GL Transcript Friday 9/27/02

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/27/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Bill: Ah, you made it.

Michelle: Not yet, I didn't. I still have to make it all the way back.

Bill: Well, it's a beautiful morning.

Michelle: I think it's a little sunny, don't you think? All right, where the heck is my jacket?

Bill: Well, this is where you left it. It's got to be here someplace.

Michelle: Why didn't I just drive, you know?

Billy: Why? Because I wouldn't let you.

Michelle: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Bill: You see, exercise is the best cure for a hangover. But the best way to torture someone with a hangover is to make them do a little exercise.

Michelle: You're some friend, you know that?

Bill: Ah-ha! That's right. Some friend. Does this look familiar?

Michelle: Thank you.

Bill: So you never told me what were you doing at the beach last night.

Michelle: I went for a walk.

Bill: Were you alone? I mean, you left the bar without saying a word, and you were gone for quite some time. Okay, Michelle, I think you shook the buttons right off that sucker.

Michelle: Okay. You might as well hear it from me instead of some other source. I came here last night with Ben.

Bill: So what's all the secrecy about? Big deal. You and Ben. So what? Wait a minute. You and Ben?

Gus: Thank you.

Harley: Remind me why we can't start every single day like this?

Gus: Because I've been exiled. Remember?

Harley: Yes, I remember. ( Laughs) It just seems unfair, you know. You can't be here. And Phillip still has some say in my...

Gus: Whoa! I'm just having myself a happy moment here. Please.

Harley: Sorry. Sorry.

Gus: Don't you ever get tired of this whole separation thing?

Harley: Of course I do.

Gus: It's getting old.

Harley: It's not... It's not the way I wanted it at all.

Gus: Well, I think that we are dangerously close to winning.

Harley: You do?

Gus: Oh, yes, I do.

Harley: Why do you say that? (Bell rings) I'm sure I can get that person to go away. Let's ignore them. (Doorbell rings) Obviously they're not going to go away. Here. Keep yourself warm. Hope it's not my father. (Laughs) Flowers. When did you order flowers?

Eden: Hi, Harley. Did I catch you at a bad time?

Beth: Mind if I take this?

Phillip: Sure.

Phillip: I don't believe it. You remember this? (Laughs)

Beth: Wondering where that went.

Phillip: Best family appetite. Bauer barbecue. What the hell year was that?

Beth: The year everybody got a trophy. (Laughter)

Phillip: That's right. It would have to be.

Beth: I think that should stay here.

Phillip: You think? You can, too, you know. You don't have to move out right now.

Beth: No. No, we agreed last night that the best thing is for me to move out.

Phillip: I know. But I'm saying you don't have to do it immediately. You could just stay here until you get your place set up.

Beth: I think the sooner I find one and move the kids out, the better. It's going to be a pretty hard adjustment and I don't want to drag it out.

Phillip: That's a good point. So...

Lizzie: Hey, you guys wanted to see me?

Phillip: Yeah, honey. Come on in.

Lizzie: (Laughs) What's this? Mom, you're not going away again, are you?

Beth: Lizzie, sit down.

Lizzie: It's something bad, isn't it?

Beth: There's really no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to say it. Your father and I are splitting up.

Lizzie: What?

Phillip: This doesn't mean that we don't love each other. And it's not because we're angry about anything. Not at all.

Lizzie: Well, then I don't understand why.

Beth: There have been a lot of changes in the last year for both your father and me, and we just felt that it was time to go our own way.

Lizzie: Okay. So... so what happens now?

Beth: I'm going to move out of the house and you and James are going to come with me.

Lizzie: No. No. No way.

Olivia: Are you all right?

Alan: Oh, Olivia, you're still here. I'm so glad.

Olivia: I don't remember falling asleep.

Alan: Don't...

Olivia: Was somebody in here last night when I came in, or was I dreaming that?

Alan: It doesn't matter. I'm just glad you're still here to watch over me.

Olivia: Well, you know, it's the least I can do, considering I was the one who put you here.

Alan: Don't remind me.

Olivia: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of this.

Alan: Please, please, please, darling, don't apologize anymore. What's done is done. And besides, I didn't die. I'm not dead yet.

