Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/18/02
Tony: Hey.
Eden: Hey. What are you doing here?
Tony: Well, I came to see you. Aren't you happy to see me?
Eden: Sure, I just wasn't expecting you. I mean, this place is kind of a mess.
Tony: Yeah, well, my bartender at work told me that you were asking about me, and I figured I should look you up.
Eden: Well, I’m flattered.
Tony: Yeah, me too. So, what do you want?
Eden: Well, besides the obvious? A job.
Tony: And what is it that you do?
Eden: I'm a great bartender, and I love your place, so...
Tony: Oh. So you want to work for me. At Infierno.
Eden: Sure. It'd be very convenient when you wanted to tick off the father/brother. (Laughs)
Tony: Yeah, I used to call him that all the time.
Eden: See, already I'm anticipating your thoughts and needs. And I would be a very good employee, sir.
Tony: I bet you would. I just have one question.
Eden: Yes?
Tony: Who do you work for?
Eden: What?
Tony: Cut the bull. What do you really want with me?
Harley: Okay, Mr. Tierney. I'm back in Chicago. I'm waiting for your call. Mr. Tierney. Okay, Eden... Eden has... Eden has some information, that she'd have if she was a hooker. Favorite drink, the wife and three kids thing, I'm not sure I understand that. Address, some basic financial information which could mean something else. Likes and dislikes, which shows they have personal contact. But why the business stuff? I don't understand. Eden August, what do you do? (Telephone rings) Hello?
Gus: It's me. Don't hang up, okay? I know that you're upset but I needed to hear your voice. I'm going through withdrawals or something. At this rate, I'm about to check myself into a rehab.
Harley: I was just talking about you, sort of.
Gus: Really? To who?
Harley: Frank.
Gus: Was it good, or were you planning a hit on me?
Harley: Neither.
Gus: One-word answer. Well, at least you're talking to me. Hello? Coop?
Harley: Yeah, yeah. I'm here.
Gus: Okay, well that was a two-word answer. Can I get a whole sentence?
Harley: How about, "How did my life get so messed up again?"
Gus: Oh, well, that part is easy. It's me. It's all me, you know. If you walked away from me, Phillip would let Zach go home right now. This is the time that you say that you would never do that.
Harley: Yeah. I wish I could. But I don't know how much longer I can live without my son.
Cassie: Hi.
Tammy: Hey, Mom. Is that dad's jacket?
Cassie: No, no. I borrowed it last night. Hi. Hi, there.
Tammy: At your new job. How'd it go?
Cassie: It didn't. You know, it's just not going to work out. But that's okay. That's okay because we have so much stuff that we need to do here, and you know, we're going to make your daddy proud, and everything's going to be fine.
Edmund: Well, it seems Uncle Edmund has arrived just in time!
Gus: Listen, I was talking to Eden and I was asking her why she lied at the arbitration.
Harley: You know what? I don't care why.
Gus: Listen, you're going to want to hear this. Your ex, he tracked her down, he put the squeeze on her, and he implied that she would go to jail if she said that she was the one who was guilty and not me.
Harley: Am I supposed to feel sorry for her?
Gus: Look, I'm the one who's sorry. I'm sorry. I've just... I've caused you so much trouble.
Harley: No. You have brought me a lot more than just trouble. Why do you think I’m fighting so hard for you?
Gus: Well, then what you said earlier about walking away, were you just having a bad moment?
Harley: A bad moment.
Gus: So you haven't given up on us?
Harley: Hell, no.
Gus: Well, that's a very good two-word answer. Look, you know, we only need one thing, Cooper. We only need one thing to give us leverage.
Harley: I was thinking the same thing. And I have to go.
Gus: Coop? Thanks for fighting for us.
Harley: You, too.
Edmund: I didn't find anyone downstairs and I was afraid you all had scattered for the day and I wouldn't be able to find you.
Cassie: What do you want, Edmund?
