Danny's nobody's fool.
Carmen: Yeah. Only with certain women. I mean, it doesn't make any sense. He's treating this Cassie woman the same way he treated Michelle.
Tony: Would you just... Would you just drop it already? If you've got a problem with Danny, take it up with him. So, Eden. What's the deal, huh? You think that my place rates as your new hangout? I mean, for the sister of a cop...
Eden: Well, first of all, your place doesn't even rate, because the service here stinks.
Tony: Excuse me?
Eden: Well, where I come from, at bars they usually have bartenders. And since your busboy just told me that your bartender didn't show again today, I'm surprised I even stuck around.
Tony: Lucky, huh? Okay. Okay, I'll bite. So, why'd you decide to stay?
Eden: Just curious. Because, you know, I did offer to bartend for you and since it's so obvious that your hired help is very unreliable, I just don't understand why you haven't called yet.
Tony: Yeah, it's funny about that curious thing. It works the same for me.
Eden: What, you don't think I can mix a drink?
Tony: No, no, no, no. I don't have a problem believing that. It's you showing up the day when my most reliable bartender decides to disappear. That makes me, like I said, curious.
Frank: Harley...
Harley: Frank, don't even start. Okay? Eden got this file on her mark or whatever he is, for a reason.
Frank: Will you just stop and listen to me for one second? Please? What if I didn't show up at Towers that night?
Harley: Why, I might have actually been able to figure out what his sister's up to. But listen, I know that she is not turning tricks, because not even the highest paid hooker gets professional info like this.
Frank: I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that if you get something on Eden, that she's going to come clean with Phillip. Why don't you just tell Phillip that Gus is not the guy who pushed that kid off the roof in Chicago?
Harley: This is not about clearing Gus' name, okay? This is about my Zach. My Zackeroo. Remember him? Frank, Phillip will have to give him back to me if I can prove that he is wrong, and I can, I swear it.
Frank: Believe me when I tell you that I want... You know that I want you to get Zach back, right?
Harley: Yes. Yes.
Frank: I don't think, though, that it's a good idea for you to pretend that you're Eden and run all over town, Harley.
Harley: Why? It worked the other night at Towers with that guy. And I'm sure it'll work tonight with this guy.
Frank: What are you talking about? Don't tell me you're going to do this stupid thing again!
Harley: Okay, listen, Frank. Eden's contact at the agency said that I should expect something in the P.O. box today. Now, I’m sure that that something is a file that looks just like this baby.
Frank: Okay. (Makes buzzer sound) That's it. Game's over.
Harley: Frank, won't you listen to me?
Frank: No, no. You listen to me. Eden is Gus' sister. That's his problem. He's the one that needs to handle this, not you.
Harley: Yes, Eden is Gus' sister! What is he going to do? What would you do? Would you take me down if I was guilty of something, no matter what it was? Would you?
Frank: Come on, what are you talking about? That's different.
Harley: Okay, I don't want to... I don't want to discuss this with you anymore, okay? I don't want to talk about it.
Gus: Nobody home. Hey! Hello, everybody. I'm not interrupting, am I?
Harley: No, no, no.
Frank: Oh, yeah. Yeah, you are.
Gus: I'm sorry. There you go. A little Cooper family unity. What a family we have here. What's... Did I leave this here before? No? Coop, this doesn't look like it's from our department.
Harley: No, it wouldn't be, because I'm not... I'm not at the station right now.
Gus: In fact, it looks like a P.I. file. Hold on a second. Are you... Are you doing a little P.I. work on the side, during your suspension? Is that what's going on here?
Edmund: "I, Richard Winslow, being of sound mind, do hereby willfully and voluntarily make known my desire that my life not be prolonged by heroic measures or life support under the following conditions..." Richard, if Reva’s legal team knew about this document, her case would be thrown out of court in an instant.
Judge: Mr. Marler, the defense's objection to Mrs. Winslow as a witness?
Ross: Yes, your honor. My office sent out a list of requests to every witness that was on the list, and every one responded except Mrs. Winslow.
Doris: This is ridiculous. No witness is ever compelled to speak with the defense, especially not the victim's wife in a homicide.
Ross: If I may be allowed to finish. Because she did not respond, the defense had a reasonable expectation that she was not going to testify.
Doris: Well, the defense's erroneous assumptions are not the state's problem.