Olivia: Did you at least get some sleep?

Alan: I got a little bit. I had a pretty terrible dream. I dreamt that I was at my funeral and in my casket.

Olivia: Oh, Alan.

Alan: I was dead, yet I could hear everything. I could hear muted voices, laughter. And I saw these people come to the edge of my casket. It was you and Phillip, and you had a very satisfied look on your face.

Olivia: Look, it was a dream. It was a dream. Please try and forget it.

Alan: What if I did die?

Olivia: Alan, you're not going to die.

Alan: I know. But what if I did? Would you go straight to Phillip as if I didn't... didn't exist? I need to know.

Olivia: Alan, I’m... I'm not going to be with Phillip. I'm going to be where I was all last night, with you.

Alan: How do I know that's true?

Olivia: Because it's where I was last night. I mean, you're sick; you're in bed. I could have been off doing anything I wanted.

Alan: Mm-hmm. With Phillip?

Olivia: Alan, please. With Phillip, with anyone else. Look Phillip is with Beth where he belongs, and I'm here.

Alan: Where you belong?

Olivia: I'm with the man who loves me.

Alan: Careful. My heart. (Olivia laughs)

Olivia: Try and get some rest, okay? I need to go home and shower and change.

Alan: You will come back though, right?

Olivia: Yeah, as soon as I can.

Alan: Okay.

Lizzie: It's because of that stupid diary, isn't it?

Beth: What?

Lizzie: This breakup, this split-- whatever you guys are calling it. I don't know. I mean, you did all these crazy things as Lorelei, right? And now that the story's on everybody's coffee table, it's ruined everything.

Phillip: Lizzie. Lizzie, that's not the reason we're breaking up. It really isn’t. There are just times when two people realize that it's just not right for them to be together anymore.

Lizzie: Well, how would you know? You just got back together.

Phillip: Oh, sweetheart, your mom...

Lizzie: Oh, don't "Sweetheart" me.

Phillip: Lizzie...

Lizzie: I mean, I feel so stupid. I mean, I've been through this a zillion times already, right? I should have known it wasn't going to work out again.

Beth: Lizzie, don't do this. Don’t.

Lizzie: You guys always get involved with people you shouldn't be with-- both of you.

Phillip: Well, honey, your mom and I may not have made the best choices in partners, and we know that that's hurt you and your brother, but that is not an excuse for you to be hurtful.

Beth: Or to be reckless.

Lizzie: Reckless? Oh, what is this... This is going to be about me taking Cassie’s ring now? Is that why we have lawyers working for us, Dad, because of my recklessness?

Phillip: Elizabeth, that's enough.

Beth: We're all hurting right now. But we have to get through this without becoming resentful or blaming each other. And we can do that if we do it together.

Lizzie: As a family? Great.

Phillip: As a family, yes. Because no matter what happens with us, that's what we still are.

Lizzie: Yeah, a family that lives in two different places.

Phillip: Oh, honey. You're right. We have been through a lot of hard times and there have been a lot changes. Maybe too many. But let me tell you something. The one thing that has never changed is how much your mom and I love you.

Beth: And that will never change, no matter where we are or who we're with.

Phillip: You like it or not, you're stuck with us. Come here, sweetie. It's okay. You'll be okay.

Bill: Really? Was this like a more-than- friends-type deal? I mean, a party on the beach for two perhaps?

Michelle: (Groans)

Bill: I'm just asking.

Michelle: I noticed that.

Bill: Ben? Was there kissing involved?

Michelle: Okay.

Bill: Kissing and then some? What are we talking about here?

Michelle: Keep going on like this, you're not going to be riding that bike home, because you're going to buried in the sand up to your neck.

Bill: All right, all right, all right. You don't have to tell me a thing, okay? Like what base you got to. I don't need to know.

Michelle: You're such a pig!

Bill: Ouch! You know, that's going to leave a mark. Like that mark there on your neck. Is that from Ben Reade?

Michelle: I'm really glad that you're so amused by this.

