GL Transcript Tuesday 9/24/02

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/24/02

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Gus: Come on, Smitty, help me out. It's not too much to... Just, can I talk for a... Can I talk for a second? All I'm asking you to do is help me out. Just follow Phillip Spaulding. Yeah, until I get back. Well, I told you, he's at the hospital. Yeah, I just want you to just keep a tab on him, you know? See where he goes, who he goes with, especially if he is with a woman named Olivia Spencer. Yeah, she's medium build, medium height, dark hair. She's all-right looking, you know, and she’s... But she has beautiful lips, and... Yeah, beautiful lips and what? Yeah, you're breaking up. I've got to... I've got to go. Bye.

Harley: Who was that?

Gus: That was the pizza guy.

Harley: Oh.

Gus: That was the pizza guy, because I'm working up an appetite.

Harley: Oh, well, why don't we go back upstairs, and I'll help you build an appetite for dessert?

Gus: Yeah?

Harley: Let's go.

Gus: No, no, no. Stupid, stupid, I told you.

Harley: Thanks.

Gus: No, not you, honey, not you. It's not you. It's not the kiss or anything. And you look beautiful. You're just so sexy. It's me. It's the lying, and it's the games, and I’m... I'm not doing it this way.

Harley: Okay, okay. What are you talking about?

Gus: There's no extra large pepperoni coming through the door.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: There's not even a small, individual little garlic with black olives and mushrooms.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: There's no pizza guy. There's no pizza guy.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: I lied to you. I lied to you and said the pizza... I was on the phone with somebody about Phillip.

Harley: Didn't you promise me you weren't going to provoke him?

Gus: Yeah, when? Yeah. But I'm not provoking him. I'm, you know... If he provokes himself because of the kind of guy he is...

Harley: Forget it. What did you do this time?

Gus: I just called in a favor. Look, if the guy's got something on me, I, you know, I'll also have something on him, I hope.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: So what is it you hope you have on him?

Gus: Just something that can knock him off his high horse and bring Zach back home to you.

Phillip: You know, I think... I think maybe you and I need to talk a little bit about what the truth... What the reality of this situation really is.

Olivia: All right, let's talk about reality, but I think reality is different for different people. It all depends on how you allow yourself to perceive things.

Phillip: Are you forgetting whose hospital room we were in a little while ago?

Olivia: No, of course I’m not forgetting.

Phillip: My father, your lover-- the guy that we put into that hospital bed with that idiotic stunt that we pulled that got out of hand.

Olivia: I'm sorry. I'm as sorry about that as you are.

Phillip: Really? Because you don't seem real broken up about it. What if he dies? What if he dies thinking that we have something going on between us? That's a hell of a price to pay for bugging your earrings, don't you think?

Olivia: So nothing is going on between us, is that what you're saying?

Phillip: I'm saying that we were playing a game.

Olivia: I don't want...

Phillip: And if it ends up costing me my father...

Olivia: I don't want anything to happen to Alan. You know that. But I'm not afraid of the truth, either.

Phillip: Don’t.

Olivia: No, I’m not going to deny what was happening between us when he walked in the room.

Phillip: Nothing was happening between us-- nothing at all. Listen, you are seriously fooling yourself if you think there's anything between us, or ever could be.

Danny: So what? Everybody's got to die sometime. I was just talking. You guys know that, right? Nothing's going to happen to me-- I promise-- or anybody else.

Cassie: Yes, that's what I said. A Baroness has booked the hotel, and she's bringing an entourage. Tonight. Yes, tonight. I know we're not supposed to open for another week, but we can do this. Now, can you get me a staff?

Tammy: Mom?

Cassie: No, I’ve been trying to call Olivia, but I can't get through to her. This is what I need. I need a bellboy, I need a maid, a bartender, and whatever else you can find, I need them down here as soon as possible, okay? Great. We have a few hours to get this place together, and Olson doesn't know if he can get me a staff in time. But you know what? That's okay, because we have been praying for this, and we're going to do it. We have to.

Tammy: Mom? Mom...

Cassie: I'm sorry, Tammy, I’m sorry, but we have so much to do. I have to get the floors cleaned, I have to get this place painted...

Tammy: Mom, Mom.

Cassie: What?

Blake: Hello.

Marah: Hi.

Cassie: What are you guys doing here?

Tammy: That's what I was trying to tell you. I called some of our friends and, well...

Blake: We are at your service, my princess.