Ross: Look, your honor, all we are asking is a two-day continuance so we can prepare for testimony.
Doris: And drag this woman's grief out for how many more days?
Cassie: Your honor? Ms. Wolfe wants me on the stand right now. Mr. Marler wants me on the stand in a few days. But no one has asked me if I wanted to be here in the first place.
Judge: Mrs. Winslow, this is not a question of...
Cassie: The only thing I want is my husband. But he's gone, and since that's never going to change, I would like to leave now, with my daughter.
Doris: Your honor, if I may. Mrs. Winslow, I am not trying to be cruel. Please know that.
Cassie: No, I just want...
Doris: To tell the truth, I’m sure. And all we want is your opinion, if you think your sister did the right thing with your husband.
Ross: Your honor, she can't be questioned at this point.
Judge: Sit down, Ms. Wolfe. I have yet to render an opinion on Mr. Marler's objection.
Doris: With all due respect, your honor, who is better qualified to testify as to Mr. Winslow's state of mind than his wife? Mrs. Lewis claims to know, but she has a lot more at stake in this.
Judge: Enough, Ms. Wolfe. Enough. I am very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Winslow, but I'm afraid that not wanting to appear in court is simply not reason enough for me to dismiss you. I'm going to call a short recess while I consider arguments from both sides regarding the witness.
Bailiff: All rise.
Reva: Ross, what does all this mean?
Ross: If Cassie is allowed to take the stand, I'm going to have to try and discredit her testimony. I know that she's your sister, but your life is at stake and we don't have all that much to go on, okay? Now, the jury can't have any doubt at all about your version of what happened in Richard’s hospital room and they certainly can't have any doubt about what Richard actually wanted.
Richard: This is a new beginning now for both of us. The power struggles of the past, they're just that-- in the past. There's no crown. There's no throne standing between us now. And I was thinking, you know, perhaps if we could find a way to put some of the terrible things that has happened behind us. That you could, you know, that we could... Be brothers again. Here. No olive branch available, but these will have to do.
Frank: Yeah, that's exactly what that is, Aitoro. It's a case. It's a file. A P.I. file from Chicago. One of their guys there is an informant for us.
Gus: That's cool. Who's the perp?
Frank: Just some creep who's got an eye for the ladies.
Gus: Ah-ha. Well, he better not have an eye on my lady.
Harley: (Laughs)
Gus: Because my lady is hard enough to handle as it is.
Frank: You can say that.
Gus: You know what? I'm starving. Tell me, please, you have peanut butter and some fluffity-fluff in the kitchen...
Harley: Do I ever not have the essentials?
Gus: Thank you.
Harley: Thank you.
Gus: Anybody else?
Harley: Fine. Thank you. That was so good.
Frank: You owe me so big I can't even tell you. We're talking huge here.
Harley: Well, I know, and it may actually be a little huger than you think, because you know that thing that I'm expecting from Chicago that's supposed to be coming for Eden but actually for me?
Frank: Oh, no. Here we go.
Harley: Now that Gus is here, I can't actually go there, so somebody has to go to the post office and pick it up for me.
Frank: Why me?
Harley: Because you love me?
Frank: I do love you and I know that if I don't, that you will hurt me.
Harley: Yes, that, too. (Laughs) Thank you, Frank. Don't worry. I've got backup on this one. Word of honor.
Frank: Now I'm really worried.
Harley: Oh.
Gus: I said I was going to put all my stuff over here so I could work on stuff and have it the same time as you.
Harley: Okay, so something about your desk and files and help?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: No, I don't think so.
Gus: I'm saying that...
Harley: Nope.
Gus: I work here for a couple of hours a day and then I get to spend my time with you. See what I’m saying?
Harley: Mm-hmm. And the fact that I do paperwork faster than any of the guys in the department, that has nothing to do with...
Gus: No! See, where your mind... No, I'm saying, I'm talking about, you know, lunch breaks. Special kind of coffee breaks, if you will. Lunch hour. Have you ever seen my version of lunch hour?
Harley: No. Maybe you should show me.
Gus: It involves peanut butter and some fluffity-fluff. And my favorite: You.
Eden: Are you afraid to take a chance with me? What are you doing? Calling an agency?
Tony: No. First I'm going to call my bartender and find out where the hell he is.