Bill: I just... I find that quite strange. But what I really don't understand is never mind a beach, you and I were all alone on Mystic Island and I think the only time you looked at me was when you were talking about the surprising splendors of spaghetti.

Michelle: We're friends, remember?

Bill: Friends. That's right. Like you and Ben were friends.

Michelle: Careful.

Bill: I don't under... Ben?

Michelle: Yes.

Bill: So what? Like a couple of drinks, some hot music and then...

Michelle: All right, for your information, nothing happened. Nothing much major happened.

Bill: Major? Really? Because it sounds like you were good to go.

Michelle: I was... I was, actually, but I came to my senses, thank God.

Bill: Ben? Can I ask you a question? Why Ben?

Michelle: What, do you mean as opposed to you? (Laughs) Okay, if I had asked, would you've done it?

Bill: Of course... Not.

Michelle: See, I rest my case.

Bill: Never. No, see, because I am your friend. You're not even divorced yet. See I would never take advantage of you like that, no.

Michelle: Yeah, but that's what I wanted. I wanted to be taken advantage of. I want it to be my idea.

Bill: Ay, yi, yi. I think maybe you had a few too many drinks.

Michelle: So what? So I did. I wanted to have fun, you know? Look at... Look at Ben. He does whatever he wants without ever thinking of the consequences, and I wanted it to be like that. I wanted to be like anyone but Michelle Bauer.

Bill: Michelle Bauer Santos. So this is really about Danny, isn't it?

Michelle: No. Well, it used to be, but not anymore. Now it's about... It's about what's next.

Harley: Eden, Eden, Eden. What brings you here? Come with some more stories about your brother? Out walking your flowers?

Gus: What... what... What's going on?

Eden: When you didn't come back to the motel last night, I figured you were here and I was thinking about the meeting. You know, I never meant to hurt Harley. I just wanted to stay out of jail. And I'm sorry for what I did. That's what these are for.

Harley: How thoughtful.

Eden: I know it must be tough being the mother of all these children with all these different men. And I just... I don't want to make it worse for you.

Harley: A little late for that.

Eden: Well, maybe next time. Hey, is Jude’s dad mad at you? But anyway, I mean, I know my brother has weird, you know, weird taste in girlfriends. But I was thinking about your son and I was thinking, you know, maybe it is better just to go along for the ride.

Harley: I know what ride you could go along for. Right back to your motel. So we can get dressed of course.

Gus: Hold up now. Wait. Come on. You know what? This is what we're going to do. You stay down here and have a smoke and a coffee. And you could do it outside. And we're going to get dressed, you know, human beings. Human beings. And we're going to all hash this out... Together... In a minute, okay?

Harley: Sounds good.

Gus: Come on. All right.

Harley: Let me ask you something. If I murdered you sister would you still love me? (Laughter)

Bill: Hey.

Michelle: Oh, thanks.

Bill: So do regret any of the choices that you made?

Michelle: I regret how some of them turned out. Except for Robbie, because he is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Bill: What about Danny?

Michelle: I loved Danny, you know? I still do. I still love him.

Bill: You just feel like you missed something along the way? A piece got left out that you want back?

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. How did you know?

Bill: Beth said something like that the other day.

Michelle: Do you think that that's why Lorelei was such a wild woman, because Beth was trying to make-up for lost time?

Bill: You know, I don't know. I don't know the psychology behind it. As long as she... As long as she wants to be with me again, you know. (Laughs)

Michelle: She really made an impression on you.

Bill: No, it’s... it's just we had one hell of good time that's all. You know, I'd just like a little more of that, I guess.

Michelle: So then your advice to me would be to go find a younger guy with a wild streak and no responsibilities? Please.

Bill: Well, whatever works for you, honey.

Michelle: So then I should have gone for Ben last night, huh? Or maybe even you on Mystic Island.

Bill: Well... You know...

Rick: Oh, there they are. The morning bikers.

Bill: Hey!

Michelle: Rick!

Rick: Hey!

Michelle: Hi. I didn't think you were back till this afternoon.

Rick: I know.

Michelle: Wow, you look great!

Rick: Well, that's what rehab's for, honey.

Bill: Welcome back.

Rick: Hey, Bill.