Cassie: Do you guys know what you're getting yourselves into here?

Blake: Yeah, well, Tammy called and said you had some VIP showing up, and you don't have anybody-- a bellboy, a doorman, and no maid.

Marina: Yeah, who is this big-deal guest with the entourage from hell?

Tammy: Some Baroness, and she booked every room, right, Mom?

Cassie: Get over here. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Tammy: Okay, can we save this until we get this place together?

Blake: All right, what do you want us to do.

Cassie: I don't even know where to start. I guess we need to do the floors; we need to do the kitchen, the beds, a bar.

Marina: Ooh, that has my name on it.

Cassie: Right. Ben, can you mix a drink?

Ben: Been doing it since I was about 12.

Marina: No, actually, Ben wants to help me with the beds, right, Ben?

Ben: Whoa, whoa, no, that's not the case at all.

Marina: No, no, no, I mean, I could, like, do it myself in a flash, but I need someone big and strong to push around those big containers of linens.

Cassie: Uh-huh, okay. You guys can be the maids.

Marina: All right, sweet. Come on, Reade; there are beds waiting for us.

Ben: Yeah, and there's a Cooper with a gun under every one of them.

Cassie: Remy, can you please set up the bar? It's right through there.

Remy: I could try.

Cassie: Thank you.

Marah: You know what? I better help him, otherwise the Baroness whatever-her-face is just going to be drinking draft.

Cassie: Wait, wait, wait, wait, come here. I think it's, like, awesome that you're here helping me, but your mom's about to start her trial.

Marah: She wants me to help you.

Cassie: Thank you. Thank you.

Marah: You're welcome. Go.

Cassie: Okay.

Blake: So, give it to me: The hardest assignment in the house. No hand labor, though.

Cassie: You, you're really here. Are you really here helping me?

Blake: Yeah. Feel it?

Cassie: Did I need that?

Blake: No, you know what you need? You need this. Come on.

Cassie: I feel like I’ve been under a fog for so long, and I can't tell you how good it feels to feel the sun on my face. I'm going to have money, Blake. I'm going to be able to pay my bills. I'm going to be out from under that threat.

Blake: What threat?

Cassie: The threat of losing my friends because I’ve been moping around too long. I love you. I love you.

Tammy: Mom, stop hugging people, and let's get moving.

Cassie: Right, good idea. Okay, we have a hotel to open. Go.

Harley: So what is it you think you have on Phillip?

Gus: Don't give me that evil eye. What do you... You don't trust me?

Harley: Of course I trust you. No, no, no, no, it's just that the last time I trusted you, I ended up in Rick’s hospital bed, pretending to be on death's door. And there was the time your sister was supposed to tell Phillip something, and she left.

Gus: All right, all right. All right. But this time I'm on to something. And just got to... Just stay with me on this first. Can you just listen to me for a second, for a minute, please, Miss? Please? All right.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Gus: Okay. I hear you at night when you don't think... Well, when you think I'm sleeping.

Harley: What do you mean, you hear me?

Gus: Crying. Crying because your boy's not home. And it rips right through me. It's like a sound that I’ve never heard before. Makes me want to roll over and just hold you in my arms, you know, because I promise that I’d help get Zach back home, and I haven't been able to do that, and it kills me, you know? I mean, to think you're going through all this because of me kills me.

Harley: Honey, honey, but that's the thing. It's not because of you. You didn't take Zach from me. This is Phillip!

Gus: Exactly. Now, just listen. Exactly. It's because of Phillip, right? Right, and because of my past in the beginning, but now because of Phillip, you are relegated to see your son only at school. And the nanny, the nanny's the one that dresses him in these little tuxedo things. And let's say you wanted to teach the kid how to play ball. You'd have to go over there during a supervised visit over at the haunted mansion. Well, that's going to stop. It's over, you understand, because I got the goods on him now.

Harley: Okay, what goods?

Gus: Okay, now we're talking. You know the story of the three bears, right, where, you know, "Who's sleeping in my bed?", And everything. Well, I think that Phillip, I think he kicked papa bear out.

Harley: You know what? I think I follow you better than anybody, but I have no idea what you're talking about.

Gus: Okay, well, Alan... Listen to me. Alan Spaulding, he dropped down to the ground with a heart attack, right?

Harley: Yes.

Gus: Okay, well, something made him drop like that, and I think it's something that he saw with Phillip and Olivia.

Harley: Olivia?

