GL Transcript Monday 9/23/02

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 9/23/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Cassie: Couldn't sleep? I couldn't either. You want to come join us?

Tammy: I had a dream we were all back in San Cristobel. Dad, too. But then I woke up.

Cassie: I dream about San Cristobel. And I dream about a lion-- you know, a big, beautiful, tawny lion.

Tammy: Are you scared of the lion?

Cassie: You know, I used to be, but not anymore. Now when I dream about him, I feel like he's trying to protect me, and you, and R.J., and Will-- keep us safe.

Tammy: Did you dream about the lion last night?

Cassie: Yeah, I did. It was like he was trying to tell me that everything was going to be okay... Share his strength with me. And now I'm sharing it with you and you and you. (Knock at door) Who is it?

Danny: Danny Santos.

Cassie: Oh. Guys, wait here, okay? What are you doing here so early?

Danny: It's time for you to pay up. And no more excuses.

Frank: Hey, there you are. Good morning. I made us some coffee.

Harley: I'm not talking to you.

Frank: Oh, come on, sis. I made your favorite, the vanilla french roast.

Harley: Don't even try it. I'm not talking to you.

Frank: You know, I think your couch is broken. I think you've got a broken coil or something. Something was stabbing me right in the middle of the back all night.

Harley: Where?

Frank: Right here, right in my back. What is it?

Harley: It's Zach’s truck. And the reason it's buried in the couch is because he's not here to play with it.

Frank: I'm sorry.

Harley: And the reason he's not here to play with it is because you broke up my meeting last night.

Frank: I thought that guy was hitting on you. He had his hand on your leg.

Harley: Yeah, but even if he did, don't you think I could handle it? Come on, Frank! You have to sleep on my couch? You're always in my business.

Frank: Your business? It's Eden’s business. You were there playing the role of Aitoro’s sister.

Harley: Because I am trying to figure out what kind of criminal this chick is, so maybe I can prove to Phillip that she is lying, and maybe, just maybe, get my son back.

Frank: Hold on one second. What's wrong with this picture? It's you against Eden. Where the hell is the brother? Because you know what? It's the brother, that”s the one that's causing the problems here. He is the one that's making Phillip keep Zach. Why isn't Aitoro the one who's fixing this?

Gus: So, big Al... You've got yourself all riled up by your trophy girl and your big-shot son. And then, presto, you get yourself a heart attack. Fascinating.

Alan: (Groans)

Olivia: Alan, are you all right? Do you want me to get the nurse?

Alan: No, no, I just...

Olivia: Are you feeling okay?

Alan: Well, I had this terrible dream. I dreamed that I bought the yen short.

Olivia: Oh. Well, you kind of did, last week.

Alan: I did?

Olivia: Yeah.

Alan: Well, do me a favor and check into it for me, will you?

Olivia: Sure. Now? Alan, you just had a heart attack. Forget about business, okay? Just concentrate on getting better.

Alan: Where's Phillip? He should be looking into this for me.

Olivia: Phillip? Phillip is outside getting some air. He was with you all night.

Alan: And you?

Olivia: Me, too.

Alan: Hmm. Well, it's nice to be surrounded by such loyal loved ones.

Olivia: Alan, please don’t. Don’t.

Alan: Tell me, you haven't told anyone I was here, have you?

Olivia: No, we've managed to keep it quiet so far.

Alan: That's good.

Olivia: You know what? Why don't I go check on that yen situation for you?

Gus: Big Al! How are you? I thought you could use some cheering up. I, too, could use some cheering up. So why don't you tell me what you got is terminal?

Olivia: Don’t... Don't stop. We both want it. Please.

(Cell phone rings)

Phillip: Phillip Spaulding.

Alexandra: Phillip.

Phillip: Aunt Alexandra, hey... Hey! Where the hell are you? Are you in Paris?

Alexandra: Darling, I’m always in Paris in September. So tell me, what is all this about Alan having a heart attack?

Phillip: Okay, well, that news was supposed to be top secret.

Alexandra: Someone should tell Lizzie that stock market prices plunge when the C.E.O. gets sick.

Phillip: Lizzie-- all right, guess I should've known.

Alexandra: Well, maybe she should've learned that at her grandfather's knee.

Phillip: I will have to mention it to him.

Alexandra: Do. So, darling, how serious is this heart attack? I need to know what to pack-- black or maybe something a bit more optimistic?

Phillip: Have I mentioned yet how much I miss you?

Alexandra: No, but please do.