Edmund: Well, I wanted to come by to drop off a few things for my niece and nephews. Ah, here we go. This, I am told, is a bug, a robot and a laser-guided hovercraft, or some such thing. Do you like it? The man at the shop told me it was the very most popular model and that it was the last one they had. And it's all yours.
Cassie: That's the one he's been wanting, isn't it?
R.J.: Cool!
Cassie: Could you take the boys in the other room, please, for a minute?
Tammy: Are you sure?
Cassie: Yeah, I’ll be fine. It's okay.
Edmund: Tammy, I'm sorry, no toys for you, but I did pick out some clothing I thought you might like, and if you don't like it, feel free to exchange it for something that's more your style.
Tammy: Thank you.
Edmund: You're welcome.
Cassie: Do you think that you can buy me by bribing my kids, Edmund?
Edmund: I heard Tammy was arrested for trying to steal the engagement ring you pawned.
Cassie: It wasn't a Winslow family heirloom, if that's what you're worried about. It was mine.
Edmund: And now it's not. The clothing should be enough for Tammy to start school, at which point I think we might be...
Cassie: What do you want, Edmund?
Edmund: I want to help you, Cassie. You're the only family I have.
Cassie: You're not my family, Edmund.
Edmund: All right. Who is, then? Reva? Let me help you. Let me help you, Cassie. Or does your life have to fall completely apart before you're willing to accept a hand?
Cassie: You are a few days too late for that.
Edmund: All right. Then let me do what I can.
Cassie: Why? What do you get out of it? Don't tell me that you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart. I mean, you are getting something out of this, aren't you, Edmund?
Edmund: Yes, I am. But it's not what you're thinking.
Danny: Hi.
Michelle: Danny. What are you doing here?
Danny: This isn't going to work.
Michelle: Okay. We can call Ross and make some adjustments. I thought it was fair.
Danny: Fair? To whom?
Michelle: You have lots of visitation with Robbie.
Danny: Michelle, what was the main reason for us agreeing to separate?
Michelle: We're protecting Robbie.
Danny: Right. So how is my seeing him three nights a week and every other weekend protecting him?
Michelle: You're going to be... Wait a minute, Danny. You're still his father.
Danny: Yes. If we do this, then I'm still his father and Robbie gets all the baggage that comes with being a Santos and he gets none of the benefits-- a full-time father in his life.
Michelle: And what... what are you saying?
Danny: I'm saying that if we're going to do the right thing for him, I have to give him up. I have to stay completely out of his life, for good.
Tony: You show up in my life out of nowhere. You keep hanging around and it turns out you know Gus Aitoro. This really bothers me.
Eden: Well, I explained everything.
Tony: Yeah. Right. You know, what did they do? They teach you this whole act at Quantico? At least Mae, she played ditzy, but you have ...
Eden: Who?
Tony: Mae. Federal agent Mary Murdo. The first woman that Gus used, to try and set up my family. Don’t...
Eden: What, you think I’m a fed? (Scoffs)
Tony: It wouldn't be the first time. Oh, please. I am so out of here.
Eden: Wait, wait. If you think I’m a cop, then shouldn't you search me? I might be wired.
Tony: You're offering; there's nothing there.
Eden: Just to make sure. You missed a spot.
Gus: What the hell is going on?
Eden: I was just about to ask you the same question. How did you get a key?
Gus: What are you talking about?
Eden: Do you have a search warrant?
Tony: Save it. Oh, please. Please. You know, at least... Maybe you should have tried to play ditzy like Mae did. Come by my place again and you're going to face the consequences.
Gus: Santos, don't talk to her like that.
Tony: Oh, don't, please.
Gus: No, you don't open your...
Tony: Please. Like she's not your stooge? Leave me alone, Aitoro.
Gus: You're going to stay away from the girl, little man. What is this? What was that? What was that?
Eden: Nothing. What? I was just surprised as you that Tony came over here.
Gus: Come on, save it. Cut it. Just ... this is the last straw.
Cassie: You still want me to sign on to your lawsuit, don't you?