Eden: I already know where he is.
Tony: Oh. So you're a psychic bartender? You're one talented girl, did you know that?
Eden: Yes, I am very talented. I did a great impersonation of, what's her name, your Aunt Carmella?
Tony: Carmen.
Eden: Whatever. "Carmen" told the bartender to take the day off. Look, I was just trying to show you how desperate you are to have me around.
Tony: Oh, I look desperate, do I?
Eden: Well, you look a lot of things, but you also look like a guy that knows a good thing when he sees it. And I am a good thing.
Tony: What you are is Gus Aitoro’s sister.
Eden: Strike one. Don't I get two more?
Tony: No, Luis, you do not have the day off. You kiss your girlfriend good- bye and you get your butt back over here.
Carmen: What's going on with Luis?
Tony: Well, he's ticked that I’m taking back the day off that you gave him.
Carmen: What are you talking about?
Tony: You know, just forget it. Forget it.
Carmen: Antonio, what's really going on around here? Hmm? Does it have anything to do with that pretty girl who just left?
Tony: Carmen, do you ever stop interfering? Do you ever take a day off, like Luis did?
Carmen: My, my. Aren't we touchy today? All I said was, she was pretty.
Tony: Well, did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, I look past what's on the outside?
Carmen: The truth? No. Don't get insulted. I was thinking about Marah Lewis. Looks are the only thing that girl has.
Tony: You know what? I don't need this.
Carmen: Antonio, you should learn to accept your mistakes and move past them.
Tony: With who? With that girl that you just saw?
Carmen: And why not?
Tony: You... You really have no idea who she is, do you?
Carmen: She couldn't be worse than a Bauer or a Lewis. And she certainly seemed to like you.
Tony: Yeah, maybe. Maybe not. The jury's still out on that one. (Knocking on door)
Eden: Nicky? Nicky? Hey, I saw your car outside. Okay, fine. Gus? Harley? Well, well, well.
Gus: (Clears throat) Find what you're looking for?
Eden: No. I mean, I just walked in a second ago.
Gus: Right.
Eden: What is all this stuff?
Gus: These are dead files, files that are headed for the junkyard. Including this one that you... Oh, reading on Tony Santos.
Eden: You expect me to believe that you're going to put anything with "Santos" in a dead file? Especially after what they did to our father?
Gus: Well, you can believe it, honey. Oh, don't get me wrong, if there's a Santos doing something illegal, I’ll be the first one there handling it, but until that time, I’m really not interested.
Eden: Well, in that case, give it to me, because if you're not going to finish this, then I will.
Reva: Ross, you have to go easy on Cassie. It's only been in the last few days that things have started looking up for her.
Josh: I'm sure Ross will be delicate with Cassie.
Ross: You are missing the point. I can't be delicate. In order for the jury to believe Reva, they have to doubt Cassie. They have to doubt that she knew Richard’s last wishes. They have to doubt that perhaps she was in deep denial about his condition and that would just be the beginning. I'll be right back. I have to talk to the D.A.
Marah: He's going to try and make Aunt Cassie look crazy?
Josh: He's just trying to figure out a strategy, sweetheart. Maybe our only one.
Reva: Joshua. I know what you're thinking, that if Ross goes too easy on Cassie and she somehow manages to let them know how she feels about what I did...
Josh: Reva.
Reva: ...Then the court will sympathize with her and they'll convict me.
Shayne: Mom, no.
Reva: Sweetheart, it's a reality we're going to have to face, and I'm as prepared as I ever will be.
Marah: Mom, you're not allowed to talk to a witness.
Reva: Sweetheart, I’m not going to talk to a witness. I'm going to talk to my sister. Cassie. Hey.
Cassie: Hey.
Reva: How are the kids?
Cassie: Things are going much better now. The hotel's open. The money's coming in.
Reva: That's good.
Cassie: And then I got the subpoena. We probably shouldn't be talking.
Reva: We have to.
Cassie: I still think what you did was wrong, but I don't want you to go to jail. No amount of suffering is going to bring Richard back.
Reva: No.
Cassie: That's why I don't want to get on that stand, you know? I can't help you and I can't help Richard, but they're going to make me relive it. They're going to make me...
Reva: Cassie...
Cassie: And I don't think I can do it.
Reva: I am so sorry. I am so terribly sorry. For everything.