Gus: Yeah, exactly.

Harley: How did you come upon this information?

Gus: I know what I'm doing. I gather information. I don't have all the proof yet, but I'm working on it. I just need, like, 24 hours. 24 hours, I'll have it.

Harley: 24 hours?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: 24 hours.

Gus: 24.

Harley: You know, honey, I could give you 24 years, and you're not going to get anything on Olivia and Phillip, because nothing happened.

Gus: You don't know that.

Harley: No, I do know that. And I know that because I graduated from the Phillip Spaulding school of misery. That guy cheats on everybody, and I learned that the hard way. He'll cheat on anybody, any chance he gets-- everybody except Beth Raines. There's not a woman in the world who could tempt him to do that.

Olivia: So you feel nothing for me, nothing at all?

Phillip: My father...

Olivia: I know how your father feels. I want to know how you feel.

Phillip: I... How I feel? What... Do you remember Beth? The woman who lives in the house with me, the mother of my children? We've been together since we were in high school. Do you remember her?

Olivia: I do remember Beth, and I remember the fight you guys had the other night.

Phillip: Hey, you know what? We fight all the time. God, I’m not going to have this conversation with you. Let me tell you. Here's the deal. We played a game on my father, and it went too far, but that was it. There's nothing between us, never was. Wasn't anything between us in the bedroom; wasn't anything between us...

Olivia: In the hot tub?

Phillip: Okay, look. I'm a man; you're a very beautiful woman, obviously. We had a little chemistry thing going on between us.

Olivia: Oh, so you have felt a chemistry thing. It's not you gritting your teeth, forcing yourself to hold me and kiss me.

Phillip: I like you, okay? You happy? You happy? Is that what you would like to hear? I like you. I like you very much. I think you're beautiful, I think you're smart, you're sexy, you've got the whole package going. That doesn't mean I intend to be with you.

Olivia: Oh, well, you gave me the wrong impression.

Phillip: You are involved with my father. He has asked you to marry him. And as far as I can tell, the only reason you haven't given him an answer is because you can actually have him. See, me, on the other hand... No, this is the deal. Me, I'm involved with Beth.

Olivia: So that's what you think this is all about? Me wanting what I can't have?

Phillip: Look, I don't know-- seems like that to me. Maybe you're one of these people that enough is never enough, you know. What do you want from me?

Cassie: Okay, this is Olivia’s fantasy.

Marah: Wow.

Remy: Nice.

Blake: Yes, very hip, very chic. This is the way to go. The martini bar is definitely the thing.

Cassie: Yeah, I insisted on a children's museum, and she wanted a place where she could collect her own dinosaurs.

Blake: Oh, Alan Spaulding isn't enough?

Remy: What's this? A swizzle stick?

Cassie: Oh, no, no, hide that. Get rid of that.

Marah: You know what? Why don't I vacuum a little bit while you unpack these boxes?

Remy: Well, it doesn't look like we need anymore liquor. Must be 15 different kinds of vermouth in here.

Cassie: Well, do you know which one goes with which vodka?

Remy: Never had a martini in my life. Now, if you need me to tap a keg, then...

Cassie: You're the guy. Right. Okay, well, read this "Official bartender's guide to martinis." Please study it. Practice until the bartender gets here, okay?

Remy: All right.

Blake: So what is Olivia going to do when she finds out you opened up her namesake without her?

Cassie: She's going to freak out, but then when it's a success, she is going to take all the credit.

Marah: You don't seem too worried.

Cassie: I'm not, because I called her a hundred times, and she didn't return my phone call. I have to say, this place looks great. It really does.

Blake: There's that smile. I haven't seen it in a long time, but it's back.

Cassie: I know, feels weird. And I'm starting to feel human.

Blake: You're starting to look human, honey. Let me see it again. Yeah.

Tammy: Hey, quit loafing around. Mr. Olson's here with crew.

Cassie: Oh, Mr. Olson. I love Mr. Olson. You come with me, okay? You guys, practicing mixing, please.

Marah: But we're going to need someone to test them.

Cassie: Hey, no drinking on duty, and check I.D.s.

Marah: I'll have a glass of water, please-- shaken, not stirred.

Remy: You know, I’d never tell your aunt, but I'm a little nervous about this whole charade.

Marah: Well, she'd never tell you, but so is she.

Remy: Yeah?

Marah: Yeah. She has a lot more riding on this than you would know.