Edmund: Yes, I do, but whether you do or not, I’m going ahead with it and the lion's share of the money realized will be coming to you.
Cassie: And you're doing all this for me.
Edmund: And for your children. But mostly I’m doing it for Richard.
Edmund: Why? What, do you think Richard is going to look down from heaven and think, "Brother, I was wrong about you. You're not the lying, scheming, manipulating, pathetic excuse for a brother that I thought you were? You're a really good guy."
Edmund: Something like that. Cassie, I didn't manage well while Richard was alive, and things just went on far too long before I realized what I needed from him.
Cassie: And now it's too late.
Edmund: Well, perhaps. But then again, maybe he can see that I can do what he can no longer do. I can take care of his family, Cassie. Do you really think he wants you living like this? Tammy stealing? You selling your jewelry, taking money from criminals?
Cassie: I'm not crazy about it, either.
Edmund: Okay, then let's end it right here and right now.
Cassie: No!
Edmund: You have the means to do it.
Cassie: No, I am not suing Reva!
Edmund: All right. All right. How do you propose to get the money to pay back Danny Santos?
Cassie: Look, I already told Danny, when this place opens up, I will give him back his money. Okay?
Edmund: All right. After expenses and after Olivia gets her half, businesses like this take months, even years...
Cassie: I'm not having this conversation with you, Edmund.
Edmund: All right. Cassie, I would give you the cash if I had it, but I don’t. This wrongful death suit...
Cassie: Is going to bring you in a hell of a lot of money, isn't it? Man, I was so close to believing you just now. So close, but you were just trying to turn a profit.
Edmund: Cassie, I’m trying to save you.
Cassie: Well, don't. Just go. What's that, Edmund?
Edmund: It's a calling card.
Cassie: A calling card? What do you mean, a calling...
Edmund: Well, we could always ask Carmen Santos or one of her colleagues who sends black roses and why. Or then again, maybe we can just ask Danny.
Danny: Look, Michelle, this is not... This is not easy for me.
Michelle: Then don't do it, Danny. This is too much. This is too big.
Danny: It's the only thing... It's the only thing that makes sense. If Robbie’s anywhere near me or my family, then he'll get sucked in and this... Everything that we're doing, this whole separation will be pointless. Will have been for nothing.
Michelle: Robbie will be a smart kid. He is going to be strong and he's going to be tough.
Danny: Do you think that I wasn't?
Michelle: You didn't have anyone else to look to, Danny. Robbie's going to have my family, too.
Danny: Michelle...
Michelle: He'll have perspective.
Danny: Come on. What kind of perspective is a teenage boy going to have surrounded by that kind of lifestyle and everything that it entails? He'll get swept up by it, Michelle, before we even know what happened. I will not have Robbie face the kind of choices that I’ve had to face or make mistakes that can't be undone. If we want to do the best thing for him, he needs to be cut off completely from the Santos family, including me.
Michelle: So how are we supposed to make that work? Are you going to move away?
Danny: If I have to. Now we need to deal with this, and the issue of his last name. You need to change it to Bauer.
Michelle: What?
Danny: Michelle, people hear the name Santos, you know what that means.
Michelle: Danny, everybody knows that you're his father. Changing his name isn't going to change that.
Danny: He's a baby. By the time he goes to school, the other kids won't know, and eventually everyone in town will think of him as a Bauer, even the people who do know.
Michelle: This is nuts. This is crazy. We can't undo everything.
Danny: Well, we're going to have to, Michelle. It has to be a complete break. It has to. That means that the Bauer’s will have to be his only family. No contact with Ray or Tony.
Michelle: Tony is his Godfather. And Ray is a priest, for God's sakes. Do you think he's going to poison him with Santos values?
Danny: Michelle, Robbie can't be seen with anyone in my family. If people see him with a Santos, they will realize who he is, and no one can make that connection. And even if they do, they have to think that I don't care about him. We have to tell everyone that I abandoned you and that Robbie means nothing to me. We have to.