Phillip: God, I miss you so much. But, please, don't come right now. If dad has any idea that you know about his condition, he'll have another heart attack.

Alexandra: But, darling, I'm frantic with worry. But I promise you, I won't come until you tell me otherwise.

Phillip: Okay, that's great. And obviously, keep this close.

Alexandra: My lips are sealed. Good-bye, darling. Armand, get me Dan Pollock on the telephone. He's the editor-in-chief of the Journal. Tell him I have some very interesting news for him.

Phillip: Hey, Harley, it's me.

Harley: Hi. Is Zach all right?

Phillip: Yeah, yeah, Zach is fine. But listen, Alan has had a heart attack.

Harley: Um... Is there anything I can do?

Phillip: Yeah, that's why I’m calling you. Um... I... Well, actually first, don't, you know, don't say anything to anybody about this. Dad's concerned that investors are going to overreact.

Harley: Yeah, okay. What else?

Phillip: Today is Zach’s first day of nursery school. I was wondering if you could go by and make sure that he's okay.

Harley: Wait a minute, wait a minute. The first day of nursery school is today? Why didn't you tell me?

Phillip: I'm telling you now.

Harley: Yeah, now, when he's already there! Phillip, I wanted to take him!

Phillip: Well, you know what? I've been here all night, and there wasn't enough time. And it doesn't matter. The nanny took him. Everything's okay.

Harley: The nanny took him? The nanny?!

Phillip: There wasn't time to call you.

Harley: Phillip, I... I... I... Just, I’ll be... I'm coming right over, okay? God!

Frank: What's going on? What's the matter?

Harley: Today is... Today is Zach’s first day of nursery school. I didn't even know.

Frank: Then why didn't Phillip remind you?

Harley: Because... Because there's a lot of things Phillip should do that he doesn't do. But you know what? I'm the good mother, right? I'm the one who's supposed to be a good mother. I'm trying to prove that, right? So I can get my kid back. I may not be a liar, I may not be a manipulator like Phillip, but if I can't remember that it's my kids first day of school, what does that say?

Frank: What are you doing? What are you looking for?

Harley: I'm looking for my camera. I want to take pictures of my son on his first day of nursery school. Do you know how long I have waited for this moment? Do you know how much I have treasured this? And do you know what's happening now? Now there's a nanny there. Now there's a nanny there telling him "Pick up your blocks," and "Paint in your little book." And he's thinking, "Where's my mother? "Where's mommy? Where's mommy?" Again!

Frank: Go see your son.

Harley: Thank you.

Alan: I advise you to check the name of the wing that we're in. It will give you some idea of the authority I have to remove all unwelcome guests.

Gus: Hello. I just came by to pay you some, you know, sympathy. Talk to me, big Al. What's... What's going on? What's wrong?

Alan: Nothing's wrong. I'm just here having my annual physical, all. I want you to get out.

Gus: Oh! That's the illness talking. I'm not going to take it personally, big Al. I'll just sit here, and I'll... I'll wait.

Alan: Wait for what?

Gus: I'll wait for you to tell your son to give Zach back to Harley, or I'll wait for you to die-- whatever comes first.

Olivia: How are you doing?

Phillip: I've been better. How's Alan?

Olivia: He's worried about the yen. (Laughter) That's got to be a good sign, right?

Phillip: Oh, hey, with him, who knows? He could be two minutes from dying, and his last words would be "Don’t... Don't sell until the market turns up."

Olivia: Look, he's going to be okay. He will be okay. He's strong. He's a survivor.

Phillip: What happened with us that caused him to have this heart attack-- that can never happen again.

Olivia: So what... That's your plan? You're just going to push all these feelings down and pretend it never happened?

Phillip: That's the plan.

Cassie: I'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting anyone, and I'm kind of busy. I have a lot to do today.

Danny: Yeah, you do. I need you to go to your sister and get the money, all of it, and bring it to me.

Cassie: What, has your mother put you up to this?

Danny: Was she here? Did she press you for the money?

Cassie: Yeah, but, you know, she didn't bring the black rose.

Danny: Cassie, let me explain something to you. The first rose was just a warning; the second rose means take cover, but there will be nowhere for you to hide.

Cassie: Danny, this hotel opens in one week. Why can't these people just give me a week?

Danny: They've been waiting. They have been waiting, Cassie. They've waited long enough. They're sick of waiting.

Cassie: Well, do they want their money, or they just want to scare the hell out of me?

Danny: What's going on here? I mean, do you think because you're dealing with me that you're not in danger, because you are. You're life is at stake here.