Bill: Looking good.

Rick: Thank you. How are you doing?

Bill: I'm doing all right, doing all right. But listen, I got to roll to meet my dad over at Towers for breakfast. But will you do me a favor?

Michelle: Yes?

Bill: Will you hang in there?

Michelle: I will.

Bill: All right.

Michelle: Thank you.

Bill: Take care of this woman, all right?

Rick: Okay.

Bill: I'm going to grab my helmet, get out of your way. Good seeing you again.

Rick: Yeah, take care.

Michelle: See you later.

Beth: I'm going to get us a suite at Towers and we can stay there until we find something a little more permanent.

Lizzie: I'm not going.

Phillip: Lizzie...

Lizzie: I'm not going anywhere with her. Grandpa Alan’s in the hospital, and this is when you decide you want to go and move into a hotel? I mean, don't you care about him at all?

Beth: Lizzie... Lizzie, wait.

Phillip: Beth, it's okay. Let her go. Let her go.

Beth: Phillip...

Phillip: Let her go. She’s just upset.

Beth: Of course she is.

Phillip: Of course she is. And she's angry and she's confused, and she has every right to be. We just have to give her some time.

Beth: Great time to uproot her and make her start a whole new life, huh?

Phillip: She'll get used to the idea.

(Phone rings)

Lizzie: Hello?

Alan: Well, my goodness, you sound like you've got a cold. We can't have two Spaulding’s sick at the same time.

Lizzie: Grandpa, hi! How are you?

Alan: Well, I’m feeling much better, thank you. Listen, can you tell me is your mother there?

Lizzie: Grandpa, I don't really think she can come to the phone right now. She's a little bit busy packing to leave the house.

Alan: What?

Lizzie: She and daddy broke up. Can you believe that? Before they even got started again. Grandpa, I’m so mad at her-- at both of them.

Alan: Well, of course you are. This is terrible, darling. Listen, have you seen Olivia?

Lizzie: No.

Alan: Are you sure? It's very important.

Lizzie: I haven't seen her, Grandpa.

Beth: Oh, I feel as if Lizzie hates me.

Phillip: Oh, Beth, she doesn't hate you. She's a teenager.

Beth: Exactly. Teenagers either love or they hate everything.

Phillip: When they're not bored. There's no easy way to do this.

Beth: I just want everyone to be okay. Are you okay?

Phillip: No. But I will be. I'm just tired, Beth, and I need a little time to let everything sink in. Don't worry about me.

Beth: As long as you promise not to worry about me.

Phillip: Sorry. Okay.

Beth: Well, I should go and get dressed and see about that suite at Towers, but I’ll come back later and try to talk to Lizzie again.

Phillip: That's all right, take your time. I'll keep an eye on Lizzie and you just do what you need to do.

Beth: Thank you. For everything.

Phillip: If you need anything...  

Dr. Kirby: I got here as soon as I... Alan, I don't understand. Your message said something about a medical emergency.

Alan: That's right. We have to create a crisis.

Dr. Kirby: What?

Alan: Yes. They believe that I had a heart attack. Now we have to convince them that I am at death's door, so put your thinking cap on, Doctor.

Rick: I've got to tell you, this is so nice. I haven't been here for so long.

Michelle: We can come back tomorrow if you want.

Rick: Sounds good to me. I tell you, rehab has been... You know, there's no place like home.

Michelle: Well, you had a good check-up?

Rick: Yeah. Yeah, they say I’m in great shape. So are Mel and Jude.

Michelle: And when's Mel’s reinstatement hearing?

Rick: Next week.

Michelle: Good.

Rick: Yeah. Yeah. So when are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?

Michelle: Dad told you about Danny and me.

Rick: Yeah. He mentioned it to me this morning. I'm so sorry, Michelle. I am so sorry.

Michelle: Well, I’m coping brilliantly, you know?

Rick: What are you doing?

Michelle: Denial, grief, more denial. Going through all the stages. I even started my binge eating. Oh, and I got drunk last night.

Rick: Oh, you did.

Michelle: Yeah.

Rick: Are we past that stage now?