Michelle: God, Danny.
Danny: Otherwise... otherwise Robbie will become a target for anyone who wants to hurt me. Is that what you want?
Michelle: Of course, that's not what I want.
Danny: It has to be a clean break, Michelle.
Michelle: Oh, wow, this is great. This is just great. Well, why stop here? Why not tell Robbie that his father is dead, huh?
Danny: Maybe we should.
Ray: That jab looks good, little brother. Right uppercut still needs work.
Tony: Got to have something you can criticize, right?
Ray: If you want to avoid me, coming to the church gym isn't the way.
Tony: I was looking for you.
Ray: Really? Now you found me. Come on, let's go. Everything okay at the club?
Tony: Yeah.
Ray: Danny all right?
Tony: I don't know. He keeps to himself these days, you know.
Ray: Must get pretty lonely for you. Come on. How's it going with the new girlfriend?
Tony: She's not my girlfriend; she's trouble. I'm not going to make that mistake again.
Ray: Good for you.
Tony: What, that's it? No ... no sermon, no "I told you so"?
Ray: Would it do any good?
Tony: I hate that look.
Ray: Why?
Tony: That look that you know I’m going to mess up again. And you're going to be sticking around. You know, Ray, I came by here to apologize, but...
Ray: (Laughs) That was an apology?
Tony: Forget it.
Ray: And I hate that look.
Tony: What look?
Ray: You remind me more and more of pops every day, and that scares me, Tony.
Edmund: All right, how far behind are you in your loan payment?
Cassie: I spoke to Danny, and...
Edmund: How far behind are you, Cassie? How much do you owe?
Cassie: I owe him a lot, okay, but they know that I’m going to pay them. They know that I’m going to pay them the money.
Edmund: Apparently not. This is a warning, Cassie, and I dare say you're not going to get a second one.
Cassie: No, this is you, Edmund. You planted it there at the door, so I would freak out and sign on to your lawsuit, but it's not going to happen.
Edmund: Cassie, we have to find some way to get these people some money as soon as possible.
Cassie: No, because it’s... I talked to Danny, and Danny wouldn't do this. I mean, Danny’s not like that, Edmund.
Edmund: Like what?
Cassie: Danny is a good man.
Edmund: Cassie, a few weeks ago, your good man tried to kill me. When I thought the Bauer’s had turned off Richard’s ventilator, I was going to the hospital board to give them the information. Danny was willing to do anything to stop me, and the only reason I’m alive today is because the inquiry started anyway. Killing me just became an unnecessary inconvenience.
Cassie: That's ridiculous.
Edmund: Then don't take my word for it. Ask Michelle, because she just left him because of it. Oh, and, Cassie, I was just going to talk, imagine what he would do to the person who owed him a fortune.
Michelle: This whole conversation is insane, Danny.
Danny: Look, Michelle, I know it's hard.
Michelle: Hard? Oh, no. No, this is not hard, it's impossible. You want to erase yourself for our lives. I'm not going to do it. How can you think it's a good idea to tell your son that his father is dead?
Danny: Then what do you suggest, if that's not the whole reason we're separating, then what the hell are we doing?
Michelle: I don't know.
Danny: There's no middle ground here. Do you want Robbie to end up like me or worse?
Robbie: Da-da!
Michelle: God, he knows you're here.
Danny: I'll go... I'll go... I'll go.
Michelle: No, no, no, no, you wait. Not so fast. You think that you can walk out of your son's life forever, and I’m supposed to tell him that you're dead.
Danny: If Robbie knows who I am or where I am, you know that some day he'll come looking for me, Michelle. You know that's true.
Michelle: It's not going to work.
Danny: Well, we have to make it work.
Michelle: No.
Danny: Both of us, please.
Michelle: No, you... you tell him if that's what you want. You go look your son in the eye, you tell him good-bye.