Cassie: Okay, but why can't we just negotiate something?

Danny: Negotiate?

Cassie: Whatever they want. They can have the presidential suite here at the hotel for an entire year.

Danny: Are you kidding me? This is not a negotiation, Cassie. They want their money. That's it. That's all they want.

Cassie: Well, great! I'm going to be worth a hell of a lot more money next week, so why can't you just tell them that?

Danny: Because it's out of my hands. I have covered for you for months ever since Richard died.

Cassie: I know, okay. I know, but I don't know what you want me to do. Do you want me to rob a bank?

Danny: I've told you what I need you to do.

Cassie: I'm not going to my sister. I can’t.

Danny: Well, then your pride is going to get us both killed. Do you understand that? Because I am just as responsible for your debt as you are.

Cassie: Danny, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know what you want me to do.

Danny: I don't want to hear it anymore! I want you to look around. You like this hotel? Because these guys will come here, and they will trash this place, the entire place.

Cassie: But you don't have to scare me, Danny.

Danny: The windows will be smashed, the furniture will be destroyed. Who will come to your hotel then? And you've got kids, Cassie, kids.

Cassie: Don't threaten my children, Danny. Don't do that!

Danny: I'm just being honest with you. What matters more, them or your pride? (Baby crying)

Cassie: That's Will. I have to get Will.

Danny: Hey. What? What have you got? It's broken. You broke it. (Sighs) Don't look at me. I can't help you. Sometimes... Sometimes things get broken, and you can't do anything about it.

Alan: Detective, don't you have some parking tickets you need to write out?

Gus: (Chuckles) Oh, big Al, actually, it's funny you say that, I have... I've been doing a little private investigating on the side.

Alan: Hmm.

Gus: And I... Well, I know that we've had our ups and downs, if you will, you know, so I just say water under the bridge. And I was thinking if you needed an eye on the outside, you know, to sort of keep track of things, I'm your man.

Alan: What would I possibly need you to keep track of?

Gus: There's a lot going on out there, Al-- family, relatives, who's been naughty, who's been nice.

Phillip: What's going on?

Alan: The detective was just asking me where the exit was. It's out the door to the left.

Gus: Right. Whatever you say, big Al. Oh, and good luck with the... The physical.

Phillip: Hey, Aitoro?

Gus: Yeah.

Phillip: You stay away from my father, you understand me?

Gus: Or you'll what? Squash me like a gnat?

Phillip: Excuse me?

Gus: It's something you had said yesterday. You said you'd squash me like a gnat. But, you know, I was thinking about that, because the funny thing about gnats is you try to swat at them, and the more you do, they're always in your face. It's very annoying.

Phillip: Why are you here? What do you want?

Gus: You know what I want. Give the child back to Harley.

Phillip: Not going to happen. You understand me? You want that to happen, you leave town permanently.

Gus: Why is your father so mad at you, Phillip?

Phillip: Why... Why was he bothering you?

Alan: Of all the things bothering me now, Phillip, Gus Aitoro is at the bottom of the list.

Alexandra: Because investors have a right to know when the C.E.O. has a heart attack. You know that the S.E.C.'s been after our blood these days. I'm just looking after my brother's interests. No, you cannot quote me. Just call me a source. And make sure it's in the next edition. "Alan Spaulding suffers a heart attack." That should be a great headline.

Zach: (Speaking gibberish)

Harley: Yes, it is. You're doing a great job.

Phillip: Hey...

Zach: Hi, Daddy.

Phillip: ...Zach. Hi, buddy. How's my boy? Come here, give daddy a hug. Daddy needs a hug. How you doing? Oh, what have we got going on over here? You putting on a new wing on Spaulding Enterprises?

Harley: No, this is a new house. He's building a new house for mommy and Zach and Jude.

Phillip: Hmm, just the three of you. Good.

Harley: Yes. Hey, baby, why don't you sit here? You play with your toys. I'm going to talk to daddy for a little bit, okay?

Zach: Mm-hmm.

Phillip: Here we go, pal. Here we go, buddy. You can build anything you want.

Harley: What is he wearing?

Phillip: I don't understand the question.

Harley: A shirt and tie for nursery school?

Phillip: It's his first day.

Harley: Did he pick it out?

Phillip: I don't know. I assume the nanny did. Why?

Harley: You don't know, the nanny did... Do you think a parent should have some control over what their child's wearing?

Phillip: Cut me some slack here. I spent all night at the hospital with my father.