Cassie: So am I.
Bailiff: All rise.
Judge: This court sympathizes with Mrs. Winslow during her time of bereavement, but given the fact that she's already present and she is the state's final witness, defense's motion for continuance at this time is denied. The witness will take the stand. Mrs. Winslow?
Gus: God, you know what your problem... You are so... You're stubborn. You're even more stubborn than Harley.
Eden: Oh, do not compare me to her. Harley has got you wrapped around her finger so tightly, you don't even know that it's your own family you're supposed to take care of...
Gus: Stop it, stop it, stop it.
Eden: No, I’m serious.
Gus: Stop it.
Eden: What happens when Tony, you know, decides to blow away some other kid's father, huh? What do I do about that orphan family, huh? Who do I go to? Obviously, not you.
Gus: Look...
Harley: Nobody's getting blown away, Eden.
Eden: Oh, look who's here, Little Mary Miss Sunshine.
Harley: Boy, nobody's ever called me that before.
Gus: Hi, baby, hi. Listen, come here.
Harley: Hmm?
Gus: Um, I know it's your house and everything, but I just need like a minute to talk to her, okay, alone. Is that all right? Please.
Harley: It's fine.
Gus: Okay.
Harley: But I want you to listen to me. Do you hear what's coming out of her mouth?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: It's bitterness.
Gus: Yeah. Yeah.
Harley: All the bitterness that you worked so hard to let go of. Do you hear me?
Gus: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, yeah, yeah.
Harley: Don't let her pull you back into it.
Gus: (Mumbles) Okay.
Eden: Don't tell me she has turned you into a coward.
Reva: I can't believe this is happening. I mean, what court, what judge would just disregard what she's going through right now?
Ross: Yeah, but the jury won't, and that's our problem. If Cassie hates what you've done, so will these people.
Doris: Mrs. Winslow, I know this must be very difficult for you. But I'd like to go through the events of the evening of your husband's car accident. Now, you were actually in your own car at the time, in the same traffic jam caused by your husband's accident.
Cassie: Yes, Richard was... He was down the road.
Doris: And you were able to see him as the paramedics came and tried to rescue him?
Reva: This is not fair.
Cassie: I was with the ambulance, yes.
Doris: And from that moment, straight up until the time of his death, you were with him.
Cassie: Most of the time, but not all of the time.
Doris: Who was there when you were not, Mrs. Winslow?
Cassie: My sister, Reva Lewis.
Doris: In fact, Mrs. Lewis was there at the exact time of his death?
Cassie: Yes.
Doris: Now, we know from statements made by Mrs. Lewis, that Mr. Winslow begged her to end his life, because he was in extraordinary pain. In all the years that you've known him, all the years that you were married to him, did your husband ever mention to you his wishes regarding extraordinary life support?
Ross: Objection, your honor, hearsay.
Doris: Your honor, this is an important conversation had by husbands and wives everywhere, and perhaps Mrs. Winslow can enlighten us as to her husband's wishes...
Judge: Objection overruled. Answer the question, please.
Cassie: Richard never talked about life support except to Reva.
Doris: Please answer the questions that are asked. Knowing your husband, is it possible that in a moment of monumental pain, he might have reached out to just about anyone to end his suffering?
Cassie: Anybody might. I don't understand what you're getting at.
Doris: All I'm suggesting is that, perhaps, Mr. Winslow reacted in a moment of excruciating pain. And if that pain had subsided and he had had a chance to rethink his request before Mrs. Lewis intervened, that perhaps he would be alive and well on his way to recovery today.
Cassie: How would I know that? I'm not a doctor. How would I know anything except that my husband was in serious pain. I can't do this I can't do this. I am trying to get back on my feet for my children's sake. I just can't do this.
Ross: Your honor, counsel is badgering her own witness.
Doris: Your honor, permission to treat this witness as hostile.
Judge: Permission granted.
Reva: That's exactly what she wanted, isn't it, Ross? To have permission to tear Cassie apart. What kind of justice is that? Stop her!
Ross: Reva, I can't. If I try and stop her, it looks much worse for you.
Gus: I... I had nothing going for me, okay, except a rotten past and a lot of anger. I had a lot of anger.
Eden: Well, good for you. Now, you've got a future.
Gus: Well, so do you, honey.
Eden: Really?