Gus: Phillip is stepping out, all right? If the guy could cheat on you, he could cheat on anybody, and that's the way I see it.

Harley: Thank you, and I agree with you. He could cheat on anybody, except Beth Raines. I was married to him.

Gus: No, please listen to me. This thing is happening between him and Olivia, okay? And I just feel it. It's, like, in my gut. I have rousted more perps on half of this feeling.

Harley: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This thing you're telling me, this is based on a feeling, that's it? You have nothing?

Gus: No, I didn't say that it's just based on a feeling. Lizzie also said that Alan had the heart attack because he was mad at something with Phillip and Olivia, okay? So if he's mad, what kind of mad is that? He's, like, super mad, shock-you mad, like, how-could-this- happen-to-me kind of mad. You know what I'm saying? I think... This is what I think. I think he saw Phillip and Olivia doing, like, the horizontal bop.

Harley: Wait, wait. I... This is what I think. Can I tell you what I think? I think you're trying to help, and I think that's great. But you are... You're seeing something that you want to see. That's what it is.

Gus: Look at this. No, I'm not. I went to the hospital, and I saw Alan, okay, and I did my little dance around to see what's happening. And it's in his eyes. It's in Phillip’s eyes. This is happening. If we don't use it to our advantage...

Harley: Wait, use it?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: What are you talking about? Blackmailing Phillip?

Gus: Yeah, is that a bad idea?

Harley: That's a horrible idea. No, no, no, no, that's a very, very bad idea.

Gus: Why? Do you want to get your son back or not?

Harley: Of course I want to get my son back, but listen to me, this is... This is stooping to Phillip’s level. I can't do something like that. I can't do that, no.

Gus: Well, you know, you don't have to watch. I'll do it. I'll do it.

Harley: Honey, listen to me. This is a bad idea. This is like Spaulding stuff, you know. And one parent is required to be honest, normal, human.

Gus: Right, well, your son's not even going to know who his mother is if we don't get him back.

Harley: He will know who I am, but not at the expense of some innocent people. What about Lizzie and James? What if there's gossip that gets out about this? I can't do that.

Gus: I'm not saying I’m going to put it on the cover of the paper or anything. I'm talking about leverage. (Phone ringing) We need a little leverage to make him act like a normal human being.

Harley: No. (Phone ringing)

Gus: Force him to.

Harley: Can we not talk about this anymore, please? Hello? Hi. No, no, this isn't a bad time. I was just having some tea. That would be great. I look forward to that. I'll be here waiting for you. Thank you.

Gus: What?

Harley: That was the nanny. She's going to bring Zach over here because Phillip’s detained at the hospital.

Gus: Well, that's great, honey, that's great. We can build some blocks... Build some blocks, make a little city. I see, like, an emp... I can't stay. I want to stay. I really want to stay, but I... I hate this.

Harley: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Gus: It's cool. I'll make myself scarce. Will you say hello to him for me?

Harley: Yes, thank you.

Gus: Yeah, well, it's okay. I'm usually good at making myself scarce.

Harley: That's not what I mean. I mean thank you for being so up-front about what you were planning to do, and then telling me, and then not doing it. Because I'm capable of a lot of things, but that's just not me. Okay?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Thanks. I want to get ready, okay? Okay. Okay.

Gus: All right. All right, then, okay. Well, it might not be you, but it is definitely me.

Olivia: You want to know what I want? I'll tell you what I want. How about... Let's start with the truth. Let's do that, because I like the truth. And quite frankly, I find it insulting for you to be standing here, denying feelings that I know you have...

Phillip: Had, all right? And it was a physical thing. I did not intend to put myself in a position...

Olivia: Okay, no, let's forget about that. This is about me. You asked me about me and what I want. I want to tell you. I want a lot. I used to dream that a prince would come along and sweep me off my feet, and that happened. And unfortunately, I was left in the dust. And then there was Josh, who was in love with another woman the way I so desperately wanted him to love me. And then Alan came along and offered me something that I wanted, too. But I wanted more than he could give me. My sister used to say that I was a dreamer, you know? She used to accuse me of being a holdout, of wanting it all. And I do, okay? I want it all.

Phillip: Well, nobody has come along to make you happy. If you want to be happy, you better start looking inside.

Olivia: What is that? What am I supposed to do? Just make do with what I have when I know something better and more fulfilling is standing right in front of me? I can’t. I can't do that. I've never been able to do that. I can't settle, okay? And neither should you.