Harley: Okay, well, I didn’t. You could have brought him to my house. Why didn't the nanny bring him to my house so I could dress him for his first day of school?

Phillip: You know why.

Harley: Gus is not living with me anymore.

Phillip: Is he still part of your life?

Harley: He did not hurt his sister. He did not push that guy off the roof.

Phillip: Well, you know, his sister says otherwise.

Harley: He is a police officer. You believe her?

Phillip: Well, she may not be the most stable person in the world, but, you know, God, maybe that's what happens when your brother abuses you.

Harley: That's such a load of garbage. You know this whole thing is...

Miss Snow: Excuse me.

Harley: Yes?

Miss Snow: It's time to take Zach back to the other children.

Phillip: Okay. Ready to go?

Miss Snow: Did you get your pictures?

Harley: I sure did. Thank you so much. And you should know, I’m probably coming back tomorrow.

Phillip: Um... You know what? Miss Snow, right?

Zach: It's a hamster.

Phillip: Huh? Yeah, it's a hamster, buddy. You're going to go back with the other kids now. I just wanted to tell you. Something the school needs to be aware of is I'm now Zach’s custodial parent, so in the future, no one is to pick him up without my written authorization.

Miss Snow: Oh, except your ex....

Phillip: No one. Okay?

Miss Snow: Of course.

Phillip: Great, thanks.

Miss Snow: I didn't know.

Phillip: That's okay. Go ahead. You go with Miss Snow now, buddy. Okay?

Harley: Wait, pumpkin. Say bye-bye to mommy first. Oh! Give me a hug, baby.

Miss Snow: Say bye to mom. We're going to go play with the other kids.

Phillip: Bye, Zach.

Harley: Okay, I’ll see you later.

Phillip: You have fun, buddy. I'll see you when you get home.

Miss Snow: Come on. Come on, sweetie. Say bye.

Harley: You had to do that. You just had to humiliate me in front of her.

Phillip: All right, you did this to yourself as soon as you let that murderer in the house.

Harley: For the one millionth time, Gus is not a murderer.

Phillip: I'm not going to have this conversation with you anymore, certainly not right now. You want to come visit Zach, do it any time you want to for as long as you like, at the house without Aitoro.

Danny: Look, I told you, I can’t... I can't fix that. All right, let me see. Let's see. Luckily, your mom's got some tape... And a whole lot of bills. You know, I... When I was your age, I wanted to be a pilot when I grew up, so I learned how to fly planes. What I really wanted to be: A baseball player for the major leagues. My dad used to take me to Cubs games all the time when I was a kid. He started taking me when I was about your age, and we had the best seats in the world-- box seats right behind home plate. And we'd get a couple hot dogs and some big sodas and popcorn. You like popcorn? Yeah, me, too. You know, it didn't even matter if the Cubs won or lost, because usually they lost. But when Durham slugged that ball into the stands, man, the crowd would just roar like crazy, me and my dad, the loudest. It was fun. You been to a game? You have? Good for you. Well, that should do it. What do you think? You want to give it a test run?

Cassie: Why don't we do that in the other room, okay?

Danny: Yeah, that's a good idea. There you go.

Cassie: I think you and I should finish our conversation.

Danny: It's finished. It's finished. We just need to figure out a way to get the money.

Cassie: We?

Danny: Look, I told you. If you don't come up with the cash, they're going to come after me, too.

Cassie: Danny...

Danny: So I’m going to make some calls, and try to come up with the cash. Then you can owe me. Okay?

Cassie: Thank you.

Danny: Yeah, yeah.

Cassie: I can make my own calls and, you know, maybe... I don't know, a long lost cousin or relative that's a millionaire. Not my sister.

Danny: Yeah. Hey, take care of that plane, okay?

Alan: 63? The stock has plummeted to 63? Then I want you to buy up the rest of the shares and drive the stock price back up.

Olivia: Excuse me! Excuse me! Sorry, he'll have to call you back. What are you doing? We're going to have to get a full-time nurse to watch over you. Look at your heart rate. Do you want a relapse.

Alan: Have you told anyone I was in the hospital?

Olivia: No, of course not.

Alan: Well, then why is the stock price plummeting?

Olivia: Everyone's stock is plummeting, all right? From now on, the machine stays on and the phone stays on the hook.

Alan: You're worse than Nurse Ratchet. That wasn't a compliment.

Olivia: I know. It's just nice to see you back to your old self again.

Alan: What's the situation with the yen?

Olivia: Alan, it's holding steady, okay? Please, please, just forget about business for a while and concentrate on getting better.