Danny: Hey, champ. What's up? Robbie, you're having some fun with your crackers, huh? I've missed you the past couple of weeks. You're going to be one lucky guy, you know that? You have your mommy and Uncle Rick, Aunt Mel, Grandpa Ed. This whole town's going to be looking out for you, because you're going to be Bauer now. That's very, very special. It's the best thing I can do for you. Best thing. And that's what I'm going to do for you. Means you're going to be able to do or be anything. You can be a doctor; lots of Bauer’s are doctors. You can build the next super crayon. You can be a ballplayer. What do you think? I like the sound of that, yeah. And I'll be cheering wherever you are, whatever you decide to do.
Robbie: Oh.
Danny: Yeah. I want you to know that they'll be somebody somewhere in this world who is so proud of you, who loves you more than anything. I will always love you. I will always love you.
Ray: You know, Papi would do the same shutdown thing that you do whenever he was hurt, angry, or...
Tony: Ray, I came here to apologize for the other day for blowing you off. And I'm sorry it didn't go right. Now do you want to workout or what?
Ray: What... Why do you do that, man?
Tony: Do what?
Ray: Every time I mention pops, you, like, change the subject.
Tony: No, I don't.
Ray: Yeah, you do. You act like you barely remember the guy.
Tony: Maybe because I don't.
Ray: Come on, Tony. You weren't a kid when he died. You remember him. You're just like him.
Tony: Yeah, I know. I know. Everybody says. Our aunts, our uncles, they all say that whenever I get mad, whenever I get into trouble, "Hey, he's just like Papi, look at him."
Ray: He did have a temper.
Tony: Yeah, well, at least I came by it honestly, huh? Got a great inheritance.
Ray: Papi was a lot more than that. He had a lot of good in him, just like you do.
Tony: If he was still here, I'd love to see you work him just like you do me.
Ray: That would've been a challenge.
Tony: Yeah, I would buy a ticket to that one.
Ray: Wish we could, little brother. Wish we could.
Tony: And you wouldn't give up on him, would you?
Ray: I don't give up on the people I love, not even bone- headed little brothers.
Tony: Good.
Gus: Damn it, I’m a lousy brother. I'm a lousy brother. You know... You know I am. I take a look at you and I realize I have set a terrible example. I'm a lousy brother. But I will tell you something, trying to go after the Santos’, revenge, it has practically destroyed my life. And it will destroy your life, too, I promise you. It's no way to live.
Eden: Oh, what, and changing diapers on a cop's salary is the way to go?
Gus: Oh, come on. That was fine for our folks.
Eden: Yeah, and look where they ended up. Dad, shot down in the middle of the... Don't you get it? This is about my survival.
Gus: What don't you understand? I told you I wouldn't let you go to prison.
Eden: It's not about that. It's Phillip Spaulding, I don't trust. You can't stop him.
Gus: Yeah, but what if I can? What if I can? All right. Phillip Spaulding, I’ll shut him down. Everybody's got an Achilles heel. I will find his.
Eden: Okay, if you can find a way without sending me to jail, then I’ll do it.
Gus: That's my girl. That's my girl.
Eden: No, I was Nicky’s girl. I'm not too sure about this Gus person.
Gus: Oh, come on now, give him a try. He's a good guy once you get to know him. He's a good guy, better guy, a happier guy. So will you... Will you stick around while I just try to straighten everything out?
Eden: Sure.
Gus: Oh, sure, oh, goody. Thank you.
Eden: Okay.
Gus: Right, where are you going?
Eden: I'm a big girl. I have places to go.
Gus: Is that right? Like what, like where? Where?
Eden: Nicky, I'm a big girl now, I have another life that you know nothing about.
Harley: This is Eden August, am I speaking to Mr. Tierney? Greg, fine. I was hoping we could meet, any place you'd like. Chicago has so many wonderful... Out of town is fine. Any place in particular? Towers in Springfield. It's a bit far, and I hear the food's not so good. Well, you're right, food has nothing to do with what we'll be talking about. Of course, I’ll meet you at Towers and just let me know when. Thank you, Greg. Great! That's really good. Oh, yeah. This is good... I can pretend to be Eden in my hometown. Yeah, right.