Gus: Yeah, yeah, really. Listen, it's still Nick and Stick here, okay? And we have a lot of... A lot of time to make up for. But I am going to have Harley in my future, and I want you in my future as well.
Eden: Oh, goody. I can't wait. But I'm sorry to disappoint you, because I don't believe you can have a future if you don't have a past.
Gus: Kind of like this past, right here? Your little cigarette burns. Who did this to you? You never even told me who did this to you.
Eden: Hey, you want to know who did this to me? Me. Yeah, that's right, little old me. One night I was feeling sorry for myself, you know, no father, no mother, no brother. And so I did it, just like that, yeah. And you know what? It actually felt good for a minute. Because it reminded me of who I really am. I am a woman who will never forget and never give up. You know, I used to think the same thing about you. But I was wrong. And you know, I wish for old time's sake I could say, I hope things work out with you and this Cooper woman, but I just can’t.
Tony: Detective, I'm sorry, we're closed. We had a little trouble with the bartender.
Harley: Actually, I didn't come here for drinks, Tony. I came to see you.
Tony: Come on, what is it, a shakedown? We haven't had a card game here in weeks.
Harley: It's not that. This is... This is personal.
Tony: Okay.
Harley: If you should see Eden August walking down the street, you should cross to the other side. If you see her in a restaurant, you should find someplace else to eat.
Tony: I get it, I get it. You and Aitoro think that I have a thing for his sister, so you came down...
Harley: Let me finish, let me finish. It's not that at all. If anything, it's the opposite, and it's not good for you, Tony, it's not good at all.
Tony: Yeah, right, okay, look, why don't we save us both some trouble, and you tell me the real deal.
Harley: No, that's all you get. Just steer clear of her, okay?
Tony: I don't like surprises, Detective.
Harley: Well, that's why it's important to always listen to your local law enforcement officer. Have a nice day.
Carmen: You get around, don't you, Eden?
Eden: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Carmen: Easy, sweetheart. I just saw you at Infierno earlier and now you're here. You're a busy girl.
Eden: You don't know the half of it. So, what about you? What are you doing here? This doesn't seem like your type of place.
Carmen: It's not. I was looking for a friend of mine, but he's not here. What about you?
Eden: Oh, I just, you know, can't get enough of those Coopers.
Carmen: Really? Oh. Meeting a friend?
Eden: A friend in this town? Are you kidding? They decide they hate me before they even get to know me.
Carmen: (Laughs) Oh, Eden, you and I have a lot in common.
Eden: Do we?
Carmen: I think so. And you do have a friend in Springfield; Antonio likes you.
Eden: Not anymore.
Carmen: He does. He just can't let go of his obsession with that shallow, little Lewis girl. But don't let that stop you. Antonio needs friends, and I want him to have what he deserves.
Eden: Well, Carmen, maybe we do have a lot in common.
Doris: I am merely trying to establish that during his last days, you almost never left your husband's side.
Cassie: Yes, that's true.
Doris: And during that time, you witnessed his seizures, his reaction to the pain.
Cassie: Yes, but I didn't see his stroke; Reva did.
Doris: She was there. She saw his suffering.
Cassie: Yes.
Doris: Mrs. Winslow, do you think your husband wanted to die?
Cassie: I don't know.
Doris: Is it possible that your sister misinterpreted your husband's request? Because of the amount of pain he was in, because of the severity of his medical condition?
Cassie: I didn't hear what he said to Reva. I don't know. She heard what she heard and she acted on it.
Doris: Mrs. Winslow, one of our most basic desires, basic instincts is to stay alive no matter what it takes. Now, you were counting on your husband to pull through this, weren't you? Mrs. Winslow?
Cassie: Yes, of course, I was.
Doris: Against all odds? Do you believe that your husband wanted to get well? That he was strong enough to pull through this?
Cassie: Yes, I had to believe that. That was all I had.
Doris: Do you believe that he wanted to pull through this?
Cassie: How can you ask me that question?
Doris: I can ask you that question because you're the one that knew him well. No one loved him better. Is it a reasonable hypothesis to think that your husband would have placed the responsibility for his death in someone else's hands other than yours?
Cassie: I don't know.
Doris: Is it something that the man you loved would do?
Reva: Leave her alone!
Doris: Give up his life without telling you first?