Alan: You're really worried about me, aren't you?

Olivia: Yeah, I’m worried about you.

Alan: Well, you know what? Certain things happen that make people wonder.

Olivia: All right. You know what? I'm going to tell you this one more time. What you walked in on between me and Phillip, it was nothing. Do you hear me? It was nothing.

Alan: I'll die in peace.

Olivia: Alan, stop it, please.

Alexandra: The stock is down to 63? Oh, I do hope my brother doesn't find out. The shock will kill him. I have no idea how the news got out. Armand, call Captain Martin and tell him to get my jet ready. My place is at my brother's side.

Frank: Did you really burn your sister with a cigarette?

Gus: Jeez Louise, what kind of question is that, Frank?

Frank: Why would she lie about something like that?

Gus: Well, because she's scared of Phillip Spaulding. And, you know, for the record, your sister believes me.

Frank: For the record, my sister's nuts. But she is crazy about you. I guess I'm going to have to learn to live with that.

Gus: Well, if it's any consolation, Frank, my sister's nuts, too.

Frank: Do you have any idea why your sister's such a head case, or is that just something that runs in the family?

Gus: Well, I guess at the end of the day, that's really my fault as well, because I left her all by herself when I went to investigate the Santos’s because I didn't want them using her or hurting her to get to me.

Frank: Don't get me wrong. I've made a ton of mistakes with Harley. But I always knew that I could trust her. And when push came to shove, I could always count on her.

Gus: Well, it's funny you say that, Frank, because I can actually count on Eden. Unfortunately... Unfortunately, nobody else can.

Frank: So are you planning on doing something about that or are you just going to let my sister twist in the wind?

Gus: No, Frank, of course I’m going to do something about it.

Frank: How's that?

Gus: Well, I haven't figured out yet, but when I do you'll be the second to know.

Alan: What?

Phillip: Nothing. Everything's fine.

Alan: Don't lie to me, Phillip. What's wrong?

Phillip: All right, listen, I don't want you to get upset. I was walking by the nurses' station, they had the news on, and CBS is going with your heart attack as their lead story.

Olivia: What? How did that happen?

Alan: All right, which one of you told?

Olivia: What?

Phillip: I didn't say anything to anybody, you know that.

Alan: Then it must have been one of the nurses.

Olivia: What about your doctor?

Alan: He'd lose his career if he did something like that.

Phillip: What about Aitoro?

Olivia: He was here?

Alan: He was here earlier, fishing around for some information. But the only people who stand to gain by this are people who want to snatch up the stock at a very low price. What is the price?

Phillip: 48.

Alan: 48? Phillip, we're losing millions! (Telephone rings)

Phillip: It'll come back. It'll be all right. Yeah? Ah, that's great. Right on time. Uh, I'll get back to you. The press is here, and they want some kind of a statement.

Olivia: Okay, no, no. You are too ill to make a statement.

Alan: Yeah, well, you tell them that, and the stock will plummet even further. 48!

Phillip: Nobody is going to tell them that. You're here for a physical.

Alan: All right, just get me my clothes and I will go out there and make a statement.

Phillip: No, no, no.

Olivia: No! You are sick. You're going to stay in bed.

Phillip: You're not going anywhere.

Alan: (Mumbling)

Phillip: I'll handle it, all right?

Alan: Okay. Just don't give them too much information. Make them dig for everything.

Phillip: I understand. I'll deny. I'll stonewall.

Olivia: No. Give him what he wants.

Phillip: All right. Fine, fine. I will. I'll go talk to them right now.

Olivia: I'm going to be right back. Stay here. Wait, wait, let me go with you.

Phillip: I'll handle it.

Olivia: He's my lover, he's my business partner. People know that. If I’m not worried, they won’t...

Phillip: I'm his son. Go be with my father. I don't need you.

(telephone rings)

Cassie: Can you please get that, Tammy? I don't have time to talk.

Tammy: Good morning, Beacon Hotel. I'm sorry, we don't take reservations. We're not open for business until next week.

Cassie: Wait, wait. Hello? Hi. Hi, this is Cassie Winslow. I am the owner of the Beacon, and what can I do for you? Yes. Yes, we're open. We are. What would you like, a single room or a double room? The entire hotel? Uh, absolutely. No, that will not be a problem. Okay. You know what? I'm going to need your credit card number. Okay. Mm-hmm. Right. I'm going to need a name. Baroness Von Halkein? You understand, I'm going to have to charge your credit card up front and... Cash? Okay, well, I'll hold it on the card, and then you can pay me cash when you get here. When will your party be arriving? Tonight? Okay, great! Great! We look forward to seeing you. Thank you. Bye. The entire hotel! The entire hotel! A baroness.