(Knock at door)
Danny: Not now.
Cassie: I wanted to return your jacket and say thank you for being a gentleman the other night.
Danny: You're welcome.
Cassie: You're uh... You're living here now? Something happen between you and Michelle, Danny?
Danny: I really don't think that's any of your business, Cassie.
Cassie: No, I guess not.
Danny: So if there's nothing else.
Cassie: There is. What is that, Danny? What does that mean?
Gus: Sorry, Eden, I just have to know.
Eden: I'm not a cop.
Tony: Oh, you just live with Gus Aitoro.
Eden: It's not what you think. Gus is my brother.
Tony: You're Aitoro’s sister. Well, that's just perfect.
Eden: When I first came here, I didn't know who you were. I just wanted a drink, and I thought you were a hot guy. When I found out what your name was, I couldn't believe it.
Tony: Lucky you, you stumbled on to a guy who your brother tried to destroy.
Eden: That was Gus, that wasn't me. And I haven't seen him for years.
Tony: Yeah, well, you know what, he was really busy in your absence.
Eden: Yeah, I heard. I think this whole vendetta thing was silly, and I’m glad that he's dropped it.
Tony: Oh, so you forgive and forget, is that it?
Eden: It happened years ago, and there's nothing we can do to change it.
Tony: Still it doesn't mean you should be here.
Eden: Why not? I like you, Tony.
Tony: Like me? You don't even know me.
Eden: Yeah, but I’m getting to. I mean, you're this cute guy that makes me laugh, and you know how good that feels.
Tony: Especially if you can tick your brother off hanging out with a Santos.
Eden: I'm here for me, because of you. My whole life I kept hearing how horrible and evil the Santos’s were. And then I meet you and you're just so not like that.
Tony: Can you be sure about that?
Eden: I don't know. Maybe I should search you just to be sure.
Tony: You missed a spot. You played with matches when you were a kid, didn't you?
Eden: I never got burned.
Tony: Well, there's always a first time for everything.
Eden: I hope so.
Michelle: So it looks like you're going to get a new name, Robbie. You're going to be a Bauer now. You know, mommy was a Bauer for a very long time. I guess I will be again, too. That's cool, huh? Everybody in this house is going to have the same name. Your Grandpa Ed Bauer, your Uncle Rick and Aunt Mel Bauer. Mommy Bauer and you. Robbie Bauer.
Danny: Where did you get that?
Cassie: Someone left it outside my bedroom door. Edmund said it was a warning.
Danny: You listen to Edmund Winslow; that was a mistake.
Cassie: Is it, Danny? He also said that you tried to kill him.
Danny: No, we had a disagreement, it's over. It had nothing to do with you.
Cassie: Are you going to kill me?
Danny: What?
Cassie: What about my children? Is that what this means? Is it?
Danny: Cassie, I did... I did not send you that rose.
Cassie: Well, then who did?
Danny: I have no idea. Maybe Edmund is trying to scare you because he's trying to get you to sign on to that lawsuit of his, right?
Cassie: Right. You're right. I'm so stupid.
Danny: No, it's...
Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm going to go, I’m going to leave you alone.
Danny: Cassie, maybe you should sign on to Edmund’s lawsuit.
Cassie: I can't do that.
Danny: Well, then maybe you should swallow your pride and ask Reva and Josh for the money.
Cassie: It's not going to happen.
Danny: Cassie, you need to pay back the loan yesterday, so suck it up and find a way to get the money. It's not like you don't have any options.
Cassie: Right. So I either persecute Reva or I make her my savior, is that it?
Danny: I really don't care how you sort out the relationship, that's not what's important. You're sinking fast, and you're not going to drag me down with you.
Cassie: What are you talking about...
Danny: Just get the money, Cassie. Get the money. Take care of it.
Cassie: I can't believe this is you.
Danny: Well, believe it.