Michelle: Yeah, I think it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. The headache pretty much guarantees it.

Rick: Come here. I don't want you to worry about facing all this alone with your son, okay? You got dad, you got Mel and especially your big brother to help you through this. Okay? And you've got your friends, like Bill.

Michelle: Yeah, I know. Oh. Speaking of Robbie, I've got to go home to him and since I’m two-wheeling it, I’ve got to go now.

Rick: Okay.

Michelle: Are you going to come home before your check-up?

Rick: Uh, you know, it's such a nice day, I'm just going to hang out here for a while.

Michelle: Okay.

Rick: Okay?

Michelle: I'll see you later.

Rick: Michelle? It's going to be okay.

Michelle: Thanks.

Rick: Hello. Guess who's back in town. As a matter of fact, I’m at the beach. Where are you? The beach is much better. Why don't you come by and say hello. See new a little bit.

Harley: (Coughs) Gus is still in the shower. But that's fine. It'll give us a chance to, you know, talk.

Eden: Talk about what? Shoes? Boys?

Harley: How about you?

Eden: Hey, it's my favorite subject.

Harley: Eden, you realize when you told the arbitrator that Gus was the one who pushed that guy off the roof in Chicago, you realize that cost me custody of my son, don't you?

Eden: I didn't do it for that. I was trying to keep myself out of jail.

Harley: Still, you sold me out. You sold out Gus. All for yourself.

Eden: Look, it killed me, what I had to do to Nicky, but what do I owe you? What do I owe your son, huh? Nothing. I mean, what did you ever do for me except drag me down to this nothing town in handcuffs and then get me this close to going to prison. You know, after that, my heart was just, you know, overflowing with gratitude.

Harley: So much for the earlier apology. Why are you really here?

Eden: To see if you're really as stupid as I think you are.

Harley: (Laughs) Oh. Am I?

Eden: More. You know, you think that I’m the cause of all your problems, when it's your fault. You keep sucking Nicky back into your life, no matter how much trouble it's going to cause you. That's very stupid.

Harley: Well, I happen to love your brother.

Eden: Join the club. I'm the founder.

Harley: Yeah. Kinky.

Eden: Yeah, sex in the morning is really nice, but you know, there's other things that Nicky should be doing in his life that are much more important. Like he used to.

Harley: Like what?

Eden: Besides, what happens when you get bored with him and say bye-bye? Do you think Nicky’s just going to shrug it off and then go back to doing the important things in his life? No. The longer he's with you and gets more hooked in, the harder he's going to fight to get you back.

Harley: And the more he'll ignore you, right?

Eden: I am his sister. I am not a notch in his bedpost. I have waited half my life to get him back to where we are right now. Do you think...

Gus: Hey, there you guys are. What's going on?

Harley: Eden was just leaving. Better say good-bye.

(Alarm beeping)

Olivia: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. What happened? What happened?

Dr. Kirby: He's had another cardiac arrest. Please wait outside! Breathe. Oh, I've got him. Come on. Come on. (Alarm stops)

Nurse: I've got a pulse.

Dr. Kirby: He's back. I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm sorry you had to see that.

Olivia: Is he... Is he out of danger?

Dr. Kirby: Hardly. Two heart attacks in a span of four days does not bode well.

Olivia: Are you saying he could have another one?

Dr. Kirby: Possibly one he won't survive.

Olivia: Can... can I see him?

Dr. Kirby: Yeah.

Olivia: Hey. Hey. Hey.

Alan: Where's Phillip?

Olivia: He's back at the house. Do you want me to call him?

Alan: Are he and Beth...?

Olivia: They're fine. They're fine. You don't need to worry about them.

Alan: Did you speak with them?

Olivia: Better. I saw them. They were pawing each other, happy as clams. Whatever that means. So, hey, you got your wish. Phillip and Beth are stronger than ever.

Alan: I have another wish that hasn't come true. But you could change that, Olivia.

Phillip: I just still can't believe it happened. It's just insanity.

Rick: How about your father? I know he's in the hospital and suffered a heart attack. How is he doing?

Phillip: Not very well.

Rick: How are you doing?