Phillip: I shouldn't settle?

Olivia: No.

Phillip: I shouldn't settle for just putting my father in the hospital; I should see if I can go the whole way and get him into his grave?

Olivia: No, don't you dare make it sound like I don't care about him. He means a great deal to me.

Phillip: Really?

Olivia: Yes.

Phillip: Well, then I don't understand this conversation, because you know what? That's his window. He's right in there. He's lying in a bed, hooked up to an IV...

Olivia: Yes, I know.

Phillip: And we put him there. Now, you want to stand here and talk to me about picking up where we left off?

Olivia: No, I’m not talking about waltzing off into the sunset together and leaving him up there alone. But when he gets better, Phillip...

Phillip: If he gets better.

Olivia: No, he is going to get better. He will get better, and when he does, what we feel isn't going to go away because we pretend it doesn't exist, because it does. It exists. I know it exists. I can see it in your eyes. That's what you're so afraid of, isn't it? That's what all this denial is about.

Phillip: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Olivia: You're not pushing me away because you don't want me. You're pushing me away because you do.

Phillip: I'm going inside.

Olivia: Won't make you feel any less guilty. And you won't want me any less.

(Knock at door)

Danny: Yeah?

Bartender: Got a message from Juan Jose over at the Beacon.

Danny: What message?

Bartender: He wants you go to go and check out what's going on over there.

Danny: Nothing's going on. The place doesn't open for another week.

Bartender: That's the message.

Danny: That's it? That's all you know? You didn't ask any questions?

Bartender: No.

Danny: You're going to go really far in this business, you know that?

Tammy: The florist just showed up with a zillion orchids.

Cassie: Okay, the Baroness wants them in every room. Okay? Thanks.

Blake: Where does this go?

Cassie: With this gentleman right here. Come on, you two. Over here.

Marah: Cassie, the ice machine isn't working.

Cassie: Okay, I want you to call Buzz and tell him we need cubed ice, not half-crescents, okay? And tell Remy to open up the caviar. The Baroness is going to be here in-- oh, my gosh-- 35 minutes. Go, go, go, go, go. Can I run away? Is there time for me to run away?

Blake: You know what you need to do? Come here. Put your head between your legs.

Cassie: This is going to work out, right? This is all coming together, and it's going to work out.

Blake: Oh, honey, it already is.

Cassie: I really wish Richard was here to see this. I really do.

Blake: He can see it. He has a panoramic view.

Cassie: I am so happy you are here. You are 24-carat, do you understand me? You are. Having you here means so much. I feel like I'm surrounded by my family.

Blake: Yeah. You could be, you know-- surrounded by your family.

Cassie: Blake.

Blake: I'm sorry, I’m sorry. But you know your sister, Reva, she's about to go to trial, and you two aren't even speaking.

Cassie: I'm not happy about the way things are, but you know what? I can't think about that right now. I've got to get through tonight. I've got to get through this.

Blake: Well, at least you didn't say no.

Phillip: I'm not going to dignify that with a response.

Olivia: Well, you know what? None is required. I suppose you're going to tell me you don't feel guilty about anything.

Phillip: No, see, I do feel guilty. What the hell have we been talking about for the last half hour? Yes, I feel incredibly guilty about what I’ve done to my father. I even feel guilty about what I’ve done to Beth.

Olivia: Okay, what you've done to your father, what you've done to Beth. What about what you're doing to yourself? I mean, isn't that... Isn't that what's making you feel most guilty? The feelings, the way I make you feel?

Phillip: Hey, don't flatter yourself. This is not the first time that I’ve had the hots for somebody and gone a little overboard. That's actually my stock in trade. You know what? I don't really like the way you make me feel, Olivia. How about that?

Olivia: It's really that easy for you to slap me in the face?

Phillip: Did I go too far? What's going to happen now. You're going to go run back to Beth and tell her all about this, like you did after we had that little swim in the hot tub?

Olivia: No, I’ll leave that to you, because you know, you're so good and noble and so full of self-recrimination, I'm sure you just can't wait to unburden yourself.

Phillip: You know, normally you'd be right, but in this case there's no need, since it was nothing.

Olivia: Well, okay. You want to know something really crazy? I'll tell you, because it's crazy. I really thought that you were different. I did. I thought that you knew how to love, and that love was the most important thing in the world to you, more than appearances or power or money or whatever the hell else your father might say. I was so wrong. I really thought you were kind and sensitive. But you know something? The only difference between you and your father is a couple billion dollars and the fact that he at least knows what he wants. And that's me. To hell with you.