Cassie: I don't know! I don't know!
Judge: Mrs. Winslow. Mrs. Winslow, you have not been excused! Mrs. Winslow!
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Oh, hi.
Harley: What happened to our afternoon work session? And where's Eden?
Gus: Uh, well, I don’t... I got beeped. I got... I got to go to the station and... I don't know, I don't know.
Harley: Oh, so I guess your little heart to heart didn't go so well?
Gus: Yeah, no, not really. I told her that... Well, look, I just don't want you to have any... I don't want you to be upset and worried all day.
Harley: Oh, you don't have to worry about that. With her? No, I don’t. I don't think so.
Gus: No, it's not... Not...
Harley: What? What? I'm sorry.
Gus: Eww, no, you know, I’m just... What I’m trying to say is... Talking between men and women, for them to... Not... To understand each other and not... It's just not easy. It's just... It's not easy.
Harley: No, I know, it's not.
Gus: With the lie... I mean...
Harley: Was there something you wanted to tell me?
Gus: No. I told her that... I told her that you can't get through the day... I can't... I can't get through the day or... Without knowing that I have a future.
Harley: Hm-hmm.
Gus: And you, Coop, you're my future. You are.
Harley: Thank you.
Frank: (Clears throat)
Gus: Yeah, right, well, take... Take it easy.
Harley: Have a nice day.
Gus: I love you. Not you, Frank, just... I love her, just... Being clear.
Harley: Isn't he the sweetest?
Frank: Yeah, the sweetest guy you've ever lied to and tried to trick, absolutely.
Harley: Shut up. You know I have to do this. It's for his own good, okay? I mean, you know, how is he going to feel when he finds out his sister is up to something like this?
Frank: Well, you know what? Let's just find out what we're dealing with first here, all right? This looks like pretty much the same as before. Whoever's putting this together for Eden is doing a pretty damn good job.
Harley: Yeah, her pharmacist isn't doing such a bad job either. One of these babies knock you out for about 12 hours. Sex crime unit told me about this.
Frank: That's not good.
Harley: No. But we know that whatever she's doing with these guys, she's knocking them out first. That's not good. Do you think?
Tony: Well, fancy meeting you here.
Eden: Jeez, I didn't even hear you.
Tony: I thought you were the kind of girl that likes a... A good surprise.
Eden: Well, you thought wrong. So, what are you doing, following me?
Tony: Uh, no, no, I was... I was looking for you. A little bird told me that I might find you here.
Eden: Oh, was that little bird named aunt Carmen?
Tony: That's the one. You know, she's a... She's a big fan of yours.
Eden: Oh, very smart woman.
Tony: Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I was wondering what you were doing later.
Eden: Later when?
Tony: Well, tonight. I want to know if you want to give that bartending gig a shot.
Eden: Oh, so, now you're interested, and you want me just to drop everything and come work for you tonight?
Tony: Oh, gee, you're welcome.
Eden: Well, why don't we see if it works out, and then we'll worry about thank you's.
Reva: Why couldn't you just leave her alone?
Doris: Your honor.
Ross: Reva, don't.
Judge: Mr. Marler, control your client.
Reva: And what about you, your honor? Why don't you take charge of your courtroom? Did you see what she did to my sister? You call that justice?
Judge: Court is adjourned for the day.
Reva: Oh, no, no, wait a minute. You're leaving? I mean, you... You... You treat my sister like she's nothing? Like she doesn't have any feelings in this matter at all?
Judge: Mr. Marler, I'm not going to warn you again.
Ross: Reva, don't...
Reva: You know what...
Ross: Stop!
Reva: ...This whole case is a sham! The D.A. only took this because it's an election year. Do you really think that this court cares about my sister's last memory of her husband? Do you think they... They care that... That Richard had one last agonizing breath on this earth? Well, don't let them fool you, because they don't.
Judge: Mr. Marler, one more outburst from Mrs. Lewis...
Reva: You know what...
Judge: ...And she will be held in contempt...
Reva: ...Let's give Cassie and Richard...
Judge: ...Handcuffed and gagged!
Reva: ...Their final justice, shall we? I take back my not guilty plea because it's a lie. The only truth I know is that, yes, I did turn off Richard’s life support. I did it because it's what he asked me to do. It's what he begged me to do, and if that's murder, then I’m guilty as charged.