Tammy: We're going to be rich, Mom. We're going to be rich!

Harley: Hi.

Gus: Hi.

Harley: Where's Frank?

Gus: Frank?

Harley: My brother.

Gus: I locked him in the attic, because, well, I wanted to have some time to talk to you.

Harley: Oh, no. Has your sister done something else to screw up my life?

Gus: No. I saw Alan at the hospital. Heart attack.

Harley: Yeah, I heard. I thought it was top secret, though. Something about stock prices.

Gus: Well, you know, he's got his priorities all screwed up.

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: Did Phillip tell you why he had a heart attack? Did he tell you why?

Harley: What do you mean?

Gus: Well, you know, it usually happens for a reason. Too much money, power, greed...

Harley: No, he didn't tell me. Prior history, maybe. He had a heart attack the night Zach was born.

Gus: Yeah, but I think something weird is going on over at that compound, you know, because Lizzie said that big Al was upset. He's mad at Phillip and Olivia.

Harley: Oh, well... Alan's always mad at somebody.

Gus: Yeah, but no, are you listening to me? He's mad at Olivia and Phillip, the two of them, big Al's girlfriend and his son.

Harley: What's your point?

Gus: Zach is the point. And I'm just thinking in my head, if we can just find something on Phillip, you know, if we can just put a little pressure on him...

Harley: No. No, no.

Gus: I'm just saying... I'm just saying that I smell something fishy.

Harley: No, no, no. Listen to me. Listen to me, okay? Just... Just leave it alone.

Gus: Honey, I know. I can't, you know? If I am the reason that they just take your son away from you, I can't leave it alone.

Harley: But let me handle it, okay? Please? Because I got... I've got something, too.

Gus: What? You have something? You have an idea?

Harley: Uh, not... But not now. I don’t... Not now. (Laughs nervously) Not now.

Gus: Okay. Okay. So, um... Oh, Zach, how was his first day at nursery school?

Harley: Oh, yeah. It was so... It was good. I took pictures. He looked cute.

Gus: Because the first days of school.

Harley: Yeah, he was wearing a... A suit.

Gus: Why? Nursery school?

Harley: The nanny dressed him. Clearly, she knows best.

Gus: Oh, yeah, wow. The nanny did that.

Harley: Yeah. It's my son's first day of nursery school, and he's dressed like a little teeny-tiny Alan Spaulding. And she brought him there, too.

Gus: I'm just trying to picture a little two-foot-tall big Al right now. It's not working.

Harley: Yeah. And then Phillip showed up, and he told the teacher right in front of me that he's the custodial parent and that he's the only one who's allowed to take Zach home, like I’m an unfit mother. Something like that.

Gus: I'm sorry.

Harley: You know, I just... I get no say in my child's life anymore, you know? Nothing. He... He's not here. I wake up in the morning, and I keep expecting to hear his little feet as he comes into the room and throws himself on the bed, and he's not here.

Gus: I know, honey, I’m sorry. I am so sorry.

Harley: I need my son back. I need my kid back with me.

Gus: And I... We will fix it, okay? I promise you, we will fix it.

Olivia: Your father dismissed me for a few hours. How did the press interview go?

Phillip: It was fine. I just denied everything, and they went off to write their...

Olivia: He told you not to confirm or deny anything.

Phillip: My father is hardly in any shape to be making rational decisions.

Olivia: What, and you are?

Phillip: What is that supposed to mean?

Olivia: You've been treating me like dirt ever since this happened. What is that, guilt or what? Something?

Phillip: I'm really sorry if you feel like I'm being less than polite with you, but I think under the circumstances...

Olivia: No, under the circumstances, you of all people should understand that the truth is going to come out.

Phillip: So I guess we're not talking about the press conference anymore.

Olivia: No, we're not.

Announcer: Spaulding stock plummets with news of Alan Spaulding’s heart attack. Family denial has done nothing to offset the stockholder's panic. The story surfaced from an inside source at Spaulding Enterprises.


Alexandra: Thank you.

Lloyd: If you'll pardon the intrusion, I hope your brother's well.

Alexandra: I'm sure that the poor darling's absolutely miserable right now. Lloyd, would you call my broker for me? Tell him that when my brother's stock drops to 20, just start buying, and don't stop until I tell him to.

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