Gus: Bad timing? (phone rings)

Olivia: Whatever it is, it's going to have to wait. I'm a little busy right now.

Cassie: Olivia, I have called you a hundred times. Do you not check your messages?

Olivia: Uh, yeah, I don't answer to you, and I have to go.

Cassie: We have got to talk about something, do you hear me?

Olivia: Send me an e-mail.

Bartender: What can I get you?

Olivia: Just grab something and pour.

Marina: That wasn't so bad, was it?

Ben: Yeah, well, it would've been a lot easier if you stayed out of the beds.

Marina: All right. You know what? You can't ask a Baroness to be a bed tester. That was our job, and as usual, I had to do it all.

Ben: Okay, you need serious help, Marina.

Marina: Yeah, are you man enough for the job?

Ben: Yeah, yeah, I am, if I had a woman, and not a sex- crazed teenager.

Marina: Oh, stop it. You love it, you love it.

Ben: You are certifiable.

Marina: Thank you.

Ben: Okay, okay, look. This has been fun and all, but I’m going to go find Cassie and see if she needs me.

Marina: You mean if she needs us?

Ben: Actually, no. No, I'm all for the team effort thing, but I’m going to strike out on this one alone.

Marina: Yeah, you see, that's the thing. You would think that, but the second I’m gone, you're going to miss me.

Ben: No, that's the thing, is that you don't really give me enough time to miss you.

Marina: Hmm.

Remy: It's been pretty tough for your aunt, huh? I mean, starting all over like this, and being a princess and all.

Marah: Well, that's not just it. I mean, I don't really think she misses being a princess too much, she just misses my uncle. And now she has to raise three kids all alone.

Remy: Well, it's great that you're here.

Marah: Yeah, it'd be better if my mom could be here.

Remy: Wow, your family is really going through a bad time right now. And you, you have to help everyone.

Marah: Well, I'm trying.

Remy: You're doing great. It's funny, you remind me of my sister. You see what people need, and you take care of it.

Marah: Older sisters 101.

Blake: Hey, Remy, Marah, how you guys doing? Everything okay?

Remy: We're cool.

Blake: You are such a trooper.

Ben: Yes, she is.

Blake: And speaking of good children, hey. I saw the clothes you bought your father.

Marina: Really?

Blake: Oh, yeah. New clothes, very hip, very happen... That leather jacket? If I were not married, hmm.

Marina: Yeah, it's hot, right? I am telling you guys, my dad still has it going on. Okay, you know what? I'm going to put this out there right now. I don't know if she's ready to date or not again yet, but what do you guys think about my dad and Cassie, because I think that he could be, like, really, really great for her, and... Okay, or maybe not.

Blake: Yeah. Speaking of Cassie, anybody seen her? I have to make sure she's still breathing, she's not hyperventilating. But you have everything under control, correct?

All: Yeah.

Blake: Okay, so I can tell Cassie to relax, because what can go wrong from here? Except getting out of here.

(Phone ringing)

Harley: Dinosaur. You draw it. That's a good green, too. Oh, that's great. Hello? Oh, hi, Blake. Wait, wait, slow down, slow down, slow down. A Baroness? Wow. Well, I would love to, but Zach is here, but we're having so much fun together... Right. I'll be there as soon as I can. Yeah, bye. Okay, so where were we? Oh, pictures. That's right, we're drawing. Hey, by the way, you drew this at school today? This is so pretty. This is mommy and this is Zach. Who's this?

Zach: Gus.

Harley: That's Gus? Oh, that's so nice. I can't wait to show this to him. He's going to be so happy you drew a picture of him. I love this. Oh, thank you, bunny.

Phillip: Hey. I went by the house, and Nolan told me...

Harley: Yeah, the nanny said that you said that he could come here.

Phillip: No, I did. I said he could visit, it's okay. Do you mind if I come in for a minute?

Harley: Wait, are you taking him home? He just got here, Phillip.

Phillip: No, it's okay. I just wanted to make sure that everything was all right. Really. It's all right.

Harley: You mean to check if Gus is here, right? Want to look in the closets?

Phillip: Not today. Hey, hey, sport. What you doing, slugger? What are you doing, buddy? What's that? You've been drawing? Is that you and mommy and daddy? Hey, is that a cigarette?