Phillip: I guess I’m doing okay, considering I’m the one who put him there.

Rick: What are you talking about? Come on.

Phillip: Stupid, I just can't believe it happened. It's just insanity.

Rick: Okay. Is it time for the Spaulding rant or-- do you want to start from the beginning?

Phillip: I'm not sure I know where the beginning is, Rick. Alan... Alan gave Olivia a pair of earrings that he had put a bug into them. He was spying on her.

Rick: Great.

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Rick: That's vintage Alan.

Phillip: Yeah. So when she found out, she told me about it and we decided it would be a good idea to give him an earful.

Rick: Give the old man some payback.

Phillip: Which he deserved. Which he had coming. Driving me nuts. You know how he can't leave anybody alone. So we did, we set up a little act for him. We made it sound as though we were having a hot, steamy affair.

Rick: Oh, boy.

Phillip: Stupid. Very stupid. But we did it. And he bought it. And he came charging through the door, fit to be tied, caught us in a clinch and keeled over.

Rick: Does Beth know about this?

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: And?

Phillip: She's moving out today.

Rick: What? Why? Why would she leave you over some stupid prank?

Phillip: It wasn't just a prank.

Rick: What do you mean?

Phillip: Well, it started out as a joke, just a way to get back at Alan, but by the time he came through the door, Olivia and I weren't pretending anymore. What we were doing and feeling was pretty damn real.

Bill: Hold the elevator! Going somewhere?

Gus: All right, look. I want you to stay away from Harley, all right?

Eden: I will if you will.

Gus: No, I'm serious. If you want to help make this right, I want you to stay clear until she at least gets her son back.

Eden: What, do you really think that Phillip Spaulding is going to give back her kid?

Gus: Well, I'm going to make sure that he does.

Harley: So it's the sister versus the notch on the bedpost, huh? Yeah, right. (Cell phone rings) She brings flowers, she leaves her purse. What a gal. I better get that. Hi, this is Eden. Who am I speaking to?

Ripley: Ripley.

Harley: Hi, Ripley, how's business?

Ripley: You tell me. What happened with Tierney?

Ripley: You did make contact with him?

Harley: Uh, yeah, I did, but what happened was he got cold feet and he bailed before I could get anywhere.

Ripley: (Sighs) Not good. I've got another assignment, if you think you can handle it.

Harley: No, I do. I do, thanks. But don't reach me on this cell phone anymore, okay? I've got another number for you.

Bill: So, what's with the bag?

Beth: I'm moving out of the Spaulding mansion. I'm going to be staying here for a while.

Bill: Really? And why is that?

Beth: I really don't want to go into it.

Bill: With me, you mean?

Beth: I just need some time to think.

Bill: Fine. Now you've got more time to do it.

Rick: Are you absolutely sure about this.

Phillip: We tried. Nobody was more convinced we could pick up where we left off than Beth and I. We have the kids, the history. We love each other.

Rick: Do you still?

Phillip: Yeah, we do, but it's not enough anymore. You know sometimes you're with somebody and you go through so much together and you cause so much pain, after a while, you're just numb. I'm tired.

Rick: I just... I don't know what to say. I'm just sorry that you guys are both going through this.

Phillip: I know. I am, too.

Rick: Well, it's an end of an era.

Phillip: What?

Rick: I was just wondering about Olivia.

Phillip: What about her? She's with my father. I understand that part of it.

Rick: The question is, do you want Olivia to be with you?

Alan: Come closer. I told you that I would never... (Coughs) ...I would never ask you to marry me again. Next time, you would have to ask me. But... (Gasps)

Olivia: Alan. Somebody help... (Sobbing)

Alan: I'm not going to make you get on this cold, hospital floor, Olivia. And I want to tell you that I... I might be dying.

Olivia: Don't say that.

Alan: But it's true. I might be. And I... I want to make sure that you are taken care of and have everything that you want.

Olivia: You're going to be fine.

Alan: A precautionary measure, just in case you're wrong. I love you. I love you and I will ask you again. Will you... Will you marry me?

Olivia: Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.

Alan: (Sighs) Olivia Spencer wants to rule an empire but she's about to be ruled out.

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