Harley: That? No, that's the Bauer barbecue pit, and then there's the lighter thing. Fourth of July stuff. So how's Alan doing?

Phillip: He's doing better, I think, thanks.

Harley: Wow. Olivia must be... She must be pretty devastated, huh?

Phillip: She's all right.

Harley: Yeah, more like shell-shocked. I mean, she and Alan, they were practically engaged, weren't they?

Phillip: Why are you so interested in Olivia?

Harley: Just curious.

Phillip: Why?

Harley: Why not?

Phillip: Well, because the last time I checked, you don't like her, so why the sudden burning interest?

Cassie: I just... I wanted to talk to you about something, and I wanted to tell you something. I could've never have done this without you, okay? And I want to thank you. And I want to make this up to you. After this is over, we're going to concentrate on one thing: Having fun, okay?

Tammy: Mom, I am having fun.

Cassie: Oh, good.

Tammy: I'm going to go check on the welcoming baskets. They were supposed to be here an hour ago.

Cassie: I think we did it. I really think we did it. Are you seeing all this? You know, that would make this night absolutely perfect, if you were here to share it with.

Danny: What's that? The Beacon's version of the bat cave?

Cassie: No, Danny, this is cash. I mean, cash. The threat is over. No more black roses; we can walk away.

Danny: Yeah, well, it may be a little too late for that.

Cassie: Danny, I'm going to have money. I'm going to be able to pay the money back-- at least some of it.

Danny: I ran into Marah downstairs. She told me about your potential windfall.

Cassie: That's right, guaranteed with a credit card up front, and then I'm going to get cash. I have all the friends I know downstairs helping me.

Danny: You sure?

Cassie: Yes.

Danny: Great. Okay, well, that's why I stopped by. Good. You don't want to keep you cash in there. That doesn't look very safe.

Cassie: No, this place was built in the prohibition. Richard found that. He said that's probably where they kept their booze.

Danny: Probably was.

Cassie: This is the only thing I keep in there. It was Richard’s, and he wrote poetry in it. And I read it sometimes so I can feel close to him. I wonder what he's thinking. I wonder if he sees me and he... Well, I guess it doesn't really matter. This is just a hotel. I guess things like that don't matter in heaven.

Danny: I guess if you're happy, he's probably happy, too.

Cassie: Yeah.

Danny: So congratulations. I hope that... I really hope that this is it, and you're on your way.

Cassie: You hope?

Danny: Yeah, I hope, for both our sakes.

Marah: Okay, time to make your first martini.

Remy: What was that?

Lloyd: Clear the way, please. Clear the way.

Marah: They're here. We've got to... Let's go.

Lloyd: Which one of you is the concierge?

Ben: The concierge? Uh...

Tammy: They're here, and they want the concierge.

Blake: Your mother. Get your mother; tell her she's here.

Harley: You know, Phillip, I don't know why you're so paranoid. The only reason I asked about Olivia is because she was with Alan. If you were with injured, I would ask about Beth. There's no mystery to it.

Phillip: I just didn't realize that you were that concerned with our domestic arrangements.

Harley: Well, you know, if you could maybe take that big chip off your shoulder, we could have a civil conversation every once in a while.

Phillip: You know what? Never mind, I'm sorry. You're right, I'm sorry. Have fun with Zach. I'll wait outside.

Harley: You don't have to wait outside.

Phillip: No, it's okay. I think that he needs to spend a little time alone with his mom.

Harley: Thanks. Hey, I almost forgot about Mr. Wiggles. Look what I found. And here we thought that he had run off to the circus, and the whole time he was underneath your bed, waiting for you to come home. (Growls) Okay, let's draw a picture of Mr. Wiggles.

Phillip: Hey, I just wanted to tell you, all this stuff with Gus...

Harley: Don't. Really, don’t. I don't want to bring him up, unless you've changed your mind. Okay. (Growls)

Olivia: Here, make it a double.

Gus: Make it two, thanks.

Olivia: Don't you have somewhere else to sit?

Gus: Don't tell me where to go, not when it's your friend that's making my life a living hell. Phillip, that son of a... Rich guy that you're shacking up with. Thanks. I think he gets off on making peoples' lives miserable. He's an idiot.

Olivia: Well, you know what? I'll drink to that. Here you go, Gus.

Gus: I thought you guys were friends.

Olivia: Once upon a time.

Gus: Yeah, I know how that is. Oh, well. You tell me your story, and I'll tell you mine. I'm all ears.

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